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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1886, p. 8

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TOWN COUNCIL. THE C~A..N'"OE. l.'. ' 1 ; BONUSES FOR FEBRUARY: Moved by Mr. Galtrailb, seconded by Mr. Prower, that as there many conflicting opinions as to tbo advisability of romovi11g the wooden pillars in the Tov.n Hall supporting the cailing and roof, be. fore commencing any changes it is deemed advisa.ble to Ret the opinion of a competent architect to report upon advisabi!Hy of re, moving the pillars. Carried. Mr. Mason m oved lhe adoption of thtJ Report of ihe Commiit11e, subject lo t he favo1able report of a competent architect. Mt. Prower moved in amendment that ~STAR HOUSE, - - -- 0-- -Iha Council go agai-n int-o committee of ~ EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. the whole on said repert. Both motion and a-mendment were loRt . Blankets, worth tluee dollarn, for two dollarn CLARKE COUNCIL. ISAAC R. Do1tAN M. D. , of Logan Co., On motion of Mr. Brittain it was order. Bed Comforters, worth one do1lar, for sixty-fiv e cents. Ohio, says : "ALLEN'S LuNc BALSAM ed lhat lhe petition ,pr esenl ecl to -night be Council met Feb. 3; members all presnot only eells rapidly, but gives pt>d ect Grey Flannels, worth twenty cents, for 1 2~ c··t1t s. A pe- considered , sati~faction in ern1·y caee wit hin my ent; minutes read and confirmed. T willed Cotton Sheeting, worth fifteen ce11t R, f~ ·r ten cents. Maved by Mr. U-albrailh, seconded by BowMANVILLE, FmDAY,, FEB. 26. knowledge. H aving confidence in it, and tition from H. Hill and other<s for change Mr. B-riltain, that the petition of lhe rate· knowing that it possesses valu able med- of road beat in Orono was not entertainHome Made Flannel :;bceting, worth for ty ce11ti-:, for 22 contsp ical propert ies. I freely U8e il iu 111y ed . &'.fessr8. Long and Stark wore de- payers .pro~euted to,night be favorably te· DISTRICT NEWS. Qu:lts, worth one twenty-five, for ('i l!ht\ fivo conts. Wl1ite daily practice and witb. unbouude1 suc- puted to exami ne road between l<>ts :~and ceived and the pr~yer thoreof granted. 4, con, 2, and to dispose of the timber All Wool Dress Serge, worth forty centf!, f,,~. 28 cents. cess. As a n expectorant it is most cnr Lost on a division, the m over and seconder Colborne had a $10, 000 fire last week. tainly far ah of any prepamtion I h nve on sllme if deemed necesdary. T he Reeve Wool. Shawls, worth ninety cents, for sixt.v c·-JJ t:;. only -voting for it, all lbe other membere and 1st DE>puty were appointed to e-..:amine Electric light is being r a pidly util- e ver y et kno wn." · voting nay. Ladie1;' Kid Gloves, wor th eighty centR, .