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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1886, p. 2

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FRID!.Y, APRIL 9, 1886. AN EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. CATARRH. CA'r.A.RRH -A new ~ment has been discovered whereby a permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease. i~ ab_solutely affr ct: e d in from. one to three apphcat1ons, no mtT~~r whether standing one year or forty years. IB remedy is only applied once in twelve da;rs, e.nd does not interfere with b11s.iness. Desc1·1p· tive pamphlet sent free on r eceipt of stamWp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, est, 'l'oronto, Uanada. C , \\' HAT IS A?'ARRIIr , . Catarrh is a dangerous dtsMse which ·th?.us· a.nds'are consciously or unconsc!ouslysufl'eundg: from; It is a muco·purulent dischar~e c_anse by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he pred1spos· i ng causes are a morbid state of the blood,_the blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syrhilis, mercury, toxomre, f-';'om the retent ion of t he effete matter of the skm , ~uppressed perspirations badly ventilated sleeprnir. apar.t· men ts and the germination of othei; poisons in the blood. Irritated by these, the hnlng mem· b raue of the nose is ever ready for the reception of t he parasite. which rapidly spreads. up the nostrils and down the fauces, or ~ac~ of t he throat, causing ulceratlo_n of the throi:t, u:p the eustachian tubes, causmg. deafness. bu". r owing in the vocal cords, causing . hoarsene~s, usurping the proper structure of the b~·onchu1J t ubes ending in pulmonru.·y consumpt10n an ! Story of Lova and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling Ravelatinnn in the Uareer of Arabia Pasha. detrt~Y ingenious speiflcs for for t_he cure of catarrh have been invented, bnt without success, until a physician ot long s.tandlng dAsc~v ered the exact nature of th diseaec an t 1e only appliance which will permanently dejtt]>Y the parasite, no matter how aggravate ie ease. Sufferers should send stamp at once f or descriptive pamphlet on . catarrh, to t h<,! b t1siness managers, A, H , D,1xon & Son, 306 K ing street west, 'l'oronto, Canad·. vV/Lat the Rev. E. B. Stevenson; B.A .. a Clergym an of the London Conference of t(ie M cth'd d i st Church of Canada, has to say i n r ego.r T o A .H. Di.xon &: Son's New Treatment fo>" Cat ar r li. Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 · DEAR SIRS - Yours of the 13th rnst. to han . It seemed al~ost too good to be true th i at I allj cured of Catarrh, but I kn~w that am. h ave had no retur n of the discas~. and never felt better in my life. I have tried so man;i: things for Cata'rrh, suffered so much. and for so- many years, that it is hard t o realize that :t am really better. . ·t I consider that mine was a very, 1 was aggravatecl and chronic, ·invclvmg ~he t hr oat as well · as the nasal passages. ana I ·thought it would requil-e the three ;ticatment1d' tw_o sent me. an 'but I feelfully cured by the . 1 am thankful t hat I was ever rnduced to send '00-f~~-are at liberty to use th ls letter s tating that I have be6n cured at two treatments. and Jl shall gladly i;ecommend your r emedy to some ·Df my friends· who are sutfere1·s. Yours with many thanks. ' ltJff. E, B. STEVENSON. .And hundreds of others ARD OF THANKS.- T o the Manager or the l!'ire Insurance A·sociation : Sm I hereby return thanks f~r the . prompt a :Uent (by your a~ont, Mr. lhos. Bingham, folm y loss by caused by a spark fro m a ateam thresher, having got payment tor C!J?-· tents a t market {>rice ; no ii or ~ _1myment like I see on the Dommion Grange Polley to tenants. Yours gratefully, THOS. liARIUS, 38 'J'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. Messrs. A.H. D·ixu1i &: So·1i: . d C ~~~~~~~~~- AR D OF THANKS.- To the Mana· ger of the Fire Insurance Association: Sm, I hereby return thanks !?r the . prompt payment (by your agent, Mr. Ihos. Bmgharn) tor my loss by caused. by a spark from a s team thresher.having received the full amount of my insurance IN GOLD on the occas10~1ot my g olden wedding. Yours thank fully, THOM.AS J'AltDINE. , 'l'y roue, Sept. 11, 1885, C Caledonian Mills. Formerly Known as the" Soper Mills. 