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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 2

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J'RIDAY, MAY 14, 1886, HOUSEHOLD. Little Perplexities, A CARD.-To all who are suffering the errors and indiscretions of you · ' IB PUBLISBBlD nervous weakness, early decay, loss \ · ETERY FRIDA.Y MORNING, manhood, &c., I will send 11 recipe t !}. 118 will cure you FREE OF CHARGJ!. ~I 1 -BYgrea.t remedy was discover ed by a misa:dD· ary in South America. Send a l"Jf. AT TBE OFEIOE addressed envelope to the REv. JosrPH :Pot&O.lllceBlock,KtngSt.,BowmanTWe,Ont T. INMAN Station D N ew York Oitv. J6y rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, . fr ~~ f HEALTH. Oorpnlenoe and How to Beduoe It. Prof, Eb.stein's work on tlhe treatment of oerpulence haa been translated , by Dr. E. W. Roeber of New York. To thoae who are anxious to rednca their advoirdnpols by a regular aystEm we commend the fellowing lines : After lr.ylne much stress ·upon thelfim· portanoe of careful adaptation of the sys· tern to the Individual caae1 10 that the decreue In corpulence aha.II be gradual and never 10 rapid a.ii to In any degree weaken the forces of the patient, the author recommends: " diet must oonaiat of three meals, breakfast, with tea or ooflee-but this without milk or 1ngar-dinner and supper. The dinner is the moat Important mer.I. Nothiog should be taken between breakfaat and dinner. Sapper muat be oompa.ratlvely light. With dinner the patient may take one or two glaa1ea of llght wine, white or red ; beer la to be avoided, uuleBB the hydro-carbons are proportionately reduced, and then only a. very email quantity can be allowed." · Here is a aample blll of fare by whloh a patient was reduced " twenty pounds In three quarters of a yea.r," ·which to people In a hurry about it may aeem to be some· what slow and auggeat mtmories of the charity boy, who, having learned the alpha· bet, doubted "whether it was worth while to go through ao much to learn so little" : "(1) Breakfa1t, one large cup of black tea, without milk or sugar l about two ounces of white or brown bread, and plenty of but ter, Time, In summer, 6:30 ; in winter, 7:30 a. m, (2) Dinner (about 2 p. m,), soup, with bone marrow occasionally, four to six ounce1 of meat, bolled or roasted, with fat gravy, especially of fat meat, plenty of vegetables, oabbage, and most of all legumea (peat and beans). Beets, oarrota, and turnlpa wno on a.ooonnt of the sugar they contain almost totilol!y excluded, potatoBB entirely, After dinner a little 1re1h fruit, ooca.1ionally aome salad or stewed fruit, but without sugar, To this wae added tvro or three glasses of white wine, 80011 after dinner a large cup of black tea, again without 1uga.r or milk, (3) supper, (between 7 and 8 p. m. ), In winter regular ly, and In summer ocoaeionally, another large cup of tea, without any suga.r or milk ; ene egg or some small plate of fat meat, er both, or some ham, with Its fat, rausage, smoked or fresh fi11h, two ouncea of white bread, with plen\ y of butter, aod oceaalonall:v a little cheese and a little freah fruit," Tilere does no~ seem to ba much deprlva.· tlon end hardship about th;i.t-to one who has never tried it, Eb1tein, it will ba observed, allows a liberal q aantity of fl aids with meals. In tbls respect he la vigorously opposed by other 1cientific theorl.Bt., Dr. Sohweninger, for lnstanoe, absolutely forbids the drinking of anything at meals or within two and a half hours r.fter ward: and requlree that at all times the qu11111tity of ilaid taken shall be the loost possible, TER:I!ld:S: A heuaekeeper who t&kea a BBnaible view of the minor trial· of a weman'1 1Ue1 writes $1..59 perann·m,or $1.00ltpaldln adTanee the fellowing for this column : Payment strictly In advance required Crom WbJ cannot the housekeeper feel that her ~ub8cr1bersoutside or the county. Ordera to .p ealtlen la a noble ene, and act aooordingly discontinue the paper must be. accompanied by ne amount due,orthepapervnllnoibestopped. WhJ dee1 ahe so many times look upon her- mbsoribers areresponsibleunti!Cullpaymentie ·Belt as a drudge ? " Women are Stateamen" made, oftlme1 ill their management of aff4lre, even RA.TES OF A..DTERTISING i \::~~ ID the kitchen of a farm·hou1e; and U they would look upon them1elve1 as such, even .Vhole Column one year ...... , ...... $00 oo fl:::;~ " " Half year .. .......... 36 00 · l::;:;; when weary 1>nd ca.rewom, they would be One quarter ...... ·" 20 OO µ: ~ happy, · a:alfColumnoneyea.r ............... 