EGYPTIAN ROMANCE FRIDAY, APRlL 2, 1886. AStory of Love and Wlld Adventure, founded upon Startling Revela CATARRH. CATARRH.-A new treatment ho.a bee,n di~· covered whereby a permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease, is o.bsolutely affect· ed In from one to three applications, no m~~t".r whether standing one yes.r or forty years. Itns remedy is only applied once in twelve da;rs, and does not interfere with business. Descr1p· tive pamphlet sent free on i·eceipt of stamp by .A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, Toronto, Canada. WHAT IS CATARR!Ii Catarrh is adangerons disMse which -thousands'are consciously or unconscionslysutferlng :trom. It is a muco·pm·nlent dischal"{j'e ~aused by the presence of a vegetable paro.s1tc m the lining membrane of the nose. The predtspos· ing causes a morbid state of the blood,, tho blighted corpuscle of tubercle. tho germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxom<)o\, f~om the retention of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed perspirations, badly vent.i latecl sleeping apar.t· menm and the ~ermination of other poisons m the blood. Irritated by these, the lining membrane of the nose is ever ready for the reception of the parasite. which r:i.pidly spreads;up t he nostrils and down the fa.noes, or back of the throtJ.t, causing ulceration of the throat; up the enstacbian tubes, causing deaflless: bu;.. r owing in the vocal cords, causi!'.lg · hoo.rsen6!!ai· usurping the proper structure of the b~onch1a tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. Mo.ny ingenious speiflca for for the cure of catarrh have been invented, but withont auccese, until a physician or long standing discov· ered the exact nature of th diseaee and the only appliance wWch will permanently destl'OY the, no matter how aggravated the case. Sufferers sbould send stamp at once for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to tb~ busines· managers. A, H, Dixon &, Soll, 30<> :King street, west, 'l'oronto, Cana.d'J.. What the Re1>. E . B. Ste·venson, B.A .. a Clergy· 1nan of the Londo i i Oonfei·ence of the M etho· dist Otiu·rch of Canada. has to say in regard :I'o A.If. Dixon & Son's' New Treatment foi· tione in ·the Career of Arabi Pasha: NINA, s, t~e Aut1tor of 11 TB11 NmILisr," 11 TR11 RBD Sl'oT," "Ta:ii: Rosst4:N SFY1 " ETo., ETo. CHAPTER XLII. DIAnlOND CUT DIAMOND-THE PRINCESS'S ULTl MAT lJM, strongly inclined to drop the aubstanoe in Leaving both Frnnk Doue!ly l!>lld his lovely her greed to 11D.ap at the larger shadow. bride in their respective prison cells, we will Bat a moment e reflection seemed to open follow the war mlnietel' io his attempt to up to her a we.y by whioh to secure both eJlact t he liberation of the latter. mouthfuls, and looking fixedly at the war Behold Arabi Pa3he.1 therefore, once more minioter, 110 tha.t she might detoot the ellght· by the eooniva.nco and with the active as- est intention on his part to deceive her, she sietance o( Elmarr the bnffoon, in the pres- slowly and distinctly : ence of the bea.utifal Egyptian princess, who "You might be able to redeem her with receives her 6upposed fem11le visitor with a.n the blood of her entire race, the blood of outward show of joy and welcome, thongh all, I mean, who atill remain In Eg:ypt, Will her heii!.rt ia dBrk within her by reason that you shed It for her eake ?" ehe guesses why he hae come, " Allah, Allah I How can you h1?ove conA\I she lfoe i9 voluptuous abandon amidst the hllaped up p!le~ of amb~r satin oushicne 01ived eo deep a hatred against her race?" " Because Its women are free like the that form her conch she waits for him to speak, b11tthough she i~ out wardly eo com. flowers and able to Bhow their lovellneus to placent and calm the labored heaving of her the world and win what la to ou,r sex the magnificent and almost nude bre:uit, and the supreme11t C;f all delighta, 11tdmiratlon, I hate nervouu working of her little naked honm~ ~heir women because they can do this, whilst tipped toes, ae or.e moment she thrnata her I oan not, a.nd I ha.te t heir men bocauae the small Ivory feet Inside her embossed leather, only one of them who ever beheld my beauty gold fil!gree·wcrked allpp~rs and thoo next WM moved thereby, but preferred thnt of draws tnem Int a.gain, eufficlently ahowa the t ho girl who is at preeent my prisoner, and lnwa1·d agitation of hor mind. Her full, whom oven you would like, If you only dared, fieahy arma are bare to the very ahouldera, to pl&ce above my head." " Ziltlneb, I cannot oommand