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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 2

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=====-·----.--·FRIDAY, Al'RIL 30, 1886. ~=='---=----- .E. 0MA N C AN EGYPTIAN R l Story of Love and Wild A dventure, founded upon Startling Revelatio ns in the Career of Arabia Pasha. Bv the Auth01" of "NINA., THE N rnILIST, 11 CHAP TE R LIV. THE MOST TERRIBLE OF ALL PERILS, HOW Nl!LLIE WAS PRJ!SERY.ll:D, A.ND 11 THB " :;~~:d~o pr event the Bedouins ga.iniDg self nearer to the ca.pita.I of Egypt by a good Their sole comfort wa.e t hat t hat ha.If hum· lug a.nd ha.If. ehriekiug noise was more la.inly audi ble than ever in their front, and :iecldedly very much nearer. Bat sound b very u ncert uin in eome eta.tee ·1 £ the at mosphere, and the still, balmy air .if Egypt bears eound a.t all times a. long ·>'&Y, io that it might be still miles distant. And now the Bedouins slung their lances o>nd ban i led t heir matohlocka, t ho next in· a.nt disch:uging them whilst at fnll 11allop, .i.ocording to their uau al cnatom. The bullets bt> zz~d the ea.I'll of the rngltlves llke wasps and they t he most .,nple11m:mt discovery th11t they were i;!r.iady v7ithln ra.llge. To tnrn e.t bc.y u pon more t hane. scare of fll&G would, however , been po.~ltive 111a.dness, a Q d so t hey still continued t heir flight, o. tl·g ht tha.t now appeared to be hopeless. A big hill was directly before tb.em, ob· atrnct ing a.IL vlew behind. " If there's 110 eucoer on the other side of tha.t we wlll sell our Hves at the be$h prioe we can get for them, l'at," said Frank: .Oanelly, a.s Ile carefully examin>'d hie revolver. " Ye may well say that ," waB Monaghan's rosponae, " for my nag ia about dei:.d be:.t CATARRH. CA'l'ARRR.-A new treatment has been di~ <:overed wher ehy a 11ermanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease, i.s ab.solutely affect· ~r 00 in from one to three apphcations, no ma whether standing one year or forty years. 1 118 1remedy is only applied c,mce in twelvDe da.fS: und does not interfere with bUf\lness. escllp tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stam WP by iA.. H . Dixon & son, 305 K ing street, est, Toronto, Oan~i:A'f IS CA1'ARRH1 . . Catari.·h is a danger ous disMS<? winch ,· andslare consciously or uncons1,nouslysuffermg from It is a muco·purulcnt dtscharl)e c_aused by the presence of a vegetable varasite.{n the lining membrane of th~ noso. t 1he 'b'ie :i'Ptl:'" ing causes are a morbid state o t e oo ._ o blighted corpuscle of tubercle, thf? ge\~ POlt'J~ of s bilis mercury, toxomc:e, iom ere en tionYcft the effete matter of tbe,skin, ~uppressed 'IJerspirations badly ventilated sleeping. apar.t· ~en ts and the germination of othe~ poisons m the blood Irritated by these, the lining mem· 'brane of the nose is ever ready f ?r the reception of the parasite, which r e.pldiy spr~ad~,u~ the nostrils and down the ~auces, or e.c . 0 the throat, causing ulcerat10.n of the thro~t, np the eustacbiun tubes, causmg_ dearness , bu,... rowing in the vocal cords, causmg hoarscnhe~si usur in the 11roper structure of the bronc La tube~ egding in pulmonary consumption an£1 de:i\1~y ingenious speif!cs for for t.he cure of catarrh have been invented, but w1.thou~ sue: cess, until a physician of long s_tandmg ddscihe ered the exact nature of th disease an only appliance which will permanently ~elt~h~ the parasite no matter how a11:grava e case Sufferers should send stamp at once for descriptive pamphlet on. catarrh, S to ~~~ business managers, .A., H, Dixon & on, King street, west, Toronto, Canad'>. . What the Rev. E . B . Stevenson, B .A.,ha <jJf.WV 'lnan of the London Conference oft ..e e i~ d:iat Church of Canada, has to ,~av in rega; ~ To A.II. Dixon&: Son's New 7 reatment r o> <Catarrh. Oaklans. Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 Messrs A.H. Dixon &: Son: . t h d DEAR Sms _ yours of the 13th mat. o an · It seemed almost too good to be it'~ t~a~~ ar1 cured of Catal'l'h, but I kn<?w w. · r have bad no return of the d1seas';'. and neve felt better in my life. I have tried so many things for Catarrh, suffered so much · an~~~i 430 many years, that it is ha1·d to rea1ize )l[ am really better. b d · it I consider that mine was a yer_Y , a .casethe was a gravated and chronJC,-tn' c1vmg ·throat ~swell 'as the nasal pas~ages. and I thought it would require the three .tieatment~ 'but I feel fu lly cured by the twp sent me. and I am thankful that I was ever mduced to sen 'io-t~~·are at liberty to use this letter statln~ that 1 have been curod at two treatments. an l shall gladly rec.ommend _ your remedy to some of my friends who a, re sutterers. Yours wLth many thanks. ' REV. E, B. STEVENSON, And hundreds of others R ED SPo!I!," "Tx11 RussuN. SPY," CHAPTER LV.