~!l;~~mwJ~~ T he railroad~ in the United States · work to 630, 000 people, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1885. :M:u.nitee, Mich., has a.n orchestra .:o od of fourteen young women, A four·inch de~d smooth file ha.s 864 to the face, or 216 to t he inch, "A man never loses ii.nything by i neas," How about his Eev.t in a street Craoked Ice. llY ELIZABETH P, .ALLEN, F or the first time In its history tile D esa county (N, Y.) jail ha~ not a pri "What does make mothers so sce.ry, I in it. wonder ?" said Benny Mar tin fretfully, Buckles of bra.so of the modern for swinging his ne·w skates, Uncle Ben's fast Christ mas present, while a small t hunder foun-i buried in the prehistorio mou Engl&nd. cloud settled on his round face, "I once knew a .little boy," said mamma, Judge Travis is e'tVJtlng a fine two while t he sewing machine went whirring on, atone residence in o...igary, ha app( "who said hie me.th.er waa too eo11ory about Intend to stay there, an old dead limb ; he weDt out on it and got There ho.s been more snow this will hje oollar·bone broken; did y ou ever hear London than for fourteen years, and of him, Benny ?" is grEat dist1 ese in ccnsequence, Benny dld not IWl!wer, but t ho cloud lifted It ie said t hat S hanghai shipped to a little, " l once knew a little boy," ea.id mother aorltinent la.st yEar not ?eae than 50 again , stopping her wheel to pull out the pounds of willow leaves disguised a11 te The value of tho cont.ant~ of 11i bar1 basting t hreads, " who t hought hi11 mamma was scary be~'llouse she sE<id the water in the orude petrcleum r&nges from 86 cents I creek was too cold for him t o go bathing ; while the va.lue of the barr· l ltself is $2 he went in, and liked to ha.vo died wi<h At S~. Helena, California., a. few do.yl Ol:"amps ; did you ever hear of him Benny ?" Pevsral thoueg nd ~allons of ten-ye~ By this time there was a. bf; of a smile on California wine sold for three oents a gl Bepny's face. Jn Paris it cost.I $3 t o cremate a b ·)d' "Yon needn't go ou," he said ; "I know this includes coal and labor wit h i .ie ·thereat, about the plum-cake, a.nd Mr. B».rt- thrown in. In Milan the cost is only Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. _ .. by lett's kicking mule, and >1.ll that; Lu~ I bat they give no urn or chromo. . Many dQn't aee what those tlmee have to do with ·· og. but t hai A <lrogglst a.t Louiavme. advertis1 .,.orb, but I New Yea.r's Da.y and the long pono.'· . .ta apurilousnees, I uu stem.'! as a " free warming p'a~e" f th... ~ 1t _ ·.ddge ab.ootlng, :&bm ma Wall buzzing along so fast, wind· pur win such::things," she e:~ye, "and during the very sEvere weathe Ing a bobin, tha.t she oould not o.nawer right few lie _al efghb, I shall, - uot see that any good can oome from bealdes be,.. . days ago. away ; presently she said, as if ehe was done them. That they do not come therefore, clttll.... ~ dill well M I can what encoura.ging Statistics of 111ist year's shooting in the - - -o--ta.lklng about the subject now, "The ioe is frcm Mr. Hendric};s le clear to my mind, I uw. Or arriving with my friends a.t the cracked, Benny, and no boy is sa.fe on crack· Griaona show thlO~ t he chamola a.re increa,elng for the sentlments of none of the communi- pll1>ce of meeting in the j uoirle we found I beg to announce that my supply of Granite and Marble Monuments was never so rather than dimini&hlng In that p >Art of la.rge as at present. ed icat" cations aro e:x:pres~ed in langua.ge"euoh aa ha a fow rough-and-l'eady looking natlve11 In Benny underatood thill tone to mean : 8 witzerland, would have nsed. They bear on their face charge of three carts, or rather small two· In Variety of Pattern it is most modern. "Enough said ;" and being rea.lly an ebedi· Angus, Iowa., could not reet until it was the impreBB of an inferior mind, are inferior In Finish, far exceeding any you can see elsewhere. ent, good.t empered boy, thongh he failed incorpout.ed as a. city; but t he city govern- to his while alive, it.nd certainly inferior now, wheeled platforms drMvn by bullocks. eometlmee, he strapped his snining skates ment costs so much tllat the citizens are if the spirit land, as I believe, elevates and On each vehicle sa.t, · in