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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 4

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· One of the b est judges o f a horse ia the district remarked un the Fair ground that J. J oll's "Scotland's Glory" is the biggest horse for his size in t h e countrv." One BusINJ<;ss MAN·. thing is certa in , there ha ve been more Bowman ville, May 4, 188G. good horses raised from him in West Dur·ham than from any other horse. " Socialistic Movements in England Persons desirotB of p<J,, sessing and raisa.nd the Ui.ited Stntr,s ." which or-ens the ing a good chtss of fast horses should not May n·1mbor of !<'RANK Li;:suii:'sPorULAit f· il tci see "Josh Billings," owned by MoNTHLY, is a. most timely nnd well Messrs. Beith and Porter. His record is written article. It reviews all tho ideal an exceedingly go··d onti and he possesses schemes put forward to bring a.bout, a some of the be,t strains in Amerstate where all slmil ha·1e equal en joy· ica. First class carringe hc,,rses are none ment wi th the least posoible labor, whtre too plen tiful and always command a big there shall be rw wealth, n o crime. price. "'l'he Fr11it-ships at New York," will W. Patterson's" Highhmd Chiuf" is the 'W'indcw Blinds in linen, fancy. sJrprise many wnu have lilllfl id£a of the champion pri11e winner in his district, havLETTER FROM DAKOTA. enormous value and variety of foreign ing taken the first prize against keen comLarge Variety of P atterns. -fruits that :ire brought e very year to this petition at t he Clarke Fair in 1883, 1884, DEAR Enrron.- I one dollar for 0011 port, which in respect ha.a nu _riv~! on 1885 and 1886; also first prize at the Pieture3 Framed at lowest rates. STAI'J,;8MAN. Its columns contain such a earth. " 'l'he Ame1 1can Goldsmith, by County Fair this year. Ile is a beautiful fol\ summary of news from West Durham Walter Etlgar 1\foCann , biings the re ad er bright bay, six years old, stands 17 hands imd ne i~h boring localitii;s,tha.>. e< 1ch copy to know anrl :;p preri ate one of the most and wt~ighs 1,800 l bs., and is undoubtedly seems like a gr 011t long letter from h nme. enduring of Am-erica n poems, "The Old one of the best Canadian bred horses in .l am pleased t.o know that your efforts tn Bucket." Mr. H older treate the "Elec- Ontario. I furni sh a tirat-claes local !Japer ar.i a.ppr.;- tricians of the 8ea," the variou· kinds of Messm , R . B eith & Co. have recen tly ' o, .... ciated by the community. as your large fish to which nature has <riven elecu·icity sold Peterr the Great (388"·i } to Mr. A . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K:' subscription list will seem to indicate. as 11 defense an 'l :1 pow~r. The stories White, P em·broke, Ont., fc~ $2,500. They BOWMANYILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 14. , This part of Dakota is makiuf.( very by Florence Marrynt, CharlesL. Hildreth, have also 11< ·lcl P ride of Werth (2336) to rapid pr<·.l(reas, and a l«q;e proportion of W.. H. Wai1t, Elliuur Brooks a nd otlwrs, Mr. J ohn Bel l, " of L'Arnarc·nx, York Co., HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES. the formers bere, a maiori ty of wh om by aro all capital, and the minor ar ticles foll >\ta large fil'g ure. Farnw rs· of the sections ' the w>1y are Canadians," getling,to nsti of inlere11:.. where t hea;e horses now owned have - - -OF- - The May Jmm b>H of F1tANK LESL~E·~ gr eat renso1,. to c·-ngratula.t1l themselves 'Vo have often written about the ad- a Y"·l lkee phrase, pretty ·well fixed. In