'I R IS MILL HAS BEEN T H O R; UGHLY renovated and put in order,unde o ul:' own special supervision. for the purpose o1 rlsting and manufacturing Oat Mea l and J?ot "Sa rley and we a re n ow prepared to receive order s from all our old cuatom~rs and othere for work, a nd we gurantee to giv e t~em ~ho l ntrust us with tile sam e entire sat1sfact1on, Oata and ot her grains taken in exchange tor F lo ur Oat Ilieal, &c . H . &:. J, TOWNS, ~~w man ville ' T THE ONTARIO BANK Con tinues t o do a General Banking Business sBo wmanvillc Br anch. D E POSITS Received in Savings Bank Department and o o.ll and in torest allowed at current rat es. ~ n otice of withdr a wal necessary. All devos1tf {laya.blo on demand. EXCB&NGE Bough t and sold a nd Drafts issucd upon Europe United StateR and Canada, also Gold,Sllver and United Sta~es Greenbacks bouizlit and sold. l COLL l'E()'J.'J.O:NS Promptly made at current ra tes npon all pa.rt ot Great Brit tain, t he United States and Do minion of Cana da . 'I'clcgrapll Transrers us :Made for large or small sums on a ll parts of Cana da. Thia is especially advantageous to persons living in Manitoba or the North-w est it makes the funds a va ilable at once a.t the place of payment . F or further particulars call at the Ba.nkinP. H ouse. GEO. McGILL, 'F. BRODIE , Manager .Accountant. -v ~LO OiC OU'l' FOR~ BARGAIN.S J ON MILLINERY. - - o- ifor the NllXT 30 DA.YS I will sell for L ESS '!'HA N cosT the r emainder of my stock of Stylish and most Durable Millinery DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, &c., with a ver y heavy stock of F e a the r s & Flowe rs. - -o- Thanking my customers for past favors, I irespectfully solicit all to call and ins])ect m y 1Prcse11t stock, wh ich I am sure w ill give the u tmost l:!atisfaction. Mrs. DONNELLY. M~SI Has received her new stock or McTAVISH GOODS, and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her P attern BONNETS, HATS and assortmen t ot T RIMMINGS STORE :- Second Door Wes t of Wllllams Butcher St a H · buffoon, having a closely ~toppsred glass ju ' N~llie and her reecuers had ha_rdly gol; under eaoh arm. outside the p1'la.oe gates when she 1nq ulred Aa s~e phced, these en the floor our love- with some curiosity whither they were 1y he~oa?e percemd thali one was h~lf full about to t&ke her, a.nd not ~oing satisfied of scorp1ona and the ot her of centipedes, with such vague answers as To a ~1ace of the two most revolting, repellant and dead· safety, my dear," and s.:i on, she plied t he ly of Egyptian reptiles question again a.nd again uutil Mr. Trez1ur She would have shrieked a.t the sight, for was driven a.t laet to exclaim : she felt that t hey were lntrnded tor her "We going to the war mlnisters's," and kn ew not that, save by their dreadful ··I would rather die than marry the wa.r tickling a.s they crawled over her, and per· minister. And, besides, r have not Leen a By tr.e :&uthor of "NINA, THB NIHILIST," "THE RED SPor," "THE RussIAN SPY,· haps fought each other upon her, they were widow twenty·four hours," said N ellie, "Aw ldow ? Tne chlld has taken innocuong by reason of their sting~ and Ero., ETo , E To poaeon bags having been dra19n from them. of hel' senses," g asped Mr, Trezur, With these words he waved his. ha.nd, t·· But after Elmarr ha.d put down the two " No, I not. I wish to heaven that CH.A PTER X LIV.-(OoNTINUED.) though deprecating reply and in haste tha n j us she dlaappeare:l and then a r had," wr.iled out Nellie. "I was m urled R3turn we, almost with the morning's they should be gone. eecc.nil tlme·returned bearing a basin, a jug to poor Ftank In the Catholic churoh here d!'lwn, to Arabi P .AB ha 's headqmi.rtere at the No sooner had t;hey passed out ot tho of water, 2oft towels, perfumed soap 11ond yesterday morning. only a couple of hours anenal, so chosen perhaps bees.use the n11.r· room, however, than a sudden thought, or delfoate fiaeh gloves, whereupon the prln- before he was killed by tho mob whilst we row neck of lirnd at that point very nes.rly rather suspicion, seemed to strike him, 1md cesa observed with an evil smile : were on our wii.y to the harbor." converted the peninsula on which the Ras· giving utterance .t o who.t, sounded very like " The white rose of the Ferlnghees will It will be remembered that Arabi Pasha el-Tin palace ia built into an bland, and so, a muttered Oriental oath, he rushed after have to perform her ablutions in her own had told the '.l'rezurs nothing at all of this, in a manner, made him t he Kb.edive's j !!oller them, and catching Mr. '.J:rez~rr by hie room en this oce&eion, for the b~th h11.s been as he had not the ellghteat desire that Nalat the outer gates thereof. sleeve drew him baok e. few paoee, and said monopolized by my brother's wives and Ile should know that her Christian husba.nd But though the wior minlsterla a.a yet the In a half earnest a.nd half j acula.r tone, but favorites. I mv2eU, however, will