- ' , 'llllRMS :-·1.50 Pu ..\.Jnwx, OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERW.iltDS. M. A. J A.HES, El>ITOR A.MD Plt.oHDl'OB, VOLUME Ni:w SERIES, NUMBER 396. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1886. XXXII. NUMB.BB 9~ M cCLUNGS, Opposite O ntario Bank, Bowmanville. en ·· .i- . ~ Cf.-1 0 0 c 0 0 ~ ·r-f ro ..p 0 J.-1 ..p 1-1 s~ p.. 0 <D Ul 0 ..... ·~ = ... ~ °=> ~ = <:') a= · · ~ ....... 0 rr1 ~ °=> ~ .., ~ ..= en $-4 ~ a= 0 ·= > C1) ~ C1) A rD. " z ' ro ~ <D <D ~ 1-1 °=> ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ ·r-1 Ul ..Cl ..p 0 ,Q Ul ~ N~ re::, 0 o~ ·~ t:3 ·C1) 0 ..... 00 ..... 00 c.> :J .J c.> ..= c.> "'C 0 cd = ..... 00 C1) <:') ~ <D '-&..a ~ . ..= E-4 cd C1) ~ 0 u ---- 'S-DNilrioow FARMERS, THRESHERS! Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated Jrinte·r Lardirte MACHINE OIL. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, ·~suNLl:GHT" Coal Oil. Try it once, you will u se no other. lllcCOLL DltOS. & CO'Y, Toronto. is a positive cure Croup, Whooping-Cough, Catarr~, lloarsene~s, Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Aa~hma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all diseases. of the Throat Chest and Lungs, As an Expectorant it has no equal, Consumptton ha.a been c~red times without number by its timely use. It heals the ulcerated surfaces, and cures when all other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use has proven lt11 virtues. Every family should keep it in the house. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnston & L ord, Proprietors, B urlington, Vt. 11'. e. Down's Vegetable Dalsan1ic Elixir for OouS!h&, Colds, Dr. Denl"y Baxter's ~alid.ra~e H~tters are a .sure cure f~r CJoativeneas, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Ind1geot1on, D1se811ea '?f t he K1d~eys, Torpid Liver Rhem:iJ.atism Dizzine11s, Siok Headache, Loss of Appetite, .faund1ce, Apoplexy, P~lpitatione, Eruption11 a~d Skin Diseases. Keep the Sto~a.ch, Bowels, and D igestive Organs all in work~ng .order, and _perfect he~lth will be the result. Ladies and others subject to Sick He!1dache "'.111 find rel~~f and perma~ent cure by 'he us., of these Bitters. Being tome and mildly purga.1ve tl1ey purify the blood. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Henry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. &t·ntca and Oil l~iniment for Man and Beast. The best external - remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, B ackache, Frosted Feet, and all other pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, a?d effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on H orses. One tnal will prove lts merits. Its efteots are in most cases instantaneous. Every bottle W&rra.nted to give sa.tisfaction. Prices 25 cents 11.nd 50 cents per bottle. Sold evorywhere. H e nry, Johnston & Lord, Proprietors of OU.NN'S ACI FT - BAKINC POWDER A Maine, Send JO cents postage, and we will mail you free a royu.I, valuable, sample box of goods that w ill put you in t he way of ma.king more money at once. than anythings else in America. Both sexes o f all ages can live at home and work in spar e time, or a.11 time~. Ca.pita.I not required. We will start you. Imm e n se pn.y sure for those who eta.rt at once. STINSON & Co., Portland, D~ERTISERS ! THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 10 l:lpruee St., N. Y, send for our Select List of Loca.I News IJ!l.POrs. Geo. P . Itowoll &; Co., ORONO. OA.RTWRIGJIT. ENNJ,9KILL.8N. C"pt. Dimsdale and Lieut. May fareMr. N . .Jeffery was thrown from his In spite of the inclement W&&ther, a wellAd at the barracks on Sunday nig · cutter while returning from Port Perry izoodly number of tho parent>1 and friends HAMPTON . The buildinl{ was packed to the corn s, and 1ustained eeriouainjury in his should- ·made their 11ppeara.nce at our aohoolhouse The paragraph referring to the mar· and as they reviewed their labors ai ca last Friday "Hemoon 1,0 at tcud the pnbrlage of Mr.Ltiwia Johns in my last week's coming- hero and added another appeal to recovered from lie exami .uation. Th . · e ie,.chen nresont correspondenc.,, should ha ve read, "the sinners to desist -from d their 1d s, · · J . J' S(·lF .