an erect at titude, ln Workmanship, first-clu.ss. p,cro~s his shoulder, kiued his buoy mother petitionh>g to have the city charter revoked. ennobles the sentiri.1ents a.and ap!ratlona of a beautiful leopard, atrongly chained, and And price as low as at any experienced shop with a hood over his eyes, similar to thoae A sli ver box, shut at a wedding in Hart· the soul." good-by, Md 2taned off for tho mill· race, used for hawks, We were soon under I have received by S. S, "Indiana.," a consigume11t of whioh wa.s not ora.okcd, and not deep ford, CDnn., the ether day, ia to be kept unway and driving toward the herd of ante, enough to hurt him if he should break der scuil, lil! e tha.t of Pandorl\, till the time .Jumbo's Lone lVldow. lopes which could be seen grszl.ng in the through. for the diver anniversa1·y, twenty.five years He had hardlv left the room before m&m- hence. The hlstory of tha expnll!llon of J'umbo, distance an.d which had been m11.rkEd down Another lot has f}rr i ved by S. S. " Nebraska," and others are following. ma remembered that she must caution him soh ool tri11.cher Brink, of Niles, Iowa, wlil the great African elephant from the z,o. beforehand. There wa3 no difficulty In about not staying too late, and rnnnlne; to a be tzied for manslaughter. He whipped a logical Gardens,hfa transport to the Unlb· getting the carts to Vli~hln 120 1nrde of l B lTY DIRECT FROIYI THE lllANUFA.C'l.'lJRE RS· front windo w she th~~w up the saadh and 12-year-old child so oeverely that it ia aeoert· ed Sta bes, and his death, owing to hls the deer. Then one of the cheetah, a in A~erdeen, Scotland, and from long experience (28 years) at the beat advantage, I put her head out, .ot>nny w:i.a etan ing at ed the child died from the Effects of the being run down by a railway engine while fine male was n nhooded and eet free. Its mtend that the p u blic needing wor k in m y line shall be liberally dcult with. the gate talking to George Burbank, and as lk' I h l'11 f h 8 h mont. I engage no Agents. I keep for sale the little front yard we.a very narrow Mrs. pun1 wa mg a ong t e we, are a res In depart.ure from the gharry and Its d ecision Martin could hear through the stillfrooty air Mrs. W. P. Mlller, of .Buchanan, Mich,, io bhe memory of my readers. Mr. Barb· In chooelng the most covered lin.e in t he tho fend mother of alx children who were le'-b the Superlntendent of th what t he boys were Eaying. u · · e Z ao log I· open plaln for rushing ou lts 1 rey were ao "What a.re you ll'olng to that etupld old all born within the past thirty.four months. c'\l Gardena, has received a letter from lnsta.ntan eoua and rapid as to be qulbe George, whose faoo They1came two at a. time, and all b11t one M r. H y. A · W ard·· of R cc h esber, U · S · marvelona. lb seemed to vanish from th.a mill-race for?" asli:ed was set toward t he mill-pond, are a Ive lldld thrlvin~. ·Mr. Ward writes as follows; cart and appear almnltan eously half-way for enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. There was silence fer two eeoonde; Mra. A newspaper of Beloit, Kansas, @aye tha.t "I am taking veey car eful measure of toward the fine black buck it had singled Martin ·could not see Beuny'o fa.oo, but in Clark county during a. recent snow otorm the skeleton, as to all the bones. The ou t for attack . When ah about thlrby A L L W 0 R K G U A R A N T E E D. mothers' wits are sha.rp about boys, an.d a large flock of sheep crowded close tic'gether, preaence ju~t now In m y eetabliahm0nb of yards from t h e un111uapiolous troop they Mrs. Martin felt wha.t ma.de Benny hesitate; and tl~e snow, melting for a while and then a full-grown mastodon, perfect al.moat suddenly became aware of t he deadly he didn't Wlldlt to ray : " Mother won't let frer»Wg, faotened the entire flock together. througb.out , allows some very intereRtlng peril they were In. One and all sprang N . B .