b<. her ~till lived, for he trusted that her grief, her master of the sitaa.tlon, his severeign to all the former predominating : a tteniant, a1slsted by the good lJ:lmarr," despair and that of bodily and mental intents and purposes hill pri1.1oner, and all " Mind th11.t you all three do come back "Oh, you mean to hurt me," subhed Nel- prostration in which t he victim can hardly Egypt backing him up and ready to stand to me, Dln't be going r.board one of the lie, "What h1H e you get that whip for if be said to care what h1ppens t o her wonld by him, we find him en this especial morn- British war ebips a long with the Kbedive, It im't to beat me with 1 You shall la·h cause the lovely girl t o obey her's ing ill at ease and with less confidence them for as suraly as that your daughter shall be me with my clotbe11 on if you do it at all, wishes In all thinge, usual as to the future, for three of hia load- a sovereign princess and the most exalted and I will struggle to the death before you '.l'hoae puents, however, were perfeotly ing g ~nerala h!!ove disturbed him t l1ua early, of all women In Egypt If you keep your shall set those terrible reptiles to bite a.nd bothered and bewildered at wh~t their and each had been the bearer of unwelcome word and marry her unto me, so surely will stln-i me." child had just told them, though it wae not tidings. · I Bfliz l upon all tho we11lth in your ba ok Ha.ving nid this m,uoh she essaye(i to long bsfore Mr. Trezarr thought he saw " Sulieman Zighelb Effendi has brought the and mansion at Cairo, of which I hold the smash the glass of the window, fanoying way out of the sorape, news that the populace are eager for another ke.y a, and confiscate a ll tha.t you posse~e for tha.t could she but succeed &he might be able " Oh, a Popleh ceremony h not bing," Enopean massacre and that the troop u the natlon11>l cause, should you be Induced to make her ehriekR a~dible to some of the 011.ld he, " You were b rought up a Proteacau't ba railed upon for preventing it. on any pretext to break your word t o ms." people who were in the b l ati, but, ~a though t ant, Nell, and a Romanlsh m!'rrfage is, of s~lem Pasha, afte1·ward l!:DOW!l aa .. '.I.he He waited not for an a.newer, but hurried divining her intentions, the buffoon, whe course, no more binding en your oonscle.ilco Merciful," is bearer of the intelligence that Into the room whioh he had j quit- wae as atrong ae any m11n, sprang upon her, t han j !lmplng over a broomstick would be. an lmmenre reward ha~ bten oflered secret ted, where he seated himself cross-legged forced her a.wa.y and sent h 3r reeling across B ~ides, the-the poor fellow le dead-was ly by tho Kb.edlve for his head, and that on a divan, and ca.Hing a young Nubian the fl oor killed two hours a.ft er you were-were Imthe Sultan of Turkey has veer ed round again slave to ll,Rht his chibouque, indulged In " Strip I" exclaimed the princess, fi er cely posed upon by a lot of nonseu~e. Of c:mrse, under British pressure and is about to dia- the following comforting re flections ; cracking her whip. " Off with evelything I'm sorry for him, very ; but for all that, p:.>.tch thirty thousand troops to Egypt to " TrEZlrr will not now <lare to play me that you have on- everything, I say. Ah, you are as much Mias 1'rezur and as little help ret sore the authority of Tewfi:i:, fahe, for his wealth is as drnr to him as his you have lost your taliam1i.n, your amulet, Mrs, Donelly as ever yeu were." 'l.'oulba P~ha, the !! arrival and com- very son!, and I can seize upon it at any haven't you, you white witch 7 The devil " I am eo muoh Mra. Doneliy, papa, that monly calle:i "'s Brains," brings the moment should he venture tll leave the oan't save you from us now. '.Iha.tis why I shall retain the name all my life throlli;ih, information tha.t t he B ritbh admi ral had oountry; Then, as to t he K bedive, the you tremble so, r suppose." :i.nd I, myself, choee the service of t he CathPent an exprsrn to the palace, urging the very thing that I want is to frighten him off Nellie could not underat~nd what she ollo churoh baoau~e I esteemed it the most Khedive to oome off to the fhet, so as to Egyptl11.n soil, for I would sooner tha.t his meant, but crled, nevertheless, for mercy, holy, solemn, binding 11nd God blessed of all all d angers f1otn the b1mbar drnent blood w11s not en my hands, and yet have But " S trip ! Strip I" was ~ il that the 111arrfage servioes," r eplied our heroinefirm· that he int1mdsd immediately t o open up-0n I every desire that hia throne should be left princess could utter in reply. ly. the fort