~attadittn Jtatcsuniu. AN EGYPTIAN ROMANO tions in the Career of Arabi Pasha; FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1886. CATARRH. C,1'l'ARRH.- A new treatment has been di!J· covered whereby a permanent cure of tlus hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· ed in from one t.o three applications, no ma~t~r whether standing one year or forty year~. 'I his remedy is only applied once in. twelve dare. and does not interfere with business. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on i·eceipt of stamp by .A. H. Dixon & Son, ao5 K ing street, West, Toronto, Canada. WHAT IS CA'l'ARRH1 Catarrh is a dangerous dieMs~ which tho_use.nds~are consciously or nnconB<)lOUSly snffermg from. It is a muco-purulent d1scbar~e <'.&used by the presence of a vegetable parasite m t he lining membrane of the nose. The predisposing causes are a morhid state of the bloou., the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syrhilis, mercury, toxomoo, f~om the ret<lntion of the effete matter of the skm, ~uppressed perspirations, badly ventilated sleepmg_ apar.t· menta and the germination of othei; J!Oisons in ihe blood. In·ltated by these, the hmng membrane of the nose is ever ready tor the recept ion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads_up the nostrils and down the fauoes, or back of the throat, causinl{ ulceratio.n of the thro~t; ul' t he eustachian tubes, causmg_ deafness. bu". rowing in the vocal cords, oausmg hoarsene~s! usurping the proper structure of the b~·onch1a tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. Many ingenious speHJcs for fort.h e cure of catarrh have been invented, but w1.thou~ success until a physician of long standmg discovered the exact nature of th discaee and the only appliance which will permanently destroy the parasite no matter bow aggravated t he case. Sufferers should send stamp at once for descrip1ive pamphlet on catarrh, to th~ business mana11ers. A. Il, Dixon & Son, 30a K ing strnet, west, Toronto, Canltd·. What the Bev. E . B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clergyman of the London Co1ife1·tmee of the Methodist C!im·clt of Canada, has to sav in regard 'T o A .H. Dixon&: Ron's New Ti·eatinent for Catarrh. 'I Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ,Messi·s. A. Ji. Dixon &: Son; . DEAR Srns.- Yours of the 13th rnst. to hand. , I t seemed almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I kn<?W tb.at I aw. I have had no return of the dISeas~. and never felt better in my life. I have tried so many t hings for Catarrh, suffered so much . and for 60 many years, that it, is hard to realize that I am really better. . I consider that mine was a ye1:y bad.case; it was aggravated and chrome, mvclvmg the t hroat as well as the nasal passages. and I t hought it would require the three ;t1eatrnents, but I feel fully cur(ld by the t w.o sent me. and I am thankful tha t I was ever induced to send to~~~·are at liber ty to use this letter stating t hat t have beon cured at two treatments. a nd I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some of my friends who are sufferers. Yours, with many thanks, UEV. E, B. STEVENSON, .A.nd hundreds of others payweut (by your a l{ent, Mr. I hos. Bingha m, for my loss by fire, caused by a spark from a .steam thresher , having got payment tor contents at market price ; n o ~ or ! ~aymen t like I see on the Dominion Grange P olicy to tenants. Yours gratelu\ly, 'fHOS. HARRIS, 38 Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. AR D OF T HANKS.- To t he Manager of the Fire I nsurance Association : C SJn, I hereby r eturn thanks for the . prompt SIR, OF THANK S.- To the M anager of · the Fire Insurance AFBOCiat ion: CARD I hereby return thanks f?r the. prompt payment (by your agent, M1·. Thos. Bmgbawl for my loss by fire caused by a spark from a steam thresber,having received the full amount of my insllrance IN 0 01. D on the occas10n of my golden wedding. Yours tbankfully, THOMAS JARDJNE. 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 ~ ---------··--------- THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General B anking Business sBo wmanvillo Bra nch. DEIP'OSl'.!'S Received in Savings Bank Department and call and interest allowed at current rates. N . n otice of withdrawal necessary. All deposltf payable ori tiemand, E XCJDA.NGE B oughtand sold and Drafts issued upo~ Europe_ Unit ed States and Canada, also Gold,Sllver ano United Sta~es Greenbacks bouizht and sold, ; CJOl~LIECJTIONS Promptly made at current rates upon all pa.rt of Great Brittain, the United States a nd Do minion of Canada. Telegraph 'l' rans,.eri Made tor large or small sums on all parts of Canada. 