- ETo,, Ero., ETo J LOST AMONGST MOUNTAINS-NEARLY RUN TO BARTH, Leaving the two E uropeans Jn purnuit of T wo Europeans, wan, half starved and In 11ix thousand Egypt, who were exeouting every way wretched, begirt by as many a movement, we will revert t o the perils on ever W&ll t he Apoetle Paul, fortunes, or rattier the misfortunes, of oui· w11ndering a.lone in t he desert, attempting to lovely Nellie and her parents, make their wa.y overland t owP.rd aome pa.rt T he trio were olcs ~ly guarded a.nd not oven or other of the S12ez allowed t o hold speech with one another. 'Not t o make a. mystery of the matter, N ellle could not help perceiving how the they none other tb.a.n F rank Donelly and idol of an hour ha.rt fa.lien in t he common hie devoted follower, Pat Monagha.11, whom eat imo.tion. in the chapter before the laet we beheld She heard his oond nc~ being d iscussed in setting out from Alexandr ia in the dead of euldu ad tones, hut in no measured terms, night on a. meet Qaixot ic and hopeless er· on ai! sidee of her, rand, a.e any bat e. lover and an I rlehman Such grumbling created In her heart a. would have perceived from the very fitst, IU lt fa." . new ala1m, for did the war minister lose hie At lMit, one moonlight night, t hey had The BedouillJI perceived this as well, a.nd high poeitlon he would be no longer e.blo to been perceived prowling In the neighbor· their orie~1 became like those of hungiy protect her a.n d her parents, and t hey would hood of an advanced picket, act ually in the 1'11 three a.aaur.edly lose their lives. raa.r of the Egyptian lines (a. hanging m atter wolves. Donelly Involun tarily drew in his own Whilst theae fears and 11opprehenslens dis- .accordmg t o every military code in edst somewhat, determined thatbewo&ldn't turbed her mind Arabi Pa.aha. himself had enoe), so t hat & troop of horse had been sent at.eed place himself by tiO much a.e a. eillgle yard in quite enough to endure in turn. . in pursuit of them, o.nd t hese, t urning their a ua.for position than t hat occupied by his He waa c intinun.lly beset by some officer flank and outtin.g them off from Alex..udria., o.nd faithfu l follower. of diatiuotion or other proffering his advice, batl chased them for fifteen miles ont into brave The horses were both reeling rather than and sometimNi almost insisting on his conn- the desert, and from that time whenever galloping now, but In another minut e, as Bel being follow£d. they hAd sought to retuen they had enooun· After a monot onous fourteen mlles' march tered some·b ody of Bedouin horse or other, the biu e of the rocky hill was rounded, both over the l·vel, tandy, treeleie plain, the lit- who drove them first in one dir ..otlon a.nd officer and ma.n almost shr ieked with detie village of K~fr D JWO. was reached, where, t hen in anot her, till at (although t hey light at what they beheld, for not five hunthouir,b well-nigh exhausted, the troops as yet had managed to keep clear of hostile dred yards in front of them was a narrow were a.t. once set to throw up earthworks lead and steel) they were a.ltog~thcr loet , strip of red water, and an enormous whitehulled transport £lying the British Union acrots the narrow isthm'nG, a.3 a ea.fegua.rd and no more kn ew the way back to Alexan- J a.ok lying motionless m the centre, whilst againet any poaeible landing and advance of drla than the wa.y to t he muon. uks wertl crowded with red-jacket · the B ritish In that direction, while not :ta.r They had been lost for more tha.n a month her bu lw1 ed, white pea.k·belmeted soldiers, g·zlng In the reo.r of the wor king parties Arabi had now, 11.nd all that while thoy wandered with eager cu:rloeity in their dlrectlen, a gorgeons pavilion erected, whicll had been to and fro In a. weird wild region ot hill and doubtless owing to the report of the Bedouin brought for hla special use from Alexandria, mountain, with Ia.r ge stretches of desert mat chlcioka having reached their I t was furnlsh.,d with an abundance of between hills rouDded at the t ops, bare of Thrae minutes lat er Oe.pbln-Donelly and Turkleh rugs a.nd cushions, the dressed skins verdure and hideously monotonous of aspect, Pat had gained the bank of t he canal, whilst of different wild animals and with every ao t hat one oa.n ha.rd1 y be distinguished from the Badouins, swooping r ound the of other appurtenance· th ::.t would render both another, which makes it e.ll the more dlffi t ho