s. empty, for until empty how can a.nether fill But, a.u though Nellie road h P-r every What answer Mr. '.Ireza.rr woald have This last intelligence seemed to cheer the it?" t hought, and her inioxicatiog aspiration ae to such a. terrible speech as t his, bad wur minioter rathe r than ot herwise, for he wdl, ehe would not oommenoe to disrobe, he been able t.o make any reply 11t all, it h exclaimed: so that at an lmperioua command from the hard ·to tell, but aa it was he e11ened his CHAPIER X LVI. 11 If Te'l'I tik accepts the Bltuali!on all ie princess the b a1foon flew upon h0r again mouth to let a stone in instead of wisdom well, for by the law of nations, for a eover· ELMARR SEJZES THE AMULET AND NEILIB 11.nd began to tear oft her ofothlng, N ellie at out-a atone that on.need him to swallow eign ruler to seek refuge from h is own subCATCHES THE WHIP, first resisting, but soon discovering how two of his teeth and a are!lit deal of blood j eots on foreign 11011 or a.board a foreign vesWhen we so abruptly left N ellle In the futile It wa.s t o do so against the euperlor from a out lip as well, sel la a.n act of abdication. The Khedlval t ha.t w:i.s opposed to her, suffaring This missile proved to b3 the advance throne will be empty from t he moment that midd le of a former ch11.pter, lying half nak9d strength her a.rme to fall limply by her side and re- gun.rd of ma.ny euoh, and from tha.t point all 'I'ewfi ~ plants foot on the deck of an Eng amidst the pile of ooft and yieldmg cushions mainiog a.a. passive as though she bad been the wa.y to the a.rsenl\l the orowd strove its lish ironclad, I could desire n othing bat - in the almost stifilng he!l.t of her pds on 11. la.y figure In the ha.nda of her a.s~~llant. utmost to get a.t the European whom the chamber, we merely aaid that she slumbered ter.,, Off came her dress, t hen the I .cm iesa soldiery were gu11.rding. But at this j 1 mcture a fourth h lgh offio!al until mornitig's dawn. Strn then awoke t o sprang forward, whip ln ha.nd, 11.nd slash-. At, however, the areenal g~tea were entered t he H~ll of Councils, and on being find herself bathed in a. gentle penpiratlon, ed, slashed, slashed, slashed, with all her reached e.nd opened and the Trezarre and el\gerly questioned by the war minister as and the pink splotches tha.t the &princess' strength and fury, at all that w11.rm their 6scort gained the haven cf shelter, to what he hnd to t ell, made answer as fol - clenched li6ta had raised on her beginning to ta.ting and ·nowy loveliness, the cruel thong though followed by a perfect nin of missiles turn to bruises, lows: With a shudder she began to r edcn her licking a;ound back 11ond arms .and b osom, J?Om behind the hastily reclosed barriers, "Your excellency, tho Khedive has de· and el101tlng from the ~eaut1fal euff. rer TO BE CONTINUED.) cHned to quit hia palace at the British ap-parel. H~rdly bad she completed her toilet shriek aftor shriek of angm ·h. admira.!'s lnvita.tion, saying he wlll not d e.l:iea.ven afone knows what sbe might have s~· r :; his faithful people merely because he ls when the door of th'3 room was opened and been called upon t o sufbr f> was over mon11iced by a military Insurrection, but E lmarr In, hearing on a tray o. oup o! had not E lmarr suddenly excl11imed, in acWHY WE SMILE. co!Tde and some little cakes. will r ather cast his lot with them," cents of mingled horror and alarm : She piaced them on the floor, regarded A l!terary cent-er - A penny paper, " Let not that speech of his get abroad," " Y our highness, tbare ls a. ma.n Cltnlng said, with contracted browe, "It Is Nallie with an evil leer and was about to this way. Ma.loom, M11loom, I torgot to 0'1e swallow doesn't make a. Summer, mea.nt as a bid for popnlar favor, nothing withdraw, when our heroine a.eked her for put yuur shoes outside the curtain. Oh, but if it is of the right stuff it will a. the necessary requMtes for the perferming more. What other news have yGu ?" fall. what ' a to be done? What's t o b~ done ?" "The E~glleh and foreign oonsular and of her a blutions and dressing her hair, She 11 called a graBB widow, my son, beother a.uthoritk s are all crowding out of whereupon E lma.rr grinned and eald : oau 1e she ia in the heyday of happiness, "Her highness, when she has risen, inCHAPTER XLVII. t he town, early as is th11 hour, and maklvg U you're searching for more ignorance their way In boats to the different war ves· tenda to conduct you to the bath and per· eonally t o wait llp } l l you t her e. I a.m sure n rnws WHAT RESULTED FROM A FORGOTTEN than you on, hand always go to 11n s~Js, all