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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1886, p. 3

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f~HE YOUNG FOLKS. IHtIDAY, APRTL 2, 1885. Th ue .,...owers are J'aet now advo e aw' "'· ' · o11oting h o,,8 with more lean meat. Tbla is t he 1ight dirootion The stylish If you want a WHIP that will outwear anything you ever bought, a. move 1· · .A1w 1sE TO MoTHEits.-Are you 'lishog of t h .. past decade has been 0ut little 1 i1·ve 1ih lumps of an1 "m·ted Jhrd turbed at night and broken of your rest more " ~ '" . u call at W. H. MAY'S and buy a the hogs ·· r &nge with pasture and feed les.s by a sick child suffering and crying with corn. · 'l'l.i·t will cert11oinly improve the pain of Cutting Teeth ? If eo send at quality ('r tile pork, o nce and get a. bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Sh t tt t ldl Soothing Syrup." For children teething, eep a. en mos up y at 2 and 3 years old By feeding rich foddcir 1-yee.r its valne is incalculable. It will relieve WARRANTED SUPERIOR TO WHALEBONE. old eheei· will inoieMe in weight more the poor li ttle sufferer immediately. D erapidly t when older. While they · will pend upon it, mothers ; there is no PERSONAL. fatten al~· at this age the fleBh ia not es- Everyt hing in the Harness line, in cluding TRUNKS, Y AUSES, &c., m istake about ib. It cures Dyeentery teemed a.a when older, as it is more and Diarrhcea, regulates .the Stomach and Vice Chancellor Bacon is the oldest watery. Lunba ts.ken very young and away down low in price to suit the times. B owels, cures Wind Colic, ·softens the Judge on the bench in England. He is BS fed high .,re fattened and made palatable. Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives yHre old, and ia'remarkably well preserved. But whe·l fattened for profit a.n well ae to:::ie and energy to the whole syi:1tem. Mr. Thomas .A, Edison will spend elx p11olatabl !hah, sheep, as well ' as other " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for weeks in Florida with hia bri<le and prob- l u.nimals, should be matured in growth children tetithing is pleasant to tho taste ably will not return to New Y ;rk cft.y .be- fir~ IV c!ropped. l bl k d in fore the middle of May new am a a weu. an a nd is the prescription of on0 of the old. ' ,. . · eignlfica ,i; thlng, and yet it hai an nlti est and beat female physicians and nurses Jackson J, Hill of S .. Pa.11!, Mmn.,is mate v&he of several doll11ora. We in the United States, and is for sale by sa.1d to own the finest collec~ion of diamonds at times , ealized from $10 down to $3 50 all druggists through the world. Price in the United t)ta.teli, and his friends speak per head ror cur orop of opring ~nd 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "'!'here I How do you like to · the of him as the "Jack of Dlamonds." these sm,.,U sums may make up, i~ tho "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOT.HING SYRUP." name of your old town upelled with a' p," U . t;, Secretary Lamar; Is credited wit h aggregatd a lc.1ge amount, The lambs are a nd take no other kind, tol~ ~s said that this reformed the Buff.i.lo having lately rebuked Colonel Iugereoll for tb.erefor to be c11orofuly nursed through his r.ggreseive infidelity, and expressed a. their w .k and helpless Q tage, and then o- Ne~Jy improved Verses l& .Motto all official. hope that be wlll some day bscome u. CJui.8· fed judl ,1.ously but liberally. O verfeeding Chromo Uards, with name and a water tian prea.cher. le the gra ..t dii.nger, A small quantity of A~e now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pcna, for 50c. Steerine' by :Mother"s Lie;ht. Queen Ni>tl\lie ls s11oid to be the mnet warm, f1·esh cow's milk given to & weak Agents sample pa cit, outfit, and illus· beautiful woman In Servia ; but nnlas she Iamb th·ao times a. da.y through a nursing· will c_ommand ;vour favorable consideration. An inspection of the trated oatalogue of N ove!Lies. for a He. stamp and this slip.