additi··I> rn growiog wh.,at., l!lflc k raising S u-.Nl!Yl\'Y MAOAZIN. E :i&· redo lent of Sprm g on such 'l'alu. ble acquisit5.ions tu their I vantages of o;ood stock; and we hope our is uow receiviug a large share uf atten tiou, both in text aud illmrtra1 .ion. The Eaote.l'· breeding foeili ties. ! readers will appreciate the difference, and and l ><·ta sa fe in saying that this couutry Festi>.,al, wl1ich com; P .t his year. on A µnl ~ Too muc-h credit cannot be- rriven to tho' d o away with th eir s t ubborn prejudice a - a nd Graud Forks bids fair to becowe iu 25th, 1t l<1test p oss1hl'0 date, I i l<1rgcly , Mes·rs. :Bcillh for their etfoirts to stock: A~ei-ent <?ustom.s of this count ry with the best ()Jy desdales the g ainst improved breeds and begin to in- the near future as famous for tl1eir Short dealt ;N<itb. '."h~· ----H---ute·restrnJ article, Old Country can prodnce. 'r lie immense augurate the improvement of all stock Horn~ and Hereford<, as t h<t0 counties Easter ..D..y, " is a very Y of OutH rio llDd Durh:irn in yot1r own and Dr-.. Ta lmage's sermi;m, ·' The Qu~en iimprovement which this firmi a lone are raised upon the farm. We will then in a pro vince. of Fes1i'l"a]s," h a pow<1r.~n·I p_ r eseotat,ion I!il&king arn1mg the h orses of C&uada can· few y ears, be proof against ha.rd times, if 'l't1ro ngh the hberality nf J.'1»sident of E us ler: le~sons . " ~e F hght of t.he n~t be fully known. One h opeful sign Have just opened out a full rm1ge of H -11, nf the St, Paul, 1 Hio11000ua. aud B~ills, " W· its prtitty p1~1!u~·e. 18 a quamt in; con,,ection with thei1· imp01>ta.tions is we ha.vo plenty of good stock. It has not been at all uncommon to hear Mauit..b1i lta.ilwsy, a larQ;e llll'!U>ber of French lil'aste_:r ~egeud . '.llH~ Blessm!o( of that , he horses are kept in Canatda. Mr. p ,,1;..d Au;( US and Sh ort Horu8 :ftnpQrted Food m Blus~ie. 111 a cun o11s aer_em~?)'. of, R V.bert Beitlb, who has few eq µa ·s as a a farmer say, t hat there is n o profit in bulls have been pla~dd free of cos!f·Wi ·hm th<1t count ry. " East~r Mbrmng 18 11 juli<re of horses expect..q to st:i··t for the ((IMPORTED DIUECT). keeping fine stock- tha.t it would not pay the rtt~ch of the<'mers along line beautiful pieture, "E,.steP . .S?8n es aud Okb°Country h·;a few weeks for· anoth er These good~ are undoubtedly the & st value ever· .methillfll like $40, 001}1Wt!J>rth Easter 'T};IHJ1e11." a t·!1aract~n11trc: 1llu~tra· i mportation. him to purchase good stock at a goocl price of road. s .. shown in town. We- have also in stock a· full of thb~C animalB we-rti d1std t1u ted l:l'ne ti on, a Pd "· 'fhe Easter ©ffo1 mg m a . , " . , . ,, .. to improve his stock. Let us see h ow this year ". !l'o,while Dr. .AIHuway, of Moatl··eal. Fashiou11b!e· C:l>ureh" wil.I i:le. rec..gnized Mr. Patterson~ Oliver r,wts~ Ill known assortment of the best and most reliable make of thing figures up: He raise$ ten colts, of ha; hroul{ht a tine h3trd of Hercfods· tv as a faithfllll :veprodnction. 'f h ere i" also amc!ig hors?,riium now as Kmg of the what is called the common stock, and l clls Gr.; nd JJ'<,rks . c,.1.tle generally ata:Ed lthe a finel y ilh19':.rHtert article OD' "The Lily," Cly~sdales: . He was shown tt.t t he 'West them at three or fo ur years of age, aud Dakorn win ters\lrkably well, and and an intare11.tio~ one 0·1 · ~ ~y Day in F~iir liD a clas~ of eleven· of the horses that ever 6 tood tothey reali11e him $75 or $100 each;°" say thio spriug they came out looking henl tliy En~h.od in tll.e· Old1m Timer." .iu addi- be,t imported 1 1nd in ~·H>d conditi on. Of cour~e ~oud' tioi1 to these timely lll<'ttern·t there 1s a g~thm- 0 1:1 the prounds and :vas ~w~rd~d Crapes not made for show merely, but which we $11,000 for the lot, It is flt·fo b say t h at -~' ~!'