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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1886, p. 7

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'I.'HE .ff' ARM Poultry. FRIDAY, APRIL 9 The Points of & Goad Editor. y.UNG FOLKS. .1.hat Disreputable Cat. BY ALAN FORMAN, 3, 1386. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Tuned or repail'ed can have thorn attended leaving word s.t the DOM!NIOK ORGAN 01l'1i'XCE, Bowmanville , .A flrst-clas man '!llOW ne!ng in their m plo '0 by P ARTIES WISHING THErnPIAN0S Co's Newly improved Verses & Motto all Chromo Cards, with name and a water pen for lOc. 6 packs, 5 pen a, for 50c. Agents sample pack, outfit, and illustrnted catalogue of Novelties. for a Sc. stamp and this slip. A. w. ·KINNEY, Yarmouth, N. S. . · 9-6tu 50 Use F. LAZARUS' (late orthelirm of Lazarus & Morr1s,) Renowueu Spectacles and Eye· Glasses, 'l'bey are the best in the world. T)ley never tire the eye, and last many years with. out change. For sale by Kennel' & Co. Bowmanville. 6-~f. ' STOCK TAKING -AT THE- Eclipso Hausa FOR THE NEXT MONTH Goods will be sacrificed to make room for a change in the business, so all who want Bargains Ill DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, and FUR GOODS, will please call ·at the ECLIPSE 'HOUSE. W · H · I V E S. GREAT G 0 CLEARING sru ! DAYS' D. DAVIS Will, to make room for :Opring Importations. ofl:er for the next 60 Da~·s, the whole of -bis immense stock of- A man who runs a papsr Should 'lrnow ever~ hum<tn c11.per And hold up the torch of knowledge like a g1eaming mie1night taper. Me11ot is exprnslve, but it to feed It, It is the beet material that cat be used for He should be profound as Plato stimulating e/l.g production, and ma.ny hens Ptiant as a bo;1ed potato, remain unprofio;able for the waut of It. And as humble to his as a street and croBHiog scraper. . Breeders, like nurseryn.) ell, prefer to rB.lee and rnll new things They cs.n obta.ln higher He should np no1· In his j oumal Every captain, crankanq colonel prices for th<m, a.a they are desired by am· And diah up their proud achievements in a ateurs, while t.h~.y little competition. hgdge podge cooKed diurnal. A Bantll.m lays a larger egg In proportion. He ·hou!d puff-the hardened lia.rto size than any oth~r. class ot fowls . a.nd for Clnbs and concerts, church and choir food consumed yields as l~.rge prC1fit11 as do long adjective~ sonorous-sweet, aeraphiCJ With the la.rger breeds. They excellent as and suporn,.1. pets for the children, and uoually ·educate the little ones to a knowledge of keeping He must writ· the funny column Thi.t wakes all it~ readers solemn, poultry. With.the fathions,.fril!s and flounces, furbelcws No man can tall what 11ex the egg will proand-what d,ye-cnli-em 1 duoe, Jn fact, it ia almost lnposeible to tell, Quell the copy fiend's wl Id revel, after the chfoken is hatched, '1mtll the comb 8que ch an<I nt·asacre ~h e devil and tail begin to grow. It seemasafe to aesume And put on a orow ot thunder that shall that the rules for determining the sex of petrity and appal'em <'gge will be monoi;olized by "scientific He must be a news' reflector amateurs," Of the bceum and lectur' The favorite egg for aettfoi;( appears to be And rain down hi! tuff/ torrents cm the veteran milk inspector. as ne!l.rly ov11l as possible. The bast brerdere rt ject every pointed or Irregular egg, er He must be a prompt adviser a very large one. It is customary t o pick Oi forelQ'n Joa~ and k"iser, out the Eggs verv carefully In breeding fine And keep out hla key hole telescope t-0 dodge stock. G ..nera.lly eighty per cent are reject· the bill collector. ed no liable to produce inforior chlckenu. ···--·---- · - - - - When the farmer attempt11 to hatch thou· An Inc~dent. d f h" k th t di · Ean s -o c 10 s e moa soou1·agmg specBY CHARLEa JC BOLTON. tl\Cle 1s the apparently great mort...Uty that I. occurs, He becomes appalled and wonders Three men t!Llked g Lyly on a west-bound train, how the " old h en." . c11n be so 11ucce3&ful, Andlanghing, now and then became profane. while the brooders seem to fail. But let him II, rdlect a.nd apply ·the standard of eight chicks rahed fr.;m ten hatched, 1md make A little glrl near by could bear them £wear, And blushed until her race wa~ doubly fair. hla compuiMon. S11pposlng, for mu~tra.