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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1886, p. 1

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a a :::: - T ERMS :-$Ui0 Pm~ .ANNirn. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 401. . OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PitOPIU.KTOR · VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY , APRIL 2, 1886. LOCAL N XXXII. NUMBER 14. McCLUNGS, ·,,,-..r· ws ··- .T. Linton·, A. Pollard, G. Pollard, A. L ock hart. R. Fergusnn, l\lloment,, W . Henr y, Alexander , Odel l,Drmsford,D11vy, Grev, .J. Con Itel.', .Andrus, W. C. Allin, .T. Brown, F oster, A. 'fmirjie, R. Knox, E. Ball, H.. K nott, R. Moment, A.Knox. Millson. G. 1::1cott, McCullough, Cuttle. Awde, J. Vinson, Ramey, C Barrett, D. Darch, Watson, Deviney. Misse!l A. Pollard, 1. vValker, N. Newsome, E Rowe, L :mahan, E . Clarke, A. B eer, J. Knox, 0. Ho.11, M. Powe1 ·3, C. H udsou, A. Moulton, C. Halle r.t, E . D1111sford. E. Odell, T. Trave11 e, P.. Hallett, E . Kirk , E. McPherson, L. Knott , A. Andrns, N. Hockin, C. Alexaud"r, G. Kno it, C. Ferg11son, Bawks, Nowsom, E. V i1iaou, K . Vi nson. A. Brown, L. B att on, M. Hall, E. H all, A. J erome, A. Scott . M1isters Hunter,, D arch, Linton, &c. A heartv vo1·<" of than1rn was extended to the.Editors of the S'rATESMAN and Urono News for their kindness in publishing the p roceedings of our meetings ; also lo the friendl! who rn kindly len t us the use of the organ. The proceedings were br.,ngh t to a close by the scho·1 l singing "God t he Queen." A. J. S l'APJ,Es, JENNIE Ninvsou, P resident. Secretery. 0 ;/.,,,. UBONO. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanvij;re. ·· 0 0 CJ c en - ~ 0 0 ........ +:l a3 4-=> H ~ · ~ ~ H s~ 0 0.. Q) fJl · ·~ ~ ~ a3 ........ 0 r-4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Pi UJ. a3 ,!:4 ~ 4-=> ~ Ul ....... <D <D ~ ~ ~ -.......... ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,.q Ul ~ <D N~ ~ o·~ o~ '=3 ~ ·- 0 z ::> ~ i::: 0 · UJ ~ = = ~ 0 rJ'l ..t:: <D > ~ Cl) ~ <:.;> 0 ~ rJ'l rJ'l ~ ·Cl) ..t:: <:.;> c!j 0 0 ..I "O ~ = rJ'l ~ Cl) o:s C l) bJ> 0 u: ..t:: ~ '-1.J ~9IlIAlIBU1M.Q8 'JIUUf:I O!JUlUQ 0lJSOddQ 'S-DN.nrioow EXCELS ALL OTHERS. ~ISNER SEEDER ,,,;· CRYSTAL 'W EDDINu.-On Tuesday afternoon, Ma1·..J1 23rd, ab,1 ut fifty of the friends of Mr. a1 1 <l Mrs. Edmnnd B. Cobbledick met 1H their reRidence Gth con. of / Olarko, and gave them a gen uirie surprise, ~· it beit1g 'lie 15· h anriiversary of their weddrng day. In the evening after all had partake11 of a sumptuous tea, Re\'. It. Walker was requeEt.ed t o act as chair· man. a 1·.o s1tion he filled ably, and g:we ~--""""~~ox;v. speech, after whid1 he called on Mrs. Isaac Jewell to read an ad<lre~8 to the host and hmtcss which r eft..rred in pleasing terms to tho kindly foi;ilin:-.! fl and good-will of their frien 11s ti.wards them, expressed 1hanks t hat. a lo nrl Providence ha~ p(irmitted them 10 eujoy sn many ytiars of maria] bliss, aud 1hua far kept t he family circle complete, leaving no vac:i.nt chairs, nor broken hearts; stated that their h om e is one l·f the bright spots in this commu nity socially, m11ral1 y, and spiritually, and that "since our social relationship commeuc1ed, our respect aad admiratwn for you b"th has