- I have no connection or interest in the Composition, Pottery, or Zino me. " George Leib, a colored carpenter of Sa· compariaon11. That .Tumbo W[lll e.b dea.bh into t he air with galvanic bounds, and n o Benny did not sa.y tha.t, ' 'Oh, taere is vannah, Ga, fell backwerd from a third a. ..,oung animal lq evident from the loos- doubt expected to eMape easily by flight Monuments, so called ; I have enquired concerning their merits an d cannot recommend them to the p ublic at any price. suoh a crowd thert>," was hi11 answer to story scaffolding the other do.y, turned a " Geor~e·s question. complete somersault, struck squr.rely on hie Ing of the oappings or eplph:pses of all the but the hunting cheetah is, I <.1uppose, for Buwmanville, June 18, 1885. 25-3m. a hundred yarde, by far the fiaebesb of all .,llumpn !" said George; '·Where did you feet, looked 11round t o see if any one was long bone1:1 and of the vertebrro. His get 1;o be afraid of a crowd?' and then the hurt, and quietly climbed back to his work. dentition, too. seems to indicate 11hle. I wingless t h!ngu ; and thl11 one was soon in Capt. Tom Gregory of Wlncnester, Tenn., 'should gres.tly like to know J.ambo's t he midst of the df:lghted throng, which boys went their separate way, Mrs. Ma.rtln closed the window an d went hao a unique pair of gloves. They were made exact age, or nny approximation toward scattered wildly and p anic.st ricken in all back to her work, t oo much dist urbed about by Miss Nannie Phillips, who snared a lot lt which is &U?e witJhtn four or five dltectlons as their leader- a fine black buck-was struck down in their midst. her little bo~'o unoandld speech to remem· of rei.bbits, cit.rded and apun their fur as if it years." · her that she had failed to tell him about were wool, a.nd from the yarn knit the There ls no d ifficulty in acceding to There he lay, alone, ln his death agony, Cl)mlng h ome euly, gloves. Sho decorated t he back of ezch Mr. Ward's rEqueet as to Jumbo's age. In the clutch of bio beautiful and relent- -MANUFACTURER OF- But Benny's conscience had had a good glove with the ear of a full grown rabbit, He was received in exchange from the less foe. We ran as hari as we could, tra.ining about "the trath, tbe whole truth Jardin d£e P tan tes, Pa.rls. I mnelf saw and nothing but the truth, and ~his answer Fifteen years ago Mr. J 'oscph Arch was a hi t h d fte h i i 1 i th soonsnrround lng t h e lltrange . t o George kept buzzing along in hie mind farm laborer supporting his famiiy on $4 m e ay g r Barr va n 9 gar· Heither animal m9ved, for the buck all the way t o t he mill·race ; even t he new weekly wages, a.nd ho is now a member of dens, and went into his den with Mr. KING STREET. BOWMANVILL skates did not make him forget t h11ot he had Pa.rlia.ment. He is what is commonly call- Butlett ; he was then about four feet was paralyzad wlth fear-hls startlag eye. Hae now on hand a number of veJ;iiole~ (and is ryianufacturing a great many morel of the neweli ua.ld what wae not honeetlv true. ed a self· made mu.n, but as his wile taught high andbhe keep~r, holding a long-hand - balls and dilated nostrils alone gava evip tterns and best finish. which I am offermg for sale at the lowestprioee ca.nsietent with du e rega1·d to workmanship and quality. The following ia a Us ~ ot Presently George Burbank and a crowd him to read and write he mav be consider· led broom In the usual m!l'onner, wae dence of llfe. The cheetah, on bhe other the prlncival vehicles manufactured by me ef other boys joi11ed him or::. the mlll race. ed a creditable specimen of domeatio manu· scrubbing his back, which waa far b e· ha.nd, with his body .epread out over t he .. H o," said George, "we've come to crowd facture, neath h!.m, He muab then have been prostrate form of hill victim, seemed bo Double Covered Carri ages .......... .... ............................... .... . .. $200 Upwards, you here, Ben; the Ice Is smashed over ou A runaway teem in St, Paul dasheJ into about 3 yea.re of age, a.nd, as h e arrived strain every nene In pressing his prey Singl e Phootons. . . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . .... . .. .. .. .. .·. . ......... .· .. ... .. .... . ..... 100 11 t he pond, and lot's of the fellow;i fell In ; they a. funeral procession, just missing the oar- In 1865, he mnsb have hoan ab the time against the earbh a.a, with hill long, sh!lrp Ope11 Buggy .. ... .,.... .............. ..... ........................... ... .. ....... 