'l'his is especially advantageous to pernons living in Manitoba or the North-west as it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further particulars call at the Banklnll House. GEO. McGILL, T.BRODIE; ManageT Accountant. ·V _..,LOOK OUT FOR~ · BARGAINS! IN MILLINERY. - -o- - · F or the Nt;XT 30 D&YS I will sell for LE SS · ·nu.N COST the remainder of my stock of Stylish and most Durable Millinery DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, &c., with a vel"Y heavy stock of F e athers & Flowe rs., - -o- Thank!ng my customers for past favors, I .respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my pr esent stock, which I am sure will givo the utmost satisfaction. -~S S McTAVISH Has r eceived her new stock of GOODS., ~ and Mrs. DONNELLY. -------·-- invites the Ladies of Bowlmanville . a nd vicinity to call and see h er Pattern BONNETS, HATS and assortment ot TRIMMINGS Ba,~ber STORE:- Second Boor West of W illiams St:LJJ T h e Ptincess Chrisblan is su:fferi:tgfrom men tal and nervoua depre11Bion, whloh Is a~gravate d by t h e ex iremo d u\nesa of C umberland Lodge. T he young man who imprinted a respeotful kiss on the fair forehead of his best girl t old his friend ne:xt day that he had been having a bl ng11p t ime, J ohn Simmons of Forsyth, Ga.., in a sudden fit of insanitv, thinking he was pursued by enemies, jumped into the Ocmulgee River, a ud remained there, with the water up to his neck, until discovered by a duok bunter, twenty-four hours later. H e seems to euffor little inconvenience from hill bath, remained hor our ioeU ,- got the batter of, He reccgn!z 'd me at the window as he A C.ARD.-To all who are suffering from And in order to see more clearly whi1t was p11oesed under in his carriage, and so did two approaching sho stood boldly : ani withou t others, the beaut!fnl but terrible woman the e rr ors and indiscret ion s of y ou th, any P.ttempt at concealment before t he win· whose life you saved Pond who , gave you nervous weakness, early decay, lose of dow, as ehe beheld many other E11ropean that opal ring, and the hideou11 blaok man ma nhood, &c., I will send a recipe that women doing on the opposite aide of the who seems to be always with her. will cure y ou F REE O]' CHARGE. Thia, ,:. street, all of them a pp llrently as ourioue as " Well, my dear, It don't much matter, great r emedy w as d iscovered by a mission· ehs was. . for In a quar ter of an hour we shall be ary in South A mer ica. S e nd a. selfTheir c11rioslt y was soon destined to be· aboard a !!'tench ship, and a French ship is addreesed en ve lope t o t he ' REv. JosEPR Bfl the Author of " N INA, THB N IHILIST," " THB RBD SPOT," " THB RussIA.N Sr¥," satisfied, for · now t he head of a.n approach- to 11,\l intents and purposes French terri · T. I NMAN, Statfon D , N ew Y ork City. 46y ing proceaslon appeared In view, in the tory." ·ETC., ETO, shape of a troop of Egyptian ce.va.lry, clad Nellie ea.Id not another word, but rush· CHAPrER XXXV, "I would not think of allowing Mr. Co- In o. k ind of !!'.tench z~uave uniform, with ed into the adjoiui.ng bedroom, and hnrrled· FRANK, DISGUISED AS AN EGY r l'IAN, DE· hen to leave his sick wife, and as for lat: scarlet and whit s turb ~ns with long lances. Iv put on the natty little hat and jacket 1though a fine fellow to help one out of ·· These reo.lly dashing looking troopers th~t she ha.d pnrchased from Marie. .<.ABTS ON A PERILOUS MISSION, sorape, I should feel far less sure of getLing were folio wed by a portion of the oelebrat· Then she mufllad up her pretty face fn lt did not t ake long to bring tM beauti- into one whUst by myself. I a.ssurit you, ed drom"dary corps, s trange Jocking co.vi\!ry the hideous green veil and re-entered the ful girl bride ba.ok to oon.olousne~~. and my darling, th1At everytblng is q uiet 011t- indeed, dressed in Orient..! garb, grasping elttlng·room j11st as P"t Monaghan was long pennonless sp3a rs, and siiting between moving out of it with her box on his shoulwhen she recovered from her swoon eh11 side now," , " I'll tell you what would make .fou the ~wo humpa of thair ungainly, long-leg- der. found herself lying on a. couoh In the pretty sitting-room and her husband bend- doubly sa.fe, monsieur," aaid