~.,.... A. W.tKINNEY, Yarmouth, He put his hands to his mouth a11 if he mgrossly libeled by the lately extant p ie- bottle v1tll htlp it wonderfully, When the same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasuve in show~~ Hm had pie.cod 11o speaking-trumpet there, and tures of her, the atatement·ill pretty rough lllmbe ar<l three or four weeks old an ounoe -ing our goods.then shouted tbr~gh ~hem, on the other Servls.n women. ] daily fo·' ea.oh 111omb of a mixture of corn " Hnl-lo ! Hnl-lo-o-o I" d h fi There wa~ no answer save that ,.f t he Mr. John Drew, the father of the young and_ rye groun t oget er nely will be We have just 1·eceived a nice 1·a11ge or L:t ce Ct11·tai11. clergymm to whom MiSll Ma.ry one serv1crnl1lo. It Is, however, hotter to food heavy 11wash of the eea. a.~ bis feet. Neither wa.a m arried, le one of the most active and half I\ pli1t of lt daily to each ewe, w hich va~y111g· in price n·oin 60c. to $ 6 a pair. OF CANADA. was there anything to be seen, only a -vast llordent Conservatives in Devonshire and a will heh· the lamb more thim if it were curtain of gray mint falling e-vcry· Tory of the stern and unbending typ'e. . given tu it. C.U ."lTil, $1,000,000. A. C1·esh· ot· Table Linens n·om 2iic. pei· yd. up ; _,,,,_ JtEST, $220,1100 thick where over the sea. He another rpeaking·trumpet with It i6 2aid tb11ot Thebaw, tho ex· King of also Table Na1Jkins r1·01n 7iic. to $ 2.iiO 1·er doz. T his Bank 111 prepared to do Legiti· :Mind in Fanning. hb bands anii ehouted again, but there wa.ii B1umah, never touches liquor, and that the wa e Banking in all its branches. The lth'la baa generally prevailed in th e F armers notes diacounted; Deposits no response. Neither did the fog bre11.k be- officers of the vessel whlcn took him to hie past, 11o1..1 possibly more by farmera than We would like you t o see our latest in Colored Cashmeres received and Interest paid on amounts of fore his piercing cry. Sullen and gre.y it pla.ce of exile t ried to t empt him with every otbera, t hat for the bueine~e of farming but h ' down over the sea. kind of drink, from gin to champagne, with- little iutelleotua1 training wae neceesa.ry. new s ha des, w h" ic are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department, hung " .{don't; 11ee," said Pierre, "where the out effect. fishing boa.ta are, Ana, of course, It don't A celebra.ted Italian aot reoa and einger, A wiilirJgnese to work on in t he di ron· also figured goods at 1 2 ~ cents. These are r apid selling goods and DRA.l'TS will soon be cleaned out. do any good to ca.II but then, when one Blanca Donadio, Intends 1o take t.he veil. tine, that has been transmitted from the I ssued and Collections made in Europe don't know what to 'do, why-why he will· S~e belongs to a devout Parisian family, practices of the p118t, was all tha.t conld be United Stat.ea and Canada. relied on for euccesa, narrow 0 ·denes · is also very complete and will be fonnd try anything, Guesa I will gCl Into the and during her atay in Florence, whore ahe safely view, born aud kept ~ive by ignorance ttr s t ock Of ·E mb ro1 house and see mother." hae been lately acting, she sent all the W.J. JONES, to be of interest. Agent, He walked up the hard sandy beach, flowers given to her on the stage to the only, ie a mistaken fa.llacy of the past, fast dying out, rr.ther than the sentiment of climbed the hummocks in the rear, and then churches, Count Herber' Blamarck ls not to go as intelligent, present thought. T he agr1dropped down Into 11. cosy valley that several aged wlllows overshadowed. Under one of German Ambassador to England. He is culture of to-day ie not based on manual alone, The education of the mental As usual · · those trees was Pierre's home, the right-hand. man of hill father In the labor facultlea, as well as the .training of the ~e ar~ sh owmg a ]~rge ch owe in C loths-English, Scotcll. " Any