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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1886, p. 4

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P·.TREBILCOCK. - - o-:i quires or good U ' 1·iting· ll>aper, 2:Jc. HYMENEAL. The lethargic quietness with whiclt winter wears itself a.way in country life was suddenly despoil<Jd on \Y <>dnesday of this week, there being no less t han four weddings r eported in the South D iwlington district. T he scene of one· of t h ese brilliant social even ts w:ts at the pleasan t c·nmtry seat of Mr· and Mrs. John Oke, near Ebenezer. About seventy-five persons assembled there to witness the marria.1rn of their eldest dau ghter, Livinia, to Mr. Geo. A. Pearce, a n e nterp1·isi111! and wealthy young farmer living in that section. Promptly at 3:30 p . rn. the doors of the parlor were t hrown open and th e Groom , attend ed by Mt·. F. .Tames, as b est. m an enter ed at on e door, while at the s:une m onv-nt t.h e bride, at· tended by her sister Pollic iM bri desmaid, ent ered at anoth er. lean in g o n the a rm of her uncle, M r. E. L. Welsh, of Bowmau villc . T h o youthful couple were q uick ly joined for life by t be Rev. E. Ro berts, of the Queen -st. church, this town, who used the simple b ut impressive ceremony of the M ethodist church which d oes not ig nore the Aposi olic injunction o f " obey". The bride was b eautifully attired in g <1r11 et st1tin with the customary orange b lossom ", etc. After the guests had extended their congratulations and wdl ·wishes, they were ml1u ed iuto the s pacious diniug room. where a t < tb!e h eavily l aden with rich viands awaited their comiug. ]\fr. D .B urke Simpson, Barr ister, (If this town, p resided at t he h ead of the table, aud !\'Ir. W . P . Prower, Reev e of Bowmanville, at th e other end. B efore l e1 wmg the festi l'e boa rd Mr. Simpson d eli ver ed a sh ort a d dress of congratulation to t he bride and groom in ve ry sui table autl ch oice Ian· g uage, facetiously remarking t.hat t his 11appy event was the result of the groom ha ving Pierced t h e h eart of Uke. (Applause ). 'l'wix t pl e1 tsant chat and merry son g, t ho evening ho urs fle w mpidly past an d ere one was aware the clock, which has been a silen t spectator of the family circle from its boginnin~, raised its clasped handa before its face at the mark " x ii, " as if in final ben edictiow, "That sign the pleasant circle broke" and the happy couple having dep:,r ted ' for th~ stati·m to take the west bound @)Xpress, the pleasant company was soon dfapersed, Rar e indeed is the occasion when l!O much grace and b eauty are witnessed assembled 'round a r ura l hearth s tone. The presents included many coRtly and b eaiutiful articles for use and vrname nt, inolioding the following : Mr. and Mra . W. C rawford, crysto]lem onade set; Mr. and Mrs . .J. G B u tbmd, silver pickle cruet ; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ok r , very pret ty majolica toilet set; . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johns, al,. rgepador l'~:mp with globe; M essrs. John and Chas. Mitlne, cryst:;.l tea set, cel ery and fruit d ish ; ·Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arg ue, silver syrup j.'ll"g; Mr. M. A . James, crystal cheese dish>r.Mr a nd Mrs . J ohu Brent, crystal fruit dfah j Mrs . M. A . James, crystal water pitch'leT; Mr. a nd Mrs. A. Arnot, doz. dinr!lell' knives and forks: Miss S . · T. Arn@t, crystal bread pl ate; Mr. T . F. James 1 silver mounte d butter cooler; M r . G. JR:. James, pair crystal bread plates; Mr. W. H .Rundle, half doz. silver d essert spoonS<; Mrs. Henry Pearce, doz. silver kn:ves and forks; Mr. Ira F . P earce, large family bible ; Miss E lla Baker, fin e spa.1Jte1 r picture; Mr. and Mrs . .John .James, S1C11.1.,. handsome parlor , with g lobe; th e Groom, Astrachan jacket; Mi-. W. fuw.'man, t en dollar bill; Miss F lor en·oe Co urtice, crystal cake dish; Mrs . Alh rb Rundle, silver buttii r cooler "'nd p&at·l handle butter k nife; Mr. and M~'ll - Vv .,.# Et. Oke, uoz. dinner })late~; Mr . W . E . Courtice, h a.If doz. tea ::spoons; M r . "N. Oke, crystal tea. set; Mr. and ht:rs. J: ti;s. P ellow, silver mounted granite C· > ffee pot; Miss E. Oke, h alf <lox . S<Llt; Iv.Ir. and 1\lrs. L . Cornish, silver car d r ecei7er; Mr. John Brerit, silver pickle er uei.; Mr. and Mrs . E . L. Welsh,silver cak :e bas~et ; Mr. and Mra. .fohn K eachie, pttin<ted china cheese dish ; Mr. J olm O~ :e, (fa1ib er of the brid e) English sovereign ; Mr. and Mrs. James 'W orden, b eautifully chased 11ilver cake basket; M essr s . W. J >. Prower a nd D. Burke Simpson, an elegan t : and very large swinging silver_ wa.t er pil:trher and silver gobl et; Mrs. Hem :y P e:i;rce, massive silver dinner cruet, aix bolififos; M r. W . H. Oke, sih ·er pickfo cruet ;. Mr. a nd M rs. Chall. Gra11S, large far nily aib'l!lm, in plush ; M rs. Amsbar y, and Miss M . E, Stevens, sil ver spoon h older 1.nd sp@ o!'ls ; Mr. Jas . L. P ea!"ce, elaborat ely oh:aised silver t ea. pot ; Miss 11'.Iary l e. Oii.<e;. ©:Ile d oz. goblets : Mr. Lewis 'frt tll, h aH cloz. table si lver spoons ; M iss 1.i: R @ wmw , zephyr wool cloak ; Mr. .Mro-;. .J. Found , breakfast set _ Annual Report of the Church-sL Methodist Church. At a meeting of the Church-st. Met li. Church congr egation on Thnrsday, FeJ. . 11th, a statement of the fifl!moial poaitio11 of th e church wns presenied. The repo1 ·I, was simply a state ment of iricomo and ell penditurt> for the p1·eced i1Jg eight months. Six years 1·~0 th e ch urch debt was con sol ida ted a nd ·th e Rrnoun c n ecessary to pay all the flo :\tiug debts of the church, except $800, was borrowed, to be r epaid in twenty an nu 11l ins· ·n.lments of $260 each . At the tim e .,f t h o sale of the late P. M. church and parsonage, t he Oh urch Street church rl'ceived as its Rhare of the sale the Parsonage aud S:247 in c~sh On M·1y 13th the acco un ts were 11nd1ted, when ther e was found to be a balance to the ered it of the church of $ 110. Since th en there has been receivcld frcm1 pew·r<rnts, r ent of parsonage, proc<~( ds of t e, and other s ources of incom e, $6!JG, m uk iug t otal oa sl1 011 hBnd $80G , to wh ich musL be add ed , nn coll ected pew-rents $ 150, making a t ofal $956. The e.xpi nditure ms $996, made up as fo llows: I 1.stal m1,.nt and interest on conaol idatt d deht, $260.62; interest on $800, $ 64; f:lexto ./ s salary $ 138; Organist's salary, $30 ; Conferenc·· claims, $7fi ; coal and wood ti cc unts, $138.25 ; taxes,$12.32; insuretJcc, $!) 