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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 6

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of sunstroke, they pUBhed on and on until a 1 only such a. thing to fear from their own distant view of the domes and minarets of countrymen and most dactdedly not from the gre11.t Mosque of Mehemet Ali, rising British soldiers. Yet, nevertheleso, I will above the rocks af the Citadel, drew iw en. pl11.ce ha.If a dozen of ours to guard the Electricity Cut Do"\1'D .":. thuslastlc cheer from the ranks. honse, and I'm sure such a preca.utlon will FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1886. Captain Donelly had the honor of com· meet with the approval of the general." mand1ng t he a dvance ~quadron of this brllS J, when Nellie had bidden a. izratoful and ~===-.:======== lfant nnguard, and thou gh h!a llttlo force aff~ctiona.te adiou to the Valide K hanoum Stops all pains and nchoa internal and ex· oonaieted of but a. hundred and forty-five and assured her th11.t no harm could happen ternu.L There is nothing irke it. It's a ll the meo, and be knew t hat \ here weroa ten thou· to her er to any of the other la.dies, and tbat talk, go where you will, by every ooe who has Br Uie .d.ut.\or of u NINA, THB NIHILIST," " Taa Rim SPOii!," "Tax Rusau.:N SPY,' sand tried i t, Egyptlu.n soldiers in the 0111pita.l, and her hueb11.nd was safe under the prot<ictlrn CAT ARRII.-A new treatment hn.s been di~ ETO., E10· most preba.bly by then the commander-in·' of one of the British generals and could not, ()overed whereby a permanent cur e of this IT ClJD.lES hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· CHARTER LIX. eyes. On his white face there wa.1 a spet or chief as well, he hesitated not to enter the be surrendered up to the revengeful Kb.edive Kidney an~ Spinal afleotions, J, ame Back, and 1ild in from one to three appli cations, no roattE?r olty with blaet of trumpet and brattle of without a guuantee from t hat prince that all co mplamts or the Urinary P a.ssaRes .Hlind '\vhether standing one year or forty years. Thia '1HE H OUR OF HER S UPREME TRIAL-H OW two of blood. k«>ttledrum, and before another hour had he should be fairly dealt with (which Items and Bleeding Piles, Salt Il.heum, Scrofulous l.."t!lruedy is only applied once in. . twelve da,:fS, WILL IT END ? J "Gazh\111., leave us," he said in peremp- elapsed, ~ores, Scald Head, nncl all Cut.aneous Affecin obedience to his summons to t he of information she had previously obtained tions, e.nd does not tnterrere with busmess. Deacnp- , L at us return once more to Nellie within tory tones. But he hastened to add In eoftl\em;a lgia, Bleeding at the Lungs, I ntlve pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by offi.oer oomm11.ndlng the citadel to surrender from Frank ), the party of five made an Imfi,a111mat10n,of the J,ungs, Bronclutis, Asthma. er accents : "For awhile only, I will come ".. R . Dixon & S0n, 305 King street, W est, the gilded b ate of her h11.r em prison immediately, eight thousand Egyptian ool· medl11.te move from the war minister's p11.Jaoe Croup, Qnrncey, Swelled Keck Colds and to vou presently " ' [ Qlronto, Canada. , Coughs, Rheumatism, Colic, Cholern Morbis As more and more days paBBed tbe enTh V lid Kb· d kl dlers laid dewn their arms and tiled out be- t o Shepherd's Hotel, whfoh was already W HAT I S C AT ARR H 1 8 a e anoum auswore , mee Y : fore him ae prisoners of war ; the most open 11.nd doing a brisk bnslnees. and tllere, ])ysentry, Jreverand Ague, Sore E yes Catarrh' Catarrh is a dangerous dis!'laBE? which of tho Cairo population seemed to 1 " As you, will, ,;A-hmed. M) lord 11 wlll is extraordinary occ11rrenca ever recorded ia over champagne and ether welcome refreeh - Headache, Pain in t Le Bi:tck, Side.' Chest o~ a uds are consciously or uncona~10usly suttcrmg inorease. There was ene little window, P.i:trt of the systen : Ulcers, Old Sores and f rom. It is a muoo-purulent d1 schar~e c.aused closely 111.tticed, from whloh she could ob- hiB