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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1886, p. 5

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Cobourg Sprrng Fair April 28th. 'l'here are li·, 575 S(}hools in Ontario. We bid good-bye t<> winter and welcome hi~ successor, Spring. lU~ssrs. Lynaan Sons & Ve. Hon. Oliver and Mrs. Mowat have gone Take· this opportunity of announcinf\ that to Colorado for· a few weeks. t hey aro prepared to supply their We direct attention to Mr. J. Lyle's new· advertisement in this issu e. Mr. W. Adams has r emoved to his farm north of the town on Manvers Road. PURE WHITE LEAD. CartwrigJ1t Fair April 30th. Mr. J as.. J\<IcFeeters, of Toront o, waa; in town this week. T~e boys are delig~ted over those new Sprrng hats at Mayer a. . . Scott's Emulsion of Pure ()oil Liver OH. wltb Bypopho8<phlte8 Especially Dtsirable for Child1 1 a111. A LADY physician at the Child's- Hos"' i.el, at Albany N. Y., says :: "We have Mrs Spear offers. a good bu1ldmg lot fo·r · 1. .rnn usin~ Scott's Emulsion wilm great S!\,1:. Apply tu Miss Spear at the P ost. 8 , ccess, nea.rlv all of our patients SELLING OFF I T:HE I WELL KNOWN , BRANDS OF- "White Lead, in Jots to suit purchasers. These L ea.ds are unsurpassed for PURITY, COYElUNG PROPERTrnS AND GENERAL E XCELJ,ENCE. SEE THAT THE TRA.D:F. MARK IS ON EACH PACKAGE. In Painting- use Lyman's Linseed Oil, made only from carefully cleaned seed and absolutely free from atlnlteution. The Best is the Cheapest. 'STOTT &., JU RY, AGENTS. 1·1TRONIZE HOM~ INDUSTRY l --- o--STOTT & JURY'S BAKING POWDER is the best in the market. ONLY 300. LB. In nerLrly every paper publis'1ed we see large, ft.tmlng ad,:ert.isemen.ts setting fort.h the virtues of the diJforent Bakrng Powders in the market ea.ell praising uo 1heir own and run· ning down every kind. We think our turn has come now, and we ask tor a. hee.rin ~ During the past six w . e have been selling a Baking Powder which is absolutely pure, and which ha· boon giving onr oust0mer~ the very befit satisraotlou, ancl vve have no\V decided to manufacture It on a more extended scale, for we see no reason why Cane.di ·n· sh oul~ pay a large duty on any 111·ep..ratlon, wnen J nst as good an articlo in every 1·espect Is prepar·ed in our own town. \Ve offer to tJ1e public a pe1fectly pure and reliable Baking Powder, at 30 cen rs a pound, which is second t.o none in the market, although it is from 10 cents lo 20 cents a pound cneaper. The rerLson we can do t his is plain; we manufacture our own Powder and bavtl no comm issions 1,0 Pll.Y travellers and agents. Our Powder is always fresh and re· liable and we guarantee sati~Faction . When buying Baking Powder next time givo ours a trial, and we su1·e you will never use any othe1· kind. STO'l'T & JURY. -~--·--- ------·--·--------- BowMANVILLE, FRIDA..Y, APilIL Hi. ~-------.---::::::======================~ Local and Otherwise. A beautiful mirage was seen on Lake -Ontario from R chester on Thursday. Hon. Alex.. Mac Ii ensie ha' been suffer~ing for three weeks with malarial fever. We hear that Mr. Rich. P. Field ex.pects to sail f ..r Eng·and in a few days. The Lig fire in the Mail Duilding on the 1st inst, will deprive Toronto of telephone s ervice for a month. Hon. G. W. R, Minister of Educa;tion, sails for En. laud next month to attend the Colonial Exh1 bi ti on. See the splendid assonrneut of cott on .stt!rtings opem ·<l out week at the West .End Honse. Prices r ight. The Editor r eceived a handaomo pres·ent last Friday fo r tho article pnblislrnu on prog1essiv., e uchre last week . The Township of Clarke Spring Fair will be held on the Show Grounds, Orono ·C' 11 '.l'uesday April 27th, commencing ut o'clock p. m. R . MOMENT, Secretary. Through the efforts of Mr. Kennedy, of Whitby Chronicle, the publishers of On ta· rio, Du ·ham and Victoria are to meet at the Commerdal H ot el, Oshawa, on Satur<lay May 1st at 2 p m., to organize n Press Association for this o istrict. Mr. John B. Mitchel, !