a. wholesale l\lld the golden clro:ee t hat ch.sp them he~a o.nd there slok into their yielding raoftnese, mtu111acro of Chrhtiana merely to a . wh ilst the h<·a.vy ebon masses of her perfum- womi.n-" " The question Is not that of '{)leasing a ed unbom:id hair E eem to fbw all over her likr, inky rivulets, 011.neing her clear brown woma.n, nut 0£ preserving a girl." Al'ab{ Pasha wlnoocl but out : " I and by no means unlovely skiu to seem posOatan·h. itively fair by the cantrast. In short, ahe cannot do lt even for t:hat , Zeeneh." Oalclans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 looked a woman in every way of "Then, by Allah and the prophet I wiil Messrs · .A, B. Dixon ,l\- Son: do unto the girl what I have f;hreatened." DEAR Srns.-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. turning a man'n and ecorohing up liia " To the care of Allah 1md the Prophet I It seemed a·lmost too good to be true thu.t I am heart, and perhaps tho knowledge of thia cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I enraged her at the !Htle effect her beauty muet consign her, th en, rii.ther th1U1 commit have had no return of the disease, and never so great a crime. I will not stam tho aacred felt better in my life. I have tried so many aeemod to have upon bu vlaitor. " Have you run the peril of having your nesB of our cause by unnecessary bloodohed, things for Catarrh, suffered so much and for go many years, that it is bard to realize that head Etrioken from off your shoulders and no matter how you may seek to drive me to it." .JI am.really better. . I consider that mine was a very bo.d case; 1t of mine being treated in like ni!Wner only to The princess waa not so enraged at thla "Was aggravated and. chronic,·invclving the gaze at me ae a child look:R at a medicine speech as her visitor had feared ahe would 1 throat as well ·as the n!l.sal passages. and I bottler· she exclaimed petnl1mtly, after a thought it would r equire the three ;tieo.tments, few momenta of ailm:;c~ on bo~b t heir pa.rte, be, perhaps by raaenn that she WL\ll gratified but I fool fully cured by the two sent me. and te lea.rn tnat the war minister did not love I am thankful that I was ever induced to send " Why do you not hasten to confess that I the English girl to such an extent WI willam so lovely that you oould not keep away 't o you. . You at liberty to use this let ter stating from mo, despite my advica that you should ingly to commit a. glga.ntlc crime for her that I have be1;n cured at two treatments. and do so until my brother had lost all power to sake. .:J shall gladly recommend :vour remedy to some "vVell, do afl VDU please," D11tid abe ; "this hurt you, until in foot you were on hie throne -of my friends who sufferers. is no bualneas of mine, Whn.tover betides, and Ic e in y our dungeon ?" Yours, with many t hanks, REV, E, B. S'!'EVENSON, "I ,vou hl h11ve <lone eo, Zeeneh, ha.d you om~ the da.y that Egypt belcmgs eolely to the J\nd hundre.d s of others not ta.ken an unfair advantage of me, had Egyptians, and you are hailed an ita Khedive, you not aurreptiticmly got Into your power I will become your Valido Rhanoum and hand over to you, as the most beautiful of ARD OF TRANKS. - T o the Mana- one whom you know is dear to me, and, wi yonr slave girls, the Ferlnghee maiden whom ger ot the Fil'e Insurance A?socio.t!on: I beli1ve, to do her a.n Injury. I know yonr I now hold in BUl"e custody, Thb pa.lace SIR I bereby return thanks for the prompt tigrish nature well," will then be yom·a and no woman in the payment (by your a14011t, Mr. '.L'bos. Bin.gham, " The tiger in the moBt graoe[ul of beaets, ha.rem will be ir.hle to drnw her l'or my loss by fire, caused by a spark from a atcam 1hreshe1·, having got payment for c~n 11nd I tha.nk yon for the compliment of com- aglllinst you, Until that arrives, ho"' tents at market price; no i or '1 payment like paring me to one, Yw, I have your lily 1 see on tl10 Dominion Grange Polley to tenants. fleaheil Feringhee girl in eafe custody, bltt I ever, you know full well that it would ba death to seek her whom you would relo:iae Yours gratetully. 