hill, In t urn received suoh a deadly carlmpoulng a.nd Iuxui·iouu tl:e tent of an Ori· cult t o get out of t his appa.rently eDchanted bine fire from t he deck of t he Brlt l&h tranenta.l oomma.ndtr-in-chlef. r egion, a.nd often after attempting it for a. sport t hat half o [ their saddles were emptied, After he h 11>d perused sundry dispatches w hole day they have found tht)mselvea at whereupon the survivors shrieked, wheeled and issued all neceaea.ry orders, to t his ennset close to where they started from at ronnd and disappeared beh nd t he hUI again aplendld p11ovilion was brought N ellle Donel· sunrhre. ly by one of t he gna.rds. . Even In this terrible region, however, wit h a quickness t hat did more credit t o T he war minister reoeive i her with t he t here le an oasis te be found a.t inter vals horse t h11on m~n. utmost deference, and when her oondnotor wide apart, each with a n a.tural spring l.n its had ta.ken his departure he t urnad t o her centre (whence, undoubtedly, its exl1tenoe), CHAPrER L VI. with a smile and, holding her meanwhile by and adorned at the least with fig and date Tl:IE DEATH RIDE AT EL MAGl!'AR-Tlm FIRST t reES, fruit than whloh In a clime like Egypt ARD OF · rHANKS.- To the ~~na:, 11n a.rm, exclaimed : VICTORY, n othing more ie wanted t o supp ort life. or the Fire Insurance Aesociatwn. "How does my wife like our quarters? Ten minut es later O~phln Donelly and SIR fe~ereby return thanks f?r the . vrompt they not very comfortable ?" One rooming just at dawn, Fra.nJt Don- Pat Monagh,an wer e safe aboard the British wayment (by your agent, Mr. 'rhos., The fair girl caught his mee.ning in a.n ln· elly started as t hey were In the act ef sad- transport Greece, which had been waiting for my loss by fire, c~used by : ~:~t g~r;10I~ dling their horses and exclaimed In excited for a.a mu ch ae a couple of hcurs In the Nar· steam thresher, h!J-vmg g~t P ,Ypayment like eta.nt and her heart seemed to stand still, · t tents at market price ; no " or · . " Oh; whore my father and mother?" tones to bis aompsnion, " Did you not hear rows of for a. pilot to na.vlgate her I se~ on the Domini,on Grange Polley to tenan s. she cried, " I thought that they also were It ?" through Lake T im3ah to the town of Ismail· 3S Yours gratelully. 'IRO_!:l· HARRIS, ' 1 Begorra, a_ n ' bad oess to that same, I can ia, where, according to instructions of the 'J'yrone, Sept. 11, 188a. · being brought hither." " A wife's place is at her husband's side, only hear the barking of a fox." commander -In-chief, her living freight waa both night and day, a.nd when she marries " Yon'i t ronbling to listen. I wleb ARD OJ!, THANKS.- To the ~~na~ she ls understood to l eave both father and you would, for I want your opl.Won a.bout to he put a.ahore. Both officer and man were gla.d enough to er of the Fire Insurance Association . it." find themselves amongst fellow-countrymen, SrR lhereby r etm·n thanks for the. prompt mother and to cleave only unto him." "Bat I am not your wife. l wa.s no oon" Be jabers, I can hear i t now, your honor. and more especially red coats, but how was payment (by your agent, Mr. fhos .. Bmgham , for my loss by fire, caused bY a spark fr om a eentlng ps.rty, I was a.Iready married." There mus·t be a nest of 'em oloee by." their satiefaotion lnoreaaed when, directly steam thresher,having rC'ceived the full amount " A nest of what, Pat ? What on tia.rth do they set foot on the traneport'e decks, the u Those wild ata.t~ments have been refutof m insurance IN GOI;D on the occaswn of my ed and again even from your father's you make It out to be then ?" gold!n wedding. Yours tbanltfully, TtlOMAB " Fourth D. G." on the shoulder straps of and mother's lips: We Orientals cannot "Why, lf it't the buzzing of t he m~st the soldiers who thronged around inforrred JAllDINE. · ' :!B Tyrone, Sept. 11, 188a. undenhnd parents not being able t<J dis- thunder~g bumble bees or hornets Im t hem of t·he most agree!>.ble fact that the~ pose of their daughters as they list, .llITTB _ bl~~sed, were with the Royal Irish Dra~oon Q-na~d.s, auch an anomaly comprehended in Chril!tia.n It eotlllda to me a deal , lika the by nickn:im ~ "'l.'he liappyFaml y," anam countries In which I hHove eojourned. BJ· rush of steam through the so.lpe pipe of a. short, their own r egiment. Formerly Known aa the" Soper Mills. 