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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 1

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TBRMB :-11.iO P:u bmrx. NEW SERIES, NUK»ER 407. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRr!T : THE WORLD .A.FTERWARDS. ,. BOWM.ANVILLE, ONTAUW, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1886. M. A. JAMES, E DITOR A.ND PltOPP.JXTOll. VoLUME XXXII. N mmER 20. · - ------..-..,.. McCLUNG S, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. 0 ~ s ~ +:> 0 Q) r--4 0 z < -~ ~ z IC~~ o~ ~ ~ . 0 (]) 'CD. ~ r._ ~ """ k-1 T :S: E 0 ..µ 0 THE FIRST PRIZE CLYDESDALE STALLION, OLIVER TWIST (3043), The property of W illiam Patterson, Esq., Kirby, Ont. This beautiful Clydesdale stallion i~ consifl.ered by his !any horse that ever travelled in the Stranraer district, and which also ?arried second at t h.e H ighland Agricultural :Society 's Show at ~:erling 1 ~1 1864, and was att~rward;; 1-<oJd to go to Austrnl1a. Ulyde (luo) wi:s first at the H. A. Society's Shuw at Glasgow in 1844, and travell.edlm the Stranraer district. SELLING OFFJ previous owners, Messrs. R. Beith & Co., of Bowman ville, Ont, the perfect type of a Clydesdale t hat they ha ve ever own tJ<l. Brown m color with white facfl and four white lecrs as shown in the encrravinO", he w~s foaled 10th May, 1881. He wa~ 'bred by Mr. David A. Hood, Balgreddan, Kircudbright; Scotland, and owned a.t the time of purchase by Mr. Peter Crawford, Burnfoot, Strathblane. H · db p · I · l (l:r8) d I ·1 (78S) e was sue Y rmce mpena · <> ' am -'1 Y ' by Drumfl.ower Farmer, (286), g. dam Bet (169), by Duke of Edinburgh (246), g. g. dam Tibbie, by Victor (892), and g. g. g. dam Lily, by Clyde (155). CORNER STORE, ORONO:J is now open again and bound to It is thtts very clear t liat sonw nf the best strains of Clydesdale blood in existence during the la st lta,Jf century are concentrated in this horse. He possesses a bco.11 ti l"n l l1i-:acl and neck, a compact body p erfectly rounded, short legs of good quality, nicely feathered, and very muscular, large circular feet of g"nd substance, and oblique pasterns. His temper is mild, and his a1~t1o·t e~cellent, even i gay. P rince I mperial (1258), was a first prize winner at the When you get your eye upon him yuu ieel. that everything is there Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Kilburn in 1869, as 1itated in J une that is requisite in a Clyde. number of the STOCK. JOURNAL. During the one season which he . . . tarvelled in Scotland not one colt was castrated, so excellent was he At the Centenary Show of the H1ghla11d and Agricultural considered as a stock gett er. He was imported by Messrs. Brook!-< & , Society held in Edinburgh, 1884, at which was- gaLhered perhaps the Col quhoun, MitclHill, and is n ow owned in Pickering by Mr. Pew, of finest exhibit of Clyde,dales ew·r h eld in Scotland , Oliver Twist came Claremont., Ont. Lily (783) was sired by the renowned Farmer (286), out first in a strung and ke.:n competit ion, bl:ating Bloomsburg, which the sire of the famous Druid (1120), the only horse that ever bettt was tirst the year before as a two-year-old a,t the Highland Society's Darnley (222). At the Royal International Show at