word from the boa.tB ?" asked a Berlin Foreign Office, and will stay t here, hand to work eklllfully, i3 reooi;nizel as an and (_,anadianand furnish clothing to order by the be st mueioal voloe. ready t a become the head of the departt ailors in town. " That is mother," thought Pierre~ m 0 nt on the Chancellor's death or r etire- easentfal in fitt ing for t he life work of t he 1 For cost of advc1~tising in any paper or farm, Upon these, Intelligence and labor ~====================~======~~====· She wad stooping over the fire of drift. ment. list of papers 1mblishecl in the Unitecl wol')d th& t she had begun to make on the Mr. J11omes E, Murdoch, the veteran combined, reat the hope of progress In S tates or Canada, send to the ADVEIJ.TIS- broad and blackened hearth. ,, aotor, at the age of 76 enjoys good bee.1th agriculture, And yet it m11oy be questioned, J:NG A GENCY of EJJWIN .ALJ)EN & '.BRQ., " Any news from the boats 7 she asked and the possession of unimrn.lred faculties, If farmers fully appreciate the valne to ~incinnati,/;,,....1New York, again:. " H ia time for the fiehermen t o be He has a pleasant home at Cincinnati,_ where their children ot a home training and edn · ~r. 5tk &; Vine Stl!., ' I V,Q .1.Ya8sa·· Streee. at home." he likes to reoaive vMtore an d diacune the cation in the work and ln the busineas of **'"Our H N cwspa.pct Combination s," a book of "Notbfog," he said. . a.nd tb.e present of the '.American stage. the farm, Each year there go out from T50 p;iges, containing prkcs. of 3=_dvcrtising, fuU tho farm11 young men s.nd women t o assum~ 0 i nstructions , etc., sent o n rece ipt of xoc. Our Am. The Pall .Mall Gazette is b eing sued for " Three boa.ts ~ent_o nt, P1erre""""'.Isa"; them Newspaper Catnlog·ue" containing_ n ames of every go-your father 11 ~,ou:c uncle Louis and libel by Mrs. .Broughton, at whose house the work of managing farm 1 for themselves. ' . Aro these young mlln and women ae well ncwsp::tpCl" P.ubllsJiccl_ in t!\C u~ :;:,, a,nd Canada, 1 J arret > e made tho arre.ngcment wliich led t o educated and t rained in the work and -your unelu Pierre s. Yes, t~ree boats had gone to the fishing the abduction of Ellz1 Armstrong and her business aff11.ira of the farm aa they, t he grounds J 11~t off 11o rough, recky po~t-three mbs£quent imprisonment by Stead and hla sons and da.ughters of farmers, onfilht, with bo11ota rooking on the rest lass, unrgwg sea. · asrnolt.tes, Hts enemies as~i&t the womo.n their opportunities, to be? We fear t here " Foar of the neighbors went with your with her suit. Is yet t rn m u"h of indifference ln p11.rnnts uncle "I Louis." know it, mother, All men In that Polioe Justice George A. Meech of Chica.- in teaching their children the bn.~iness of boat." ga, who ha\1 brought a libel suit against the b.rming, not only as a trade, bnt . as a - . ·---- -.. -----------" And Coset te went in vour father's," Rev, Dr. Kittredge, la a eon of the officer profesafon, It ought to be kept conetantly 1 " who in the 'Var of 1812 commanded the in view th11ot the training and ed11oation " Yes, and ebe iB as good as a IXliLO: in a boat." privateer "Cieneral Armstrong," and needed by t he farmer oan largely be " Good as a man !" Cosette, 1'1erre'a big throu11:h hh mothvr a deooendr.nt of Wil· learned a.t home, and that the practical -AT THEsister, could ma.nags a b>n.t bettor than some lia.m Brewster, who was one of the company knowledge .t hus gained will be of inestim· able value-so n:uoh ca.pit11ol with which to m(n, of the Mayflower. Dr. Henry C 9 l!ler,_ a. Georgia dentist, was begin the business of farming. Besidea Cosette, two others of the family in tha.t boa.t-Clom a.nd Victor P ierre's set upon the other mght by three negroes, ~':brothers, strong and mu3cnla.r, ' who dem~ncled his money, Pu!