'I sid<es, the priest of your faith declared that diet11nt ates.mer. . It seem~? tamlliar to me "Thought you'd turn up somewhere or you are were not r ightly married to yo:i:ir th~, instant that I heard lt. other, old fellow," excl~lmed one cffioer, countryman who ran away with you, while , I wleh It was, yer honor, bnt,,steamors "Hardly ·l.n suoh a M<>zeppa. life fashion, RIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· UGHLYrenovatedand putinorder,under I am VEr'J sure that yoll are rightly married don t come t ea.rinJ? across deserts. though," added another. "I never beheld ltH' wn special supervision, for the purpose o1 unto me, For thes ~ several a.nd good r er.aona "No, Pa.t, bu! In many places the desert a more excltiDg In my life. rist~ng and manufacturing Oat Meal and :fot I ca.II you my wife, an d. from this mor ning stretches t o the very banks of the Suez.Ca.nlarley, and we are now 11repared to receive I swear by Allah and the prophet tha.t you al, which ls traversed by ocean steamers Well ridden, too." Thus, admMet j eats a.nd oongra.tuhtions, orders from all our old cuatom1.m:i a'ii_d oth'i:"' shall share the s\\me tent and the same COIJtinu ~lly. Let us up ·and away and at was their brother offiJer esc.01t ad to the saor work and we l'\"Urantee to give t. em w o couch with me. I have said it." onca l.n the direction of the sound, intrust ,{8 with the same entire aat1sfactlon 1 loon, while the tro opere lugged Pat Mona Oats and other grains taken in exchange Cor An <'XpreBtiion d stony despair came Into There Is hope for us yet, my boy."' ghan off to the ship canhen to treat him to I!'lour.Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, 'fOWNS, ~~~ Nellio's fa.oe, · " If there ia, begorra, here comas a p!!.ck what he he.d for weol<e been longing for and manv1Ue Sne gazed for :i. moment dbtractedly of those ~rown Bedouin de'Vils determn~edl dreaming of and chiefl1 talking a.boat, and round at a.ll the Oriental pomp a.11d splendor to do their best to out us off from It. We ve wha.t he had taken to c~lllng the "three by which she was surrounded, but t hey fail· not a. moment to l cee, yer honor." blessed B.'s," namely, brea.d, beef, and beer. ed to fire her ambition or to dazzle her ImThere wa.s DO need to lore even half a minWe getting so near to the end of our Continues to do a General Banking Business aglna.tion, as her Moslem lord ha.d doubtless ute, for the horsea were aiready Baddled, o.nd tale that we find we have no tfma to waste sBo wmanvillo Branch. over t o.hie hlk. It was the offi3e:re they h~d bat to leap upon t heir ha.eke, g11.thhoped that they would do.· DEPOSITS The .oa.rved bamb~o poles bent to the de· er up t ho rei:ne and kiok the corners of thflir breakfast hour 11.nd f:i'rank Donelly wa~ quite prung up a.nd the shoe-eb&ped stirrups ag111inst their bony ribs ready for the meal. When · he h&.d btiefly !Recaived in Savings Bank tand . eert wmd that had iust E ea!l and interest allowed at current rates. N . crlm2on damask lining of t he magnificent In lieu of ~purs. nurated hfa own advonturea a.:id Li.stened in notice of withdrawal necessary. .A.U depoelt~ tent glittered till the myriads of b~nches Thie done away they sped with the Epe"d turn to plenty of divers opinion~ concerning payable on demand, of forget-me· nots that were embroidered of the very wind out of the fertile oasis and the campaign, a.11 p ·rt iea nolding t ne unl\n· tbereen 3eemed to be Instinct with life and, across ihe brown desert sand, whilst t he fmoua conviction, nowever, t1-i11ot they would EXCDA..NGE as they met her view, Neille remembered Hddoulnft, who b11d evidently hupeil to steal ba orn~&in_g uwordH with the E ,1yp isine withBoughtandsold and Drafts issued upon Europe tha.t a blue ot was the flower down upon them 1 · npe1·oelved, rent the air h> a very taw hours a.t moat, he axcltedly United States and Canada, alsoGold,Silverand t he.t Frank Donelly had ever given to her, with th.,fr shrill a.nd angry cries and bra.tidexol11.lmcd: United States Greenbacks bou11ht and sold, Tbill r ecollection it was which restered to (shed their long epsare en high, "I wish to heaven that I had a horJJe and i C O LLEVTI O:NS her the courage and resolution that was an The monotonous sound still continued a. unif1nr.m, so that I might j 'Jiu yon." "F.ilth, and I don't aee what's to prePromptly made at current rates upon all part essential part of her oha.ra.oter , and she and the fugit ives guided their horses in It~ (TO :BE OONTINUED,) ot Great Brittain, the United States and Do plucked from Arabl's bait the revolver that direction, lf it wa.s wha.t Frank Donelly vent y our doing that same," responded t he was .careleudy thrust therein, and present- suppos11d it to be 'twas still a long way off, regimental eurgeon, a g<'nial cove of Oork, minion of Canada. ,,_ .