~ltt <!tlauadinu JtnttJ*man·. 9. TOWN COUNCIL. Bow.MANVILLE, FRIDAY. APRIL CouirnrL OIIAMUTlB, BowMA!'iHLLE,} April flLb, 1886. Regula.r Meeting o[ the Council. Membets present : Ma.yor, Reeve, Deputy·reevc, and Councillors. Burrlen, P orter, Nosworthy, Ga.1braith, Kidd, Brittain, M~~on, Morris and W e8l uy. l'E'r lf!ONS. be~;e1i::1:~::e&!e:o~~\~;'.1;.u;:~1:::~~ g~~;~:v~~~~~u~~~;re~~n~~~ ~~~~t :~h7:~~ Veterinary Sltrge<m, formerly of ., Vhit oy, Ont. Miss 0"-<& 1hl1, of Maple G t ove, ha' bee11 here vi·siting ·her uncle, Mr. N . F Hall. . Mr . .John M>irtin and wifa,·of Toronto, h ave beeu visitiu " i:r friends iu a nd around 01·ouo. Orono Council R. T. of T. 'vill mee ·this F' riday evening. Mr. Bora<'<l Kn<>tt, af T oT011to, is visitMr. R obt. Best began plo.ving on Friat his father'P. day lint. Tho first heard from , Mr.Janies Stalker lli;ft ·l!ln Monday for 'l'wo ·new members were initiat ed into British Columbia. the :A. 0 .l'. W. at the last meeting. Mr.·fames Ja.ckB<m, ma.il .canior, has Hallelujah Gordon still crawls nearer moved into our village. ' the cemetery. Gone but not fori;:ott on. Mr. J. H. Allin, of Courtioe, spant M r. J o h·n \" · preparing · t o ven,, a t son 1a Saturd ·Y and Suaday at home. eer hi9 residence. When tlone it will add Mis!I A_ Pollard., of St. Thom3s, i 11 mnch to tho appearance of that part of our visiting friends in this vicinity. to wn. Mr . Hcni:y At1ni.strong, ·ti f ·u.·oronto, has The W .C. T. U. intend h old imz a memoORON<J. Farmers and G ardeners TH E LARGEST ~ BEST - "~'~""' Frow S. Mason. on beha,lf of tlie Scott Act Association, req_ue.stin~ thn.t a fly-law be passed for licensing ·pnhlic houses, on and after the 1st of May n ext, and regulating «Jtncr matters on the coming into force of the Scott Act . Laid ou the table for farther consideration. From the merchants and others on King 11treet, w,,st of Divi~ion t'treet, ~eking tilat provbion b e m "da for watering said ~tree·t du1·iui.; the summer. L aid on the table . (nMM vN:C AT[ONS. p m . Program to conslst .ofreading, mu- 1 sic, e tc. T h e oth er temperance societies . are inv ited to co-operate. . 1 A r1 ar ticle exhibited itself on our streete on Sunday last in snch a way as t o call : forth m ·1 ch merriment from the bystandc · ASSORTMENT c rs; but when eal the thing w_ as unear l_ie -t the the rm er nature _iment of changed to ' ; M iss McGaorry., t h e .elocutionist, spent disgust , as l ' was nothing mom than n. i . Sun d&y in fown t h e guest of Mra. Thos . "tr. underbolt" clo ·hed in the hide of some , S mith. foreign animal. \1 ~ :F I IELD ,,,-G ARD EN s EE D s O>F i . '· . . ' · '.. - . . - --· · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr . .John Spencer , ·.v eternary surgeon ne ss here. The following are the offi cers for From S. Wright, asking permission to erect po]eg for :Electric Light ourposes -011 «Jur streets. Also offering to ligh t the etreQtS at a cert,iin fi.~ure per night. Referred to Roa.<ls a.nd ::ltrt)ets, and Pnblie Property fr-0m Whit'by,isaboutto commence busi- D ivision for CClming t e rm : -W. P . - D.1.' · Orono ~ -- ·l\fr. C. G. Armstrnn g 'h as bought Mr. ,fohlil G rov'.l's 3to ck where he intende carrying on bnaineas. Rev. C. BreNt, of Newca11tle, conductCom mittee&, ed service ,i n ~he An\:liCR.!l church, on JJ'rom Mr. Tamblyn , P ··tncipal ot the High Sunday aft.,rnoon w"ek. School, asking that tbe charge for t he Hall O ro1~0 :wiH h<tve 'two vdtin17 [!laces and at the recent school en terhLinrnent be reform part -of 'tW& wavlls iher~fter. 