slave 8 life, al!d dropping her compan- llletory. An nnex~ggerated fact. Oapbin manes, the Treza.rr pare and mere did the n.;ny 8 wellrngs. For Cl11lblains or F rosted Feet by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the tain 1'u11' a peep a dlmiuutivo bird's-eye Ion arm, she hurried aw11.y ae . as she perseveringly, a cure is warranted. ' used Darley waa the rse.l name of the Irish offioer " Bloes you, my children,.:' busint sa with an lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he predlsp08· ' Id d hf oould. N 8 Iii ing causes are a morbid state of the blood., the view, of the oater wor , 11.n at t s winIn charge. a.mount of gush and p rctestatfon that would '!'u':11ors, ~ tiff J ointa, Cuts, Burns, Bruises. e could plir.inly hear her heart beat· Chapped Han<l s. One half too.spoonful blighted corouscle of tuber cle, the germ p01son dew she was never tired of utan ding. The populace at first looked sullen and re- have been highly comical nnd slightly dls- 8!!talllS, will ou;·e a Sore Throat. if taken when it first From it she could see some of the old gilt- ~ng when her sole friend and p rotectress of syphilis, mercury, toxomre, f~om the retention of the effete matter of the skm, ~uppresaed terlng European uhops, now olosed and bar- ad gene, and .Arabi P auha, notioing her sentful, but no ooner did the blast of more gusting had it not eh:i.nced to be also moet makes 1ls appearance. F or]'emaleObstructions trumpets announce the appreaoh of pa.rt!culi!.rly weloome, for snob a father and cu.used by Colds and other orgamc derange· pe1 ·spirations, badly ventilated sleepmg. apar.t· manta, it is unequalled, men ts and the germination of othe~ f!Otsons m rod with gre11.t planks ef wood across their trepidation, seize~ her both h11.nds, and larger bodies of the foe than they grew civil mother-ln·law could be patiently borne with llhe blood. Irritattod by these, the lmmg mem- fronts. Jfrom It, In the falling light of ~~~splog the~ In his looked earn~stly Into and even orlnglng 1.1nd when at length the for a short while for t he sake of so. beautiful 1 braue of the nos() is ever i·eady tor t he recep- evening she sometimes How piotureE que face, whilst he exclir.lmed in almost WORMS in CHILlJREN or ADULTS. main body of the regiment sparring and darling a bride. tfcm of the parasite. w hlch i·o.pi dly spreads. up squatting in every conceivable a~tl- te~;f~ accents : t he nostrils and down the fauces, or back of tude on the eidewalke with curve of hate In through the Gata of Vlctorv" oloaely fol· * * * * * * hy .do you tremble so, little white If you want a sure remedy ask for t he throat caushw; ulcer ation of the throat; up lowed by the ferooious looking Ind!ir.n con· A few lines more will conclude our tale, t he m1stachi11n tubes, causing deo.fncss: bu,:. upon their Ups and 'upon their frowning dove ? Is it because you pant to be free a.nd tingent, with their Ieng 111.noes swa.ying like There Is no need for ua to eDter mlnlltely · 1 llorris' Vegetable· Honev rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarsene~s; brows as they doubtlesa dlaouseed iii all its 80 quit the ark which ha.a been your s!l.fe 11. forest of lofty pines before the etrength of into events become matters of his· usurping the proper structure of t he b~onch1a.l W 01·n1 Sy1·up. ., t ubes entling in pulmonary consumption and bearing some lying bulletin from the front, re~?ge for so long a while?" a. gale, tha.n they burst out Into loud shouts tory. Bow the S ultan of Turkey played and more than once in tho deepest hours of T he ark may be a safe r?fuge when the < an be taken by the most 1lelicate child, and Many ingenious speiflcs for for t.he cure of the night the rush of hurrying feet; the lioeds out, but the wi!,d bird prefers the for the Kbedlve, ~o that one would h~ve with the and ran with the hounds, and 9 it th ere is worms in the system guaranteed to catarrh have been invented, but w~thou~ suc- shrieking clamour of hum~n voices and the gr_een woods and liberty, responded N ellie fancied tha.t 't hat highly