~ as he was in general fa.oetiouely termed Ing the muzzle at his very ~orehea.d, declared and b y t be time they bad reached t he canal Telegraph T1·a11sre1·~ A Haza.rdous Occupation. in & voice which desperation rendered firm the steamer, from which he almost hoped "'l'here'e O~ph1n Murphy down with fever, Made for large or small sum~ on all 11arts of that she would pull the trigger if he did not aga.lnat hope that It preoeeded, might have which he made worse through behig in too Some time ago the statement was publishCanada. This is especially advantageous to great a hurry to recover, but I'm snre he'll ed, upon apparently good authority, that passed quite out of sight, persons living in Manitoba or the North-west let her go. " I~, your h atred to. me so great as a.ll Then all a.t onoe it struck him : Wail the feel a de11l of sa.tlsfactil·n to think hie coat in the course of five years' liervioe about &sit makes the funda available at once at the that ? demanded Arabi a.a he reoolled, oana.l still open ? ha.s a chance of being in the thick of the 70 per cent, of train hands upon our railplace of payment. "My love ef my husband and my honor Is He was a war~ tha.t the wa.r mlnleter had fun even if he ha.a to remain outside It. ways are Injured, Thie ~ta.temant has Forturther particulars call at the Bankln11 ae grea.t as that and greater, I little threatened to des~roy it on the firing of the He's a. man of just your own build, Captain never been denied, House. The average life of a. freight brakeman iii DJnelly, and his horse is one j ast after your whether I destroy you or myself. If It real· fint hostile ea.mum agah:ist Alexandria.. GEO. McGILL, 'l', BRODIE, a.bout t en, It the number of M · Manager ly is a noble o~uae which you supporting If he had kept his word, the supposed own heart, I'm sure." Accountant. ·V "~re there nny siokjmongst the men, so cidents be takiln Into consideration, and a.nd your life is ln~lepense.ble to its success, s teamer was a myth, and.the strange humtell me so and I will point the weapon ,to· ming noise was ca.used by something that th11ot my fellow Pa.t may have an equal the expmie entailed upon the companies for d11omages paid in the caee of such acV\ el- might be hostile inetead of friendly to them. onance ?" wa.rd my weak au<! worthless self. ~LO OK OUT FOR~ "Thera'a jast three, who, I fear, will cidents be estimated, it will be seen what a come death a thousand times rather than a These were anything but agreeable doubts life sp~nt with you in the cha.r~ter of your and fears. have small hope nf drawing au.bras before burden Is carried by tho roads on account third or 9Ven yonr second wife, As a drowning man clutches at a straw, the time ha.s come t o shea~h t hem, and I 've of the defective appliances now used on An Involuntary a.dmir a.tion of her conduct so, however, did Captain Donelly and Pa.t no doubt your ma~ will fi nd that ont and freight trr.ins. Most of the a.cciclenta and nearly all t he eeizad upon the war minister then. He foll Monaghan on des1 l<lrately to this, their not let such an opport unity alip " ' 'No, I'll be sworn t hat he won't," r eplied loes of life caurnd by them la b~ca.use the instincUvely that such a girl must posseEs a almost remaining hope, as they sped on and. soul, no ma.tter though the tenets of bis on across t he levol plain and. ar ound one hill Frank. "And I'll we.ger, too, · ho.t he'll do freight anglneer has no control over hfo - -o- creed decliued to the contrary, a.nd hie after another, the continuoualy hummiug the work of any three ordinary .men, if only train. The methods of stopplllg them For the NEXT 3 0 DA.YS I w ill sell for LESS browe contra.eted more with the weight of sound a.lone ena.bllng them to &teer a toler· previously well fortified with beef and beer." antiquated and Imperfect. TRAN COST the remainder of my stock of thought under the Influence of anger ably straight course. Under t hese cl:rcumiita.nces does It not Two hours later the Greece waft dieoharg···i ,. Stylish and most Durable Millinery The Bsdoulns hullg a.e p erseveringly· on ln~ her living fr.3ight upon the quay a.t ls- seem stravge thu.t on all railways the as he said in r.c11roely 11.udible accents: " You h doubtly disarmod me. You their trail, however, as grim death spurs mailia., and some of the dragoons were sent most modern applla.nooa for stopping DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVET$, are safe. You may lower thl\t weapon. " his white horse ha.rd on the track of plague, eff to the iron~ as quickly as t hey could b e freight and loc2motivea ar e not med ? &c., with a vo~y heavy stock of There are diver