'l'he funded. Granted. 00'11!lCil is in ·Session to 'day. F rom the In Palco 8ociet}' · 1tslting for tho R ev. Mr. Wal·k·e<r deli.veret! a. disco urse usual r ebate for use c·f T own R all. Grant.o n t he enforce'Ilan t. of the Scott Act, in ed . the M ethodi; t c1rnrch on £uud .·y evening. From R. D a rch, c1<lling the attention of Mr. Lockhaa:f/· !l ·mill-dam gave way from the Council, to ~he s tatu :if th<> 'l'ank near the freshet. bis residence, which overflowed .a n<l flooJ.,d the presstffe o.f water .d1J.11ill" · bis cellv.r. Referred t o P ublic Pl'<1pcrty vVashouts are verv n umero;;'s ·in t he publie roa ds. · C··mmittce. From JlllcGee & Jon <Js, Banisters. etc. , , t Jshawa. in reforc;nce to damages claiined by R ev. Ml'. Cocmibpreached m ·the Meth· the M~ssrs Tow us Bros ., to their mill odist church for Re.~. Dr. 13urwash on property. through a ~lefecti~e bri'.lgH: c ..using Sunday the lattei: berng unable tu reach an ice jam and tl.iod111g th<ir prew1ses, the here in time. tollowiug letter ; Mr. J ohn !\fatthe .w.a, who has ,jit·t reOshawa, Ont. , l stApril, 1886 . t111·ned fr(tlll E ng l;Jt,rtd bringin·; w1d1 h ' m Jl,. lfTindatt, Esq., Tow11 Clerk, Bow11w-11v illc. a y oun;.t wife, is likely to make his horn" D EAit t>rn : .,.-·AS instructed by tho Messrs. in our village. Towns, we write fur pa}rnent by yuur l\:lu:nicipalitv of 'l'wo Hundred Dollar~ damages The public will be pleased to hear of cau·ed to tl:ie ' :Soper" Mill and it· contents the cha.ng~d condition iu the healLh of by the damming back of the waters of t~e Mr. IL Chapple. At the la.st acconnte £reek. by ice colle ·te<l and allowed to remmn he was in a fair wsy to a speedy recovery. at the hrid~e j ust below the nnlL Your M J h p I · t d f prompt attentiun t o the matter will oblige . rb. ko hll arrnrhmfen 8 .erh~clmg_lal YC>urs very truly, nc ouse on ts arm w 1c 1 w1 new McG!!. ll & J o::rns. lend additional charm, to t11e secluded :Referred h· RoaJs & Streets Com. Hituation and d() credit to the Cl;u ke JUU' Oh1'~. Union ne igbborhood. From Mr. ,T. Wesltiy, chair man of the Firnmce Com. , re comm~nd inµ the P"'Ymeut Our people have shown that they h ave of acconnts, amounting to 86~G. ll4. Adoptt emperance at heart by subscribing liberthe Scott Aet pr osecution fund. ~·rom Mr. F. Mason, chairm:m of tho ally;towartl W o ar e t old that the collectors in N o, ii) p..,or Relief Gowmitt~e, giving a statement Ward have $300 c.n their ho·. kll. of expenses for the month, AIRo Ptating that the sum of $!17.80 had been ~pent in General J.-~kso n bHs moved into t·own. sp··cial cases of relief. during tht past winter, The army have a d.,s,, of su· 1 thing syrup makin" ,. total fot· tho fl".l1<rt<' r of $2:M.65. to 1.1.d min ie er should their drum btta ·i nM Mr. Mason explained th11.t although the d istnrbi:. his drea m1. H " will have f.., , ;. amount miHht seem high, it had been jud1t:itrienris ;f he m k e ti a n un sl.rn:.