'·1 . .., THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUnJ,189'.ED AN ARCTIO ADVENTURE. BY FREDEJ!,ICK SCHWATKA, YOUNG . FOLKS. Ned's. Choice. . We had been toiling up a frozen rivei: for She hae not roay cheeks, -BYthree or four de.ya, trying to reach Its 1.ead Nor e:vee thnt brightly shine; Nor golden curls, nor teeth like pearls, and determine if we could get through the This valea11 ne ot mine I mountains said to be there by the E rqui111au AT 'fHE OFEICE But, oh, ehe'e juat lhe dearest, I musk-ox · hunters, for on finding a. pass The lrueel and the beet ; ··tO.llleeBlock,KtngSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont .Gbrough them that would be availa.b!n for And one more. ki cd you will uot find . In many a long day's quest. Breaking Prairie Soil. ded dogs and heavily la.den eled~es depo11 TER~S: whether we oould make a" bee· line" to the The great problem with the prairie settler $I.ISO perannum,or $1.00i:l'paldln adTanee Her cheeks are laded now ; Arctic Ocea.n from Hudson's Bay 11ext Her dear old eyes. are dim ; bow to subdue the wild prairie sod and RESOLVED. Pa7ment strictly in advance required from spring, or whether we would have to mr.ke Her halr·e llko soow. her steps are elow The Committee on Agriculture reported get it In proper condition for cultivation, for subscr1bersoutside Sir Tsaa.c Walpole then introduced a reeo· Ber figura fen'$ trim ; or the county. Orders t o ' a great detour to a.void them, . on the following inquiry from the office of thereon depends his bread and butter. A discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by .811l ob I and ob I I Jove her I lutlon to the tffact tha.t the Secretary corBy " we" I mean besid ~s myself my Eathe Attorney· General of Ohio : "Ca.n we respond with the proper authorities in :new oomer will reoeive plenty of advioe how ho a.mount due, or the paper will not bestopp ed. Thill grandmamma of mine; I wleh that !lhe lor years may be raise a vegetable to take the place of the Washington a.nd &Bcerta.in If there was a to do it, and In almost as many different rnblKlrlbers are responsibleuntil!ul lpa7men tie q uimau dog·driver Toolooah and his wife · M) deal old vqlentlne. and baby boy, for the Esqulmaux always waye a1 he h"8 advleen. Going to Ma.nito- ma.de, pumpkin ?" The committee had spent six colored soldiers' home in this country; if ao take their families with them on a j ourney, ba from all parts ef the world, they nea.rlv weeks In making a patient invt11tlgation, where was it ! If not, why had this element;. RATES 01!' A.D't'ERTISING: I;; zoo the women being M neoeeeary to 11ew and all think the way they farmed at home ts .Vhole Column one year ., ..... .....· tGO 00 :;;: Z> and had oome to the firm conclusion that ef the wa.r been overlo(lked and unoa.red Moppet's Valentine. " " Ha.If year ·.. ,. ....... 36 00 · "'~ repair the foot-gea.r, worn out each da.y, allO the proper way there'; and if the sea.son there wa.a no use trying to displac~ the for! " " One quarter ......... 20 00 l!l- and cook the meals morning and night, as u Oh I oh I" s~id Mopp11t, with a soft pumpkin In th e hea.rts of the American peo· ;ia propUfous-as theene juatpast ha.a been, The reeolution was adopted and the olub flalf Column one year ..·..··.·.····· 36 00 the men are to build the enow-houee1 and :moat of them will succeed, in a measure, the " HaH year , ·...· , .····... 20 00 klll the reindeer which the women cook, little sigh. "I wish I'd have one, I never pie. It landed here almost ae eoo.n a11' the then went into secret session on the forty. re~ults va1ylng with the oendltion of the ' ' " One quarter .. ... .....· 12 60 had one 'long·e I' ve lived-not an honest- Mayflower. It had seen a. band of a few seventh ·degree and excluded all outBidera, It was in the dept h of an arctic winter, truly one, you know," 'Ilea.son and the character of the BCil the~ ~uarter Colun:.n one yeo.r . .... ...... 20 00 hundred people grow to a nation of 55,000, the ea.rly days in January, In fac\, and the "y I k ·· " " Halt year ........ , . . 12 60 4 have to deal with. Others going frem one ··- · spirit thermometer WWI curling up In the e~, now,' said mamma, smiling. 000, It had been attacked by bigotry, 5 One quarter...... .. 8 00 part of the territory to another, auppoco that abused by fanatics and reviled by the a.rleHow: the Zulus Make Love. bulb trying to keep warm, dragging in Its She had beeli r ea.ding Moppet a nice little 11.:1: lines and under, first insertion ... $0 60 allprakle soil may be tre:i.ted alike successWooing·mong the Zulus of South Africa.. Ea.oh subsequent insertion...... 