bra.ke2 for freight loooBy the time that he had finished speaking p eetllenco or famine, and every time they got into their saddles. motfves ani autemat lc brakes for freight not only had they quited his own snmptu- ventured to look back their pursuers seemed * * * * * * " Feathe rs & Flo"\ve r s . one pavilion, but they had 11olso gained a !es· t o have gained on them, whilst that t hey I ' . A few words of .explana.tion essential oars which do all that is c!almed fer - - o- ser tent, behind the flap a ·of whose oanvae themselves were aware of the fa.ct was evi · here in order t h!it the r eader ma.y know what them. T his being the case, why are not these Thanking my customers for past tavore, I Nellie could plainly distinguish the voices dent from their frequent exulting shouts and the British troops were a bout oo fa.r away respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my new a.ppllancee generally adopted ? her father and mother." the oontlnua.I frantic brandishmg of lance from Alexandxh. !Present stock, which I am sure will give the of "I wlllnotcome l.n with you," said Arabi, a.nd matohlock. Tlle fact wa.s that when the comma.nderutmost satisfaction. " I h:iive lost all esteem for your pa.rents, A wild and ferocious looking set they in-chief, Sir Garset Wolseley, a-rrived at Shockine; Bad Taste. and I oare not to hold CGnverse with those were, with their long bea.rde, floating scarlet Alexandria. on the 25th of August, he found "My dear, don't you intend to Invite whom I have ceased to respect. You can headdregees, bronzed, hair na.ked forms and that Arabi P&sha ha.d raised such formidable tell them that within a q uarter of an hour enormous swords slung over their backs ; batteries at Kafr D-.war (where we left him Mr, 111ud Mrs. Green to your party !" asked you will all three be journeying by special whilst their horses looked almost equally in the chapter before last) that h~ complete· J\fr. Biller. " Oerta.inly not." · train to Cairo, for the station is not a hun- ferooious, with their tossing heads and ly blocked the 1hort and straigl>t road to " Why not, my dear ! They good Has received her new stock of dred yards a.way, and whither you will be streaming manea and ta.Us, and those other Cairo, and eo eff<'lotually that a fe11rfnl lo·s t aken when you arrive there. The protect- tails dyed bright red that dangled and swa.y of life must have been the r esuU of any fdende of ours." " W hat if they are ? I am golng to in ors that I shall give unto you may be per- ed from their picturesque ha.rnesa. attempt to force a way in t hat direction. relied on, for they men who know " Pa.t, unles11 Providence la especially So, four days after his arrival, Sir Ga.rnet vite Mr. and Mrs. Brown." and Invites the Ladies of Bow· fectly " Well, can't you Invite the Greens, a.a tha.t tholr future rests with me, so even looking after us, they'll run us to earth," re-embarked lnore than half his army, oaten· their selfish interests will make them faithThis a.t last, In almost despairing tone1, sibly with the object of attacking the forts in well?" manville .and vicinity to call ful "Why, John Biller, you shook me with to their trust. And now farewell," c1me from P at's master; but Monaghan's Aboukir ha.y a.nd there effecting a landing ; and see her Pattern 4s he oonoludod the war minister raised thoroughly oharaoterlstfo reply was : and, having deceived not only the enemy, yonr taste I B rown and Green in my parlors t ogether I ·w hy, next you'll be asking the lovely girl's band to hl1 llpe and kissed " Bedad, yer honer~ an' it's ha.rd to HY ; but a host of treublePome and mischievous it fervently- almost, Indeed, reverentially. but for my11elf. I feel In better spirits now n ewepape..: correspondents by the ca.refully me to w~a.r blue and yellow ! I deohre, Then he rabed the flllp of the tent for her that there's something more to rouse me op spread report, he accomplished the most bril- yon men no idea whatever of har· and assortment of · to enter it t hereunder, and when she had than the flies an' otherstlnglng a.n' worrltlng liant ruse known In modern warfare by monl'.l" ~~~~-.