- ixr, cents. the TreasurAr's bonds and i·eport. Un i2ed by ou r small towns. He~e ia an example of tl1e en terp rise Mr. Mason moved tbat tho Council go Ladies' Cloth .Jackets, worth three dollar,, f" ·r $ l .50. A su11:ur refi nery is to be started in 'l'o · of people m t h e W est. A sh ort time motion of Mr. Thornton , seconded by into committee of Iha whole lo strike out ago the wideawake people of the new Mr. Hill, it was d ecided that all work to ronto. Tho capit al will be $300,000. Cloth Ulsters, worth two dollars, for $1 2;) be pe rformed on roads and bridges in the ~he 4th clause of lhe repo1·t. Lost. town of D unfoith, DAk., offered $300 and The Otldfollows of Lindsay are trying Mnr.1icipality must be le h by public tend · a town lot t o the firat baby bom . withio Silk Plush, worth two dollars, fo1· $1.35. K.ydd moved, secouded by Mr. Mor. Mr. to get Bob Burdette t o lecture tooth em. the limits. By thfl very !h·st conveyanca, er to the lowest bidder when approved , iris, that whereaa t1t a meeting of lbe raloA moveme nt is on foot to organize a after th fl " ffor had been mad e pu bli.c, t her e wlien the amount to be ex pended exceeds ·payers convened in the Town Hall on the eompany to r·m a stE,am hrnndry in Port arrived frotU a point 200 miles away a °the suni of ten dollars, Hope. On motion of Mr. Thornton, iJ.:61h insl., by order of the Mayor , it wag plucky woman, who fonnd a b oiudi1tg The purchase of a building snitable for house, gar o birth to a lusty boy, collect- seconded by Mr. Stark, it Wt18 also de- then res ~lved (quoling the rewlntion as be. a High School, is being talked of in ed t he m oney, r eceived a deed 0£ th e cided tha t no job shall be Jet i n this Mu- ; ·fore}, therefore be it resolved tbllt the re. Qsliawa, pro mised lot and started for home again, nicipality by any road and bridge Com- i ,p ort of the public property committee be rniaaionera that shall exceed in amount adopted; lh!l.t a competent nrchileet be apS teps are being taken to change the all wichin 48 hours. !17th Bat a!ion, Peterboro', into a city Ann Tayler, wife of Mr. Adatn Ilur- five d ollars. pointed to exam\ne lhe lmildiug and r epod batalion. O n motion Mr. Thornton, seconded by ·on the to the Council, 11ncl on the wash , Balt imore, quietly passed aw ay on 1'he r esidence of Mr. H. O'Neil, 10t h the 10th, inst., a t t he age of 72 year s (j M r. H all, Com's Long and Stark were ·Council ~dopting t he arcbitect't1 i·eport, the ~. R'JI>& con . , Maripo·a, was d estroyed by fire months. Il'l rs. B urwash was a nati ve of depuk d to examine bridges on E. M. work be proceeded Wi t h. Losl on th e folRond, coR. 2, aud if d eem ed necessary Argylshire, Scotiancl. · In 1832, \lith h el' last week. lowing division : Yeas- MeB srs. Wesley, For lh>er complaint, dys pe psia, and father, she C<two to Canada, and se ttled procure timber for same. Morris, Beilh, Mason and Kydd. Naysin Argen te uil, Que. H ere 6h e e ogage<l Mr. Workman was appointed Poun<lsic!· headache,nso West 'fl Liver Pilh. All in the res ponsible duties of teach ing in keeper for N o. 8 in place of Mr. C. Meesrs. Prower, Brittain, Galbraith, Nosdrugi!ists. the 1 mblic schools. In 1838 sh e manied, The Mo t1t real Paper Co's Mill at Lind, and in 1842 m oved t o B altimore, Out., Wragg, on petition of Mr. J. R. Reid worthy, Poite1· and Burden. REEP A JTULL STOCK OF Moved by Mr. !