~lng hia Whllot !loll Old farmer Says. "Isa the boats off the point mother hand in hi~ pooket a.n~ sa~ing, Well, I Thia lll"the advice of a.n old man who has . w dI Id C '. d· I suppcse I II nave to i;llVe it to yon," Dr. two nonrs ago, an con s?e osette stan · Collier ,pulled a pistol and did ive it to tilled tho e<>ll for fifty ln_g i~ the 11tern of father 11 boat. Uncle them. He killed one, woundedg another, I am a.n old man, upwards of thr ee score Pierre s wM_farth~ out, ltll sail set, and the ca,.turad the third e. d hed hi t 0 th6 years, during two 11cores of which I have boat wao sk1pplng away." r Th fmarc m FOR THE NEXT MONTH "G<ld keei> them! " murmured tlile mother, 1ooknp. e fourt ootpa.d was lucky been a tlllcir of the soil. I cannot say that I am now, hut I have been rich an :l. have " I don't like to have them late when tho enough to get away. , all I need, do not owe a dolla.r, have given Mlea Cleveland has adopted for u~e In her m Goods will be sacrificed to make aea ia rough. God keep them !" y obildren a good educ!l.tlon, and when "I will go out and aee how things look oorreepmdence a crest whloh Is a copy of I am called away will leave theni enough to room for a change in the business, now." the, !'ew seal receutly provided for the the wolf from the door. My experl· Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. Ha soon came back and reported tha.t the .President, and shows the b:i.ld-beaded eagle, keep taught me that : so all who want fog seemed to be ecattering and the wind not with wings outstretched ~s formerly, enco l. One !I.ere of land well prepared and· ' · ==::! ilaing. . but with his we11orled pinlon11 at rest; up.on cultivated, produced more than t wo " Could you hear the waves oft' the Big the breast ot the eagle rests the familiar well VV Rook?" shield, with its thirteen stripes and thirteen which received only the amount of stllora, The orl'.Bt is piinted In de:i.d guld labor used on one. 2. One cow, horse, mule, sheep or hog " Yes, I could hear them." and below it appa!l.r the words, "The PresiDRY GOODS, The mother aighed again and again. Tho dent's Houa11 " well fed, is more profitable th11on two kept on the same a.mount necesaa.ry to keep one waves c:.ff " Big Rock " meant the surf CLOTHING, The Qa.~en has takon the recent lecture well. - -MANUFACTURER O F - a.round a lofiy ~hore·ledge at high-tide ; and of the Standard to heart and is emerging when a storm was approaching, the agit11.3. One M ' e of clover or grass b worth FURNISHINGS, from her long seolasion. Being in town for tlon of the sea about this ledge was very more tl::a.n t ;vo of cotton where no grun or and FUR GOODS, violent and nol~y. She went to tb.e door, the drawing-room this week she drove clover is ra.i~ed. three sepua.te . days In the pa.rk, She has listened, and then slowly climbed the worn 4 . No te.. rmer who buys oats, corn or KING STREE'l', BOWMANVILL promised to 11ottend public conven- whe!lot, fodder and h ay, a! a. r ule, for ten will please call at the ECLIPSE stairway leu.dlng to her litjHe cl!-amber un- fm:ther tions in the olty, and if she will consent to years, can keep t be slleriff away from the Ha.snow on hand a numb~r of vei:.iclee (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the newell der the l'OOf, patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale B·t the lowest prices consisten\ her jubilee, that celebration ma.y door in the end, rHOUSE. with due regard to w:or~manship and quality. The f ollowing i! a list o! "I think I will go up st11oirs," she mur· t ake place thls oummer. It is hoped that . the prmc111al veb.1cles manufact ured by me mured, 5. The forrner :who never reads the she will undert1Lke royal progrese through "It won't do a.ny good, mother," cried the grea.t towns. papers, aneers at book farming and Im· ~ouble Covered Carriages., ............. : .. ...... .. .... .. ..... ....... ..... ... $200 Upwards, · · Pierre, who knew what she propo!ed to do, provement~, a.lwaye has a leaky roof, poor Single Phretons........ .............. . . ... .. .............. .. ... ........ ......... 