'l'Hos. HAmus, will swear to you. if you like that tho day on If you could, and as your life belongs not to 'fyronc, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 whioh I deliver her over to yoll ahe .ahail be yourself, but to the nation, you will hardly a.B p'. ump and as white as any hnurl. of to jeop11.rdize it in order to eave the w ito ARD OF THAKKS. -To the M ana- Paradise," of a girl who would now be far happl1Sr withger of tho l!'ire Insurance .A.ssociation : T he promise sounded wall to the ear, but out them, and of much less trouble to you Sm, I hereby retum thanks for the prompt there wa.s a. something in the 01.coentuatlon payment (by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham) In the peesesslon as woll. Is it not better of t he word3 thv.t tho war mioister did not for my loas by fire, caused by o. spark from a steam t hresher,having received the full amount Uke. and which ca.used him te rejoin with: to bve her smiling blfl.nkly on thee than to h her forever weeping, moaning and upof my insurance I=" oo. LD on the occas10n of my "Zeeueh, you speak fairly with ~eur lips, br~lding ? Go t o, thou art a fool, Depe.rt golden wedding. Yours tbankfnlly, 'rHoMAS hut falaely frum your heait. Thougb you JARDINE. · and leave me free to enjoy my pleasures, promise to deliver t he Frankish girl over to which hea.ven knows are :iew enough, imTyl'Oue, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 me without a bruise or eoa.r on her adorable prlsrmed forever within stone walls or behind lleah, you have yet rEsolved to punhh herin a hideoue face veil when I take the air. But some tllnible manner or you would not have I mea:i;i. t o have some del!ehtfnl hours wlt'l boon at the t rouble of bringing her hither. the. Ferlnghee wench ere "I ha.v~ to give h&t Il'ormerly ll:nown as the " Soper Mille. 'I You cannot swear to me that I 11om wrong." up to thee, and not of a. 111Dgle one of therli " Tell me fint, do you love thla Forlnghee will I be robbed. I have even a elab of R I S MILL HAS BEEN THOR· for her beauty or for her wind ?" marble for hor snowy uakodnoss to be UGHLY renovated and put in order,under " Allah ! wlmt 11 quentfon. Why, for her stretched on, and thou mayest picture to our own special supervision, for the purpose ot rioting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot beauty, of course, for beauLy Is the gift of thyeelf how radiant It will look and how I Sarley, and we are now prepared to receive God, whereas mind, bah I that Is what is shall enjoy 11ls quiverin~ as the loatheome orders from all our old customers and othen knooki.d into the h fa.d in y outh by the peda· thlnga cresp over it. Now go, for I would tor work, and we gurantee to give them who lntrnst ue with the same entire satisfaction· goguo :md in after by experiencs, and not speak another word thou&h vou stayed Oats and other grains to.ken in exchange for t·he older and ugiier a woman grows the inore for hours." Flour Oat Meo.l, &:c. H. &. ;r. TOWNS, Bow ohe getll of It." As Arabi Pasha knew that ~he strong llDC.DVll!e 227, " Then give to me t-hia girra mind and I will Gd woman would keep bor word ho grvanwill guarantee not to Injure her beauty." ed deeply and suffered Elma.rr to lead him " Yon mnet be more explicit, Zeeneh, I away in the manner as eho had Intro· know not yet what yon mean." duced him. Continues t o do a General Banking Business " I will tell you, and indeed I am thinking sBo wmanvillo Branch. as much of doing yuu a service as of ple11osnr· HAPT.ER XLUI. Ing myBelf, for as long WI tb ie F rankish girl DEPOSl'l'S '!OHl'retains htir mfod ~he will hate you, by reason THE PRINCESS AND THE DUFFOON ARB FR. Received in Savings Bank t and ENED DY THE DEVIL, os.11 and interest allowed at current rates. N · th~t 1tha loveo anot her, and, furthermore, !n notice df withdrawal necessary. All deposit~ grieving for ~hat other nhe will fret herself T hue waa our beautiful Nellie left entire· payable on demand, thin and weep away the brightness of her ly to the mercy of the· woman who hated eyes, eo that in time she will be scarcely her. worth the possession. But when once I h11ve Pasha he.d quitted the palace wonBough ta nd sold and Drafts issne.d upon Europe taken away from her that uueleas thing, her dering how it was poosible to serve her 1md United St!l.teA and Canada, also Gold, Silver and mind, ehe wlll n o lenger fret, for her grief much fearing that hie vieit to th4'! seraglio Uni bed Sta~es Greenbacks bought and sold, will d epart with her knowledge, and she had done her more harm than good. · will grow ;i.s at tached to you as a .dog would COLLIEU'l'JONS He went back to bfa houne in the arsenal do, f will bathe her each day W milk, BO and wrote a. letter to Mr. and Mrs. Trez~rr Promptly made at current rates upon all part t!.a.t ohe shall her snows, and maintain at C11iro, at:i.tlng tha.t he had dlso<lvored of Great Brittain, the United States and Do her plumpness with cream and