been mer.eased." Mrs . .Tewell then in t.he name of t his company presented Mrs. Cobbled1ck with two btiam.1fnl silver pickle cru .. ts, sit vtir cake basket, b ean ·.iful par·or ]1 L1ll1J, butter rhsh, ch~ eS >t COVl'r, warer pitcilu r, frmt dish an n d .. te, celery O'fasses "1vl s .. veral oth~r articles Mr. Cobbledick in reply s1dd that 1hrn was tt r .,u] surprise to thtim, not haviug had I sh lthtest ·n i.imation .,f i t:. On boh his bett,-r half and lumself he thanked the friends ·incerely for their tokuns of ' r egard and este~ m. He wa" exceedingly glad t,o stie so many of their old friends a nd neighbor« presen t. H e and Mrs. Cab ble· dick wo\1ld ever look back t o this even t. with feilings of pl~·asurablo del ight.. "If" said he,' 'in our going in and ont umongst. yon, and in our dealings »nd 1 n· ercourse with yo u, w e have gained your gooo will and approval, we are fully compen sa·.ed. Our m .irriu!le life Lhns far h as been a h ap py oue, 'for which we a re d evoutly t ha nkful to G <Jd." I u conclnsion he . thanktid tbe friend s h eartily fo r their "expressions of kintl ly reµ;ard for uur prl:lseut and futu1·e wd1 fare, and h " P" whe11 our ~ocial gatl1eriu,gs a t·e ;n1ded he r e, th ~ t Ne may all meet b ayoDd th ll r iver in ih e s weet hy 1md L.v." Eloquent, soeech.;;:s W<er e uude by Mesars . Walsh, M cCormack, Kelley, Briuiacomb ~ and others. R ev. Mr. Walker offered up pray er, af·er which music and social chats were indulged in a little while, a11d all separated, haviug en· j <>yed a V t:J l'Y pleasant, tmrn together. MF. Fred. W. 'l'rnll is home from New York, where he haa gTad uated with hig h honors in a leading Medical University, h avin l,( completed the course in abo11t half the usual time. ffo speaks of going to the C o1 .tmeut to still further perfect himself in the prof<>ssion. Several o f Olll' s,.1~atiouis ts attended the S . .A . w<dd;ng in B vwman ville, on Mouday night. 'l'hti " Cvrner Store " will reopen early next week, wheu great b·rgains may be · ~OLIN A. tn:p~cte d. MANNER OF CI-IANGING HOES. FARMERS, THRESHERS! Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated The Orono Public School Literary Society huld it s r egular meAt'i!1g in t he school building on .lfriday March 26th, when over one hu udred visitors wore rm sent. The Presidrnt,Mr. A.J. Staples, occupi·, d the cl1H ir, when the following prugi ammo was given in excellen t style : song, Beulah Land, by the school ; read ing, The Fait hful D ug, Clarence Andrus; recital, The Light, Lilly U1.1.rraball ; recit al, What Bes~ie S ..w, Ettie Batten ; instrumental music, Woudhud Whispers W alrz, Gorgina 'Parnblyn; r tiading, N ed's Choice, Millie Brnwn : didlogue, The Let her, J ohn Hall and F . Ba1ten; r ecital, Three Little D ogs, Willie L ong ; organophone s olo, H erschel Shoultd ; song, Where is My Boy To-nig ht, Fred Rutherford ; reci tal, The Doctor's Story, John Moment ; dialogue , Look at Home, A. F eri::uson, A . N ew11ome aud L. W atson ; song, Orma Walters ; reading, Th., Canary Bird, Minuie Hall ; r ecital, Two Little IGttens, H er hert Odd , ; 1mng, Jessie Walker ; reading, The Girl who POINTS OF EXCELLENCE: Cou](I n ot R ead, F. McCullough; recital, (1) Tubular Iron Frnme which gives greater strength ~ban is pos~ibJ e Two