70 11 were all big fellows, t hough, a.nd got out rlage containing t he pall bearers, and strik- of hfo death about 23 or 24 year11 old, It fang$ baried ln its delicate t hroat, he con· Top Buggy.... ................ ..................... .............. , ·. . . . . . ·. .. .. . .. 90 11 again." · ing the he:me ~quarely. The driver was is lntereatlng to learn t.hat, alt hough he tlnued. He was very motlonlees, but his Democrat Wagon..................... .. ...... ... ....... . . . ...................... 65· 11 Benny shot up to ths bank where the boys thrown to the ground, the hearre overturn- hlld attained saoh a size, he h ad not eyes were fixed upon u e with a glare of Lumber Wagons....... .... ...... . . ....... ...... .......... .... ................... 55, u were ·strapping on i heir skates and sat ed, !ta glass 11ides shattercid, and tho ccffiu passed the period of growth, as shown extraordinary ferocity that became inben· Light Wagon ..... ............ .. .... ........ ........ . . ... .................. ...... , 4CI ,, down." He felt somehow as If h e had juot t urned upeide down, One of the runawav by the ends of the long bones (eplphyaes) alfied as hie keepers rushed forward and Express Wagon. ... .... .. ..... ............ .... .. ........... . . .................... 75 " had his life saved, and nothing makes people horaee w&a killed and his mate knooked nob being solldly united to their ah~f··s, seized the d eer by t he hind leg. Tb.e so honest ao to come face to face with death. senseless. w ' Skeleton.......... ...... ... ............. ... .. .... ............ .... . ... . ...... ...... . 50 11 " Well, I'll juet tell you, George," he ea.id Wyoming hunters 11.ra excited over reAlice, the lal'ge female Af:rioa.n ele- brute now growled fiercely,an d, tightening Sulky................................ ..... ... ............ ... .................. .. .... 40 ,. slowly, "the real reaaon t hat I dion't go to ports that come from the head waters of phanb, who, In the exaggerated langui.ge his clutch looked so extremely dangerous superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell ve1y cheap fDr ll&Sll& the pond; I don't know why I didn't tell Sna.ke Rlvor of a band offiftv head of white, of tJ j e newspaper accounts of Jumbo's that I was far from envying those who Possessing or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly inorease my number of sales. Woul4 you a.t first. Mother·knew that the ioa was er snow elk, Hitherto there have been depa.rture, was written about aa be- were In su ch close . proxim.l~y to him. Bub sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of b12ggiea ironed. cracked, and she wouldn't let me go, " t raditions of snow elk, In which they are log his bereaved and mourning bride, is they know their trade. With a long, " You don't say !" o:x:cfaimed George; described as being ao white as tb.e snow, ab presantJ In the Ga.rden~, occupying sharp knife t h ey out the deer's t hroat and "why in t he n&me of sense didn't you tell from which they get their name, and larger Jumbo's old den, She la of large size for caused bhe warm blood to spout in torrents me? I wouldn't have gone on the foe for a and swifter tha.n t he oommou elk. Now a.nd her sex, and !s nob of an amiable temper; in to the face of the wlld beast, whoae At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired, p retty · good sum if l had known it was then one has been Deen, but never a herd. bnti her magnitude has e:x:elted the admlr· whole frame now aeemed to thrill with eo· At the Factory I also do Pl~ning, Matching, Turning and. Sawing with Circle, Band or Sciol Saws. and prepare all km!1s o! lumber for carp.enters. nd others for building purposes. orB=~~·;t ~more ashamed of himeelf than Moody Pond Sankey are a. revelation to a.t!on of.Mr. B!.