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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 5

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Mrs. J no. Wesley is visiting friends in B oys should not be allowed to play ball, Detroit. quoits, &c., on the streets. - A T TifEMrs. J . Rowo has gone nn a visit to Chief Coleman has taken up his rest· Wisconsin. dence over the Standard Bank. Miss E . Law, of Macloc, is visiting at lUessrs. Lyman Sons k Co. For a mao-nifi.cent choice of Hosiery, Mr. Hugh Mckay'B. Gloves, &c. ~call at the Star House. ·~rake thie opportunity of announcin!o\ that Only 50 cents for SrA·.m~ntAN t o new A good tweed or serge suit, any size, they art1 prepared to supply their sulJscribers to encl of 1886. $5.00 at T. G eo.Mason's, Star H ouse. \Ve ha ve given the preference to counChas, Darwin:, his life and 'York, by Grant Allin, published by J. Fitzgerald, try correspondeuce this week. Clothing and any amount of suits Misses Jennie and Li zzie Tod have been 393 Pearl-st., New York. Price post·free --OFsent out every Q.ay. on a visit to Toronto this week. 30 cents. We understand t hat Dr. Potter, of EnCall at Morris' Carriage Works before Our Collars, 'l'ies, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, orderin" and examine the material and niakillen, is moving int o town. the very latest sty Jes. in Jots to suit purchasers. stock l~e is using in hi~ carriages nnd SPe those beautiful F ancy Window wagons t his season. Shades at Tait.~ l\'forrison's. These Lea.di!! are unsurpassed for Division Courts, for May, 1886, will be · Buy 3 lbs. of L 1-Quor Tea at L evi M or> PURITY, COVERING PROPERTrnS h eld as follows :-Bowma n ville 28th, New- ris' and get a $1.00 book fre e. FROM $2 UP. Castle 27, P ort H ope 26th, Millbrook 25, The Athletic Club will meet over McAND GENERAL EXCELLENCE. Cobourg 21st. Clungs this evening at 8 o'clock. PLEASE TO CA.LL AND EXAMINE. F ARMERs,- McClell:in & Co. h ave now SEE THAT THE TRAD E MARK F ull line of 1~rtists mater ials- tubes, on h and a. large quantity of S alt and brushes, pallet tes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. N. B .-·w e liave d isposed of our stock Plaster and for sale in q uantities to suit 'l'he latest th ing in scrims for curtains, purchasers. at th e West End H ouse. Call and see 1t. of F ancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVE S, An adjourned meeting of the newspaper F ull lines of ar tists' mater ials-tubes, oi;iposite the Salvation Army Barracks. publishers will be held in Whitby on !donbrushes, pallett e3, etc., a t S. S. E dsall's day May 31st, at 10 a. m. to org~mze a M rs S pear offers a good building lot for press association for Central Ontar10. M essr:. Shaw & Tole offer to presen t a sale. Apply to M iss Spear at the l'ost binder t o anyone who will find a m~n t o Office. P lease to call u pon her and y ou will see M r. M. D. W illiams shipped auother whom thev have · sold a Massev Bmder, t he prettiest st ock in town. load of fat -cattle to the Uld Country on who will not recommend it. . IS ON EACH PACKAGE. W e still publish brief. reports of t~1 e Saturday. Barbed, ribbon, phdn a nd annealed In Painting use workins:r of t he i:icott Act m t hese counties when sent us b y reliable persons. R e- wire a full shick at bed rock prices at S. - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ·-·-ports must be brief as our space is limited. S. }<jJsall's. M r. G. Abbs, of T oron to, and M r . R .B. A skilled blacksmith fro~ ,Turonto is · only from carefnlly