tile landl ord of ged steeds, that were grinning like devils A couple or t hree minutes bter they Ing fondly over her, Hotel d 'Orient . "A slight wash of tlnc- and ut tering uncout h cries as they c ~me wure driving away from the hotel door, She firet of a.II listened nervously and ture of iodine over your face and ba.111ls, along, for drome:ialies "nd. C'Lme s a.re ~ li ke Frank e.nd N ellie inside and Pilot Mon11oghan t imidly for sounds of riot and tumult from and a red h rbouch on your head. '.l'lla.t bepra.ised aq they both e.re by poets and on the box beside tho driver. without, but the fickle orowd had already dark blue fla.nmil j·cket a.nd tr01uero "l"tl noveliah who know next to nothing 11obout " And so we are really on our way t o a dlsper.ed in quest of other excitement and wonderhlly like an Egyptian offioer's Ull · them, a.re the most Cij_Uarr6home, stubborn, steamboat bound for Europe, Frank T" , sensa.tlons, Instead of beseiglng the hotel in drese uniform, and the ta.rbouch would oa.ntllukerous and vindiutive brutes in exiat · Nellie spoke t he words as though she order to get at her. render it undetectable, whilet the iodine enoe, who have been known to kill a. ohlld desired to be convinced aga.ln of their "Is Pa.t safe also ?" was her next in- would stain your ekln to the uaot tint. for tickling It with a st raw, and many an· t ruth. q ulry, and when her husband had answered I've some rem<1olning tha.t I h·d to pa.Int other vengeful act, T b.ls strange cond.not vf hers ca.used her The mounted band passed directly under husband to laugh as he n j Jined :1 the questloP in the affirmative she next re- a swelling with and l 'll la.y lt on with a. marked : camel's hair brn:>h and make a first-rate her window, now blaring forth the well "Yes, Nell, we re11lly a,e, and w hat is known "Tur kish patrol," and It waa follow- more she aaila within an hour a.nd 110 we "You eee, Frank, my presentiments job of It." were for from Idle ones, for we are not yet Th<t laudlord's offar h11.ving been accept· ed by a eumpt11ous open carriage drawn by sba.11 sit down t o dinner In all probability out of Egypt and terrible perils still eur- ed, Frank D onelly'e fac e, t h roat and handa six gray hor,es, In which eat or rather re· out of sight of land." round as on all sides." were quiokly rendered aY dark as a real olinad, the Kbedlve, bowing to right and "Oh, that will be glorious," exolaimecl u Nonsense, dear. There have been Egyptlan'e, and as the Datural color of hie left a! he paseed along, but receiving no re·. the new m11.de bride, ·· A11d Arabi Pasha riots and upr1slngs of the mob even fn dull, ~yes and hair very well corresponded, ply from hie diseoncented and rebellious could not tear me out of the French ship, prosa.fo London, and in P.i.ris, well-dressed nothing but a red ta.rbouoh was wanted to subjects, unless sullen looks and eoowls even undn the plea that it was to restor e people have often b'5en in worse da.!lger In complete hf& disguise, and this Monaier could be accaptsd as such, so t hat It was me to my parents, could he ? Thllt ia what Pianos 'l'uuetl anti R epaired.) the streets then they are in those of Boncro ar was also able to supply him w·lth no wonder Nellie thought that he looked so oaua0a me most apprehension ," " Your marriage certifioate proves tha.t Alexandr!;, to-d11.y. Hsre comes the land"Now, N ellie, don't you think that I am sad and dejected. ARTIES WISH ING rnErnPIANOS So fo.ll were her thoughts of him (though you 110 longer belong to you r puents, but lord to ask how you de. I will inquire of quite e'a.fo ?"exclaimed her husband. Tuned or repaired can haTe them attended admiration for the fickle, extravagant and only 'o your husband, eo of c.ourse he could 0 by leaving word a t the DOMINION ORGAN him what he t hlnke of our aha.noes of get"Yes," r eplied h·s wife, " I think you Co's 0 Fl'JCE, Bowmanville. A ftrst-clas man ting a.way imm E dlately." look mnoh more Egvpti...n than Eoglieh. weak·minded prinoe she had none) that ghe not tear you from me, my darling." " Now I am satisfied. Now I do not -iow being in their mplc r. It was almost tht> first question that he I'll try not to he frightened whilst you a.re took no notloe of, and, Indeed, hardly saw the entire reglm<>nt of white uniformed, believe tha.t I am one bit 'lfrald, Frank, " ut to the bnr!v host after ne had told him away . Nevarthaless, do not be gone long. " P ' " You rnay depend on that, my