of which seem to be getting their P AIR ca· SHOES, "intelllgenoe cffice," steam up and two or rhree to be standing that you should feel grateful for ouch 11n ex· There was nothing to be dono. 1nmply becesa of consideration." in neuer to the shore," When F oggs heard the limdla.dy below N ellie stammered something or other in cause it was too late ta do acy G!1ing. " Tnat looks like bueinese, gentlemen," sbirs pounding the ho remarked w11oy of ack nowledgment, b a t feel v ~ry The heavy foot.otepe ha.d alr eady reached t ha.t Mrs. Brown was tendering a banquet said Arabi P ..sha, with a grim smile. ··If the Feringhee means acts why ahould grateful, for it ooourred to her llke a convlo- the centre one of t he three rooms, and now to her boarders. tion·that in the bath her loveliness wnlod a. shrill fe male voice was heard exclaiming we be b~ndylng mere wor ds?" growled S1· An Arkansas man who had never seen Heman Eff~ndi, with a hand on his sword bring u pon her fresh per3eoutiom anct suffor - In not v ery excellent F rench : "Those are my child's screams.) They are a of snow-shoes, followed the track hilt ; whereat tho fieroe Toulba P.osha. ox- Inga, and that ttia princeas intendnd to wait of a a mile an 1 a. half, the ot her d ay, cla.imed : " If '.Iewfik won't quietly leave the upon hllr for no ot her purpose than to iufitot torturing her! T hey are eurely killing her !" to M ee" what kind of a varmint 'em." them, and fiercely glo .. t over her writhlnga, T oere w11os a single word in response, and land of wbloh he has been the Hcourge and her p11.ntlnge and her strugglen the while. the prinoese, d ropping her whip, exolalmed : R ev . Sam J ones he doesn't want to oppressor, why not accord him a The buffoon read her thoughts in the "It ls my brother, the K hedlvo I On, I die for a year after ma.king a horse-trade t lierein ancl l> lace his E rnellenoy, the Chosen of the Nation, in his place? What is wild, frightened look ef the great violet am lost I I am lost ! W hat shall I say or He wants tha.t length of t ime for solid eyes. S a1:1 went out of the r oom and closed do?" prayer. lYlc. J ones uays he has been th@re. one life whm thousands are meu a.ced ?" Then In a.n Instant her face ohanv.ed ftq It would be lnt6resting ~o hear ftom the "SUenco ! ' said Arabi, st ernly. " A the door behind her, whereupon Nellie, foelpped with. crime such as you hint at , Toulba, never yet fog faint, drew forth a quaint little silver expression, 311i seizing bola. of Nellie by one ma.n ho sw& advanced the intereftts of any oa.uae. I p ut vinaigrette (I\ luxu. y which she always car· of her snowy shoulders, she h issed In her B \\gdad, with a p opnlation of 100,0C O, my trust in Allah and the strength of a rfed about her in t ho.t climate of i ntense ear, whilst her brilliant eyes seemed to emit is to have no plaoo of public resort heat aud numerous evil and unwhol esome rays of ligh t: good aud righteous c11.u·e. B11t I do not in· or amusemen t. The B.llie B ·ll Association "Now It la your turn to have vengeance should bear thiu in mind whan making up tend t o remain idle. My forts are ready, em alls), and applying It to her delicate nos· inhalled the refreshing ensenoe, hoping upon me, My lile is in yot1.r bands at1d you trlls my guns are shotted, my artillery men ar e t heir schedule for neu sea.eon. know It. The secret of the opal rlog and at their post $ and reii.dy to r.hed their blood that lt w<>uld do her good, Au exchii.nge remarks that when a man Bat the bnfl:Jon, who }1ad crouched down the lot us fla wer wiil destroy me. Well, be for E gypt's freedom, Y et would I etlll ) y anot her buffJt comes hems at 3 o'clock in the morning, \\nd maintain p ui.ce if possible, for they who, oute!d~ th1i aoor to wii.tch the .Ferlnghee girl It rn, I would sooner enj . after putting h!s umbr ell.i. to bed, goes and save of necessity, draw the sword sha ll per · through the keyhole, no sooner beheld the 11t :vou t han cringe to you tor pitv." She srr. o~eh erwith b G th clenched fots at st&nde b ~hind the d eor till rooming, it la lsh by the sword. Which of you will ven· pretty and somewhat curiously shaped orture with a verb11.l message abo~rd the Brlt- namenfin the captive 's fio g ,ri and the uee once and as hard as she could strike, and as time that ma.n was owoaring off. to which it was being applied than it enter- N ellfo staggered lnckward with a ga.sp and Ith easier to r aiee a hun dred dollars for hh fl ag-ship ? ' The thr ee pa.ahas and the Effendi all held ed into her head tha ~ it must be the amulet a half choking sob, she herself turn 3d sharp the