· @:11>illnrd, " F1rst·P.nze .h . PA_good engra.vmg shed s or 11t.a.bles a r" nece!aa.ry, tog(ti!ihe11· n otable a r 11 "' n~ " " Ch·teB~· n h f 1 S of him rs can confidently recomment:D to give sat isfactiow to the wearer. the cost of these animals, ia raisiag them, with a fair su11ply of ·irmiria hay w!tith. by Mrs. Elis,.beth Brooks of l'f·.,w York, 8 0 ~-~ m t IS iss.u e 0 t le 'I'"~SMAN, 1!lreatly adlm1red bv all wh~,, k n ow . put Up fur $1 00 ' '~ ton. ~ . 1 .. w· 1 , o-· H' e H > · will bo something like t 11e price received Cllll be i\D artLC e ()l(..I 1'1C rnstet· " ti\·e d ra.I' " h cl } h . t} - · f l {)ouch, Johnston & ()a·ydermau, , . . ; with a portrait tm, an 1e fl' ie .Promise o near Y .a 1,f the b isho p·~ 3l0d views for t h em; so there will be nu profit to the Se~dmg generally beg~ here on ..L\ pril i 0 f th . tl ·'- 1 th t , . . p<i:rtrait hundr ·· · d mare!!' a t !us own stal:ilb. His . 0 One Door \Vest of P ost Oltice, 12 't f ew f armers 4 or " " d.ays e~rJie~ . , and e <a l eu-ra · an·l 'rn n~. a H:eecher present·owner J»i "d ..,, 03,500 f or 1 · · ·m 1as t BowMANVI'LLE. breeder· ,, . i 1, a sketch ufl ,.. Mrs. Harr:iilti ll E ,, ,1 tl ~ . llif . of Fall and we ar(l)' glad to know th:vl?Clarke Another farmer raises ten well bred I ne acr..s of wheat sow11 tlus spnnJ*. l ll St la1 ge1 than on auy forme1· year ~frwe my ! owe, anos JtJr 0 sho'>llinsr, th eirap1 1rec·ati on of te · "" 5· " 5 i Christ, a well rn!n11tmted Ptt.;?llr on tho animals, which, at three years old will sell arrival. I may say thaj; the <:o u rwr.~ C i,... ._, e-.p a., " l\'.Tr. Plitterson'il·pluck and entermrise by ·~ i " lndiaa Trairiifl!l'·Behool at ar 1 r for $200 each; or, sa.y $2,000 for the lot. n; onnd h ere is al 1 pretty: we 11 8ett.,, 1foll installme· nfJs. of the seve:J>all Sltl't>Lls, patroni.ii11~ thii!< "most p .·rfect of a . iatti and ,}b)e ClydesdAle." '.rhey may have cost the breeder $1,000 every aection_ of 640 ncre~'\-!ll'XC<1pt scl!·:oI . . d I A<\~, ietber 1 " n ·1, havmg frum one rn. fo ur i ·1111lre~, ,i~ t many a~~i:0j 3 for raising .them, and }et there is 11 profit aect 1 15 1 11 ou t bmn. No lands are foc lrnd np fu-," I or . anic es · a.n Pue.r ·t· ..... g Paraoola all lJ.'l'ices at the Wee-t· Ead 1 1 · · l eoce b en,~· · ts an exce~t1 y m eres.w~ num- House. of $1,000. This will represent a. small Ia r·d. spucu:at10ns, acr._ua1 r<'~H , th·s be~ - 0ua . pa.rt only in the profit of good breeding. or ·.- c1n1d1t11,n on winch · frn sett le r glV:.S , · ..,,--,,.,.-,,,,==="'"" ·-"' -"' -=-"" ·-"" -== l. . 'l'he D omiuio:11w 6lov" r nmu!tt j On this basie some farmers say that t l11s hi. lan· N:em '20uerhsemtnts. PULF-IT CHANGES re1m lt.1shopeloss for them- that they can - wo .. lrl d.o w.. ll to take a ll·!hf fr.1m t li\0 I hn ·· la"·s ·<n d conditions nf' ~e.: thirn ent. ®f!1 ' .) Q>, AC:ruE Fsrm to sell or to r~nt. The Minietcriul Association h·aving not expect to gain one 'cent more for a b et- Pul J1c L:mds in this cour1ilry. I f t.h e;y. ) ,. Apply;·ao WM. WINDAT ' Darimg· If. ter quality of stock. would d o a way with all tl1e ·e1·loni iaticau ~ rtiaolved t hat a·a exchange cf f.lU )pi.t a ton, BowrJ1&nville, J>. 0. Is it not true that thtlre are still such COlfllJ·"·lCs, a nd give the h nd t·) a ctual ! ehall take cu S"bbath the ·]f:>th of G LE~ FOR SALE.