·P.yno. u1a; A _ . . evil way11, we·e M . essrs. ,.._ 10th inst", not ult. tlll it appeared. many eyes were d 1mme with tears. Tilley, Tyrone; T. Hrown,Leskard; s. J. faster Sherwood Fursier, (son of Mr. The remain11 of Mrs. J, R. Boate, (nee week. Brown, Gre< m Rivflr; all nf whoru took Henry Fursier of this pl ..ce) while scuffl- Henry) were interred in the cemet.ery on ' rs. Geo. Bradburn haarented her farm part in the Pxerci-1es of th e afh>rnoon · ing wit.h another youth one evening last 1 Tuesday afternoon. A large concoun1a,- to Mr. ~eter . W right . The olnsses diYplayed great proficiency in week, threw out his band to break a fall, of friend11 followed them to the grave. e entertainment under the aus ice3 the s~veral su hje~ts on v,hioh they _were and fractured his arm. At time of writ1 An effort is being made to rc-P.stab~ 1~ s .......-£ ... tilo B rass B anu , came oft' on tlle P refl11ct1ngI very m uch credit Oil 19 tll llxammed, I ing he is progreuing favorably under Dr. th e cl1eese business here. The farmers o · t d M our c ever and pop u 1\.1' te;;.cher Mr. Sta· 1 1 Potter's skilful treatment. quite naturally fight a little shy on ac- Jnso.'1· an ~as Ha iuhge sMucc~ssH. h easiR·s. pie!. Speciill m·mtion should ha made of . . bl . iver , ug ea, &J. ug es, . . th a· n1 d ar11. -l . b II 1 · connt of t h e old time unonvm e notoriety H . Prust J as. L. Hughes and the Baud e re1l m g _ u11i,t :c y a t le of the factory. contributed lar el to tho ro ram. Pro- classes ?"d the ht»ra.ture hy the 4tli cla~s . Rev. B. B . K eefer preached in the d b t .:.38 g y p g The qmcku"~~ ~u il accu r::1c .·y of the pupils a a ou 'IP · . t l -1 t- · . l l ll . cIrnrch au Sunday . morning. cee M eth o di~t Mr. Walter Oke left for Minden 011 m men, a 1mt Hae Ill a:., 0 111a lO l 11 . pr6d· Ile also addressed a. meeting in the after- M 0 nday 1 t ent. 'I he order among tlie pup1l11 was noon on the enforcement of the Scott a.s · excellent.. Afior the schola.n had been Aet. The Baud Ooncort 011 Frid ay night lni.t pretty thoroughly t~S~t'd Mr . Wm. BinstMis! McGnrry the deservedly entitled we.a, notwithstandmg the bnd weather, a ham w11s appoin ted cha.innan a.nd oompli· "Queen of Elocuti:misrs" aP):.eared here suc~~~8 · A lectnre by Mr:.~119; _L.1:J:ughes, mei;itary ad dresa~s . vcr<:i doli vered by th e on behalf of the W. C. T . U. on Friday on . Sohoo\-r.,um Hiuuor·,. recihtt~ns by chnmnan and the te,..!,hera prn~·mt. R av. and Saturday eveuing3. Each meeting MaJor r Hughes,_ Mr. Oliver? of Hamp- A. McLa~(m , D rs . PottElr. lVlitchell, Meswas well attended and will net a hand- t on. "\ 0 0 ··1 musto by A. 1:Cm.eman, W. srs. A. H a.nna and A . 1\ifoLaugh lin. In some sum for the society. Miss McGarry HuQhea, irnd ot hers.; and ~tisic by the the evening of the aamti day the JJ1ipil11 ing. bas an equipment for her wo1 k snch as Band madl:l up an mteresnng but very gave a lit«r a.ry entc·rh inment in the Hall Mr. W. Batten, tailor, has moved into few can claim. She has an impressive lengthy program. to a. full house. This was pr onounced by the large frame house, owned by Mr. H. face, expre~sive of in telligence i\nd kindThe hard time~, , about which every- the old reeidents to be the beat sch(){)) exElliott,jr. on Front-st. If he should find nees, a. soft musical voice which alone body and his gr11.ndmother is grumbling, hibition ever given in t hi~ villa.ge. The it a liltle drafty this stormy weather, h1:1 compels attention, and a 11tyle easy, see m to have no effect on the boys when children representing theil· d iff~ re ot cha.rcan batten up the cracks, [lraceful and dignifi11d. H er atte mpt at the ake up their mind to marry. act1Jr11 and rnciting in a 1ua.nuer th&t The Misses Whit.lock, of Courtice, were the Yorkshir-e dialect in " The Little Still another citizen ha8 gone the way would be ii o diagra.ce to older he· 1ds. 