cleaned seed in charge of the blacksmithing department ~Williamson, of P ort Hope were in t own --OAJ,L A T- and absol utely fr ee from ad11Jteratiori. of Morr is' Carriage W orks. All k inds this week. of repairing n eatly, promptly and well The S. 0. E. meet n ext 'l'uesday The B est is t he Cheapest. done. t he A. 0 . U . W. t his F rid1 ly night. \Ve are sending a la rge number of sam- are important meetings. ·.STOTT & JURY, A GE NTS, ple c· ·pies of t he STATESM AN to persons Mr . and Mrs. K eachie and child left for who at·e not s ubscribers, for the mutual Scotland on 'l'uesday morning last . We - -AND SEE-1nd the publish er. wish them a pleasant journey and safe rebenefit of advertisers 1 We will send this pap ~t· t he rest of 1886 tur n. ' · -for 50c JYir. W. H . Bennet t, oftheNews office, 'l'he Phrenological J ournal for M ay, left 0 11 \Vednesbay morning for London, THE BEST --AND - 1886 will prove interest ing to that large Eng. Several companions went to the nnd increasing denomimition, " The Dis- station to see h im off. Ther e was great ciples of Christ ," as it preseats a n excel- weeping by the girls. lent portrait of th e R ev. H ober t Graham, T he West E nd H arness store by J . R . with a very full and interesting sketch of B radley is t he ch eapest place in the coun- -IN- his life and wor k. ty to buy Harne~s and H urse Millinery, 4 pieces new worsted coatings, beau- Whips, &c. Nickle Single Harness from tifully finished goods. Gentl. men, if you $15 00 u pward~, Black t rimmed from$10. want a su t , see th em at T. Geo. Mason ':i, 00 up wards. H orse collars, $4.50 per S tar '011se pair and everythi ng in the trade at exin the market is manufactured by EYER SHO WN IN ORON O. n D ec. 1884, we noted in these col- ceedingly low prices. llesponsible pu~ch· umns th e high stand m ade by n. ten year asers cll.n have from <:>M to two ~·Q al'll t un e old son of Mr . R. M. Horsey, Kingston, if requi red·. All work warranted to give at t he entrance exam ination to High satisfaction . Call and i nspect stock. 1w. L A TE :Miss Hi::rDURN's, MILLE.&'s BLOCK. Sch ools t hat year . ·w e regret now t o rePRICE ST. J OHNS Cm nu'!n. - l n view of the ap- - - - -- -- - - - -- - cord his death from diptheria, also that of proaching visit t o this parish of the Right h is brother two years his senior from the Reverend Lord Bishop of 'l'oron t.o to adame-.t rrible d isease. mini~ter the <~postolic rite of " laying-on VETERINARY SURG E O!~ , : ~ RLY OSING. - -The mombers of the of hands, " th e Hectot· will delivet· in S t. Bowmanville Board of ·rrade on Monday J o!"in's church, n.t morning and evening - This P owder is\ las t decided to close their stores begiim ing services, on Sunday next, 16th inst, and I June 1st-on Saturdays and day proceed- th e folhwing S unday, a series of discour. · 1g public 1 lidays at 9 :30 p .m.- on factory ses. defining the term " Confi rmation ," explaining t he meani ng of the ordinance, · :and eqnal in q uality to any i.n t he m arket p ~Vfl at 8 p. m . and all other days at th e mo.tives for its recept ion aud furnish7 p. m. Th e public ~ire r equested to as~d as we h11 ve no t rav ell.,rs bills and .n gement . tf. ing a reply to the pleas by which p~rsons agents commis·ions t.o pay we ca.n eel~ t he sist in carrying out t his arr1 Mr. }:(, B. 