( h t Ont he rt'A onHly ~ iwnt and i11 nothing but neea_ y cases, which had been p r oven to the s:>~1otact1vn Mr. and Mrs. C1 1 pt. Matton led the ()f th-3 Committee. Adopted. Army ·ervice o n Sunday afternoon. There J<'rnm Mr. tlurdcn, chairman of th~ ceme · arti many iu O rono who h ave than kful tary Gonnuittee, ~iving a st a tement of Ullpaid a cC<Junts, amounting to :'$272. 71, and remem berances of the 1'1tter's !'leading recommending that all sum s remaini11 g nn· words when she labored h oro some two :paid aftor t he tirst of May next , be handed yoars ago. ()V er to sow<> svlicit.or fer collection. and t hat At an exec utive meetin g of th e j uveuil" notices t o that effect be published in the )oca.l papers. Report Adopted . temperance society held on F r iday even]·'1·om .Mr. K ydd, chairman of the Pubh c ing last, it was d ecided t o ha1 1d o ver the P roper ty Commit t ee, in refer~nce to arrearfunds now in t h e trea.qury to the , V_ C . 'I'· .ag.es of rents. an d recommendmg that they U . tu prosecute their Band of H ope work . b e collected without delay. Adopte d. '1.'h e :Public Property Committee also reAn attend,,r at t he Methodist church ported progress in the rnpairs to the Town r emarked on Sunday that he had heard of Eal! Tenders had been Id to Mun°ou & a christian m inst· el show and he imagined Bunney, carpenter ·. for $~73; Mr D . \Vlnte, pla·terlnµ, Sl75 ; Kirby & Sherin, p,.int iug, h e lrnd seen one j ud g in g from two or three casual peeps he 1m1de at the gallery during .'$9 1 : ma.king a. total of f::\li3!l. After stme discu~i<·n i:n rcforeuce to th e paintin ~ conpn.yer time. trttct- the Committee not h(Lvmg accepted Th e north end must in some way offer the low ·.st t enrl1ir- t.he report was adoDted . particular induc ... m ant to teamsters "s Mr. Galbraith m ade a v erbal report i n ref· theii: are n o w three of t hem · a ll in" eren<:" t o the collect ion of Ullpaid taxes. Ad··;.>Led. r ow." 'l'h e l atestadv.,n t to this hi~torical The Hoads nnd S treets Committee , report- spot ilil t he familiar b ut non to agile J . .,<] a· f Jllowo · Dobso n, Esq. P.owmnn villti, April 5th, '/'() The many frien ds of Mr. C. G. A1 ·mYour Committee on Roads and Streets 1t lrn stron g, will b e p leased to know rh 1 reports as follows, with regi.,.d t <' communi ha~ bought ou t t htl stock a nd business of cation from Me&~rs . McGe!l ,/; Junes ' ° to d a.m>iges against this Corporation. \Ve Mr. John Gro~es, and will open with a your oommittee did everything ii.. our power com plete stock of dry goods, groceries and a s r egards this case. 'l'his b1 i<lge is alxmt boots an d shot'~. 100 yardl! from the mill, there ie another P rlcs of bricks aud ston e fortell of imbrid>ie a bout, !OlJ y ards furthtlr on, the wharf bridg-6 is about dottblc th· ·t distan ce, the provemen ts iu t ho north ward. ,ye wholo land around the brid ges was flooded un derstand that a new ho use is t o be erAud the water w en t over the wharf road, ected on th e s ite no>Y occu pit:d by Mr. R . therefore W t think it unrcasc,nable to SUp· H ockin. Mr. James McGill will a lso p<>·l' th:i.t what ever we migh£ of done would of been sny m e t o Mr . Towns' prop- improve his premises. erty. 