00; b11oks, envelopes, room paper, e tc. $28 25; r epairs P U e hnrch ond ~ heds, $55,4:3 : 1 )»a; ·iii, hrnp glasse3, $47; team ini< coal $7 50 ; papering, furnishing parsonage, e1c, $ 130. Th is s r.aternen t shows the church in debt t o th ATreasurer for $40. In 1he exp(mdi r. ure there are several accounts that. w ;ll not ap p!l'ar again. One was an li!ccou1n of 1883,a ttd i hree act<:ounts for re'!'i c tin~ parsonage for Mr. Mcintyre. Th"' B a:ccuu11 1.sag:Jregaihe $ISO. F rom this sumi1'l'3·'.V it, will be see:n' that the churc h i s pa.yfo1g i ts way. T lte R ecordin g Ste\Htrd ll:!so snbmitte d Jiiis reporfi for the p~st, Hix; mouths. The total am~unt r eceiv ed fr, n1 co Jections ineluditJ g envelopes WHO! $1li15 or a n avMago S nulfuy collect ion of 1$19.70. T!J e Trustee~ µur,;· 'So" mtiking some im prove ments iu t be dit~· d \ ~h<1rt ly, amon g t.he r P.'$t be u g > Ln ew" C'! 'i/an , which will b e placed-in the church a-bom th e middl~· of n ext mo111.r1. N·early llbe tor1>l cost of th e or~an haM alread y b ee::i.· subscribed, while s everal· ' me m b <:i rs of the- eburc h have t:·flered to s cib s cribe liberall'.';i t owards reno vatin g t,he ~hurch ~en erall;,~ We are .pl eased t o be able to s tatA that Jburch-st. M eil't. church in· g rowi ng rapidly. We w ill send the Daily Globe (evening edition) free to any .address in Canada four months fur $1.00. WEST END HOU SE. TO CLEAR OUT the balance of their Holiday Go od s, MURDOCH BROS a re selling china, china ware, fancy cups, saucers, Grockery, table and hanging lamps, a nd other fancy goods at unprecidentedly low prices. Don't fail t o call a.nd get a bargain. S ·Paclrnges o:C f,?;ood i~1n-elo1·c !!. Black Cashmere, f01· 2:;c. - -c·-SPECIALTIES : My 200 Scribbling Book, 5c. My Exercise Boob:; a.t 5c. nnd lOc. My one dozen gcnd Lead P encils for 10 CClitH. Schdars' Com pa.l! ;on'> fm· ,5 cent s. - · -(i ... · -- ·- Sptmial Bargains~ 1st March. PICTUHES Ji'R .A. M ED AT ROCK TIO'l:TOM PRICES. S pr ing 8tock of "Valuable Farm properties in the.' Township of Da rlington and the> ' S tephens' Mill property at Bowmanville. i Under and pursuant to the vower of sale iu. a certain mortgaJ;e from William Stephens t o · the ·vend" r8, wbich w ill be produced 11t t ile iayincnt or tbe moneys aetune or sale. all(l in 1 curert Lhereby, de1ault bas been made. there will be olferrni fo r ·ale by Public Auction at the Ruebott Ill Hou -e, on ::lA'J'VHDAY T H I<: 2 0'1'11 0 .lo'" l\'Ll:HCHr 18E6, a.r. l o'clock. p 111. , by :>tephen UheRtcditld. Auctionec1" the fo 1 lowiug. proper.·· ties, 11a rnely :,.-. Largest stoCk of these AUCTION SAL,E goods in town to choose from. -m'- ROO T\1: ~P.AP ER A R RIV ING. FANCY LINEN WI NDOW SHADES IN TBE NEWER'l ' Illl":RIGNS. '.w EST END : ; l i I i--==~==========~=~~=====~~======~~»!»!!!.!!. '!" - ~»!»!!!. ! 1 i_ PARC~ ;L I- Part of Lot 33, in Con. l or thll · ' To wnship of Darlington, containing 78~ acr ea, ! more or leos, desc1ibed u.s follows: Commenc- · : · ing on t he I£aatern limit of s u ch lot at the dis... · Jtlf · ( HQU:SE. ... .... _ . .... .... '!!!!!! r / BowMA ' ' J J."1.f. FmnAY, FEB. 26. A WORD '1'0 1',ARMERS. angle or the loU ,thEl'nce N. Hi" W . alon g the saill '·- - 1':u.stern limiL 3!)1ch ains and 25 link9, tnence s, I 71.· W. 20 ct1 ains 10 tile W . llm! G of the lot. thence H i" ly along ti.le aaid W. limit ~L'lt . cbuins 25· Jir.l<s, Lheacc N . H 1'~ . 20 chai ns more ! 0 tuuce of 27. el~airis a nd 00 liuks f ro rn the S. E,.. il .~ ~r lYllRD ther eou t 12 11e1·ca off the N, side thereo t, e:&.. 