purchase of a gold wa :oh to be present by means of which ahe had summoned the round w it h q 1 d vering ncstrils, co npresse<l ed to s omeb Jdy who doss not n P.ed It than up t heir hands a.t once. \ But t ho war minister chose Toulba to be dtiv!l to her assistance the night before. lipa and flJ.ahtng eyes, looking Uk e a superb it is to collect; the same a.mount for some With a. yell, there·fore, she suddenly threw Cleopatra defying her R oma n cot:q 'ln o:s, poor m\\n from the same persons who owe h is emillliary, oprn tho door again and with glaring eyes t o foce those that wer e corning to d istu rb h im the money, and crooked talons rushe :l t o the attack, her nt her in\iuman sport, while E lmarr, " P.i.," asked a little boy, " when a CHA PTER XLV. Nellie, no~ at all comprehending the mean - t he bufLon, flew to the other eni of the NELLIE'I! FATHER AND MOTHER SET OUT TO lng of this ho3tile c c:vo Jstratlon, sprioging r eom, and crouching down hid herself be- politloa.n goes into offioe does he h11ve t o take an oath!" " Yes," "And when he DK LlVER HER. ta her feet and trembling all over like au aa· hind a pile of cushions. goes out of o:ffioe does he an oath ?" The next lnstaut, or rathe r tha1; very In-· ·' Y es ; bat there is nothing compulsory Hardly had the Wal" minister finished pen, When, however, she d iscovered what the stant, the doar was da.9hed open, and In the about it." speak ing when a captain of ariillery enter ed t he ha.II, and t\dvanoing, in obedlenoe to hideous wretch wantel o i her, s he struggl- aperture P tirlce Tewfik, tbe K hedive, A young fellow named L 3m on, living In a wtwed lltlrmlasion, whispered. something e l ha.rd to re tain pessesslcn of tbs vlnai· t oo. full stop, whilst M rs. Trez'.l.rr, In Pc1sha's ear, the only word audible grett e, for it was dear to her as having been rualilng in, was met by N e!Ue half wa.y, H earne, Texas, was cnelly " ahook " by a birthday prernnt from her mJther, that who, with a pa.roxysm of sobbing, threw his best g irl on the eve ot their wedding. being the name of Trezur. H e found Nellie's father and mother anx- mother whom she thought she might never herself into the maternal arma, which, ae J'ne baokslidlng girl cooly obser ved that well a a the maternal cloak, was thro 1Vn ahe didn't believe Ebe would " take any iously awaiting him In a r oom fnrnished in a see again. L Jmon In Hearne." lh~ the fight thlllt she w aged to nl.!1ointai11 around her, manner that suggested a compromise be· It is a r em\\rkll.ble fact that the questions lt convinoed Elmarr mo:e th11on·ever that lt " What is the m t ening of this ooene 7" tween official and private llfe. W hen they had made brief mention of the was that which she su speoted it t o be, so demanded the K hediv~, furiously, of his sis- asked by the man who signs himself " Constant rl.eader " are generally q uestio ns danger s whicb. they ha.d encountered on the ahe clutohed the wrlnt an d bit at the han:l t er. " You ha·i better ask her. You don't ex · t hat any primary school scholar C:ught t o way they b aizan to make anxious ioqui ry re· that held it anl at last , succeeded in getMng it a way from ltB owner, when she p eot m e t o crim uate myself, and I am far be !1.ble to answer. W hich goes t o show epectlng their daughter, "What I have t o t ell you concerning her immediately rushed from the room, mingling too p roud t o e:i c lse o: to attemp t to excuse that the more const!lntly r ea.d some p 11.p era must be r eoelved in the strictest oonfidenoe," peals of n:o iking h.ughter with ahrlll and my~elf, even to you," was the disdainful an - a:e t he less their rea der! know . ., ..::.~·-·~-ewer . sa.ld the w.i.r minister impr dsslvely, " by exclted ex clamations of triumph. " Say, old man, I'll l)avo t o rcc:i.11 t hat When the wretch had again closed nn l The prlnc.e si knew that d id her smarting invitation I gave you for dinner next reason tht the life of my lnform~ut might be endangered were it otherwise, for ha.rem secured the door a g11.l n b ehind her Nellie vict im tdl the story of the lotus fl ower and Saturday." " Certainly ; but, old fellow, I secrets the moat dangeroua of all secrete began t o wonder h ow the foul hag . could of t he opal ring a.s ohe had related It to her hope t here's nothing wrong ." "Oh , not o be acq 11ainted with, oinco the betrayal of feel to elate l over ouch a trivial thing, for only the pracedlug day, her doom w ould be thing at e.11 ; bu t vi- e 've suddenly taken a the smallest of them is doath, w!th some that the woman im ~gined it to be anything d eath for havinJ received one of