oil a.nd rahat where their daughter W llll, but not a word minion of Canada.. el loncoum, and when I give her to you she about her marriage to the young dra.goon Teleg1·aph Transrei·~ shall, as I sa.ld before, be a.ti white and lovely cfficer, and incloaing a at1fe c~nduct under :Made for-large or small sums on all parts of a.a one of the prophet's houris." hie hand and seal he urged them to come on Canada. This ls especially advantageous t o " .lint you studloualy a.void t elling me how to Alexandria at once ; for he had a faint pet·sons living in oba. or the North-west you intend to kill hllr mind ?" idea in his head of a way in which thev as tt makes the funds available at once at the The princess's eyes fl~ebed, and her great might be able to deliver her without hia own place of payment. brown boeom 'heaved aa she rejoined : , name being at all mixed u p in the matter, For further particulars call at the BanklnF " I will have her held down naked on the for the Pc!noesa Zseneh bein;c his active ally House. GEO, McGILL, floor for houro at a time, wh!ht st!ngleu in tho rebellion he dl?orecl neither expoae her -T, BRODIE, Manage1 scorpions and huge hairy spldera, whose nor provoke her to expose him, since the Accountant. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -· -v poison baga have b~en drawn, creep to and one course would be dishonorable and the fro over the snowy whiteness of bar ,Jiesh, oth er might yet prove dangerouB , and . e qually harmless but stl!J. more tickling Meanwhile Nellie remained a prisoner iu ~LOOK OUT FOR~ oimtipedee shi;,ll each dl'ng his hundred t hat innermoat of the t :brce roomo, which "ft.,,,T J ol!nglng lers~ over the eame fair, broad seemed t o form at all events a portion of , J,;" """ ~·ay, wnilst "very other hideous ineecG and t he Princess Z9eneh's esp aclal rmate, e.nd t o t< · ptllo that Egy pt knowo, yet all Equally which norie of the other ladies of the seragJlo ha:rm! rofa, ah'.\ll j oin those t ha.t I have already not even the K!ledive'a chief wife, ho.d any mantiomid on t hu smooth and gloH y pro· right of o.cce~e. And ,as it happe11;ed, this 'menad.e, and the more she writh·~a and pu.nts was in reality a somewhmt unusual caBe, - -o-. the closer they will cling, untll at laut t hey Nouv."lthstandillg 11<\l the throats tba~ foe For the NEXT 30 DA.YS I will sell for LESS will drive her mad, mad, mad." prinoeae had ni;ed towurdll hf'r and her deep THAN COST the remainder of my stock nf She almost liihr!eked t he last wordll, eo and bitter gr ief at what wa.e euppo~ed had Stylish and most Dur able :Millinery great we.a 'aer r,xciterr><nt ; but at this full beon t he terrible fate of her huabrmd, N e!Ho's DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, c:J.iaclosure of her t"rrible and fiendish in· bodily fatigue was so great t hat no sooner tentions her viP.itor grew equally _ agitated. ha.d ·she growu weary of looking fort h 'frl)m &c., w ith a v11ry heavy 5tock of " You baautifolfbnd, I dare you to prose· the.window and thrown herself do wn on 11 F eathe r s & Flo·xrers. oute your foul intentions on thie fnnocent pile ef soft cushions in a corner . thllil ehe I · E ogl!sh girl. I also command you t o give sank into a deep aud profound sleep, nor - -o- her up to.neat once-at ence, I aa.y I" awoke therefrom until night had usurped 'B11t his word~ only infudu.ted the prlncesa the place of day and her prison room was 'l'hanking my customers for past favors, I respectfully solie!t all t o call and . inspect my stlll more, enveloped in profound da.rknilss, present stock. wluch I am sure will give the She apranp: to her feet, with r. rattle a.nd For a moment eho could uot r emember utmost satisfaction. ola.tter of all hel' braceleb aud ban1?lea and wn('re ahe was, and when the knowledge a quiver of her plump, glossy Umbs, and came b11.ok to her ~he grew fri'-!htened at the oonfrontlng her visitor in an at titude of defi- pltchy blacknena by which ehe waa eurroundance exclaimed, t auntingly : ed, but at length catching sight of two ~IH~ ~ " You dare me? You oommand me ? friendly stars looking down upon her, sh'l fft ll ~ ~ lllfl!J " '\Ii)· Why, at t he mtre clapping of my hands the crept over to the window ea a~ to feel nearennuch guard would rush to my aid and in a er to them, for th<~ Arab belief that t he Has received her new stock or dngle minut e lay y<m.r head at .my feet. I st a.ra are the £yea of the angela was a. plea.refuao to give the Ferbigh eo gh-1 up to you. e&nt thought to ponder over a t a time like have and I will