· Hon, tha.t she wa.s capable of hatching 5000 III. she would lose 1000. Hence with the use of Then, rising from her seat, she softly went lnoubators we may hatch 5000 chicks, suffer '£0 him who seemed the mos~ irroverent, a lor:e of 1000 :i.nd be, proportionately, a.t IV. par with the hen tha.t hatche~ ttn chicks And placed her vocket Bible ln his band; v.nd ralaea eight, The strong man colo1·ed_ at her reprimand. We believe in forcing the hene to their v. utmost, lblld a.a large profits as pos· ceased to talk, ar d scanned each field and sible in the Dhortoet apace of time, The cow He scar, bringa forth only one young In a. year, while Until thoyhalted, when he left the car. the hen le cap!l.ble of laying enough eggs to Vl, fill her place with fifty pu1let"· which requ!re but ha.If "' year of growth to be But s?on he came with roses white and red, And giving, kissed her, as be bowed and said serviceable. Hence, to force the heno means to supply them with all the elements necesvrr. sary for producing eggs, as well as a v11.riety "Good-b)·e, my child ; I'll keep the book you give, · for the promotion ol health and vigor. It means warm, dry quarters, clean wa.ter, And read its pages long as I may live." 1Zround food, a.nd oppor~unltlea for exerciee, - ·-- - -·,-. The fate M. GJ.equel and Genenl Gordon A dozen of the hrgcst eggs have been found to weigh twenty-four ounces, while a were the only Europeans authodzod by the dozen of the smaller ones cf the same stock Chinese Government to wear peaceck's weighed only 14?, ounces. The talr average fe11o thers in their and tu11icti of imperial weight to the aczen ill 11bout 32~ ounces. yellow, About one-third of the entire woigut may be Mias Braddon's next novel will be . enUregarded as nltr~genous and nutritive mat- tled "The Thing Neodful," and will ter; !l. grcu.ter proportion than th11ot of meat, first appear as a serial in j at home which is re.ted at only about 25 to 28 per and abroad, It fa the twelfth novel af the oent, while the nutritive pa.rt cf the oyster a.uthor thus published, la only ~b out 12 per cent. If a pound of F. Marion Crl:lwford, the Amerf.oan eggs, therefore, should be valued at 22 cents, novelist, lives In hie beautiful villi.lo In Sora pound of beef would be worth 24 to 28 ento, Naples, situated on a. cliff overoents, and a pound of oysters 12 cents. looking the sea. Nearby it Milton, mare The edit.or ef the /!arm, Field and Fireside, than t1vo hundred years a.go, found hespioa.ys: " We realized as m11ch e.s $5 ta.lity. Mr. Cmwford ie a ta.11 man, the fioin a single hen, and a.u the hen was valued picture of health and beauty, and not vet at only fifty cents, the gross sum derived 32 years old, was equal to one thousand per cent. And " Poor Culotta.," the once beantlfol we hu.vo 11olee known of Jhoke that gave a I!;mprees of Me'llco, is reported as nearing net profi~ of $7 each, But the conditions the olose oi her tragic O!l.reer !l.t the cld caswere favorable. The hens were fed regular- tle of Bouohot, near Brussels. Happily, the ly; they were supplied with all that they tragedy which eighteen years a.go blighted required; they were ce.refully shelt ered, her life and darkened her rea.,on, left her ne and kept warm, dry and comfortable; h&d remembrance of the horrors through whfch unrestricted range, an.d oonsEquently were she hs.d passed, and aha h11os dwelt since in contented and happy, secured plenty of ex- an imaginary world of regal ma.gnificenoe ercise, a.nd were capable of aes!sting them- -an empress in bedlam. selves whenever the proper conditions of food were overlooked by the owners. ' · ------- Boots and Sl1ocs, Slip1,e1·s, Rubbers, T1·unl.:s, Valises, &c., Run Down by Infernal Dogs. GRAI~ N After this when doge ch! mv aheep every one rnn down or bee.tad will be dhl· p()aed ol without delay, ·A number of years e.go dogs killed and scattered a fl.eek of Merinos, and we kept all that lived, It Ara prepared to pay the highest prices -ATtook some c;f thorn two years to die, but d!e the they did, and a11 they pined so long I ex- for all kinds of Grain delivered . aminod 1;hcm and found that they lived as Wharf or their Store House in town. long as they had any lungN. Two y And la prepared to execute all ago the dogs chased and bit a number of a flock of oourse-wooled lambs, N one dle:1, but aevera.l ef them have not done well since. They ara poor this winter in spite on the.shortest notice. of all we coulcl do, a.nd I am sure their lunge are affected, the same a.s tho Merinos were, They ree.lly consumption, and In time will die of this disease, caused by overneatly and promptly attended to ; having none he!l.tlng and congestion of the lunge a,.t the but first-class workmeq employed. time the dogs ohaaed them. They were so tired out that they did not eat for several WSATISFACTION GUARANTEED.