\,n enthusiastic member of the A. 0. V . W .Lodge of this town, was hil!.hly complime11ted last Fri-Oay evtning fur the excellent manner in which he delivered lus chrirges to a candidate whu received ·hll two degrees. The D.0. & P factory boys perpP.trated a huge joke the other clay. A conceited s impleton fro111 the \' icmity of Burketon had his face µolished iu good e bony black style in the polishing r "oms, and was la· belled with "Please kick me out. " He was aleo giv. n a note to a. prominent medical man to "Examine this case. ·what is i·1" He was re11lly an object of pity llS he marched down street. We t hink he is the author of some Batoche (bosh) doggerel poetry. Dr. F . A. Jones, 1he new veterinary surgeon who ha;. 1011ated at Enniskillen, iii an honorary graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Co 'lege. A friend of th e E ditor of the STATESMAN res.ding in Pickering, and who is personally acquainted with Mr.Jones, called at this office on Saturday and in course of conversation ass ured us that he is a very worthy J' Otmg man, and ' ery highly respected in the township, where he is extensively known. His professional card appears iu another d n.unn. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now sl10wing a magnillcent stock of all kinds <Jf new cloths. 'rl1eir goo·ds are cut by Mr. Johnston anJ wade up under his sllpervision, which L~ a g,uarantee to all who leave their orders, that· they will have a good fitting, well made ancl well trimmed su1t . Office. . . . 6 .iffering from bone diseases and our Horsemen will find a good select10n of l'hysicifl.ns find it very b eneficial'." curf!13 for stallion route bills at the ST:o\:Tlls1 \!'AN office. Prices moderate. lH rrlu:i:c Notict:s, 50 cents·; · bl?fll~ :11111 For t he finest embroideries at t h e < le:i tllq, 2 ~ ccuf.s. Mr. Thos. ,J. Cole. Maple Grove, lms lowest figures please call on Mrs. Ives. gathel'ed since New ·y ears 172 doz·. eggs ~ BIRTHS. T he steamer N orseman was expected to frmn 45 hens. This " beiits " Mr. J . .l:f. P rPF.R- Tn Brnnklin. on the r.t.h instant, th o make her first trip to I-tochester yesterday. James' eg~ -otism . r i!Ji of Mr. \V, H. Pipe1-, of a daughter· DEYMAN.-Tn P.owrnanville on the 12th inst., The clllirches were well attended on '.l'hose who never succeeded before in tt·~e of Mr. Jae, Deyman of a sonSunday, but fow spring bonnets appeareu. getting a natural sa~isfa·c~or.y likeness of '.l'AP_Jfl'i - ln Bowmam·ille on 12th inst., , ., T w . f f C t ' th emsel vos are cordially rnv1ted t o cal ' t i ~i fo of l\1r. W. 'l 'apsou of a son~ M . r. " · · erry~ ormer1Y 0 . ar · : a t Henr 's Oaller . - - - -- - wright,' has remo1' ed from Hawkesv1lle to , O yd . y l l d l MARRIED. Britton, Ont. ur a vert1_sers 1ave c oman et so ·u t , much s pace t.h1 s week that several cvr re SornLLs-MouNTJOY- On the 2th inst.. 1 1y P ort H op~ Oddfe11ows wi ce1e1 _ira e· : ponclents' letters are crowded ol!lit a}o " rne Rev. H. Hassa rd, "'; tho l'eeldence of the i.ride's JJe.i·Ents. Mr. IIeury Samell a, second the 67th anmversary of Ocldfellowslup by with editorial matter. "' ~·lll of Mr. J ohn Sitmmells. of Ca,~t.wri ght. to a crrand eniertamment on the 28th m st, ]\1 lss Amanda, third datighter ot· Mr. 