'fhe c~lling on friends here last weeh. H ern" was not considered qnite up to th of the gr eat m &jority. He wa11 married . prolog 1~ e, t.he d uot "If you will 1ua.ry me', on We~lnesday ~4th inst. Mr. Wesley th~ rec1t·1tlot~ ·;f "l'rhry'1:1 Lamb" a, ·.·d ·l'·dl\lr. Geo. Bantle is here this weak standard by those who ought to knotv, On S<1tnrday morning about 10 o'cl< k MountJOY and M1ss--McLaren (of Dar- dy s Courtship ,the dresse;of tha ch:iraotpnrchaaing h orses for the American martbe fire bell tolled forth its notes of liugton) worn the contracting parties. era in the Anction Sale, a.ml t he acting of ket. Uncle Tom <eceivm;z sµeci:i.l ap plaua<1. Tho ice harvest fa contiuued on the warning, a small building at the rear f N EX'!'. J. A. Gairdner's store uacd a.a a coal an 'he attendance at the revival services All the other parts wet e ?.~ well rtmdered pond. ash house being discovered on fire. It in the Methodist church still continues BO t hat spouial mention sho11ld n ot be In your issue of F eb. 4th, I'eference was had not gained much headway, and by good, b ut the b ehavior of many of t he made of any. '.L'ha following is the , promade to the charge preferred against Mr. the energetic effort of th e citizens was young folks is outrageously bad. If they gra m: R. Windatt, Township clerk, and Mr. soou brought into auhjection 1md exlin- have not brains enough to tea.ch them l'rolo~ue, Ma.Rte:rs S tainton, Virtue, J as. Cryderman, 'l'o wn11hip collector, Had it not been discovered how to act, cannot the officials do it for Mitchell an d L-9w -s; Recitation, 11 Tenny- 1 by Mr S . J . Williama, at the special nom- guished. just wl1en it was it is more than probable them 1 1. C. U. sou's M:\y Q ueen" lst part Miss C. Rogination in this village on the 20th ult . t hat the business part of the village era; Recitatiou, 111\fory's Lrimb ou a new lt is quite app:.r<;nt that Mr. Willit1ms The concession bad to be shovelled ont principle" 1\'faster Colm Millii; D io.logLJe, was wrong in his charge. This is not the wo11ld have been burned, as a heavy gale was blowing from the north. on Mondtty morning, but was filled u p 11 L ovo and Si.rat.e~y" M is~ Rosll a nd Ida first limo that he,has made wild statements At tho close of the young peoples' dass worse than ever in t he afternoon. "lf Brown, and Mr. A. H utchison; Recita.in public r especting Township officers. 11 ln future we would advise him to be more moeting in the M ethodist church, ou at first you don't succeed try, try again." ti011, The I,1fe Boat" Master A. N. Mil;l}hSunday moruing, Mr. J. II . Yeo, the Port Perry seems very anxious to have ell; D rnlogue, ,.[fow to malw ago.1se lay" careful before making charges "go.inst men lwJ.(ers,aud W. S t.>.inton ; Recitation, of sta.nding. \Ve have known Mr. Win- retiring leader, was made the recipient of a road connec!inl( our township and their 'iV. 11 datt for C>ver twenty years and have always of a. handsome morocco bound bible and villa.!(e, but the Cutwright lfah are not A boy11 t hat'Mga.me" Mis:,; M.in .i i~ Martin; Duet, If yon will mar ry m e" :Maater N. found him strictly accurate in figures, and hymn book by th e members of the class. biting very freely at such bait. nddress was road by Mr·. M r. Oou I ter, of tie I C . l I and M iss Etta G ilbert; R eoitat ion; uWinthis character unimpeachable, Mr. Cry- An approp~iate ·· u · on1mercm I otel, " ·M li I" M" ' Jl J"' h as comm enced to move his efl'ecta to er £ A .Ster ivo " . H! O>l e ; -""clttition, derman is also well and favor.ibly known D. T. Allin, the present leader. 