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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 6

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~auatliau lllu11&ratln11: tllat " Tl'nlh lH lltrang,.r tJrn11. What is Paralysis. Ftc11on." EVER I FRIDA..Y MORNING, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1886. So many persons die from what Is oalled:a -Bll'One mornlrg a new sign hung on the door para.lytio stroke, or a.poplexy almost intH· of an Gffice in Ghe meet unfrequented p!!ort of changea.bly, that not a little fear baa been t e elty of 1'--, It was email and unpre- awakened, a.nd much ioguiry i~ made for an AT THIC OFEICllO tentioua, and bore but three words in gilt explanation of the causes of what app11are Po-1tGm.eeBloek,Kt:agSt.,Bowman-vtlle,Ont letter1: "Paul Bent, Lawyer." l'eople ie be a moat dea.dly dfoeaE e, Uaiag the Stock Notea. read it careles.sly and paused on; some won- langu1>ge !lf r.n intelligent observer we shall ':I.'ER~S: Hoven ie the moet likely to make its apde red who thie young man could be, for they endeavor to give uome pointa that ef lfas th e :finest assortment of Silver pearance the firllt two weeks the oo.ttle are !JlL50:pel'annum,orl!ll.OOU'paldln ad-vanee judg~d he muat be young. but no one recog· pncUcal value, Plated Ware in town-all new on graea, It Is a dhtentlon of the rumen, Payment strictly in aqvance required from nlzed the name for aome days. A carpenter or other meohavic, whose oamed by gu from undigeett-d foon, Y ouog subscribers outside o! the county. Orders to Blanche May WWI pa~sing along the street business requires him to wield u. hammer, and neat patterns; also a gru., partlaularly c!over, Is more apt to discontinue the paper mu!lt be aoo11mpanied by one morning when the new sign met her finds some morning that he Is un1'ble to full line in be amount due,orthepaper will not bes topped. preduoe it than old graas ; and wet pastur· mbsoribers are responsibleuntllrul )payment is eye1, She the S£oond tlmo, while nise his hammer arm, er perhapH while at age is more dangerous than dry pasturage. onade, the blood fled from her face, Then she work the man suddenly feels bi.e arm be· Prevention is better than cure ; and I write glanoed at the window and saw a gentleman come numb and weak ;. It falls to his aide, BA.TES 01' A.DYllBTISING 1 !::~~ of It now because " forewa.Tned is forearm· gazing at her. He was nicdy drea~od, the and he la no longer able to work. 'l'he phy· ~bole Column one year ...... , ...... $60 00::;:::; 1!: od," Allow the cattle on the grass but one " " Hnlfyear .... ........ 36 oo· :;:;: hue of health overBprea.d hie countenance, sioian to whom the man appliea uyu it is hour the first day. GradtiaUy increase this One quarter ......... 20 00 ;!?.., and he looked every inch a man, She only "a brachia! monoplegia from muscle tire," time with a rate that will allow the cattle to Half Column one year ............... 36 00 - - looked an in11tant, the~ let her eyee drop which means 1imply that the man has overAll kinds of ,, Half year .......... .. .. 20 00 a.t their fill by the end of the week. Do and pagsed on, sad or happy It ia Modless wrought hh hammer um ancl It needs rest. ·' " One quarter_ ......... 12 50not turn cattle upon the pasture until the .J ewelle1·y, for me to eay. ro those oases the very appropria.te name of Colun.n one ye~r ........... 20 00..,. dew is off, for at two weeks ; and if ~uarter P11oul Bent wa~ talented; bueineee poured "artias.ris' palsy" le given, Again, a poor. " " llal! year ........... 12 50Spectacles, the pa.11ture is mcstly clever, not at a.11. It " One quarter ........ 8 0 0 - 5 In npon him a.nd auccesa crowned all his ef. blooded, nervously constructed person, most i· never safe to turn cattle upon wet clover, ·Ix lines and under, first insertion . . ~O 60 fort3, His name became celebrated through· often a woman, meets with a great shock or Eye Glasses~ & c. Each subsequent in'eertion ...... 