'l'homas "Mr. John Hellyar's name was uninten - · A social will be held in t~e School- ]}fonn 1 j oy, of Haydon. Church-st._ M ethodist church tionall omitted from the list of persom roou! of t he _ AnMoT n:t- YOuNO-At I.he residence nf t he 1 i.ride's brnL~rcr·iu·la w, Pl'()r. '11: J,,, Dayle. 492 reseni at Mr nnd Mrs. Banbury's silver 0~ Good Frrdny _ e ve1;1mg unde_r _the a us· Jfftl,sey-st .. B1ool;lyn, N . Y .. on. Mar ch., p1?es of t he L ad ies A 1d. Adm1sston 5c. 188G. by Hev. p dd' II. 13. Cornwell, ll- D., Miss M . we mg. . 1. Yonng m1our, of HowThe bitrracks was crowded to uncomMr. John .James, l\faple Grove, sol a 111anv1llc . and Mr. i:l1Lmucl A1 ' I s l ft noon filly 11 months old last week for $1.'l:Q. f t bl or a en ~ss as usua on unc ay a er to go to N ov:t Scotia. Her weight DIED. and e vemng. Mrs. Capt. Mutton lead b S'l · db M 13 ' th' 933 the meetin"s was _ · 1 s. rn was su·e y 1·. e1 s HA RRIS- Near Mitchell on. the 1st inst., of " " Pride of P erth. ·pleuricy, George Ha1·ris. :i.g-e& 35 years. Dec· M r . W . Bonathan has bought out Mr. r11sed was son-in-law oCJ\fr. ltubt. Everoon, James Wright's stove and tinware busiThe Gough M emorial Service in t he 111:}ar Ebeneze r, Da.rli n .~ton. ness in N P,Wca.stle and is moving his fa mi· Queen-st church on Tuesday night w ag a SPAT.DING.- I11 Bowman-rilte, on Fd<lay very g one. The town minit;Lcrs ·il 9i.h, Mary Spaldi11g. of O·ahawa, i11 the ly to that village. took part and a good program was rcn- x1nd year of her age. A very inte ,esting program will be r en· dered . Want of space forbids a full er acdered in t , : 1e School Room of S t. Paul's count. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. church to-night by the Temperance AssoE'.ntMrms ANJJ 0Tmms. -Don't fail to (!·H"rc<'tc·l by .Jolin Lyle, eve1·y Thurstlay, ciation of the church. The dy·ng counsel of the late J ohn B. c:tll at W. FL May 's Harness Store and see Gough- " Keep your record clean"- might the ~318 nickl e pbte single driving h arness. IPr.ouR, '!?' 100 lbs.. .. . . ... $2 10 to $2 50 very profitably be adopte l by several A frosh s tock of Tmnks and Yiilises j ust WnEA1', Fall, 'W' bush ..... 0 70 11 0 80 r eceived. Ilull bone whips still take tho J " Spring, " .. . .. 0 70 11 0 80 young men we coulcl name. lcrtcl, c~.l} and get One d h .RJ;J W 1 ;irbush,, ,,. ,. ·· 0 55 II Q 70 R. H. Qgborne has leased Levi Morns' 11 11 Mt'. ,James 'Mo rris says he has had pos- 1R iB, . . . . . . . . . . 0 53 0 55 Planing Mill , n Liberty-at. and is pro- itive evidence within the last few days of OATS, 11 · · · · . · · · · 0 33 11 0 37 p!\,red t .-, do planing, matching, moulding, the benefits of advertising in the STAnR - 1PEAS, B lackeye, lfl' bush ... 0 80 11 0 88 etc. All orders promptly attended to. MA N " It is h .. rdly possihle for n. business i " Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 Do you want a new Spring hat in the man to auvertise judiciou ~ly without de I II Blue, II . . . 0 55 II 0 65 l:ttest ,1,yle, you11g man 1 If so drop into rivin(! liendit. The liberr:l advert!ser will BUTT.Im, best table, f' tt. . . 0 18 11 0 20 Mayer's, he tms r~:eived his tint consign- always be fouud to he liberal with cns· L A Jtn, ~ tb . ....... .. .. . . 0 10 " 0 13 EGGS, ~doz . . ·.. . ... .... 0 10 11 0 11 ment, and they a.te goinl<( like hot cakes. tomors. Don't buy a sewing machino until you Po'rATOES, ~bush.