- Two Durham 11e1ti . :nr nnly, we would !Jk,.1-.)1 iJee p1 .rts G·.f~ ; May. The f·:>~knv~"g arrangement11> have farmers, and t hu.t t hey also say this? Y et H11lla·ri8ing twl!> years tor sale by t he sub· thei:om \iry a i · least uorth of t b6' 49th parnl- 1 ACriber. cm>·6,'lot 8! D&rlington, good pedigree. been made au d~ published for th& guid it is hard to belie" e, in this ago of advance- le· ast.Jm:kly 1ettled as tbn>'du tdc t . he- , W. J, ROY·. Tyrcn11e P. O. 15-tf m1· 1 l1eN way a1 Id the · ance of all . ment and newspapers, tha.t s uch farmers wt1 ITUA'J'ION W ANTED.-By a young 2ltl1';illl!ANVIU,E. are numerous. It is ~traugo, if this :is-riot b<>uoohry. ' l'he rapidity w;;Hh whic h thi>B i man c..~ · Groom1and Gardner, li!l'yeare ex· .s- l!J>es.~ bron~ht uc1di;i1· c ui tivai - , S t.. Pauls,- At U a .m., and S:. S. at p~rience. Best, or·?eferenctt c"u be furnis hed. prejudice born of u. want of energy and , fli~tl'«!:t hm i1>n ,,rid geod 1'ltlbstantia.1 buhlli i4]~S e1 "cte-3\li . 2:30 p.m., RG1T>. Mr. Brown ; '{.: p.m., St.ricr.Jy ten.per,.te· 11nd lndust.rious and thoro· ughly unilerst1md s the of horses. Apply business tact. How cau h<Jrso flesh di£fer ' .it~ most; ea;..."tls &;1i each fantll·ii; :wm e thiog:.. Rev. Mr. Addi11on at tbc 'iT"'-'l'l!:SM~ Office. 18-3 w 'irt this resp.ct from wht a.t, corn, beef, , rrrn..11li-<>b-l e· aod' only oqu..alled hJ · t.l-..r±, Trinity,-At Ji]. a . m., and. 3 .. S. at r;~jj>id gv,>w t hi oi U1e towns 1o1l<l' > !' 1 g th e li wt 1 OUSES· T'O SELL AND RENT.· pork, butter, cheese, et-0., all of wl1ich 1 2:30 p. m., Re·. Mr. Leslie. At '7 , I ha·e to-ren.t a good Brick House with , o) ·lll· ! ·.. as. · ~ ·11b.rin~ prices in ratiu " ith their seve1mi l'tev. Mr. Sa.hon, mne romr.a &11d' excellent, celh·r; gooc! garden .Jlollm MoNTGOMIE'R:J", M. D. wi< b fruittrees·. Also a. desirable residence for ..qu1.11ities1 Queen·st. Methf'rl.i8t.-.A t 10 ~3(') a.m., sale, sui> : ANocb,. 1>.i-k ., April 24th, 1&86. 11.ull.l for a rel.Iring farmer; contains Rev. Mr. T aylor; at G:30 p. m., Rev. A. seven room' am!! 3nromer kitchen and wood Whatevei: the cat1ses atu that have con1 e.ue llrnd with choice fruit trees; good shed : Fraser. well a ndl cietem· W . R . R. CAWKER, Bowtrii:rntcd to produce th ifl effect, farmcFs 00ti'I'fi1 DA:P.J,INGTON. msnville. 20-tf. T0m..plil'ra:nce and IBhsina ss. ought to know, in ··rdcr to intelligenbly E benezer, at l!O a.m. and Maple GroTe direct their future course of breeding. On Ct>od Et1'·ri" .,.r- Enror ced ~eri 1nce :iln at 2:30 p. m.-, R ev. A . Fraser. 1'benzer Ki,111.iB·· '1eunty· ·lia. investicra.tion we find this condition of the at 6:30 p. nl,, Rev. G. Browne. 0 · OMEl~G ff t.he most valuahle: and eligible horse market is uot confi ned to tlns counE:Mll'TON, Mr. ;J. M. Caldwell, of' Jla.spe r , cle~ tn 1 .he 'l'&wn of Bowm&nville. Terms easy try alon e; for go to what conutry we will of t he cnart oi Hamilton. notmt; r, 1"1a. , Mt. Vernon, at, EnfUlld 2:30 lfor and plans apply at the ofllce of H . ltUSBEL4J,].,OSCOMBE. and E 'lniskillen at G:30, R ev. F . .iat !incl that draught horses, <luring the m~d ~. 11;, a. call last week. :Bfuowi ng t !e-McClungs' Building"> Bowmanville Wood~E.r. 1886. 20·'1w May,lOlli\ tho0 t empeirance cause had. prevai led, a;.m last tw enty-fi ve h ave doubled tluii Ham]lton county ha·~l lheen " drz,, "' Zion ati lO, Ehfad at 2 :30 ~Hamp· and t rn'oled in vnlu e. This advance in for· 1 he 1t·ast three yeam,~ we inqui:l'ed ton at (k-30, Rell'. R. D . Fra.ael'I. price is not because they are breeding le os about tht> results. 