3600-·· Half year ............ .. 20 00 It is not the large matten of the household One quarter .. ......... 12 50 " " that worry the wqman Bl! muoh aa the little one yea.r .. .. ....... 20 OO _ perplexities of every day life ; the washing, .ru~ter Co!~irr.nHa.ltyear ........... 12 50 ironing, churning and baking are all expeoi.One quarter...... .. 8 0 0 - 5 ed, and paaa smoothly along, . but ·the du·* itxl!nesandonder, flrst insertion .. $0 50 and dirt often make the woman long to pitllh Eachsubsequentinser tion ...... 0 zo thing· out at the window, as did Thoreau, to l'romsixtotenlines.,firstii;isertior., 0 76:'. Eachsub8equent rnser t1on .... .. 0 35_10 ,get rid et dusting. .Bat what need of frettenlines,flrstinsertion,perline 0 .10 _ ting? After one ha1 oome to year· of ma· iver subsequent insertion, " 0 03 turitJ, ahe knowa that life la full of little The num her of lines to be r eckoned by, and she muet prepare to meet them Ile space occupied,.meaaured by a scMleot 11leuantly. When I first kept house I olid Nonvareil. tiiought the meals muat be eaten the mom~nt they ;vere placed upon the table ; but DR · .J. :. MIT:RELL. I find there are worse thmga to be met than EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS a oo~l baked potato, I find It la the weand Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. mans place to have the ma.I ready at the · Ottlce and Residence, Enniskillen. 74'. usual time, and if the men·felka are behind - - -time, say nothing and they will not. DR. TAMICLl'N, And another thing, I tind it an excellent PHYSICIAN, SURGEON and AocoucHEUR. 11Ian lie keep busy when waiting fGr the men Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 to come In, instead of running about deing b. BURKE SIMPSON, nothing but wonder why theJ don't oome ; ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR, &;o., MOPRIS JOU can wash the cookingutenaih you have ")BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Bowman uaed getting dinner, the fry-pan, potato ket- rllle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. tle, eto. ; then you oau do the work up PriT&te llenevs loaned at the.Iovrest rates. q uicker after dinner, ' Whenever about the ceekfng you are done with a dbb, fill It with .John Keith Galbraith, . water whereby a minute or two may be 1av-· ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY P UBLIC, &c. Olllce- Bounsall's Bloc,k ed in washing it. Keep calm and cool when hindered IO that when dinner 11 at laetaerv- Klng Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend. ed you maJ not be a "roasted lady" as .ilOBERT A..JlMOUR, Charles Lamb tells about, 1erved with every oenrae, but may make up by your pleasant f1EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER manner and witty remarkB any defiolenoy C\. ot Marriage Licenses, Bar rister and At tor· Dy at Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Money . t hat waiting may have made to show In the 1aned on Rea.I Estate, Olfice on King street, feocl, Jowmanvllle. It freta a weman leu to have dinner wait lit. T. PBllLlPS a few moments than to hne the men wal11 ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County for dinner, The latteratand round and hardof Durhsm, Sales promptly attended. ly know what to do or 88f until the welcome 69, voice oall1 them to ~he table, Have a paper, Address- Hampton P, O, beok or magazine at hand, and U you OHN IIUGBES.-Licensed .Auctioneer, getting fretted and nervou1, ge to reading Valuator and .Arbitrator. Flre and Life and forget fer a few moments your trouble. nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, Thia la a curious world and we must learn Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Address ~72 te make the best of it and take all the com- Oa.rtwrigh~, Ont. fort we oa.n U we are farmer'· wives. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO .everY man who buys his License from lKNRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. Breakfast Bills of Fare. Cheap Life Insuranc Iu1mrein the Confederation Life .A·SO· oiatton. It is cheaper than the Cana 1A.'d 0 W utua l , .A, . · ~· . .