' 1 iif.'!!:!!!t~ n~ t-..~:,~t~ \.f~ U~ i"'t:~:l !."!l~"'~·"'~R~!a~~ !a11 .~ .~~ -r ~===~ H~E~C~ A~ ;~z~~~IA!; ~ ;~T~A!!T ~ ES ~M ~ A'!M~.. ~~~~E ~- ~E~ ~·~ ;~H ~~ . ~~::x~~~t~~~;!!!:;~;!ub!!Ir~~~es!ti!!!~!~~~~ ;e~:~~~ ~ ~ i;e!iTM~~:!~!!·~~;~~·;~j!!!~T~n=:=·!!www~Q=lI=E~E~;;;;=-aws·www~~ 1~A~L ~ -"' -"~ "'-"'" IS PUBT.ISBED \ry,ff .t.t-H'-~~t li'RIDAY, MARCH 12, 1886 . THE HOUSEHOLD. Hints. Milk t he.t st ands too long makes bitter "butter. To rt movc l!Cr at ches on furniture melt to· gether bt10swax and linseed oil a.nd rub the :marred places with it, using a woolen cloth. Te bright en the i nside of a coffee or teap ot fill with water, add a small piece of cov.p, and Jet it boll about twenty-five minutes. I t may not generally be kn own t hat if the ,aauoepan in w hich milk is to be bolled be .first moistened with w a.ter it will prevent ihe milk from burning, To sweeten rancid butter take strong lime· wat er a.nd work tho but t er over in It just as you would w"rk it if juet taken from the the churn to get t he buttermilk out of It. It ls wiue, if you are g oing to put English <aunants into oa.ke, t o dl'y them on a. cloth by t he fire a.fter washing them, as sometimes t he cold water will ca.use the cake to fall. Graham mush is a. good substitute for rioh pudding on some ocoo.sions. Make just as you do cornmeal mush, bnt add a few her· ries or raisins or English currants. Serve with milk and 11uga.r , Cold tea oan be utiUzed by putting it in the vlngar barrel. It ls all the better If sweetened, but without will add f!1.1vor a.nd .11omething of the color of good cider, whfoh Is the beut foundation for making tho be11t Ylnega.r, Many coolr:a consider it a grea.t improvement upon ordlnl\ry a.pple-sa.uoe which ls to be aen·ed with roast gooBe or with pork to l'Ub it t hrough a colander, and then to beat it with a spoon until It ie very ll!lht a.nd a.I. most like a. pulp. It is a. common occurrence for children to get bea.ns, grain or corn, and other foreign 1ubstanoes up their noses. The following 11imple remedy 111 worth r emembering : Get the child to open its mouth ; apply yonr :mout h over it and blow hud. The offend· ing subatanoe will be expelled from its nooo. Aa a r ule warm wa.ter and a soft cloth -are all tha.t is required to keep gl1.1e11 in good ~ondition, but water bottles and wine decanters, in order to keep them bright-, must be r insed out with a little muria.tio acid (commonly known a.s spirits of salt), which ill tho best agent for removing the "fur" :whloh collects In them, If pork hir.s ever soured or spoiled in a. ba.rrel it is not safe to use it for pork again no matter how thoroughly it may be cleans· ed. The cost of a now barrel warra.nted to preserve t he pork is much less tha.n the value of t he meat it will hold, It is true the fa.ult may not origina.lly be in the barrel, but rather in modes of management, but having once sp oiled a lot of pork t he ba.rrel hlAd bet ter t hereafter be left to other uses, P ortleree or ha.nglnge for doorways and wa.Ils continue t o be a favorite a.dornment for pi.r lore and other rooms. A set of these of exqufolte appe111ranc11 is thus deecri bed Tho ground was pale yellow-silk cauva.s wrought In crewels, with a. great branch of .horse-chestnuts, Thie branch showing the foliage of a.ut umnal coloring, a.nd accompanied by great bristling burrs from a. border of deep t erra-oott a plush on t he right ha.nd 11ide of ea.ch section, The plush was a.1110 ca.rried a.oross the bott om in a. much deeper ba.nd than the upright one. Rising from this deep plush dado was a. t angle of grasses and forns embroidered b oldly in greens, l'Bd· dlah ·greeDa, reddish-browns, a.nd so on. No one enjoys seeing his or her best clothes come to th e point of wearing shiny, .r.nd few cr.n indulge t hemselvee by then ca.sthig them a.side. We find tn the Soientlfic American dlrectionu for r emedying thie trouble, which, coming from ouch a reliable .source. we gla.dly print : Take of blue gg,J(s bruised four ounces ; logwood, coppera.s, iron filings free fr om grease, each one ounce. P ut !All but the ir on filings and coppera.s into one quart good vinegar, and set the vessel ·containing t hem in a warm-water ba.th for iwenty-four hours; then add the iron fil'ngs tJid t he eopperas, and shake oocae!onu.lly for a. week. Keep it in a well. corked bottle, and apply to gloasy or faded fpots with soft 11ponge. Choice Recipea. Su:i<:T PUDDING.