0 25 toes under the soale till they marked 50 a.nd valentine story from one of Moppet's own toora.oy, butlt ha.d lived through everything fully, without considering that the terrLory l'rom six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 76 ··t A II 60 dogreea below zere. Nearly all the rein- p~pers, whloh somebody wa.e kind enough and won a.nd ma.intalne? a wa.rm corner In has little sentiment i 1 la large, a.nd embracea a. grea.t varfoty of h Ir .k. n · young gr Ea.ch subsequent insertion..... . O 3a - 10 deer ha.d migrated farther south, so cold w send her-a story of a lovely valentine the hearts of the Ame11Cla.n people, Inventive genius had souf(ht a aubstltute for th ma.y a.ve ta. en a h mg to aome ws~nor. 111oils, In the wheat fields of the Red River )Ver ten linea,firat insertion, per line 0 10 was It, the birds bad long since flown, and tha.t one little girl sent a.nother little girl to e She will leave her father's house, and afi. Each subsequent insertion," 0 03 valley, where the eod ie a. deep bla.ok muok II ma.ke up friends again, pumpk In, ·b ut each al! d every attempt had dusk will station h ereelf before the hnt of' 'rhe numLer of lines to be reckoned by - a we saw wa.s an eccasional Pga.unt arctic " I shouldn't think she Id h b with a wet clayey subaoil, they ca.nnot break proved a mluera.ble fa1lnre, The pumpkin fa.vored Sh6 ·n · f ti space oconP,ied,.mea.sured by a scale ot r h Id cou ave een had cheerfully hltohed along a.nd made the wolf flitting over the barren hills covered ma.d a.n , . one, WI r emain per ec y noc01111fuly over three Inches deep ; experl- Ile ol!d Nonva.re1l. 8 !·ent, neither a.eking nor answering q'uel· with snow, or a polar hare go running to hie ed M/pp~; Y~~:C mamm~t ?" a.skthe·equash the turnip the o~rrot room for :ments have proved, that breaking four or snow.house over a. pile of rocks · ., 1 Y· a.use wa.s ao · b · Id ' t1one. If her attentiona are favored she five Inches deep will delay \he rotting of the give up no will be 11sked into the hut to sta.y a week or· When Toolooa.h dug the ic~-well to get prett~-a.11, poaies and everythhig I ~on't and t h e pa.ren1p, ut 1t wou DR, TA.MBLJ:'N, .eod two or three yea.rs, and a.11 wheat ls the more ground. The committee recommended more. Then he returns with her to tho HYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACOOUCHEUR. frash wa.ter a.e we camped, I noted that ye,~ s pose t.~a.s orfls pretty, '!!a.mma.? ·taple cn>p and cannot be well grown, f ttl 1 he ice was six and seven teet thiok I wonldu t wonder, dear, mamma an- that the club encourage the growth of pump · father's home ta.kin Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. t 7 kins by colored people throughout the ' g a . ew ca e a ong, e:xcspt tbe 1od be well rotted, It ma1tes or I had to allow that much more on th: ewered, puttin'kdown the paper and bking United Sta.tee and C11ona.da by offerin f Thahe ~re presented and mva.rla.bly a.ccept· quite a dlfferenoe with the f1nmor, Where Dr. A., BEITH, ut Moppet wasn't through ca.sh prl e Iength of my fish-line when I dropped it u~t her work, g 8 ed, a. sign tha.t the parents a.re wlllin~ t0o the sell le of a lighter nature, underlaid l RADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER the lce-wellito fish for the ea.lmon y ,; D'd " The rezp~rt was accepted and adopted &nd enter into negotiations, '.l.'he price Is fixed with a very dry, ca.lcareous aub110ll, the sod. J Sl'.l'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &a. Ot!l.ce Klng t hrough 1 you ever see one, ma.mma. ? t hat there abonnd Of such thick ice of the Secretary was authorized to ofter in and the couple ret urn, and thenceforth are may be turned over four and five inches ~reet, MORRIS' BLOCn:'., Bowmanville. 1 course no one c'!uld fea.r ; for It appears that w::m;e:lked::!t ~ ~~~ · ~me ago ; hut It Ca·h · _ th· i.rdod as man and wife, d eep; a ol!op of corn taken off the first year, . is oountr , y regr · to the coIored man 1n l t needs bu_t an moh a.nd a ha.,lf to support a. J. W. !leLnuglllln, M, B., Moppet looked a:ber and bv thoroughly scat!fying the surface · ra.ielng the most pumpkins on ha.If an ao.ce "I did 't h' ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE man, four mches to support horsemen, five the second yoar, the farmer ca.n secure a. of ground, Mme. Nlfaeon baa won her singular lawor Physiciane and member of the Roya.I inchee to support a fi eld canr.{im, ten· Inches you mv.d! ~ver mu~, e.