0 25 out the city, and when it wa1 known that has to endure au unusual mental or phyaical ·Though the preor.utlona above "rom six to ten lines, first in sertion, 0 75:: A full and complete line of he would spe&k, the court-room waa crowd· effort, and perhapa without warning loses be tr.ken, hoven may possibly ap{>ear; and Each Bubsequei;it ins~rtion "'.'" 0 8ti -10 ed, for he was a natu; al orator. the use of some part of the body, often of it Ja proba.ble that it wm show itllelf in the 'Tcr ten lines,first msert1on,per hoe 0 10 A year eoon pHsed away, and on a. plel\· the vocal apparaGUB, and le unallo to speak herd If these precaution.s are not taken, If Kach subsequent insertion, " 0 03 sant 11.fternoou In Mr.y, while Bland10 wa~ above a whieper. The doctor calls it" hyathe dilleHe le noticed In its first atages, give The numher of lines to be reckoned by walkiDg in one of those shaded sqnaree £O terioal paralj sis," or ·· hysterical aphonia," do11e11 from two to four drachma of ::hlorlde Ile space ·occupied,.measured by a scale of numerous in our large cities she saw Pi!.ul lees of votce, Now just how thle comes of lime. Another remedy is te give a tea· olid Non vareil. enter at one of the gates, lie walked lei· aboat, we fancy it would puzzle the moat -1poonfol of pulverized charcoal evory fifteen We have put a new LATHE in our DE.. J. (). llllT()JIELL, surely along with his eyes bent on the lea.rued 1peol11>list to aey. Oonoernlng this minutu, in a half pint of milk or water, work shop, which enables us to do aweetened with a little molaeeea. Tho dar- \KEM.BER OF COLLEGE OF PH~SICIANS ground, and sea.tad hlm~elf on ll bench. She condition, however, as well ae tho one bewatched him closely, but he never looked fore mentioned, this mu ~h is known, viz., all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. nier reaort is to puncture the r.bdemen. The 't'.l and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, 74. up; he seemed to be deeply meditating that by appropriate tre&tmentthey recover, puncture la made about three inches hlow Ofiloe and Hesidence, Enniskillen. WCall and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town. Tnen 11he 1eated herself quietly by hie aide, which is very l ood evlden<Je that no po.rt the apinal celnmn, midway between the DR. TAHRLl'X, and touched his arm. Ha looked around, of the nervous apparatuo is broken. The ·hlpa and the laat rib, In the left fhnk, Gat HYSICIAN, SURGEON and Acc9ucHEt;;R· and seeing her a. happy smile broke over hie faith cures reported from time to time are a competent veterinarian to perform tnla Oftlce: - Silver Street, Bowmanv1lle. / countenance, and he exclaimed : probably, for lihe most part, ca.Jee of this operatien, if po1eible. He will nae a trccar. " BlMohe I" kind, A11harp pointed knife may be used, insertD. BIJJlKE SIMPSON, ing r. plpestem or a quill in the incision to O ARRISTE'R, SOLICI'l'OR, &;c., MOP'RIS Sho held out her h11ond, but he hesitated It sometimes happens that; an Intoxicated r.llow the gas to escape. 0 BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Bowman to take It. person will fall asleep with the head restTille Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. " Paul," she s&ld, " will you not take Ing upon the arm or with the arm hanging Celle le most likely to attack horses In the the hand of an old friend ?" over a chair back. When he wakes the arm .apring, r.a then are moat apt ·t o exlot the Pr~vRte !llone'!'810aned at the lowest rates, "I am not worthy; · Blanche," he said, le numb and le paralyzed- another case ef oond,ltions which produce it-change from .loh:a Kclth Galbraith, ' · brachia.I monoplegfa," dry to green food, unuaual fatigue, weak o ARRl8TER SOIJICITOR, NOTARY eorrowfully, " Paul, I know all, I have heard about Pressure upon the trunks of the nervea condit1on of digestive organa, getting wet, [) PUBLIC, &c;' Oftlce- Bounsall's Bloc,k your terrible battles with your temptation, which supply the