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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 8

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lbt (!fatundiau Jtattt1mau. BowMANVI LLE, FRIDAY, A PRIL DISTRICT NEWS. Fall wheat is a failure in Ontario Co. M r. Arthur i~. D arlington, poetma.ster, Brooklin, is dead. Aµ ril showers brin g for t h M e.y flowe rs; aho br ing on rhe umatism. C ure, W est's W orld's Wonder . All d ruggists. t D ist emper prevails among h orses, in P ickeri nl{ t ownship, April i11 d oing herself unusual cr ed it in the matter of weather. West 's King, e. speedyKcure for colic, crnmp, , d iarrh oea, d ysentery and all bowel difficu lties. 25c, all d ruggis ts. t 8T.&NIU .llD JllF.DIC,U, lYOIUl l "OB YOUN G AND . M IDD L E-AGE DM EN. tlnl,t· $1 Hy i11nll, Pod111·ld. 30. JJ.LUSTIUTlYt: SAMl'.U :s FKl-:I·: NO A.LL. · $O~~niol Drew w ill water our two busine@s . \Vest's World's Wunder acts likelma~ic streets for $287. 1 n all cases of rhe umat ism, neuralgia, Two young boys, named Finney and Black, burns, bruises, cuts and wou nds. All tor stealing tobacco from t he ~tore of M r . I drU""ists. + '\Vhlteman at the request of t,helr parents luwe "'" . . . . been sent to the R.efor1.n atory Echool for thre.e I D . A . Cam, Brooklm, will open an tee and two years, respectively. , , I crHam saloon, in \Vhitby. On Friday Ja3 t, t.11 e celf'bra.t.ed horse 'R1fle- 1 , . ·i men," owned by Mr. Portci'. met with an ac· The sta10dard. Wests Liver P1 IB. cident ut his eti~ble, I Oshawa, whioh caused A ]ways relia ble never fail Onr e all alt-.iost instant death. "Rifieman" was 11 very · . , ·' , · '30 ·11 2valuable horse and bis oeutlt w ill be n groat liver a,1d ?tomRch 0 1seases. pt oc. loss to the comm unitr. Mr. Porter has lef:t for A 11 d r ugg1sts. t toe United State~ to purchn;;e o.not.her horse. T' ' . . 50 · t .· f l d 3 lrefvrmc.,.. 11ern weie . en 1111.s o iorse!l an Every reader of the S r A '!'ESMAN within a of cattle at Wlutby Fair. radius of twelve miles <>f tho smart town of \Vhoopin0 0'-c0U"h readily yields to Oshawa wi ll money a11d be more than " pleased by driving straight for le. 'l'rt;win's im- West'!! Cu ngh Syru p, the never failin g rnense display of ne w strllwh spring dress cure foe bronchitis, consumption, a atlumi, and mantle materials, millinery, cmpC>l'ium, tailoring establishment and t he only com- etc. All druggists. + plcte carpet and ho11sefumishing dep,.,rtrnent Chas Trick, Port Pmry, si1ys $ 160 was outside ot t he large cities. Th e Millinery, Mantle Dress-Making, n.nd Tailoring Depa1·t· stolen from his till r ecently. \V · C l S · tl I d ' ments 'are a ll in churge of special =expert.a. Satisfaction with every ordor. Farmers' pro· est tl oug l yru p 18 now te ea. m g rnan.--·1 1·0011a.d. The only genuine Steel Machine in t.he Market. Addres· the l'~abodv Medical Io~ t ltute, or d uce taken at high~·t market prices. r em edy f < 'r coughs, col ds, sore throat, Dr. W . H, Parker, No. i Bulfinch Street, Boston - -- - ·- -- - - ·- broncb itis, asthwa, whoopin~ cough an d .Muss., wbo consulted on all diseases requiring Bk ill "nd exp.,tie11oe- Chronic a.nd NE w· PARK. consumpti.on. All druggists, t o b·tinute d iseases t ha t have ba.Oh d t i..e skill Mr. S ; Thompson's wood bee last week was John Crawford, clerk and treasurer, of of all orher phy~icia.nB a. apaci>llt,y. ~ucb treMed auccesofnUy without an instance ot a decicled success. Scarbor o townsh ip, is d ead. failure. Mention STA 'l'ESMAN. Bowmanville, Surest to Tie. l~asiest t o Manago. Ljghte"t in Draft. Simplest Binder. Stn >Df!PBt Binder. Neatest. Mr. R. Brooks has l ca ~ed the farm lately · t7-y. occupied by Mr. W · GilbanK, 1.mdll'lr,J. Brown 'fhe lame, the halt, the rheumatic all Ontario. Bind er. To Tie the T ightest. To Cut the Closest . To Reel the Nicest. Best in Standing Crop. --·- - - -- · has moved into t he house. sin.