'Ve are glad to n ote th e enterpri s 'n ~ D. T . l\fo1rn;s. spirit d1 sylayed by o ut' yom1g friend Mr, T 13uam:N, J . K. GAL BRAITH . J as U. T a mblyn who hll.l! tho material on the l(ronnd fo1· ma.king exteu.,ivo improvoH eport Adopted. m e r1ts iu hi~ buildings. M ess rs. R . & J . Mr. S . Ma&eu :Midrel!Sed the Council in K nott a re t h e con tractor. r eference to t he petition presented from t h e T emperance A u ociation, askmg t.he CouDcil Wc wnuld r tim iud the city fatliers of t he to p Mn a By-law for the liscen~ing of Puhiic dangero us condi tion of the old Cr onkhite H ou·es of cntertninment. 1.'he Tem}Jer11nce Committ ee had waikd on the hot el ke~pe1·s d arn. Ther e is no railing or obstruction to preven t people from passi ng, yet in one a.nd som e of them had el(pressed t heir willplace the embankment is scarcely wide ingness to abide hy the law, and t hrmgh t th~ 11tep was a i;tood one, a s it would be. a. enough to allow a pedestrian to walk over. prot.,ct 1on to them . A noth er was undecidMr, James Leigh has n eurly completed ed :u; t u whs.t cou rse he would puraue, w hil e h ie new T raction Eng ine, aud onSat urday the oth"r two were -roing to l eave town. laat l{i\Ve i t a. tri a l on o ur streets. It A.fter eomc d iscn&sion the Petitlon wa,s receiv~d ri,ud filed, worked to the en tire aatisfactwn of the Dt · LAWB. many spect ators. We hear it r 11 m e> red that h e intends paying your t o wu a vi11i t Mr. We~lvy introdnced a, lly -law, author· ii.ing the issuing of Debentures for the 'fown at no d istant d<~y. of ,; owroanville, to the amount of $38. 000. Allin; W.A.-Polly Odell; R. S .-James ; Ber ry; A. It. S. - Jessie Cuttle; F . S.- ; A lbert Staples; Treas. - W McCormack; Chap,- -Inez Travel' e; Cond.-S L eigh; A . C. - Til lie Dupsford; I. S --S. Gamsby; O. S . Arthur P owe rs: P . W. P.-F. L . Squairs. · C a.Ji " n ·l ~ee the Great Bargains at the "Corn,.,1· StorE>. " The stock is t o be r ed uce d $5 000 at once, bO :NOW i ;i the ti1ne f ,,r p nR!t.1 Vt1 ha.rgains. A r.. ~ of n ew goode, b" u!! ht for Ja·h , have j ust been added to the stock, m:ikin. g "11 , ,f the dl'.partments j fnll ~n<i C<·mpletP-thus rneet~ng .all t he r eqm r emen t.s of the c"mmun1ty rn Dry Gootl , cbthmg, (1·e·d y ~narl e an~ m;de lo p ord"~.' Bd·0 1 ·s . anGd S ho.e s, t ar 1~~ref atn ... "n 0 11s, .rocenes, e c,, a o w!uch will be r nn off at prices which cann ot fail 1c1 snit t he public. The b <l11ke will b · car <lfull y and pro 'erly hpt, S'· . that co·r . ctne·s and sati·fact ion in al i accounts will be gnarantm·d to a 1 who p u rchase o ·· cr»d " . As ALL t he b"11ks, iicc.,1 1uts, etc, of tho rnso y , nt esta' e o f C. q, A· ms r n ,( h-.vfl be·· n pl ·c,,d i11 thll han ds of W. W Trnll for C·)llect.ion, i t wil l be a gnoti thing for those who have Have pleasure in announcing that they have received the greater portion of their SPRING not th., caah on !land J 11at n<>w to µay up Goons, .and the VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS of Urnir business present an assortment of Go<rdfl ·w hich these acc· -.nnts, ae :Mr. Trul l can len_d or F1t1IDSHNEss. CoMPLETiENES8 0 1" AssoRTMENl' and EXCELLENCE OF VALUE-CANNOT BE SURPASSED. t h em t?e monev~ to do s r1 ond tak e their notes till n eu ] all. In any case call at once and secure ~om e