unpopular prince ao lost the respect of all parties, is too well remove them. Price only 25c. By all dea let·s, had always bEen idolized by them 11.nd been known t o be commented on here; as well a.s oess until a physician or long standmi>: d1acov· red lurid glow of t orches would ca.use her to f&intly, In the same figurative language, erod the exact nature of th and the th11.t the K bedive Tewfik wonld have bad "Why don't you add 'to r etnrn to its In very faot tho ef his people. Qnly appliance which will permanently destroy rush thither when as likely 11.a not ahe wGuld These cheera, lnwhiob. Tewfik's name was hfo f&llen rival murdered In secret, lln the tile parasite, no matter how aggravated the behold eom'e ha.pleas murdered European own m11.te In its proper nest and no longer ¢ase. Suffere1·s should send stamp at on ce c11.rried along on a olU11t6r of 1.lke or spe11.r to consort with the fierce kite, Do you not always lGudly called, so a.s to prevent the principle that dead men tell no hlea, had they have stood tl10 test without an equel, tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh. t o th~, with a rain of blood dropping on re~~rd me as s 9 me suoh vile bird of prey ?" slightest possibility of mleconceptlon, aseail- not Great Britain taken t he greatest 'l'hey are t he best. · business m anal.(ers, A, H, Dixon & Son, 300 ed Arabi Pasha's almost continuously that such an act ef bar barity and injustioo the bearers whilst the surrounding crowd Indeed, no, I have never hir.d an ill as he rode through the crowded street& to should not be perpetrated, MORRI'.:!' SUGAR COATED DANDElnnii: street, west, Toronto, Canada. What the Rev . E. B . S tevenson,B..A., a Clergy - poured forth their hate In every curse and 0P~~fon of you, Far from it." LION LIVER PILLS. But the tales that were told a~ a oonse· maii of the Lond on Conferen ce of t!te Meth.ot hat the Arable voc11.bul1 i.ry is 011.pThen you .do not In your i;ne surrender himself up to the firet Brltillh diat Ch·wch of Canada, has to ,qa y in re(Jat d epithet quenoe of this convineed the English governoffioer whom he might chance to meet. BECAUSE able nf and whilst casting every manner of responsible for all the crimes and To A.H . Dixon&: Son's New T reatment f ot· It must have been a bitter sound to one ment, when too late, that they had ml\de 1l. aboml~a.tion at the stripped and often cruel- that attended this grea.t nation11.l moveThey never leave you costive after taking -t!Jatarrh, who a short month, aye, even In a little less most egregious mistake In interfering with them. Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ly ga.shed body of the deir.d which w:u ir.1 ment and for the frequent shedding of inuo- degree a short week 11.go, was the ohoeen of Aubi at all and had been beguiled Int o 'l'hey ao not gripe nor pain you in their action cent blood " ' i'Ji:fessi·s · .A., 11. Dixon & 8 011 : or weaken or m aim you sick. an innocent little " G d f ' bid th t I h Id d All often thir.t of a woma.n or the people and the idol of the nation to hear mistaking a great national uprising and D EAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th inst. to h and. . 0 or a. 8 on o so. · a despot restored by foreign arms thus heroic st ruggle for freed em for a. mere mlli· They positively do not coni.aln any caloml ' It seemed almost too good to be true that I am ohild as of a strong and at11.l W'Art man, It was Impossible, whilst witnessing sights rlsmgs of the people agi.inst tyranny, in !Jl',rnercury, or any poiaonous minerals to · c ured of Catarrh but I Jrnow ttia.t I a.m. I greeted and proofaimed, while his own pre- tary rebellion oonduot od and &et on foot by mJm e your system. ·' l:l.ave had no retu~·n of the disease, and n ever such 11.s these, for Nellie not to feel ~hiwkful every oou.ntry and in eve~y age, have been g resa through t he atreets called not forth threo ambitious colonels, . They are the best pills tor costiveness or Piles relt batter in my life. I h ave tried so many th11.t her puentil and herself were housed as