~ days, but lay ·q uiet In the stable where they . were taken when found. The Merinos hid D. DA. VIS, in the underbruBh in tbe woods and were Express Office Building, there three da.~s after beiog hunted down Bowmanville, Feb. 1 1886. it I hove a poatUvoreilM><ly for tbual>OV"C disease; bY l te uso by the dogs, It ie a folly to attempt to U1ousa.nd1t ofcuiee of ihe worss: klnd ~11 11 of long st1mdi11g keep sheep nnder uuoh circumstances and hnvo IJeOJ\ Indeed, so strong 18 m y fa lth in its get anything out of them. As soen as they ~l~hc~,~~lfr;i~~~0 1~i1~i}s'~:°~1i'~~ FJi~~~~Oto\goe~i:: have cooled ofl they should be slaughtered. sufferer. Glvc oz1wese nnd P. 0. ndrtroits. DR. 1'. A. SUlCUllT, They wlll not ga.ln in oondition a.nd food is Branch Office, 37 Yonge St., Toronto wasted upon them. Jno. McMurtry & Co. at Greatly Reduced Prices. ORDERED WORK REPAIRING- DUNN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND POWDE. R CONSUMPTION. ssoo.oo WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S ~LIVER Tip:iely Sug11;estions. . PILLS - ; POSITIVELY CURES : - It used to take him about thirty minutes to get the linen to lie perfectly smooth, it A few Boxos will cure any case of Dys- usually taking a. notion to puff up and repepsia, simply by taking One E'1ll every cline in a confused heap In any portion of night on :r:.,,tiring. They do not l ose their the bed but the one he wanted, '.l.hfe Is no effect like other l"illi;. 111nger the 0&1se, Hie bed he makes as woll and as quickly as the most deft feminine fingers could, He has· invented a plan 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes' for $UJO. which, being well off, he has deolded not to have patented, but Ill willing to make public THIRTY PILLS IN A BOX, for the benefit of the rtist of suffering bachel orhood. By an lng0nious contrivance he SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. has fixed heavy shot on the end of buckles, which he adjusts to each corner of th.a sheet, throws the sheet In air over the bed, and presto I the weights shoot out a.nd the sheet lodges equarely and falrly in t;he place where It ought to be, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. Hogs often become covered with ticks and lice. If a little Hnlphur le fed In their feed occasionally it will entirely rid the swine of theae peuto, Olten the hogs are covered with these part.sites when the ownEr would not euepeot it from t he appearance ot the animals, and con~equenUy it ls always wel.l to e:xamine them closely oooadonally, so as to be su1·e they have no Buch tax on their vitals, to steal avvv.y what should go toward making growth and flesh. · The treatment of wa.rts ie to tha ha.rd and dry skin from their tops, and then touch them with the smallest drop strong acetic acid, taking cure that the v.oid does not run ctr the wart upon the neighboring ekln, for if it does It wlll occasion lnflamma.tlon and muoh pain, If thh praotlce be continued once or twice daily, with re2ularity. pa.ring the surface of the wart when it gets hard and dry, the wart may be soon effectually cured. QEWARD ! AIE Will pay the above Reward for any flV case of Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Sick Headac:be, !ndl.gefitl.on or Cost iveness we cannot Cure with WEST'S LIVER PILLS, when tile Directions are strictly compile"- with. Large Boxes, containing 30 ll.'ills, 25 Cents; 6 Boxes flll,OO. Sold by all l>ruggfota. Nobod · knew where be oame from, and certainly nobody invitad him to come in, He walked Into the dining-room one summer evening throui;ch the open window, and ll.!!opplng one mo,ngled ear, or rather the fragment of an ear, which rema.ined a silent witnese of many a ha.rd-fought battle, he surveyed the family calmly, 1rnd curling up on the sofa, went to sleep. " Look at that