disabled member ha.a af· , etc. T he remedies suggest themeelvea- King Street, Bowmanvill~. Money to lend, and I honor you, &fore I pitied you, now fected those nerves so that they are unable oare in feeding, watering and working, and I honor you as a hero, I glory In the euo· to perform their usual duty, The nervea ROBERT A.:RMOlllt, the adminlstI 11.tion of what medicines are ceu which is crowning your effort, an<l my which go out from the brain 11pln11ol cord to neoe1aary to put the digestive organs in ·~EGI8TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER heai:t ls happy, for in you I see to-day the the extremlUea are quite compr.rable to the good condition, The beat remedy I know l\, of Licenses, Barrister and Attor- answer frem God to my prayers. Won't wires which are stretched from place to .ef- one which I have never known to fall- fly at Law and Solicitorin Che.ncery.Money you take my hand now, Paul?" aha a~ked, place for electric communication.., and preeia turpentine rubbed against the upper jaw 1aned on Real Estate. Ofilce on King street, with a winning smile. oure~upon the one eeoiion of those nerves and. inner aide of the npper lip of the horse, lowmanvllle. He reverently raised her hand to his lips, produ ces results very like these whloh folF Ul the palm of your right hand with the ,.a, T. PHILLIPS then let it drop ahd turned away ; but she low an Interference with the electric turpentine. Rub some on the breast also, r ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County oaught him by the sleeve, and In an lm(llor- wire, The ju.t given illustrates A pply every twenty minutes until relief le u of Durhem, Sales promptly attended. lng voice said : very well a large number of cr.ees ot Address-Hampton P, 0, 59, .£Ivon, "Paul, don't le&ve thua ·! Do yon know palsy from preHnre, frsm pressure upon the The mule la an anima.l of many vlrtuea, OHN HUGRES.-Licenscd Auctioneer, why I prayed for you? It was because I or spinal cord, or the nerves which He Ja much underated, He la tile victim Valuator e.nd Arbitrator. Fire and Life always loved you-a.nd that love i11 not <load have their exit therefrom, will produoe a of a blind, unreasoning, oolo&1al pnjudice, nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. yet I" pa.lay whose extent will depend upon the The populace hold him in contempt, many Money to Lend on reosonable terms, Address She blushed 11s she made the avowal, but extent of the preHure, and whose duration !l72 1ear him, 1 i.nd he ha.a none to trust or love Cartwrip;ht, Ont. she had hardly finished before he oauiht will depend upon the chances for removing him, Y et he la patient, docile . and tractGOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO her to his breast, Then thev seated tbom· pressure. Pressure upon the nerves which ~i.,~,.:"'llliiiiiliiir;P... able when decently treated, C ursed and every man who buys his License from selve~ r.gain, and talked till long after the supply one aide of the fr.oe produoea a very ·clubbed, he 11 ncit so vicious as a horse IENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen ·. sun had gone down, Paul told his whole oharacterilltic paralvsla, and one thu.t causes would be, but a.a he ie more often ao treat· story, how one night, after months of hard very many laughable mistakes on the part W, W. Dl()KEY, ed, he baa acquired a reputation lose credltdrinking, he had given up all hope of re- of tyros and non-profeHlonal people by POINTS OF EXCELLENCE : ETERINARY SURGEON, gr'a duate of the forming or of becoming worthy of the love their attempt to detect the r.ff,cted aide. ble. He wlll do more work tha.n a. horse, Ontario Veterinary College, Ofilce and (1) Tubular Iron Frame which gives greater strength than is possible eat leaa, 1uffer le11 from heat:, and fro111 of Blanche, who had been betrothed to him Pressure upon the brain or spinal cord may 1ickne111, He is stubborn aometi.nea, but al· teeidence, Ni.;wTONVILLE, Ont, In better