\rnnm, who, havlng lo~b sbaey, On e of the operators In tile meanOrnamental and Plam P ickets for fences ln every style reauired. made to order. ever, but was more comfortable, nevertbe· New Orleana, and the effect tbey are having Jumbo, wlllno doubt console himself wlbh while, caught a quantity of the crimson lees, at .baving owned up. ill remarbbla. One Sunday they held seven bhe posse~sion of Alice, whom he will llfe·stroam In a wooden bowl and forced · pnb · the atea.ming fluid under the very nose of They had fine sport OD the mill-race, and services and addressed 10,000 different doubol~ 0 q in·r0 duce ~o u the American m Benny went home tired and h appy. In- pareono. Over 600 attended their inquiry lfo aa J 11mbo's widow. She is trnly !J, the uclted leopard, who, qufoting his deed his mother did not at first like to see meetings, of whom, the Times-Democrat magnificent and perfecb speolmen, In hold, at on ce began to lap with avidity, eayE, " it. is <iarefully estimated over 300 ' f h b I I h hie face so bright, her own was rn gN.ve and oonfoased Cb.dst, Such an intereBt in re· ~p1te o er e ng m nus t e end of her while engaged in this proc<111s t h e leather rad, llgious exeroices wae never before seen In trunk, wh!cb. she caught In the chaln hood was swiftly clapped over hie eyes, " Wall, muz," he said ge.yly, 4'I've had a New Orleans." placed 9round her fcob, and by a su dden 11ind the collar , with t wo chains abbach ed, jolly time, and it's well you didn't let me · lmpulae pulled away, leaving some six was aojnsted round his neck. While this STAND :- Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. go to the pond, for they had a smash-up G In a dsluTgglllgMm~tch betvyeen J a.ck Mo- inche11 cf it bahlnd. She was purchased waa gomt on, a third man had cu b <lff one there " · ee an om ci,fanus, m BJston, the b h , h of the buck 'a h ind legs, and this, t h e .. B'ut I'm afraid my boy has been on other evening, McGee knocked hi8 man out r 1 t e B~oleuy t. e same year that Jumbo S cracked Ice, too, t his ~ten111on1 " said Mi:~, by a l!l9w whiQh i~ _ de2cril;ied a~ novel ii.nd wa15 r~ceived, vrn' 1865, being then qulbe " lion's ahare," Wall held close to the 1sttrprlsfog to all the sporting m<in present, young. bloody chalice, which was uo eooner emp:Martin, sadly, He has all the best grades of "M!;l.'am ?" &nny could not understand, Mc\iee faced his opponent a.i:d " t urned to There ar e now in t he gardens two very t ied than the brn te seized the m eat th us " When a boy gives a wrona reason in t he right like a fia~h, pivoting complet ely fine specimens of the African specles of provided with a vise like !lrlp. Each chain place of a. right one, son, he is on a. danger- around, ga.lning In force 1u he .revolved," eleph ant, wh'cb. were preaented t o Her was now gTaapsd by a diff,.;renb man, who, oue fqotfng- as dangeroi::s a11 cracked ice." until he caught Mo¥anus en the je1ow and Maje11by by bhe king of Abyliainla. The by koetilog ap. '.lrb so t hat t h e tether rethat is manufactured. " But, mother," Benny said , eDgerly, un· dropped him. McGee says Jack Stewart of larger of the two la abou t t he 11fa3 bhat remained t aut, kep b t h e l eopard between derstandlng now what ~ho meant, "I men d- Glasgow taught him the blow, J ambo was wh en h e firsb arrived ab t h e· them in 11uch a way thab n ei t h er was wit h - He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, ad that era.ck." There having been t wo or three r unaways Gardens. lb Is lnberestlng to see t h e in reach of hia cfaw:s or t eeth . Then t h e And when Mr11, Martin heard the whole of unhit :ihed horses in Chicago reoently, the creature pa11&ing through the t u nnel con- third Individual, who had ever retained American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken story her heart grew light again, and she polioe were ordered t o " bring in" every rig nectlng t he porbions of t h e Gardena north ht3 hold of t h o sh ank -bone of bhe leg of Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and wa.s almost Ml gay a.s if ahe had been skat found in t he streets where the horse W M and aou bh of bhe carrfoge l'oV... Looking enlaon , gen tly drew t h e ch eetah to t he Lard of his own make and rendering. H is life-time experience in the ina a.11 evening on t he mill-ra.ct>, loft alone or unhitched, The new order up t o t he roof and noblclng bh0 marka libtle oi.rb that had n ow b een brough t close Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalled. ~ went into effect the ot he:: day, and over fifty still vislble whfoh J .;mbo made wit h h ie up. As soon 1Ml the beast felt himself buggies, ca.be, wagons, and dra.ylJ were