the male notion to observe L f> n t &tour hoaoe." "In· times t he most terrible tortures superadd · mor e than a 11ilver ornament never struck sex within the ser aglio wa1!a, and how deed ?" " Yes. You see I drop1 e 'I a cool ed." for an Inst ant . oould she hope that she would n ot t all it $50,000 In stocka, and my wife has disM r. aud Mrs. Trez11rr were muchimprersF eeling slightly hungry and Intensely after such b . rbadc treatment aa she had charged her cook. I 'm b 1glnnlng to t 1>ke ed by thio speech, and whilst Its solemnity bhlrety, for the wants of our fallen nature j nat recaived at her hands~? an interest in rellgtous m11tt era," caused them to tremble for their daughter'" will aseer t themselves in the mo!t unforta..,. What was her astonb h ment when she safet y, it induced t h em t o p romise their nat e and the most beautiful, :N ellie now heard the F .iringhee girl exclaim : A New and Valuable Oil best in one breath that they would take hie turned to :her cak es and coffde, and aft er "Oh, your highness, I don't wish t o Sl'y advice and be guided by him in all things, eating a co:iple of the former she dr11.nk a anything. I wc-n·t say anything, I have no There are now enormous crops of p eanuts "It h well," r eplied ; " know aup ol the latte:, malice, I only wa.nt t o forgive the princees grown in our S ou t hern Statef, as well as In t hen t hat our dear N ellie is a. prisoner in No sconer had she swallowed it c own, and to g o away with my mother, tha.t la all." Afric11. and South Amel'ica. The peanut is the K hedlval ser aglio at the R 11e-el-Tin however, than a strange, b u nlng hate H er highness gave a great ga.ep a.a of re- relished by many people whose dlge·tion is P alllce and in the p ower, moreover, of vne 011m3 Into her mouth,and she grew c onaolous lief, but no word of thanks, and the strong. lG makes e.n economica l and fat . who ha\.es her and will sa.crifioe h er to an ebat her thirst h,a d J:een incr eased instead of proud, defiant k o'.t still rem~bed on h er teaing food for hog s and cat t le, but Us chief insan e j ealousy unless she is prevented. " value now la the oil it pro<lucea. U nder d t t I f l oountenanca. ' d d I · an n orease · 0 a mos pa n u Indt ed the Khediva looked the most re- prop er mu.nipula.tlon t he nut yields n ear ly T his ex planat ion by no moans t ended to ,eesene degiee in addition. 111iay the anxious parents' fearu. So thill wa.s a freah torture that had been lleved of the t wo. for he wc t·J.d uncloubted- fifty p Jr cent. of a bland, almost col orless " L et me once get hold of my dea.r child ,fovhed for her , and as she remembered hav- ly have executed justice upon h is sister ac. fixed oil, not nnlike olive oil, and used for and I 11 bring the palace do vi n wl th my ivg r ead or been t old how that prisoners cording to atrict Moslem 111ow, he y~t ~eemed ~imilar pUt plse11, It is a non-drying oil, scr eams but wha t I 'll bring her out," ex had boen t orment ed unto madness by thir st, t o feel very glad fha.t N ell!e had saved him and r emains fluid at several degrees below the freezing p oint of wa.t er. Some of ou r 0111.lmed M rs. 'l't czur, and she would h ave ehe ehud dered, for the t hought t hat perhaps the nece2al.iv of d oing t o, gone on in t he same strain ad infinitum had they mean ~ t o give her not hing t o drink but fi.neet aud most v11olua.ble toilet soap~ are not her husband checked her, thls drugged coffee, and so t o r ender her in A q11ar t er of an hour lat er N ellie q uitted from this oleaginous 1 xt ra.ot from t he · Arabi clilpped his hands t hrice, and the time a ravin g maniao, the R u el-Tiu pale.oe bet ween h er father pean~t. u hu appear ed. artillery bimb1 1'o overcome such thoughts, or at all and mother and surrounded by the armed H e ca.lied him on one side and gave his events iu ord er to t ry to over come t hem, guards of the war minister, but Prince " Oan y ou tell me," he a.eked, as h e directions, and then, t urning again towards she w1:11~ vver to the window. and thr ough Tewfik, the K hedlve, q '1 itted it not, for <le- enter ed t he ofiiJe t he other day, " why the Mr . and Mes. Trezu r , said, wit h a. smile: the ijtrong ba.rlj of her cage gaz;,d for hours spite all the rcpresent'1.