~ see i:e, ~?1lYdidh~t ,good crep ef flax or ea.ts, or even wheat, NOT A MEMDER, auit ngainl!t the rc:.lat!ons of her deceased 8 1ollege of Snrgeons, Edin burgh. ,,e ea. · nt The secret of auoceas in break.!'ng up sod Office : MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowma.n- t o support a. DJ ultitude as thick a.a they ca.n evfn see a bou °'hlrr:ia., Btand. and eighteen inches to support a railThe Secretary of the HO<Jp-Pole Bra.nch husband, M . Rouzeand. Thgy have been Th g e one, ·· fie have It rot quickly and thoroughly is, to 'flll6, a.t was very true, because in the little Lodge, at Halifa.xr..!orwarded the following mulcted to bhe am0nnt of $50,000. r oa.d train ; six and sevon feet, therefore ao It when the gra.11 and roots are In an The river w~ f.ut·of·the-way town where Moppet had clipping from a .Nova. Scotia newspaper, DR. J. <:. lttITCJDELL, 8 hould support a. mountain active stage of growt'l. An equa.lly good \JrEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANs were aecending~eemed to~ a series of long n·:::r ~~:r 8~tcef she hwa.:ht ha.by, Pd~opl(I and asked lf the person named was a. memrule, if any rule can be adopted, 11 to wait ~l.l and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ug 0 , sue a. ng as sen mg a ber of the Lime·Kiln Olub: I a.kee, two or three miles long, jjolned by 1111til the cattle can get good feeding on the Formerl1 Known as the " Soper Mills. 'I Office and Residence, Enniskillen. U " A living curiosity In the person of a s hallow oouneotlng streams 14e!dom over a va.lentlne. I don t believe, if you had shown new graas, and not Drea.k later than July b undred yards in length and only 11 few one to Mr. Prime, who kept the villa.ge colored man, ha.a befn giving private exhlbl· :first· Too early bre11klng is preferable to .John lleitll Galbraith, y arde width, and through the foe the large store, he would have known what it was; tlon· for a coneideratlon, He le an especial HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· too late, as It gives an opportunity to get UGHLY renovated and put In order under object of Interest to the medlca.I profession, ARRIS TER, SOLICITOR, NOT.ARy Btones often protruded lndioatiog their even, In a so<J orop early, though, if the season le PUBLIC, &c, Ofllce-Bounsall's Bloc,k d epth, I noticed ln walk:lng over tho ice of So there were none to buy, If there had He claims to have-and apparently ha:i- our own apeetal supervision, tor the purpose of 11ot; a.11 wet, tha.t ea.rly broken will grow up King Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend rlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot t hese parts of the river that they gave forth been, Moppet's mother would have bought two mova.ble hea.rts, which he oa.n move at fla.rley, and we are now prepared to receive grass almost a.a bad a11 it was before, eepereverbera.tln~sound, a~ if they were hollow, one-one that didn't cost too much. And a. will from his oheet to his a.bdome;.i,, and also orders from all our old customers and othera.> D, JUJRKE SIMI:'SON, lllAlly In low places The true breaking Bea· I It wa.s quite too late to send for one now, tor work, and we gurantee to give them who a double b set of ribs that he can slide down "I guesa you'll ~et one next year," said ARRISTEi:t, SOLICITOR, &o., MOJ>lUs ut paid little at tention to tha.t, thinking :1100, all things considered, is during the over his abdomen, He Is a man of rEma.rk- lntruet us ·with tho ea.me entire satisfaction · BLOCK, up stair s, King Str eet, Bowman t hey were safe enough. It was In the mid- ahe, .m:>nth of June, Some farms ha.ve a numand other grains taken In exchange for Oa.ts dl e of the afternoon when we were crossing But next year wa.e a. long time off, and t he able strength, as he can with ease bend a Flour Oat Meal, &o. H. &; J , TOWNS, Bow ·i:.cr ef gravel knells to contend with ; these l'l.lle, Solicitor for the Ontario Ba.nk. 0 three quarter inch ba.r of Iron over his lett PrlTate Monevs loo.nod at the lowest rates, man ville 227. ne of these pla.oes, Too'.ooah and the sledge thought of what might possibly happen then apote should be attended to so soon ae the being a short way ahead of me, when I heard arm by two blows with his right. He has :fioat is out of the ground in the spring ; a. shivering era.sh in that directiQn, as If the w11oan't much of a comfort to Moppet. evidently been a.u interesting subjeot to proJlOBERT ARMOIJR, ihen with a. good team and plow, they ca.n "I wish I could to-morrow," she said, 80· fessional men elsewhere, including those at EG~STRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER w hole glass front of a store had been batterlie entirely turned over ; but if you wa.lt the lea.ding hospita ls of the United States." or Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor· ed In at one blow. The sledge had broken heily. 