THE LIME KILN OLUB. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- LADIES' JOURNAL SCIENTIFIO. Reli~on in a Pack of Cards. 1~g opaned, "am mo' h( ss- sense an' fe"' er demagogues-n: o' of de epeerlt of concesHlo'! No. 11. an' leBB of de speerit of destruckshun-1no of de Ppeerlt of mutual interest an' lese of <le AT THE OFEICE p;lnciple of ru la or ruin, THE FIRST REW..urns. roaiomceBlock,IUngSt.,Bowmanville,Ont "If I pat money into a fa.cktory an' make ,, a succesb of it, I am entitled to a. fa'r In· 1, Ono elegant Square Pl!lno, by ll celebated Ooncerning f3anitary Science. 11rm .... ... ............ ..... ............. $ 500 T E R :r.a; S : teresi on my money inveated an' a fa'r profit "One ct the marked changes of our time $1,5o·perannnm,or$I.OOifpaldin advance on ma.rket ve.lues, Beyand dat de income 2. One fine toned 12-stop Oablnei Organ ..... ... 250 8, 4 and. 5". 'Ihree tine ·xua silver p!Ated Tea is the altered position of the pnyelota.n In the p a.yment strictly in advance required !rom belongs to de .workmen who helped _me to Servlots (4 pieces) ..... ..................... 150 community, The traditional duty ot the SU bsoribers outside or the county. OI'd~rs to make it. lt am a plain principle of J 11Btice 6 to 9 . Four Ladles' tine Gold Hunting case Watches, ele'!'antly engraved, first·claae doctor was to cure dlseas~, and disease waa diacontinue the pa.per mu~t be accompanied by in which no one need be mists.Ken, an· it has Ume-keepere .. . . ........ ... ... .. .......... 280 1uppoaed to be a sort of maligant entity Ile amount due,orthepa.p erwillno~ bestopped. only to be follewed to keep employer and 10 Mi 13. Four celebrated Wanzer Sewing Ma· m bsorib. e rs I'esponsibleuntil!ullpayment is which had gotten into the system, a.n~ could ohlnee .............. ....... ................. ..... 24 employe on the bset of terms. be expelled only by the most energetic and made. · 14 to 20. Seven extra fine quadruple e!lver pl~ted "Ebery man am legally an' morally enOake Baskett....... ....... .. .... . .. ...... . .. .. .. 100 heroic remedies, Physicians were to RA.TES OF A.D't'ERTISINGs 1~lll~ titled to all the money he can ir.coumulate 21 to 3~. Slxt.een fine quadruple ellver plaled belong to the medlod profeB11ion, a.a the chief .vh?.1e Co,l,umn Hn~lear ...... · -·-··· $~g ;;::~ widout chicanery or oppression. Dat we Ome·St<>nda .............. - ........ ........... 16 buainess of the doctor wa.a to presodbe med· 36 to 50. Sixteen ladles' fine extra heavy rolled ~:!:t~;·::.::;:·:. 20 00 ~!';: am not all worf a million dollars "Piece am gold neck chains, with lockebs... .. ............ 240 icinee, whioh a'!'e mostly druga ; while Vol- tlaIt Column one year ............... ~6 00 - - our m!gfortune, a.n' blowin' Jay Gould up 51 to 76. Twenty eoild gold Gem Rings, elzee lo t&ire,wHtily summarized the work o~ the " Half year ............ ·· 20 00 J wid dynamite won't help our ca.see a bit. fit wlnnere . .. ............. .......... .......... 800 physician ae an attempt to work a miracle " " One quarter·- ... ...... l2 50 "Dat' should be no reduck13hun of pay to 76 'o 89. Fourteen halt dozen sets ex,r:1 heavy R!lver plated Table Spoone.... ........ .. .. . 84 by reconciling intemperance and health. A ,tu'o"iter Co\i:-rr..n one ye11-r · · "· ...... 2~ g& f&ithful workmen except to prevent loss of Half year ......... .. l -k Eleven solid gold chased or fancy ha.If century has a.ltered the whole scope of 5 capital invested, Dar' should be ne str1 es 60 to 100. One quarter ........ 8 001 Rlnge. sizes to fit winners ... .. . .. , .. , ...... UO medical etudy. Sanita.ry science profoundly IIx lines and under, first inseI'tion .· $0 00 101to155. Flfty.aeveneol!drolledgolt1Brooches. 1fo until compromise has been offered an' re· 1 affects medical theories : and the -upshot cf Each subsequent insertion ...... 0 251 j tcted. Number one of the above rewa.rds, the It all ls that the old faith In drugs and med- from six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 75J:: "While men workin' at starvabun piano,will be glven the sender of the first icines of all kinda le fast dhsolviog. People Each ~ubsequei;it i11s~rticn ....... O 351 - ·-10 wages may bec;ome despera.te it should be d f' k i d correct answers to the Bible Qaestlona are everywhere learning that sunlight, pure ) V er ten lmes,flrst msertlcn,per line 0 Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ remembered dat ebery l le ao tory n e gl rnn below. The sender of the second air, good food, proper dreaa, regular habits, The number of lines to be reckoned bykantry am another burden added to t axa- .:orrect answer arriving ab LADIES' J OU:R· plenty of eleep,-in short, right living, i.s a no shun, A ship laid up at de wharf not only spa.ce occupied,.measured by a scale of million times better than all