love. red tarbouch"'d Egy'{ltian infan try that Poor girl, she might not h ....ve expressed how much better hie wife wa.a ; but Mon V\' ell, farewell for tne t ime, gentlemen, and closely followed the Khed!ve's c11.rrlilge, and herself so oonfidently had she but known sleur B >ncm 11r shook his head aud made tha.nk y ou v ~ry much." her a ttantlnn w11>a only age.in attra.otoo to t ha.t the bl !s Ul eun 11ch aga, of tho Khedlvanswer that he feared getting c.nt of Ale:xHe sold thh bace,uee he wished to p1y the street by shrll1 and vociferous cheering. al s ragllo was within both. eye and ear Insure in t he Confederat ion Life Assoaudria for the present was quite out of the his adieux t o his brfde in private, and both Nellie wa.e now in a kind of maze, or men- ehot, and waiting but a favorable oppor.t un- ciation. It is cheaper t h an t he Canadian question, because even three days ago the the F1enchman and t he Jew took the hint n her off Mutual Aid, A. 0. U . W . or any pass ahl lethargy, in which her bra.in slept though ity to pounce do wn upon and be1 different European cous11le had joined in and dc~artcd.. e.s au eagle sooops down upon a. dove. round y our hat institutio n, as the followher eyes wtire open. strangly r ecommending all their fellow "Nellie," said Fr...uk, then, "you mUBt He was furthermore resolved to make ing examples will p rove : Thos. McClung Had it not been so she would assuredly countrymen who could leave the pla.ca to ring for Marie, and aee if you cannot somehl\ve guessed who was approaching and ro- that op p9rtunity if he did not find it ready ha.a been in sured sin ce 1872 for$ 2,000and do eo without a moment's un'!ecessary loss how purchaue o!oth!og 11uffi ·lent for the voy· tlred from the window to have escapE>d th9 made. the last five years it only cost h im $2.55 of time, 11oud the m · jority had acted upon age and have it already packed agaiaot my Ooncealed behind one of the Ionic pllfors per a.nnum on each $ 1, 000 to insure. J ohn een by him. ch,.ncs of having hem E t hat advics so promptlv that there had f 1 8h 1 that assisted to form a portico of t he hotel been a regular stampede, delicate b.diee return, or al ~muggle yon aboard this Bat her thoughts, still running on the F rench steam 'r as soon aa ever she lies Khedlve who was nothing to her, ahe for - door, he heard the r oute to the harbor McClung i nsur ed at t he same time for the and ohildren being only too glad to be alongside the quay. Procure a. yashmaok, give n t () tha driver of the ea.leche by J;he same amou n t and i t o nly cost him $1. '74 taken as deck pHsengers even in euch dirty also, if you can, so as t o look as much like got Poll about the war minister, who was landlord, Monai~ur Boncce11r, as the one per ann um on each $1, 000 to i ns ure, he everythl11g or at all evmts destined to be crah 1u ste~m colliers rp,ther th11>U: be left a native woman as possible. I dare say one every thing to her, and his eidatence was whereon his g11eats would bq loaet ll'> ely t o being e. little younger . behind," or other of the hotel servants has one as a first recalled to her mind by the eight of meet with unpleas11.nt lnterruJ>tion, and no We cert ify t he above to b e corr ect. Thos. Tllis W'\S very dfocouraglng, but Nellie curiosity, 11>nd would pa.r t with it for an ado his hoe looking dlrect;iy upward, with his sooner h"d he been t hus mad·e aware t hat McClung, John M cClung . 11 spoke up bravely e.nd aid: quate oonstderatlon, but if one isn't to he fierce, ee.ger evoa fix:ed upon her with 11o the carriage would be driven through the T HOS. BING HAM, Agent · " B 11t we ahio are quite reu.dy to go as got procure as thick' a veil as poseible and glance of minglecl surpr ise, reoognltlon and Gre.nd Square, or Place M eh emet All, as it h ready for a flitting t he instant that you triumph, or so, at lea.st, the poor girl read it, is more generally oalled, than he resolved deck pas!engers on board colliers." "Aye, mada m," rcj ained the host , with see me return, wblJh I have no deubt wlll This and the tampest of sound stunned that it should get no further. a. shrug of his shoulilers, " but tho colliers be under an hour, so now gond bye, dM>rliog, h er, as It were (Tll Dll O O NTU.UED.) 11.r e noli ready for you. They steam a wa.y fore. very little while. !G will be our la.st She c"ught hold of the curtain a.nd grasp· a.s fast as they load, and thous ~nde of parting." H AS REMOVED :RER WINTER WRINKL]S. h'lghtened