disreputable oat I" e:xolaimed moth ?r, a.nd the entire family joined i11 a chorus of " Scat !" .But he did not " aca.t" ; he simply opened his remaining l'ye, winked good-naturedly, and want to a1~ep again. His Impudence was so cool, so determined, that we were speechless, and he was allowed to remain untll we had fi!llshed dinner, when father said to Tom : " Take that dineputable cat out into the yard give him something to eat and let him go." But the atsrepntable cat had no idea of going. He had oome to stay, When the serva.nt opene(l the doo1· in the morning, he walked calmly in and took up bis place on the sofa, where we found him when we assembled at the broakfaat table, As the various member11 of the family entered the room, his ca.tshlp was treated to a shower of " see.ts" and exclamations which would have dfocoacerted a. lass 2elf possee11ed cat. But it had nBtthe slightasteffect upon him; he simply yawned, winked blandly with his single eye, and went to eleep a.gain. The act thi.t he was unwelcome, or that his general appea.rance was not such as to war· rant an enthusillostio reception Into a respec· table family circle, never seemed to strike him, or, If it did, he did ntlt mind. He hung around the houl!le for a day er two, until one morning mother g~zed at him, asleep on the sofa, and exclaimed, in despair: " What are we goJng to do with thi:.t diereputable ca.t ?" " What is he going to do with us ? you'd better say," replied father, sarcastically. " He's t aken possession." "But he leoks so much like a tramp,' objected mother, .faintly. "He doeu look like a ha.rd case," replied fa.ther, laughing. And there the subject was dropped. The c~t had won by hie Impudence ; and from that day he was recognized a.a a. humble member of the family. We tried to christen him, and ca.lied him Tom until our own Tom objected, then it was Mose a.nd Rough and 'l'ramp and half a dozen other approprl11ote names, all of which he accepted wlth the same ea.ey · philosophy which distingulahed all his a(ltlons. Bnt, after :i.11, we found it easier to refer to him as "that disreputable cat"-a title which he r eoognized by blinking h!a lone eye and pricking up the fragment of ear in a. . most rldiculons fashion. He grew fat and healthy, but no amount of prosperity, of good dinners, and comforta.ble napa could reotore h is lost eye or ragged ear ; he only !:Joked more llk:e a tramp. He never seemed to have any desire to be petted, though he endured stroking from members of the family, blinking iu a ha.If-contemptuous way at any evidence of kindness on our pa.rt. Hu slep~ most of the time; In fa.ct, I never aawa. oa.twhich spent so much of itil life in dreamy repose. He would dream, too, and often surprised the family by suddenly et!l.rting up from the sofa wltli most une11orthly howls, and then calmly t arning over to sleep again. Prosperity, however, developed two annoying traits of ohara.cter In "that dtareputs.ble oat," One was a most decided objection to being put out In the yard at nigll; (1 m d h .. wouhLquietly slip off and hide ln t.he moat unheard-of places when bed-time came) : t he other W!l.8 a.<l)J.ost lntenae hatred of uny one outside of our own family. When vlstlors, he would arch his back, flu.ff out h!a tail, and spit and growl a.t them, and several Umee lt was with the greateat <liffi culty that he was restrained from flying at them. Beggars were his especial avernien, or, In fact, any ono who did not come up to hie standard of ele~ance of attire. This trait WM sometimes funny, but oftener annoying, and we dally debated plans for getting rid of hfm. As we went into dinner the cook D!, "M.aater Tom, I thought you tuck that cat a.wa.y this aftern9on ?" "We did," r~plled 'l'om, shortly. "'\<Veil, I thtntt it wau about an hour before you got home that 1·saw him shoot in through the back door and up the stairs." A ee~rch was No sign of the cat was found, and it was deaided tha.t the oook must be mista.ken, That night, about twelve o'clock, a alight noise was heHd upstairs, followed by n most unearthly yowling, mingled with muttered oa.tba. Father, Tom, and I appeared in the hall a.t the same moment, and saw a man dashing down-stairs, about six steps at a time, with " tha.t disreput11oble cat" clinging tightly to his shoulders, scratching and epittlllll and growling with all hie strength. He was nea.rly at the bottom, when he gave a yell of pain a.nd fell. We ran down, secured him, called for the police, an.d had him taken to the sta.tlon·houee. The next day, in court, he explo.lned how he had offooted hio entr...nce through the scuttle, and was softly descending the att;lc stalrR when something 11uddenly landed on his shoulders with a horrible yell, and bega.n to make vicious scratches at his eyoa. He was trybig to escape, when we c11ought him. 