- One cup of molasses, one of chopped suet, one cup Gf raisins, one of sweet milk, one teaRpoonful of soda; fla.vor with cinnamon and cloves. Ste1Am three ho11re. VIRGINLI.. P !lDDING -One qua.rt or rni l ded m ilk, two ~ableepoonfuls o~ ilour In a little milk, yelks of four eggs, the whitee of two, a.nd a little salt. Da.ke one ha.If hour. When cold beat whites of two eggs to a froth ; a.dd a oup of sugar and jnice of a lEmon, Pour over the pudding. CHEESE CAKEs.-Flll ehells of puff past 1 or bake tho whole of the recipe in a dish llned with puff past e, or without any pa.ate If you choose, merely bnt teri.Dg the dish, Grate one-ha.lf pound of cheese, mix It with t wo eggs b9aten very light, adding r.n ounce of butter, with a little salt a.nd pepper. L'>vers of cheese will fiud this very nice, PoRK CAK'E.- Haif a pound of salt perk chopped fine, two onpB of mola.sses, half pound rabiDe chopped well, two tea.spoonfuls each of cloves, allspice, o.nd ma.oe1 ha.If a t ablespoonful of salerii.tus or soda, and flour emmgh to make a stiff bat"..er, '.Ihe ()Ven must not be too hot. SALAD OF BEllTS.- Tbia sala.d le pa.rtloul ady good when both beets and potatoes are new and t en der. Boil in salted wa.ter eqna.l quantities cf both a.nd set on lee t o get cold. J ust before serving out t hem into thin re· gula.r altces, dres11 with pepper, sa.lt, oil, and vinegar, a.nd gl\rniah with wa.ter-cress, Good tea rusks are made In the old-fa.sh· ioned wu.y, with two oups of milk, one cup of ehortening, one cup of suga.r, two eggs, one cop of yea.st, and ()De teaspoonful of salt. Strain the milk and eggs through a deve togethEr and it will not ho neccenary to beat the eggs. Mix over night with th1.1 milk ra.ther warm, make as stiff a.a bn:ad and knead again in the mG rning. Work into emall rolls r.fter the second rising, and bake when they have risen again in the pa.n. SPICED BEl!P,- For ten pounds of beef t ake: t wo cupfuls of sal t, two cupfuls of molr.Hes or its equlva.lent of sugar, two table· epoonfuls of pulverized sa.ltpeter, one table· 8p()onful of ground pepper, one tableepoonfnl of olovoe, a. half-t easpoonful ea.oh of ground nutmeg, maco, ginger, and a.lbpice. Mix these well and r ub thoroughly Into the me11ot, a.ll around It. T um it every day and r ub tbe mixture into lt or tea da.ys, when it will be r e11dy for use. A 'Tal!a.hasseo, Fla.,, despatch says : Sarah MoDaniela, a colored woman living on Mr. Flab's plantation,ione mile west of that oity, h&e become the mother during her lifetime :to forty-two children. She is now e. robust, eahhy looklng-wom!lill, by the lmmedfote a.ppllca.tion of dry salt ho- MEN WHO Fou:im FAVOR IN THE EYES OF BY cnARus awAIN. fore the ink ha.s dried, When the aa.lt boVICT" Rl ·. If worde Muld aatidy the hear!!, M.ORIWING' ~ '.rheheartmlghtfindleascaref E '"'IE""...,. · """"- ..,.RIDA.Y -"" comes discolored by absorbing t h e Ink brush Bun words, like summer bird~. denut, A.a eoon as you are up ehakc blankets r.nd shc~f1 : The splendid pageant of the opening of .,.... -BYBtitter be wlthuut ahoee than sit with wet leeb; it off and apply more ; wet elightly. Con· . · <Uic l leave but em(lty air; Ohildreo, If heaL.by, "'"active, net otill; ti:aue this till the ink io all romoved, If n ew Parliament e.nd the paBerng of the Queen ~he l10Erb, a pt/grim upon e·rtb, 1 1e?r'ewn~· n · · ' Damp bede and damp clotnea wlli both m1 ke ycnllll; oa.ltooes are allow(ld to lie in st:r1>0g &1llt in state from Buckingham Palace to the ·Th~1::~d 8 ~ 1itlttlen.wee0d~,b AT TIIE OFEICE E·t ;lowly, o.nd alway· ohew vour food well: · l'rc8 hen the air In the houso where you dwell i w'>ter f O'I' an h our b e f ore the fi rst was hiug H 'onae o f L ()fd s, rec~11s the d ay, aa men As joet llO IUllny weede. ·1tOmceBlock,KingSt.,Bo'\nna11vllle,Ont Garments muet never b· 1 n.d· t<i be ti~ht; the colors a.re le.as likely to fade, "O:i.mp look on her, ln her Marv Stu11.rh mourning, A little f.nid -nnd t·uly s~ld tlomeawill be healthy if ..iry and light; e11.lt will r·m?ve the discoloration of cups when she traveled. tha.t same route as a Oan deeper joy Impart If you wish tn be well, a· you do, l've no doubt, Just open the wlodo.,a before you i:o out; !'IId Huccrs oau~ed b Ytmian d careless wash · ha.pp7 young bride. Vfoboda, like a.ll Than hosts of wo1d·, which reach the head, $1.50 veri,nnnm,or$1.00U'paidln advance Keep your 1oome always t!ay and clean, But uover toucb tne hemrt ;, 10g. A teaspoonful of sa.lt ln ea.oh kerosene ather glrla h.i.d some lovers before the The voloe that "in· lta sunny wny, du·t on the furniture never be ·eeo ; la.mp ma.kes the oil give a muoh clearer I k ' Payment strictly in advance required Crom Lot Much !llness Is caused by th· waut of pure air, · ' uc Y vne ca.me. Her first