>: the jJraises of West's World's WonThe famous Punch artist, Mr. George ~est in Ta ngled Crop. Best in Short Crop. 1\'lrs. u. Brooks, j r., is visiting relatives in d T b I l ·11 ry one . ott e an1 Y.~m w 1 never Du Ma.uner, whe5e ca r ica ~ n res of English Oshavrn. er. Miss nachel McQuillan is visiting friends use an_y other lrnuuent. 2<J and 50c. All svci ety achieved for hiw a world here. I d ruggists. wide c1:> ltibrity, cou~nbute~ a number of M!'. w. Brisbin h1>s sold a teti.m of horees to There has b eeri nu strike yot for an strikmg . dus1.rat1o··s for an a··t1ch1 on l\ir. GE>orgo B,.ntcl. advance i n t.he W <h.eS uf sin. "l'h,, Lo.ttd')u Se..son" in May Harper's. Mr. Jo"eph Brisbin, of B1 1r nt H iver, was vMtinf'( his father last week. 'l'orpid liv er, the cause of untold s ufferTHE Plll> ENOLOGI\:,1,L JOURNAL AND Mi·. rt. Miller i s home after "i&iting friends in g and m ia"ry, r o"tored to its nor nal i::ic rnNcE OF Hl:AL TII for Apr1., 1886, in t he Wes1. He spei.ks well of t hat J>art oI L he cu11dition by the m e of West's Liver Pills. country; ""d Mys Minto is noted for good Also pure cos tivenes~, constipation an d pres...nts a hno purtra.1t of Johu B. Gough looking girls. - a b10graphica1 and phrenologiol\l sl;.&tch 'I'he four young me:J that wont fishing had dyspepsia. All durggisls. t kindly and a1,prcciatively written uccom .rather poor hick as they r eturned with empty Two bald headed socials i 11 the J\IIetlt. panius it. 1!.:vcry man and woman who basltets. 'Vo .feel sorry f ur the one that llll.d i;ucl1 tempting bait that Ju; nearly got ld t.. Church, 'Wh itby, netted $IOO. has sufficient in terest iu life and humanity ------·- ·___'.'TR~GOLlm, Even Japan and China dealers keep in to desire t he beat means to the beat ends, LUNG SA UL'l' . s tock and sell West's Liver Pills- " t h e should su bsctibe for this{r esolve hat . ·h world's besr.," Liver complaint dyspep- J'oum· AL, which is publiohed by L Sprmg ba;i come wi th vei·y warm wout e r . . . . d . kl h' d 'l and farnuns are busy seeding. sia, md1ge8tion an sic iea.<lac e r ea I y reliable h onse-The l!'ow.LBR & WELL!:! The Hacrament suvice hero was largely at·, yield to tlltllll, 30 pills 25c. All drug- Co. , New York, at the low price of $2.00 tenued on Suoday. gists the world over, i" per y ear, or 2V cents per Number . Malcolm ~eaco m h 119 purchase the farm The Ra·Ylan Divisiou S c;ns of Temperlatel.v occupied by John Brown. . .' o · .. · W e sacrificing o ur Wool Goods t o Mrs. John · Wrigb.t i 6 rncovering from her anca ism a prosperous cond1t10n. make room for spring purchases. Mrs. . . CoMPte.LLED '.l'O YIELlJ.- M 1s. ::ialter, of serious illncss. The pro.ror meeting over seem~ to en tir.e Frank town Ontario . was for four years Ives. somo of the young men to come tb1s way on ff!" , d ,. 'i , f , . · . , I , "' rl II Two Oases English Hats, Stiff and Soft , Sun<la.y evemng; · ucce!s David. a JC ,e wtt l a .. v ··I sortt t t1at Ja1ue & . Ml'. '1'ho3 . Campbell h as star ted to work on treatment, nntil. i;he t . i-id Burd t)ck B lood j ust opened out at T . Geo . . Mason's Star the form which h t> ha.a rented from E. Byers. B1tt,ns. 4 bot li ·'~ e ur ed h er. All H onse. '!'he nrnn who ca~ the gcose ei<ga before the chronic SN· s a ud Jrnmors of t he hfo od G-et your buggy p ainted by the No. 1 parlyhasgoneawayandnotrcturnedyet. t " Id BBB t p ainter, H . Stott, at Morris' Carriage . BJCTSY BOJ.\Jl!T, m n s yie tu . . . 'l'he Geneva. Cheese Factory will com · Works._ SA X ONY. m euce b usiness on M"y the 10th. Collars an d Cuffs , n ew styles i u CelM r , Eli Osborne is erecting a new briclc .