100 11 Sir Henry James, London 1ruth says, Is stock, broken down fonce11 and complain11 "I wish you only thonght It would, Open Buggy.;..... ........ . ...... ............................ . ............ ...... '70 11 the victim of a smlirt repa.rtee. Bia oppo- of bad " soa~ons." Pierre." Top Buggy................................. ........... . .. ............ .. . .......... 90 11 Sile lighted a lamp, set It in the narrow nent at Bury said that he so gre11otly re6. T he farmer who is above hie bnslnces D emocrat Wagon........ . . .................. .................... .............. .. 65 u window r.nd then bowed her hoa.d In prayer . spected Lord Sa.liabury, that H he wtre t o and en trusts it to another t o, saon It waa her habH on stormy nights and Pierre pIOJ!lOBe Home Rule, he should vote in favor has no business to attend to. L~~ber Wagons ..... ... .. .... ... . ... . ....... ... ................ ... .... ......... , 55 ,. had carelessly joked about It, and yetit of it. Sir Henry replied that; ho roepeottd L 1g t Wagon............ .. .. .. .............. .. ............... . .. ... ....... ....... 40 ,, 7. 1'he farmer whose habltual beverage was only talk o i the surlace. The terrible Mr, Gladstone quite es muoh, but that if Express Wagon..................... .. .... .. ............. .. .......... .. .......... 75 11 wrath of t ho sea awed him ; a.nd If his a hundred Gladstones were to propose Home la cold water, ia healthier, we11olthier and Skeleton. .................... ...................................... . .. ..... ........ 60 11 wise1· than he who does not refllse to drink. pride hacl not prevented, he would hllve de- Rnle, he should vote aglinst it, Sir Henry S ulky ......... ............. :.... . ............ .............. . ....................... . 40 u ----·--~-.... clared his pnrpoae to look t o that God who wrote t o the chairman of his cgmmittee to ask him whether, under the present oircumPoaseaslng superto:i: facilities f.or ~anufa.cturlng carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap for oasll "Do You!Mean:Me?' holcls wind and wave alike In his graop. or approved crod1t, nnd by so domg I hope to greatly increMe my number of sales · Would While a. mo\h~r at homo was pra.ying by etv.noes, this ntter11once preolnded him from " An UDprecedented n&!r (write1 a ccraell the wood part s only, or the geo.ringa of buggies ironed, ' the li11;hted lamp Acmfo a.t eea were watching Joining Mr. Gladstone's a<lmlnlat1·a.tlcn. reapondtnt) h11oppened at u. Httle cou.ntry 'fhe chairman replied that it did. It, The three l:oa.ta h11od been bewildered church ea a. .rec.,nt Sunday evening, A Prince Kra.potkine, th;i learned and y oung m9.n, accomp1i.nlcd by a female, at. in the fog. Two of them had atumbled on a f&moue anarc!ifot, recently released from a. little island, in one of whoso coves t hey liended am·vlce there, a.s they bad frrq nently At tho Shortest Notice, Painted and '.l'rimmed if D esired, · sought ~helter for t he nlgM. The boat he· Frouoh prison, has rlec!tfod to make hie done b efore, It appeare that the young A.t the Fa.ctory I also. do Pli;niug, Matching, Turning Sa.wing with Circle, Band or'Soiro homo in H&mpstead, Eng., and Exp~ots to lunging to Pierre's fatht:1r had not baen so man, either for convenience (the paw being Saws., and prepare all kin.d s o~ lumber tor carp.e ntera nd others for building purposes. fortunate. When t he wind roae and the spend there in peace c1uietnde the clos- crowded) er frim force ~f habit, placed his Orn amen ta! and Plain P ickets for fences m a very style r eonired. made t o order. ing years of bis e.d·ventnrou~ a.nd troubled arm on t he top of the 8t>a.1; beb.intl hh com· fog sou.tteroo, Co1rette's keen eyes were Ue intend,ll, however, before resuming life. pa.nfon. J udg" his eurpriac, v .nd t11at of the turned in every direction, aeD.rohlng for POSITIVELY CURES : h!B dntiee, tt> make a tour of Englimd and oongregat!on