7 YRONIL Oill1~E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT' " Awfully llad ou chichan. eah·e ra," ~ of the l arge k ind- quite to the contrary the ©ourt of Revision fe r the Township of Long;;Sault. - At 10 a. m., Bev. Mr. Uarllngtoo. wilt take place at the 'l'own Hall - for, under increasing h ig h pi·ices, their the ··e ply. " When whisl~y W'as sold iin Addison. Ja·per the drinkers brollgbit tlu iir chiakHampto!l on Saturday 29tm May inst.. at b production has b een l argely looked after, ens and eggs to town aod a old tliem o'clock; j)>.m. A ll parties baving complaints Havdon at 2: and Bethesdl! (), Rev. againso assessments will· take notice and! and rnauy of th e most pr11ctical m en hav e che~- P to raise funds to buy whi skl'Y· ;wow Mr. Tl&vior. gover.n t hemselves accordinaly. May,·ll/;tb, 1886. R . WINDATT, Clerk. becom e interested iu the improvement they eat the chickens anilleggs at ho me:.., · Lecl.ia.rd a.t ! 0 :30 and Ki!lby at 2 :30, and " Ii o w a.bout it.s driv:ing away business Rev. J . Whitloclc and breeding of ·hem . fl p,sldes in some 1" to ol.Jrnr points where w11i&key is sol.di ? Ornno at c .., Rev. A . Drummond. countries the governme nts lrnve aclopted we m cp1ired . -~--o---SOLID ERICK HOUSE, WITH and organized systems of encouragement; N EWCASTLE . "T he business of J~per has st1J&diily Jrrame J{ltchen, nirub room~, cell"r· hard intd n ot withstanding their increasing improved sin ce the chomge, more l:m i]d'M.iethodist. - At 10:30 ~m .. Rev. A. and·50ft w11te1·. wiih an acre of land most~.r in frulLb::;.....apples, pears. plulil).s, cherries, currants. Drnmmond. ~ t 6 :30 p :m., Rev. A. rnspberries numbers, the pr1cl:ls continue to advance, in!!s "rt' g()ing u p and tl:w of: ~rop e.nd strawberries. 'l'he p.eoperty Lell-!ie. Clarke appointment, at 2:30, iR·tiD tuated on Scugog &treet, and will be sold showii<g the supply is not equal t o the de- e rty has enhanced from. 25 to Hll)> per at a ver y reasonable il11:ure. .Apply at the eent . The farmers al"'l'- more pruspevou!i ; R uv. A . Drummond. S<JtATES MAN' 0PF1CE. 17-4W mand; mid that tliere arc n eed ed , and be- are almost eat,irely c mt of debt .;; have Preabyteuian.- -At 1(}~ n.m., R ev. ing used , a l arger nnmber of draught hor- be1te r credit and let:YI occasion to, ttse it E.Roberts ; at G:30, p.m. , Rev. · w. H . ses than evel' b eforo. Why is this? Easily t h an ever b efore, aa d crimo h M< diminWarriner . ished 75 per cen t. " told; from the commencement of the ap'· D o the opponQts of Loc.'QiJ Option Orono i'resbyterian. - At 10:30 a .rn., plication of steam as a motive power, a admit this 1" The Store, Owellllni , Stable and DriTing .Rev. Mr, Sa.lton ; at ~ .p. m., Rev. E. new co'mmerci\ 1 period began, which haa " A fo w whose lifilCUniary int3'relft is in houseand about t hree-ronrths of a.nacre of lt\nd :Roberts. si tuat.ed In the village or Tyrone. and known ch:i.nged all thmgs . Railroad5 have taken whis ky still try to account far the im- : N e wtooville,Presbyterian. - At 10 :30. as Elliott's St.ore, is olf~ red for all.le. A ll in 1 the place of the stage-coach and gradually pro~ ,;d .::oudition t>f thin~s in s.ome other ij a . ni., an-~ Kendal a~ S p .m., Rev. W. H. good order. For terms and conditions or sale, war a u·l are still clamoring foe a license I a.vply to JAMES 131NGHA.M. Ins. Agen~. thrown out of employ a. great number of to sttll whiskey, ·but the fact~ a s I h ave 'Varrimir. Tyrcne, or to SA MPSON, KENNEDY & CO., H Scot t St;. Toronco. 