the medicmee olid NonlJarei!. carrlee no cargo, but she ~m going to decsy. NAL office bakes number two, the organ, of the world. "De woikman who am n9t willin' to ren· and so on till all the above rewards are - - - -" The great physicians of our time are Dr. A. BEITH, der a fa'r day's work am a cheat. De em- given away. vaetly more intei:ested in sa~itary science A PRESENT FOR EVERYBODY, RADUATE OF THE TORONTO UNIVER ployer who looks upon hie wor k man aaa and hygiene than m therapeut;os, They are J SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &c. O!'llce King beast of burden am a tyrant, All persons competing must send studying anew the questions pertalniug to ~reet, MORRIS' BLOOK, Bowmanville. " Da hull question of Ca pita! verms La· wit h their answers one dollar, for which life, They are investigating the conditl~ns bar kin be simmered down ~o this :. Reason· they will reoeive by express one elegant J. w. lllcLnngl1ll11, H, n., of perfect phyaloal existence, They are g l v ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE o.ble hours-fa'r p:..y-friendly arbltre.shun 1Jilver plated Butter Dish, sen on a 11ilver ing lectures and writing books on the great of Physicians and .member of the Royal on all points of dispute, Dar· am nu ffin fur plate with silver plated cover, and figure a.rt of keeping well, of .developing physicaI :Jollege of Surgeous, Edmbur gh, either Hide to Iese by concedin'-dar' am force, of building up a perfect body, The Otlloe : MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman- eberythiog fur boaf sides to gain by a frank 0£ a. cow on top, (the dish lb1.1elf being of q uestions of drainage and ventilation, of the vi lle. __ . - - - - an' mutual understandin'." glass,) and the L ADIES' JOURNAL for one nutritive values of the different kinds of yea.r, free of Butter dishes nob DR· J, C, JIIITCllELL, NOT AD ~I:'.l:TE D, food, and the proper methods of cooking, of 11o11 good a.a these have been retailed at OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS artificial exercise, when it is neceRSary to re L EMBER The Sergeant-at-Arma reoorted that Hon, $2.00. This butter dish wlll be 11ent you and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, sort to auoh expedients, the heating of houses Otllce and Itesidence, Enniskillen. 74, Clingstone Sacramento, of Arkansas, was in whether your answers to these Blble and the quantity and fashion of clothes tha t the ante-room and waiting to addreu the Qaesblona are right or not. should be warn, assuming e.n importance DR. '.fA.lUBl..YN, subject of : "Is Man Deteriorating ?" THE BIBLE QUESTIONS. hitherto unknown. HYSICIAN, SURGEON and Acc9ucnEUR. "I deelah to explain to de meetin'," raid Otllce:-Silver Street, Bowma.nv1lle. 7 " Everything that relates to the art of the President, "dat dis pusson arrove hel\h 1. SPARROW. { Where are th11se living so aa to avoid sickness and, and three or four days ago, an' he wasn't fn town 2. D ovE. four words first D. BITRKE SDIPSON, D"aintain the highest degree of power and fo' hours before he got drunk an' wae locked mentioned In the .ARRISTEtt, SOLICITOR, &;o., MOJ>lUS up. He has tried to bnrrow money of al· 3, HAWK, enjoyment, ls invested with new importance·, 4. E AGLE. BlbM BLOCK, up stairs, King. Street, B11wman The physician ie no longer 'a medicine man; moas' ebery member· cf de club, 1i.n' I hev rille. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank, These four:queation11 muat be a!lllwer· we send for him when ill, It Is true, and val sized him up as a dead-beat. He am a Private Monel'S loaned at the lowest rates, ue hie curtlve service as highly as ever; but powerful 'z!!.mple of de fack. dat ma.n am de- ed correctlJ to secure any of the larger we would pay him a. double fee to keep u 9 .John Keith Goilbraith, terioratln' mighty fast, W hat am de pleas- rewards named In theee llata. welL He is a member of health police· .ARR IS TE R SOLICITOR, NOTARY ure of de meetln' ?" THE MIDDLE REWARDS. whose function it ls to keep people from PUBLIC, &c. ' Office- Bo.u nsa.ll's Bloo,k Oowslip Johnson moved t'b at the stranger I. A eomplete outfit lor the lady winner ol thla getting sick, and hold a diset\lle at bay. ~nd K Ing Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend, be placed in tbe,h.a nds of Glveadam Jones. prize, couefstlng ol ono extra fine black instead of killing a doctor when a. pattent Silk Drees pattern, one fine olack Oasbmere Tho motion was supported, and Brother dress pattern, a good print dre88, newest .ROBERT A.JtltlOUit, dies, after the manner of the Emperor of Jones pulled on his thick boots and qui etly etyle, and three pairs o! Kid Gloves, of size China, the skill and proficiency of the phy. EGISTRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER retired. When he returned, at the end of · and color to suit winner, a.I! lrom Pdley'e ; ot Marriage' Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor- eeven minutes, he reported that the Hon, slcian of the future are determined by hi8 also one pair Kid Slippers and one pair French kid Bnt!Jon Boots, lrom Toronto _8ucoes8 in keeping his patients streni? and ~'Y at Law a.nd Solicitor in Chancery. Money Cllngstone was moving out of Detroit at ) n.ned on Real Estate. Otllce on King s~reet, Shoe Oo., or It prelerred, cash .................S 75 well· and &hould they fall ill, he me.y be the highest rate of epeed allowed by the 2 and B. Two fine extra silver plated Tea Ser. l owma.nville. dis~iaaed for a better one. " · ordlnanoo, vices O plecoa.)