oh11.r11.cter1zed by such crimes and excesses 1ilat you can take. As for tho Prinoeee Zeeneh, the Khedlve'a t hings for Catarrh, suffered so much and for they were, or not to be aware that at the on. the part of the more cruel of the popu- enc single cheer of commiseration, They cle··nse the stomach and Digestive · so many, that it is hard to reahze that Some even hissed the fallen her o who h11.d aleter, her fate Is 11. myBtery, She has never Organs, and strengthen them. '!am really better. . very lEast all t hree owed their llve1 to the la.hon, but the leaders of such movements sacrificed all that he p oeaessed for their been he11o1 d of ~lnoo the fall of her secret 'l'hey are the best for LivAr Complaint. I consider that mine was o. :vei:y; i t war minister, eo that It was only when she never been answerable therefor." Here create an o,ppctito and give strength and was aggravated and chronic, mvclvmg the to remember the price t h11.t she, In· ahe to a full stop, drea.dlniz whn.t he fl&kea, and it is very posa\ble that worse In- lover 11.nd affia.nced h u~b;i,nd. She worked They vigor to the system. dignitiea ere long might have been offered to in the dir.rk on hla b ahs.Ii lik2 a noxious They can be taken in wet or dry weather with· ' '::hroat as well ·as the nasal passages. and I divldually , would have to pay for that pro· would next say. t hought it would r equire the three ;t1eatments, him bir.d be not euddenly oome a.cross a and venemous spider, and she is by new out any inconvenience or hindrance from "I th11.nk you, I sincerely thank vou for British ca.vir.lry patrol, which, a.a he obrerved either buried alive behind the harem cur" but I feclfully cured by th e t wo sent me. and tectlon that ehe shuddered. work. l aru thankful that I was ever induced to seud l'he settling day coul d not for long be this, your good opinion of me, PeBSeaaed that It was under the command of an offi.oer , t&ln or lying dead in tho narrow prison They make you sleep well at night and feel welt in the mormng. 'llo~~~·are at liberty to use this letter stating postponed, ahe felt sure, and she never of it I can defy that of all the world beaide. he at onoe approached. house of the They regulate the Bowels gently and regular. t hat I have been cured u.t t wo t reatments. and doubted but t hat the Egyptian army, In its But I ir.m not yet quite satisfied. Tell m e was wit hin a half a dozen yards of the The sole token that she has left behind H e Try them and you will never bo without t hem. I· shall gladly recommend :vour remedy to some o'erwhelmbig numbers, was again and a.gain caniidly how do you think that I little party of red coa.ts before he per ceived: for t he world to aee and wonder and puzzle Qt my !uends who ar e sufferers, beating t he mere hand.fol of men that fool· treated you, Do you consider t hat I have EVERY who that Lffiaer was, but It was too fate to over Is a bracelet exhibited In the window Yours, with many t hanks. hardy English. ministers al waya think suffi. used you very badly?" should have them. 25 cents per box or R E V . E, B. S 'r EVENSON. retreat ere he was roeo~nized In turn, not of t he most famed goldsmith In Paris- a family ~ boxes tor $1. by all med10ine dealers.1' oient to overcome an Oriental or Afrlcn.n " If you wlll bnt treat me as well In the firet of all by C"-ptaln DJnolly, but by Oor- bracelet made from pure virgin gold sen t by nundreds of others foe, forgetting how modem rifles a.nd or· future as you have done In tb.e past I eba.11 poral Pa.trick Menagh11n, E. M ORRIS, P ROPRIETOR., her to him a.long with. the <leelre In which dnanoe equ11Uze the strength of contending ha.vo ll~tle reasen t o complain;, and I "Bedad, yer honor, an' here come1 Horit WllB to be wrought, and in which the N o . 89 Aug ust a Ave ., T or on to. ARD OF THAN K S.