days. His friend& had all Jong be due to the presence of tumors, to frao - with any other shape of ircn or steel of the same weight. (2) Iron Will visit Orono every Tuesday, Office hours wr.y1 ready for work. Will kick, but not rom 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at Co1'1ter's Hotel. * &lnoe deserted him, his money was wasted, tnres of t he skull, or to the tipper bones of Index Grass Seed Sower does not break grass seed. (3) Steel Axle, 11ftenei: thau a horse under the 11ame treatSpeciil.l attention paid to Surgery, S2·ly and every*artlole he po111e&1ed of any value which the backbone ls formed, and to blood (4) Steel Draw Bars and Malleable Connections. (5) Tubular Iron ment. The mule suffers, not from a fault, had been pawned. lie steadied himself clots within the akull or spinal canal. Pa.but from a misfortune- lack of beauty, ONEY! MONEY !- The subscriber against the aide of a. aaloon-keeper's iloor, tlenta who reoover frpm diphtheria, scarlet Rollers instead of wood, as used on all othe.cs. (6) The best Force receives money on deposit for the9ntario from which he had been rudely ·expelled, fever, and ~ome other acute elckne111, ,Hence, he la not petted and bome with, but Feed in existence. (7) Can change to sow gras8 seed in front or behind, ays m~erest abnaed till he Ill 1oured, and becomes mean. Loan and Savings Company, and p_ a.t the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of and looked around him, Far up and down frequently paralyzed in some part, These or throw Grass Seed Sower out of gear instantly. (8) Can throw feet T he man who knowa how a mule should be witbdraw11.l required: Also loans money ,on he oonld 11ee the dark street atretching like caaes generally reoover by proper treatment, handled- as kindly as other animala-has mortgages at lowest rates. No comm1 ss1on an immense aerpcnt. At laet a policeman and it i1 quite probablii that many oase11 zig-zag from behind Drill. a high opinion of him, and he j uatlftea this ·ohargea. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanville. 8-ly, bade him " move on." He walkEd alowly would recover epontaneonely if let alone. Took first prize at all the fall fairs. 0 aH and see it. opinion. away, He waa without ambition ; hlS only People who work in lead are li!!>ble to r. It will be 1et down aa rr.nk agricultural !§o Uo? Gentlemen oCFaslt deaire was for rum or d.aath. He walked peoullat form of paralysis, whloh le first hereay to oppoae the ringing of hogs, 'rhe toward the river, roaobed the bridge, walk- seen, as a rule, in the muscles of the fore ien, not so Jast._ .majority of hogs now wear ring· in their ed far out on It, then stopped and lookoo .:.rm, on account of which the patient la un. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· 1nout11 ; the.ii" ownera are re1pon£1ble for down into the water. able to extend the hand upon the a.rm, At ave written these few lines thfJs, hence, muat approve of it, and the And all I he.veto say_ H e cast hie eya toward the city, but not times the whole muscular system la involv.manufacturer· of ring· are sure it le a grEat that you can find me still ali home , a living object was to be seen. The street11 ed. Change of occupation and the uae of thing. Hoga should not be r.llowed to turn Ja.m not gone away, were tenantlesa, r.nd the hoosea frowned on remedies whluh wlll aBB1et the elimination the turf of a pasture field upaide down, But Soallmykindold r riendsmay come, them as darkly as ever, But one window of the mineral from the ayatem la the proper I have raised hega largel;i. for years, have And e.ll they oung ones, too, waa lighted; all the rest were dark, and course for euoh patients. Analogous forms never used a. ring, and yet my pastures are &nd get their garments nicely made the city 1eemed to have down to rut of paralyeia are oaueed by arsenic and quioklnfashionsthat new: - - AT THE-not inverted. Perhaps I have r. breed of Vbere old and young, dea.rtrlends, may meeli &11d was allent as the river. silver, probably by their aotion upon the non-rooUog hogs, I have rai11ed Poland- A welcome vreetinir. bv R. PEA.Tit He took off hia hat and laid It down, re nerve structure of the spinal oord. WooChiwwi, B erklhirea and Duroe·Jeraeya, If moved hie coat, aefzed the top rail, and, rara., the Indian arrow-pollon, will aiso prothoy non-rooters, it la becauao the way 1 placing hie foot on the lower one, began to duce paralyaia if introduced into the ays.f eed them makes them 10, I give them a uoeud, tem in sufificlont quantitle1, The paralyz. variety of food-pumpkins, apples, roota, Suddenly the atilln~ee was broken by a log effeot oflarge doses of alcohol are well eto., along with their com, and salt an,d low sound. He pauaed In alarm and looked known, charcoal regularly. Aa thla paya in the around him. A low, soft note, sweet ae the Certain conditions of the olroulatory apgreater thriit of the animr.11, I think it le voice of an angel, sounded acrose the water. paratus predispose to extenaive and often better thr.n rings. The Lord Intended the He pr.used a& though he hr.d heard a Divine incurable paralysis, Here it is that most hog to nee his snout In moderation. Ringcommand, and half sitting on the top rail, cuea of apoplexy occur, The a.rtt>riea are ing ispernloious. It antagonlzae health. listened, The first note was followed by elastic tubes. By age, hard work, care and others aa ravishing, a.nd then a voice that the prolonged nae of alooholio drlnkB, t bese Hono:r To the Bare WITH TEETD. WITHOUT TEETH . sounded strangely familiar broke forth in tubes lose their elasticity and become brit1iones of sweetest melody. tie, By acme event whioh excites tbe flow As an ounce of rugji!ed fact outweighs a The voice was low s nd melancholy at of an u nusual quantity of blood to t he brain much larger bulk of lnlhted theory, lat ua first, and some of the words were Indistinct, one of tbese now inelastic tubes Is broken, cite-apropos of the agricultural eduo11otlon PRA.C'l'J()AL D ENTIST, but aa Bhe proceeded- for he could tell it the poured-out blood settles in the ventrioleB diecuesion- an illustrative case of contraries 'lVER TWEN'!'Y YEARS EXPERIENCE, was a woman's voice- it gathered volume and there form clots whose presence Cluaes coming within our own observation. 'file boys of one rurs.l villager were taught to be liltrousOxtde G11fi1 A.tlmtnistered for Painles and the sentences rolled over the water dla- speedy paralysis, tinot and grand. H e was entranced. A .· Owing to certain syst~matio oondltlone useful from the tfme they could perform the Operations. strange trembling seized him, and, without fibrine, a eubsta~ce normally suspended ln alm(llest helpful service ; w ere ch1rged with Ol'l'I()E MCJ()LlJNG'S BLO()Jl. knowing why, he got down off the re.lling the blood, sometimes lodges upen t he floodhumble duties not bey'lnd their cap;city·, or 11ond qni('tly etoed there, drinking in every gatea or v~lves of the :'teart, Preeently a to their J?hysioal detriment, pr encroaching word and note of that mi1gnificent verse, so part of this m~tter ls dislodged and washed upon thetr time for study and play, Their descriptive of his situation. a.way into the blood; perc~ance it reaches responslbllltlea were gradually Increased Old memoriea crowded fast upon him ; he an artery In tile brnin which will not perwith their age until aa young men the habit ,aeemed to he11>r the voice of his promls- mit it to pass. Then we have an "embolof Industry had cone to bo to them a kind ed wife ae she said : lam" which 01111 off the blood supply from a · of second nature, and they entered at once s "Paul, my fr.ther fills a drunkard's grave. pe.rt of the bra_ln, one of the lmmdiate symp· the fair r olld to independence and good cit!