held ; for tho eagle high · ~ha present , and invites the J_,adies of Bow- I poised in air ls not wont to give up tho prey No seaner had 3he reached the window which he 11:raaps in his talons at the bidding t;ha.n sbe·aaw what l ookc:l like otb.or stars, man ville and vicinity to call of the wingless, earth-prowling wolf, l aaoh hitvlng a shimmering rdl ecUon, but have prom!11ed tha.t you shall receive t he she knew that these were the lights of the and see her Pattern gtrl f rom my hands as white ae a lily and three British 11.'oncl! as beautiful as a. houri, and if you dare t o Ail she knl$lt th ere, leaning on her a.rme, menac<> me again It · wm only cause me to re- m d almost pmtlng for air, for the night and assortment ot gret that I prnmhsed ao much," waB Intensely close and Eult ry, she could The war minister aa.w that threi:1ta were bea.r tho little wavelets lapping the foundof no avail, so he next triod , :i. tions o ! her p riaon wall, a.ud also a.fter a. " Oa.n I not buy her at a. prioo ? I mean whHe imoth~r isound whioh somehow or STORE :- Seeond Door West or W!UJams to say. her immunity f.rom harm?" ha other auggested to her the lclea of the dig.Gn!d1e1· Stan I aNked, ghig of gravee, The princess 11eemed annoyed and yet at · Itracted by the question. She felt, indeed, like the dog In the fable , C C Caledonian Mills. T THE ONTARto BANK EXCHANGE Yes, it certainly reaembled the mfalUred dl·pend:npon it, Elmarr, that the Ka.ffir has strokes of spade~, the dull thud of ea.rth a.a an amulel about her by which ahe summoDs lt fell on earth, a.nd now and then there wu the fiend whenever ahe needs him, and I noa. murmur a.a of subdued voices and a. faint ticed that lnstemd of trying to clutch my rolling and creaking, such aa migbt have wrlst! .aa !struck at her, she merllly eh!eldbeen ca.used by the p&a11age to and fro of ed her breastg with one fat V; bite arm and band· b&rrowa. :lived her other hand down nmongat the Preasing her flloe aa close against the Jlothing which she had ju9t taken off. It was window aa she w&s able, ahe looked down i.esuredly to feel for the amulet, and the to right and left and soon became aware moment t b.11t she 11rasped it that fearful light chat a number of tiny, glow.worm Ilk& ~ame, whtoh mu1t have been the ri;flectlon llglits were moving to and tro almost under of the flames of hell, and tho next lnata.nt tb~t ral(ie l!f the ;p~l~Qo, u.nd ll.bOllt twc Shaltan himself would hava beJn clutchlog !lundred yards to the right of the w~ndow ·lB If we had not got away a.e quickly as we she wne looking out from, but hardly had did. I'll never try r>ny tricks on her ahe made this diecoviery whe!l the door of until th11t amulet la got ava.y from her. & her room wa.u suddenly opened and the flash iho.t your h~k, good E:marr." The buffoon looked by no means over· of a i.lmost blinded her. Only for a moment, l1y ress(lnof Its sudden· pleaaad with the job th!\t had been uet her. " Inshallah, I don't feel like disturbing ne9a and its oxceasive bri11htnee11, and then Nellie recognized behind it the Princess her again to-night," eaid she. "No, not Z9eneh and the horrid 'K'Omllll with thesiok· even to bring t he light awa.y, I would not do ly leer. This witch followed her mistress it for the br1ghteol jewel in your hlghnes9'11 Jasket," and fastened the door behind her. "I do not require it of you, good Elm11rr. "Put down the lamp on tha.t low br110 ket," 2ald the prlnceas, and directly she wne Let her have thu lamp !\nd the rest of the obeved ohe turned fforcely upon the English night as well to herself, But when day comes it will be a very dlff.irent matter, The devil girl and added : "Go you over to that pile of cunhlons llnd hi11 imps h~ve little or no power In tbe dirsctly under the light. Yon need not daylight, e.n.d as you will be the Kaffir'e eola choose your attitude, because we shall put attendant, you must then gAt ihe amulet yon in aev'8ral before we done with either by guile or by force. Strike her, bite you. We ar0 going to tickle you, little flne1 her, do anything to her In ordl!r to fone th11t is all, to·nlght," ' her to give it up to you, for now tha~ I She le.ughed bitterly as she uttered the looked upon her I oannot bring myself to llllet worcJ, for ehe had resolved to torture epare her. I throw my promise to the winds, I will not only tickle, but I will her pri8oner by dlllgroee. N ellls did a.s she we,n bidden ; but the thump and cl11ow o,s woll,, and I will whip next ·comme.nd wae that she ehould 11trlp her, too. Oh, how I will whip her