'rhe cat had bitten through his ear, and the pain caused him to gtumblc and fa.11. '.l'hat night the " dlsroputable cat" wa.s wi' cep, aa usual, on the sofil in the diningroom, and took all our expre11sions of gratitude with his old philosophiou.l indiflerence. li'rom that time, however, no thought ef getting rid of him wa- ever e:xpreased. Hs la getting older and fatter ana lazier now, l;uG not a bit more rE<@pectablo in e.ppearance. D espite a good home and a.11 the 1:omlort1J the mosL luxurious cat oould de· eire, he preserves his tramp-like appearance and air of cool Impudence. He will never be anything but " that d!Breputable cat. The hands of a toy watch are pushed fer time. · " This the widow of my discontent, ' groa.ned on old miser who marriod an extra.vagant relict. The Pundita Rama.ha.I, now vi11ltinf! Amer lo:i., ·is a daughter of the Pundit of Poona., who devoted his wealth and life to the cause of emancipation of the women of India, Princess Isabella, heir to the throne of Brazil, is extremely religious, and sometimes the astonished subjects of her royal father have beheld her sweepiug the floor of the ohuroh clad In a coarsa gown and humility of s11irlt. The Prince of Wales Intended to m.a,ke his recent trip from London to Cannes wlthout a stop, but could not resist the temptatlon to spend thirty-nix hours In Paris t o " S h ,. aee ap o, ~ Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAKD:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete stock always on hand., We have all the best gra.des of ~Q~~;m~ ~NfD> ~~QOOl3 ~LQlWJt that i§ manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicke; Feed, ~roc~ery and Glassware, Fres~ and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and z·endermg, Life-time ex1Jerience in th& Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. . Tho Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin ia of tb~ very best quality. ··~ o ti:ash or poor goods kept in stock, d~als; only rn the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. Caslt for Butter, Eggs, Bides, Tal101v, Beet, Pork and all Fal"m P1·oduce. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, Chemists and Druggists, KEEP A FULL STOCK OF F U R E DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ALSO SELECT STOCK OF Hair Brushes and Combs. Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &o .. AGENT~ FOR THORLEV'S IMPROVED HORSE" AND CATTLE FOOD. Pure Ground Oil Cake. PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS Filled with absolute purity and correctness. rAlMllS AMtl OTUaaa t Don't fail to call at W. H. MAY'S HARNESS STORE ---ann see the,--- $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness·. A fresh stock of Trunks and Valises just received. Bull Bone Whips still take th· e leadi L CALL AND GET ONE. How a Bachelor Makes His Couch. John C. West & Co.. PROPRIETORS, TORONTO .. THIS OUT and return to us with lOc. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get l)y return man a Golden Box of Goods that will brinll you in more monei; in c:me month than anything else in Always precede a lady in going up stairs America. Either sex make money fa5t, CITY . This max!m is a legaoy from a maiden aunt, :NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. · e UT · ~erally ~ware that Sufferers are not geta ·ous or that they . · parasites these diseases arecon g·f living are due to the presence o f the nose and . embrane o tn the lining m M"croscoplc research 1 Eustacian tubes. · fact, and the resu1\ has proved this to be ad has been formu· is that a simple reme ~lseases are cured lated whereby t~ese s\mple appllcatlona in from one to t ;e:escrtptive pamphlet ls rnade at home. stamp by A. M· . aent free on rece~~6ofKlng·treet Wast. bbc:on & Son, Toronto, Canad~

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