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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-fl.60 Pu AN!WM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 402. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A..FTERWA.RDS. M . A . JAMES, EDITOR UP PROPRJE'lO:it. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. .NEWOA!:31'LE. Mr. Mathew Garvin, who was, u11til lately, supetinteudcnt of the Mas~ey Mannfacturiog Co., 'ruront.o, and ramoved to that city with thcmfr om Newcastle, has taken c har~e of tho J ose ph Hnll Works, Oshaw", and has moved his family to the Mnnro homestead a short distan ce north of us. A warm welcome .back was l given th em, Mr. Chas. Wilmot., of the Fisheries, is j on an inspecting tour in the lower provinces. l List summer the 0 . T. R. c ulvttt iust east of the depot had to be repaired at a considerable cost . 'l'he r ecent rains have nec11Psitated a like expense on the one 1 just west of the s tation. Mr, David H. Scott has gone to Montana and will engage in sheep raising, with his brother. A la· !{e consignment of ova has been shipped to the Colonial E x hibition from r the Fisheries. '\Ve notice in the Toronto papers that Mr. W.R. Lambert, a forom11n in the Massey Ma.nufactnriug Co., Torunto,and well known here, and a11.)1h~r employe of the same firm, a Mr. 'relfer, who will be hatter known as the husband ..f Mies Sarah Clarke. had 1~ dtsi.mtll ·~ few days a~o, which ended iu a s·.abbiug alfray. Lambert is eaid to ha.VA statib.,d Tdft<r in tho nose with a pucket knife. All about a e!ock that would not g ... VOLUME XXXII. NmraER 15. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. TAIT & MORRISON'S CATALOGUE. J :see our larg~ t/J ClothWindow Shades, RO L LERS, s= CARRIAGES for the Babies. W c have a fine asRor tment --OP'- Sc1·ap, H ~ TJ·ansfe;·Pictwres, Dolls and Sc1·aps, Carriages, Bfrthclay Canls, Cornice Poles, Wheelbarrows Goltl and Silvm· and Wagons P crforatecl Bom·d Shade Pulls, &c., &c. for Girls and Boys. Watkin~· rnul Po11c1·. Our Store is H ead Quarters for <Q 8 r;t1 ~ ~ z 0 ~ISNER 0 i-:1 <Cl rJJ. p:-:i Canes t·u· g·entle111en; Mec1·· from the tiny Locket schaum :.ntl 01·ia1· Picture up to Pipe~. Also PHOTOS ENLARGED IJIFE SIZE! P:1 And we do it all ourselves in our Studio. Wo carry a tine lot of -NEW- W e can supply you with any musical instrument known. W A invite t,Jw ladies tA> inspect our WALL PAPERS in Beautiful Patterns and i-:i o , ~ Toilet Articles for Ladies and Gentlemen. Hand Satchels, PURSES, Card Cnscf!i, NEWTONVILLE. A public meeting was held in the Sons' Hall last Monday night, to make neceetmry arrangtiments for the enforcement of the Scott Act in this county. Mr. Knox and Mr. Moment, of Orono, were the principal speakers. Two funerals took place on the hill bet Monday 11ftor11oon ; the I Rte James Bloomer, and 1he late Mr, Tait, "'ho was n br(ither of Mr, Alexander Tait. of Port Hope. The deceased ca1ue fmm t.he west to visH hid hrother, am:! too k ~ick and <'lied whils·. tht11e. The bntial ren1ce in ·ho·h cases, was read by the R· v. S. Sal ·on. Pr· ·f. Rundle's coi.c,.rts, which we10 postponed, will lie held as f, 1ll" ws, N ewt.. nv1lle on T11es1 1ay 11ig··t nex ·, Sliiloh Monda)' next, a11d K ··ndal on Wednlll:day next. · The Conclll t is entitled ··Christie's Old Or11:au" Our Brass Bnnd was out serenading la&t Saturday night to the great delight of che inhabitants. Mrs. Wm . Jones, Sr.~ met.!Yith a painful accident a few days a~o. Sh., sli ,;ped on the verandah and broke her arm ; she is doing as well as could be exp· cted. PHILOS. ~ J ewellry ~Fancy GOODS. Low in Price - .AT- T_A_IT TAIT & MORRISON'S B OWMANVI LLE. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps before purcha.~ing. ·we liavo a. fin e line of Is noted for taking ex- · - - - - - - - - - - - also a fine stock of cellent PHOTOS . of We 1u·e ngenfs f'i>r the Babies. " SCARF PINS, all Nnv!i!pa1)er!!I nud W e do not require bright P e riod i <'a Is. I', Cuff' and f' ;, n Colla· days for our work, as wo Shirt Stu<ls. supply any rt>ading use the instantaneous nuttier. pt'ocess altogether. CHEAP. SPECTACLES, Photo Albums always in stock; also a good assortment of PHOTOS Beautifully Colored by our assistant artist, OHROMOS -POR- HOME DECORATION! W e c:m supply or make up any J?mme you wish on slwrt notice. SEEDER II ~HYMN l:RGH BIBLES, BOOKS HYMNALS. MISS C. SHAW. Bring in your Photos for Coloring. EXCELS ALL OTHERS. ------·· ENNISKILL«N. --~· THE JEWELLER Has received a lot of New Goods of latest designs. A Splendid assortment of GOLD and SILVER WAT.CHES AND JEWELRY. Wedding Presents a specialty. CHLNA \V:&DDlNO . - On .Wedn~sday evenmg March 3ht ab-Ou t sixt.v fnends and r elatives met at Mr. Ju.R. McNeil'!! aud proceeded en masse thr ough mud, snow and rain to the residtince of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ho ·ov, 9 th co'.l., Da.rlin11:ton, and goi." e them a ge1rnin0 s11rprise, it being the twelvt·th aoniversary of their wedding day. After all hart b ~en com fortably seated Mr. D11nc:111 McCc mnachie, Jr. on btiha.lf of the fri ,.n de read an appropriate address aud Miss Pollie McNeil presented Mrs. H.ooey wit.ha beautiful set of china, a dozen silver tea knives, CHANGING and a dozen silver tea spoons. Mt. Hooey KIRBY. in reply said it. was a r~al surprise to POINTS OF EXCELLENCE : 1\lr. B. Greenwood's: auction sale on them, not!! had the ' slightest (t) Tubular Iron which gives greater strength than is possible Wednesday the 17tb uit., waa hrgely atintimation of it. On behalf of his better half and himst:lf he thanked them sincerewith any other shape of ircn or steel of 1he same weight. (2) Iron tended, and the stock and implements hrought fair prioes. ly for their kmdness. ·He said he wanted Index Grass Seed Sower does not break grass seed. (3) Sted Axle, The noted lecmrer, Mr. E:. Morey, has them to enj"Y them sol ve~ ; he 'th·mght it (4) Steel Draw Bars and Malleable Connections. (5) Tubular Iron left for his home in Uncle S ,im'a domain. woul.i not ba ad~ i sea bl a, seeing the Rollers instead of wood, as used on all others. (6) 'l'he best Force Ha is tru ya wonderful man and bids state of the roads and w~a th er, for them. Feed in existence. (7) Can change to sow gr1:1.s1:1 seed in front or behind, fair to be very usefnl in coiniug new to start for home till cfa.y light whfch all concurred in. After siogin.: " He's a or throw Gras~ Sl~ed Sower out of gear instantly. (8) Can throw feet wnrds. He has also the faculty of using more superlatives in a srngl · s~ntence Jolly Gnod Fellow," th" rest of the zig-zag from behind Drill. th3n any man on earth. Rumor says evening was epent in t ripping th1o light Took. first prize at u.11 the fall fairs. Call and 5ee it. that a oump..nv i~ about to be formed to fantastic. 'l'he ladies did not forget to JACK.. engage Mr. Morey to make a lecturing bring well filled baskets to which ample tour over the continent. Wti bide. School rl'port f?r ~arch-IV Clas~.justice was drme about 1.2 o'clock. AU 1-fEWPARK. kt Frank Short, Mmme Morrow, l3os~ie 10 .BOWMANVTLLE. returned home in the m orning wishing M r. W m. I ~ong I eft M "ncttty wee .o B k III Cl A th ' ) '!'he Marriage m·rnia ii quiet in this · · h " b th · B · · hC 1 b ' roo s. aRa, sen.