11Dtil the ground settles e.nd the eoil becomes a.mma. didn't believe she could, but you 11:r at Law a.nd Solicitor In Ohanoery. Mone1 0 ne runner through the thin lee on the recky Brother Gardner replied that the man, dry, it ls the next thing to an impossibility laned on Real Estate. Ot!l.ce on King stree t, portage. I ru&hed toward the place, but wo~ldn't have ca.ugh' her saying so. She whose na.me is Rhodes, made nppllca.tion 1ie make an Impression on them with any lowmanville. before I wae ha.lf-wa.y, a.e if a glass trap·door smiled, and beg:i.n counting the etitohes on about a year ago, but waB rejected by the common team, '.J.' he disc harrow, In itil committee on the grounds that a living curl· ha. d given away underneath, with a jang- the heel of Moppet's little red atooklng, :d. T . PHILLIPS place and sea.son, is a. grand tool ; but to Just t hen Mr. Frazer took hie pipe out of osity could not be exp2oted to take any Jin g of broken ice, one l eg went through it, ~e It on bre.~klng in the spring without ( ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County bu t my foot struck on a. etone underneath, his month. Mr. F razer. was a tin-pedlar great interest in national affi.iro. While of Durham, Sales promptly attended. liaok-aotting one or twe incbea deeper tha.n u Addrese-Hampton P, O, 59, an d from here I scrambled ba.ok, and Too- ma.n, .who often stopped fur dinner, and the club were disoueslng agriculture he ~ the Mod was broken, la a mistake that makes looah motionedmetotheEhore, whiohleought eomot1mes for a.n after·dinner smoke. He would be working his t wo sets of ribs, and :many a bushel difference In the oro~ In the OHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer' by the moat diraot route, The dogs were was a very pleMant·looklog m a.n, Moppet while foreign affairs were the special order fall. It simply ohepa 1.he aod into etrlpo and Va.Ina.tor and Arbitrator. Fire and Llf ken off the sledge and a long, strong walrus thought, and he a.lmost alwa.ys brought her of the evening hie two he11ort11 would be blocks, leaving it In such ehape, that the nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collectede ta. d d f a.n apple or a. piece of candy when he on.me. thumping for an engagement in a. dime .wind and sun will d ry out every particle of Money to Lend on reasonable terms, .Andrees llne exten e rom the protruding runner " So you never had a valent ine, eh ?" he - lB"'2'"to muaeum. Cartwright., Ont. !l72 the :shore, where the dogs were a.gain asked. JDoll!ture it contains, which should go tohit NO OCCASION FOR IT, ohed, and by carefully unloading pa.rt we , N · ,, ·w arde feeding the crop. An experiment, ' 0 · sir, said Moppet, bashfully, GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO soon ha.d it ont. It was net until after we A communlc!'tiou from Academy Corn en>, which I made one year on twenty a.ares put « I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on every man wbo buys hia License trom were safe on the next lake that I learned "And never sa.w one ? Well I well ! now Pa., announced the fact that Col, Q. J, into corn, which was a total failure, so fa.r Dl:NRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. the shortest notice, at the lowest possible ra.tes. that's a dreadful p:lty !" T I h h fro Murray of that place, had started on a lecm oo ooa ow narrow an esca.pe we had Mr, Frazer's eyes twinkled, Was he Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. as corn was concerned, was evidence enough ha. turing tour to the W e11t, and that he deslr· First-class hearse on very moderate terms. for me. If the harrow le need In the fall on W. W. DHJiiEY. *7-hen the first severe oold ,nap of the laughing at her? Moppet wondered, Bll.t ed t1> become a. member of the Lime· Kiln Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun.,ground tha.t has been well ba.ok-set, the ETERINARY SURGEON, graduate of the winter comes, and the lakes and rivers are befor e alle could quite settle t he mn.tter In eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop&; ,g round has a. chance to settle and become Ontario Veterinary College, Office and frozen over, ma.ny email springs and water· her own mirld, ahe he1ud a little tap a.t the Club, H e was impatient of delay, a.nd ask· t!bow Rooms-Bounsall'sNewBlock. ed that the rules be suepended In hls case.