Lit tlo :Sirnpl..t ons, FJoreucti Gamsb v; with any other shape of iren or steel of the same weight. (2) Iron song, Tenting on the Old Camp Grn und, Index Grass Seed Sower does not break grass seed. (3) Steel Axle, GtJorg irm Tamblyn, A lma -.nd Fred; r ecital, Wil lie Pollard ; recital, (4) Steel Draw Bars and Malleable Connections. (5) Tubular Iron Chorus Bnckle Down Boys, E . Batten ; song, M. Rollers instead of wood, as ueed on all (G) The best Force Davy, L. Davy and M. 1'1.ornent ; recital, Eeed in existence. (7) Can change to sow gras:; seed in front or behind, Talk th e Safe Path, L eta M nrne ot; or:~an or throw Grass Seed Sower out of gear instantly. (8) Can throw feet ophoue solo, H tirbert Barrett ; recital, Good Comp-.ny, Fred 'l'am blyn ; reei ial, zig-zag from behind Drill. The Burial of the Cat, L ottie Lockh · rt ; Took first prize at all tha fall fairs. Call and see it. Rong, T he Co bbler , Lizzie Br uad ; recital, Do What You Can, M. Davy : wng, P olly Wollie D oodle, C, Tamblyn ; dia10 .BOWMANVILLE. logue, .Alphabetical Menagerie, 26 b oys ; instr umental music, Grimts Grauel March , Georgina Tamblyn ; recital, '£he Little Boy, Howard K nutt ; orl(anophone solo, H. Barrett ; r ecit al, Which Loves B est, L ena Davy ; song, ·Whip-poor- will, L en a Tamblyn and Olive M or rison ; recital, They did not Think, W. Walker ; r ec1ta.l, Mother's Girl, M ary Waddell ; organ oph ono eolo, H ersch el Shoults ; r ecital, A True Story, Nellie Ru th erford; iecita! , rhe Dead D oll, Alma Tamblyn ; son g, The Beautiful Dude, Sid ney L eigh. The following visitors were present ;- Messrs. A. 'l'amfilyn and L . A. Gamsby, Trustees, -.../. Rev. R. Walker, R ev. A. Fraser, Dr. Rn ilierford, H.. Brown, J . P., R. Knox, When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, A. Pollard, G. L ockhart, L . Clark, Jno. Proctor, J ,Rainy, W. Batten, D . CaJah<m, Edi tor C uttle, A. R. Gamsby, 0. A. Ga msby, J as. Tamblyn, W. J . Clemence, H . !:leer. C . McCullough, S. S . Gamsby, .T. L. R owe, Z . Clark, J. D e viney, H . Try it once, you will use no other. Knott. M esdames R. Wa'. ker, J . H. lUcCOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto. S h oults, W. Thompson, L . A. Gamsby, S ·Jm tt of the farmers in this locality h1H·o beeu trying t ·) make m~pl" s11!.(>1.r, bllt tlhi weaiher has n ot be~n very good fo1r it . 'l'here was quite a l arge number a~ Mrs. Trimble's wood bee on Thursday of a3t wook. i. Mr. T. W ard ha~ eold two val1;able horses to Mr. Chas. Uogern, of Hampton. We are pleased t o hear that Mrs. McGibbous is slowly recovtiring. Mr. Ed. they l1a rn a n ew receipt for co11kiug b ack liere. .Mr. John Allin has contracted for a large soason 's work. 'Tice Bro's & Co. have a large amount of masonry to du this summer. The West Darlington schools went t o T auut(;n on s~turday week to play Whitby Centre Club a match game of foot- ball. Tho Wh itby Ceutrti Clu b fd ilorl to put in appeara nce, not eve n one of the clu b coming. We th111lt they folt sick. As tb11 ru les of foot-ball am tha1, a cluli foili og 10 put in an appearanc,,, th e opposing t:··a m claim the game. Tim D ti rlington Wost schools h ereby warn all foot-ball clubs and associations to shun t he Whitby C11·~ tro foot -ball club and have nothing to d o wi