London Eng., in Show at Aberdeen. Last year h e came second at t he same show at 1879, this horse gain ed first and champion cup. Duke of Edinburgh Inverness, giving place t o Top Gallant Lad (2781), a near relative. In (246) was sired by Lochend Champion (448), dam by Farmer (28 4). and 1884 he was selected for the Mi<tlothian district, and in 1885 for that of g. dam Victor (892), which produced more good breeuing mares than Alloa, securing £120 as a premium. ., -OLl1'Elt T WIST, th o property of ·w. Patter· son, Kirby, will ~t1md on Monday at Hender· son·s h otel, O!'ono, noon; G len denning'a hotel, Newcnstle, all n ight. · r uesday return to Orono, t h ence to his own ~table. 'l'hursd ay p.m. go to varcoe'e h otel, 'l'yrone,: night. Friday pro· ceed to own stable and remain t ill Monday morning. BlfHlf,A.ND UBlllF the property of W m. Patterson, Kirby, will h ave stands on l\fonday nt J. Mulligan's, lot l2, con. 5, Clarke, noon; Pope's hotel Newton ville all ni&'ht· 'l'uesday R . Harness\ lot 31. con. ' 1, Hope, noon· Tbos. Smith's, lot. 3. ~on. 4, Hope, '!-II night ,_ Wcdnos· dry Thoe. v. hite's, near ElizabeLhvillc, noon; Webber 's h otel, Campbell Craft. night. T hursday Thoe. Maxfield», lot l 3, con. 1. Cavan, noon; M. l'eth ick's, 4th con. Cavan. all night. Frid\IY Joh n KGrayd·s. Iot .3·. con. 10, Oalarka,noon; 1 e n a 11. mgnt. 8 e.tnr ay to own B lues ~ota, stable till Monday morning. , · , T H E A.BVllER ( 40;,l > a ud P RIDE of SUOT L Al\D ( ;JOIU>, the property ot John Joll, Ha.mpt~n, w,111 b avo st~nd_s t!l~ether on l\'10n· day, G1tl'or d a h otel, l!:nnisk1l en, n il mght. '.J'uesday, own. stable, noo!'; Oeo. Leask's, lot 33, con. 6, Darlington, all Wht a?d n ext0 fore· zio~n. r ' Vednesdi{, 0 t<? .- p.f.~ 0 · l~t 3., 00": · ar mgton, an remam ti 1 urs a:,: nuon , thence to Huebottom House, Bowmanv1lle, all night. Friday to own stable. Saturd!ly. at Phillip's h o tel.' Hampton, a ll day: thence to own stable. G,U t NET VllO\VN the property of Richa rd Durre tt Newc11.stle.'w1ll stand on 'l'uesday at W. S hepherd's noon ; Blue's hotel, Kendall, nia h t. W edn esday. w. B arkwell's, h · "' viile, noon; W . Littlo's, Garden Hill, night. Thursday, P. Pollard's, HOJ?e, noon ;]!', Hold· awaya's , Jake shore, Hope, mght; Friday,'~hos. 1\foft'a tt's, sout h ot NeV1tonv1lle, all mght. Saturdt\y, Windsor hotel, Newcastle , noon; thence to his own stable lot 31, con. 2, Clarke, and remain till T uesday morning. YOUNG l'RINVEI'!!, t h e prope rty of A . Hogarth, Solina, will g o on Monday to ~· Pascoe's, Enfield, n oon: Gifl'ord's hotel, :h:nn1akilleu , nil nig h t. 'l'uesda.y, Tyrone, noon ; Hallett'e, Orono, !ill night, Wednesday, Glen denning'e hotel, Newoastle, n oon; .A.llllll hotel. .l:lowmanyille, all night, 'l'h m·sday, Clem1>ns' hotel, Hampton, noon ; t h ence to his own stable and remain till Monday morning. S TALLl01'" ROUTES ' 1SS6 · I i:t:1m Lead - lil · Frie.e s. A lot of-- - Ne-vv. Goods have just b een added mak ing a n IMMENS E STOCK of ~ftbc REJ..f,~I. tbe- ;operty of n. Beith, will h ave stands on Monday a t. R. .Allin's, lot 4, con. 3, Darlington, noon: John Sander?ock'b, '.1',o,wnline, all. night. Tuesday, V!l~coe,s hot11J, l ,FO!'P., . all m g h t . . \>\ _ed~eaday 01fturd s ~otel., E _ n msk 11len, 110011;, '!Ha En ~lold to W, Orm:~ton a.Jr., lot 2, con. 8, .Jil"st Whit by a ll p ii;::,ll.t . lhuraday, Al~x:. ll~Ms . n ear J,3r!1~· ley s School House, aH mght. Friday, Ph1lhp s hotel, Hampton, e.11 mgh_t. Saturday, Ruebottom's, noon ; thence to h is own stable till Mon· day morn, 1."