......................... ... . 100 4 to 7. Four ladlee' fine gold hunting Watches rt. T. PBllLIPS NO OBJECT, new designs .. ......................................... 300 ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County Mora.I Neoessity of ~ealth. 8 to 21. Fourteen fine extra qu&druple Silver Elder Toots had been Mtchlng around on ot Durham, Sales promptly attended, plated Oi>keBasketa ........... ...... . ...... HO Life le devoted to the pursuit of happi- Addrese-Hamllton P, 0, 69, hie chair in a very nervous manner for three 22 to SB . Seventeen extra fine quadruple plated ness ; and to thie, health ls obviously endi8or .four minutes, He now arose and asked: Oruet Stands..... .......... ... .................. 170 OHN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, p ensable, Usefulness is lio eeoentlal te hap. " Miasur President, would it be any per· 3g to 57. Nineteen 11ets o! heavy Sliver Plated Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life Dessert Knives, Forks, and Tea Spoons, piness that all good and enlightened men naurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. ticler objiok for dis kentry to annex: Mex· Half Dozen ol each ... ............ ..... .. ..... ...... 228 teach that the most useful life le the hap Money, to Lend on reasonable terms, Acldress loo?" 58 to 90. Thlrty-lhree finely bound volumes of . pleat ; and health le also obviously indispen Cartwright, Ont. "What do ~ou mean, Brudder. Toot&?" Pceme, extra value............ .............. .. ... 99 !72 sable to the greatest neefulness. Morali ty "Why, sah, if it will be any objlck I will 91 to 119. Twenty-nine eolld Rolled Gold Brooches newest Designs ................................ ...... 87 ls ersentlal to usefulness; and while moraI · GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Introduce a resolushun to dat effeok." every man who buys his License from ity evidently promotes health, It ls equally Everybody looked at the Elder in amazeThe first prize In the Middle Rewards, true, though unfortunately not so evidPnt, JENRY SYLVESTER, Enniski!len, ment, and there was a deep silenoe for a long the $75 or the outfib, wlll be given the that health promotes morality ; for the lawB minute. Then Brother Gardner motioned sender of the middle correct answer of W, W. Dl<:KEY, of health are the laws of nature's God, and for the Committee on Phyoloal Development the whole competlblon from first]to last. ETERINARY SURGEON, gradua.t.e of the obedAnce to those laws ls necessarily good to do their duty, and the three men arose The sender of the next correct an11wer Ontario Veterinary College, Ofilce and morals," and such treatment of the body as tesidence, NEWTONVlLLE, Ont. and removed the old man from the hall. will in no wise diminish the fullness orvlgor WUI visit Orono every Tuesday, Office hours When he returned there was a wild, soared following the middle one will be given of lta vitality ; that ls, the capacity for use- rom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m .. at Coulter'a Hotel. * look In his eyes, and he dropped softly into number two-one of the tea sets-and so fuine11 i1 demanded by the highest merality. Special attention to Surgery. 32-ly hie chair and irled to buay his mind on a on till all these are given away. A Significant Story. Health and morality are, then, to a great exHalle recommends the following applicaTHE CONSOLATION REWARDS, I'eoipe tor making brindle-colored glue, ONEY ! l\'[ONEY !- The subscriber tent interdepmdent, eaoh one promoting the tion In furunoleTannio aoid, one pa.rt ; A wealthy banker in one cf oui; la.rgtl' 1. One O ahinet Organ by Bell &; Oo., 12 slope, A CLOSE CALL, receives money on deposit for theOntario ether. Knowledge, as well as .norallty, ls beautifully fin!ehed ........ .... ............e250 powdered gum·arabio, one part; t incture of cities, who is noted for his large Sllb! cripLoan and Savings Company, and pays in~e1·est to 4. Three fine solid sliver plated Tea Services eesential to u~efulness. Row dependent at the rate ot 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of arnlca flowers, two parts. This is to be The case of Horizon Smith was then callto charities, and for his kindly habits plecee.) ......... ....... .... . ... ........,_ - 180 painted over the .boll and for a little distance tions knowledge ls upon health ls made sn±licient . withdrawA.l r equired. Also loans money .on ed up. A policeman had arrested h Im with 5 to 9.(4 of private benevolence, was called on by his Five ladles' solid Gold Watches, elegantly morfgagos at lowest rates. No comm1ee1on ly obvious by th11 fact that however great a a chicken in a bag, and although he had elllgraved .. - ......... .... .. ... ............ 450 ioraund It, several coats being applied until pastor one evening and asked to go with him m11.n' knowledge may be, he, if sickly, is charged. W , F. ALLEN, Bowma.nv11!e. 8-ly. been diacharged when taken "t1> the etation, O to 12. Three fine celebrated W1>nzor Sewing it forms a. thick and firm c()verlng, H alle to the help of a man who had attempted to '-" . Machines ................................. 180 states that this mode of treatment quickly commit suicide. lesR useful and happy than is an ignorant it was comidered an occurrence that ought 13 to 29, Seventeen palre fine lace Ourtalns-. 20~ man who ie healthy. Thus it &eems th at So Do! Gentlemen oCFaslh to be inv, atlgated, relleve· the pain and diminishes the swellThey found the man in a wretched house, 80 'o 51. Twentv-two dozen sets solid heavy ell. knowledge, and morality, and usefulnes e, The Chairman of the Committee on Agriing, When t aken in time, t he boil disap- in an alley, not far' from the banker's dwell· ver plated Dinner orDea3ert Knivea,put up ion, uot so In plu&hlined ca··s ................ ....... 220 pea.r11 without the formation of pus · and happfne88 - the four great objects of culture reported thu.t he had made a faithful ; and, Ing. The front r oom waa a cobler 's shop ; be· Tb!rty-nlne half dozen eats o! ext ra Bil· all dependent on health, investigation of this caee, While It was a 52 to 90. ave written these few lines ver plated Te>forks - .... -.... -..... - ......... 78 when th!s has already oocur red, the appli· hind it, on a miserable b ed, in the khohen, And all I have to say_ fact that Brother Smith had a chicken in a 91 to 131. Forty-two fine half dozen sots solid ell· cation ca.u~es extrudon of the core and lay the poor shoemaker, with a gii,ping gash L'b.a.t you can find me still at h ome, ver plated Teaspoons ... ... ... ............. .... 84 prompt healing of the furunole, bag, and was going home at a late ~our, his in his throat, while hie wife and chi ldren Jam not gone away. The Use of Opium by Women. assertion that the fowl came up to him on the The sender of the last correct answer Dr. Cagnolf mentions in the .Monitwr were gathered about him, So allmykindoldrriend smay come, street, and was taken heme to_preserve its " We had been without foo d for days," A New York paper says: Women are And all they oung ones, too, received In this competition, which closes life, could not be diiproved. Nobody had 30th June next, will secure number one Tkerapeutique that, having as a patient a said the woman, whEln he returned. "It le more largely add icted ,te the use of oplum And get their garment s nicely made little boy with rheumatic fever, In whom reported the loas of a chicken to the p olice, then men are. Thia Is true in the country In !ashionstha.t a r e n ew: - the organ-of these ooneolaHon re wards. salfcylu.teo produced severe . gastric disturb- not my husband's fault. He Is a hard-workaa well as In the city, I have Inquired Vhere old a.nd young,deartrlends,mn.y meet and the oommit tes must therefore r eport The sender ot the n ext to last one. num- ance, he had recourse to compresses satur- ing, sober man, But he could neither get A welcome ll'rAetinir, bv R. PE.ATE that Brother Smith was an innocent man, of the apothecary on t~is subject, and h e with a t en-per·cent. solution of ealloy- work, nor pay for tha.t whioh he had done, " De report of the committee am accept- ber two-one of the gold watches-and ated ' he went for the last time t o collect a has told me that he keeps opium ready In 110 on till all these are given oub. Fifteen late of soda and covered with oilskin bound ed," remarked the President, "but I .vant little packets for his women customer s, round the most acutely inflamed joints. '.l'he debt duehfm bya rich family; but the gentledays after date ot closing are allowed for nrudder Smith to understan' dat ha will man was not at home, My husband was weak who take ft "on the sly. " They uee It f or neber hev a oluser call. De next time he letters to r this cffice from d htan b next day t he pain and swelllng had disap- from fasting, a.nd seeing us starving drove the same reason that poor men get drunk on peared from these and the power of motion happens