tu thelll, for thiil is 1wt t ho firat til.lle t h· :y \;we flu okod. Quite rt large numbor nf sports were there and were disappomted. The Sons' entertainment on Friday ev'g l!)th u lt,. was well attend ed ,001rnider · ing tho bad state of the roads a.nd the weather. A very good programme was rendered, consisting of th e following : Mu3ic, by Mr. and Miss Vannest ; reci, The 'l'e wpera11ce L otige, by Eli P asco.:i; r ecitation, D~aoou Dai and th e Hgttway Cow, by W. Montgomery ; music, by I . L Brown aud cluldrun; recitation. by Mios A. P ascoe ; soug, by Mr. A. i::>tott; f'Cadin ?, by M1 ~s H ogarth ; Music, by I. L. Brown ; recitatH'n, by Mr. A . Abraham ; music, by Mr. an Miss VanNest; dialogue, Arabella's Poor R olations, by E . J . Pascoe, A . Pascoe, J. R eynolds and E . G Pascoe ; song, by A . Stott; recitatiou, The Two Glasses, by Mr. A. Pascoe ; music, by I . L . Brown and children ; recitation, T he Gambler's Wife, by Mias N. Williams; aong, by A. Stott ; recitation, by M iss A . .Baker ; recitation, by Mi~s N. Williama ; niusic, by Mr. and Miss VanNest; parody, by A . ,J. R eynolds and A . Pascoe. JACK, HAMPTON. Mr. A. McLaughlin, jr., has r ented his farm n ear Enniskilleu, and taken a residence h ere. \Ve have local a!,lente now representing n early e very line of goods, but opposition is the life of trade. '£ he Band of H ope gave an entertainm ent. here last Friday e venm i.!, to a very good audience. vVe have heapa of local talent around here. Our geniel friend and citizen, Mr. R. J . Niddery, still maintains his popularity as a teacher. The inhabitants seem to be taking. more interest than usual in the education of the young. Several visitors at t he school during the last week. A large p ercentage being nmrriageable young ladiea. (Draw it mild, Slow Boy, teachers are always exceedingly modest -ED.) A concert is to be given on Good ~'ri day in this village under the manage ment of the Meth odist chm ch. Full particulars later. Rev. C. Taylor gave iln excellent eermo11 here Sunday morning, and Mr. J. Oliver very acceptably officiated in t h e evening. There h as beon a r evival in tho Moth., Several h ave been church recently. brought into the choir of late. A meeting of 'l'emperance workers is to be h eld in the T own Hall, h ere, on Wednesday, April 7th, at 2 p. m., to a: range fo r en'furcirig the Scott Act, app ointing a vigilencc committee, etc, .A. farge attendance desired. T h e agents of our village are r eaping a harvest j ust now. One reports selling four seed drills l ast week; another is so bti sy d elivering s<:win~ machines that he c:mt spare the horse long enou gh for his pa1tncr to visit his friends. And another is rushing the binders off lively. One other gentle men has repor ted (not an agont) making several dollars acting a r. plenipot entiary between two neighbours recently. Particulars later. SLOW BoY. F. H. MASON, Agent, MACHINE 01 l. ·:rH E BEST IN TrIE WORLD. ~~SUNLl:GHT " Coal Oil. CARTWRJGFIT. The Bowman vi lie A g ricultural a n d Carriage Co. Mrs. W. KeAn:tn had her t high badly injured by a fall. It i~ likelh to prove BUSY GETl'I NG MACltI N"E'i, I MPr.EMENTS serious. AND CAJtRIMH>3 it~lll.D\" F < llt THE Miss S11ines, of Prince A.lbert , who h:td OPENING SEMiON. charge ofOadmus sch ·ol,died oa the 25t h ult., of rheumatic fever. Her r emains were entornd i n Princo Albert comot,;ry I t is a sourcfl of uroa.t !!!'11.tilhition t o on S atnrday 27th ult. kn ow olu1t all the M ..1111fact uri11g ind ustries it1 I h is town ar in full bla11t . D og fi~hta, Iiorse races, gambling and and workin on full cime. A recent village fires ~re r.he order of the d ay. . · . · 1g B · · What is t he village comma to? visit t o .t ie owm:rn v1 .lle .