p eople are ae tua.lly living in the Their last par ting J P oor fool I Little did ed them firmly to sa.ve herself from falling, warehouses and stores along the quay 6idee he gue88 th11.t another was close at hand an d thus she stood, rivet ed to the spot, and Al ways righ\ : Both lawyers, In order to be able to step aboa.rd t he first ' which would prove the most terrible experi· a s unP.b!e to move therefro m ae though her dellcate a.Doles had been grlppad bet ween the 1he shoes for milkmen-Pumps. vessel that wharfs alongside' them. These 6nce tha.t eit her of them had e ver known. But we mu st not antlcipa.te aud misfor · t eeth of shel traps. fellow oountrywomen of yours, ln their love A playia' mon-A homely phyaicla~ t o b uildings formerly occupied by She knew that she was recognlz3d, She e.nd a nxiety for their onlldren, would be t unes a lways come .soon enough. " A cold Siiap"-T l!.e plumbing business. felt t hat her cha.noes of eec ~pa from Egypt r eady to fly upon you and tea.r you to CODD & CO., wer e forever at a.11 end, She was oonscloue A poultry e:xhibitlvn- A woman stoning p!eoes were you, as a new arrival, to t ry to of a feeling whioh was rapidly creeping over a hen, CHAPrER XX.XVI. t ake preoedeuoe of themselves and little The telephone girl thinks that this Is a ones after they had waited 80 pat iently i n ? REPARATIONS FOB FLIGHT- !1.'HREE DANGER· her tha.tsheno longer oared whether she lived or died ; and yet whlht troubled thus in hollow wor ld. order to have the first cha.n ee," ous RECO GNITIONS. mind, she was aware of a la.tent admiration, " W ell, Monsieur B:iucm1r," said Frank, The boy with the dirty face seems to After her husband had departed the time deep down lo her heart, fol" him who was "want the earth. " chee :fully, "then I think th:i.t we will re pa.seed very slowly to Nellie, that is to say, the chosen of t he people, a.nd as she thought She has now in stock everything main witb. you." A fbt failure- Trying to k eep house in " Mondenr has. I am sure, decided when once she had mlMie, asalsteg by Ma.rle the predestined liberator of . Egypt, even one with comfort, while she condemned the w orldly guil e that usually found in a well equipped wisely, nor let the little mlldam be afraid, the F rench ohambermaid, all necessary pre. om?J.n is not muoh of a philosopht>r, but for the threatening aspect of t he popuh,tlon paratlons for fi!ght, and had bought half ha.d prompt ed him to Interpose a far·stretoh· HARNESS SH OP. she is p?Overbially o. clothes observer . ing regiment bet ween hlmaolf and-hi1tt1omln· has already been reported i u Cairo, and a her w11ordrobe and box as well, for now thP.t When t he ,.,µi.ercury falls t o zero the telegram has been r eceived in raply from the girl saw the u rgency of t he case she of· al soveraign and m ast.er, so that by no post he Khedlve lay claim to plumber's bill r ises to blood hea.t. the war minister to the effeot t hat ae order fered to go out a.nd do whatever shopping sible chance could . h11s been perfectly r est1>red there he will we.a neoassary, N ellie would not allow h er t e any of the applause that he k new would b e " T ·1 iti r equires head work , " as the ba.rMRS. HUMPHREY laviahed on himself, at onoa start for Alexandria and do tbe run th&risk of leaving the hotel, ber s ..id when preparing for a shfl.mpoo, Slie still i;tood at tho window, earn estly SJ, after the litt le box oontainlog j 11st same here. Si> the chances are that be· The lining of a C liioago man's coffi.u was fore noou, even, we shall be quite quiet euffiole t1t neceesal"ies for the voyage were praying to herself that Frank might soon ma.de t o m atch the color of his whiskers. plloked, padded and lab eled, the hour·old return Pond at once take her "way- 11:.nye.galn." In three or four m onths you will wish Monsieur Bouccenr," delivered all this as bride ha.d nothing left to do but to gaze out where, so long t hat it was out of Alexandria, you had bottled up some of this weather, a eort of soothing balsam, but Its eff.ict on of the window of the prettily fnrnisned aye, even to t;he desert ag~in, ft never struok her J that there could be S ol &mon wa.11 the fir11t king t hat isaued an t he sha.ttereO. ner ves of Nelly DJnelly was sitting room and wateb, wh11>t was going on in the streets, for th0cngh she had entre&ted others from whom she had more to fear than order for the heir to be parl;ed in.the mi.ithi>t of a etroog irritant. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. dle, Sb.e flushed orlmson and then t11rned Marie to ste.y with her for company, the live- from Ar11obi Pa.aha. himself. B ilt It was destined to occur to her before ly little French maid oould not ueglect her de~thly pale as she gasped out : 'l'he ladles adorn their bonnets with sky- It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. "Arabi Pasha coming b Alexandria ? W<!rk any longer, and was compelled to go. very long, nevertheless, for when regiment larks, bat plain larks are good enough for Managed by and solely in the interests ot after N11:fment of Egyptian eoldi&ry had B11t the prospect from the window was not Then we must leave it e.t any and all risks, the men. the Policy holders. an unoheering one to N ellle ; Indeed, it wae again ma.robed p11tst, they were euooeeded by Frank, and tha.t at once." The or iginal lapidary wae presumably a a continu ms roll of ca.rrlages, oonta.lning, exactly the reverse, for the mob had dwln· Before Monsieur Tioncceilr or Frank Donel Its Rates are Low. man without guilt-llt all events, .he · cast ly either oould m1>ke any answer ' o this dled away by degrees until the long, broa.d though for a long while she rem~rked it not, the first stone. a portion of tlie ha.rems of the Kb.edive, of and not altogether unetately thoroughfare Poltcles non forfcltable and uncondltlollJll. epeecb the:re came e. gentle tap to the "I a m co11ecting the h a.ck rents," said ()ash B onus Paid every three yean, half op. ID door, and then the tonea of a was a.lmost deserted, and encouraged by the war mlnbter a.nd a fe ;v others of the th e woman ll8 she began t o repa.!r he;:- husthle the shopkeepers had, for the most par1 , great pasha.a who had acoompan.ied him, voice from without : Slie was destined to make thia dhcovery band's trousers, "Pardon, but may the dove bring the t aken down their sh11tters again, and were Joint Life Policies. olive bra.nob into the ark ?" and without oonduoting bualness as usual, the eafl."f!, in a elngle instant, when she all at onoe saw " l will appea.r in print to-morrow," ea.Id waiting for ans wer, Into the r oom came a whose name le legion in all parts of Alexa.n· a hideous bl11ook face leeriag at her from the the young lady ~ she put the last stitch in Though a double rish but one premium ls paid for two people, Amount of polloy drp,wn burly, swa rthy, black-bearded man, habit· dria, following their example and the banks box of a gilded and cv.rtalnoo ca.leche, and her c:ilico frook. the next instant beheld one of those curtains on first death. Ed entirely In blaok, who very muoh more in like me.nner. Florida.loather oranges but saved lier alAll tbJ11 made h er hope her husband was drawn asi de by a tiny but swarthy ha.nd, r esem])led the raven than the dove. ligators, eo t here are still some attractions Frnnk Donelly locked up a ~ d at once not In peril, more especially as he had dis- and another face gs.zing u p at her filled her for t he t ourldt s. Special Inducements to T otal A bstaWier,, recogn!zed him as one of those who h·d gaised himself eo very like an Egyptian, with a gre11>ter degree of terror t ha.n the F or the first time on record the man with f1used about Nellie in t he hall, but rather, but even while ehe was hugging this com · war minister and the hideous black eunuch's or at least so he had theught at the time, fort to her hent t he hou.rse boom of a. can- united could have done, for those magulfi· a remedy for frozen feet find s a welcome in ASSETS OVER $5,eoo,ooo,, I NCOME OYER $1,008,000 · for the sake of gazing at her exposed love- non from the direction of Fort Teba.reh cent vet tigerish hoking ey as he.d been bent the Southern S tu.tea. ing lineSB thim to render her any r ea.l eervlce. brought back all her fears with redoubled upon her t wice already, onoa whlla drh> SI00,000.00 deposlted with the Canadia nGovern The man who wants a.n offioe Is numer· He was therefore more.disposed to resent forco, and she clasped her ha.nd" together in· with Frank ;i.long the Choubmh r oad anct ag11.ln from b ehind 9 latticed box at the Ca.fro ously present; but the ofiioe that wants a ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. hie Intrusion than t11 th~nk him for hie terror, man ls numorously vaca.nt · visit. "Boom, boom, boom I" went the cannon, .Oper11t House, and It wae assuredly from the Bothering a rloh man by boa.sting of a set INVESTED IN ()A.NA.DA., $600,009. oe. The