11A· mother's Love" Miqo M:111u ie R ogers; throughout the township, having held poMr. ,T. B. Brentnell, of Foxboro, has P ontypool, his leas e expiring on lat DiuloR;ne, II PMeing" l\bs ters J. a. Mills sitions of trust for over thirty. years He bcen doing the viliuge trying to induce March. and Wm. £'asc""i D i.ali.>gue, nS L··ategy" bas held the responsible office of collector our temperance friends to become shareMioses H utchi~oo , Dean, Smith aod J',[c. for a number of years, and has done the boldurs in tbe Oanadi;in Citizen PublishLE,<;.R.ARD. N e1 ·1 · \ i 1011, · " d part ., ; .J-· C\>fJCJh " May Qa Heu " :..u work in such a manner as to S!l.t.isfy uny iug Co., of 1'oronto. Considerable atock Miss Carveth has r eturned from the Mc rt p dd ' O 180 . . og..ors; " a y s ourts h' ip" reasonable person. Mr. Williams should was subscribed. city where she has been visiting friends Master .Tohn Virt1 10; Dialogue, uAuct ioll. be a little more careful before making for the past five or six weeks. Sq.le" .M:"ti"~rd E. L. Vii:tne, Wm. Potter, such ima~inary random statements, about School was closod last Friday afternoon Harry Pye, lt. Stevens, Alfie Mitchell SOLINA. men of character and standing. as our teacher, Mr. T. A. Brown, attend- and the SC 1H)n l ; Recit!>.tion, 11Dc,11. th in a We anticipa.to another wedding in the Mr. Vice has made a step in the righ t ed the public exam ination in connection Garret" M1·s Lottie R ogers ; R ec1 t&tion, near future. SLOW BOY. direction hy clearing the snow off the with the Ennialc.illen school , taugh t by a 11 Lost a·i d .F'o und " J\'[ii;g Mary Vir tue; This correspondents reference to our sidewaik in front of his lot. Who will L esk urd buy, Mr. T. L. Sape11. Dialogiw, 11 Visit to N a w Yor k" Mas ters Enti el~ correspondPnt i.s pointe<l at the follow suit? A number of our citizens went to Orono J ohn Virtue 'tnd A. M itchel! ; R ec·1ta tion ; wrong person, h ence Hs non-appea rance. 'l'he public works were shut down in la.st Friday nigh t to the Recital Enter- 11 T he lob!. Chort" 1\1"1~s Eli:t St,ainto:a; - En. C. S. t his village on S&tu;i,day last. tainment by Miss McGarry in comi.eotion Recitation, 11 .Edinb orugh after Flodden" Owing to the inclemen cy of the weather w1"til the W . C. ']'.· U ., o f t h a t p Iace. All Miss Hu~chhon; R.ecita.h m; 11Mary TYRONE. the agreed match game of football be- were much pleased with the enter tain- Queen" 3rd p ··rt, Mias O. Rogers ; DialoMr. William Woodley, of Koumania, t ween Solina. and Mitchell's Corner8 ment . Pronouncing Miss :M:cGarry to be gue, 11 Uucla '.rum" 1\hstei: H.. Stevens and A.ltie Mitchtill. M 1 1sic whicll was Austria, visited friond s in this vicinity School a did not tako place, but will be an excellent elocutionist. furnish ed in ,b uodq.nce wa.s ax ~e nentand during the week. We u nderstand he is post-poned until Sa.turday 6th Ma.rch at The SalvatiQn Army still fights bravely called forth round after ronntl 0 f :i.pphuae. 2:30 p. m. soon to leave for Australia. on. Their meetings are generally well The musicians wertJ Messrs. s~muel and A man in this village cut three cords of attended. On Thursday th ey had a grand <Jolin St> Miss Webb, of N ewtonville, and Mi~s iples, from Olarl{e town lin e, with A. Pollard , of St. T hom as, spent a few wood in leas than three hours with a Farewell meeting f9r Drummer Wm. violins, Mr. Alfred Griffin . Leskard, with days of the past week in visiting friends buck-s~w. Beat this who can. Furze who has left for the Old Country. ba.·s Tile !Ind Mr. L. '.I~. Staples, organ. here. Shoveling snow is all the go. On Monday a lively meeting was held The procetJdl! .ire i n the u cigb.borhood of Miss J. S. Doney is very ill. Mr. 