~· . , · · , . PlllNCm G fi,OUGJ, n n tl l~ONN' U, Kllllt, the proper ty of Hobert Beit h will havi; stands to&'e ther on Monday a t 'l'hos. Jackson ·. Ma~vera ~~o&d, noon ; :Varc,oe's hotel, 'l'yrone, all n!ght. luesd~Y. PJulh;is hotel, _,E-fompt.on, all mght. Wednesday, ;rohn La,ndet s , lot 35. con . 5; Darlmgton , a ll mg!>t. '.Ih!i~Bda.y, J ohn Oke.s, lot 31,, con. 2, uJl mglt t. .b nday, Ira P earce B, lot 26· con. l, n oon ; own, stable Bt!lble a ll nlg n t. , , · . . · JOHR BILI.ING~ tho property of It. B eith nnd Jon. Porter, will huve stands on Monday at r,. .M. Cou.rtlce's,Courtice, noon; Rnebotr.em h otel, .Bowmanville, night; 1'nesdav Philllp3 ', Hampton, noon; J , 'l'romcer·s, lot 30. con. 5. Dar lington all nig ht. W edn esday at Chinn's Brooklin, a'n nigbt. Thursday at Ray's, 'Vhit-'. by, a.II night. Friday at his own stable,Olhawa Saturday, a.t Central hotel, Oshawa, all day, thenca to h 1s own stable, · 'rhe S alvation Army had their first march last S unday evening. Arbor Day was enthusiastically celebrnted by teacher and pupils. Mr.J".H.Allin is away atten ding h ie brothe r's wedding. 'l'he school is being conducted by MtsS'F-lorenca Courtice. Mr. R ichard Short, jr., and Miss Nellie Mc· ugh h ave united torces to figh t llte's battles. May happiness &nd p rosperity be theirs. · det 'Temple who has been in charge ot the C~ alvation Army since the first gun was fir ed l:iere, farewelled on Supday night last. 'l'h e new olllcars are expected to b e h era Thursday night. · '!'here was an i nteresting debate at Mt. Carswell Division on Wednesday evening o f last w eek , on the following subject; Hesolved that the moder'Yce..di:inker doea more lie.rm to society tb.u.IJ>ife'{nod drunka.rd, '! 'h o ques· tion a s decidedin favor of the negative. N.EWTONVlLLE. LINDSAY. ~b'!~~~ai'o ~· 0~~~ct~bieKt'.l!fn~~d~~~or':i'l~~; I Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, &c., which must be sold off at 1: COURTIOE. Tre m endous Barga ins 1 A ll who like Good Bargains come a long with your Cash , Butte:r, Eggs, &c. ul\tDIT TILL NEXT FALL WILL BE GIVEN RESPOMSIBLE PERSONS. N O TICE. A ll t h e book account s and ot her claims of the insolvant estate of C. G~ Armstrong have b een 1laced in my hands for im mediate collection. All Ind ebted t o the estate in any way will p lease call at once. Orono, April v 1886. w. · TRULL. 16 JllGH L&ND no't·, J r., the prope rty of " 'm. Oakes. Newcastle, will stand on lllondlly at TRIM. Parson's, hotel,Canton,n oon; Jae. Whiteheads, School report for April: l!'orth claes- Bessie Peterboro Gravel Road, all night. Tuesday , Brooks, Minnie Morrow, J ames Salter. Third Kent's hotel, llaillcboro, noon; A . R eynolds' class, s r.- .A.rth nr S nort, W esley Hancock, o . Fraservillet,uight. Wednesday, Fry's, lot , Coleman. '.l.' hird class, jr.