>rower, seconded by Dr, say, is expecttid to b ., in operation by the with h er husband, where she h as resided and others. The following accounts were passed and Beith, that the public property committee l s t of M·rch. eve1· since. Of six sons, five survil'e her: llr dered to be p aid : be, nod are h ereby instrncled iCJ employ an F or rhettmatism. n euralgia,cuts, wounds R ev, D r. B urwash is th e honored D ean of . $ 2 00 nrchitec' for the purpoH e of a8certaining -0r burns use, West's World 's Wond er. the F aculty of V ictoria Uu iversity ; Rt'v. A St al ker, !Jlank, W ill. Argall, ·cf1rlar, 4 O@ All druggist!'!. i· <Joh n I~ urwash is a P rofessor at t he his opinion as to the odviso.bUity of re. J as. Wad dell, wood for Mrs. SandThe dilference between the Q3hawa Meth odist College in s>'1lle, N . B; ers, 3 50 moving the pillars now Rtanding in the M alleable Irom Co. and their men howo I Stephen fa t eachin g in the High School Robt. Moon, 33 rods wire fence, 6 60 1'own Hull and reporl as soon as possible ALSO SELECT STOCK bP.en amica bly settled. at P r ?scott, and Adam and S11m nel, t ho L. Tourge st ove for Town Hall, 15 00 whether ihc said uillarn can be removed 'l 'he nurses e mployed to tak e charge of youngest, at h ome on the far m, Mrs. with safety to lhe building . C1trriel. The sum of $59 was g ranted to indiihe small-pox patients in the Pontypool Bmwash was a goo? wo 11a n, and she On motion, Council adjourned. ' hos pital h ave been discharcred . leaves a . no~le heritage <'.f good deeus gents. Council adjourned to Tuesday ,, . '.' and d1stmgm eh ed S{)ns behmd h er . She Mar. 2nd. I ' A'l' JDIASTEitS F OR 1886. , .I he decrea~e m commitments. to th e was a m e mber. of t he M ethodist chur ch JMls of Ontar1~ tor Dr?nk ~ness in 1885 for 50 years. The foll o wing pers ons were appoi n.t ed · as compar ed with .1884 is 9J4. P r·thmastera for the curren t y ear viz : Pain cannot exiat when West's "Vorld's AGENT~ FO It N o. of Beat N o. of Beat GUIDE T O SHOPPER S . Wonder is applied . Cheapest and best. 1 "V rn. Box 52 Hugh Scott 25 11nd 50c. All d ra ggfats. t 2 Art.hur Parsons 53 Wm. Bawd:s Tait's photos are very popular . 3 Andrew Lockhart 53~ Joseph Henry The Toronto B oard of frade nre urgr..i Jl, Morgan 3} A Cotton School books , all kinds , a t Ch eapside. 4 A Mitchell ing the railroad!! to arrange for \Veekly 55 Geo. Wannon 1! W m . Robinson 55!- Simon .Powers business excursions to t hat city. Mrs. K eys is selling B erlin W ools at 5 .Johu Barrie 56 D McCullough -1 (i Fra ncia Sainsbry The Whitby and E ast Whitby Union 15c an o unce . aG t Zol. mark l' 7 Edward Ovens 56l- .las. Hallett Agr icul tural Society'sSpring F air will be , ·. Call a t TaiL & Morrison 's t o see Mr~ . 8 Wm . Rich,jr. 57 A r c h, Stalker lw ld at Brooklin on the 14th of March. Clark e's Cookery B ook. 9 Olive1· 'l'homo.s .57} R Stutt 10 C M: llose CiO .Jno. Elliott The st and ard remedy for liver comL adies ,you can buy Berlin 'IV oofo at 11 8 lla.skerville 61 Wm. Jackson plaint is West's L iver P ills ; they n eve1 · M rs. K eyes' for 15c a n ounce. 12 Enoch Holmes 62 S Alexander 13 Wm , Argall 63 John Pipe.t· disappoint y ou, 30 pills 25c. All dru gA splen <lid lot of n ew an d ch oice gr o- 14 & l ii S Flig~ 61 Peter Galbraith g ists. 65 .A.lex. Marr. j r, ceries for the H oliday trade h as arrived lG James Eilbeck 11 Job Cobbledick ti6 .Jos. Chapman Mr. J. J. Forthergill, of Whitby ha3 a J . L yle's. 18 .John Ottan fJl Hieb. Rolls Filled with absolute purity and con ec tness. purch~·sed property known as the .Wrig ht I Th e ch eapest all wool flannels a nd all ~9 Ri~I>. ,Smith . 