~ ~--disappeared from his eight he sfjl'.hed a.nd creatures, An' besldes1 we've pulled through 11teamlng on far pa1t tho anticipated point returned alone t o his gergeous pavilion, a.Imoet as bad before." of atta.ok and .seizing the whole length of the Thir ty millions of logs said to bo muttering to himself the while : u Well, P at, we ca.n but do our best ; and, Suez oana.I, thus in less than twenty.four ready to,be floated down the Oonneotiout · "I wonder If I have acted u an honor· by Jove, that we will do to tho ga.sp." hours most successfully accomplishing a com- River . They will be sawed at the foot of STORE :- Second Door West of Wllllams a11teher Stan · able man or 1imply M a. fool," They apoke Do mere, but strained eve1v plete strategic change of ba.1e, bringing him· Mount Tom, c C Caledonian Mills. T THE ONTARIO BANK A C.i1.n.n. - To all who are suffering from fifty miles t han be wa.a a.t Alexandria., strlk · t he errors and iv.d iscretions of youth, nl:( dlrootly a.t Paeha.'e communication nervous weakness, early decay, loss of therewith and t urning and render ing per· manhood, &c. , I will send a recipe that fectly uaelesa the formida.ble work~ a.t Kafr Do war, which had taken him more t han a will cure you F REE OF CHARG~ . This g reat remedy waEt discovered by a missionmonth t o const ruct. Senfi a. self. Thua was the outgeneraled Egyptian com. ary in ' S outh America. nailed t o show an ent!raly ne w front in t he a.ddresaed envelope to the REv. JosEPH Ya.Hey of the Sweet Wa.ter canal, which T. lN111AN, Station D, New Y ork City. 46y ca.11a.I he, however, pi·omptly da.mmed up, in an attempt to out off the only aouroea of , water supply ava.ibble to.the Bdtlsh troop~, whose posit ion for a while was c1·itfoal I nsure in the Confederation Life .A.sso· enough, in the neighborhood of Ism1111ia, at all <Jventa ; for, independent of the water . ciat10n. It is cheaper than the Canadian difficulty, Arabi h lld the railway at hie com· Mutual Aid, A . 0. U. W. or any pass ama.nd a.nd, no sooner had tile two thous1nd r ound your hat inst itution, a.s the followmen and a. couple of guns been thrown ing examples will prove : Thos. McClung a.shnre, than ten thousa.nd Egypti& ns, with ba.s been insured since 1872 for$2,000and a. bat tery of a. dcz~n Krupp Cl nnons, the last five years it only cost him $2.55 steaming down from Z.i.g-a-Z1g, resolved to fll·ive the whole of the litt le force into L per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John McOlung i nsured at the same time for the TimRa.h. b w1.1s the quick a.pprQach of the Egyptians amount and it only coat him $1. 74 which had ca.used the drttgoon gu >U;"ds to be- per annum on each $1 , 000 to insure, he take themse.lves speedily to their saddles being a l i ttle y ounger . th& very minute that their horses were slung We certify t he above to be correct. Thoe. ashore, and no sooner were they mounted McClung, John M.cClung. than ~ couple of squadrons were sent for· THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. ward t o reconnoitre, one on the right uide of the bank in the direction of Neptlle and tbe other on the left bank toward El Mtogfar. Ca.ptain D:melly ha.d been given the com· mlilnd o! the latter squadron and he nomln· a.ted Pat Monaghan hia orderly. The instructions were to be on the alert, to adv&nce in line when the ground was suf· fiolently Dpen for auoh a forroa.tiou, and generally to feel the we.y as far as El Magfa.r, there to dis Jover what the enemy were a.bout and if possible obtain a clue a.a to what they Dr. E. C. Wes. t's Nerve and Brain 1'reatment, meant doing, a guaranteed · specific for ,Hystel'ia; Dizziness, " Threes a bout l ms.rch I trot !" and out Convulsions, F its. Nervous, ~ euralgia, Head· flashed the ea.bras o.nd a.way filed the dra- ache, :Nervous Proetr'Lt ion, " aused by the u.% goons in aootlone of threes, all in the highest of alcol1ol or tobacco, Wakefulness, M()Iltat Depression, Softening of the brain r esulting in spirits at the near prospect of a brash with insani t,y a11d leading to misery decay and deat h the foe. Premature Old A go, Barrenness, Loes of Power in either sex, Involuntt~rv Losses and SpermatAfter they ha.d proceeded for about a loa.gue, from behind a sma.11 but dense pa.t oh orrhoea caused by over-exer tion of the Brain, or over·indulgeuco. Each box conof scrub Frank Donelly thought that he dle- self·abuse tains one monf'.h's tro0.tment. $1.00 a box. or six tir:giilahed the gl.itter of steel, He was a.bout boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt to send half a do z~n men forward to recon- of price, noitre, whon he was saved all trouble on 'Ve G u aran tee Six B oxe s t hat score by the enemy euddenly revealing 1'o cure any case. With each order received himself In the shape of a well-mounted r egi- by us for a. ix boxes, accompanied with $5, we ment of Egyptian horse, who oame spurring will send t he purchaser our written guarantee o refund the money if the treatment does not from the rear of the ecrub, brandiehlng their t effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by