for d~ring heroelf, and thiB, rather than be roughly to ho more lovely than myself, and how she handled by the two women, she alao cem· shall writhe and palpitate and quiver in mencod to do, and indeed with somewhat of thn Hoking, burning smarting coils of the e.lacrity, for a hopa arose within her that thong. Loft alone, Nellie even rushed to the winher naked lovel iness would eoften her per· secutors' hearts towards ber and foro4! them dow to learn the ca nae of t he light, for sho herself waa somewh& t ala.rmod thereby, to trel\t her ~ently, · She bega.n tQ d~ubt its powar, however, fancying that thB palacs might be in flames. When, however, ohe 5aw that I it was when npon the removal of her dress (one that she had obtained of M ule) and t he con· streaming forth from the black aide of one of the huge British lrollcfods a.ud the llX· sequent exposure; of her exquisite neck , 11rms and Dhoulders, the prlncesamercly gavo vent tremlty of its ra.ys moving slowly along the to a contemptuous la.ugh, and raising her coast, all her alarm vanished. She now know wha.t it was and gnea~ed owu great, brown bnt by no means unlovely bosoms, drew forth from underne11oth them ito object as well, a.ncl the thought that a withered flower and a pem that seemed to and chivalrous fellow countrymen were working it and studying its results, fla.ah witll rainbow hued fl11omes, "Behold, you thrice acc11rsed K affit, the while ahe was a hapless captive in a Mobamring that I gave him when I lowered my med!lll ho.rer'l, thrsa.tened hourly with per· lineage, my rank, my faith and my pride in secutivo torture &ild, pel"hapa, murder, the very dmt for his sake. Yes, I risked affected her so deeply tlla \ she retreated death :md far worse, lneffa.ble disgta.ce, to with faltering steps to her pile of cushione, behold blm yet, but when tne sum· and sinking thereon contemplated with moue of the lotus had brought him unto my tears and sobs 'neath the mellow light of preeence and I waa r eady to surrender all tho oil the pink splotches on her plump, ihlugH up UDto him, aye, even to the wreck- dimpled ehoulderu ~nd fall, rotmded rigbt ing ei my fcith by muriage with a Ghlour, arm, where the furlouJI princess' blows had he flung my love t\nd my wondrous con- fallen on her, moaning plti!ons·y. "Ob, bow de ~c~neion back in my boe, and had the couU abe 2 How could ahe have done it?" Aud so she gm.dually aank down at full efftcJntery to tell nie that 'twas an earth· worm like thee w ho had dared to enter into leng~b. among the yielding cushions, and onmpetit.!on for hh love wi~h a. daughter of falling a.sloop awoke 110 i:p.ore until th a the Pharao be and who hacl futhermore borne morning. (TO BE CONTINUED. ) away the prize. Prize, Indeed ! H would ._ have been one tha.t would have destroyed my aoul. Yet, a.a 1urely aft that In hia in11UNNERS FOR BOl.S. sulting and contemptumu indifference to my charms he ca&t even my love gift, thia ring, In the street-Hat lifted when saying upon the flGor are ha withdrew forever from my pl'Gaenc3, I wlil kill thy mind, even " Good-oy, " or" How do yon do 1" Ai· though l not b!'ulee tby bedy. Due eo whlln offering u. lady a seat, or acknow· not, did I aav ? Bv Allah I I will da'te if I ledi?lng a favor. choose, Strap, :i.ccuraed E'orini;ihee I- strip !" K~ep step wibh any one you walk with. The great t e&ra reee to Nellie's eyes and Alwayil precede a lady up stairs, but ask trinkled down on to her beautiful breasts. Her fingers were busy with her corset If yon shall precede her going through a . cla.epa new, but they trembled so th11ot they crowd or publlc place. could not undo them, At the street door-Hat off the momeuu Bnt tho princess wa~ in no hurry, for she you step into a private ha.11 or office, found it -plc:i.s1mt to gloat oviar her prisonLot a lady firab always, u nl'ilsi: she er's plump and quivcriDg whiteness, . e n the uks you to preoede her. · rounding of her 11rms, the dimpling of her In t he parlor-Shand t m every lady ln shoulders a· she fought with the obatlna.te bhe room, alao older people, are seated. coraet cllll!pe. But presently one gave way, then 11onother, Rise if a lady enters the room after then P.oothor, you are seabed, a.nd stand till ahe takes Nellie looked down upon her bea.uteoua a. seat. aelf with a sigh, l!