· or any pas· 8· round your hnt mst1tut1on, a11 the foU.. wing examples will prove : Thoe. McC .mg bas been insured since 1872 for$2, OOO"nd ·he last five y ears i.t only cost him $~ .55 per annum on each $1 000 to insure John M Ol · ' . · h c ung msured at the same time fort e same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 per annum on each $1, 000 to insure he b . . · emg a 1ittle younger. We certify the above to be correct, ThoB. McClung John McClung ' THOS BINGHAM A t · · gen · M A Manly Word to Bo ya. You are made to be kind, boys, generous, magnanimous. If there la a boy in school who hall 11 club foot, don't let him know you ever S&'ll' It. If there la a poor boy with ragged clothe11, don't talk about raga In hla hearillg, If there ia a lame boy, aaalgn him 1ome part In the game that doesn t rs· quire running. If there Is a dull one, help h im to learn his lesson. lf there is a brighi one, be net envious of him ; for If one boJ le proud of his talents, and another is envi· ous of them, thero are two great wrong11, and no more talent than before. If a larger or 1tronger ll<>y has fo j ured you and Is sorry for It, forgive him, All the achoo! will show by their coantenance how muoh better it la than to have a great fuu. · MALL FARM FOR SALE.--30 acres of land having thereon good frame house, barns, stables and other necessarv outbuildings. young orchard of 4 acres, w~'n wat· ered and fenceu. Situated j ust outside the corpora.tion ofBowmanville: Will be sold very cheap for cash, Apply to M. A . JAMES, BTATEBllANOffice, Bowman ville. 9-tf. R ICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR B SALE I N BOWM.ANVILLE.-A very comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain- S mg 8 rooms. besides pantries. closets and summer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and softwater: Yery good fruit garden oft acre. Situst · ed in the most aristrocre.tic part of tile town. Will be sold on very rea.sonable terms. Apply to M; A. JAMES, :'!TA'l'ESllAN Ofilce, 9·tf. OR SAL E OR TO RENT.-The F owned the lat e A.H. Gibbard, in the village of Tyrone, about acres of land; proper~y by = HEALTH IS WEALTH. \1 I) B Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a. guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, l'leuralgia, Head· ache, : Nervous Prostr'l.tion, e> aused by the use of alcohol or toba.cco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery decay and death Premature Old .Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involunt ary Losses and Sper mat· orrhoea caused by over-exer tion o! the Brain, seH·abuse or Each box contains one month's tr eatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxe~ for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, comfortable house, complete out-buildings, stabll, drivinghouse and wood shtid; good well ADVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you 1lis- and cistern : plenty of fruit, both large and · .For terms apply to THOMAS BINGHAM, t urbed at n ight and broken of your r est small Bowmanville, or GEO. E, GIBBARD , Whitby. lOtf by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of C utting Teeth ? If so send at once an d get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's ~oothing Syrup." For childr en t eething, its value is incalculable. It will relieve FmsT. -80 acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession the poor little suffer er imm ediately. De- of Darlington, lying immediately south of the cemetery. pend upon i t, m ot hers ; there is no SEOOND.- Tbe South HO acres of lot 16 in the mistake about it. It cures Dysentery third concession of Darlmgton, and the North and D iarrhrea, r egul ates the Stomach and 36 acres of the South 8.'-1 acres of lot 15 in the Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the eame concession TmRD,- The South 100 acres of lot 25 in the Gums, r educes Inflam mation, and gives third concession .of Darlington, and the Northto!le a nd energy to the whol e sydtem. erly 60 acr es of the east hal! of lot 25 in the concession. " Mr!!. Winslow's Soothing Syr up " fo r All the above will be sold in parcels to suit children teething is plea.sant to the taste purchasers. 'l 'lme for payment and terms will and is t he p r escription of one of t he old- be made very easy to satisfactory buyers. For est and best female physicians and n urses particulars apply to D, BUR.KE SIMPSON, in· the United States, and is for sale by Vendor's Solicitor 1 .tl-tt. a.ll druggists t hr ough the world. Price 25 cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for An lnatrument called the mohdometer ha1 "MRS , WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." been designed fer t he study of minerals in a 1tate of fusion, and take no other kind, 3 Valuable Farms for Sale. LOOK HERE! We Guarantee Six Boxes to refund t he money i! the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNO, Stott & Jury, Druggists, Dowmanville, by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee To cure any case. With each order received MAYNARD the Jeweller, Has the finest assortment of Silver 6 . Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns; also a full line in L Dr. DORENWEND'S ... J :c )> Gold and Silver _WA'TCHEIS.All kinds of A V Jewellery, ~pectacles, BREAKFAS'.f NO. S. W · . W, Dl()KEI",_ Codfish in cream. Pop-overe. Dry Toast. Coffee. CURDLED EGGS ...a: P our bolling water on to fresh eggs and remove the dieh. containing them to the back pa.rt of the etove where the water will keep warm and let them remain ten or twelve minutee, T he white of the .eggs will then be ooeked uniformly with the yolk, and the whole will be superior in flavor and digeatib1lity to an egg which has been bolled, CODFISH IN CREAM.-Plok up into small plece1, fish that has been soaked In oold water over night. H eat milk orcr el\m boiling het and add the fieh with a spoonful of fl.our tha.t ha.1 been mixed 1moeth with a little oold milk, As soon as It boils up, break a fresh Pgg Into it and stir just long enough to cook the egg and then remove it at once from the fire, .PoP-OVEBS.- One cup of flour, one cup of milk, one egg, a piece of butter the size of an egg, and melted, and " pinch of salt. Bake In gem pans, Make tl: e mb:ture perfectly 1mooth and free from Jumps, by add·lng the milk very slowly to the flcur, and stirring conatantly. Beat the eggs and add last. Have the pans hot a.nd buttued, and till them half full of the mixture, then set directly Into a quick oven, Fifteen minutH will bake them, and they will justify the name by rising far above the limits of the pan. The secret of having pcp·overa juBt right, la to have everything all ready before y ou begin, and t hen make q uick work of the mixing and bakln~. These are alao aome· times called egg muffins. BREAKFAST NO.'· D10pped E ggs. F zlzzled Beel. Baked Potatou. Cold Graham Bniad. Coftee. ETERINARY SURGEON. graduate otthe Ontario Veterinary College. Olllce and teaidence, N1<wTONVILLl!l, Ont, Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Office hours rom 12 a.. m. to !i p. m., at Coulter·s Hotel. Special attention paid to Surgery. 32-ly* ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber receives money on deposit Cor theOntario M Loa.n and Savings Company, and pays interest 11.t tho rate of 4. and 5 per cent. 3: )> C) _ E ye Glasses, &c~ A full and complete line of Curative Powers of Water. There Is probably no 1ingle article In the world which posseese1 such cura.tive powers a.s water. If it cost a dollar a pint, and had to ha brought a thousand miles, physicians would no doubt prescribe it, and people would be 1mxieus to purchase It, But it ls, perhaps, too cheap and convenfont to come into general use. A bout three.quarters of every human body ls warm water, and the presencs or ab~nce of this fluid In due pro portion has more to C!o with be11.lth l ha.n almost any other condition ef our existence. A man oan live upen water three or fonr tlmee as long aa he can upon dry food ; in fa.ct, nothing is fit for food unless It cllntains a large peroentage of water. And for a large proportion or the diseases from which men auffer, water ii the moat prompt and dlioient remedy. I n cases of croup, colio, neuralgia, cenge11tion, sor e t h.roat or rheu· matlem, tliere is probably nothing which will so prom ptly relieve distreaa and dan· geroua symptoms a.a pure hot water. In feven nature orl69 out for water with un. utterable de1ire ; and It Is often the only remedy. which ca.n 1atl11fy and relieve the 1nfterer, American Clocks. We have put a new L ATHE in our . work shop, which enables us to do all kinds of work in our lin e and guarantee the best of satisfaction. ~Call and get the correct t ime}from t he finest Hegulatcy in town. 0: No notice of withdraw!'.! required. Aleo lonns money on Is a powerful re".lledy for thin hair, grey hair mortgages at lowest rates. No commission and dandruff, where the roots of the hair is not charged, W. F . ALLEN. Bowmauville. 8·ly. entirely destroyed it will produce a heavy thick growth of hair, it will likewise res tore the grey and faded hair back to its former color, and where dandruff exists will remove so Do! Gentlem e n o.CFa1d1 it without 'l'estimonials by tho bundrods ion, uot so tast. ~i11~¥1d~l,g tile good results of the "HAIIl. Manufactured only by A. DOREN WEND, ave written these few lines sole owner for U. s. and Ce.;ia.da, 103 ana 105 And all I have t o say_ Yonge St., Toronto, Chat youcanfl.nd me still at home, For sale by all principal dru g stores. Iam notgoneu.way, J . HIGGINBOTHAM & S 0 N, Druggists, Boa.llmykindoldtriend smay come, Agents for ' Wmanville. 