··· · · ·· 0 35 11 0 4.Q W e hnvereceived theCampbellfordNew~, " 5 00 a new local j ou nal just stnrted in that have seen t he New Williams-she beats Drrnssim Hoo s 'IP' 100. · · · · 4 50 11 wide-n.wakc lt is n. very newsy them all. It is no trouble to bring it to fuy · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 9 00 10 00 sheet imd dt'serves s uccess, t hough the your house, all you have to do is to dro p field wa.s pre·dously amply filled with lo- a postal card to James Deyman, B ig ~20, N cw 2l llncrthmn.ent1l. Bo wmanville. Don't make an offer for cal papers. any other ma.chine or you will be sorry. What is an April fool? An April fool is a man who puts on his summel' under· See the Ne w Willi:tms first. She is ligt1t W~~J,~D.h !e ~·!:k~11tA:fyrn;~ ~~~ clothing m April, under the impression sim ple and durable. OX'l'AHIO BANK. 15 2w· In addition to what has been previously that the golden season is about to burst ACRE FArm to sell or to rent. on us, beca~1so we have had two or three announced respect ing · the Ill ustrat ed .Apply to w~r. WiNDATr, Darling· L ectui·e, to be gi \'On this evening, in the S!\,!ubrious clays. ton, llowmanville, p . 0, t.f. William H11mbly, of Port Hope, was Queen-st Methodist Church, by the Rev . S. '1'. Bartlett, there will exhibited ~TALLION FOR SALE.-A Curiage fined $2 and $3 costs, or 21 days in jail, O Stallion, rising four years o!d. For pedigree "for staml·ng on the str eet corners con· several views of scenery along the Canad· and particulars apply to GEOHGR ilmrrA~J, trary t o the by·faws of the town." What ian Pacific Rai lw1ty, also incidents of the Orono. P. 0. · 13·4w. late NorLj1 West Rebolilon. 20,000 a good thing it would be if our Chief sg uare feet of scenery will be thrown ULL" FOR SALE .-Two Durham would follow the eqample of Chief Doug· Bulls risih1' t.wo years for sttle by the ·sub· upon the None should miss this las. con.G, lot 8, D .~rlin g t on , good pedi)!rc". <>pportunity of spending ni1 enjoyable and scriber. W. J . HOY. 'l'yrone P . 0. 15·tf The latest uni on out is tlrnt of farm profitable e1re11ing. Admission 15 cents, hands. Some genius is sending aro1nd children 10 cents. ALVES WANTED-At W. R. R Cawket"s 100 Good ·veal Calves fro m four the rules, which farmers' men are to exQuite a large number gath ered in Trinwecka old npwards, raised by their mot.her, ac t from farmer s. If onr farmers were ity Ch urch 8chool Room on Friday W . It. R. 0., t!owmanvilie. 15-3w fore cd to accede to these r ules they could evening last t o hear t he lecture " Five ULL FOR SALE.- A 'l'horo-brcd not cm-ry out their forming operettions hundred m iles iu a birch bark canoe," by Short Hom llull.\·11d Feb. 2:trd , 1885, successfully, if they had to depend on R e\', H. l'cdley, of Cobourg, whir.h was colur red; w01ght, 1020 lbs; girt 6 ft; sire~ e.11d hired he' p. What next? both instructive and interestin.i:!. After dttm importec.1. Terms, reasonable, D, Ov1cn, l:Hw M1-. John Hellyar mforms that he is prayer had bocn offered by th~ .t'astor nnd J~ntlcld , Ont. exp - riuncm~ a very gratifying increase in a vocal solo rendered by 1.11r. Rattenbury , p _ L _A _I _ D __ L_O _S _T __ ___ On the , u lt.., 24 11 between Mr. s. Honey's and Mrs. s. Mc· business, having had an increase in every Mr Warriner with a fe w well chosen and month since November last O\·er t he cor- appropriate renrnrks introduced the lect- Murtl'Y's, by way of Bowrnanville, a man's respondin g months Inst year. Good goods, urer to the audience, who explained that Or<'y Plaid. 