'I'h ornt on, Oron o, wnt es: seek to j ustify their neglect of a duty so ~0 1·Hler one-th ·rd less tha n regular p ncee. For three years I have been a subscriber richly fraught with grace divine. Une of the bu;,y places in town the pnst to the Canadian H or ticulturist aq0. have STOTT k JURY. . , learned to prize it highly. Some of the week has been Morris' Carriage Works . papers published th e past y_ ear about straw- Tho paint shop is cr owded- nearly everyberries, grapes, rasberries, fruits, etc. , are body wants Mr. Stott, t he boss painter , alone worth many times the p· ice of the to p3int t heir caniages. 'l'he wood shop magazine. D. W. Beadle, P ublisher, St. and blacksmith shops are all astir getting new bug11ies ready. Orders are coming in Honorary G1·aduate of the Ontario Veterina ry Catharines, Ont. T.:inint o. lteglstered member or the BoWM ANVTLLE, FRIDA.T, M AY H. 75 pieces new print d, in black, enamel, lively and al togeth er th ere is a tremen- College. On Y ~tf!rin ary Association. in accordan ce of business. M r. Morns says dous r ush with the Y cterlnary Act. black and white, navys, greys and cream grounds, all latest patterns. Call early lie h as great faith in advertising, as he Is prep'l.rod to t.r·e~t at! disease~ or the Dom· and t.le Animals. according to the latest theories. and get a good choice a t t he West E nd can trace the s;ile of at least t h ree buggies es A ll calls personally. by 'l'elegr or 'l'ele· to the advertising he has done in the phone House. will receive prompt attent'on. (fold ring l011t . R eward for return to ; T he Eagl e steam Washer for which J . STATESMAN. «OFFIC E·- Main St., Or ono, one door north et .S.TATESl\U.N office. Saidalady j ust home from theStates' 'The W. Henry's titore. N. Kivell is the general agent in this d isCHARGES MODERATE. Zion an niversary is on tho first Sunday trict may be seen at Cawker and Allin's m ns1 handsome and at t he same time the .and M on day inJ une. sture, Bow11111nville. Over 120 h ttve been best sewing m >tchine l ever sa w was a ma.The hotel at the 11tat10n i1 closed, b ut sold tLrouud h ere sin ce Novemher. A chine called the Domestic." It was for 'horses nrny be left nt Mr. R. liambly's. large comignrnent h as been received from o ne of t hese that Miss B- s west of Bow· rnanville gave the agent 7 dollars in cMh Barbed r ibbon, plain and annealed the rnan ufactuer a nd all orders will be and a N ew Williams bough& a few clays be- . wire a fui'l stock a t bed rock prices at S. promptly filled. The is decidely fore. The Domestic has a self setting the bt'St washing machine on Earth. Twenty thousand Eggs w11nted weekly. ~. Edsall 's. r. H. E . .Horsey, third son of R . M. ne.-d! e,· s ~lf t hreadm!{ shut tle an d self 100 p eces White Muslins, including all setting attachments. No scr ewing on or m . Brittain & Co., popular makes a nd patterns, now sh owing/ Horsey, Esq., hardware merchant,Kings- fussing about t< · get it exactly. One Ia.ay t .. n, and neph ew of His Worship Mayor .M:AltKET SQUARE, BOWMANVILJ,E, .at the Star H ouse. I Horsey , of Bowmanville, won t he gold told t he agent she had made dolhrs doing AND. Order De.or!, Sa.shes, Blinds, Picket ., fancy work with the n ew attachments. medal t his year in l\fathem11tics at Queen's .etc., at Morris' P laning Factory, L iber y College, Kingston. . He is only 20 years See them and w& know you will b uy no Brittain Bros., .skeet, R . H. Osborne, leasee. of age and is said to be the best mathema- other. Butc h ers, Ne~c as1;l e, The May n umber of th e E lect ic Mag:.