~gr 1cu l t.nral _ . "' . and Currnge Company s W orka (late On the 2;:i~h ult ., a fire broke o nt 111 McClung & J)arcl.>). rnnvinced us of the on e of the c~1111~eys of ,lhe Fluke B lock. ((reat extent of busi1i. 63 they a "· idpate but was extmgu1slmd before auy ser1CJt18 the coming season, 'Pbey ><re g ·tting danrnge was done. !'<lady 300 pl0w·><, 30 b111<gi~s. sevHral Mrs. R . Venning is still in a vory low 1 wa~ons, mowers, lny t · dders, &~ . They condi tion. j ~1'n'e now a large tmdf of "k11lod 1'lorkmeo Mr. J ohn Smith has pnrohasecl a lot ~n each departnu nt a " d th111gs "' O b~om ~rom W. i=i:ooey and ma kin.~ prepar at- ing gen; ..~t t" a c:·, eat conv.,1.ieri~e wna for butldm" a private residence. t o t h.a farmers u.1cl. m ·~hu!e 'llell 1_ 11 th.s 0 . d 1stnct to ha.v ti an mst1t11 111Jn of th1, class P~ul Frayer has been engaged at ea- in their midst and they should br·n v it largmg th~ Royal Hotel stables, all the pa.tro1Hge they can. See thti Co's We expect a ccommod ,.tion for the t ravel- n ew ad vertisement in this issue. ing puhlio when t h e Scott Act comos in f.,rce. The prolor.ged Win ~cr m:.d e fee-yacht· The 11ew firm of Kinsman & M cLeau, ing possible even n1to ··h> tt is 11euer<Llly general b lacksmith, have Jeits ed the shop r egarded as Spring, so th ·i.t thti attmctof Robort H enry for a term of ye .·rs, ions and perils 1Jf th;s pueuli ir amu~e uent wlwre they purposecarying ·on t heir usual a re s till fresh ia the mind iYl 1·. S ·.. vh · Jns s husines3. in t tie April num 11er of F'.·a..ik L e:1lio1 V1:r Car twright b a~s band have decided Pop ular Monthly l!iv"a tlH h·~rory of n .. t to f.!:O to the Colonial exhi r.ition in rll, se s essels, their p · e·~ nt [.>0p»l 1r form~ Loudon this s"a son . and desCJribes vivi dly 1he ux 11brating ---- ·~--.-. seu·ations of a spin over the g ·".s«y ice in TYRONE. one of the fleet vehicle~ . Mr. F ~· Mayer takes us f, O ·u the tee and its 1:'he boys <leddorl to orgamizo· a }'oot plaasllres to the balmier Chesap~··ke and Bail club at their meeting on S.i.turday introducss us to thti old to 1Y1JS and u1 ·noril nigh t. Mr A . S. '~illey is tl~ e Secret.ery, of the western shore ..f !Yla ry!.rnd. a~:l Mr.J . El. .l\fauurn g, Tr~asurer. T~ere "Meal.:i and Mealtime" is s~ subj ect c<:r tain Wt·l also be a Baso Ball club organized to attract, while "The F ronch w ma.11 in s0on. t ho l~ ast" tells of t wo r ecen t. French Our minister advertised a somcthincr on t rav elers of the fair sex. A very curious Sunday nid 1t which he called progres~ive I arL iclo by a uatn rali>it, on whar. a re I· opul. 1 , uch rc. We do not kno w w hat it is an<l arly calle<l Inca's Eyes s olws all the hd did not enli<>'h ten us. ' my~tery about these curimrn obj i:c i.M, conYoLtr worth; townsma.n, Mt'. F . J. c~ri.iug which eo urnny .1b1mr d sto,t·ieB 'Osborne, preached an excellent sermon h :w~ bee r1 run111ug ~he rouudi>. rhe : here 011 Suud 'iY m orning s tunes are good. Bemdes t ile "D>1·igltt. . . e rs of Cain," by Etta W. J>i l'Cd, there Mr. J olm Mutt nn and l\fiss R egma a rc s hort atc ,rie3 b v Walter Ed>1ar Mc Can n M oore, yo11ng:1 " t ? of lVlr. JoR,·pb C. L . Hild,· Geor).