$@" We ar e gl ad to learn th at the lul oid anc\ Linen, at 1'. G eo. Mason 's kitchell tLnd wood-shed. Star_H ousc. "PAIN - KILLBl ~" is h aving a la rge sale in Miao J bnnie Steveneon is gainmg health fast. our city. We h ave every reason t o Young m an, you will m iss it if you buy Mr. .Jesse 'fruit hae purchased a. couple of believe it to be :m al moe.t never-failing your S pr ing H at b efore seei ng the n ew :fine hounds in Toronto. a trip cure f01· pain, and is a medicine that n o from styl es a t Mayer's. __ _ Mr. Dean Pickell has returned -west and reports plenty of game. fa mily sh o uld b e wi thout. - Jl;l ontr~al v Spring - J ust to l 1and ~t Mayer 's, ne1 .Mr. Ar mstrong, of B:1111is killeu, solil a ne w P·ilot . B ate an d G en t's furnishings. Call and :plow hc:ro lasL we.,k. W ell doue. 373 Tories and 110 Grits wer e added see t he ne w s ty les. Ollr base ball club IB orgarnzing, 'l'hore iu t o the voterB l ists in Nor th Ontario. prospects or a H trong team. .Boys, turn out. All wool t weeds worth 75c for 50c p er BU,UE, John Wils< in, fre:gnt checker, Whitby ya.rd. Mantle clot h wor th $2.50 for $1. :C....~:SST~:R. station, had a l og r.mputate.d laat week. GOUWJ'lCE. 75 at T. Geo. Mawn' s Star Ho use. Mr. Geo. Glaspell, of Baillieboro, spent pint J11 cK FROST CoNQOEJrnD. - Altho ugh A well assorted slock of t he choicest >0f his J~ast01· holidciys her e. dming tlrn cold Beason "J1ick-I~ro~t" gets family g roceries and provision s, fresh and Mr, J. H . Allin sp~n t Easter in Or ono. in his wvrk lively, ye,t Hagyard's Yello w Quari,erly for l:;onth Darlington 0 1! beats him every time, curing chil- cured m ea ts, always on h and at L yle's. oinmit vvae held o.t Ubene~e1· on Sunday mornIf you want to see the fin est China Hall blains, frost bites, and all t heir painfnl ing last. eas t of Toron tl), call at Murdoch Bros' . It was decided by debate at Ebenezer A s- e ffects. I t also cures croup, sore throat, SinC<l it was opened hundreds have vis ited eocinlion thut wo men should nut t he rhe umatism, and rnost µainful affections. ·1 · i ·i ght. to vole. · 'l'.1m11. lt. Mr. D al e, teacher, Whitevale , is lik ely ------~~-·---D ont buy china, crockery or glassw!J.r e to resign because of trou ble in h is section. till you see Murdoch Bros' new stock. It ORON O. To WHoM: I'l' MAY CoNCBRN. - G eo . W . b e'tts any thing tlver shown in Bow man O. G. Arms11 ·ung i s tunning iitorn Platt, of Pict< ·n, sitys h e can confidently ville. Truth. t h11t Gr oveti nsed to bo in, in Orono,antl r ecomm end BllrdcJck B lood .Bitters to any F AR?.IERs, -McClella~t& Co. h ave now is selllog L1~<1i103 ' and M en's Boots una who sufl:e r from l oss of appetiie, CtJnstipSlloeB at ruck bot tvm price~ , for cash. ation and gene ral d ebility, that r emedy on hand ::t large quantity of £alt imd H e id also selli ng stapie ancl foncy Dry h i.viu g cured him; after sever e illness ·Plaster an d for sale in q uantities to suit purchasers. ttt n ew fig ures that paralyze tho from the same com plaint. Call at M.orris' Carriage W orks before t h e old fogy meu of to day , imd mp,k e \Ve see by our c ixchan ges tlmt many ordel'ing and examine t h e material and tbern woucler wuere h e Blol e tbe goo ds. y0u ng men are l eav ing Canada for the stock h e is using in his carriages an d ~STAR HOUSE, H e is qe llill ~ Sll&(IUo at a IO·B und grocer- U. S. ~ EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. ieR at 11ny price you wan o them at. Is A VALUABliN FEA'l'URF..