next few words that he uttered en· ud she was not ex perienced enough m the owner of these eyes t ba,t tho written warnt irely changed his feelings toward him, sound of artillery to know that such a. dull, ing had come which had threatened her, of m11olachite studs he just bought, a fo{l H EAD OFFICE I N C .ANAD.A. :- MONT:B.EAL however, for without wait ing to be q ues- leonine roar oould n ever proceed ·from a though nguely enough with 110 t errible a 111aked him if he did no ~ admire them. "0; doom. yee," replied the man of wealth, "very For particulars rnler to . t! ' ned he went 011 with : shotted.gun, much indeed; I 've got 1 e. mantlepleoe like h It not the truth that you want t o That lt was Egyptian ordnance she did them ;at home." E, L. LIVINGSTONE, leave E g ypt a.t once? V ery well, I can not know, however, because the reports CHAPrER help yon, I have pusages secured for my - came from a. landward direction, Teaoher-" Whe.t lo the difference be· GENERAL .AGEN'.l', TH E lll ~SS ACRE I N THE GREAT SQUARE. self, wife and aervant on hoard the French t ween the body and the ·oul ?" Johnny From this 11he jumped to the concluBion P OR'l' HOPE, steamer L e Comete, w ilfoh aails t his after· that the massacre of the Ohrietians had W hen some five mlnutee lllter Frank (vacantly)- " The body is mortal and ma·noon for Marseilles, but at the l ast m o- oammenced, and she pictured t hem as being D onelly emerged into the Rue de la Ool- t erial; the soul-" Teacher (impa.tiently) Or to agents throughout the 9onnty, t8-6ae. ment my wife le taken Ul prematurely, and blown from the months of cannon JUSt as onne Pompea, 011 his way back to the Ho· - " Y es;· and the soul!" Johnny-" The aa the doctor says it would in all probabil- Sepoys were blown dnrJug the Indian t el d'Orie11t, be foun d it almoat empty, fer soul la immortal and lmmr terlal." ity kill her to remove her , here we must mutiny. t he Kb.edlval pr ocession had swept by and Ter.cher to a boy whose father keeps a. stop ; wherefore, if you would like to pur Then, presently, the roar of artillery ceas· the populaoe, he.d followed It. corner grocery- " J ohnny, if youl" father chase our P"ssage tickets, you can," His o&leohe {he ha.d endeavored to pro- has one h undred eggs a nd t wenty of them eel, but only to ba succeeded by rattling " I am lnfillltely obliged t o you," Bald peals of musketry and a. continuous and cnre a close cab or other oarrlage, . but in are b ad, ho w many d tea he loso 1" J ohnny Pumps Chea per and Better Frank. " N11.me tho prioe and I will pr olouged chesring that aeemsd e~oh pas- va in) had therefore not the slightest -"He don't lose any of them. Ha sells t han ever, writ& you out a otieok for the amount. sing minute to be nearer and nearer, and difficulty in getting along, and no sooner the ba.d ones top, res t 11>urant keep er to rriake Yet how the deuce oanl do that without a while N ellie wondered wha.t It could all had it drawn up e.t the hotel steps than, omelet tes of." · cheok-book ?" mea.n the street without began to fill a.ga\n, first ordering h to a.wait hie return, ha ran Said a young man, the othn evening : The Subscriber having built a larg e ne" " Ali what bank have you an s.ooouut ?" e11>oh np,rrow th<>roughfar e that opened Into Indoors and upstairs t o Nellie, Is lt etiquette, In writing to a young mar· Pum p F actory in Orono, is ' p repared " The Anglo-Egyptian." H e found h er lying on the sofa with her ft disgorging a living 11trei m ot wretched rled woman whcm you have k nown w ell, to -.to furn ish" T hen I ha.ve a check book of tha.t humanity, who presently filled each side of eyes closed and looking deathl y p de. bP.nk, and if you like you can fill one up the long I~u de la. Colonne Pomp0e 1u far a,s N o sooner did h e burst Into t he room, call her 'my darling little p et?' " My dear it is not a. question of etiquette, but flf P"ye.ble t> Ml)llas Cohen, or or der, for t b.e eye oould reMh. however , th11.n she sprang to her feet and sir, athletics. I t depends ho w far you can disfihy p.o unds ($25()). that being the amount We h11o ve already on more t han one ocoa· t hrowing herself into his arms excle.tmed : til.nee her husband in a mile, With or without Porcelain Cy linder , <rf that I paid a week ego for two oa!oon and sion described an E gy ptian crowd, so t here " Oil, t ak e me a.w ay from her e. l'ake My gracious I Y ou don't mean to eay t he Best M ateria.l, on t h e shortest