\- tician that has graduated from th at insti.zine is an attractive and r eadable issue, t ution. Mr. J. J . Ashton, son of Benj. Will pay for Eggs, Cash for Fine New ·covering a good variety of topics. Ashton, Esq., n ear Newcastle, also stands Dutter and F~rmers' Lard; also Cash for Hides 'f allow, &c., 11t the above places. A la.dy says t hose F ancy Window Shades hi@ on th e list of graduates in arts. .at T ait & Morrison's are the best for t he ~r6 have tried the L i-Quor Tea ,V, Ulll 'J.'TA.I N & Co·· ,money s ie ever saw. They are beauties. sold by L. Morris speak favorably of it. Ma.rket Square, Bowmanvllle, 18J.w. FiYe ·c andidates were raised to the You get a beautiful book with every d ol· White Rose Degree of the Sons of E ng- le.r's worth . Porto Rico and Judicial Sale of Village land on Tuesday n ig ht in W ellingt.on We have received the first n umber of J,odge. t h e W oodstockEveningStandard, Mr. A. D emerara Sugars Order your new buggy a t once at 1\forris' Denhnlm, Publisher. W e regard Wood·Carriage Works wh ere you can get a stock as one of t he best towns in Canada A'P·choice nf McLaughlin's celebrated gear as a business centre and have wondered CHSUANT TO AN ORDER OF with latest improvemen ts, t he Timpkin, why it had not a live daily paper like the Clmncery Division of the High Court of Justice in an act.ion or 'l'hompson vs Barton Regina, Buffalo and other makers, with. P eterboro, Port Hope, St . Thomas and and with the approhati.on of the Locul Master several other towns. If no improvement M-orris' P atent 'l 'op, if desired. of the 8upreme Cou rt. at Cohourg there will be sold by public auctior, at Hobert Hutchison's is made in t he initial n umber it will be a 'r he annual meeting of t he Bowman- credit t o the town, but Mr. D. is full of store In thefvillatl'e or Enoi A klllen, on SA.TUR'L'UE F IF'J'!f DAY Ol!' JUNE, 1886,attwo ville D istrict, will be held in th e M etho- pluck and go-a-head-a-tive-n ess and will When y ou liave to riay for a suit of DAY one parcel the following o·c1 ock aflernoon, in dist church, Newcastle, on T uesday and be sure to t urn out a spicy sheet. clothes, you migh t as well h ave them made valuable village Lots in said village of EnnisW ednesday, the 18th and 19th inst, meetone being half au acre more or less,part killen, right. 'l'o make sure of that leave your Jost in at the W est End House 2000 measure at Couch, Johnston & Cryd ey- of ], ct eighteen in tho seventh concession of ing tocom mence at 9 a . m. On ';l'nesll~y t.he 'l'owoship or Darlington, in the County of evening at 7:30, n. platform meetmg will yards of fac~ory cotton, extra vahte man's. Durham, wh ich may be de8cribcd as commencin~ nine chains in a southerly direction from b e held, when addresses will be delivered ~pecial prices. tho north west corner or said Lot number Mmsu~rnnm ExAMINATION. - The Pub- lll·u ·r l aii;e Nuticcs. liO c;cnts ; bir ths u1ul by the Rev. Messrs. Whitlock, Taylor and eighteen on the east side ot Scugog H.oad, tlclll h s. 25 cen t~. lic School Inspect.or for this County a n Manning. thence easterly two "hains and fifty links, thence southerly two cllllins and. thence west· Tait & Morrison's store you nounces that the midsummer Entrance terly two cha.ins and firLy links more or less to BIRTHS. the Scugog ltoad, thence two chains wore or can see the prettiest , ch eapest and best E xaminations will be h eld at Fort H ope, FoLEY.- ln Darlington on the 8th inst., the less alon~ tho Scugog Road:to the place of Fancy Window Shades ever introduced Bowma.nville, N ewcastle and Millbroo , wife of ,Mr. Walter Fuley,~r a son. beginning. On said parcel there is a. frame b s~ liere, t heir cheepness is mos t r emarkable. J uly 5th, 6th and 7th, beginning at o 1e ONF:s.