1. And all theY oung ones, too, A.nd get theirgarmentsnicely mad e In!ashionsthat are new: Vbere old and young , deo.rfr!ends, may meet A weloome llrAetinir. bv R . PE.A.TE MAYNARD The Jeweller. 0 J:t :0 E J:<. ,. · BRITISH EMPIRE ESTABLISHED IN 1847. As usual our new stock of CANADIA:N , ENGLISH, 8COTCH & AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Managed by and solely in t he Interests of the Policy holders, DENTISTRY It he.s no shareholders to pay dividends to, - ··9' .. EATING THEIR COMRADES. Its Rates are Low. TWEEDS, WORSTEDS and other Sui.tings is the largest, mo st comp l ete and most fashionab l e to be found inWestDurham DROPPED EGGS. - Have a frying pan filled with boiling water slightly salted, Lay in muffin rlnge and into eaoh turn an egg which had previously been broken into a cup. As 1oon aa the white ls eet they dene, Oooked In this manner t hey are not broken in pieces as when dropped Into the watu without the rings, Frizzled Beef,-Havo t he dried or rmoked beef shaved very thin, place In a stew-pan with enough water to cover it, and when It boila add a spoonful of flour made smooth bl a little cold water. As soon ae it thick · ena add a generous pleoe of butter, a. lit tle pepper, and turn into a hot dish, GRA.HAM BREAD.- Make a batterat night of one pint of milk or water. one pint of flour1 and one·half cup of yeast. In the morning add oJle pint of Graham, one-half cup of augar, one teaspoonful of 1alt, beating It in thoroughly. Turn it into two pans. It will be a little dower In riling than white bread, An Electrioa.l Submarine Vessel. Some aatiafactory trials have recently been made at Liverpool with a new electrl· cal submarine vessel, t he invention of Mr · J, F . Waddington of Birkenhead, The vessel, which is cigar-shaped, is 37 feet long and 6 feet In diameter at tho centre, t11operlng off to t he ends which are pointed. A conning tower is mounted on the t op of the boat, and her depth of immersion below the water eurface Is regula~ed by externa.1 inclined planes placed one on either side and controlled from within. She ls fitted with a rudder placed aft, and has a uelf-a~tlng arraog3ment for preserving her horizontal position. · The crew consists of two men, and thero le a supply of compressed air for their use when the boat nm~lns submerged for a lengthened pErlod, .fhe motive power is electricity, which la storei on board in 50 of t he E lectrical Power and Sterag11 Oompany cells. These drive a sorew propeller, and it la stated t h at their charge ls snfficlent to propel the boat fer t en hours at a. a peed of abeut nlne miles per hour, either below the water or c n Its surface, The oellsl also supply light through glow la.mps, and drive a. pump for emptying the waier balla1t tanks. which are filled for submerging t he boat, A trial of the vessel in the pre1eDce of repreaent!l.tivea of the Admiralty la stated to have -elicited their approval, P.A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, Operations & Dentistry roltcl e1 non rorfeltnble and unconditional, Cannlballsm Prac~Jsed by: l1npl'lsoned 1!'1 each Quarrymen, ()a11b Bonus Paid e very three years, A Boulegne correspondent writes : WITHOUT TEll:TB, " Exoavat!on in the Chanoelade quarries, WITH Tll:ETBo Joint Life Policies. where it will be remembered a l andslip ocThough B double rieh but one premium ls paid curred last October, burylDg a number of for t wo people. Amount of policy drawn workmen, have been cu rled on ever since PRA()Tl:AL D ENTI ST, on first death. fer the purpose of unearthing tho bodies. ?VER TWBlNTY YEARS l!lXPERIENOE, For mr.ny days after the alip wae believed fltruus Ox ldeGns Admlntstered tor Patnle& to hl\ve smothered the workers smoke was Special Inducements to Total Abstainer~ . Operations. seen to i88ue from the ruins, Soldiers and Ol!'Fl()E M()CLITNG'S BLOC&;, quarrymen, directed by a party of engineers, ASSETS OTEK $1i,o00,000, I worked day and night in the hope of taking IN<:OHE o-..1m $ 1,100,000 the men out alive. Ever since the work $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovero '.l.aa proceeded, bat of late the endeavors wero not so vlgoroualy piled, The diggers ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. now re a::hed the a.otual apot where the men were engaged a.t the time of the acciINT.ESTEB IN