was the late A lonely home to ohoor, subscribers outside of the county. Orders to Hath oft the fewest wo1ds to say ; bettor lig~:Lord E 'phlnste>ne, a t a.II, singularly dtacontlnue the paper mu~t be accompanied by Now to op<n your windows he ever ~our care. bu' ob J those low-how clear ! Old raga and old rubbi·b should never be kei>t; handsome voung Scobtlsh poor, who wae he amount da.e,orthepaper will not bes topped. People should 8'le that their flooro ara well swept; ' mbaoribers are responaibleun ti lrul lpayniont l s Quiol< If word· could satisfy the breas~. movements 1n oht1drcn ar~ he·lihy and right; TB.AGIO DEATH OF MRS. WALDO sent . t o Mad1·as as G'>vernor to get him 'lhe world might bold a !east : w!Ado, l<emember the young o~nnot thrive wl~hout light; oufl of the wa.y. Hor nox:t was Lord But words, when oummoned to the tes·The Wlte or n Yale Prorusor Junaps Onr Fi· II h · f 1 did 1iii~~ See that t .e cistern la clean to the orim; RilTES OF A.D"t'ERTISINGs Oft satisfy the leaet l Take oaro that your dre . s 1s all tidy ond trim ; · z:i. an, e.not er elx:· ooter, !\ sp en L!ke pl~nte th~t make a gaudy show, >Vholo Column one year ··.. , ........ $ 60 oo~ ';:; ~ Uao vour nose to find out if there be a bad drain; CHO While Insane. young <'ffi cor of the Firsb Ll.fo Gua.rdB, All blossom to the root 1 " " Half year: ..... . .... . 36 oo· !:;~ Very sad ue the revere that rome fn Its train. 'Ih8 noval epeot ac! e 0 f th0 8 t 11d en t 5 0 f a gran ·' 1 ·h k f N orf olk, Dnt whoBe i>oor no.tare caanot grow One qua.rtor ··.····. . 20 00 ~~ Walk as much a· you can withou~ feeilog fatigue; ...son o. u e "h " en D 1 1 e o One partlole of fmlt I Elalf Column one year ......... ... .. . 36 00 - - Xerxes could walk full many a !·ague. great univereity stopping work and rnsoing and a.fterwarda Dake of Norfolk himself ; " Half year ............. . 20 00 --·- -·---~--'\!our health Is )our wealth, which >cur wisdom must from their de>ks to join in the hunt for a bub he we.a a R oman Cath olfo-a. fa.t11ol ' · ·· One quarter ... ...·..··· 12 50·ZlII a.n f e Jl p~sa ionat eI y In Gnilda. La Oha.pelle, the female pedesiuarter Coluu...n on e year . .......... 20 00 Zealke·p; wlli help a good couee, an d the good you will mU.·iDg person was witnessed the otl1er day ob" 1eo tio n. F ·· reap . at Y 11ole, when news reached the coll~ga ef love with a prett y bar-ma.id, who ad· trian, now keeJling a. s1A!oon in San Fra.ncis" " Half year .....··.... 12 50 " One q11arter.. .··· .. 8 00 5 the disoppea.rsnce, wh!le temponrily insane ministered beer at a tap opposite the oo, has accepted the challenge of MisB Ka.t~ of the wifo of Prnf. L1lonard W a.ldo of the llxllnes and under, JI.rat insertion ·· $0 50Brown of England, who desires to walk Yale observatory. The tidings reaobed all HorQe Guard a, and wlnhed to roa.rry her. againat any !adv podestrian In the United Ea.ch subsequent inser tion . ..... 0 25 T M 1 D rrom six to ten lines, fir st insertion, o 76 · WO ea S a 6.Y· qua.rtsrs of the college e.t once, a.nd many of H lfl family sent him abroa.d to gen ever States for $500 or $1,000 a slde, Gnilda. .Each subsequent insertion...... 0 H..'i_lO The word meal 18 eo old that it Is unoer- the professors dropped their books, requeat- hill young paeeiou, and. falling 11 at Jver ton lines,flrstinsertion,perllDe 0 10 t~in J·ust what our Suon fothore mea.nt by ed the studentll to assist In the hunt, which Atihens, he m a rried the d1mghter of re-iuirea Kate to vi1iit Sa.n F rancisco as a condition of her a.coeptance of the latter'e Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ ~ The number of lines to be reckoned byit . f'oeslbly it d&toa back to a time when was then befog ra.pldly orga.nlzed, and mi..ih- Admiral Lyons, British Minister ther e, challenge, he space occupiod,,measured by a scale of grain, pounded and cooked, was t he chief ed away, with the men at t.heir bo.cks. It and sister of Lord Lyons, remembered as Sa.m Small, t be converted Chicago joui:ulid Nonvareil. article of food. had begun to rain hard by this time. At 4 Minister ab W ashlngton, who h!!.d attend· _______ --The Otlenh ls generally had only two o'olock In the aft.ernvon police, oltizene, 11nd etl him through h is sickness, and who is nallet, who fR stlring up Chicago prepa.ra. tory to Sam J ones's advent, ie described as a DR. TAMBLYN, mea.IB, between whlc\:\ intervened the labors st11den ts to the number of about 800 were still llving as Dowager Duchess. Her pla.lnly-dressed, tv.ll, slender young ma.n. HYSICIAN SURGEON and .A.ccoucHEUR ot the day, and it Is largely their custcm sea.rahing for the lost woma.n, t hfrd lover was L ord Alfred Pageb, one Behind hla gold-bow~d eyeizlasses are smaU ... Office :-Sn'v er Street, Bowmanville. 