- In Port Perry, May 3rd, the wife of l8:x¥!. . . 'J he other parcel bem;;: a v11lage Lot In the .C all and see them. Rollen,cornice poles o'clock , p . m . Candidates must hand tile Mr w M . Jones or a daughter · · . ' · i;aid village of Ennisld lle[l containing one presiding examiner one of t he drawing fixings for drawing, etc., in stock. . ARCHIBAT !o - I n Bowmanv}lle. on the 8th quarter of un ncre being composed of books, No. ~ . 4, or o. T hose Candidates met. the wife of Mr. J. Archibald, of a daugh- part of saitl Township Lot number A. 0. U. W. FcNER.AL.- On W ednes- who pass the Entmnce Examination in eighteen, comm<mcing at a post planted eleven ehains r~m th ~ nortl1 we >t corO">Or of Saitl. Lot day of last week the breth ren of Bowman- this County will be ranked as 5th class pn th ·r r M J T M r d ht number eighteen on th e west sido of said lot on 'l d th h l ·11 i d' t If ~ W l e o ' r. . " · ason. a a aug er. ville L odge No. 99 A.O.U. W. to the num- PI s, all e ~c oo w1 rece ve ere .1 n . ,,. 61·T- In Bowmanv!lle on Good Friday. the the Scugol< Road, thence north eeventy-fou1· ber of between 30 ancl 40 attended the the Inspector s book for such promotions· , wife ot Mr. w. 'l'. Scott, or a aoo, degrees east two chains a nd IUty links, thence south sixteen degrees, east one chain, thence -funeral of th eir late r espect"d br-0ther T. The second and tllird class Teacher's Exscut h seventy. four degrees, west tw1;1 chains Harris whose interment took place at Be- arninatioias will be held at t he various Hi MARRIED. and fifty links. thence north sixteen degreea, west gne chain more or loss to the place of bet h estla. T he br ethren matched from the Sch<Jol11 in t he County, beginning at 9 MoYEll- ll:LT.tsON.- Gn April 28th by the Rev. ginning. this last mentioned pa.reel t:b.ere ·house to the church and the procession o'cloi:k, a . m., the first day , t he forr er P . Addison. at the reeidence or tho brides fath· is a frame On wellinic house one and. a hair stories . 0th, and uly er. Mr. Benjamin Moyse1C la.rlce~. to Miss Violet llhca with d numbered upward~ of ninety reh icleil. on J une 28th , 2'9th and 3 tlv-e rooms and stone cellar, 6 good Ellison, di;ughter of Mr. 'f hos. Ellison, well of water and a number of truit t rees. '..L'he pall bearers rode on six black horses. 2ncl and 3rd; imd the lattet on July t h, Newcastle. l '.be property be offered Pubject tg a re· ' l'hw. R, .fln2mrd cond11cted the church 7th, 8th , 9th and 10th. Can didates or AJJ1tN- CooR111 .a ~-At Kirkfleld, on the 12th served bid fixedwill by trre said Mastt1r. t t ' f th I ·rm-t., by the Rev. E . Eves, at the residence ot 'fEitMS:-'l'en per cent:cash a t time of sale · t' aervice, and Bro. Ch as. Keith , P. M . W. a 11 t h ese 10ns mus · no 1 Y · e n- the bri<te's eister, Mr. Danlul T. .A.llin,orOrono, and t.lte balance lo one month without iotereit and Bro. A. J . Ho.ok , M . W., aesisted by spector not later th an May 231·cl, of Lheir and Mlss E lizabeth Cookman. In other respects the conc1itions vrill be the other brethren read the bea..1.tiful burial intantio· to presen t thellISel ves for e~am standing coud l~lon11 of the said Ch&ncel'y DiDIED. vision. s ervice Qf the Ordor. As soon as the n ec- iuat ion . A fee of $2 is also required from l<'u.rther parlti.culars may be obtained from ell!!ary papers are forwarded and the candidate for second or. third cla~s B1uY.