'l'hos. Short, of Mariposa, is visit- being conducted chiefly by Staff-Capt $20 and will be used for t he benefit of the Manton. school. Miss Maggie H enry has also been some- ing friends in this n eighb1Jrhood. what worsti during the past few days. '1iss Moulton, of Orono, is visiting The follo ~i ug a.re s ome of the visitors M cGRR.A'S CORNERS. On Monday evening, sad intelligence here, guest of Miss A. VanN est. to our villa):(iJ t h ie l ast week : ca.me that through illness R ev. S. T. Misses Ke:i:ia and Emmeline Gilbank Mr. and i\lrs. Baxter, Kingston; Mi~s Our worthy t eacher, Mr. A. J. ReyBa.rtlett wouldbo unable to folfil his en- nolds, attended an examination at Ennis- are visiting in Orono. A. M bCulloul.{h, 'foron to; Mr. T. Mcgagement tothelecture in theHall onFEb. killen on Friday last. Is this leap year? Gerta.in events point Cullough, 'f ri nity Med ical School, Toron24th. We h ope be may speedily r ecover to; Miss WindltJ and Miss l<.ig!(s, teachA large number of the young men from that way. and th:it th e disapp oi ntment ba only t em- the village and s uburbs attended a wood The small pox patients at P ontypool ers, Cartwright, Mr. John P . .M:cLiren, porary. bee at Mr. Walter Vice, Sr's on Wednes- are convalescent. The report that two t eachen, L utm; Mr. W. l\foL ,.rnn, Bowmanville; Mr. Now11om, Oronn; Mrs. A good sound H e,i:mon was preached in day of last week and cut a. largo pile of deaths had occurr0d is false. We bb, Orono ; Miss Arny Pollard, St. th e church by Rev. R.Hasaard, last Sab- wood. A ra.t het etr unG:e r eport is being freely Thomas; Mr. Warren, Oobonrg. Mrs. bath morni ng, founded on Galatians Gth There was a very large gathering on circulated oround here to the effect that chapter 7th and 8th verses. Tuesday last at the residence of Mr. E. while digging a ~rave in a certain burying Gamble, l::icugog b land ; Mrs G. Mitchell and daughter , Enfield; Miss Irwin, "Beautiful snow" ran mountains hi~h Pascoe. A very enjoyable time was ground to the north of Manvera, the Port Hope; Mr. a nd Mrs. T. Jardine, in some places during the recent bliz- spent. gra.ve di g:i:ere came upon the body of a Tyrone. zard. . _ About fifty invited guests assembled at man who had been buried without a The roads here were 11lmost o::impletely Several fro!11 tlus village at~ended Mr. - the residence of Mr. Jno. Vice, of this coffin and with his clothes on, ·having blockaded by snow on Sat u l'd<1y and Sunbeeu to all appea.rancea thrown in in a day. Some of thtJ rol\de en tirely impaaT. L . Staples school entertamment En· village · on Friday last at a gathering hurry. The body is supposed to have ea ble, several people came to the village niskillen on Friday evening last, and M' · · · -they pronounce it the best of its kind The ayor 1s trou?led with the lumbag?; been buried about six m on ths. It has they ever had the pleasure or attending. I wonder who he will get to wa.ltz on hLS not been recognized, and foul play is here a nd had to r em,.in o ver S ·bbath, some left their tt1am9 and single rigs her~ . back. J.A.cx. suspected. Busu WnA.c1um. Mias M. E. l\fannmg has now r ecoverand walked home over the drifts and on ed her health sufficient to commence the fences· Oar miwsters coald not fill COURTIGE. GOBOURG. school t eaching again next month. t heir appoint.ru~nh on Sabb11t h. Two R ev. J. Whitlock is ill. youn~ P edagogues started across the A aingular runaway accident occurred The snow blockade renders trade il hereon Monday morning about ten o'clock. Tho matrimonial fever has s truck t his fields one on enow shoes the ot ber O rather dull h er e t his week. Staff Ca.pt. Manton assisted Lieut, Cass A 11orse hit ched to a cutter owned by Dr. neighborhood- three fatal case~ in one leather ehues looking for their r espect ive 11cademiea among thtJ anow drifts. The in the services on S11bbath. They find A. Stephenson, V. S. , wa:i standing in week. many hearers of the word, but few doers. the doctor's yard on Swayne street , when, Our senior hunt club is a terror to game. visago of each when 111.dt seen wore an exsuddenly taking fright, it dashed out of On a r ecent outing they killed a ca.t, a.nd pression of unutterable woe . E it her one might ha.ve b~tiu h1t"'rd muttering t o himthe yurd, across the street , into the back a half frozen crow, KIRBY. self: Oh l for a comtcrlablo rig or a cos yar d of W. Kinsman, boot and 11hoe merIf the weather be fine our School En- seat by the firo aide with the girl_)?