1emding whc:HJy ac1 ·oss the Jot measuring 1. ' It may bo re ~nr·Jed all al nw~t elirontery chains 13!, Ji.nks a loug the W. Ji wit ot tl\tJ l ot . to advise farme rs to dn b;-ttor fo.rming ;;,s anol i cht.t.imr aud9·1 link.aalongthe E. side limit by_ e~, tho lot and befa1g bounded on the S'Jy a means of br1 n>:iu.5 'llem <·nt of t h eir a righ t lme. Also, Pavt of Lot 3.2, in ·con. 1, Darlington ·. present strait<ned c:in;mns ',~~; ices, wh 11u con taining (;&.acres, more or less, described aa. follows :. Commencing on t he E. limit ol' ti'lneach one kno ws for him·elf that. t he prinlot a t the::;.. bollfndary or t lw.t p..rt of t.he loll · c ipa l ca.nse of the hard t imes lies in the forrn urly in th.e possession of Dav id Wiloon, . but now in tli.e possession of «obert Courtiee. manipn lttt ion.-i (,f o~ her nH'n, Bnd yet th er e and at the distance or 11 chams from the S. Ek Corner ot the , thence ::;, lG' E. along ~hi> is eense in a d vi~ing b~ t ·er wo; k ou the side E . limit i.l.J. chains, moro or leso to the !:'f;J,y f a.rm. 'fhern is no hid· (.f inf" J"nation a~ boundary o~ tnu.t portion of the Jot owned or occupied b,y J es"e 'l'rull, thence S . H' W ,, 2(1, , to th e gui:1 t_v p11r·.i··o, a w l' x h or<atious chains, more 01· lea.~. to the W . limit or the lot. thence N'ly along the s"id W. limit :u chains, ]lOn h r, w to c .. rrect the .,vils »1>d pnn ish 'l'AIT's Pno·.ros- Measrs 'Fait & Morrison, more or le""· to the said portion or the loLMw the otfe,1.Jo;-s , 'We are <l oi·'g our sh ar e Bow man ville, Ont.- Dear Sfrs :- A. proor of the in posaessioll of ltobert Cour&ice, t bonce. N, to the pluce otbeginning excepting Uuure· · negative t"k"n by yon was duly receiH\d. 7! 1£. in that dirHct1on, but ·H I riiu st not Jose the 1£'Jy :l5 acrt!s thCJreof. The said pa.:rorels I have t.o 1hank you ror '"""r kind ness. 'J"lte out contnin toi; abo1lt 110 am·es. On t cabinet is ll'ertu.inly one or t he best. 1 r not I.lie sight of t he foe ~ that, shonltl every politbeat, I h1n ;e ever ha1 1 t.fl.]tell· I would like you P·Clllioes are a good stone dwelling house, a frame barn and stable, also a good orcha1"<l. . ical wron,.: be r ighted in 1~ d ~ y, t lrnre s t ill to quote me your price fo r ""lou m. A u nmber The lttnds ure nearly all clea,I'ed and r.o.d.e r ot people to whom 1 hnvc l>llowu it say- it is as rljmains tho battl e of lif.., or, th e far m. :fine work "a any they ever saw done in '.L'o1·ont.o cul1iva1i.un and arc splendidly situated in one finest agricultural districts of Ont,aJrio·. of the Let me he<Lr f rom you, a?J<I in pl'i-eo Crops m11 tl~ be ;u1d mM lrnt ed, cat tle -µ> quot" it a.s fh a e S.B yuu oan H.3 I nut.y t Uiko P Auc1·r. lI- Part of Lot 33, i;u Con. 2, ·'Ibwn· several po.oon, req11ests cr>1'1ttinually comiu..- in · hip ol Da1·tington, containin1~ H5l 1 1crea. more and hogs m ust ha raised an d. aold, and th e for that sort of thiug. Yours truly. 'EDMOND or L esa, described as follows:: Cuuimcno!Dg in farmer's farnily must be fed nnd clot h ed. E. SHRPPARD, Toronto, Nov. 26tb, 1885. 53-1.f the centre of t.he said Concf :ssion on the.· W. limit or tho lot. thence N. Hi' W . .. tong the said You carrnot uaike the m ;i.rknt" IJ,,,t ter or limit 36 chains 61 Jinks, mori , or Jess, tu the S"n. li mit or the 'l'oronto and Kingston Hoad, · worse, but y uu ca n tak· y on~ iihce in the thence E'ly, followin g the~· ;.id S'n. !uni~ t o the ranks a8 far mtjrs irnd hdd i t, ulld thus to J!:'n limit of tho lot. tl\enco ::>. lti' .I<~ . 