- At Uaglan on Stmday l\ia.y 9tll, Be- w . Mortimer Clark, Esq., or John Hoskin, <i. :Board meets to coosidat the claim Mrs. examioatiooo, or $4if the candidate applies booca Bray. third dau g h t e r or Mr. .John llray, c., 'l'oronto, H. F, Holl&nd, Esq. or Wm. K"'rr, aged 2;' years. Esq.. CoboU rfl, I arri11 will receive a beneficiary of $2000 for both examinations. Date~ Ma.y Srtl ISSG. ~m this society. n frim colic, mmntu ral np11ctt1e., fretful· QEO. M. OLAUR: T en <'>AS09 of Embroideries, all widtha . u·e8'l, we-Jkltc~s. mul convuH~, 11 re some 1 I,oool Master at Cobourg. NATlOl'IA.L PU..U aI"e .JUW"l' e"ated, mild bui Ul.orouiia. and &U't: tile bru SWmllcll 1tu d Laces in great ~a.riety and fine Vitlne.~ j ust ut' l he dl'nLM ol Wonns In Chlld re.n; d to.11l roy I Wm. M. CLARK· received at T. <:l-eo. Maaon'11 8'9.r H ouse. t:b e ' VormM lVith Dr. Lo1t"· ' Vorlll llJ'MW· Yonc\or'a 1!14lfoltor. I.ii VeJ' J'lJ.1111 l a luc.. ~PURE WHITE LEAD. BUSINESS BOOMING WEST END HOUSE. Prints, Ginghams, Printed Muslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols; &c., &c. WELL KNOWN BRANDS NEWEST A· ND NDBBfEST IN Eclipso Houso. Dress Goods, ---o--- "White Lead, READY-MADE CLOTHING Cloths and T-w-eeds, Gent's Furnishings. notice by the A 1 Tailor. J .- McMURTRY. See the ~est Value in Town. Suits made to order on shortest w. H. IVES. Lyman's Linseed Oil, LADIES, I!'. H. M .rt S 01'1, i - D EALlm I N -- LADIES I k The Largest S toe .Baking Powder STOTT & J~RY. Greatest Variety MILLINERY JOHN SPENCEB, Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D.S.' Engines, 'Peerless · and 'Grain Saver ' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, S cu ffi ers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey J:i,anning Mills, Chaff Cutter s, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loader~, Oru~llers, Grinders, ·_ Only 30 cts. a pound. WARRANTED PU RE Tedder~ & JJ'orJrs, Wareroomi--King St., Bowmanville. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon . BOOTS and SHOES. SPB,ING ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN BELLYAR T akes great pl easure . in notifying his customers and othe rs that his stock of Boots and Shoes is now very compl ete m every l ine - Men's, Boys', Women's and Childreu's. As I buy for cash, at close prices, I am pre pared to offer you --goods at- Local Otherwise. 2o, ooo E ccsI EXTREMELY ·w LOW FIGUR1ES; - -A very large stock of- - Trun k s, V a l i s es, S a t c h e l s, &c. j ust arri ved and will be sold lower th\.ln heretofore. 01·clered worlr and Repail'iug rec eive 1wompt atte ntion Your custom 1·es 1·e ct.f"ully solic ited.· B owrnanville, April 21, 1886· RAW SUGARS. J . HELLYAR. The Star that Leads them All. J=I ·rl l=I f::I bJ) Propert y. WM. QUICK & CO'S. P Ei li1 ~ ~ ni ...p ~ -a1--j (I) a Cl> ({) 1-61 ~ tj ~ rel bl) pa I .:I · ·rl DOMESTIC SEWING MAGHNE. lutitate Many It but None E qual · I t . T his is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best. Family Sewing Machine in t he m arket_ It does better work. It does finer and better sewing. It is easier to run and superior in ev&y respect to all other machines. Its atrnchments and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a child can almost pl.ace them in position. E very lady ~lwuld giv~ the " Domestic" a. trial before buying inferior soft made machines. Machines may be seen at Mr. Kenner's Variety H all, Bowmanville, and at H ampton. The undersir,ned tho:: exclusive right of sale in the West Ridin~ e f D11rham, and Whitby ana Manvers. Agen ts wanted- apply to H . E LLIOTT, Jr. W. BATTEN. Hampton, Marcil 26, r 886.

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