- One of t he wagons this season. ' A fine nssortment of M ourning and taking ordeu for clothing tit big prolHs most valuable features of llagyard's Yelto himself' and yon too. B e i s sellio g low Oil is th nt uulike ordinary liu iment.s M antle Goocls, dress goods, silks, laces, M rs. Keye is sellit:Jg Berlin Crockery, G lussw~re, Coal Oil,Hats and it can h e s1 1fdy and effectually taken etc. Very ch oice goods. See them at 15c an ounce. Wools T. G eo. Masons's Star H ou se. Caps at tho smal\eet e!'rthly pro:liti . Is inte rnally as well as applied in cases of Ladies , you can buy .Berlin 'Vools at tRking all kinds of produce at t ip top p 3in8, inflammation, More throat, rheumMurdoch J~roa. have sold more china, pricos. Heme rnb ar th e p!ae·!, Grove's a tism, :md all painful CQmplamts a nd crockei-y and glaesware since they Mrs. KCiise eyes'for ounce. old stand, riobt ac1·o·s from Lhe other inj nrica. t One Now 15c andan Nob by 'I 'ics just r e~~·~ h open ed their lrnndsome China H ull threo si(le of tho street. \Jom e in nnd look. ceived at T. Geo. Mason's Star H ouse. ~~ We t.. ka "back Pea\ on prices from no Paregoric is the newe· t handkerchief 1non th s ago than for any similar period N e w muEliu embroideries th is week, in their history b efore. firm in t.h e Munty, <t !lcl don't you fo i·· perfume. Old maid~ like it. It is so Are y ou loosing y our hair1 Are you splendid val ue, a.t the Weat E nd Houso. oet i ;, 'l'li e bminess will be euried on sn ii gestive of youth. ~d er the banner of Armstrong & Co., A SuccEssvur, REsULT.- Mr. Frank gettirm b~ d1 Ts your hair turning g rey ? From Ontario County being in Town on Sat urday a " d h:w ·ng & few minutes a t. with C. G. Arm strong to do up the l H end ry, writing from S eaforth, says: "I A re you trohtiled with Dnndruffl Then NAT UR E'S his d isposal, an d noticing several n w buggies outsid" cif M ir ria' Carriag0 Wor ks, CU RE FOR ~oods. ' pu rch a~ed one bottle of Burdock Blood dont be in des.p air, go and buy a hot tle of walked th roug h the archway and spe11t a slwrt tau e i n k enly ex.a min ing the ====~====~======~ Bitters to pu1ify my blood. It did p urify Dr. Dorenwend's German Hair M agic, it differ ent styles. Mr. M orris ohserving t h e close ex minati..n the far mer was will stop the h air from falling out; wher e it, and no w I h :we excellent health." As giv ing his cal'riages and thinking ther e might be busi· i" lltw, a p~ro tCh" d h im a hlood pUt·ifying t onic ar. d syst e m reg ul- there is t he sli!lhtest cl1ance of roo ts l eft when a conversat ion abol:t as foll ow· ens11ed: "Good d ·Y i Mr. - - · ' 'Good day ator t he r esult of taking 8. B. B. is it will produce a t hick head of hair, and Mr. Morris. " Are you wan t ing a bug;y th is spring? wher e the sc~l p i11 full of D an d r uft will always s uc:cessful. i' Well I 've boen thi uki og a little abou t i t. M oth er au d l are getting old now aud Archie Carmichael has bo ng ht the cure i t at o nce. For sale at all principiil I've b een thinking we might a.a well take a lit.tle comfor t i n our ulrl ag u as not. We Clydesdale borne "Fr arik" fro m Hick ing- Dr ugi! sts. J . Higginbotha m & Son, neVtoJr h ad a cov ered buggy and if I make u p my mind to get a bu,1gy it will be a. Agen ts for B owmanviUe. 4-tf bottom & Son , Whitby. covered one- on e easy to l'ide in. B. F . Ackerman, Por t Perzy, has T here's a very fi ne buggy and it rides easy t oo. H ow'll that suit you ? b ought t he h arness b usiness of J ames It is a fin e l ooking carriage. I a it made of good matoria.17 McH oull, Willinmsb ur;t. Yes, the very best , I n ever use inferior s tock, but p · ef ~r to u~e g l)od ;.tflck and Tim L osT R EsTOlrnD. - lra Mc Neill, of sell at a fair price. There ai·e a great many so-called "cheap" buggitis made now·a. Popular Hill, Ont.,states that his brother days, bu t they r eally the dearest in the end, They are li ko a child born of a ged 12, was afficted with a terrible cold, consumptive paren ts, they seldom r each ripe rnanho 1 ·d bu t fa ll in to a decline in fr om t he effects of whi ch he lost h is voice. their youth. My carriages in variably live to a good olo age. · I liagyard's l~ectoral Balsam cured the This r easoning captured the H on est F armer , and after admi··i ng the.b eau t iful I' r.lil cold and r estored h is -. oice in the most paintin r- and what he called " stylis h get-ups" and l earn ing t he p!'IMR ho concluded l.