-To the Mana- soldiery by r endering a quiok eye of far will dally,,bless you for your meroiful for. rible Pasha ee.ger t o make friends at 11111t." names of and Zoeneh are worked Into ger o! the Fire Insurance Aesociation: greater account than a. strong arm. bear11.nce, This was P~t's way of i:-uttlog it, but no a clover oipher on the inside of the ornament, Srn J hereby r eturn thu.nks for the prompt { h00n!n~~d,~ffi When wo anticipating the t errible or At this point Nellie would have sank on eooner did our hero recognize his discomfit1.>d whllet the outside is embossed wit h scenea «ia.yiuent (by your a~ent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, GI VE All" AY l ,000 Self-Operating Wash· tor my Joss by fire. caused by a spark from a t he unwelcome time sometimes seems to fly her knees before llim had he but permitted rival t han he sainted him oourtG ouBly with emblematic ofh odover's anticipated triumph ing Machines. If nm want one send us ·steam thresher, having got payment for C!JD· &11d sometimes to creep, and so lt was with her. your name, P . 0. and express oilioc a t once his drawn sword, a.nd then spurred for wo\r d and her brother's hoped for defeat and fall. "tenta a t market prtce; no ~ or ~ payment hke ~ellie. At, however, late one evening, The NaHonnl (;o. , 2l Dey St.. N. Y. ' "Do you know, little white dove, that I to meet him, his handsoma faoe full of un- Strange sentiment& for a sister. l see on the Dominion Grange Policy to tenants. the Va.Ude K h111noum oame rusblog into her begin to think the daily bJe3sings a.nd p ray. oc>nooious oommieeratlon the while, Yours gratefully. 'l'HOS. H ARRIS, M11.jor Donelly and bis fair young wife little room in a sta.te of ~ire11.t ex citement and ers of one so lovely, so innocent and so pure 1' Captain D.inelly, I would perha11s soon- now reside on the former's estate in Ireland, 'l'yrone, Sept. U, 1885. 38 exola.imed : would be a richer prize that even her a.dor- er that It waa any ene elee, but what is to whilst Sergeant Ma.Jar MonPghan h11.s quitted " He has arrlnd I Ahmed ls at home ! able face and person lfunfreely given. When be will be, !llld at all events I cauld not sur- the army to become hia butltlr, ARD OF THANKS.-To the Mana- He Insists on seeing you Immediately." R equiring t h eir Seeder F eet S H A.Rl'EN ED I you my wife I thought that I could render my sword to a bra.ver man," the THE END , ger of the Fire Insurance Association : "Oh , I cannot see him to·nlgM. C& n y ou also soon make you very happy and to war minister, a.1 he tendered hia sheathed Pr RE· Rl 'EE,LED can have t h eir want s Sm I hereby return thanks for the prompt ... ,. · - · . , _ -pay'ment (by your agent, .M r. Thos. Bingham) net tell him that I am rione to bed?" f~rget t he Feringhee youth to whem your weapon· supplied by tor my loss by fire , ca used .bf a spark from a INVESTING IN CANADA. " He will not take that a.a an excuse, and pa.rents told me you were not married, I But the generous young Irishman h11.stily ates.m thresher,having i·ece1ved the full a.mount -and-I dare not urge It a.a one. For the might have done so had Allah seen good to depreca.ted the movement, saying: "No, no of my insurance IN GOT , D on the occas10n of my !!;Olden wedding. Yours thankfully, THOMAS first time in my life I am afraid of him, I make me what, for my country's aalte and not to me; not to me ; but allow me to con· Large Sale 0U'i11e J.and's to llllehlgiin Cap· itallst1 i. would not refuse him a thing for the world. yours, I yearned to be, But that dren,m duct your exoellency to the quartera of MajJARDINE, Who k eep on h and at all times the steels 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 Col, M. Jeffers, of Sagfnaw, In an used by the m anufacturers of Seeders o r I suppose his blood is still hot with the h11.s forever past away; and so, though you or General Sir Drary Lowe, who, I am sure, fighting 11nd the victories he has won," are at th11 moment more absolutely In my will accept vour surrender on parole and re- interview with a Detroit paper, " I ha.vs bought from p 11.rtie1 in Canada Drills and t h e same mo uld and n,ppliances , Nollle gla.nced at the elder wife and saw power than ever you were In my pavilion at fuse to accept from you a weapon which he that she WAii deathl)> pale, and trembling as Dowar, and in my opinion every bit 11os will feel, though he ma.y not say It, 500,000 aoree, or twenty town1hips, of thereby ~iving en,ch foot ex actly the same well. much my wife, I wlll prove to you that the that you neither drew without reaeon nor ·t&ndlng whits pine, There Is no Norway shape. Satisfaction guaranteed. Please Formerly 1rnown as the" Soper Mille. 