- All furniture sold by me Is ma.de by-the U. C. tesldence, NRW1'CN VILLE, Ont. firm befor e spring pla,nting. · In ca.se of his being made a. member right off Ftirniture Co. ofBowmunvill e. I do not buy Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Office hours BOU roes a::e obliterated, and the rivers and window, The cultivation of prairie soil ~eta at "Oh, It's Dovey Diamond I" she cried, he would ta.Ire In Datroit on his olrcmt and slop furniture and represent it to l1avo been strea.ms fall considerably as a oonsequence. 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at C<iulter·s Hotel. JJaught a.11 rules a.nd. mulms of the Eastern rom made by the U . C. F. Co. of this town. Special attention paid to Surgery. 32·1Y* Over t ho wide pa.rts of t he rlvero the Ice fa.Ila forgetting for the moment everything bat deliver his lecture on " The Structure of .Provinces; t o wait In corn planting until Also agent for t h ii LI·QUOR TEA. for this town with the water, but in these shallow ps.rts her pretty drab and white pet outside. the Mule" before the olub $13. a.nd vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be the oak leaf le as l11rge l.\S a. &quirrel 's ee,r come a.fter his dinner." ONE Y ! MONHY !-The subscriber the protruding stones, acting like pillars, "And s0 Mhe's got in t he market. A valuable prize given "I doan' 2ee 110 'ci.shun fnr any hurry in {provided we oould find either), would not r eceives money on deposit tor theOnta.rio ho!d it up, and there is a thick etratum of cppct opened the window, and got a his case,"- e.nswe1 with every vound, ·ed the President. · "I inure mccesa ; nor Is it necessary to wait Loan and Savings Company, and pays interes t between thin ice and roaring river be- handful of crumbs, and fed the dove ha.Ii of doan' eben see i:.ny need fur his sfo.rtin' out ;until the groi:nd la war med up , The !l.t the ri.te of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of s.ir o prevent _ t he latter them, a.nd left the other on the table. withdraw!\! r equit·ed. .Also loans money on ne ath, thick enough t _ on a. tour, If he comes dis we.y we shall .l!Oil le usually eo <lry in April, that seed mortgages at lowest rates. No commission m aga.in freezing. Thus, while we may And nobody but Betty, the cat , saw Mr. does not r & t when planted so early, but is cha.rged. W. F . .A.LLEN, llowmanville. 8-ly, frove six and seven feet of ice on the river Fr;izer put thoac crumbs into his grea.~·cor.t treat him wid courtesy , but we shan't inha g11oge h im to 111cttlr' on de mnle, I reckon ready to germinate so uoon llll he111t and moi· lakes there may not be one thir d as many pocket when he was ready to start, And de moa.s' of us know as much about de mule Do you want _ Jture combine in proper_degrees, § o B o ? Genue 1neu o rF:.uih incbes on theae rockv parts, and buoyed up Bet ty didn't tell l though maybe she won- as a s pl endi d, we keer to. If he has ch~nged any in In a. most tra.p·llke ~anner t o engulf one in dered what he mea.nt to do with them, h andsomely i on , u.o t s o Casa. la.a' t wenty y'ars, or am g wina to ch· mgo " Good- by," he F.a.ng out to Moppot, aft. er de a. p lace wher e nine cases out of ten the unbou nd story auy in der JJ.ex' t wenty, we'll run our fresh Meat in Wintel'. fortuna.te would not escape. I can see t hat he h11d harnesaed his gray horse Into his red chances and save dat $13. book ? You ave written these rew lines To secure fre~h mel.\t fa often very difficult A.nd all I have to say_ can h a ve y0ur black rushing torrent eweeping t hrough t he pung. "Look out for.thll valentine, now." OAN .TDO IT, in neighborhoods remote from a market . .L'hat you can find me still at home, And then llloppet felt very sure he was choice out of gre !\t bowldera yet thatwa.srevealed aslpullit ls not often that farmers ca.n get fresh Ja m not g one a way. A oommunication from HighGt ru:og N ye, J , d my leg out of the hole In t he ohell ice, my lauAhi:ug at her, aDd she hated dr eadfully to t he bes" tlrnt me11it in summer, as they deeirE>, unless they So allmykindol d t riendsmay come, of Fulton, N. Y., a.nnounced t hat he was are published own foot striking a stone in a most mire.cu- be laughed 1.1t. And all they oung ones, too, ;11.re fortunate enough to be sheep growers, But the next morning she had somethfog seeking the postmaetership of FuUon, a.nd if you will obIonB manner. 