~ionn an :i revala.tions rallroa da should discriminate so heavily " That officer ls r esponsibl e for your safe upon t he fair world eutaide, that M r. Trez1rr had ma de to him ooncern- against dressed meat over Uve.s took ?" cust ody, and in an hour from t he present I An Interrupt ion oamo In a moat marvel- Ing hie Immediate seizure, tria.l and execu- " Certainly, air ; dressed meat is dead, isn't hope to welcome your r eturn, with your loUll form · that is to say , in the shape of t he t ion for treason to the st l\t e it he r emain e l it ?" "Of course." " Well, anything tha.t daughter and my afli!lnoed wife a ccomp1 my· Princess 'z eenah, oarr ylL g In her h1md a on Egypt iau sol!, on E;-:yptian s oil be was can't kick ls alw!\ya b:illdozed by a rail· Ing you," r oad compa.ny." whip and follo wed closely by E ~m11rr the . det-ermiued t o rem ~in notwithstan ding, I A A.RD.-To ~ll ":'ho ar_e suffering f~om the e rrors and i c 1d1ecret10ns of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a. recipe that will cure you .nrnE OF CllAlW!!:. This t d d' db · · g rea. reme y was isc_ove re ya m1ss10n· ary m Sou th Amenca. Send a selfaddressed en ve.l0pe t o the REV. _JosEPH T. INMAN, Station D, N ew York City. 46y Cheap Life Insurance. Insure in t he Confederation Life Asso· ciation. It is cheaper than t he Canadian Mutual Aid, A. 0. U . W. or any pasa a r ound your hat institution, ae the following examples will prove : 'l' hos. McClung baa been insured sin ce 1872 for$2,000and the last five years it only c ost him $2 .55 per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John McO!ung insure d at t he same t i m e for t h e same amount and it only cost h im $l. 74 per annum on each $1,000 to ins ure, he being a litt le younger. _ W e certify the above t o b e correct. Thoe. McCl u ng, John McOlung. THOS. BINGHAM , Agent . HEA LTH I s w EA LT H Dr . E. C. vVest's Nerve and Brain 'l'r eatment, a guaranteed specifi c for Hys teria; Dizziness.r ConvnlRions. Fits, Ner vous, :r< euralgia, Head· a che, :Ncrvous Prosk~tion , o aueccl by tho use of alcohol or tobacco, W akefulness. Mental ning of tlte brain resultin~ in Depression, SoftA i nsanity and leading to misery decay a ncl cleat b Prematll re Old .Age, Barrennes. · ,Loas of Power i n e ith er sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, self·abuse or over-iudulget1oe. E ach box cont ains one month's trea tmen t;. $ 1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on r eceipt of price, 'Ve Guarantee Six Boxes To cure anl' case. \Vith ea ch order r eceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our wr itten guarantee to refund t he money i f the t reatment does not effect a cure. Gllal'antees issued only by JNO. Stott & J ury. Druggi$tS. Bowmanv il!e, Dr· DORE NWE ND'S :c .. .. . ..... - c )> 3:: )> 0... I s a powel'ful r e'.lledy tor thin hair, grey hair and dandruff, where the roots of the hair is n ot entir ely clest.royed it will produce a h~ vy thick growth of. hair, it will likewise rd ~re the grey a nd faded hair back to its for mer color, a nd where daudrufl' ex ists will r emove it without fail. Testimonials by the huudreds conlirming the good r esults of the " H AIR MAGI C." Manufactured only by A . DOR ENWE ND, solo owner for U . S. and Coa ada, 103 an C1 l Oi Yo1 1ge St., Tor onto, Cunacla. l<' or sale by all principal drug stores. .T. HIGGINBOTH AM & S 0 N, Druggists, rn anville. 4. Agents for ' W - .. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE .ASSURANCE CO., E ST.A.BLISBED I N 18 47. It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. Managed by and solely in the interests ot the Policy holders. Its Rates a1·e Low. Pollcles non rorrettable an 1l tntcon·Ut.lonal . (;ash Bonus Palcl cn!ry tllrce years, Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one· premium Is paid for t wo people. ..A.mount of pollcy draw.n on first d eath, ' Speci al I nducements to T otal .Abstai ner,. A.SSETS OVER $ 5, 000,000., INtJC H IE OYJ>R $1,'000,6110 · 8100,000.00 deposited with t he Canadian Govern men t for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INVESTED IN C::A.NA.DA.. $600,0GO.OO, H EAD O FFICE IN CANADA.:- MONTREAL F or particulars refe1· to E . L . LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL AGENT, P OR'l' HOP E Or to agen ts throughout the county, 48-6se. Orono Pump Factory. P umps 9heap er and Better tha n ever, The Subscr iber havin g built a large n e\1 P ump F aatory in Orono, le p repar ed - to furnish- PUMPS OF EVEJ?Y D E SCRIPTIOR W it h or without Porcelain Cylinder, cf the B est M a t er ial, on t h e sh ortest n otice and a t t he lowest p r ices. supplie~. Cist ern Tubs and P u m ps WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. ALL WORK CUARANTEF.D TO GIVE SATISFACT ION. O rders!by Mail promptly attended to. DOO R S, S ASH , B LINDS, PICKE TS, MOU LDINGS, &c. , kep t on hand . R. FERGUSON.

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