'I Such a sight wa1 not at all ca.lcula~.ed to de.iplsed Egyptian c11.n be generona and sheathed without honor." Tnen he motion- pine in that region. I have paid a large b ring alon g this montl1 befor e the rush of eum upon the, and would not sell spring work. ~HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- soothe or encourage her, but ratner to Im- merolful, for I will give you freely up unto ed to his men to surround their prisoner. lOtf. J'. PERCY & SON. !. OUGHLY renovated and put ln order,under press her with the dreir.d that something him you love, F11.rewell, little one and for· Arabi Pa.sh1111eemed to be much affected out fer a big advance. I been eng11.ged in the business of buying pine lands for ~hl eiJ:'own special supe1vision,for the purpcse oJ dreadfal wa.s a.t hand, she dared not think get not your promise, for from this moment by this courteous 1peech. g risting and manuti.cturing Oat Meal and Pot wha.t, . you will never see me more." " Tha.nk yon," uld he ; "yeur worde moat of my life and think that nothing out· Ba,.Jey, and we now prepared to receive Acting Instinctively· all It were, she rala" Oh, this ia good I this is brave I thia Is have blunted the keen edges of your oouutry- side the S11gina.w valley, was ever seen like "Orde rs from all our old cuatoroers and others, f or work, and we gura.nteo to itive them who ed the mosquito curtains, aprang from off her noble and magnanlm1111s indeed I" cried Nel· men's weapons. They have lightened my this whole Georgian Bay country, full of The und ersigned having boug ht out tntrust us with the ume entire satisfaction. cotton·atuffed mattress r.nd bega.a to hurri- lie, feeling hysterically joyful, but struggl- haart also, and furthermore mado me wish 1ood pine. It ie far superior to the Wls'Oa.ts and other gra ins taken in exohange !or edly dress hereell, ooneln or Su'perier pine, I think this the G m sT MILL of J. S talter , E sq., o.nd ing hard not to show It, "I oanUC>t spoa.k to lighten youra in turn, As soon as your li'lour Oat Meal, &;c. H. &; J , TOWNS, Bow· Is the biggest transaction that has taken put everything in first -class order, is preShe wa.s not yet pre&entable, oon1on11.nt th k f d Id · manvllle 1!1!7. with Europeans Ideas of modesty, when my m 8 · or wor 8 oou not express mr, duties allow, go straight to my house (palace pla.oe In pine lands in Oaoada, U pon the pared t o d o all kinds of Gnsting. I will gratttude and hearts, unhapplly, are dumb, ' it wae called In the days of my prosperity, heavy steps, accomp11.nied by the clatter of & "Happily, say r11.ther, for had they the but uo matter, for pa.lace or honse, any one preperty at the mouth of the Serpent River guarantee to make the best A R N ECTA. sword aoabbard and the silvery ring of gif , of speeoh the) would lose their lnteruilty will point it out to you If you do not know there is a saw tnlll th11.t cuts 40,000,000 a F LOUR t hat is made in the count y , as the year ; it oost $250,000, has gang eawa and Continues to do a General Banking Business spurs, beoame audible without, announcing of feeling. Yet, would to God that mine at it already), and therein you will find one every uonvenlence, lnoluding an iron steam- mill has been fitted up especially for the unweloome fact that the m11.n whe deem- thla moment could find relief in 1peeoh, for who still In every wa.y de1erves your love handling that kind of wheat. sBo wmanvillu Branch. ed himself her husb:md hir.d grown tired of then it would not beso likelytobreak, Think and whe with little effort hu made ir. better er and a tow of barv,es. I have also p ut in a MILL In con DEPOSITS " The Ca.n11.dlan P~cifio Rir.ilroad Is on