(l:J perfect manner. H e says i t ca nnot be then an~l there to buy one; and h e d id and sho r tly left for a p ·o nd and h appy ex ceeded as a rem edy to1 · cough s and FREEMAN'S OF CA N ADA . man. Tho joy t here was in h is h ousehold that nigh t was no d oubt unp aralle led in colds. '\" WOR:Rr POW DERS . , t.'a11il11I 11a id u p . SJ,000,000. Jl"~t, $ 2110, 000 the lives of the industr i ous old co uple. Mr. J , W. P hilp exhibited a very flue Tn E M oRAL:- All ye " fath ers in lsracl" who have wor k;,d har ri to r ear a long · . Du rh am bull, at Whitby F air, weighing Tbia Ban k l s pr~pared to do Legit!· family in r espectability , and b y indust,ry an d economy liav ' am ossAd a fair shape Are J>lo"rm.u~ b t ak e. Contrun their OWJI 2270 pounds, and w as awa rded 1st prize. mate Bank ing in all its branches. P u.r<l nth·c . rs a. e u.f o, DTi lO, ~i.: :l iCffl)ct&&al of this worlds goods,:go ye to M or ris' Carriage Works, B owman ville, and' buy on B F armers notes d iscounted ; Deposits of his comfor ta ble covered carriages and >pend your r emai nin '{ days nt comfor t. A subscribm· asks (or a remedy for col d 'da11Jt:Z't;.'f't:1· af :,,-~r:ms i n c ;. i:""' ., <lr Aclalta. recei ved a nd Interest on amount s of feet. Try banki ng them up with sawi f 5 up war ds in Savings Bank D epartment.. du st ; it they st ill r emain cold, stit t h e srnvdust on fire . DRA.l' TS · A skilled blacksmith from Toronto is [s:med an d Collect10ns made in Europe Cures Dizzin~, Loss of Appetite, Iruiig~twn, Biliousness, in charge of thb blacksmithing d epartment United States and Canada. 50 U e Ure . of Morris' Carriage Works. All kinds D yspepsia, Jaundice, Affections o f t he L iver and K idneys, W . J. JONES, cr n eatly ' promptly and well P irrples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, S alt B hev.m, S crof ula, T hie powder never A 1!larvel of of r epairin 0 · .A~onb purity, strength and ~holeso>;nen ess. More \done. _ __ _ Erysipelas, and alt diseases arisi11g f rom l m:pure B lood, economical t httn the ordmary Krnd~, and can· USF. J·JtO.F . LOW'!\ !oilJLPH UR 80 ,lP fol' not be sold in competition TMth the mnltitude F l lVF.R c-01 .le, u111111,a1·al a11pe111e, fretfu l · D eranged Stomach, or irregular act~n of the Bowels. Pri ckl y Jlcnt, NcU.Je Rash, Se a l ey Eruption, of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate 11.e~· ··'~eni:-nws, nn d co11v~l~t>n~: ~re HOllt e n~.b. :rn·l a ll dlsc:1sed c o1ullt1011s of the i: owd!'rS. 8olrl onlv in can ~. R OY AI, BA.K - 1o f t he t,fl"cc.L~ ol \Vorm MIn <Jltlhllcn , d t1Ktroy J s kin, ING PO WDl~R CO., 106 Wall St., N , Y. fhc Worrn s '·Hh Dr. J,ow' · "IV01·m l!!yf'.np. OSHA WA 'l'herc is scarcely an unoccnpiod house in the No1 ·th- West Ward. The bllildin:.s prospects for this coming seuon are brighteni ng np. Boys already been be.thing- In the JJOnd- parents should be watch ful. ".l' he ninglA \Vorks a rc busy, as usual, a nd t heir" ;\cw l\[odel" ia met ting with r eady sale, ".l'lrn law suit between Messrs, Uoulthard, Scott & Co.. ancl Mr. W. T. Dingle, has been changed from Whitby to Toronto. Messrs. A. E. Coul thard and Chas. A. vVitr· W hit by has a cricket club of which Mr. t-an who are going to Britis h Colutnhiu, were sriv~n a euw er by their numeroua friends, on W. Bei ·h is president. \ Vc.:lnesd1ty night. Tlrn g 11s fixtures a.nd a year's surmly of gas T h e short- h aired girls ar e allowing t heir oline tor t he Rilucoe·st. Met.h. cbm·ch cost locks t o gr.