£.--lily On 'L'hursday last a large number of ohant, of King street, and directly t ertainment on Friday evening 26th inst., choice. the friends and r elations of Mr. Isaac through the back doQr into the workshop, promises to be a grand success. In adOne of our neighbors d iscovered a new Chapman assembled at hU. home, it being where the men were employed on their t he 50th nnniversary of his birthday. A benches. After lea.ving the cutter out- dition to an excellen t farce, there will be route from Dean's mills ' ·Cartwright" to nn abundance of first class music, vocal this village last Su od"Y by way of Hampmore agreeable and happy company could side and knocking down the etove, stove n ot 11ave m e~, and the time waa whiled pipes, work benches, and sea.ring the and instrumental. D on't fail to hea.r the ton. He claims that by t hia route he can noted Quint et te Club of Bowmanville, come th e ent ire distanoe in aix hours. away by games and amusements, l!Ocial men considerably,ho then d ashed through Program to begin at a q uarter to eight, Bea.tit who cao1 chat, etc. During the evening a pleasing a glass partition door into the sales shop, sharp. TRIM. and fla.ttering ad.dress was road to Mr. where the proprietor and George Perry It is difficult for one to understand how and D. H orsick were. H ere be knocked Chapman, congratulating him upon reachScott's Emulsion of Pure a woman can be happy whoije se!l.lski11 ing the pr£isent mile-post of life, coupled down the counter, writing desk, and 1 ()od Liver on. wltl1 Bypophosphttes jacket has b een le11gthened by sewing on with a wish that he may live to enjoy after knocking down Mr. H orsick, j um pm any more. He was also presented with ed through tile front door, smashing the E xcellent for Delicate W a.stiny Children a piece offur. She k uow11 t hat li er jack· ' et is short , and everybody knows that a. large and neatly bound family bible, as glass·and taking part of the door frame Dr. Charles C . Ga.rrett, Calvert, '.l'exae, her ja,cktlt is short, a nd evnry body kaows a token of their esteom. I t was truly llith him into King street, where he ran honor to one to whom honor was due, along east to the residen ce of W. R osa· ~ays: " I lia.ve used yam· E mulsion for that she knows that everybody knows it, and a gracious tribute of respect to an monda, where he was caught. The h orse ove r a year, and ha ve derived much bene- and sh e knows that everybody knows is cut very bad ly with th e broken glass, fit from it in the mamsmus of children, t hat she knows that everybody knaws it, e:x:emplary life. being tolet'ated by the stomach when all and everybody knows t hat she knows whilo the harn es.. ~ a nd cutter are considt hat everybody kr1 ows t hat s he k nows Wonderful is the effect of West's era.bly dilapidated. Mr. K insman's store other medicaments Wf1re r ejected. that everybody knows that sh e knows it. -- -·w orld's Wonder or Family Liniment. is nls@ in great confusion. It caused Winter goods clearing out at and beOne bottle will effect more cures t han much excitement among the citizens, many Tait & M orrison ure sulling t oy11 ancl four times the number of any other lini· expressing to r emark that they never saw low coat and a b onus given in . See Star House advt. fancy goods at greaily reduced prices. or h eard of such a strange t hing before. ment. 25 and 50c. All druggists. -f LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. I ~~~~~~~~