>lld then up a.t the two L1ok p eople straight In the face when women in silent questioning, for she felt that her loveliness was pleading fa.r more bhey are speakin.g to yon. eloquently for pity and gentle treatment Leh ladies throngh a door fir11t, than words conld de. standing a.aide for them. She could hardly imagine that any one In a Take your seat after could poseeos 11uffioient cruelty to redden it ladles and elders. even with, and thus lt was almost Never play with your knife, ring or with a smile of victory that sho look1o1d up, but the expre2sfon of the face c~m:ngiid into spoon. one of terror as t he prl:nc ~ss ecrea.mad ou t : Do nob take your napkin in a. bunch "I oa.nn.ot k sep my ha.nda off her.. Sh·· your hand, makes me giddy ana my hoe.r'i beu.t to look Eat as fasb or alow aa others, and finish at her. She mu& t owe suoh beauty to the devil, for ahe can have got it in no other bhe course when they do. way. Sho muet have eold herself to t he Do not ask to be excused before the fiend t o win my 'F eringhe0 lover from me. others nnlees the reason is Imperative. I d n not wcn der now t~at she succeeded, R!ae ~vhen ladles laave the room, and let t:he d!lvH protect her no\11 I! he crn1." W ith t hrsa words ehe fiun~ h!irselt. on stand till they are out. If all go together, the gentlemen sba.nd the poor girl, an:i thud, t hud, thu ll went her fiato ugai nbt the yielcliIJg, p:i.lpHstlng 1>y the door till the! p&as. flesh, wbe,enpon the lo vely vfotim uttered Speoial rule~ for the mouth- Smac:klng a 2hrlll ~cre11orn, and in an lnBt?.nt u. ' ·ivid t he lips and all noiees tihould b e avoided. amd gh:;,3tly glare lighted up tho er.tire If obliged to take ri.nything from the oha.mbm', o'1U>Jitlg both hor aarnilan t a to shriek In turn a nd rush th01ei r-0m in t ita mouth, cover it with v{)ur hand or napkin. most abject a~a.te of tehor, A CARD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknese, early decay, loas of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a aelfaddreesed envelope to the REV. JoeEPH 'r. INMAN, Station D, New York Oity. 46y Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in the Confederation Life Asso· ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian Mutua.l Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pass around your hat institution, as the follow~ ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and ~he last five years it only cost him $2.55 per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John McClung insured at the eame time for the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he being a. little younger. We certify the above to be correct. Thoa. McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent . Dr. DORENWEND'S :c'"' )> .. ... .... Is a. powerful r e-nedy tor thin hair, grey hair and dandmtf, where the roo cs of the hair is not entirely dest.roycd it will produce a heavy thick growth or, Lt will likewise res tore the grey and faded hair back to its former color, and where dandruff exists wlll remove it without fa.ii. 'l'eatimonials by tb.e hllndreds contlrmiug the good results of the " HAIR MAGIC." Manufactured only by A. DOR ENWEND, sole owner for U . S. and Canada, 103 and lO'i Yonge St., 'l'oronto. C1mada. F or so.lo by all p\·ineinal drug stores. J. HIGGINBO'l'H.A.M &; S 0 N, D.ruggista, Ageute for 'Wmo.nville. 4. .... UNDERTAKING! -JIBY"- L EV 1 MORRIS. 12/T I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, att.he lowes t possible rates Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. First-class hearse on ver y mocl era.te terms. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun · era.I cards anti plied at once. Furniture Shop_&; Show Rooms- Bounsall'eN ew Block. All furniture aold by me i s by the U. "!. Jfurnl.ture Co. ofBowmanville. I do not buy slop fur niture and r epresent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. o!this town. Also for the LI-Q U OR TEA for thia town and vicinity. It is oheap and as good as can be got in the market. A valuable prize given with every llOund, BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 184t;. It has no sha.reholders to pay dividends to. Managed by and solely in the interests ot the P olicy holders. In Its Rates al"e I . . ow.. Policies non forfcltable 1mtl 11neondltlonal, Cash Bonus l'uld evel'y th1·ce years, Joint Life Policies. Though a double rieh but one premium le paid for two people. Amount of policy drawn on first death. Special Inducem ents to Total .Abstair;er,. ASSETS OV.E R $5,000,000.1 I NCOME OVER $1,000,000· ------.- -The Two Ane:els. r&OM THJI Gl!lll.KAN, $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holde:_a. INVESTE D IN' CANADA, $600,ooo.oo, CHAPTER X LIV, SAVED BY THE ELECTRIC }' LASH- HAS SHE AN AMOLET? BAR.G· A I s IN MILLINERY. Mrs. DONNE LL Y. Mcf!AVJ"t.t>U n GOODS., BONNE TS, HATS TRIMMINGS Th0 gha.stly white glare that had sudden· ly invaded Nellie's prison chamber, and which Q eemecl brightex · tlrnn t he enn at noond11>y, w.