genuin11 hRrg11,ins. ':fhe utmost care is taken each season in the selection of G oods, and the appreciation B ET LUM ' of their efforts is manifest i n the large increase of saleR during the past year. They sol icit an ~arly call ·· · - ··· ·--- IN BO-VVMANVILLE AT MUBDOCB BROS~ SPRING--(1886)--SPRING' DISTRICT NEWS. Lindsay ha6 a bicycl e club , They have a cooking-school at Peterboro. A new planing mill is being built in P ontypool. April showers brin~ f.,rt h May flowers; a!. o br ing on rheumatiarn. Cul'e, We. t'a World's Wonder. All druggis·s. t Cnnningtun is to be afflicted with a brass baud. 'l'ho 1e are 9,000 Masonic Jo<lgtJs in the U u11ed States. G twl ph is to have the' P rov inci al exhi· · bition t his year . West's P ain K in g, a speedy cuN for C()lic, cramps, diarrhoea, d ysen tery a nd all howel difficulties. 25c:, all druggists. t Uxbridge has a. d ramatic clab which is winning some r en own. M r. Howhnd has been elected J\iayo of T aronto, by acclam ation. Bi ~ i.ggs, ill-shaped calves and la mbs are a fair aver age crop this season. Wi,et's World's Wonder act 4 like magic in all cases of rheumat1~rn, neuralgia, burns, brniseR, cuts and wounds . All druggists. t 'l'lte 1 .u11 dmgs bnrnL in Port P erry by th,1 r ec... n t ffre a re to he 1etrni lt at once. Col. I rvi i,e has resi f!.ned his position aa C· mmis ,iuner of the N orthw<:st M ounted P olico W est's L iv;}r Pills. The staBdard . Aiways r eliiLble, nev~ r fail. Gnre all l iver and stomach diseases. 30 pill 23c. .All drugl!iSIS. t The Grand L urlge .of O ctdfellows of Ontario meets in L ondou on the 11th of A ugusL. Pic kering is :ibont to petition t he authori ties for a police M agistrate to try offenders against the Sc()tt Act. Whooping-cou gh readily yields to West's Co 1 1gh Syrup. the ne v<:1r failing curti for bronchitis, consumption , asthm~ , etc. A ll druggists. t Owiug to th e r ecent 1 sn ow-s torm in Wale11 it is estimated that o ver 10,000 shee p lie buried 0 11 t he m ount&in s. Mr. Ball, of Hammill & Ball, p h otographers, Peterboro, has been a rrested in Orillia for passing co unterfeit money. West's Coug h Syrup is now t he leading r emedy f··r coughs, colds, sore throat, b ronchitis, asthwa, whoo µing cough and cons umption. All drugg ist6, M r. Jos. Watson, G r eenbank, h as a n importH d Durham b ull, " Vice-Preside nt," two years old which weig hes 1880 Iha. A 11ensati onal rumor is afloat to the effect that Gabrial Dumont is organizing for anuthe,. rebellion in t h e N orthwe8t '.Che l a m e, the h"'lt, t he rhe u matic all sing the prnises of West 's W orld's Won der. T r y one bottle and yon will n ever nse any other limw e nt. 25 a.nd 50c. A ll druggi3ts. + w hen you a re purchasing , and shall be pleased to have you inspect their st ock. Vve subjoin a List of .. Goods, so far as space will p ermit, which we have j ust Worsteds, Sco~ch Suitings, Pan tings, &c. Canadian 1'wecds, the largest choice and best designs we have ever shown. opened ~- c;.oo:i::> s. Colorerl Lace Stripes. Nun'~ Veiling. Wool Al batross Cloth. Wool China Crapes. Wool D e Beige, Canvas Cloth. Colored Friged Canvas. Italiotn m oth . Jersey <larrcaux. Ot t oman Crap~ Cloth. Check D ress Goods. Colored Sateens. Lusters. Coupe Cashmeres. TT n ion Cash meres. Rrocade Silks. Co lored Cashmeres. All Wool Cashmere.10. Sat.in S oleiL Crape Cloth. Velveteen.. Silks, Satins. Crapes, etc., ets. V i.ctoria L awn, I ndian Linen . lnrlian Musiln. Spot Mmilin Brilliants- Lace Curtfl,ins. Curtain Net. Window Blind Net. ~ a1in Strips. Revere Stripes and Checks. Lambrequins. T ape and Swiss Checks. Jaconet. Hair Cord . D iamond Leno_ Leno Brocade. Soft Mull. Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, etc., Corsets, Panniers, Hoop Skirts, etc., and ru.1 endless variet y of shapes and styles in Silk Scarfs and Ties, Silk Handkerch iefs, etc. ~ STAR HOUSE, ~ EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. T. GE 0. MASON. THE BOWMANVILLE · . I Ev .en Japan and China dealers keep in stock a nd s6ll W est's Liver P ills- " the I ~-~~l~~~i~::~;~n ~~~e~ie~ h~~~~~~I'd!eid~r; yield to t lwm . 30 p ills 2oc. All a rug1 gists the world over. ·~. _ Ac RI cu LT u RA L& GARR IAG E c0 J KING STR EE T EAST BOWMANVILLE ONTAR IO. · ------------· + He a.lso introclnced a, By law to rnis", by w ay of Joan, t ho sum of $~.000 , fer t h e p urpose of paying the cttrrent year'8 exp~nsett u ntil th" taxP.s become Ju<> and a r e col!Gcted. R ettd three t imes and passed. M r. Burden mtroduced a By-l aw to amend the Cemetery By- law ; and also to 1 nnend the Bv-law fox· t.he appointment of Officers. R ead three times ..ud pa~sed . M t·. P orter introdnc.id a Hy law for the licens;ng oi I'ubtic H ouses. and oth er placet< of Entortainm ent, R ead a !int t im e and fa.id over until the next meetrng of the Ooun· ciL Mr Kydd i;ave 11otice th:>t b e would at n ext m eeting bring in a By-law for the levy· ing- the price of rent fur Town Hall. On motion, the Clerk was insu·ucted to notify the Sons of 'l'emr,erance to v·~eate the H all not later t han Weclne~d ay. Mi·. Cux asked t h at the Roadq an d S treets Committee b" instructed to look uft tr the ~i 1lew11.l k and brid~ e hi t lte l:t.no leadin::: to h is ltous~. 'J'he Commit tee were requeat eJ t o attend t o the rn::itter~ M rffecl by Mr. Brittain, Aecnnded by l\fr. Kydd, Thllt the Town C ler k Le imtructed l'Lea.d a first t ime. U ev. A. B. C h a ffee, B. A. who has t o ""k for '! 'enders for the 'l'own printi ng for the balance of t he y ear . Cnrried. · O " ing- to & sligb t misunderstanding about the p etition for etrcet watering, it wn5 wilhdravrn or.tit next meetin j'.!. Council adjournt d, 8nhject to the call of &be MayoT. I preach ed ia the E piscopalian church her e so acceptably several times, was very kindly pr esente d by W illie Maize, of Garden Hill, with the sum of $25, as a gift from the church m embers, on th e occasion of his d epar t ure from the Mission of P erry town, tu take charge of t h a t of Alliston and West Essa , m the county of Simcoe. . llie 2D - U lt, a repr esen t a t 0 11 W e d nes d av ive meeti ng of the friends and l!Up po rters of tlrn ':foott Act was h eld in the Sun 's Hull to perfect plans for its enforcem ent. Parde:> were appointed in e< 1ch ward to solicit su bscriptions, aud com mittees appointed tu bok after accomruocl,; t iou for th e p ublic where necessary. All wh1> took part iri tho meeting tal ired "business" and will :verify it. in_ e tfoct if n ecessary . A 'fown~h1p associat1011 wa~ for med with the followin g otlicers : President, R . Knox; S e-cret ar y. A . .Powe~a; 1.'reas~rer, G. M . Lon~ The exec u tive el)rnir:HteB repre~entiug th e i·espective polli··g d ivisions are aa foll ows: No . l, D . F . W blsh ; 2, J . Hinch ; 3, J . R. 11,owe.; 4, T homas Stanton ; 5, R. Moment; G, J . Davy; 7, C. J . 