'l'oolooab bla.med himself for get their garments nicely ma.de And can kill a. sheep occasione.lly, t o obt ain And tain t wo subboing 80 careless 11.t a. pfoce w.here the Es- elee t o think about, Dovey D iamond didn'& wanted a.ll the m~mbe;e of the Lime. K iln In fashions t hat are n ew: oome to h's breakfast. , -;a .s upply. .But frost Is a. great pre~ei-vative, Vhere old and young, d6ar fr lend e,ma:r meet qui Club to sign his petition, He forwarded his scription s for maux. at'e always 110 exceeding CM'efn!, H e didn·t come to hie dinner, either, -and in our northern climate fresh beef, pork, Aweloomevreetinir. bv R. PE.ATE photograph with his lotter, a.nd t he pict ure Tm; W EEn Y tor of the accidents kvown few have eeca.p W <e>r other mea.t, hung up where it will freflze " here do you s'poao he le, mamma. ?" shows him to be a stampy man with a bl\ld MAIL. A cataed. Ice a · couple of inches thick may bear wolld, can be kept almost any length of head and a. sore eye. logue of stttn am an if resting on t he water, but If buoyed askect Moppet, t he tears j ust ready to fall. time, during oooaBlona.l warm spells in winWaydown Bebeo moved that the club ofdiuc1 anc1 rnise.bove a roaring rapid.like a watch crystal, it "He's always come before every day this ter the meat may be packed in Ice, and winter. 0 mamma ! do yon e'pose some- ficially indorse the petition, but the Presic e 11 a n e ou s is a most dangerous trap. body's C· c ~ught him, and baked him In a dent ra.pped him to order and said: "In de publica.tions, given as prizes for getting up thus preserved, F~rmers who h11ve ice-·~. p ·ple ?" houee~, of course, possess a great o.dfust plv.ce, dis club doan meddle wl d polly- clnbs for '.l'rm MAIL, will be sen t to any . The Dawn of Worship. "No, no, dear ; I guess not." vantage. over thcee who have neglected to tloks. In de nex' place, spose we used onr :i.ddress upon applicat ion. There is no boy " Then where Is he, mamma. ?" make and fill an appendage eo useful, inflooence to git dis pusson 'pointed, an' de or girl, young m an ot· young wom e.n , among T he " dawn of worship" is to be found in "I don't know, my child." the flint ha.t cbets and other rude implements werry fust thing he did wa.a to steal all de you who cannot secure a ha.ndsome lot of Then Moppet curled herself ' up on the stamps an' walk off 1 What would our books this wi11tcr depoaited with the dea.d, as by modern el.\v· Winter narters for fowls. agea, testifying to some sort of belief in lounge a.nd had j uat begun to cry In good feelings be, an' who ol us could ever after- with very little A poultry fancier says that cne of the esspirits a.nd in a future existence, This earnea~, when " Ta.p I tap I ta.p !" ca.me a. wards look de President of de United States affort, if you ·will WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH. .1entials for Inducing hens to lay iii. winter, olea.rly prevailed In the Neolithic and po6· sharp little beak against the window, She in de fa.ce? You jiat let da.t H lghstrung In- only m a k(') up is warm, comfortable quarters, W ith lumdividual work hie own way. If he doan' git your minds to it, mbly in the immeneely older Paleolithic, spra.ng up, a.lmost wild with joy. "Oh, h's Dovey !'· she cried, fiyiug to in he will be no wua off; if. he doos git It The b ooks a.re ber and building paper used oo a11 t o furnish period, though the evidence for the latter ia l"RAC:TIC:A.I. DB<~N'.HST, mma, come quick I he won't feel under no obliga.shu ns to die splendic1ly bound air spaces in the sides and r oof, and with at present very weak, and the first object the window. "0 ma" no chance fer ccld air to come in at the ".>VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, and a.re t h e prowhich can be affirmed with any certainty to What is that he's got on, mamma ? Oh, clnb," bottom, a chicken-house cl.