~a in faot the eieotric light, fhahed along tho coa.Gt from th.e Brithh ironclad Snpe~b, uo that it might be ascartnined whether in disobedience to the Sultan'11 orders and the promise of the Egypt ian n otable~ the fort.~ wore being s~Ul further strengthenetl 11.ud armed. · Thia, to t b.e E gyptians, per fectly novel method of illumination suddenly flaehed upon the working part y, whose spades a.nd barrows Nellio had be1rd, and whose glowworm-like b.nterns she hild aeen, a~ it wao fl.ft ei:wards lil£c.artaiued gave t he1n. . such a eoare tha.t they thr ew down t heir tools and rus\ad llO ll mell into th1S town, ,SCl'.'ellming ant that " there was 11 n ew sun and it had come out of the wat tll', " · Since a body of men were so alarmed at the str1rnge eight, It iii by no me; curpris· fog t hat tha audden a.nd terdble gla.rn cimsed the Prlnces1 Zeeneh to l eave off pummeling N ellie and to jump to the rapi!d conolusion th11.t , as the foul tiend had bastowed such be11.uty upon har, he was comfog in per11011 in order to uee that she wasn't robbed of it, and the same ldoa having seized upon the buffoon, their helter-ek1Slt-er ret reat was the most natural thing 111 the warld. T hey locked the room door m their rea.r, s.nd when t hfa had been done t he princes~ rmmmoned up eufficicnt oot1rlilge to G toop down and peer through the keyhole, Bllt thongh the light he.d by th11t t!me quitted the i:oom again, the fact did not ~.t all r aaseure her, but rather tho reverea, and she said to the buffoon in answer to her quest ion whether they shouldn't n ow go In ·1galn r.nd finl.nh what they ha.d iut euded io do : " I 11.m afraid Shaitan only left because we left, If we wen'!; lu lilgain he would come again also, and perhaps 11how us bis terrible form 01· even t ear us to p!eoea. Yon m11y Darkness falls. The voloe of day ts dvlng, Twilight slowly creepa aoroes the sky. i;O, two brotltor angels earthward flyingBleep and Dei>th- wlbh ewmda from on high. One of them, In heavenly boauty glowing Scatters grains of slumbor·far at d wide, 'W nioh the rising b<eezos gently blowing! ·1 Wafb from house to house on every aide, Soon the weary all are ~o~ndly sleeplrPa ln at fas ~ the bed of sickness flies, Swe·t rnpose has hutlbed the mourner'· weeping Kind oblivion closed his tearful eyes. . And the lnfant on hlBmother'Barm, And the ruddy youth and bloomlny. maiden Sweetly rc1et without a thought of harm. · " When tlley wakell, brother, they will gladly Praise me for the good which I bestow." ... ::. onil to me." the other answered sadly, " Th anks will render. I am called their too." ' Nay, tor · ll 1h o good will praltio t h ee, brotbor, Wlten unto a brighter ille they rise, Whoo their bleaaod El'l>irlte meet eaoh other In the shining fielda ol P11racllse." ' HEAD OFFICE IN, CANADA:- MONTRE..A.I. For particulars refer to E; ~. LIVINGST ONE, G E NEHAL AGENT, POR'l' HOPE Or to agents throughout the county, 48-0ae. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps· Cheaper and Better than ever. The S u bscriber having built a iarge ne~ Pump Factory in Orono, l a prepared. - to furnish- Now tibe aged , wen.ry, oare·o' erladen 1 PUMPS Of EVERY DESGRIPTIO~ Now, tihab's a little hard to believe, isn't lb?" Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. "Oh, n o, my dear. Tlv~ m edical b ooks are full of such ca36.l!. I once say a girl's hair turn white right b efore my eyes, WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. Sh e wa13 on a·back r eaching for pre· aorves on the t op shelf of a pantry. The tilbed, a.ud she fell heavily bo the fl oor." TO GIVE SATISFACTI ON. "And h er hair t arned w hite~" "When I helped her up her hair wr.s l\S white as the wall. " Order&~by Mail promptly attend~d ta. "Oh, that'11 an e:x:itggeration, M r. Dueen· berry. Caus~d by fright, was it~" "Weill, I don't know that I'll insist DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKE'l' S, upon that pnrb of it, my d ear. She had MOULDINGS, &c., kept on ha.nil. landed he~ head in the meal tub." An envelops Is like a. woman. go anywhere wibhout address. With or without Porcelain Cylinder, <ii: "Mr. Dm10nber ry, here's a atory of a. the Best Material, on t h e shortest notlao m~n'a ha.Ir t urned white from hight. and at the lowest p rices. Why Ber Hair 'l'urucd White. All WORK GUAR ANTEED It oan'b FERGUSON.