7 ' 1 now. 'l'h!.11 cr.uaes confusion in tra.n·latlng M-rs. Waldo's maiden name was Fullerton. of h M ! t e arqu s rf .Anglesey's splendid eyes, e.nd above hh heavy rnudy meustaohe the Bible termH role.ting to meals, For in· She wa~ a na.tlve of Philadelphia a.nd a niece Dr. A. B.EITD, stance Christie repres·.nted as sa.yin~ to of Judge Fullerton of New y ork city. Som" son6, an officer of "the Blues." etsndin~ la a rather long th!u noae. His forehead, 1 R.A.DU ATE OF T_ H E 'l.'ORONTO UNIYER thedi.s~iplee at early di;wn, ··Come and dine," tltno ago, ftfter giving birth to a child, she about six feet two, who la the fother of high and narrow, ls eu\'mounted by very J Sl'l'Y, Physician. Surgeon, &;o. Office King and the Jews ha.d no light meal aftu tne suffered terribly from nervous prootra.tion Capb, Paget, ma.r;:ied to our Minnie ca.refully smoothed dark hair. Ha looks r a.thor commonplace, but when he speak· principal one. treet, MORRIS' BLOCK. llowmanv e. and various other troubles, and for S nevans, ar d who waa the.n her EquerryEven in oold oouutrteF , where three men.le da.ys a.nd nights she ha.cl been nearly In-chief, and h as continued ae equerry he at once shows strength. The Herald d. w. l!llcJ.nnghlln, I'll. n., s~.ys : "Ria voice poise11ses ~hat s ...:itle, trem· ICEN'l'IATE OF 'l'HE ROYAL COLLEGE a dr.y are the rule, tho fir~t was loolied on crazecl with pa.in. A nurse bas been con- ever since. ulot1s qua.lity which makes men listen. It of Physicians and member ot the Royal a.ea ollght breaking of tho fast, while the sta.ntly with her, The pr"vious night she This love sfi\ir was regarded as 20 is a. voioe which invests the merest commonla.at was a mere sup, or sip, 111.ter of tea, pa.seed without aleep until 4 o'clock next dangerous thab King L~opold of B algium, Jollege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. OffiDe: MORlUS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman· thus givbig us te11o-time aa Hn Equivalent of morning, when her eyelids closed, and so the Queen's uncle , brother of her mother, place wit h interest ." vllle. supper. The meal of the da.y was the din· did these of her attendant, who, worn out n ..r ; henae among t he GrecKd a.nd J ewe the with fatigue, did not wako until about two the Daohoa~ of Kent, was aont for . The DR. J. 4J. JllIT()JIEI..I., \If' EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS word fer dinner and a feaet was one '11d the hours and a half later. When she did awake rennlb was that Prince Albert was sent Formerly s:nown as the" Soper Mlllll. ') aamo, Where, among the higher classes in Mrs. W a.ldo was gone. The houeehold wa;s for nexb. .Albcrb was ab t hat time a cour· J'J. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offl,ce and Hesidence, Enniskillen. 74. Eoglilolld, the dinner oooura qolte late In the at once aroused, butthewomiUloould not be beous, chaste, quiet, mild, bland, acoomHIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· day, no need is felt for a.nother meal. traced, plished princa, but here a.nd there a keen UGHLY renovated and put in order,under In the rural distriots and the email towns John Keith Calb:ralth, Fin1'lly, a.t 4. 30 o'clook in the afternoou, obaervermlght have detected on his round, our own specie.I supervision, for the purpose of D ARRI STER, SOLICI'fOR, NOTARY of oar own countrv the original custom of word wa.s telephoned from Pine Rock that full face a Jlash, anci in his manner a r!sting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot [) PUBLIC, &c. Oltlce- Bounsall's Bloc,k three meals is well-nigh univerni.l, r.nd the the body of tho unfortun:o.te woman ha.d Jlatter whfch bespoke the agitation that Harley, r..nd we are now prepared t o receive !rlng Stroot, Bowman ville. Money to lend, dinner divides the day into two nearly been found there. Mrs. Waldo had been awolled the hear b beneath. Over the order.a from all our old customers and otherir equal pa.rt/!, and so contr ols the soci9.I and, Qeen by people In the neighborhood all day chimney piece, too, of his student chamber, tor work, and we gurantco t o give them who D . IUJJr.KE SJMt·so N, lntrust us with the same ent ire sa.tisfaotlon i to some extent, tho r6ligioua ouatoms of the walking swiftly ab out in the feverish mad· there hung one of Ohalon's exqnlsfte Oats and other grains taken i n exchange foi: f) ARRISTEa, SOLICITOR, &o., MOP'RIS people. Domeetlo Ot\ree belong to the fore- nesa which aeemed to po·sesu her. No one d i f Yi .JI j Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &; J, '!'OWNS, Bow 1 ) BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman 0 thougM it prudent to restrain her, When raw n gs cto...