J No. lances as though they theroughly moant Stott & Jury. Druggists, Bowmanville, mlichlef. In numbers t hey w0re t hrice the strength of the British, whilst t heir horses were In fine condition, They t hue the fidvantage in every way. Bat of course rotrea.t was not to be Uiought of, and so Donelly, as he loose hie holster and then waved his sword, shouted out : )> " Trot l gallop I charge l Give them the point, lads, when you can, and remern'rer all of you t o w11otch your·opponent's eye and not his blade!" The Egyptian oa.valry did not atop to receive them, but, wait ing until their foe11 were almost within pistol ehot of them, they parted to left ruid right, a. rapid re)> trograde movement in t wo columns, whilst a.t t he very moment that t hey thus rlivided a.sunder a puff of white smoke and a !heh of red fi11omes broke through the patch of scrub a.nd a. shell hurtling through the air a.nd fell plump amongst the dragoons, ca.using their horses to rear, plullge and shriek, T he ruse of the Egyptain oa.valry had o:::plained itself. Their sole intention had Is a powerful re'J'.ledy for thin hair, grey hair been t o tempt t he British dragoons within and dandrutl', where the roots of the hair is not dest.royed i t will produce a heavy point blank ranee ef their ma.eked battery, entirely thick growth of hair, it will like)Vise restore and they had effected their fell design, for, the grey .and faded hair back to its former " H ur-r r I Hur-r-r I Hur-r -r I" three color, and where dandruff exists wji remove without fail. '.l.'e stimonials by the ardreda more of t he small howitzer shells, a.nd one it contl rruing the good results of the " llAlJ:t trooper's head. wae whipped olea.n from off MAGIC." Manufacturecl only by ·A. DOREN WEND, ' his shoulders and the bowels of another torn out !l.nd scattered all his horse and saddle sole owner for U. s. "'ud Ca-nada, 103 ano. 105 · Yonge St., 'l'oronto, Canada. ~trappings, For stile by all priact pa.I drug stores. · J!;V'ery one looked a.nxioualy toward t heir J. IIIGGINBO'l'HAM & SON, Druggists, 4. le1\der, wondering wh11ot h!G next oorom·~nd Agents for ' Wmanville. would be, "Oh I On I Wa darcn't let i~ be poured at us in retreat, the boldest course is the safest·!" rhey 11a.w It wa.s so ; but had they not it ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ·weuld have been all t he Tho long brass trumpets eonnded the " gallop," and the dragoons went straight at tne scrub, It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, The nolee was dea.fenlog 1 the 2moke was Managed by and solely in the interests ot blinding, but in they burst and on they rushthe Policy holders. ed, a.nd in another couple of minutea they were through the scrub and sabering the las Rates are Low. artillerymen at their gune, wh!lst the E gyp· Follcies non forJ"eitabl e and unconcllttenal. tls.n cavalry, who might have minoe (;ash Bonus l"ald every tllree years, meat of them whilst so engaged, seized with a. wild panb1 galloped away across t he desert, leaving guns and gnnners to their Joint Life Policies. fate, znd in the deadly m elee C11ptaln DJnel · Though a double i·ish but one premium ls paid ly, who exposed himself most fearlessly, for two people, .Amount of policy drawn would more than once have met his own on first death. hut for the valor and the fidelity of Pat Monaghan. Cheap Life Insurance. Dr. DORE NWEND'S ... .. - J: 3: Cl 0.. .. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., - - Spw ial I nducements to Total A bstainer,. A.SSETS OVER $5,000,000.l UUOME Ol'ER $1,t00,000· 8100,000.00 deposited with the Canadlanl:J:overn ment for benefit of Canadian policy ho ders. INVESTED IN (JANA.DA., sooo,eoo.oo. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:- MONTREAL For particulars refer to E; L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL A.(lcEN'.l', BARGAINSI IN MILLINERY. POR'.1.' HOPE Or to agents throughout the county. 48-6se. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Subsoribcr having built a large ne" Pump F actory in Orono, is prepared - to furnish - PUMPS OF EVE~Y DESCRIPTION Mrs. DON NELLY, GOQDS~ With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ot ~he Best M ater ial, on t ho shortest notice end at the lowest p rices. 1~18 lMcTAVISH Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. · ALL W O RK GUARA NTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. BO NN ETS, HATS Orderslby Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &o., kept on hand. TRIMMINGS ............ .. ....... ., ... B. FERGUSON.

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