CANA.DA. $600,000.00. dent, and on penetrating Into a gr.llery cut In the stone the explorers discovered t he HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-M ONTREA.L body of a young man lying on the ground. Photogra.pha taken of the position show that For particulars refer to a. dreadful state of affa.irs must have oome about when 'he men nncruehed found themE; L. LIVINGSTONE, aalve1 emtombed, It a ppears undoubted GENERAL AGENT, Gradll8.te or the Royal College o lDental that some of the men tried to prolong their POR'l~ HOPE Uvea by killing and eating their companions Surgeons: Ontario. Or to agenta throughout the county, ~8-6Be. in misfortune, A few 1olitary arms and OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. limbl! been picked up in their prison, lOLD F ILLING A SPECIALTY. and everything points t o the fact that oannlbaliam was re1torted to, The young man ate W ork exoouted in the latest and mo&t Improved styleo! the Dental Art. whoas body waa unmutilated seem.1 to have survived \he others, and to died with Pumps Chea.per and Better EETH E XTRACTED Wl'l'HOUT PA.IN· hunger, the uso of Nitrous Oxide Gas, w ithout Injury than ever. to the patient. ?~tlcnla.r a ttention paid to the r egulation of The Subscriber having built a large ne'l'I . The Men Who Pro£t by Strike a. CHILDRKN'f> TEETH . The men who received the largeut P ump Factory in Orono, le prepared ._..ALL WORK WARRANTED . ..._ profit from the strike of the last few w1:eks - to furnishare the saloon keepers. Olalming to be the workingmen's friends they ll>ro only such to the extent of robbing thtm of hard With or without Porcelain Oylinder, (Jf earned money. When the men go on a. strike theh' headthe Best M aterial, on the shortest notia{ q11artars are near aome ea.loon whose pro· and at the lowest prices. prletor is of course an l!lrdent sympathiser VETERINARY SURGEON, with ~he oauae of labor and iilto the coffera Cistern Tubs and Pumps s upplied. of this well-wisher t ho chli\llge flows. If aums are disbursed to the strikers fro m twenty·five to fifty per cent, is paid out fer Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. liquor, College, will attend to all diseases lt le this stimulus w hich keeps the ouurof domestie animals. ige of the men up and excites them to the right point so t hat t hey are ready for acts of vlolcnoe. If there ls one thing more than another A. Sp EC I A L T Y. TO GIVE SATISFACTION. which disgusts deoent men with liquor shops and makes them wish to drlve all of them Orderalby Mail promptly attended to. out of exi1tence it ls to see their Influence Calls and Orders by or t el egraph in t imes of labor troables when the money will r eceive prompt attention. needed by the famlllee of the men le worse DOORS, SA.SH, BLINDS, PICKETS, than threwn away by being spent at these CHARGES MODERATE. vile resorts. OFFICE HOURS, 8 T O 10 A. M . MOU LDINGS, &c., kept on hand. We venture the assertion that If there w ere A stock of Medicines always no saloons there would not only be fewer onhandstrikes but there would not be one-half t he N. B .- W ill visit Williamsburg every violence that now attends them, S aturday of each we<tk, 16-ly J.M. BRIMACOM:BE, We N ever Get left. We have the goods. To inspect is to order. Our prices are right. Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. lfii"'(Ja II a t tlae centre oC Style, B eauty an'l Cheapness. c. HAR.NDEN, L. D.S., G ent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf 'I'he T ailor. --- -·-- Orono Pump Factory~ . 1:----.. <. JY.I:ASON BROS_ '- PUMPS OF E V EJIY DESCRIPTION Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe will command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasu re in show-ing our goods.- \\' e have just received a nice r a nge of Lace Cur tain va:Q.·yuag i n price £1·om 60c. to $6 a pail·. A. t·1·esh 011cni111g o.t· 'Eab1c Linens C.rolll 2~c. Jle1· yd. Up .. also Table Nap!dns C1·01n 7oc. to $2.oO per doz. new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yar~.,, also figured goods at 12 ~· cents. These are i:apid selb ng goods anci will soon be cleaned out. · ~ Our stock of Embroideries is also ~ery complete and will be fonnd to be of interest. We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres,,.. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up. As usual we are showing a l~~,rge choice in Cloths- English, Scotch and Canadian- and furni clothing to order by the be st t ailor in town . R. FERG USON.

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