-.a wh ch, though too noon, a.nd sociu.l ca.lie to the 11.fternoon. So, v me 227. man· 11Ue. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. too, whereas the synagogue worship of the found she Io.y at the foot of a twenty-five fii.tterlngly gra.cefnl and airy even then, l"rtvat e ltlonen loaned at the lowest rates. Jews ha.d but a single service, we gener11lly, foot cliff, frvm which she had either fallen still when 11nrrounded wlth the intereob ROB.EllT AltltlOlJll, In t he country at least, :,ave ·two, the one or jumped, The shook of the fall kiled her which of itself lent beauty to a young girl p laced In such a poritlon, gave a fairer idea r> EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER in the a.fteroooo beillg simply a. du.pllcato outright. The bedy was taken to the reaidenoe o1 cf her than would be ima.gined In her pre. ~ of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor· of the vne in the forenoon, ey at Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Money In our large cities, however, whel'e ~ffice Prof, Waldo. Mrs. "vValdo was 36 years sent gr osser figu re a.nd highly colored face, )aned on Real Estate. Office on King street, bueinc1111 le transa.otell mainly between nine old. Her t~ater died la.st swnmer from the as pl'esented in t he most correc b and delowmanville. A. M, and five P, M., or where business tffe.ots of a 11uicid1Al leap at Double Boo.oh, lightful pictures of courbllfe, by Adam Ba· ...._. T . PllU.L _ I_P_ S_ _ _ _ _ men reside miles away from t heir work, the dean Albert. t hough little not iced, had been I CENSED AUC'l'IONEER tor the County tendrncyis towa.rdthe ea.rlieroustom of two present at Victoria's ccronatJlon ecene, a Two Thoroughly Scared Miners. of Durham, Sales promptly attended. meals. Snob IA ohauge ca.n hardly become silent bub not, we fancy, uninterested Address- Hampton P , o. 59, general. But where it is convenient, there During the ·great etorm of a week or so specta.tor. When Victoria was seated on a.re two solid roo.sons in I.ta fa.vor, ·i e., of OHN RUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, two prlnolpa.l me:t.!e, with a slight lunch dnae two miners sta.rted ta a.soend one of Prince Edward's t hrone and the Bhoub Yaluator and Arbitrator. E'Jre nnd Life between: (1) It gives time for a complete the mountains near Aspen. They made which proolaimed the girl he was educat ed nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, digestion before ago.in filling the ot omaoh the trip on Norwegia.n maw-shoes, on which to look on as his wite, Q ueen of that -JB"Y"i h h Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Address - a matter cf no little importance 1to high they worked their way up a. nD.rrow gulch leadiog t o their property. All they journeyed amp re on w i ch t e sun never sets, rang 472 Ca.rt.wright. Ont. health. (2) It transfers the prlnoifal meal on one of them got to be aomo 200 yards in along the roof of the good old Abb9f, and .l GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO from the time when t he Dervo force is in advanoe of the other, and It was while this was borne on the boom of guns down to ttJT I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on Cit T h t h f I the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rat es. d every man who buys his Licen\le from apecial demo.ud for the l:rah, to a. t me when dfot!\nce sepa.rabd them that tho lel\der, by ~h u a Y ower, e mm ave e i some oasketa andBuria!Casesready on short notice. IENRY SYLVESTER, Ennlskillen. it is set f1ee for the etoml\ch. , an unhappy step, overturned a. tsp heavy emotion; and when shl' t ripped over with First-class hearse on very moderate terms. But there la a. large class everywhere who mass of snow and sta.rted a dreadful slide. agile grace, to lift up old L ord R ollle, wl:o Shrouds and Cofllnsconstnntly on hand. E'unW . \ 'f. DI CK"J<JY, would be greatly. benefited by .tm,ring only- He eelzed hold of a convenient tree and had tumbled, m~y we nob fa.:icy that eral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop <'It: ETERINARY SURG·EON, graduat.e of the two meals a. day, It being underst.)od that Show Rooms- Bounsall'sN ew Block . Ontario Vetel'inary College. Oftlee and they eat a.s much lo ·two mes.le, l!IB would called to his compa.nlon to "look out, " The emotion grew Into some sofber feeling. All furniture sold by me ls.made by the U. c . tesidence, NEWTONVILLE, Ont. tree was small a.nd bent over under the That evening, too, when, on her return, F11rnltul'e Co. ofBowm1~nvilie . I do not buy ordinarily l:e neEded In three, They are of moving snow. H e Jet go and t he WOID\n wepb, asGreville tellB na, be· slop furniture and represen t it to have been Will visit Orono every ·ruesday. Office hours the neuralgic, those whoso digestion la feeble weight h th lid Tb. l h made by tho U. C. F. Co. otthiatown, rom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m .