34, chains 53 links, inore or le~s. to the cemre of t,he Cpn· a very g'? , t e xtnnt gov. ru th 3 price of cession. thence S. n· W. t· , the pluc e or begin· ninK, excepting thereout the S'n. lll!. acres y our ow n µ rnd ucts If o ne IIHrn take i to thereof hcru1 ;orure conve: ed to oue Lyle by I nstrument r egis tered in tho Regist.Jty office the market w lrnat that is full ,,f c haff and for the said County, and 1 ·lso" piece of the N . dirt, reoei d 11 g 4 or 5 cents btilow the W. corner thereof heret1 ;fore convel!cd to one Slatter by lnstrnment registered a.s afore1narket l'rice, yon c,;n rn · 1ke you rs c le<n said and C(·ntainlng l ac re l fi c l1ainl> and 25. links, being a. portion of·, ·aid parcel lJiu.g N. W. a nd plump by good cultiVltiou arid good of the Creek. handling , ~ nd t.hua w~ t the heat th e marPARC EL Ill- Purts of' Lots 13 and Hin the 2nd Lon. or D«rlin1~ton, . de·Cribed as follows : ket aff·.rds. W hilo some m en are de votCommencing 33 chains and 33 links rrom the N. W. angle ot Lot No. H in the 2nd Con. of 08.J'-· ing four years of tiuw e.·d a. large amount lin f,\'ton aforesaid at n 1 .>O·t on tho the E . of tho· of feed t .. the growth <1f a 11tt·er that ct1n allowance her. ween Le ·t H and l ain said Con. and from thence N. 71 .; f ~. 21 chi.ins and 4ti1 at best 1.1nly weigh 1 ,2()0 pom; ,'ls, and you link· t henoe i:L 12}° r.;, l l ch&ina and !la linkR. the;;ce S. 75f W. 3 ct ,ains and 14 Jin ks, then N by snperior c· re, miLk e " ~t o er of s u perior 58f W. 6 chai ris; the n s. 33" W 4 cha.ins across the C1·eek. Then s 22· E . 7 chains and bn,ed w.,igh 1, 4.00 µo m1d s i.i two y ears, 25 links; then S. 75 f W. 2 chains; then N.. lit' y ou gc1 ti"g the vo .. y best out of tho W. 2 ch ..ins uud 25 J Inks. Then JS, 65" W . 6 chains and 50 links 1 ,Joni( the K dide ol a. given maiket ihl·r e i;; 1n it. y .,u fixin<z your road; then N. 5!' W , z chains and 50 links; t ht n 1'< . :w W . :~c hi tins and 50 links; then N, .own p osi i ;w 1 1 (<n" if p1od ucts are lc>w Y" u 33° W. 2 cha ins and 31 links; then N. 51' , V .2 chains 65 links to t' ne K ol" u.llowance between 'ftre a t the h · ad flt t ho b et i a prices. If said lots U a nd 15, u.nd then 11'. 15}' W. 4. chains :your fruit··, g r,v n , a·ock, a.ud l> nt t er ar e !J5 links to thi;1 pl.··c :e or begln1·lng, Containing 27 acres 2 roods 26 perches. ·of the b.i11r.,y1.n iw t ouly i{et t h ll best, prices Also, commenc ing 16 chains 67 links in a ·ibut you 11.lways fi nci ready salo, while the direction S. H~ J .;. fro m the N. JJJ. Corner of the N. W . :tot 1,01 No.13 in t he 2ndConcession,of 'jpoor articl onlv fe lla when s carce, a nd the attic! 'l'ownsb! cp or l>a.rlington,,where n. post has been pJuntei 1 marked (No. 1 ), then N. Ht" \;ften at au inrerior vric"1. Wh e n the marW . 4 cha.ins a nd 50 Jinks too. post mo.rke,l (No. l leu S. 75«> > 'i'. rO cha.ins to a. post marked 2\, t. ket is mol'e th an suppli··d t he e o od artido This powder nM·eu· varies. A marvel or (No a) th en N°. 47 o W. 5 che.ins 75 links to a post i s chosen e·' <HI a t 11. h igher priM . purity, atren~t h . i.nil. wholedome noss. Mnr e mark<·<l (Ko il,1 h"n S. 4&o W , 5 cbai:.a to a post economical th>lnothu ordina.rr JL!nd", and can- (No. 51 . then S. ~o K 7 cha ins and 25 llnks to a There v-as a ti tue when there W 8 8 a poanot be sold ia eoinpc, ition. with t.he m11ltitnde post (No Ii), the u N. 75! o K 16 cha.ins 20 links, ot low test. , ebiert welOl'bt· . alum· or phosphate more or Jess,to tne plttc e o! begianini:i: contain· i bility of the slip-s hod mrn1 er k <.1 e p: u ~ h is poT wders. Hold onl " in c··n ~· . , hl.Oi'I\ A.L .BA.K- ing by admeas urement 9 acr es and 99 rods, be ING POWDER· CO., 105·Wall Sb... N. Y. h ead above the wat er; bnt th·\t time is the same more or less, Also, comme ocing l6 chains and 67 links in n ow p ast . 