The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is In Papa's ]foots. driven to a livery eta.hie where t heir owners bllck before h a acquired the habit ofatoop- against the edgo of h ;11 own familiar oharlob h e sprang light ly upon it and p roceeded of t he very best quality. N o trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals found t hem aud redeemed them by t he pay· ing as h e passed through , one C'lnnot llY H, L, Cll.ARLES, men1i of h'lilf a dollar each, Lot11 of profanity help anh!clpabing how, with good treab-· to demolish his succule nt moreeau. I only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. It was winter, and t he ~snow wna very followed the enforcement of this ordll-.ance, monb and regular exerciae, the youn.g an- n ow lri.spected th\l C&"caaa of t h e deer, Your patronage will be thankfully received. deep where litt le Katie Jived, She did not imal may beoome a second Jumbo to de- with a vi.a w to aa()etilainiog, If posslble, There is now llvini;: on the Piedmont like win...er, for she wanted to run and play to all parts of the town on short notice. Goods delivered light th0 Londoners of tb.e twentlebh how the cheetah hid b aen a ble so Instanout of doors. One day she asked her mam· road, near Charleston, W. Va., an old col- century, when- - Bub no; I wlll re- taneously to shrike down such a power ful A call solicited. named Clara Brown, who is ored woman ma to let her go out and play in t he snow, spect the· old aphorism whioh m~ys, animal Immediately on gobbing up with it . ' ·Why Katie, yon would freeze," said her p er ha.pa t he old eat colored woman In W eat " lb IB wiser not to prophesy unleas 1ou I ab once ob~erved a single, long, deep Cash Co1· Buttel', Eggs, Hides, 'l.'aJlow, Beet, Po1·J.: and Virginia. Of course, &he well rtmembers m.amma know," gaah n the flank, whicb. was evidently a ll 1.o~a1·m Prod uce. "Papa goes out In the snow, and he doesn't seeing General Washington, It Wall in Richmond that ahe met the Father of his e1ussd by the decisive blow But·I could freeze," said Katie. She says h0 entered the kitchen Country. A Child With Two Brains. 1 i ooagine with w h-'\t '" e1t pon bhe leopard nob STAND :-Town Hall B'ld'g. "But papa. ls larger th1m my little girl. Besides, he dres~es warme1·, You know of the hotel whel."e she was 11.nd apoke kindly A ba'ly about a m<>nth old was t11>kEm by had been able to Inflict t."l\a very strange to the ceokG, She says she is 122 years of its mother to a. diepensa.ry l\ t Bellev11e Hoa· looklm~ wound, for the ohaetah hae a foot -what lari;ie rubb~r boots he wears when he age. Toltlake i!Joal Fire. -~-1 - Policeme~now mor; ~bout l:lub life goes out in the snow," pital, New York city, for treatment b st ltke a dog and his cl.\wa are nob retraotlle. 1..1n g a coa.1 thll.n any other ola.ss of olt!zene, · i n ma:s. ere i Q M muc h aru Th '.l'he population of London now exceeds week. When the child was bom it had a Tam ing thtn to the b asab a9 it aat on t he Ka.tie ea.id no more ; but tl1e next day she Mioo L ove, who ha.a baen h eralded found the big boots In t ho hall, where her every other city, ancient or modern, in th~ lar1i1.e swelling on the forehead, which slow· cart, I inspected It clo11aly and 11aw that fire as there h in any other of the arts of world. Neot> York and all Its acliacent iy iucre11sed in sfae aud firmt!e~s. Nothing the dew-claw, which in tho dog appears honBOkeeplng. In bhis season a. fire should through t he oountrr as the fiance of Pre· papa had left them. A large coat aud fur cltfos combined are not 1qual to two-thirds oould be d<Jne to rodaco the protuberi!onco, ancl:i a useless appendage, ls repreaenfJlOd be made in t he grate that will last through sident Cleveland ia bo all appearances well oap were hanging there, too, Pret ty aocn Ka.tie's mamma heard some of It , Sootland, Swl zeri..nd, and the Aus - which wi:.s suppoaed to be it. tumor, e:x:ce1it In thla bt'nts b y a tm»·ifile looking ta.Ion the day. giving a moderate h eat and venti- past forby, with wa.vy yellow hair, drawn one crying. She t hought It soundt:d like tralian colo;nleij each contains fewer souls, to parform an operu.t lon and take it out. B-a- exacbly suited to the intlicbion of snch a lation for the house. To d o this, firsb a b elbher side of h er forehead. Her eyes She began T o whil<ll Norway, Servla., Greece, and Den· fore thio could ba done the little thing died. 1 tbe voice of her little girl. 