· at Coulter·s Hotel. t t d It e ongs oeswere caaseshe feared to be a qneen, Albert A.lsoe.gentfortbeLI·QUOH 'l '.K A.fort1"stown Special attention paicl to Surgery. 82-ly* and elow, and the victims oi many: chronic sare w · es e. by t':tls time firmly anchored in the moving may have been near. A. woma.n's tears and vicinity, It is chenp and as good , can be complaints. In enoh oases t he fi'rot mea.l mass, and he wa.s hurried a.long with no II got in the market . A valuable pri...,.itiven ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber should be semewha.t la.t~. and tha second power to stop himself by ~eizlng the trees are at a t1men !Jouchlng. At such mowith every pound. receives money on deposit for theOntario aomewhat ea.rly. which he pa.ased. For;unately he wa.a on m mte a life of 11.a.pp!n eas or unhapplnes11, ~...,,.,.,.,,,.,"""""""'"""""""""""'-"""""',,,...-..-.::::::::::::' Loan and Savings Company, and pays interest 11.t the r ..te of t and 5 per cent. No notice of the ta.ll end of t he ava.lanohe, and thus rode as the case may be, ls often built. Be THIS BS TOUR @PPORT~iil!~TY withdrawal r eQuirod . Also loans money on it In aafety, with nothing coming behind to tihis as ib may, qneans are not allowed bo The Sick. mortgages at lowest rates. No commission oover him up. When he found that he had poBBess or at least indulge the feEllngs of charged. w. F . ALLEN. Bowmanvllle. 8-l y, It Is a. favorite idea with some that they thus to be an unwilling pasa~ ngAr upon the othar folk, and the newa men for once Doyo\l want ea.n "work off, sickness," by a.rousing every errible tra.ln he looked !.\head to see wba.t did not , a f ew days after, converb a y11.wn :i. sp Jc11did, §o D o! G e ntle m en ot·Fasb every power of the body and mind utterly thad l rn11dsorno ly become of hie pa.rtner, The la.tter, ' into a sigh or glld a smile with sentimenb. din egarding the indica.tiona of nature, and i on, n o t s o 1ast. bound story upon seeing .that t here was nc. ;s~ape on W ll b 11 t 11 h L ld ~hA symptoms, elther side, turned heels to tho roarlDg mes~, e · a. a even · w .. en sopo sent boo k? Y ott Io moat, If not a.I! cases, when the sym- and ett\rted on a. life-and-des.th run rlght for Albert, quick ~nd Wlth lugge.ge light ave written these few lines can·haveyaur ptoms of approaching di. ease appear, there down the gnloh, Then followed a wild and as a young Ca,nadian sta.rtlng for Mani· And a.11 I have to say_ choice out of ls an i11clination to rest, to keep quiet, to thrilling chase, Tho man who was anohored toba, the appointed yout h booked him~elf L'lui.t youoan Jl.nd me still at home, the be~'- th n.t Jam not gone.a.way. seek rest and recuperl\tion in sleep. Tbe on top of .t he snow yelled a.t the man In in the amall steamer which stsgirer11 he· are published !!oallmyklndold triendsmay come, powers of the body are ja.ded, the vita.lity front to ruu, while he who was purrned tween Oabend and Dover. The 11ff11ir was ifvouwillobAnd all they oung ones, too, a.ta low ebb, all of the symptoms indicating tain two subA.nd get their garments nicely made atr!!.lned every muscle to ketlp out of the very quietly managed by Leopold. I n ' the neceeelty for quiet, allowmg tlmo for a j .. ws of tho death t hllt ·was oloae at hie the Court Clrcle column the Prince's In!ashlonsthat are new; scriptious for Vhere olda.ndyoung ,dearfr iends,ma.y meet general ra.lly, Tm: W rmi:r,;:: .A. wekome v.1·Aetinli\'. bv R. PE.A.TE · The.whole body, with the 1tcm1Ach, aa a lleela. The race was kept up for more th11on uame found rather a mean and minioned MAIL. A cafa.