'fhe wo rl d i8 aWl\ke, compe tia uirect.iO·· s . ! ·Ho h). rrom tile N. E . Corner of tho K : w. t of Lot No. 13 in the 2n d Concessition i s keen ; i f on e man w· m ' t s u µply the on or tho said 'l'ownshlp of. Darlington, where b est butter to a c n& t nmer anotht r will , a pm·t ha· bee n planted mar ked (No. 1), then S. 751° ,v. 11 chains and 95 Jinks to a post(No. - A'J' THE and if c'ne man won't pay the ver y best 2). t hen s. lOj· ' ll:. 13 cbai ns and 80 links to a post (No. 3),tt .en <Liong the Creek3 chains more price f· ir a go,1d article anorh~r wiil. or less t o a I>' ·St (No. H. then N· 250 l!~. 9 chains to a post (N<J , 5),'n N. 370 E. 5 chains a nd 50 Ther e rn mom1p0l y all r ouud exc11µ t in th e links Lo" po~ r. 1Nu. 6) t.h tm N. 75jo E. 5 chuius work of th" farm ; t\;ere every m1ui is fo t' to a post (N() . 7) then N: U j-o W . ! chains and 20 links to th e pla ce of be~inning, containing h imself, ,o.n J t.ho oue ilrnt hqs beh ind is A N1;:w T REATMENT ro1~ CIA'fiiV£K.tH by admcaNJ reruent ll acres 111ore or less· sure to h "'" ah ard t ime < > f it. Y0u must CATARRHAL AND BAY-FEn:R --:P~rhJ!pB Also, CO!ID menclng 33 chains, 31 . links from tbe N-W- a.i .gJe of Lot No.H in said Concession n either gi « · yuui s·ll· d blrn<l.:y t .. crop - the most extraordinary snccess. tl1att,; lia.o , at t.b~, ttll~"' ance for road between lots Noa; lt, and 15. 'Jl!!J en s . 160 E. 16 chains 67 links ' more raising, .. H >WLll2( poli-iG lMJS 1 .0 S<V&mp tht> been achieved in modern mttcl icille 1. has F Q}N ~-T~E N -EXT' Jlf:fONTH 'or leas. 'lfl 1 en N. u o E. 30 cha ins, more or Jess, b een attained by the Dixon tr··atme,ntfor Government, nor m ust we dt1vote our the above diaea~es Out of 2,00~ .pa@mts ~ hen N. Ui· w. lli chains and 67 links more or · Goods will be siw._,~®··d· to m,.,1...... IeseTli.oo , s . U o \ "1; 30 chains, more or l ess, to whole tim e to p·..!itics ,m d n egl ect the t reat ed du ring the past six manths, fu~ o ..,t-.., too plat:ti.« f beginninl{. farm . The formers h a \'e time and int el- Jy n inety pe r ce nt ha.v~ been Qur4:1d~. This roo,zn,, for a change i!\-, the· ,., - .,..~,,.. ,. .A.lao. ~B· ·t ceri ain CJther parcel or tro.ct. or ' ,,..,,,.,. . J;and anill J .r e mises situate lying opd being in ligence e uou,\h t o a tte ud. to both at t h e is non e the le$S s ' a rt lm g when.ilus r es o all w11o . ..,'!?ia.Dt ""' i th~ 'l!'a· ""!I of !Jowmanville, in the said County m e mber ed, that n ot fi ~e per oenb· <N pa! vi! Ji).nrlu. 1'1 11 . Containing by ad measurem ent 1 proper tmrn a nd in the pr< Jper way. Will tien ts presentin g t hem sel.y es . be!, tl~ regu ' oeve am.<l1 27 r od"· more or leas, bcini< C< 1mposed ·. ·~ ef pa;~t. ul ; 01. No- U io tJ:ie tnd Concession, of ( they d i t? l ar p ractitioner are b en etJ!elil, w:J111le _ the . e- seit.ill. 'l 'owmihip ot Darlington, now formin g p atent m edicines and otn.en: adrver t1sed 1 " . '.ub 01l lf .owwanville, aforeHttid, and being pare NCll-1 J which ie tlescribed as follows : Comn e ver r ecord a c ure lilt aH. St~rt-1 l'h 10y GOOD:r' Durin(( the )a.Jt. we11 k wit hin fonr d ays cures Dlb.U>o· , _-. ..,t the s. E. cor ner of parcel No. l, in()' with the claim now geueooJlliy behev -" >i . thence llion1r the s. line of land once owned by of e ach Olb er, two iil11 ~traou3 citizens of ed one Wm. !'incli in an E'l y dirt cLion 7 chains '\y the most scientitic men tha~ ~he C LOT~1NG,. 