'Jlear the the grate, then fill lb u p aboub are blne·grey and her features are rather · earch for her : but oho wall not to be found ma1k havo scarcely ha.If so many, Yet at The consent <Jf tht> mother b oiDg obtained, g~ah. half full of coal, then make a wood fire, good. She b tall, and at the gerlll8Q the beginning ot the present century the anywhere in the house. Thon ehe went to Dr. Janeway held an autopsy at the morgu<1 ~ti-p a tbini? on only a fow sbicka of 'Yood wore white brocade and satin, wlbh much popula.ticn of all London did not reach one tho door. Thero stood Katie, a few steps c\!'.ld found that tbe cause of tile BweliL Th11 survival of the fittest is the d ootrlne whl1>h will b11rn slowly, gradul\lly lgnibing lace. She m anages a fan g:racefully and million, from the house. in t he deep snow. ing was a. second brain, which was gr:>wlng that ul Ni.;ys wins in a dog fight, the coal. The wood ashes on top of t h e ls clever and quick In conversation. She She had on the big boota and t he coat and The Germ&n Minister of W or hau giv~ n on the outside of the skull, Independent of Sarah Bernhardt la now t rying to get fat. coa1 wlll prevent its rapid consumption, is a woinan of indepsndenb mean~ and has cap. They were so large 1 1nd heavy that orde. ra for a number of dogs to be trained the boin inHlde, !ave through a. connecting she had got stuck fast in the snow. llilld with a. view of testing the value of the eer- aubst.\\nca th11t passed through a slight fissure Her recent accident, when she fell through and a fire tb.n11 oonet ructed, burning slow- traveled and gon.e and done at her will, ly, with a moderate heat, wlll last all dav. and those who know her scouted bhe Idea could neither go nor come back. The ana.tomioa.l epeoim~n , the crack in the floor, ha.a alarmed her, vloes they might render to aentinela engaged in the bone, "I don't want to play in the snow any In k:eeping guard during the night. It; is which is a. rare one, wa.s put into alnohol to "Oh. ! glve me affeotlon, I'll eigh ror Ib Is g,l wu.ys good economy t o put one or of her marrying any man when tihe papers ml're," she 11obbed, as her mamma took her fully beUeved that by toe help of thePe ell.· preserve it. nought more," sings a poetess, addressing two sticks of wood on he top of a fire rang wlbh gossip about h er a year ago. into t he house. gac1oua animals outposts woul d be far less her love. That girl doesn't seem to knew In a grate, as the ash 3s will prevent the Her plobare reached pabllc print through She is now willing t o waU until the aun !fable to surprise, and that the doge would What is done cannot be undone eepeolal- that. this Ill tho time of year when t he fes~lve coa.l from bur ning out fast, and throw the perfidy of a friend, who sJld her photoshall melt the lnl>w away, ' alwaye give notice of the approach of the . ly if it is a h11rd·boiled egg, m ore largely the heat Into t h e room. graph to publlshsr! for a good round eum. buckwheat cake is on deck. ~aniuliau Jtate;t1tan~-,·-~~0~~in T HB WORLD. YOUN G FOLKS. .. -· · -, · c oA L A · --CO.AL ! Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF ::leg to announce that they have received a large consign ment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRrcEs. W'e inten d to keep on h and an assortment of Lumber, Sh ingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Fou ndr y Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY M ETCALFa Granite and Marble Works, BOWMANVILLE. S CC>T C:S:: C:.-Fl...A.1'l'"ITE.l M arble M antles, Grates, &c., and fix them, B ead Stones, Posts, and M etallic B ars C. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. HAINE S' CA RRIAGE "WORKS, GEORGE C. H AINES, Propriet or, WAGO~H, ;~o~p~ere CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTER S , &o. A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I 00 L c. I Grocer, Butch er a n d P rovision M erchant. CA KER , to e k a 1wa y s on h and. A comp1ete ~Q>LLm~ ANfB ~~Qllf~ lifJLQlW'~ C. M. CAWKE R, a - -