13-tt small h orses. '.l'h e breeders _pf t h ese wer e sta ttid them sre so plain and glaring thak Ken.dal Methodist .- - At 10 ;30, Clark11 compel.led to find marlwt.s ia other direct - ver.)' fe w now d eny them. Strange as ill. at 2 :31.), and N ewtonvillo at 6 :$0 Rev. .,A.ltM FOR SALE.- That well known R. Walker. and valuable form the "Weldon Home· ions. The facilities for rapid , safe and may nppear, most of the oppositio~ to beinJ( composed of 200 acres. 153 cleared local op :ion oomea from moderate drink.The Church-st. M ethodist Church and stt>,ad," cheap transportation has swelled com- er~ the old topers are so pleased with the balance in woods. the pnl.ncipal part ot the tlruber being beech and maple, A new Tyrnne Methodist C hurch, change by merce t o an extent never dream ed of un- tl1: improved state of nlfaira that they house, with cellar full size, 2 barn~ ; mt:1tual art·sn11e111ent on the 23rd of May. frame horse and cow stables, cow shed and root dei; tb.e old order of things, and opened a c1.rnlu 11ot n ow bo induced te vote to have ; 2 good wells or water, and small OONSIJMl'TIUN ClJKt:D - an 01a physician, ot·cha.rd, '!.'he above farm is well fenced a.nd hundred new channels for !h e U!e of these the temptation placed before t hem again." retired from J1ractice, havitg had t>laced in his under good cultivation. It is suited for 2 heavy, muscular and actirn h orses. hands b y an India rolssiona.ry the tormn la tarms. havinl!' the wood on both encls. Tile ot a simple -.egetll.ble remedy fOI.' tbe speedy number of the lot is 13 in the 4th concession of Scott's Emulsion of Pure F armers are also be~inning to find a anrl permaneRtcure otuonsumption.Brwichitie, Darlingtmi, ~ north of the ftou town of Catarrh, Asthma and aH throat 1t.nd Lnng At· llowu::ant Ule, Church and School close by. Co·I I.Iver Oil, wUh Jlypopbospllltes more systematic and economical meth od tections, alaa e. positive !J.nd radical core for Apply to 'l'b.amas Wf;l.ldon. Senior, Proprietor, of cultivation n oce·s:izy, in whic11 a larger P ossesses tho remedial · pa wer of these Ner vous Debilit1 and all nervous CQmpi'e.lnts, now in Du.rllngton, 'Ir by letter whO"l home, &tter having teated its wonolex::ful curative "Littlewood;' P.O. class oi horses is indiepenaable . Thus we two valuable specifics in their fulleat 11owers in thounnds of cases, has felt it his l'I< · .a,...:1r not sold in 2 month.sit w m be rentWith Clasp or :2uttons, from 2 to 6 Buttan lengths. degree. l a p repared in 11 palatable form, duty to make it knowr· to his sutfering tallows. e'd. T. ·w ., Senr. s ee the strong horso gradually taking the 18- tf. easily tolerated by the stomach, and for Actuated by this motive and a oleal're to relieve place of the smaller one_a on every h and. d elicaLe, Bickly children, Emaciation, human s111l'oring, I will seiitl tr11e ot ·he.rge, to ULL FOR SE-RVICE.- A Thoto· all who tilesire it. this t'ecipe, In Gertnan,French. 'fhe people are now ready for the chan~e, Consumption and all impoveriahed con- or E nglislt, with full 11.lrootione tor preparing bred Darham Bull, rising 2 year~. with and using. Ben~ by me.W. by aCl.'1resslng·w1th regl.etered. petl)gree, 18"k'ept for serv14r0 on J.Qt and we think, they al'e rigl1t in demandmg ditions of ~he blood is unequalled by any stamp. namin'!' this pap&.r, W. A. Non:s H9 ~ Con. ». Darangto11. Ierms- $2, F. W .,A4.I.IN, other remedy. p~·· JJWcJ,;lfoc.Usta N. Y. 4'a ProJrrietor. 