1 ~nore or Jess to the allowance for a road Jeadthe a cljoini !:'g Repu bl ic, who had btlen disease is dne to the preaQMJ!: of hvmg i rni; to John Br&wn's J\ltill. '.l'henco in a N. E<®'~N)' .:3HIN GS, WJ r dirtctiou along the line of sad road 3 candidate~ ot 1he Democrntic party for parasites in the tissue, ~r. Di:x~n a~ once . 1 chams n~ore or Jess to a poet at the N. E. Coradopted his cum to t he11 ~'X t&l'm1.i_at10n~ ; , t h e Presidcin cy of th e U nited States, have ner of said parcel. 'l 'hencc in a W'ly direction t his accomplish ed, the d1'!!0ase 1 s . praer 1 and FUR GOODS, ,!Llong the line between parcels Gand 7, i cha ins r esponded to the in<'xorablo summons. tically c ured , and the pe111namm c'I'. is u 12r 10 Jmks to a posi; at the N. l~- Corner of parcel 1. 'l'hence in a S'Jy direction along the line Before Gene ral Han cock could b e con - q uestioned , as cnre! o&et.ed by him fl>'I'~ will pl.e.~s,~ ·call at the ECLIPSE No. between parcelsNos. l and ll. 2 chains 111ore or less ro the place of beginning, excepting the si~ed t o his f(rnvv, t ho co untry is called years a"o are c ures s till . No on e else h.a1 HOUSE. conveyed to oue Maria J<' oster and con· par'iel upon t o mourn the <loat h of Horatio Sey- ever attempted to Cbtre these d iseasei. in trmiu.g 2 a~res more or !es~. and mo1 ·e fully this manner, and n o oth er treatment.; has described m dectl Wm. :Stephens aud wife to mour, a ud. the 8en se uf loss which the eve r cured the m . T h e application of the Maria l!'oster rell:istered as No. 1750. p11.ssin~ a <"'a y of un e would ha1·e b een su£- r eme dy is li!imple, and cannot be d o:ae at --·-·- - _ This is the Stephens Mill property with the lands thereto attached containing together .f-icient t u iropres~ u pon t h o mind of the home, and the present se a.son of t.Qi:e year a ~o ut 73! a cres. mor e or less. pe ople is inte1rn1fied by l hti dea th of t he is t he most favorable for a speedy and On tJ:ie other premised are the large frame pe rmen an t cure, the maj ority of ease.a b eg~1st nnll, Known as "::;tepb.ens' Mill". together o$her. w1th stab.le und ·hed. 'J'hfa mill is slmated in in" cured at on e t reatmen t. Suffererl!I ~-.....~~,,,.,....,..,........-..,.,...~~ a fine agrtc ulturul district, cJ03e to t!:te 'l'own sh~uld correspond with MesSl'S. A . H. of Howmauvtile, with a first class water The l\forqni·of Lorne h as been appoint- DICKSON & S ON, 305 King Street power : a~~~properttes will be offered in parcels as ed .to the po~ition of H onorar y Commis - West, Tor onto, Canada, and en cl<lfl~ sioner for Canada a.t. the coming Indian stamp for their treatise on C:1tarrh. 'l'ER!·!S::-10 ver cent at time of sale; 15 oer cent w1thrn one mouth th!!reafter; and balance and Cul on rn.l E x hibition a.nd < tlso to t h e to be secn1·ed by a mo rtgage or the )Jrenuses You can without a d oubt get the b est respectively paynble S:t end ot 5 yea.l's with P r esid.,iicy of the CanadiRn Commission. selection of good r eliable Gold and S ilver interest at six per cent yearly, or such other W atch es, and .Jewellry of every d eicrip~~rai:i:~ts ~e~e arranged with the purchaser tion at M aynard's t h e .Jewtlller's. B IND.ER T WINE. - F "rmers befor] For