- r ur 'ir·rt, JOIIl is ro or in rltls o um ia·. , ·Lizzie Rnndfo, Wedloy H .. ncoc k:. Ill place at i>resent. but ·t wtmt last long, for the host and hostess many yeus of happiness and prospqri ty . .Mr. Purdy has gone east to vmt jr.-Mackenzi.e Ponfound, Lauri\ · .here i3 yet onti yo1 ml.{ ma.1keeping back . friends. Cawker, Lizzie Nichols. The fo:Jowinlo( Why doesn't some T ,.ylor or some one Tm-: CONTINUED URE OF RoBIN I pupils were present every day unring the clse take pity on him and becomll a help· 1soN'e PHOSl'HORIZED E nmun oN invariably McOREA 'S CORNERS. month: P. Short, Wesley Hadcock, mate1 !cleanses the blood from all impurities and Mr. Wm. Cilbank has moved to his Mackenzie Penfouud, I,. Cawker, J vhn Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of L ong Sault ' iesto1·es the syatom to :L stMe of heal th~ new farm . Nichols, Maud Oko. Average attenchnoe are now residing with Mr. R. Brooks. fulnoss, that is manifested in increased Mr. R. Rainey is preparing to build a for the month 49. Average attendance for Mr. Rob0rt Millt>r is visiting friends in c_onstitutiona.1 vigor, mental a.ct_i~ i1y, and house this spring. That's right, Robert, tho quarter 60. J. H . ALLIN. T eacher. Harriston, we wish him a. pleasant time. hghtnesd a nd buoyancy of spmts , Al. . . ways ask for ROBINSON'S P1tosPI£'.>ltIZ.ED the cage fast and then the bird. W,onde~ 1f Tom found h1s boots, or d~d EMt:LSION, and be imre you get it. BETHESDA. During the recent thaw Mr. Taylor's he give lus father an nrder for a new pair. pig pen was flooded, drowning six valuThe School report of S. S . No. 1.0, The Good Templare had their quarterly ~ URE '.rEA! P u~tE LITER.ATUR.E!!-The able young pigs. Darlington, for March is as follows : - refresliments on W riday evening last. Li-Q11or Tea Co'. ts the largest and be~t Will the midnight wedding cause a Claes IV- .Jeunie Harris, Arthur Brent, M· J h G'llt:i"ll · f M"t h 11 .Packet Tea Co. m the 11<orld. A hand. H arr1s, . B' i c e . "th every 3Jb re»olution in the matrimonial line. We H er bert Couch , F re dd ie iak e D k r. t 18 .osep . 't' t t M"" · J oW ('"ft d ' som e voI ume given away w1 · 11 0 rather think that it wont. Ringing up Cole. Claas Ill-Bertie Brent, Freddie a a, VJBl rng a c. ST · G~L~~ 8 " of this celt>brated tea. It is not necessary a soundly slept proacher while the brido Hoskin, Willie Cole, Oeaphae Hoskin. RA ' to purchase the three pounds at ono time ; elect is shivering in the cold cold mow Class II - Mabel Harris, Edith Hoa.r, TYRONE. a voucher ia given a way with every half may be romantic enou11:h, but hardly suf· David Roy, Charlie H11dson, Ethel Cole. pound. By drinking theLi-Quor Teu,th ticiently comfortable to be extensively Class I-Best in reading, Willie Roy, The lecture by Rev S. T. Bartlett, of consumer becomes n. participa tor in the patronised. B usH WH.AOKER. Ada Hoar. Best in figures, Ada. Hoar, Glencoe, which was postponed on account advantages which this company poSBesses Richard Hu~kin. M . MANNINO, of his sickness, i11 now acivertised for n ext over all competitors, for ho gets a better Teacher. Tuesday evening. As h., is a n old favor· te<· a t a l ower price thlln can be procured Scott's Emulsion of Pure _ ____,....._____ j ite here, and the lt1ct11re i" wall reoom-1 elsewhere, and h e shares in the ioestimCod Liver on, ,.,Uh Uypopbosphltes ENT'"'RP "'l"E ·11· J"k t d b y a able benefits of a gigantic · · · · .lJ; L · , l.J · men d e d , h '> w1 1 e Iy -..., lXJ gree e enterprise. 