··w f>Ut again. A. Great JIOJdlcnl 'll"urlc On Manb .. od. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and P hysical Debil\ty. Premature Decline in M-.n. Errors of Youth, and th" untold miseries resu!tiug from indiscreLion or e:xeeasea. A book for every rua.n, young, m iddle-oged e.nd old. I t contains 125 prescript ions for all acute and ch ronic di~ea,ce bcacb one of which ts invulua· bln. So found · y Author. whose experience for ~ years is such as probably nev.,r bef·>ro fell to the lot ol' any physicia n. 300 pages. I buvnd in beautiful French mu8Jln, em bossed covers. full gilt.11u11ranteed to ho a finer work in every stn:;e than .. ny at.her work sold in t his cou ntry for SZ 50, or the money will be refunded in every ins1.ance. Prioe only St by mail, postbaid. llluutratives sa111pl& free to u.ny body, Send now. Gold medal a.war,.ed the author by the National Medical Assoctatioa to the President of which. tba Hon. P . A. fliEeell. and assuciate offlcers of the .Board the reader is - -VIEW OB'- respectfully retforred. 'rhe Science of Life Is wor th more to the young and middle-aged men of this generation shan all the v;o:d m ines of California and the silver mines of Nevada com bined.-S. F . Chi'oniclc. 'I he Science of Lifo points out t he rocks and quicksands on which theconetitutiou and hopes of many a younll' man h"ve been fait111ly wrecked.-1l1a n·. )·ester Min·o1·, The Science of Life is of greater value than oil the mcdic ...1 works publi·hed in thisconntt·y fur the past 50 years.- ..1tla11ta Constitution, · 'l'he Science of Life i· a superb uud n1u.oterly trca.tioe 0 11 nenous u.nd physical debility.Tlie only Binder with Z Steel Finger-Bar and Steel Extension. The only Binder with extra R oller toVet"" i t J1 'n c Press. Thero is no meru her o! society to w bom the Science of Life will not be useful, wbuthcr t hrow the grain out to the packers. The only Binder with long Bevel Wheel :-haft supported at both ~ ouLIJ, parem, guardian, lnstruc ~or 01· clergy. ends. TlJe only Binder wi t h Steel Driving Whe el. Tl1e only Binder with a perftict Steel Sheaf Carrier. Brantford Light Steel Binder, with Sheaf Carrier Delivering it s Load. ·-~·- + Binder Twine and full lines of Rep air s kept on band. JAS. McLEAN, Agent, R. M 0 O N, A gent, H a mpt on. Oronoo ¥ - H O USE No~; ! OUR ORDERED CLOTHING TRADE. D on't leave you r o rder for a good suit before you inspect o u r fi ne N ew S t.ock of imported Wors teds, Tweed s, P antings,&c., and remember we have the No. 1 Cutter, Mr. 'W. Peardon, . doing our work. I>:R.E:s s c:r.o or>s. We ar e selling more D ress Goods, Ginghams, Sateens, &c., than ever before at t his time of the season . We cer tain ly hav e an excell ent assortment of choice Dress Materials. S::E3:I:E=l.TI.:t" c;,.s. We are the only house showing a full line in all qualities and patterns of first-class. Colors warranted fast; prices from 10c. up. This season we start out with bettet· hopes t han ever as our stock is h ead and shoulders ahead of anything we have yet shown. Th e excellence of the goods and our reasonable prices we are satisfied w ill be sure to please all pu rchasers of good goods. Our aim is to give the largest choice and b est value. We invite a call. + I T . GE 0 . M A S ON. at \~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ A ll HON EST FARM ER pO wDER Ab I t IY P · G 4KI f4 STANDARD BANK I ·- Burdock BLOOD BITTERS ,

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