68 "Vm . Stuart 0 R& 23 f'9 Wm. Armstrong farm, cheese from Mr. J osua "Vright, of wool shirts and <lrawei·s are t o be b ad at btGB eo, ~mith 2 1 70 Geo. Bawks <!'.!1 000 ' ' o . ur.ey P ort P erry f or "" l, . the S tar House. 22 Chas. R agg 71 E Robinson . . 21 John Reid 7l! 'l' Pa.tte1·sou To Ladies . The grAnt beautifier for Great r eductio n m the price of fresh 25 Alex Patterson Is a powerful re·nerly for t hin hair. grey hair 72 J ohn 'l 'ebble the co:n plexion : One of \Vest'a sug ar M eats a t J . L yle's. Best cuts of all kinds [ 26 Wm, Roid and dandr uff, where tho roots of the hair is not . 711 And. Moffatt destroyed i t w ill produce a heavy entirely coated Liv..-r P ills taken ni ghtly. 30 Qilla for 10 cont· p er riound 71 Wm. Thornton 127 & 28 0 q obbled1ck thick growth ol' lrnir, it will likewise restore ~ · · 29 Jolln Reid 75 S M Billing-a 2 5c. All d ruggi.its. t t ile grey and faded hair br1ck to its former 7R Amasa Fuller All wool t weeds worth 75c for 50c p or ~O Robt. R!l:tcliffe color, and where dandruff exists will remove 77 I rn Skeldon I ; is pL'Dposed to er ect o. drinking foun- yarc · l. M '1!I · -~l Gibson . an tl e c1o th wort ll $2. 50 f.or ~7 32 'James .!. ' hos. Gibson it wiLhnu t fail. 'l'estimouiala by the hundreds 78 'l'hoa Linton tain in J>eterboro to p erpet uate th e mf-m- 75 at 1'. Geo. Ma~on's Star House. 33 Jae. Wilson 79 J J. Gibson ~A_'t{{(:~!!g t ho good results of the "H.Allt ory of the late Captain Brown, killed in M Well'~on Bowen 80 & 81 Ed. Holla Manufac tured only by A. DORENWENU, A well assorted st ock of the choicest H.5 'rhos. Smith 82 Jas. McKinley the N orthwest rebellion. sole owner for U. S . a.nd Ca:,1ada, 103 anct 105 &'! John Hoskins f ·1 · d · · f I1 d :l6 John Williams West's Cough Syrup stops tickling in mm Y grocen es an provistons, r es an · a tit Robt. Forguson Yonge Sc., '!'oronto, Cnnlida. 8l. '.!'hos. Kennedy l<' or sale b y all principal drug stores. cured m eats, a lways on lmnd a t L yle's. 37 Wm. Potts 85 .John E Boyd the throat, stops t Iiat Iiac k ing cough and 38 '.l'hofi. Davidson J. H IGGINBOTHAM & S 0 N, Druggists , 86 Geo. Patterson .Agents for Bewmanv!lle. t. give~ per fect r elief ; it is certainly worth J ohn Lyle has r educed t h e price of all : ,'!l w Wood. j r. 87 Wm. Northcott, jr. ' You can do so by calling at the · · . 88 Wm. Gilbank a trial. All dru 0 cr 0 oi~ts. ,,·. kinds of M eats t o 10 cents per pound for 3!ll .John Buckley 10 John Cameron 89 '.l'hos. Bradley, j r · s s oo .. oo A sad bereavement t ook place in the the best cuts an d :111 ot her cuts in propor , 11 Henry Bowen !JO John Rainey !!2 Nelson Skeldon l10use of Mr. Wm. Mo wder of Markham. tion. 42 Rieb. Smith 43 Jo~ eph Ashley 9!l Geo. White Mrs. Mo wder was t aken down a nd after a If you want to see t h e fin est China Hall 44 John Sharp 91 Wm. Jlro.tlley, j r. short illness died, and even while the east of 'f oronto, call at Murdoch Bros' . 