1 . supposed t o full house. In I11<:11Jnc11t Oon1mmptwn A rath er o dd · b emg Came ei.rly and get thb benefit of uurunseems to pol!sess rem edi11.l powers of great be the OrollO correspondent the fV. D . I . . · broken ator.I.:, LEVI MORRIS, .Agent, _ eme11cy. It heals the irrit11.tion of the Nttvs, has been prowling around here of Call at Tait & Morrison's to see :M:rs, Bounaall's Hloek.___ _ _ 11.-tf A well assorted stock of the choic.est throa.t and lungs. ¥akes pure blood and late fixing umbrollae and mending tin- Clarke's Cookery Book. builds u.p and fortifi~s the system against ~ar3. 'l'he farmllrs hay-loft ie his sltiepLadies ,you can buy Berlin Wools at family groeeries and provisions, fresh and fnrther mroads by dm1~se. mg apartment. Look out for him. Mrs. Keyes' for lOo an ounce. cured meats, always on hand at Lyle's; A large congn·gation ass··mhled in the Meth<idist Church hero 011 Suudtty evenin~ last. and liht ened · ive ty to 1 he earnest and impr1Jssi,·e fu11er"l Ser.non of the late Mrs. A. Virt,Ull preached by the Rev. C. T6ylor. Mr F. Jones, a recent gradua ·a of the Toronto V .,tt:rinary Col:ege, 1s about to s»ttle down in our village to pi acuce his profession. Mr. Jones comes very high y r ecommended and 1nnoug us, so wany sick animals as we have in the oountry he will likely find pleuty 10 do. On Wednesday, April 7th, a large number of friends in joyful mor1d bring ing with them a h1rndsome d1spiay of wedding presents a~sembled at the home of Mr. Thos. Mountjoy, H11ydon, the occasion beini: th~ marr·age of hie third daughter Miss Amanda Mouutj oy to Mr. Same!, of Cartwright. ·READ CARI;FULLY A~D REMEMBER THE CONTENTS. PRA~;;i;D Mouldings on Hand. COU~TICE. SOLlNA . MANNER OF HOES. Mrs. A. Washinii:t.,n has been very ill Mr. Geo. Richards has moved t o Pickwith inflammation of the lungs. ering. M"y prosperity attend him. Cadet Temple of the S. A. ha.s been We are pleased to.hear .th11:t Mrs. W :L. up for a WtJek. His work has been Law, who has_ been Mtck with mfl,.mmat1on taken by 11uldi.,rs from Bowmanville. of the lunge, ·1a ~omewh~t better. Our blacksmtth is doing a. rueliing There was qmt"' a large nttmber at Mr. business in laying seed drill feet.. John Jno. V1111Nest,Jr's wood-bee, on Tuesday fixes them up right and warrants them to afternoon, of Ja1t week. was an last as well as new.-advt. a.mount of wood cut aft~r which aupp~r It is euopoeed that the two youn!.( men was served, a.nd the evemog was spent m who left here last week on a. ~iijit u.ust s:·cul intercour10, re~itations,. music, be in pursuit of a. fox in the northern sm(?mg, etc., there bemg considerable local hlent presem . region. The Enfield Prayini: Band conducted Received too for last week. the Services at Eldad on Sunday evening Our tradesmen an<l shopkeepers are last, wishing for good roads. Mr. Jno. Garfatt who resides north of Several people from l1ere attended the this place is very ill with sciatica. "HallelUJah Weddiu~" in Bowmaovolle Our worthy blacksmith and carpenter, on Monday night. The brid" and groom Mr. W. A. '.l'om, h.i· etar·ed to turn out are honeymooning in Courtice iv..t.:ons by machinery, the demand The Salvation Army held a Jnbileo being so great. here on Tuesday night. S taff Captain The recent snow has filled np the roads Manton, C11ptain Mutton and hia bride some places around h11re. were present, B11siness is brisk a . onnd the village. March 3ldt, 1886. I HAYDUlv. F. H. MASON, Agent, [mass, - -·- j I of I j I

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