to be walk in' 'long de etreet wid a. points. spirituous Fquors, Trouble, care, the burhad r eturned to thorn, while the joints wh!oh him mad. Se it ended that way," t ur nicg bag on his arm, an' a fat chicken 1'11ppens dens of a hard lot in life lead or drive to had not been so treated remained exactly l:n t o the fainting, motionless figul'e on the to come up an' asks to be adopted, an' it drink ; It first gives them a ple&eing exhil atheir previous condition. '.l.'hese latter were bed, he.ppens dat de owner doan' show up, cle ration, and then it drowns their thoughts in The bankEr, having fed and warmed t he afterwi;rds relieved In a similar manner, name of Horizon Smith will be acratched off ..,. :.1;:1e stupor of intoxication, Women have family, hurried home, opened hie dt!sk, and our books so quick dat he wlll think hisself '.I.he prevailing fa.ult of a large proportion took out a file of Utt la bills. All his large their full shnre of the troubles of life, Som e hit by lightning, of toilet and fancy soaps is that they contain debts were promptly met, but he was apt years ago I raw the report of an asylum f or WILL lNVl~STIGATE, such q uantities of "free alkali" as t o render to be careless a1>out the account of milk, the deranged which gave the aocupatione of W ITH TEETllo WITHOUT TEETH. them decidedly injurious to t ender and sen- bread, etc., because they were so pett y. the patients in oonfinemmt, More of them The Secretary anneunced the followmg eitlve skins when habitually used, Although were farmer 's wives t han any other one cla·SB from Hastings, llfich. : H e found there a bill of Michael Goodlow's the general public has not aa yet been t hor- for repairing ch!ldrcn'o ahoes, $10. Michael of persons, They were yc;ung wives too, BRO. GARDNER-Thia city is known and PRA.CTICAL UENTIST, oughly "educated up" to the point of appreBurdened with t !le c&res of the housahold, Goodlow was the suicide. It was t he bank always has been opposed to o,ny colored man ".lVEH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOE, ciating the magnitude of this evil, yet most er's unpaid debt which had brought these keeping no hired help, anxious ambimaking his home wit hin its bounds. In om persons whose skins are extI'emely s£nsitive people to t he verge cf the grave, and-drivtious, they 11uccumbed to the lond, Befo re NltronsOxtdcGa11 AtlmiDJstered f er Painles early days there were a eet of rough11 wh o find by experience, this winter, or during the en this man to de~peratlon , while, at the 1011lng their reason how much sufforing t hey 011erat1ons. e1i\ or e vca~ cqnoe on the negr o, and to thh THE . EXTR.!. PRIZES. prevalence of east erly winds, that frequent very same time, the banker had given a.way must have endured ! Poor, weak, tired, OFFICE llICCLUNG'S BLOCK, day not one has e-.;er ventured to make thle washing with eoap and water is Impossible thousands in charity. working when hardly able to drag them place their home. It occurs to me that this Five thousand (ot more If required) extra silver without producing much personal discom plated Butter Dlahea. These are the Butaclvea about, complaining of a eenae of gon eThe cobbler recovered, and will never is a ma.tter the club should investigate and ter Dishes that are spoken o! above,one of fort, unless t hey use eelect fd klnde of eoap want a friend while the banker lives nor ncss tha.t words will not describe they sin k take action on, · which wlll be given to every competitor, beneath the weight and go deranged:vr they · again be found whether the anewers Mo correct or not $6250 t o which experience has guided them. M1:1ny will a small unpaid bill eve1 H. S. such persona discard soap aHogether in favor on the b11.nker 'a t able, die, Stimula.nts ar e sou~ht In t he midst of On ·motion of R ev. Pen3f·ook a committee This la bhe moat liberal offer ever made of mat erials ilke oatmeal and powders which the struggle, Now it is opium, and now it No man ha.ea right to be generous until of thre wase appoint ed t o lnvestiga.te and by any publlsher In the world-and the do not alkaline matters. la strong drink, anything to keep up t he his debts are paiq ; and the meet efficient report, and were aut horized to expe~d a sum sooner you take advantage of It the spirits or drive a.way the spectres of harro w..._. ._, uae of money is not alone in alms. ~iving, but not exceeding sevent ·en cents for travelling bett er, as snch an offer wlll not likely mg care, The country store supplies thEm to payllberally and promptly the people expenses a.nd stationery, Sam Jones on Money. whem we employ, with eitheir the solid or the lfquld medialne be made again. You pay nothing for THREATS. ........... ......... for their disease, and they take It with a T he Rev. Sam J onos, whatever hia other the privilege of competing, as one dollar