1.'horntoo; S, R . Brown; 9, T yer man . Mra . L on g hlls obtam ea $ 1,000 d amagee from th e Manic1p1llity of M arkhan1., for injuries sustained by falli ng on a defective side walk . Among the property aud m erchandisll lost on t he st eamer Oregon was a set of .. felt.a .. for the l a rge machine at the Lindsay paper mill. " B u1tNS A ND S c ALDS. "- If you 11re so unfortunate as t o injure yourself i11 this way, we Ciln suggest a re medy that will (we speak from e-.:per fonce) soon relieve you of all pain and q uickly h eal the .vound ; it costs b ut tw.e nty-tive cents ..nd rs sold by all Druggis cs_;,ask fo r P erry D ,.vis' PAlN· KILLEH. Oshawa h as r eceived a cheque for $ 1, 500, hcin g the amount in full for tax:~ s due by 1he old J oeepl1 H all manufact urin g Co .. for 1883 and J884. J ohn H. James, n ear Gene va, E ast Whit by, gathered from hi s hens fro m Jan . l at to March 31st, 1886, 183 d oz. eggs. Huw many h en s h as J ohn 7 and w hat breed are t h ey 1 Murdoch Bros', are selling Tttble and H a n g ing Lam ~s , m nch lower t han u sual. Th~y have a great assort m ent too. Murdoch B ros., th e seedsmen , are already dorng an jmmense business in fiel d nnd gitrden seeds. They have a ver y large stock ~~~~~~~ We are n ow finishing 30 of the best C1LtTiages and Buggies PV er made in thia estahlishmeur ' W·t ll bes t of ' Yheels, Steel Axles and best el Springs, t rim'l'.!ed wit h the b·.·s1 ; stock and well painted. We are gerting out g i:ado st. . 300 of our Ce I e b rated Champion Plows I E very Board warranted to be ma.de of t he b eet Steel nud well tempered . We ~rn also getting ready a. st ock of MOWERH, im proved and second 1'11 ey will be r eady in good sens11n aurl warrant.e<I 10 do good work. W e a.re also making I\ nu mber of HAY TEDDERS, ., Ji clJ w1li also be r eady in good season. They have b een tried b y some ,,f our o... t farmers, t l'> wh om we r efer· in tending pu rchaserd , We a rr.. a 'so to n one in th e m a rke t AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, which h as ~ai ned a good r eputat ion in thi11 local it y. P lo w Poin ts of every dt:s cnpti on by the ton, and made fro ·u steel , wrought iron, &c We are also getting re11dy a stock of WAC.ONS . Mill anri Eogme W .. r k a epeefalty .All of w h ich will be sold on the m ost r e·sonab -e t .. rms . I BOW:MANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co, Cash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron . 14-3m. Champion of t h e Dominion. Bowmanville, M arch 25th, 1886. l\fl!ssus. Su Aw & TOLE, -- H aving bought a Toronto Light B inder, and 11fte1 · running it for two harvests cuttin g for myself and ll Highbora, over 200 acr1<s, llot costing m a 10 cents for r:epairs, bein~ able t o handle i t with two bo rses with ea.s.,, I consider it the champion Binder of L h e Dominion . My neig hbor Mr. Neil Osborne, h ad a field lie could n ot handl e wit h t he CMtha.m Binder, they c ould no t go through wit.hout ch oking a n d I wen t m with t h e Light 'l'oronto, wen t aix: times around th e field wi thout l eaving my sea t, n ot only cut ting and bmding it bnt turned ou t and cut t h o s t ubble the Chat ham had pasacd over, eleva ted and bnund t h a rnme. M r. Osborno had t he little B r ant fo rd and the Du11dari for several days cut ting for him, but g ave h is order for the L igh t Toronto. fUVE A.WAY 1,000 Self Oper a tingWash · ing Machines. If ' i.1 u wan t one send Uf:! , yonr name, P . 0 . 1tnd Hpress ollice at once. · 'rbe u ndersig11ed h a vin g bough t out 11 1 _ 'h _ e _N _,_ "~__ ;,_ t_ c~ :e l Dey St.. N. Y. t he GR,181' :M:wL of J. St· lter 1 Esq. , a nd p ut ever ythi ng i n tiret·dass order, is pre- - BIG OFFER ~~ cn! ~~d'~f~ 1A 0 0 P ublic Noti ce. · 'l 'ho p eople of L indsa.y are asking the CONSUMPTION. · l JJ.avo ii. po·i t.H~ remotly f ar tDe aho ~dleflU-0; br tu ueo I l'roviocial Governme n t t o appr opriate a sum . of money to ward deepe nin!! - Scugog river . vVrn. F.inell, of Osh awa, has b ee n eenten~ed by J u~ge J? urnha.m, to ~ve year s Ill t he P enit entiary, for stealwg graiu. 'l'orpid liver , t he eause of unt old s uffer in" a 11d m isery, restor ed to it s norinal co~1<lilion by t h e use of W est 's Li ver Pills. A lso p ure r ostivenes1, constipation and dy~pepam. A ll durggists. t . _ . ' L1~dsay . .clergymen have mv1tetdo R h oelvd. F. Sutu vi.irea, of Brooklm , N .. Y., . a series of ernngehst1c sernces m t hat t own. Richard B ond a nd James Bra.med, of Columbus, sawed o n e cord of stove wood in t we lv e mi·nut e~, last week. Beat that, who can . Branch Office, 37 I onge St., Toronto t h.o lllj:i.n da o r en.see or t ho wunit k ind AU1 or long atn.ndluc ba1"C been Cllt"t<l. Jndeod, 1:10 al ronr ill rny flllt h t n l t t1 effir.n.ey,,thAt I "" Ill rro11tt 'J'WO B OTT LES P'Rll::E 1 toi:ct11 i~r wi t h n. V'.ALUA.BLE 'l'RE.lTlf:.'"a c>n Cbl.8 die.c:aeO \ o u.n;y e-uft"eror . Gi ve c :s:p n·IJ· and i·. 0 . 1uMrc· e.. DU. · r. A. RJ,OC:lJH, Valuable Farms for Sale. 1' ' I RS'l'. - 30 e,cres of lot. 8 in t.he l st concession of Dar lington, lyiui; immediately south of the cemetery. SECOND.-·The South uo acres of lot 16 in the th ird concession or Darhngton. und the North 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in tbe same concession 'l'. H IRD, --1'he Sout.h 100 acres ot lot 25 m t he thir d conce rnion of Darlington, uDd the North erly 60 acres or the east half of lot 25 in the same concession. All the above will bo aold in parcels to suit purchasers. Time for payment a nd terms w ill be m ade very easy t o s a.tiafc.ctory buy ers, 1" or particulars apply to r;·: h D , D URKE SIMPSON, J..~~t.;.'.'.'~.~,...~<:: .IJ., ..::~ ,,,... .,,..Venuor's Solicitor pared to do a ll kiuds of Gr1sti11g. I will guara utee t o make tho lio~t A.RNEC1'A FLO UR th at is mado iu th o county , a s the mi)] has heeu fli.ted up ··specially fo:r han<ll in l! tha t kind of wht!at I have 11bo pli l· in a Saw Mru, m con nect ion with t h e ab""e, anti a w prepared t o take in any qua11ti ty of Saw Logs. I have lowert>d th e p r:ice 1.f Chopping to suit the tim es. A. 51 ~. '.ll.'001.EY, People's Mills, Kiu ~ s · o n Hoad. W. H. OsnonNE,