17·Aw· it. Thero ie n othing thd fa.rmers can do that gives promise of a better return than from breeding to the best large horses thn.t can be found; and, with the en ergy of the people turned in the i·ight direction, we ~My, what lovel1 patterns yon have in W~ll P aper, and how cheRp, too. You will in a few years possess .the finest class of general purpose horses in the worl·I. have the beet eelect ion I have eo .. n." In speaking of the advantages of heavy horses, we would not wish to be und.-rJ ust 110, that is my ir.tention . stood as dislik ing t h e lighter horse in its proper place. To ad\·ocate the strong THE NEWES'I', w8gon for heavy loads doea not imply the 'l'DE PRETTIE!S'I'. abandonment of the lighter and elegimt road-wagon for light and fas t dri ving. and at the .-ight 1n·ice. Each has its legitimate use - each has its appropriate place. ln co ocluding this article we desire to make a practical application, as the ministers say, nnd therefore direct t he attenThe ver~ finest qu ality of tion of our farmer friends to the many excellent horses of this class whose routes are givE>n elsewhere in this paper. We equal to any shown in Toronto, at a price doubt if any other r-iding in Caniida can surprisingly low. 11how so many superior Clydeedales :\vailable for farmers' use, as vVest Durham. Plain Golcl, Crona 3·".ic. I am"'Greeted Every Day with: A Complaint. Mn. Eo1ron.-In common with sevew l of our business men I must enter my pro test a"ainst long funeml ceremonies. Do rin'-' the past week several of our citizen~ att~nded a funeral in tho country, and th e service i n th e church l"sted for two mortal h ours in addition to a lengthy service a the house before starting. To me ii serrnon (·f seventy-seven minutes. un a wee k h day is in tolerable, and especially so w en any ordinary preach er could con vey the ideas and clear up his p '> ints equally well in twenty minutes. I dare hazzard the npiniun that .-very one presen t '.Vas wearied a nd dis'!;usted on tins occasion with t h e preacher in q uestion. . MAN. Hors9 No tes. Th is is the Horse~umber of the STATES· 'l.'he STATESMAN office has been headquarters for horse bills this season Horsemen tell us that we print the best bills they see anywhere. Mr. Alfred Hogarth has a very promisd ing voung horse sired I:> by Stridcaway un J II e urnt · which h e calls Young rinceps. the service of farmers others in this district . See route notices. House Cleaning? Yes, we have the paper hangers here to-day. Let's see your paper? Oh, isn't that nice Where did you get it? From KENNER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL Their patterns are just splendid, and so cheap this spring ; and it is a fact, we are showing the finest line of 10 cent Papers that were ever shown in town. Don't fool yourself by purchasing· before you see our patterns and note prices. OONT FAIL TO SEE MY PATTERNS Gold Embossed Papers No trouble to show Goods. P. TREBILCOCK. KEN NER &co., v~ HALL. GRE.A.T S:S:OV\T " MOURNING GOODS\! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Crape Black Cashmeres, BLACK CRAPE? II 0 J( WE HAVE OPENED U this week some special lines in B S R LACES '., Flouncings and Embroideries. Valenciennes Lace Flouncing, Oriental Lace Flounciitg; Spanish Lace Flouncing, Allover in Cream, White, Beige and Black. Builclling Lots for Sale. . S ({lburt of Re·ovision. N Trimming Laces to match. FOR SALE. A We are also showing a large range of Perrin & Frere's first choice PROPERTY FOR SALE IN TYRONE. KID GLOVES! Lawrence Josephine Eugenie Suede Jvoune in in in in in Black only. Black and Tan shades. Black and Tan shades. Black and Tan sh~Jes. White only. F B PIERCE~co.

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