· verv Important part, will be bellfl5.ted by a a mile, aud during the entire dlsta.nco the pla.ot'I, and as t he Prince a.nd Q!leen wenb l ogue of st a.n"vacation." And in this r egard, probably, fellow who was on top kept yelling, "Run out the evenln<t after hl11 artival for a 41'~~ durdandmisrun," and \he htl.ir of t~e follow s1unter in the ;.oods their s troll wa unthe grea.test error is committed, when one you--, . ce1l anoo1rn who wa11 r unning held hie hat poised tour b d b 'h s foolishly attempt(to ra.lly by e"tlng an un- in cheB from hie he14d while be headed for 0 serve ex cept Y t e Stllect few who pnblications, given ::.s prizes for getting up uou&l amount, with the to.lee hope of adding the valley. Often the rolling snow strnck were In the secret. B~t Vlctor!a's m'lld, 1ilubs for Tim MAIL, w ill be sent to any new life by eating, when the stomach may the healo of hfo ehceo, but it did not quite Rosa.Ile-a kind, mhchtevous, merry little :1ddross upon application. 'l 'here is no bcJy a.lrea.dy have been more than surfeited. get him, More quicklyth&u it takeo to tell elf from L ongenachwalba.ch, and who was or girl, yonng i ntti\ 01· young \ Vo1nan, a.rnong ];,ood, taken under such circumatr.ncea, can- It the hunted ma.n dashed out into the val- more txcited that evening than Victoria. yo11 who cn.nnot secure a lrnn dsom\l lot of not be digested, but must r£maln in the ley, and what he thought waa safety. Tho herself- prattled, for & little gul dm, to books this winter st omach, there, as in a.ny warm plaoe, to valley, however, was more dangerous than the court news man of how Albert's meik with very little ferment , decay, putrdy, of n.o po8sible ser· offort, if yon will vlct>, but to some some extent poisoning the the mountain, as an unseen gulch crossed It, eyes, when they ret urned, were l'adiant on ly m11ko u p WITH TEETn, . WITHOUT Til:ETH. into which the hunted man fell. Provldenoe, with joy, Victoria looked sllgb.tly flushed, system. your minds to i t . If the a.ttack has been caused by "taking though, was kind to him, fu the ilide had a.nd wore in her girdle a small flower- the 'I 'he books are its force, a.nd the snow piled up on flower of a dove which through 11 th oold," or closing t he the pores, common spent the bank over which he h ad fallen, k f . ' a e splendidly hound l"R A.CTICA.L DENTIST, sense points plainly to the opening of snch When the two were able to look around, dar neis o . widowhood, has never lost its and a re t he proOVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. oores, affording relief by sweating, which one was lying at t he bottom of the gulch, freshness- and her st raw cottage hat was duct ions of the ' llirciusOxidcG1111Admi11tstered Cor Palnles m ay be easily done by being wra.pped In a. whl!e the other was seat ed upon the crest of crushed back in front. Perchance she best kuown au· bilmket wet in hot wr.ter, well wrapped in t he ·now b:.nk t ha.t looked over its edge. OperaUons. caught a. branch- perchance some sweeter thors, which is :i. dry ones, being thoroughly waahed in cool MCCLIJNG'S BJ.04Jll, - -- - · - , _ · ··- " pre2sure-a.bont which I t hink there are s uflicientguara.n wa.ter a.fter a.n hour er more. Stop eatlngsome lovely young brides in Canada tce that t hey will l n the absence of a good appetite- drink a.II A Born Soldier. coul d t ell. Be thie as ib may, the club not only afford the water that the t hirst demands. 'l'he death is announced of Sir George man calling, t he next morning, for his t ea anrnscment but Get in the light of the snn, have cheerful be a sour ce of pro- . company, look on the bright side, using the Udny Yule. Re was only a.n able Bengal and toast and Times was 11tarbled by t he fit . 'l'mi; Wm~Kr.Y A: - /J ./. c,.¢/ power of t he will, determined to get well in civilla.n of the older and more a.ctive t y pe ; annou ncement tha.b " Her Majee t) Wt\S MAIL is the rnost 'U/ZJ::/Lbt the 8horteat poBBibletlme, 1ecuring the most but he once did a wEmderful thing. In 1858 abnn b to l ea.d to the hymene11.l altar his popular weekly publi ~l1cd, and is only Ono availa.ble rest, in a.11 reepects, t&klng no he wa.s a. oommiasioDer in Bengal proper, Royal H ighness P rlnoe A:lbert of Gotha Dollar a. ycA.l". It has now over 100,000 f;ubwodiolnee- those of a deoided cha.racter- when t hree regiments ef Sepoys, breaking and Saxe-Cobnrg"- and thus Victoria wa.JJ scribors. Specimen copy and pt·ize liht sent ti l your.re informed by one who knows late Into mutiny, ma.rahed across his district wooed and won. free. .A.ddresH '.l'1rn: }\JAir,, '.l'nront.,.., """ '"' ".. mere than you do-t he flese t he better of to join t he IW!urgent army In 011de, Mr. Y ule had n o troops, no military authority, absolute p ciaone, such ae are taken by t hoso who wish to commit suicide, Never drum and no responsibility in the matter; but the H ARN DE N , L. D. S ., that ha.rd work Is the needed mediolne. impudence of t he affair was too much for Gra.duate ofthe Royal College of