'l'he finder ... m conrer a f.a.vor by returning lt to l\lR~. S. l\:!c :vrunTRY's or to this low pl'ices and judicious advertising al- th ough tl10 l·ecture was n'Ot t h e one an office. .2w· 1G ways bring good results. Look for his nounce<i for him to give,yet h e believed it - - -- - - - -- · half column advertisement. .vouldpro~·e equally as interesting. The STRAYED OR STOLEN'.-On the course taken in this trio was fr0m Cold17th March, n young Hound, white and At a meeting of the Presbytery, nt To- bridge tlirourrh the rivers and lakes of Mus· black, with black head and ea.r8 e.ud white > ~ nose, black spot on right shonldcr and over to T C H b d R t I ron 'on ues ay, ev. er er · .oss, koka, and the country north ·and north- tail. Answers to name of ··sport;" Any of Columbus, a minister of the Methodist east to l'tfattawa, down French river p!irson detll.ining him after thfa notice will be ' ed to be i·ece1'ved as a 111111 G prosecu·educcording to ln.w. W. J. HaYcr<Al"T. Chul·cl1 l1l)"li ' ,.. ' - to eorgian Bay and thence to Midland Huydon. _______ Hi-3w ister of the Presbyterian Church. A com- City. 'rhc wild, mountainous and mittee having examined his papers and pieturesque scenelT on t hese northern RM FOR SAL E.- 113 acres, Lot U, r eported the ' u satisfactory, it was decided bk "s and rivers, tho passages through Con., 2. D<Lrllngton, within it miles of IA bl f J t0 ~ centre of town ot u.. wmanville. Oooc.1 Brick t 0 I th O a~ { ~ enem · Esem Y ·or eave t he differe11t rapidR encountered on Dwelling and cornmodions out building3, good receive !nm the route aud the ditliculties of orctmrd, well wtiteretl, S·Jil first One or '1'1i e p ost mas t er G en eraJ Ims gn'en · · the best !...Pm· in Durham, Co. · rerrns rea·On· or- . portagmg were 1 rividly portrayed by the able. Apply to RonT. Frn:LDisa, Bowmanville, 2·tf. ders that parcels going over the Canadian speak.;r, while his account of the i cidents, P. o. Pacific l~a.ilway to a11d tho pleasures and itlso the inconvenie nces of 11ALL FAR)1 FOR SALE.--30 Nort h West may be the same weight as life, was given in a way that both 11cres of la.nd i1aving thereon good frame those usually carried, namely, 5 lbs. amused and interested his audience, The house, barns, st1ibles ancl otller necessary out· Heretofore the maxim um weight was two streams wore described ns bein::{ exceed- huilttings. young orcharcl of 4 acres, well wat· and fenced. Situated jn·t outside the pouncls three ounces, that weight being ingly n ><r row, in come places and bound ered corporation ofBowmanvirle. Wlll be sold very the regulation when in transit through on either side by huge granite rocks che1tp for ca,h. Apply to M. A. J ,1:.rns, ~-tf. the Cni ed S ates. rising perpendicularly several hundred i:lTATTtBhlAN Ufrlcc, Bowman ville. Now look well to the condition of your fe et with no sig ns of vegita.tion, R.ICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR back yards and outbuildings, not for get- then again ;is brottder dotted with SALE IN BOWMANVCLl,E.- A very ting tlie cell r. A fair supply of your el- innumerable isl1inds and the country low comfortable brick house, nearly now, contain· ing 8 rooms, besides p$ntries, clo~ets and sum · bow grease ener getically used in connec· n.ud verdant. Some 150 miles of this mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard anc.1 soft WILter: very good fruit ga.rdcn of .t aore. Situat· tion with :i. or hoe will do a world joumey was travcll1cl without seeing one ed in the most fJI Ht of th e to\Vn. of good at this season o.f the year in r e- human indi\·idual or hahita.tion. At th e Will be sold onuristrocratic very reasonable terms. Apply 011 of end of t wo weeks Fort Matawa was reach· to :.