The reading of the following e_ pistle orrnt· good conscience beo!l.uoe it seems t o afford at ls the regular year ly subscription price of che.raoter istics, has a t r uly Scriptural re· ell much excitement : HARNDEN , L. D.S., Why do we Have .Ege:s at Easter! least a. t emporary relief. T hia is e.mong the LADIES' JOURNAL . .A.ddreGs S. Frank gs.rd for money . H ne is correctly r eportACADEMY CORNERS, PA. he says : " I no use whatever for farmers In tho country, And looles in t he ed, Graduate ofthe Royal College or Dental E aster is observed ai:nong a.ll Chrlatfan Wilson, LADIEs 'JouRN.A.L Office, T oronto, Secretary of L'me-Kiln Olub: money; I have a.11 the money 1 want. My people as the anniversary cf t he gre:i.t event city have even stronger 'temptations to t h is Surgeons, Ontario. Canada. S and money bV Post Office orweeks ago I <iffered to become an Some needs eupplied bountifully, My family of 't he r esurrection of Christ. He was dead, vlce. When all sorts of parties are golng OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S .STORE, honorary member of your aasociat ion and der or r egist ered lett1ir. ie comfortable and happy, and I can't r ee but r eturned to life. The egg is taken a11 on, parties the very names of which are u nlectur e on the "Stl'ucture of the Mule" for lnteligible to the Innocent r urallet, t he eX · lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. what on earth I would do with money if I emblem i>tio of a raturn to life. It is to a.11 $13. Your }'resident did not present my haustlon of life In town is immense, Toget a.te Work executed in the latest and moat had it. A couple of hundred dolhus In t he appearance dead, but we know t hat if placed A Stab at Liberty. name on account, I think, of my owning a Improved style of t he Dental Art, bank la an abundance, and is all I ha.vo. undeI' proper conditivns, lite will come forth dre11sed for company ia a draught on t he white wife, etc., which seeme to be a violaFirst Sooialist" Ramember the me eting system, A draught of something ill oft an EETH - EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, As long as a man has plent y for his wifo from it. The use of eggs at was tion of your by.Jaws, No 800. I now wish to-night, Josef. Important q uestions t.o be Jleeded to supply t he drain, The round of the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without Injury it understood that I will get there in opposi- disc11ased, Assaeulnaticn of Bismarck, blow- and children and himself ho ought to be adopted from an usage older than our era, fashionable visiting-, late hours, hot r oomB, contented. I don't t hink the Lord sent It was the custom in very early times t o to t he patient, tion t o Brother Gardner and all other ty- ing up the Washington Monument, k idnap· me out into the world to mak e money ; celebrate t he r eturn of Bprlng by making rioh supp irs, thin dress and great exposure, Pn.rttoular attention paid to the regulation o t I have puroha!ed the ra.nte of hie color. ing Victoria--" reaction following excitement in theatre, but He did send me cut Into t he world to presents cf eggs, infk cuce of mar y p rominent members of the Second Socialist-"! have so many duties, do good. As far as my wife Is concerned, C HILDREN'S TEETH, op era and balls, a.11 these furnish as atrong " vVhy does not E aster always fall upon club, and th e obnoxious by-law will soon t e Heinrich, I cannot attend, I am" a.n inducement to take artifiolal stimnlan ts ....ALL WORK WARRANTED. . _ my life is insured for $12, OCO, the interest a fixed dii.y, Ch rietmas ls always on De· r epealed, I sha' l be in Detroit in a few "We are also going t e decide whether or as the man of business ever ha.a. Thus woon which, whrn I am gone, will be enough oember 25th, why should Eaetor be fixed days to arrange for deliverlni;l a lecture en- not we shall have beer at our meet ings in to k eep her ; and ae fer my children, I don't with rqual certainty?" Easter must be OIL men In the city are led Into the habit of titled, ·· How to Dier om of Oolored N ervea," fut ure." drinking, sometimes very privately, often . want to leave them $1. If they are of any Sunday, It ia not a particular date t hat All ;members of the club except Brother "What I Have our rights. been qnestlon- account they won't need It I ff they are wltheut any concealment from the fa.mlly, is observed, but a particular Sunday. H ow GardDer will he admi\ted free, . ed? Are our llbertle1 invaded ? Heinrich, no good, .mon3y would be a ourae to te decide upon the Sunday, gave very early PROF, B. x. SWIFT, when Juatioe calls I am at my post, I will them." churches much trouble, and there were dif· Several of the members jumped .to their be there." ferenoes on t)l.e account, but the matter was, feet to make motion· or offer resolutions, Blcycliat-" What did you mean by te11·. · Autumn man sleep on a Spring bed In settled at that council held at Nice, In the but tne President waved them down nnd I~aaca (lnetruotiug hie son)" Ven you big me that the road wae amooth when it year 325, '.