notice one ~teerage passage t o Marsellles. " me at on oe, Fr"nk !' Is n ) need of a repainting of t he picture. There beln~ pen and ink on the table, " That's what I've j nst come to do, my tha.t you have' another baby up af; your The only difference was tha t this one and at the lowest prices. F rank D~nelly rapidly filled in and sig ned seemed to be more exclted th an they usual· love. The carriage waits at the door, and house?' EXCiaimed a lady, when informed by t he happy fatht:r of t he event. " Yes ; a check and handed it to M r. Cohe n, who, ly are, and to be eagerly awaiting the 11orrlv- I da.re B'l.Y Pt1.t Is ah-eady on his way upCistern Tubs and Pum ps supplie~. as he took it, said t o him : !loi of something, while n·ked santons, lock- fltaira for your box. It le r<>ady for him f' ~ot fourteen now. " " Well, I don't know but it's Poll r lgh t. Thirteen is an unlucky "Now, I would a dvise you to go at once ing like revivified mummies, or plucked ba"Yes, F r ank, there, And I have onlv t<i the Ma,seilles S team Navigation Com - boons, kept r unning about a.nd a round and t o put on the hat ~nd j .M;ket t ha.t I got number, Isn't it ?" WELLS CLEANED -& RERAI RED. p fl.ny's offices in the Old Ha.rbor, close to two an clfro, t beir long, u o. Lord W0J s3ley'B re!nsal to p11.y fees to k empt beards all from Mu-le." ~he mole, and get the names ohllnged in the of a sh!l.ke w ith t he incessant w11g lug "And the yashmack t h at I advised you the HerP..ld's College for his new title, and t o books and on t h4jl pllssanger !lat, because of thei.r j ~ ws as they continued to t.o prooure. One wt1.a to be had I sup- Ulster K ing of Arms and hia cffiolals 'or the they all know me, and were vou to simply preach t o or exho1·t t he multitude, possibly pose ?" insignlc\ of St. l'e.irlck, culls up a story of go on boa1·d a nd take your places at t he as t o how t lley should conduct themsel ves " N o, F rank, I could not get one, and I how a simil;,r .;xhlbl;ion if indep~ndence was TO G I VE SAT ISFACTION. !11.st moment, the steam paoket people on the occasion. woul.d not allow M!!.ri~ to risk going out. dealt with by G eorge IV. A cer t ain Knight might 11uspect some fraud and raise some " But what occa.don wa.11 it ?" N ellie men- I have, howevr r , a very thick veil, and I at Windsor recei ved the order of St. Miohael awkward d iffienltles about taking you, tally aBked herself, for ohe could aeo no hope that will do very neP.rly a.a well." and S t. G eorge and B,fter the investiture a which It would be jast as well to avoid- sl11.ughterlng of Chrtstla.ns going on, which., ·· I doubt not but that it will do quite as bill for the usual fees was sent to him, which OrdersJby Mail promptly att.$ncled to. don't you see ?" as may be l waglned, was a n intense relief well, my darling ; indeed, I believe t hat he swore nothing would induce him t o pay. It would be now quite safe t o traverse the There was no precedent for suoh s. oaea, so "' DOORS; SASH, B LINDS, PIOKETS, " Certainly I do, and will be off at once. to her. [ shan't bo long gone, N ell, 80 don" be A h, that was a blare of a brass band, too. s trt:ets with your face uncovered, for the memorandum was eent to Sir W illiam M OUL D INGS , &c., kept on hand . nervous." Well, th11ot wo.e cheering at any ntc, Dond storm se,,ma to have passed away, in proof Knighwn at Windsor, in order that the . " Oh, I am sure you will be tern In ~s Nellie could not associate a merry air of which all the shops and ba.nke have open- King'a pleasure might be taken . Tho docn pieoee by the mob, and thflt I shall never from the opera bo11ffe with either violence, ed again." ment was returned with the following en" The storm le at all events not over for dorsement by the King himself: " Stop t he see you ago.in. At all events, won't Mr. rapine~ inoendiarism or murder, all her fears Cohen and Pat Monagh11on go with you ?" began to melt away, whilst such few as yet us, Frank, for Arabi Pa1:1ha. ls ln Alexandria, d- d fellow's ply until the claim is alee.red·." 11 ! 8tory of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon 3tartling Ravnla- P Cheap Life Insurance. 0 --~ 1111._a , .,_ Mns. HUMPHREY HARNESS SHOP first Door East of RuebottomHouse1 ·w Call at the new premises. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., xxxvn, Orono Pump Factory. PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOR ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. FERG USON.