(O Kir by, Elin o; M oore, of this v11la ge, woro m a~rt<'d on ~rooke an d Chrence M . B ... ntoJle. vVednesday. Long l ife and h app10ess. DEMOKi::s·.r'::i MoN'.l'BLY M.&OAZIKm is one R ev. S. T. Bartlet t, forme rly of th·s of ·he m ost desirab e oi the huusohold circmt, was snrprised by h is Glenco~ co 11-· magu:r.iucs pu blished, combiu ·11g. as it grAgat ion on the 22nd ult, iu a pleasing do.:s, s c J much to iuipr"v" aud i n terest way. About 75 pe rsons assembled at :t tht> home cil'cle. 'l' he .April number member's residence, after which Mr . and coutai us so met ad11Jira1.Jlti articles, such Mis. Bartlett were sent for. On t ht'ir a.s " T lw C:<.stle 11f Beidelh,,rg ," " The arrival a very complimouiar.v adrlr,,,ss was I11dus tr iai .l:'wble m,". by JcHm1e June, read auu a pursti eon taini og $0(;. 25 was and " Lctce .Makiu:;." '· That Otht r Perp resented to Mr. Bartlett " as a small s o ., " Mr, . Har ·'s ~"rial, is co utmue<l,and token of lo ve." Judg ing from the tone of instructiou· <.1re gi,i;i11 in chi·ia p»iuting the address,Mr. B. is ve ry popular amoug and en1bc..~·i 11'-( in mot:i l. T llo .P1·ohil:>ihis parish oners. tion ar t iclts are 1i.ll goorl, W. J cunincrs Minnie G. Cole, youngest daughter of Demo n st coutrib1 1t11115 " 'l 'be Irrcpr<Jasible M r. Roger Cole, died on Sunday after a U,, nfi ic iS, " 'l'lte f10H ti~pieee i· a, bti,i ntipainful illness. Eao11rnT. fu) steel et1i;1»1.ving, "The .ll'Ls3a~o. " "HiRLorical Ski;tcl\ of t.l1e D1st ributioa uf Limd in Euglaud, " by Prof W. Uoyd ENNJSKILLBN. On ~at ur day night last, after ;i, vei·y B ir kbeck, Cambride(L' CT111,·ers :tf, pri~e 15 lingering illness, atten ded for m1 my cent4, post free, J. i<'itzger..ld. P11bl s her, 39;> Pearl-s c., N e w y.,,.k, Th1i5 tr.,a.tise mouths with terrible s uffering, Mrs. A. on is Virtue passed peacPfu lly away to li.·r 011 me pri nciples of laud -d iotl'lbut1 r eward ab.,ve. Deceag.-d Wa8 very h ighly most t imely, and must b" welcoUled by r esµ11 cted by a ll who knew her. A faith- tl very st udi.)us observur of the e vents of cur rent history. .i.fe, an exemplary mother, the be8t 'l'wo s·1ggestive articles to appe'lr · in of n eighbors, she was beloved by e"er y one. 'fhl'Oughout all h er afi:lietiou sh<1 the Apnl Centiwy arti "Strikes, L ·ckouts bore all her pai n with th,.t christian fort- and Arbit ration>i, " by GeurgeMayPowell, itude and vatience only seen in those who a 11d an editorial on The Gr an t. M emorial, have been wit h Christ and l earne d of - " Who shall make the Mo11 um~nt 1 " · Him. Sl10 leaves behind to mourn h er " What kind of Structure ? " " 'l'he lc..s· a sorrowing husb ~nd, two daughters Q utst1on of Style/' etc. and four sons ; but th ey sorr ow n ot as those without h ope, for t hey know that GUIDE TO SHOPPERS. their loss is h er gain. The funer-al on T11esday was very l argely attend.ed by Mrs. Keys is selling Berlin Wools a t i·el a.tives and friends. The remains were 