- Maoke na ie l'en· con. 12, N . .monaghan, noon; Snowden's ho e l, ·r ound, H ed ley Oke, L ydia Balson. Second Peterboro, night, 'l'hursday, \ V. Best's, \.V , class- Everett Gerry, William Stacey, Horace Com. Rd, lot l, Smith, noon; Bradburn h u~e. Hancooll:. Part second- Sarah Balson, Annie Omemee, m ght, Fl"iday, Greer's hotel. Mt. Limer, ll:mma Corni~h. Present every day of P leasan t. noon; Domimon hotel, Millb;\'oOk, the montn- llessie Brooks, James S1a.ter, W , night, Saturday, D. Gray's, Ga rden Hill, oon; Hancoc~~ Lydia Balson, Maokemiie p.,uroun d, thence to own stable, E. Symons', Perryt wn, Horace .tlanc uok, $a.rah Balson, Ernroa Corn· and remrin till Monday morning. lab, A.vai1<ge atte ndance fot· the month, 4!, B LA.t;K w A.RKIOB, the p roperty or Joll J, H. ALLIN, Teacher. Foster, Bowmanville. w ill stand on A, Davis', lot, ~. eon, 6, Clarke, n oon ;D· .Bell's TUE U ECTI V F l.I/SU , pal e llollo w elledla Leske.rd. night, 'ruedd.a1, 8 . Soper'e, Haydon, a ll night. WednAeday and 'l'nursdaJ', own an4 pr~rlous uppellte. 1n1Jt cu~ w or w 1. l'r~wan'· l Vorna J·owdera ·YUi c 111lckl y etable. ]!'ridav. lt. li ' oster'e, Newcastle, noon; and cftc:ctuull7 remove the m . thence to own st&bl@ till Mond!l;r mor ning. The 17th of June will be the Lind.say Oddfel· llev . Mr. Hall, or Port Hooo, ore!\che· l t wo excellent sermons in tho Methodht ch11rt:h last lows' d ecoration day. Lindsay's citizens' band wants a grant of Sunday. $200 fl'Om their Town Co11noil. A good time was enjoyed at the social in the '! 'he L indsay Pap11r Milla were d estroyed b7 Son's Hall last Tuesday night . A.fLer the good fire on Saturday last. Loss $40,000. things provided by tn e ladies, there W >ts a Messra. H. and 'N . B. 'l'albot, of Cannington, feast otreason and a flow of sou l, The Scott Act is working well here thu~ far ; have fallen heir t.u 85000 ea ch, ou lhe d ea.Lh ot the general opinion is that the propriewr of th e a relative in l!:ngland. Mrs. M eli ugh, oC Lindsa.y, wail p1tf}hed upon tavern will keep the law, and cau~ e trouble to no one, it b e does, h e should be pat.roni~ed her h ead a.nd sb.oulders laet week, by a breakinl{ by a ll the farmers. and the ctwrch slied s axle, and ba dly hurt . should be closed. Ir he does not he ~ho11ld pay T he girls i n Lindsa y, who work at the many the penalty. manufactnrmg 0; 1 .abliehroents. propose to or· Mrs. Arthur Learoy? !1-!'d tw'? children from !il't1.niz0 an li~·vciatio n Himilar to the Knights of Ottawa, have been v1H1trng with tht> R uv. S. Labor . 'l'he,.e lire 200 or this class there, Salton. We have !l host ot roillinera h ere now !lnd HAMPTON. they are titting u p our young b elles. in !ill the latest style11. MaJ ·or Rundle we observe has h 1 "s h nus run Arbour day we..~ observed by some ot onr · . . . citizen s, consoicuuus among t hem b eing Mr. " , a t presen t , w h at wi ~h. white- ~as)lln1o1; . b, ,. ,,k. and Mrs. If. Elllutt, jr., who apeut part ot the washln11:, paper lu.ngmg and pamtrng. i:h ex· day in beaut.itylng the church grounds with pects to have a busy season.