45 S Hollowell 95 Wm. McL-"an 06 Robt. Vannatto . ce l·t· was opened h und re ds have vis tted · 11; J G umes J...eit.h f une ra l was going on, h er hu sb and who S m ~6t Somerville 97 Samuel H alliday where there will be found a complete assortmen t. of every kin d of \vill pay tlle above Reward ~or a ny 1adbeen for som e years in d e licate h ealth, it. · 17 ]'hos. Vickers 1 98 Wm. B1·owu 99 .A. A Gtunsby . II caso of Dyspcpala, X.iver C ompl a int, also died . , 0 t ha t yourw, lady said she wan tuu h er 48 R, McLeo<l footwear from the smallest to t he largeHt. , 4!J Jr Squair 100 J acob Cobbledick Sick H e adache, Indi gestion or Costivenesa A half or a whole bot tle uf MuimAY & Ch ris tm as present bough t from llfaynard ;,o Jason .Terome 102 'l'hos, 11enderson we cannot Cure 'l'.lith WEST' G ·LIVER If we cannot fit you with a 1 103 P Higlow LANMAN's FLORIDA WA·r.1m mixed wit h the J eweller . He k ee ps s uch lovely ulJohn McMillan ·eady. made pair, we can make yo~ 1y 10.1 Alfred Wright Ji'ILLS, when t ile Directions aro strictly ood~. 58 .Jos l~ox the water of the bath is . o f g r eat u se to g 59 Wash. Soper kind that may be needed, in the lat est style.I complied ~th. X.=go :80J1;es, c ontaining in valids an d all d elicate persons as it FAR.11ERS,- Mc0lellan & Co. ha ve now E aster n boun dary line between Clar k e 80 Pilla, 25 Cents; 5 Box es $1.00. Sold .revives and braces up the failin g streng th, on ha nd a large quantit y o.f . Salb an.d tind Hope. by all l>rugiµs ts. and sooth es the most irritable n ervou s P laster and for sale m q uantities to smt Beat No. 1 R ich. Gooden ough ; 2 Henry s ystem. purchasers. ( Oordon; 3 J olrn H a!lnah . In Lindsay last week A lex . M ann , a . Dont buy china, crocke; y or glasswar e Wes tern b oundary lin e b etween Clark~ ' _,, Whe n I. SAY cu ro l Uo not. mea n wcirol ~· t o btop tbom f or young lad of 15 years fell between t he till yo u see ~1urdoch B r os n e_ w st ock . I t and D arlington. a t illlO and thou h t\VO the m rotu rU. UiJ'lLiU , ( WO.An 0. rndlneatly done so that the patch can scarcely bf!-c1iscovered. Clll en ro. l hnvo m A <lo tho cliscuso of Fl1'3, ~PII..EFSY d riving wheels of an e ngine. T he wheels bo'1.ts anyth mg 1;ver sh own m B o wmrm- B N S R' k d W C ... SI CK N E::SS 1\. llfe-lon; 11 tu <~Y· I warrant my ea t o. 1 .ainne 1 te ar ; 2 . · · or Jl'.J..LI.UU.t p assed over h is wais t cuttin g hi m cum- ville. Trut h, f~Uc~\1f~ ~0o ~~1~:o~hfur'~;~rt1J~g~e~~Ca1~r1~~u:~~~~·~~~d~~ · two, two smaII pwces · p I et a ly m of skin Take your b uggies and carriages to Blackburn ; 3 J . S!l.ndoreock ; 4 J , L aw. oncn ror a. t rea tise Und n F r eo Bot tlG ot m y tnralltl>IQ r omedy. Glvo Expre8S n.ud Poot o.tnci;,. 11. costs you. m erely hold iug h ie b od y togeth er. Yet M orris' Carriage W orks to be painL ed Ly Jlothlng for a t r ial, nn d I wUl curo you. also the Add res.5 D.r. ll. U. ItOO'l'. 