· I cannot trust my happineBR t o Olla who may tons of which is pa.lay of the part of the t!!f!!. zenehlp·Jiy -slow and steady gains. fo'. low in his path, I love you, P11o11l body which r eceives (ta .nerve 1upply from Another man's 1on1, every way more Prove yourself a man, and In three yeats tbat portion of the brain. These paralysee highly endowed, had eaay times ; learned come to to me · I will be waiting for yllu. " 'lre u11ually extensive, r.nd are not re&dily early to shirk and loilof ; came at laat to D.S., A few low n~tee and the music cea.eed, .: hstlnguiehablo from thoae just mentlone,1, louuging at the comer store, Thie tenden· ~. HARNDEN, anl all Wat! still again, but the silence feund E'lnally, change Jn the structure of the cy t a lndelenoe relaxed their mtntal and Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Paul Bent greatly changed, Deep sobs brain or epl~al cord prod:ioe paralysis, more moral fibre, and though much more tim e Surgeons, Ontario. - . were shaking hle frame r.nd his kneea were or lese lo~alized var~in& m extent with the and expense was involved in their eohoollng OFFICE OVER DICK::lON'S STORE, bent In prayer, for a soul and life h ad been extent of nerve structure lnvolnd. S uoh they gr ew up and " graduated" with d esire paralysis are especially obstinate In thaee for genteel eltuations, where work waa not lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. saved. BG much a.n object as high eala'l'y ; and t hey H a rcue after a while, and picking up hlE of adval!'ced veare, and usu!lolly produce disa te Work executed in the la test and mosli have proved ineffective and & source of anximproved style of the Dente.l Art, ' old c.oat and hat pr.nod over the bridge and abllity ID the lega: ' . Easily M an aged, L ight R u:nn:ing, Dur able. i ety to parents and friends. This is a s· m · lllll:TH EX TRACTED WITHOUT PAIN' through the lown out into the country. The ~tud~ of this subiect has led to the pie fact from a whole impressive structur e Threshes Clean and F a st. Separation Unexcelled. and soon hh name was forgotten by all but determmation of cerhtn brain centres as the nae of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury a few in tha.t great city. Five years later pDSUs&ii;ig special munculr.r control, so th!\t standing acreBB the dalliance of th e to the patient, he returned a new man. many k1nd11 of paralys1!' can b e traced to " patent lea.ther d espiaen " of the " barePERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wbe~ hand edtica.tion," who drop dainty buckets f' a.rttoular attention paid to the r egulation o t When he had finished his sto:y Blanoho desease or losa of funot1011 In definite parts CHIJJDREN'S T EE'rH, asked : of the encephalon, into empty wells and grow old drawinat O LEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET, " Did you ever find out the name of the _ _ __ ,_ _ _.._....,._ _ nothing up. ,_..ALL WO R.K WARRANTED. ~ Tile mor e culture we can have of the doln g BECAUSE singer!" Married Life. power, even at cost of ignorance of language " No," he replied. " I hope to some In ord<>r t o introduce our It has a SMtJTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. I t hink i t is ae mn ~h the hueba.nd'e dut y long deceased and often odoriferous, the bet · catalogue of all kinds of day, for I wish t o thank her." t er for the prosperit y of this country, where Books, and agents' goods, we will send JOO " Y ou n eed not wait long," she nald. to make home what It ought to be as the Labor le comillg every d ay nearer to its favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal- "Yon can de so now, It was I who sang wife's, not their shoulders as broad an a vast collection , for only lOo or 4 3o. ours 1 We all our d u ty to perform. own. There le among ns, as earnest students lads stamps and t his slip. A . W . KINNEY, · Yar . the song," I t hink Rometlmea if husbunds thought of a ffairs r ecogn ize and lament, constant im· mouth , N. S. more about mak ing.their homes happy, in· mofatlon of Honor in t he reuh less haste for stead of the wive~ having it all t o do, some sudden wealth. W hat is needed to