[he rule was adopted that: "Easter Winter. said : la nothing but a 11tone quarry down there ?" [ zell a coat to a man vot vants a coat, dot's day is always the first Sunday aftl!r the full " P ay no atte~shun to de ccmmunlcashun nodding · aber ven you zell a coat to a man Purchase not friends by gifts ; when thon moon, which happens upon or next after Pennsylvania farmer- " Rocks In the of dlaappinted candydates. 'W hen de P ur- vot don't vant a coat, dot's peeziness, my ceaseat to give, such will cease t~ love, March 21st, and if the full m oon hap1Jens road ? Why, of course there was." . Bloycliet-" Why did you not tell me, _ fessor strikes D etroit in pusson brudder poy-dot'o peezlness. " · Pads la wild with enth uBiaBm over the on!a Sunday, Easter day la the uext Sunday Giveadam Jones will probably Interview then~" 1.1et the stI'ong defer to the weak , the heal· violln playing of Herr J oa.ohim, It ls Im- after. Thie gi ves E aster day a wide range In ord11rto introduce· our him, 11 P ennsylvania farmer- " Because yon · catalogue of all kinda of thy to the sick, the wise to the unlearned, possible to get sea ts at the Sa.Ile E rard, of dates, as it may occur on any Sunday The meeting then adjourned, didn't a:x me, If you had taken the rooks Books, and o,gents' goods, we will send 100 the skillful to the unskillful, the righteous though t he uniform price le no lees than $4 ·. from March 22nd to April 25th. out of the way, you would have found that favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· t o the erring, and the roots of equity wlll be It is announced t hat the great violinist lade, a vast co,nec~ion, for only 100 or 4 3c. the roaa wa.a smooth, " The pugilist who strikes out quickly stre11gthened, and the rich fruits of human will engage at the Cha.~elet Theater, where stamps and this ahp. .A, Vv. KINNE Y, Yar. b II · th l d' t d 11 t Oysters have a laDguage of their owni :Bicyclist can't see it. 1 e eves m e mme 1a e e very aya em, love and happiness will abound, mouth, N. s,. ther e are more than 3,000 eeats, and claims stow, :li'RIDAY, APRIL 9, . 1886 " What seems to he de need cf de hrnlr jist now," said the President as th" m f.t- BIBLE OOMPETITION. HEALTH. M. A.JAMES, " " o:e gg /; = lOI_ , L .M P - R B R L J A V A sergeant in an EngliBh company one Cold rain-water and eoap will take out ma- Sunday, marched his soldiers to church and chine grease where other means would not oommnnding thtm to take out their Bibles or be advisable on account of colors running, prayer books; each did so, e:x:o~pt . one eoldier by the name of Richard Lee, who took etc. To preserve and mount sea. weed, place it out a pack of cards, and spre~ them bein a large bowl of water above a eitableu fore him. The sergeant said : " Richard, sized piece cf glass. 'When It has expanded, put up that pack of oarde.'· The soldier lift them carefully out of the water on the said : " I shall not do so." The sergeant glaes. Arra.nge the sea-weed with the aid " If you will not do so I sh.'1-11 arrest of a fine paint brush, mtlng off superfluous you after the service is over." When the pieces, and sprer.dlng out those that lie too service was over he brought the soldier I:' thic.d y, Press b etween sheets of blotting fore his ldrdship, the Mayor of Glasgo· paper, who asked the eerget"ont, "Why dost t h l The Lancet publishes an article giving an bring this soldier here before me?" " For account of the successful treatment of car- playing cards in church, your worship." bunc11lous diseases by the hij ection of the His lordehip says, " ~oldler, wha·t hast. ofiioinal solution of ammonia, Dr. Arendlne thou to say for thyself?" " Much do I pray clill ma that it destroys the ba.cillaria in all you r lordship to bear me." "It is well, If malignant puotutea, and is a specific In this you do not well excuse ycureelf I will pun· class of diseaseo. As physicians have found iah you severely. Go on and explain." The t he carbuncle alwa.ys dangerous, and almost soldier, "Your lordship, I have beep. beyond the reach of remedies, the suggestion six weeks upon the march and I had neither f · Bible or prayer book, nor alma. ~ac, I may prove of great value to the pre easrnn eball attempt to convince your lordship that and to sufferers, this pack of hM su red me for all No healthy person need be too stout if -these." "Go on," sald hislnrdshlp. " When only uroper 11ottention le paid to diet, Those I look upon the aoe ltremind11me that there so afflicted should abstain from, or eat very is but one God; when I look upon the deuce sparingly ot potatoes, sugar, bread, butter, it