18:J Pc o.rl St. , Now Yorll.. t h e young man lived and was able t o Mr. Hou~ton Stot t. You can h ave a j ob Opened out thia week at Couch , John sp~ak for t wo l10urs, wh etl death termin - at any price desired. ston & c .r yder rn'.ln's. a l ot of beau~iful a ted his sufferings. . . coloured S urah S ilks m the most fasluon · F h Id d 11 1 Before g1vm g orders for B INDERX able slrndes. These goods m ak e an el eNo trouble~to show goods, Please give u.s a call. l o rd?oug ~~, ucs~ ~V a~" ~ \,~oSat an d TWINE, far mers will fii; cl it t o t h eir gant and ~urable dres~ and they are the Al~gl lBe'.l~6 ' es 3 out:> yrup . x ad van tage tu call at ii. s. MANNI:Nc 'sX correct tluno- for e \·enma wear a nd wed 0 Har d ware S t ore and get prices. ' ding dresses~ . c ruggtiJ s. "f With every cash parcel over $5, Bonus, 50c. worth of goods, any kind. VVith every cash parcel over $10, Bonus, $1 worth of dry goods, any kind. With every cash parcel over $20, Bonus, V\Tatch in good running order. VVith every cash parcel over $30, Bonus, Solid Silver VVatch in good running order. The largest cash parcel for February (must be O'ver $50); Bonus, Ladies' Gold \iVatch worth $30,, guaranteed for five years. The person who gets this bonus inust forfeit other bonus. CouNcm Cuunnm, Bowll'..ll!VILLE,}. Feb. 191h, 1886. Oouneil met porsuaol to adjonrnmonl. Members all preeenl, Mayor presiding. A peliilon was presented from W. Pelh· iok and fihy-flve olhers against lhe pro· po1ed olltlralions aud improvemenls in lhe Town H·ll and Counoil Chamber, I,aid on the lable. 4 pelhion v.·aa also preeen~d from John Lyle and twent:v·thrtttf other business firms or the town, prayiag for proteetion from transient tradt1rs. Reported to a apeci!ll oommi&tee composed of the Mayor and Messrs. Galbraitl.i and Maeon. The r"solntion paseed at the pnbli6 meeting ca!Jeil by the Afoyor to consider the report of tho committee recummend. ing improvemenca in the Town Hall and Oouncil Room was read as follows : "Moved by W. R. Climie, seconded by "C. Eounsall, tllnt this meeting hereby ex· " pre~ses approval of the proposed changes " and improvements in the Town Hall ae "contemplated by &he Public P1·operty " Commitlee ol the Town Council, and " would req_ uost thnt the changes and r e. "pairs be proceeded with nt !18 reasonable " au outlay as possible. Laid on the ta·· ble a' 1 GENUINE ----o,---l r BARBA/NS!' jOver Fifteen Thousand Dollars ID Fall and "W"inter DRYG-OODS ----o--';J m·e Millinery & Mantles. The handsomely chased Silver Tea-pot offered for the largest cash purchase for January was captured by Mrs. R. Shaw, Church Street. We are receiving large quantities of New Goods, and while we undoubtedly have the largest assortment, we guarantee our prices are the lowest. Don't buy before you see us. AT LESS THAN COST.. T. GE 0. MASON. f,;, PIERCE~ CtO. IJ , ' J'. HICGINBOT .d.V &8-01, Chemists and Drugg i sts, r F U R E DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines a dvertised .. .. Hair Brushes and Combs Perfumery and Sponges . Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &c,. .' ; THO RLEV'S .IMPROVED HORSE AN 0 CATTLE FOOD~ '\!;, ·' ~ ' :u ~ ·r ~ PRESCRIPTIONS and R F:CEIPTS ~ Pure Ground Oil C c1k e . -~ ~ 0 .. .. B o ots anti Keep your feet dry and warm, QEWA · RD ! NE Parlor Shoe t ore,' Good fits warranted every time or no sale. I CURE FITS! OE:M:EN"" TI:N G Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; Ix Best quality of Dressing and Blacking , S TAND:- Neads' Block. W". JENNINGS.

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