\n be m11de oo JfUronsOxldeG1111 Adnllnistered :ror Palnles be a.n idol or 11ttempt to 'represent a deity look I" CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, ductions of the Mammo. didn't need t o look- she knew wa.l'm t hat when well otocked with fowls it best known trn- ;1 dates only from tho Neolithic period, as do Operntlons. Whalebone H owker. wanted to inquire without looking. -will & c'lrcdy freeze inside in the coldest tho;s~ which is a i W OFFIC:E M<:C:LIJNG'S RLOUK. the1 cannibal feasts, which can be proved to weather , as t he heat generated and given ell "I gucea," ea.id she, smiling, " I guess how many petitions :for the restoration of suflLCientguu.ran- "\ ha1 e not infrequent ly : accompanied tho inc11.pital punisment in Michigan the club bad bv the chicken& will keep the temperature tee th11t they will ' 1 terment of important ch!efa. For anything i t 'Q au h onest-t1'nly vs.lentlne, dear," . indorsed. The Secretary hunted up the list net only aif o t·d Tl:iat Is juut what It proved to he. :above freezing, But, In suoh .case, unle~s beyond this we have to descend to the hlewhich footed up to:.thlrteen, and stated that Ma.mma let Dovey Diamond in, and un-provlEion iB made for ventllatfon, the air a1 uusem ent b nt toi:ioa.l p1·riod, ·and t um to early monuments, :Will become Impure, & nd t he chickens will mythe, and mered books. T he earliest re- tied a oilken string which held the Ia.r ge two new on:es had re&ohed his desk that beu source oi' pr.o~ l'. evening, sicken and die. cords by far a.re t hose ofthe Egypt fan t omha white envelope under his wlug. Then Mopfit. Tum IVEE 1 0:.y 4:. - _ /} ~ r ,,. .:f: .( R!lMITTED, M,ur, is the most,-~ - L/£./ of t he first four d ynaatles, and they t ell us pet opened It, t rcmblinp with eagerness. "Oh I oh I oh I oh !' ehe cried, too full The President then a.nnounced that he popular weekly published, and is only One little mor e t han this, t h at with a highly deThe Ice Oro". veloped civilizatfon the ldea .of a. future life of joy to do anythillg besides sCJ:eir.m. "See had remitted the fines of the following mem- Dolln.r a year. . It has now over ] 00,000 8ub Thia crop, usua.lly abundant at t his season, was very much that of a continua.nee of t he the flowers, mamma. I o-oh ! and that little bera: scrJbers. Spec1mon copy 1rncl p1·ii-:e list s<'nt is not the 1~aat important one t o the far mer's Unole William Oa.biff, fined $8,000 for freo. A ddress Ti-n;: ~1fA:rL, 'Torou Lo, C :1J1 }.v1 n.~ preoent life in a tomb which was made t o girl with a. wrea.th on I Where did it oome family. E very farmer, and especially every resemble the deceased'e actual h euse, a.nd from ? I never saw anythJng half so pret - - ---- - - -- - -one who h!\s a dairy, should har vest and with s,u rroundings which repeated hie actual ty I 0 mamma. I ma.mma. !" H A R. ND EN, l . D~ @ L, And would you believe that that foolish securely house a portion of t he orop for use belongings, while the whole oomplioated '\during th e hot summer months, . An Ice Graduat e or the Royal College of Dental Egyptian mythology of symbolized gods and little Moppet, began to . cry again with her Surgeons, Ontario. · '· heuse can be easily and chea ply made, NJd deified animala was of later origin, If we arms tight rqund her nn,ther 's neck ! nioet>iar mers baveplenty cft!me now to cut "I lil'pose it's 'ca.nae I'm so glad I don't tur n t o the ear liest JQVtholog!es of tha OFFICE OV ER. DICKi:lON'S S'l'ORJ!l. and haul Ice t o fill one. No rura.list, mindAryan and of the mixed Samitic ar.<l raoea know what t o do," she sa,id, beginning t' ful of ~he comforts of home in aummer, will toLD FILLING A SPECIAL'rY. of Western AsJa we find t hem plafoly or. laugh noxt minute, " 0 mamma, who do be likely t o Dcgleot eeonring his share of 11te W ork executed in the latest 11nd mos~ lglnating, to a great extent, In the pemoni- you 'epo0e sent it !" PI LT~S Improved style ot t he Dental Art. the foe crop while It can be done to adva:nMa.mma. k nows, or think she doea, which fication of nat ural force, mainly of the sun, tage, Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the E:ifi.'B: EX'.l'RA.C'l'E D WI1'HOU'r PA.IN, on which are ingr~.fted ideas of family, ia quite aa well. She thinks Mr. Frazer t he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury tribal, and n ational gods and of deified could. tell more e.bout it t han any one e1se, J,,IVE.R, STOJ.lmArnm, K.IDl\TEVS A.ND BOWELS. And B?t~y k nowa, too,- she k nows what heroes. '3omet!mea, as the original meanto the patient. Disappearance of the Eu hra.tes. Pn.r t!onla.r attention paid to the 1·egulatlon or ing of the names and at tr ib utes of t hese Mr F razer meant to do with tho.so crumbs. They invigorate and restore to h ealth Debilitated Constitutions an d But M oppet hasn't begun to guesG yet, The E uphrates r iver, once a m ight y gods came t o be forgott en, the mythologies CH IL DR E N ' S '.l' E E 'l ' H . a re i n valu able in ~11 Oomplaints lncident al t o Females of all Ages. F~r s tream, seema likely t o disappear alto,.. ._.... a br a.nched out 1 Into innumera.blo fables ; a.t Children and the aged they ar e priceless. gether. F er some years t he river ha.nklil _..ALL WO RK W .ARR.AN'flW. ...._, ot he1· timi:;s, among more simple a.nd sever e " Sqdden Calls." below Bu.bylon have been giving way se races, or wit h uora philosophic minds in that the strea.m spread out into a marsh, A. G ENTS W A. l~ T E D t he inner circle of a hereditary pdesthood, A Washing~on cor r espondent tells of a. until steamers could not paes, and only a. · t he fables of p olytheism were rej ected, and death t here r ecently which le sensational in Is an infallible re.medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores TO SELL FOR THE .narrow cb.a.nnel rema.ined for the native t he idea prevailed, eit her of a unit y of na.