further apply to D, .BURKE J · T bl d giving your orders for B md er rwme, \ Mu;rd och B r os , are s ellmg a e an 'fO. ADVERTISERS, - Lowost Rates for ud- S IMPSON, Es q., .l:lowmauville; or to Moss· call at R S . Manntn g's Hardwar e Hangm g Lamps, m uch l ower than usual. . vertising in oo~ good ne wsp pMrs sea t free. 1" ALCONDRIDGE &: BAR WICK, 'l 'oro11to· [ C·lw. J..ddreBB G-1;;0.P.RowELL &: CQ.,l:!pruce St.,N.Y. F ebrua.ry 22nd, 1886· Store, Bowmanville, and get p rices. . T h ey have a gr e a.t assortment too. 0 Ol' !ess to tJtB p l 11ce1 of beuinniug-, excepLing 0 THE JE'WELLE·R ·· iH .· .a·s rece1 '"',·. v. ·ed.· . · a lot. of New Goods of lat e·s tpdesigns. ' ·A . Splendid assortment of GOLD and SILVER 1 ,WATCHES_1No . JEWELRY. Wedding Presents a specialty. COUCH, JOHNSTON aCRYDERMAN will, for the NE~T SIX WEEKS, _sell II --AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AND, 'J10 MAKE A CLEARANCE, 0 A lot of Dress Goods will be sold at and under cost. Remember, these are New Goods and will be sold as advertised. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door W est of Post Office. Abso.l utely Pure. STOJCK TAKING 1 Ecipsa H ausa 810 EVERYBODY THAT OWNS AHf~llSE ~ 1T ( If you want a WHI P that will outwear anything you ever call at W. H . MAY'S and buy a bought~ GENUINE BULL BONE, WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO WHALEBONE. B a rg.a liflS in Everything in the Harness lin e, including TRUNKS, y ALlB:ES, &c., away down low in price to suit the times. Public Notice. !HEALTH IS WEALTH. tc E"Y W· H. I V E SI I The undersigned having bought out t h e GRIST MrLL of J. St11>l ter, E sq., and p ut everyt hing i~ first -clas~ order, is pr epared to d o all kmds of Gnsting. I will g naran tee t o make the best A R NECTA FLOUit t hat is mad e in the coun ty, a.s the mill has been fitt ed u p especially for handling that kind of wheat. Dr. E. O. West's Nerv-e and Brain Treatment I have also put in a Saw MILL ln con- c a guaral)toed ~~pacific f °" H ysteria; Dizziness: . "t h t i b onvulsiona, Ena. Nervo11s :!>ieura lgla Head· neet ion _ w1 i e a o_ve, and a m prepare d ache, ·Nervous Prosfir~tmn', ,, aused by' thense t o take m any quan t ity of Sa w L oge. or o.ico~ol or tob11:cco;. Wakefolness, Mentr,, I have lowered t he p rice of Ch opping I p epress1011,dSoftepmg or ~h:e brain resulting' i>o'< . . j msan tty a n leadmg to·m1seTy decay and den.tLt t o s uit the times. ?rernature Old Age, Barrennees,Loss ct Power A. S. '.Cf)Of~EY m either sex, InvolnntsrvLr·ses, ancl Sper mat' '. j orrhoea co.used by ov·er' elte>.\ ron of the Brain, . selt·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box eonP eople s M1lls, Kingeton Road. J t.a!ns one month's treatment, $1.00·a box, or six 1>1 boxe~ for $5.QO, sent b:y< mall prepaid on rectof price. PROF. W, WILLSON, We Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any case. With · each order received by ns !or six boxes;.aoeompauled· with $5 wo will send the purcl:laser otrr wr itten guara:itee to r efund the m(lne1 i!'th'e treatment d:oes not etfect a cure. Guarantees lseued only by JN<>. Srot t & Jury., ,Iilruggieta,.BIHmlanvIDe, U> · ' , · ( EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND SINGH~ G: Terms : F or beginners $6; tor advanced pupils. $10 for quar~er ot twelve lesBOild, Reaidenoe at Mr. RICHARD FIELD'S Centre Street, Bowmanvlllo. 61-tf, ' T

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