stay How En~dnes are Killed. would bP different from what th ey ar e t he rush of mammon wor11hip, otherwise " What stuff le this a beut killing engines? now. W oma.n'e work eomot imes is ~he sure t o bring national dl3a1 r er, is not more T hey ain't alive. Mr. Dasenberry, wht>ot same week in and week out; then is it to be lawyers or more men in the "kid-glove le meant by killing them ?" w'>ndered at that s ho does not al way1 µ rofesoioµs, " but t hose echuoled to a. know"Simply depr iving them of fire and wa- a smile on her face, when she stays at ledge of t he dignity of honest manual labor h,o me month aftsr month ? Why dosen't directed by minds enlarged by practioal ed· . For cos t of advc r ti ~h1g i n. a ny pa~e 1: or t er, my dear." .. Oh I Then you could be killed very her husband say, I must go up town, and list of p apers pu ll l1 s hed m t!le l ·m tctl ucatlon. it will do you good to get out ; we wlll a.ll The schools which to hasten this re- States or Ca nadn,, sen d to th e ADVERTIS· easily." "How, my love?" go and take a sleigh r id e ? I imagine he form are not the fashlona ble "univeraitlee," I NG AGENC Y of E JJ WIN A L JJlf.'N &; BRO., " By simply depriving you ef whhky and sr.yB t o himself it will take fifteen or twenty nor those which ape t heir methods ; where C incin n ati ~,hA\Dew 'if'<nk , "/ 1h0 Naa.w " :itTe6t . wator- eapacially whisky ," minutes to get the horoo and wagen re11dyl the neoe.e81ties are ee.orlficed to the graces. 001· . i!tl"~ Vbw /its., **·*Our " ~ N C\vspapcr Co_m bi11 :~.~ion s, ' ' .: ~ .book ~~ a.nd it la so n1uoh t rouble to take my wife Through these rich men's eons are passed THE M ORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. 150 pag es,. cont:uu 111g pnct:s .o f a.d vc r t1s111 g·z f u,· aud children, t hey are used t o st aying at with green hou~e pressure, largely for show, inst ruc t io n s, e tc ., s e n t 0 11 rc.:ce!p~ of i o c. Ou r.~ A r.1. A man of hie word- An orat or, home, and it's not necese11r y for t hem to Great I mprovement s in 1886 Machines. · W r:ite post c;ird for Illustrated Pa mphlet, a.ud con fact with t hem a>J d their athlet ic anu N c wsp,a pc~· C ata !o ~~ m :'~ t'(.)H\,iun rn!:( n·a me s o l cvCr 'J "What festival of t he church do you lik e go, I'll go afoot. tneir ro ~the!ic ways, enervat es the n n.tlve n e w ~paper publish c cl i :1 n~c U. :-i:... :1.n d Cau~lda , v irtue ef country youth which needs ri.ther sc:1L on r ect ipt of pric.;.;~ $I.50. E stun atcs h-<,:c. beet , J3ert io ?" " The pfonica, Mr. R1my1m," to be fo1itered from E trength to st rength, In Janunry,1885, hie big schofars gave 11 An Irish dyn1?.m iter wa~ capliured r eool!t. Wi!K on county school te!\Cher a duckiilg. ly at B !>logne with a large quantity of ex . Also supply T hreshing E ngines a t Maker's Prices and T erms. Fer a b!loby t here ~hon!d always be a. slip He has just received $3,000 d&mages, This plonivee, The authodtleu evidently did not · ·t w!x\ t he cup i111d t he Up, w as in K!\nsas, want t o eeu t he place Bofogne up. Jfadtsmau. rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED PAUL BENT'S VIOTORY. HEAI.JT.H. LOOK HERE! the Jeweller, M, A.JAMES, M 'AYNARD WATCHES. Gold and Silver American Clocks. P MAYNARD The Jeweller. ~ISNER EXCELS SEEDER ALL OTHERS. J A V MANNER OF CHANGING HOES. M F. H. MASON, Agent,.. Spring Openings ! DENTISTRY· WEST END HOUSE. Dr~ss Goods. iftJw J.M. BR IMACOMBE, All the NEWEST SHADES and a very large assortment to choose from. The New Trimming Braids to match all the latest shades. Linings and Sewings to match. PRICES RIGH'~-,- A fine lot of NEW TWEEDS. Suits gotten up very cheap and welJ. Guarantee goods, fits and good workm::i,nship. L. JOHN McMURTRY. ~- - 11leMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER S0 N S a ---- ··~~'89> .... ..,..... ____ EOwin Al~en &Bro. MORRIS& WATTS, BRANTFORD, . ONT. William P ooley , ·Agent, B ox 50, BowmanvHle

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