Dental Nor think you oa.n "work off" decided dis- him. He was a hunllng man, turned out Surgeons, Ontario. oneo, though the effort of t he will ls of ser· his hunting equip,ge, b orrowed more ele· phants from native hi· nds, oollcicted eighty -doe, OFFICE OYER DICKSON'S STORE. European pla.ntera a.nd olerks, and a sma.ll feroe of U1Ative "guards," and determined to ~OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. The V a.lue of Salt. stop t he three r egiments, Atter a pursuit ate Work executed in the la.test and most Improved style o! the Dental .A.rt. Severo pains in the bowole and stomach of da.ys, during which he exhibited a.11 t he Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the q uallties of a firat-ola.ss Gener al, marching !!:ETH E XTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN' are often speedily r elieved by the a.pplioa· Qft~n 11.oro~a. 11. l"O~rllt:'~~ country M fil~t as tion of a ba.g of hot s11rlt, A wou "oluttou LIVER, S'.1'01'.IA..t;D, f{ID~EVS AND BOWf'r~. the use or Nitrous Oxide Gas, without Injury of salt ana water is recommended by good the Sapoyr. in retreat, ho actueJly drove the to tho patient. physicians a.a a. remedy for imptrfect diges· three regi menta- 2. 400 trilolned ooldiera- They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constituti1> s, and ?art!cnlar attention paid to the regulation or are invaluable in all Complaints lncidenta.l to Females of all A ges. For tlon, and for a cold In the head it is a com· in hea.dlong flight out of Bengal a.nd CHILDREN'& TEE'.rH, plete cure snuffed from the hollow of the brought baok hlu force wit.bout one s!ok Children and t he aged t hey e.re priceless, C/B"ALL WORK WARR.ANTED._.. hand. We have known severe oaae~ of man or the less of one elephant. And then 'l!ll ha.d not succeedea in bis full lnt<m· oatarrb. entirely oured by persistent u~e of bectl.U this simple remedy every night and morning t!ons, which was to destroy the brigs.de, he Is an infallible remedy for Bad I..1egs, Bad Brnasts, Old Wounds. 8ores A.GE N TS WA..NTED for several months, when the beat efforts of offered to pa.y for his expedition out of his and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorder!! c - 'h!l,. TO SET,L Jl'OR THE the be/It physicians fa.il.ed to do a.ny goocl, own pu1·ae, H e ha.d never been a soldier, - Chest it has no equal.It should be used mUk-warm. A good h11nd· and relied only on his hunting experience ; ful of rock salt added to the bath is the but of the E uropeans who rallied at hie oall, For Sore T liroats, D1·oncllitis, Cougl1s, Colds, next-beet thi.!:lg after an "ocean dip," and a no one doubted tha.t if tho Sepoy brig;i,de gargle of a. we!l.k solution ia r. good and ever- had ventured tD turn on him, or ha.d checked Glq,ndula r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and1(for LARGEST IN CANADA- OYER 400 ACRES, ready remedy for a. sore throat. As a. deDtl. its filght fox- twelve hours, it would hv.ve contracted and stiff j oints it acts like a charm. ...). , frioe ea.It and water is verv cleansing and been destroyed. It was a matter of life· long Stcacly Employment t o Good Jtleu. o.lso ha.rdena the gun:w. It will r.lso prevent disappointment to him tho.t tht1 Sopoy'~ Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, the h11.ir from f1A1Ung out, When broiling thought so, too. Paid by salary or commission. Can start steak throw a little salt on the coals and 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON ·: you at once. Dont apply unless you mean the bl11ze from the drippin g fat will not "11'11.ry, dear, did you ever try a ride on business and wa11t to work. We furnillll outAnd are sold at l s. ltd., 2s, 9d. , 4e. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and a. tobogga.n ?" "No. but I can lma.glne just annoy, A little in starJh bolled or r"w, fits free and pay expenses. Addl·ess me.y b e he.d from all Medicine Vendors t hroughout tli.e World. will prevent the irons from sticking. If the how it mnet feel. Yesterday I slipped on S'l'ONE &, WELLINGTON". .«arl'nrchasers K h onl d l ook 'n t the Label on t he Pots and Boxes. I f the ~ d d HH irons a.re rough put a little ea.It on a thick \he lee and kicked up my heels while a Nurserymen, Ill II 533, Oxford Stree1, London , they are s11n r tons, brown paper, lay a. piece of thin muslin ovor crowd of m~n were looking a.t me," '.l'oronto, Ont. Y H h Rmtson our ealt . · 4 I M A JAMES 0 '" P L Caledonian Mills. T L --·- ... J L EV I MORRIS. V M I ! DENTISTR Y . P . . 1. M. BRIMACOIIBE, di ( c. FOR ALL1 TH E PILLS T .HE OINTMENT FONTH ILL N URSERIES.