- its deta.ils. A young doctor, handsome, aud Ulcers. It is famous for Gout an d Rheumatism, For disorder e of the boa.ta. Now the passage hi being filled up, liure Implying a single e.ut hor, or of such a atrong, eond of great promise, wa.a ca.lied to - Chest it has n o equal.and the prospect is that the t own on the preponderance of t he national god over all attend a lady in a carriage at his door. Reba.nko will b., ruined and the famons river For Sore Tb1·oats, .B1·onchiti.s 1 Cough s , Colds, others as led by a different p a.t h to t he ceiving no answer t o hi11 greeti ng to the itself will be swallowed up b) t he desert. piAt lent, he thought she had fainted, H e LARGES1' IN CANADA- OVER 400 .ACRES , same r esult of monothe~sm. T he r eal merlt stepped into her coupe and found her al- Ghi.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival',.'ti.nd1i!:fo:r of t he Jewish l'a.ce a.n d of the Hebr ew Scrip ----~--"' contracted and stiff j oints it acts like a charm. ' ,ft. tures Is t o have ooncaived this ida1.1 earlier, ready a corpse, H e drove by the side of Th0 edge of religious cont roversy ha.a Steady Emp loymen&t o Good !lien. a.nd ret a.ined it more firmly, t han any of the dead woman to hor house and thence to changed. I t ma.y,be as sharp, but it ha.a lost the lets philosophical and more immoral re- t~e hon~ita.l, whe.re he was expect.ad t o parManufactured only at THOMAS Hou ow AY's Establishment, itll saw teeth .- John Miller. Paid by ealary or commission. Can start ligions of t he ancisnt world ; and t his ls a t iclpatu m u. meeting of the manmger!!. A pol 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD P.TR,,,.,E'"), LONDOirr : you a t once. Dont apply unless you mean A d !spi~tch fiays a. sausage sixty-four foot "'" .a. &11 business and waIJ.t to work. We furnish out- mer it of which they oan never be deprived, ogfz!ng for hia lateness, he related his ghaBtlong was.tnmro ou' of a factory In Ma.ple- fits free and pay expenses, .Address however much the litera.I accura::y, and con· ly experfol!ce, . T hen rem11rking, " I fe5l .And ar e sold at ls. lid. , 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lls.; 22e. , and 33a. each B ox or Pot and ton, P a., l eocnt ly. Served it r ight ; we sequently t he inspiration and m!.raculouu at- faint," he fe~i;r::=~ paralv~!s STONE & WELLINGTON. may be h ad from all Medicin e V end or a t hr oughout t lte World, ' should hn.ve t nrnf.ld It 1iut if it had. been our t r £butea, of t he.e venerv.ble bocks may be Nurserymen. l!arPn r eh aRers should look nt the lta b el on the P ots and Boxes. It tb.e ~ dd1·e.a _ i r.otory. Toronto, Ont, diBproved and disa,ppoar, Born to blush unseen-(iol ored ladles, ls n 533, Oxford Street, Lomlon, they are s p nrlons, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1886. EVERY FRID.AI MORNING, THE FARM. .M. A.JAMES, taking himiecii~ of the bear traps without: --..... permission. . · The followlpg vhitors from out of to~ :E!tcf, ~reenroot Smith, ficod $3,228 for were present at the ccrrent aeesion and had .I encpuragmg a row b . etween Elder Too~s and ieats on the ·Presldt'nt's platform, Snowball ' Peaceful Jones, Johnson, the Hon. Poke White, Judge Bif.Judge Cadaver, fjned. $2,600 for advisbig bane, Colonel High, f'.~of, Sundown Green Samuel Shin not to pay his pew rent In a and Elder Jackson. · All but the Elder B~~tist Church. . chewed gum during the entire se88ion and Ihe Individuals above named we.re all each one seemed to thor oughly enjoy the present, and the affair was a complete 11ursituatlon. · prise to them. All wer e eo overcome that· they cried like childr1111, · REI'ORTS-A GRICULTURA.L, THE LIME-KILN OL UB. ...... -.~ .... =- I \:a:: IP L I I I 11 $5 . Caledonian lVIills. B T R R J UNDERTAKINC! L EV I MORRIS. A V M for I DENTISTRY .. 1. M. BRIMACOMBE, c. FOR ALL! - -- TH E THE OINTMENT FONT HILL NURSERIES. - . !V I