\<£..A . ·ra1':m s, STA'l'ESMAN Office, moving n fall and wi11ter's uccmhulat1 !l· tf. rubbi·h, and may save a doctor's bill later eel . Mr. Pedley describes this ns a t hrivon when the warm weather comes. ing littl e village, possessed of several fine FOR SALE OR '1'0 RENT. - The brick stor es,a far~ e Roman C. church and proper~y owned by the late A.H. Gibbard , 'l'he Board of Trade is going to d is cuss in the village of Tyrone, about3 acres ofland; the , 'Credit Sys.t ern" at their n ext meet- convent. In referring to the latter the comrortabl~ house, complete out-buildings. ·ng. Tliey have procur · ed," "blacl{ bool' " lecturer spoke at some length on the pow~ stable, drivinghouse and wood she.d; good well l " ' l· I l· h h d a.ncl cistern ; plenty of fruit, buth large and I · h ti · er w uc 1 c urc posscsso fr,,m this small. For terms app ly to THOM AS BrnunAM, 111 0 f 11 b d A w 11" l ·· names a paymg cus- point far e~st a11d to tl10 Saskatcl1eu'a · ·11e, or G E 0 Wh' tb tamers .. r e to be recorded for the infor" . n Bowmanv1 ~mo. · rn na 1 rn, ' .I'· V alley in the wes t , and Ctave it as his lOtf mation of business men . J t will surprise · · "' --- - - some nf our ' · high toned" citizens to find op11110n t 1 1at this power had only been at- '11 u\ RM . FOR SALE. - A first -class d t.aincd l·y indomitable coui'a~e, perseve- ..L' farm for sale in higl1 8tate of cultivat ion, tncl irnlusi,ry of its advocates. In !i miles from the town of Whitb>'. l mile from ere it refus ed them because they arc r e- ran co < por ted "bad pay" or "slow pay," or eloc nent terms 11 ~ refei·recl to the efforts Pickering; being part of Lots 7 and 8, Lake 1 "dead h en.ts." 1'his black book is av!\,ilShore, Pickering, containing 244 acres. 'l'he of Champlain and th e little band of J'esuit ~oil is clay and loam, no broken lan1 on th0 ab le to members only. Ii' th rh t . t ,· fi t . form. About 8 acres of wo.od land grassed a ers 11 o wo cen m1os ago rs cam e over · all well fenced and laid out m a bont 20· On the first of May nex t the Scott Act and amid n umerous cliflicult ies established acre fields with gates. 'l'he out-buildings e.l'e goes into force in the following places-- a work wh ich has since been carried on all ne w, latest improvcil, with stone stahHnll; 'Jl K t L . to accomodate 50 to mi head of cattle, with' Br ant , L ee d ' an d Gr env1 e, en , an- so s uccessfully. A t the conclusion of these 1 Jnrt:to turnip cetla.r built only fr yea.rd ngo.. ark , Len mix and Addington, Ont. ; Brome remarks the speaker was loudly applaud- Ample Rnpply of water for each Jield, Only a Que ; El~in, L .mbton, St. Thomas, Wei- c l F, M tt . ti . · . . small payment r equired down :: balance on e. · i om a, <Hl' il . 16 JOUrney was_ con· mortgage for a term of y~ars , Jl'or pe.rticLtfars lington, nt.; Chicoutimi, Que. ; Fronten- tmued to French river, down tins to tt.pply to JAMES CAMPBELL, Whitby. G7 acres- !\ cnoico.. farm, nc~ clwcllingac, Lincoln, Middl esex, Ont ; Guysborn, Georgian Bay and thence to Midland City. N. S. , Ontario, Victori!\,, Peterboro, Ont.; ln co1Jcl usion t he lecturer spolrn eut husi- ho use and out- bu1ldings,;i:~st omi u:iile fronr the' n N ti b l cl . . centre of the town of Whitby. w·,11 be sold On· . t N au d F re d enc on, · ·; or rnm er an ashcally of the pleits ures attendmg a canoe easy terms of payment. JAs, C~\Ml"llEr,r,.