·, Mr. Jaoob Mitchell is putting up a new wood Rev; Geo. Browne received a telegram late house to his resideuco a nd otherwise beauLlfy- Sa turday evening from ·rorunto. bringing the Ing his grounds. sad inle llig" noo of the d11ath ofRe v.Mr, Dot'Ce, Mr· Geo, Patter·on is a lso p u ting " new Mrs, Bro wne's f1iLher. Mr. and Mrs. Brow a wire fence aronnd his neat premises took t ile t.l'llin ror \h e city Sunday ~-"'1n~. · -vru ... Mr. Robert Best,our popular a n d fu~h ionable The late Mr. Douce wae over eighty ot tailor, is also prepttring to build a new house a~e. havinic ·~~at a long and useru1 life in the adjoining t he r esidence of Mr. s ..Tones. 80 that mmlstry. d 'lhe be~eavjd htam~ly l~av0 ·the our vlllage is in a thr iviug condition: ~~~ic:':a~d N'fti~~!'.'Y o t c urc . in their Mrs. Bellamy, jr., is v isiting in t h is part of . . . the oountr.v. She has man y triends a round Sorrow not ae tbose in pain. here. For your loss wlll be h is !lain. Mr· .A Fllgg hae receive.I an important additMr. I. L. Jlrown<l & basket; of egJJ:B ion to his family- b!lbY girl. per express from AusL in, Mo , last w eek, com· Mr J Woocle 15 recovering slowlv from his :iiosed o! the following varieties: Mammoth 'tin 'p Bronze 'l'urkey, Plymouth Rook, Perki11 a nd r ocen ness. IIILOH. 1Rouen D 11ck oggs. It h e has a good hatch he hopes to Introduce new b lood int· h is . . . . . flock. SLOW Bur. ]! ' armers are throu~h eeedrng m tl11s v1clmty, , , . . ..rhe Lieutenant. of th~ Salvation Army 1a OSHAWA. discouraged, and is lookrng for work. Harmony wants a poet office, W·~ he>po to Owing to the number ot sick h or ses on S u n- see it established t here. day nigh ts . Stella went out ··walking" and A bone factory is talk ed or, to be located near got Beat- ty · the Five Points betore long. .Mr. Jos. 'l'hompson, sr. , c ommencod the Mr. J. T. Gould, ot Foley.left for Eniiland,on. foundation of hia house thfo mornin1e. Mr·. J. Monday last. He will be i;cone about three Lockhart has the contraot.. months. · Mr, Jacob Mitchell bas boen beautifying his Mr, W . T, Dingle will enlarge his Canni n g premlse11. mill factory this >1ummer. ..A.rbor Day was represented b y a.bout n hun· Mr. w. J. Gregg, B. A.., M . B., has returned dred men and boys,plant ing trotis in the school to Oshawa a Licentiats or t he H.oyal College of g round. Physicians, in London, England, Who !:lssaultedW. P. ,whlle out walking with Mr. S · .A.. Dearborn h ll.s sold his brick: cottage M. and 16t acres ot land, situated on lot 11, coll· .4, '!'he Sous of 'l'emperance reorganilr.ed about Whitby, to .Mrs. M · .A. Cory, tor $1,250. the first or ..A.pril, since then there has been The pupils of the Oijhawa High School. will thlrty new members initiated, with a splendid give their annual conce rt, la tb.e M11slc HaU, program each evening. ou Friday evening, .May Uth. Onr ball club reooivod a challenge fr om .A. main betwei>n Toronto and Osha.wa birds Gth line club . to p lay a friendly game on the was tought on Saturda y last near a hotel abou; Queen's Birthday. 'l'hJJY have excupted a. h alt-way between Oshawa and Bowmanv:llle. W . W , Dickey, V. s .· now TialtSOronoeve:r7 Boven battles were taught, the 1'oronto blrd.9 winning tlvo, As ~a lido d11pended upon T uesday and Saturday. ea oh battle a.nd 3lCMJ on the main, the TorontoAb" s t oot wlll eoon be woll enonah to play loo· niane returned .. little woalthl11r than wheia Where d td J. T. M ., plant th6 tree. they &flt out,- &foMMr. e

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