15c an ounce. inter red in Bowmanville Cemetery. Call at Tt1it & Morrison's to see Mrs. A valuable cow belonging to Mr. R. C. Cl>1,rke's Cookery Book. V irtue had her leg broken last week. L adies ,you can buy Berlin Wools at Some t eamsters drn.wing turnips from Mrs. Keyes' for 15c a u ounce. Mr. L. A. Tole's farm were driving off Winter goods clearing out at and bethe cattle around the pit and this cow got a rap of greater sevority than was l ikely low cost and a bonus given in. See Star intended CliUsing the accident. The Hou3e advt. ·The cheapest all wool :flannels and all owner ha.d to kill t he cow. wool shirts and drawers are to be ha.d at Mr. Jno. Virtuo, Jr., (son of Mr. A. Virtue) started for Manitoba on 1 l'uesday th~ Star House. .TU8t to hand at Mayer's, n ew Spring night last in company with Mr. Chad es H ats and Gent's furnishin gs. c,.u and R ogers. see tile new 3tylaa. Great r eduction in t h e price of fresh ENFIELD. Meat s at J . Lyle's. Best cut s of all kinds The Inspector ~isited the school h ere for 10 cen ts per pound. last week. Ho seemed highly pleased , All wool t weeds wort.h 750 for 50c per with the condition of th e school r yard. Mautle cloth worth $2.00 for $1. Wood bees are all the rage. 75 a t T. Geo. M awn'8 Star House. Mr. and Mrs. J a3. Stark hav e m oved A well assorLed stock of the choicest into the ir n ew l1 ome. I family groceries and provision s, fresh an d Miss Addie Cole, of Maple G rove, has cured meats, always on hand at Lyle's. John Lyle h as reduced the pri ce of all been visiting at Mr. Jon. Bray's. Miss Alberta P ascoe, of Solina, is Yisit· kinds of Meats to 10 cents per pound for ing at M r. R. ]>ascoe's. the best cuts and all oth er cuts in propor· Mr. R . P ascoe h as been laid up for tiou. some time with a sore hand. Murdoch Bros., the seedsme.n, are alM aple sugar season has commenced. ready doing an immense business in field an d garden seeds. They have a very Would you like some taffy, Mr. Ed.? large stock. Our very efficien t fire brigade was Pu1tE TEA! PuRE LITERATURE!!-The called out one night last weoK to exting uis h a fire 11ot far d istant from t he Li-Quor Tea Co, is t.he largest and best village. After a severe struggle they got Packet Tea Co. in the v. orld. A handthe fl ames under control. The damage some vol ume gi ven away with every 3J bs of this celf.'brated tea It is uot necessary was very slight. N i,;::110. to purchase the thre t1 pouuds a t one time; a voucher is e:iven away with every half Scott's Emulsion of Pure pound. By drinking theLi-Qtior Teas, th consumer becomes a panicivaror in the Cod Li ver on. ·with Jlypophosploitc3 advantages which this company possesses A M ost N utritiotr,s Food and M edicine. over all competitors, for h e gets a better Dr. LJNDSAY JOHNSON, of Cartersville, to:· at a 101ver price than can be procured Geo., says : " I take great pl easu re in I elsewh ere, a nd he shares in the in estim· saying your Emulsion h as proved i tself able b enefits of a gigantic en terprise. in my hands a most efficient l'emedy, in Came early e md !!!et t hu benefit of our unthe various wastmg conditions calling for broken stollk. LEVI Mo:rtRI~, Agent, such a nutri ment." Eoumall's B lock. 11-tf !s I I

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