reminds me of the F ..ther and Son. And a nd all fatty or starJhy kinds of food ; when I look upon the tray It reminds me of while, in the matter of drinks, milk and the F ather, Son and Holy Ghost, " When I chocolate to be avoided. A stout person look upon the four it reminds me ef the four may partake freely of lelln meat, green vege-. evangelists that 'preached, Jl.h thew, Jl.lf ark, tables, and fresh fruit, N utB are to be Luke an d J ohn. W hen I look upon the five avoided, as they are oily and therefore lt reminds me of the five wise virgins; tnere fattening. were ten, b ut five were foolish and were shut To pre"\"ent mental bankruptcy, a.void, out. When I look upon the six it reminds tint, exceselve indulgence of tl:ie emotions ; me that in eix days God created t he hea.venm second, frantic desultory efforts to a.ccom- and earth. W,.hen I look upon t he seven plfsh in one hour an amount of menta.l work ft reminds me that upon the seventh d11y H e appropriate to double that amount of time ; rested and ha.llowed his work. When l look third, every species of exceaa which experi- on the eight it reminds me of the eight ence has pioved to general constitu- righteous persons who were saved in N o:i.h'e tional drain ; fourth, attempting to do two ark, namely, N oah, his wife, his thr ee sone things at one and the same time ; fifth, petty and their wives. W hen I look upon t he social and other engagements which Interfere nine it reminds me of tho lepers that were with the function of sleep ; sixth, lndigeati- cl ensed before our Lor d, And when I ltJok upon the ten It reminds me of the Ten comble food, mandments which God handed down to A cement which Is proof against 6ven :Moses, upon tablets of atone at Mt, Sinai." boiling acids may be m ade by a composition The soldier then laid aside the knave. of India·rubber, tallow, lime, and red lead, " ·when I look upon the Queen it reminds The India· rubber must first be melted by a me of that great and good Queen the Queen gentle heat in benzine, and then six: to eight of Sheba, who was as wise a. woman . as Sol· per cent. by weight of tallow le added to the omon was a mlloD ; uhe brought fifty boys and mixture while lt is kept well stirred ; the fifty girls all dressed In boy's app11oral be· next day slaked lime is applied, until tho fore King <:;olomon fer him to tell who were fluid maas assumes a consistence similar to the boya and who were the girls. King that of soft paste ; lastly, twenty per cent, Solomen ordered water to be brought before of red lead is added, fn order to make it him for them to wash ; the boys washed to h11.rden and dry, t heir wrlsta and the girls to their elbov.-e, A writer on meteorology says : " We so that he told by that, When I look upon know of no such thing a.s absolute cold." the K ing It reminds me of the great King in He should have stood on a street corner heaven, who is God Almighty, " H is lord· about an hour a few days ago. He also ship : " Soldier, t hou h as well exs&ya that " cold Is simply a negative, being plalne:i every card except the knave." The a compa.rative absence of the positive, soldier said : "If your lordship will not which ls heat." We have frequently get angry." H is lordship says : "I will noticed that, When a man is freeztng to not get angry, provided vou do not term death it must be a great comfort for him me to be the knave." " No," m ys t he solto know that there is no such t)l.lng as cold, dier, " the greates·t knave that I know of ii! and t hat what ails him ls a "oomparatlve the sergeant who brought me before ytu,, When I count the pack of cards I find absence of the positive." there are 52, which. la emblematioal of the Good wheaten bread should be well baked weeko of the ye11.r. When I count thesultee (not burnt), light, and spongy, the crumb I find there are four, which ls emblemat lcat beiDg well permeated with little cavities, of the aeasons of the year, When I count It should be thoroughly kneaded, ot good the tricks I find there are thirteen, which le color (white or brown), not acid to the emblematical of the weoka in each quarter, taste, not hitter, not too moist, When set 'When I count the spote I find thereare 365, aside, the lower pa.rt should not b<come which Is emblematioal of the days of the sodden, A four-pound loaf loses about one year, So, you will observe, your lordship, ounce a.nd a. quarter in twenty-four hours, that this pack o cards has answered me ae about five ounoee in forty-eight hours, and a. Bible and prayer book and almanac, " about seven ounces in sixty hours. This His lordship says, "Richard, you are dis·. loss will vary with the temperatur e; draughts charged." of a.Ir, etc. ............ _ M DENTIST RY. J. M:. BR IMA COMBE, . .. c. ---- ~ ___ _ - ;::h.· D u N N's BA ' KINC powDER THE C ·OOK'S BEST FRI END SONGS