also, when the minister, hav· aome ray from a. guiding light. "Oh, there I See !" ~be cried, pointing America for t he purpose of deliverfo~ a offered up the pr11>yer, oxcla.lmed, · Take towal.'d o. dim fl.Mh of gold off on the waier'e enies of lectures, in which he will define your arm from t hat woman's waist, will hla own vi ws upon socialism and describe yon ?' Of ·:ourso, i.t this thet·e wae a generedge, the present aspect of the revolut ionary al look to disco 711r the guilty one, the young " for the.t," replied her father, movement throughout the world as viewed mJJ.n hlmaclf ht.Ing un11oble to realize his po'Iha bow of the boat was pointed toward sition. Glving another look at the minister, tha.t goldt>n spark. Slowly but steadily from the inside. Prince Pascal deB~urbeun, brother of tho he was met with the words, ·Yon, I mean ; they advanced through the rough waters, P urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the e.nO. the boat wa.s beached in a. ltttle uhelter· ex-king of N11o11les, hae juat figured In a po- don't you hear J' Aa there conld be no mie. ·ed nook not far from the home under the lice court, being ch:i.r!led with giv· take tnis time, the young man answered, ing a mortgage for $150,000 upon his vllla 'DD y 6u maan me 1' Tho minister, LIVER, S'.l'OiflA.UD, .KID~EYS A.ND BOWELS. willow11. "Here we are I" shouted Victor, at tho w nloh he bad a.lready mortgaged to its full ·Yea tJJ.ko your arm from tb11ot woman's They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, a.nd of $39,000. The Prinoe oot up a deI-' I beg your pardon, sir, replied the v11olue waist door of the houae, · are invaluable in all Oompla.lnts incidental to Femal es of all .Ages. For eceived no money considera- young man: my arm is not round h er walet.' "Oil, . thank God!" cried tho ;r,o~her, fence that he r_ Child ren and t he aged they priceless, coming down the stairway, her lamp in her tion for t he mortgage, but wine which he - ' Don't a.newer me ln church,' said the rev, A few Boxes will cure any case of Dys· sold and only realized $10,000. The mort- gentleman. ' V cry well,' replied the youDg hand. "Oh, how did yon get here?" pepsia, BilnPlY by taking One :Pill every "We eteered b'y .motber'a light," said ga.gers tried to sell the villa and extort the man, · I wlll leave your church;' and picking nigh,t .o;rl. re,tJ.ri;Pg· They do not lose their C ceet te. "Wa saw it in the window, full amount of the mortgage, but-the prince np his hat, he did so," Is an infallible i·emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores effect like other Pills. though we did not know wh11>t it was out W'WI acquitted on the ground that no intenand Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and R heumat ism, For diaor dera of tlie tion to commit frand had been proven. Mr. F, Marion Crawford will presently there." -Chest it hiis no equal. return to Ametioa. for a visit, · ' " Ah !" thougbt Pierre, " it is time I g5 Cent~ per Box. Five,Boxes for $1.00. were steering by mother's light." When he It is that the Swedish Minister Nearly every day somebody uneaxths an For S ore Throats, .Bronchi.tis, (Joughs, C olds,.. ·: ' 'THIRTY PILLS IN A BO~; lay down th9.t night, he firow knelt and aHk· Kjolt., will ne-ver b i a pronounced eucceaa. " old rhyme" of ll meteorologiool character, . ed God to gtlide him over life's rough sea.. - "Mother, wh11t la 11.n angel!" ··My such ao, "If February gives much enow, a Gl~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and'{foxcontra.cted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. ·. S,i)LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS·; The months went rapidly by. The cold, de11or, itls a. little girl wings, who flies, " fine summer It doth foreshow "; or, " If -'\" '. " ' . · __ . _._ · : · ·· ha.rd blasts of winter drove acro111i the aoa, " But I hel.