· and Du1·ham It is now in forceln 27places trip itnd expressed his views in favor of 10·2:w' in t he L ower Provinces, 2 in Manitobit, 3 this srort against other outdoor recrea· Ce1netery Arrears. in C~uebec and 12 in Ontario. tions, in the words of Tennyson that they We have omit.ted to notic e in these col- were "A s moonlight unto sunlight, iis OTCCE is hereby gi Vtlll' that urns the recent change in the proprietory water un to win e." Mr. Pedley is a good arrears in connection with the Bowman·· of . the \\hitby Chronicl. Roltertson speaker possessing both eloquence and ville Uemetery rcmu,llling uupfLid on· first of· Bros. have sold out to Mr. A. G. wit , ancl on t his occnsion was listened to MILY next, will be h11;n derl to a solicitor for By order; It. WINDA'.U'J'..'l'. C. Henderson, one of the most successful with rapt att ention, a nd we feel sure that collection. April 6, 1886. l ii·2 teachers in t,he county, at present on the all would be pleased to have the opportu· staff of th" Whitby Collegiat e. Mr...J. M. nity ofhcaringhimagain.Aftertheaudience NOTICE. Kennedy continues as business manarrer . hacl been fay ored with some music from The Chronicle under Mr. Kennedy's n~an- Mrs. Meath !\,nd Mrs. Scarff the meeting A L L c\CCOU NTS AGAINST THE !\,gement is a much better local journal was brought to a close by all singing the ...t:l...Board of Education of thi~ town, must be than it ever was before and cornpa!'es very D oxology. In tile hand it of the Secretary- Treasurer, duly certified by Chairman o! the Committee 'l'HE' DE ' l'D"D lt t ' t' f Roll ordering the :the favorably with the best pap1us of its class same, on· or before the Wedncs· in the rovince.. ·c ,.. a er i. v e ac wn o day preceding the regular monthly meeting o! P I INSON PII'.> 8'PHORIZED EMULSION upon the Board. By order, JOHN McDOUGALL, Order your new buggy at once at M orris' blood, adapts i t in a remarka.ble degree tbe Secy-'.Urea~. . 16·1w CarriagtJ Works whcra you can get a as a blood pt1rifier well worthy of the Bo wma.m il!e, April· liltll,.1886. choice of M:cL,aughlin's celebrated gear trial of th ose suffermg from a d iseased The cheapest nil wool flannels and all with latest improl'ementa, the '.l'impkin, condition of the circulating fluid. Al· Regina, Buffalo 11nd other makers, wi th ways ask for ROBINSON'S PHOSPHORIZED wool shir ts anc1 drawe1'!! are to be had at the Star Honse~ Men;i2' Pa.tent 'l'op, if desired. EMur.SloN, nnd be sure you get tt. 0 CORNER STORE, ORONO, is now open again and boun d to Lead - lll -.._/j,_ · Prices. lot of -- Ne-w- Goods have just been added making an IMM ENSE STOCK of l Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes,&c., which n1ust be sold off a t Tremendous Bargains I All who like Good Bargains come along with your Cash, Butter , Eggs, &c. 01 CREDIT TILL NEXT FALL W ill BE C lVEN RESPONSIBLE P E R SON S . l 00 NOTICE. All the book accounts and other claims of the insolvant estate of C. G. Arn1strong have been placed in my hands for immediate collection. All indebted to the estate in any way will please call at once. Orono, April ~I, B C B l 88G. W.W. T R UL L. 16 us WE HAVE OPENED UP I· FA LA c E .· -· . . . s ·· '·. . this week some special lines in · S Flouncings and Embroideries. Valenciennes Lace Flounci11g, Oriental Lace Flouncing, Spanish Lace F louncing, in Cream, W h ite, Beige and Black. Allover and Trimming Laces to match. B 0 ----o---- We are also showing a large range of Perrin & Frere's first choice KID GLOVESI Lawrence in · N an 0 · Josephine In Eugenie in Black and Tan shades. . Suede Ill Black and Tan shades. Jvoune in White only. Black only. Black and Tan shades. With Clasp or Iluttons, from 2 to 6 Button lengths. PIERCE ~ ()0.

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