\rd Pa.p!L telling the governess i\hrch is full of wind and rain, tho fa;rmer . ·· , · . .,and Uke plows they turned up the dark yesttrda.y t hat she waa an 11ougel. ·will will have a good crop of grain." These Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, " old r bymes " are now mlhr.mfact nred in ·(J · ~u.ters. Thencimio spring, with its softer she fly?" " Yes, my dear ; ehe will fly evEr,;r 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (la.te 533, OXFORD STREET), LOMDON en'terprising newspaper office, and ··\JO~ airs, and the longer days kindlsd in the a·way the firs~ thing to.morrow." they qui~e c.s <lften as th.e " old And are sold at la. l td., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lla., 228., aud 33s. Bo~. or P ot , tlln d. , . ,_ · · · ,, .. · .;. aky t hil.t longar light ln which thu ~el.\ rolled 'fhe first flowers of spring-Those which rhymes " made 11. century ago. Hare's one, and fl~hed like ·a vast crystu.l, Spring, ycur wife selects for her Easter bonnet. mny be h11.d from all Medicine Y endors throughout tlie World. -PROPRIBTORS, though, di d not soften the cough that had Paper is being used as a substitute for for inst~nce, that ma.y be depended upon ; ·Purcl.urnen should loo.k at tile J;abel on the rots and Boxes. It tile ~ llt!rcH "If in J une, July 11.nd August no rain there attacked l'ie;re and with which he vainly wood, It is alao being used as a subdltnte ls ll llS3, Oxford Street, London, they are spurlou1, be, a very dry summ~r you'll surely see." wnstled. for raUro11.ds and mining companies. A Spelling LeBBon. People, a1 a rule, are partfoular about h11.ving tbelr namea ipelled correctly, and they are not to be blamed for t b eir pr"f er· enoe. You may the arhtooratlo · mythe a, llfe-I oag enemy b y wr!ting his i n S the plebei&n fashion-Smith. Here ia a poat-ma.eter who was exh'emely anxious to the of hia city !!palled properly : The po1t-master at Buff...lo, in making up 'the mall for .Binghamton, peraisted in in!ertlng the " p" in addresaing the package, though tihe Binghamton post-master had written to him on the eubj eot, explained that the "p" Hhonld bo omiited, and asked that the correction be made. The Buffalo p~st·m11o·ter paid no attention to the re quest, oontinuing to addregs the packages ae before, and finally the Binghamton man, a somewhat peppery Individual, go.t ma.d. He had to address a. mail package to Buffalo daily, and, sher making lt up, he wrote 11pon Uie out!lde in big letters the word ~ l " ddl b It t.h B ~g:~a op, a. ng eneatb. e mes- "Re can't live long," e11o!d the old dootor of the family; "he may go any day." One a~ormy night the boy lay dying ; bther, mother, Cosette, Victor, Clementine, ga.thPed In tears abou.. h'- bed. " · .., Pierre waa wandering In hill thought& ; he fancied he wa11 far df cm the eee., The waves, he aald, were running high. ."Don't you be afraid for me,'· he ea.Id, In low tones, lookinit round on those who .wept at hla aide, "I shall-make-harbor ; I'm bataerlng by mother's-light ;" and guided y prayer, ateerlng by a. mother's light, the fisher· boy q uiokly reached heaven and home. FARM. Timely Su~i?estions. EVERYBODY THAT OWNS AHORSE GENUINE BULL BONE, -w---.:a::_ :c·1. E A I> Y 5 :rY.I:ASON EROS_ '- STANDARD BANK· Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up.. Ellwin Alllen &Bro. , , COAL COAL · · 'A~vert1s1ng·~Agency: ·STOCK TAKING l!clipso .House :Sargains in h Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. "We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. HA I NE S' CARRIAGE "tTTQRKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES., SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G. W H I V E'$. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S -- . -LIVER - A ll Kin.ds of Vehicles Repaired.:J FOR ALLT PILLS DYSPEPS/Af SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, IND/GEST/Oil · ' ' I THE PILL S ......... THE OINTMENT h t ·& .\ ·. ll · c. w ·es· JQ ~' r,FORONTO. . . : .

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