the waiting the return of his met1ilenger 11.nd was net that you ar e wholly r~sponsible for my ma.n of me after, by great efforts, I ha.d nection _with t h e ab qve, and a m prepared northern border of the traot. A spur ru11s Reoeived in Savings Bank Deparlmentand oomlng to seek her In person. grief, for dearly as I have loved you I have failed to make a worse wom11n of her . to take rn any quantity of Sa.w L ogs. oo,ll and interest allowed at current rates. No " Oh, don't) et him come in I" gasped N el- loved my unh11oppy count ry even more, and 1,ln to your heart, well assured that through it, built to afford rail shipping faci· I have lowered t h e price of Ohopping \'lotice of withdrawal necessary. All deposit· lie. " Keep him out for a little while, Oh, now she ls lost indeed. The crimes of your her ag1 llties from the mill itself. I think no 111.nd she richly merits all t he love that an honor· p ayable on demand, could lay better both for rail and water to suit the times. what ehall I do?" cD:mtrymen have riveted her chains etrong- able u.nd proud m11on can bestow on her." tra.nspart11.tion. It is well cut up by lumber A. S. TOOLEY, " My de11.r, your shoes are not outside the er t h11on ever, for victory has been theirs In EXCDA.NGE * * * * ing Gov. Alger has a lar~e· amount P eople 's Mills, door, I they were, he would .not to every engagement, and In an hour they will Ia there any ne?d for aasuriug tho rea.der ot t imber In the middle of theso limits south 1Boughtand sold and Drarts issued upon Europe. 51 Kingston R oad. be bore aud I their prisoner. But it le all thu.t F i a.llk Donelly followed this 11.d vioe aa U nited States and Canada, also Gold,Silverancl enter." of us. Col. Blie2, of Sa.ginaw, ls also in" .But 11. word from you would keep him All h Ill I d b h Umted Sta;es Greenbacks bou11ht and sold, out, Oh, do beseech him not to come in a.a a.. w s, so pra 88 e t e name of soon 11.1 ever he had delivered Ar1.1bl Pe.aha. terested In the same region, Allah. I oan at least sa.yth~t." over tG Generir.I Sir Drurv Lowe ? yet," l C:OLLECTJONS "But oa.n you not eRo~pa ? Surely there is Attended only by Oorporal Monaghir.n " I would not cross his will this night for P romptly made at current rates upon all part worlds, Be looks ae though he had the evil yet time," suggestei Nellie, anxiously. \Vhon I ··Y cure I do no$ mollll Ulqf~J to :stup t he m for ~ (whose sergeantoy loomed in the near dis· A Prediction Fulfilled. t ime nn<1 tt en baYo ' hem l'tlt urn aurn. J wean a radical ->C Great Bt·1ttain, the United States and Do " My friends and oompanions In this great tanoe for many acts of pezsonal gallantry c ure. t be di~Aao C>flf'ITS KPll.J::l'"8Y o r i'.A.L.Leye," The following aneodote was relo.ted to me m inion of Canada, venture are a.heady taken and I would share I NG SlOKNliSS a ltfe-lOnK etudy. { warrH.t my rerocd# And It was evident9 from the way in their fate, ' answered the w11.r minister. " I that he had performed during the campaign, in 1864, long before the fulfilment of the t o cure C.he wor ist CMse1. U ecamui: <Jtbors haTe failed J.s n1> Telegraph Transrer~ re&8on for 11.ot n ow receiving cure. S9od at once. for s. whlcb the wom11on trembled, that she was go from hence to deliver myself up, and I go and which would alm9at to ir. oertainty give prediotion that It contains, N 11.poleon 111. treaUae 1ttnd IL D'roa 'Bottle of m y lnf.flillble r amedy. QJv~ him the bronze crose of honoc as wt>ll) he :txprce· nd P <iai Olflce. U coete yo u no; h h 11t fur 4 t d &.I· 11.{ade for large or small sums on all parts of really alarmed. ene day took it Into his head to ooneult the qul.okly, for I would not be suepectad of ·Del I will yot1. A.dd r~11a DB. H. G . ROOT, _...,. Qs.nada. 'l'his is especially advantageous to But Nellie's terror was ten times greater, trying to hide myself like a cowardly j 1'.oka.1. rode through the street' te the war minis cele brated chlroma.nolen, Desbarolles, who tte~sons living in Ma.mtoba or the North-west lier 's late abode, and on reaohlng It entered 1 ir.nd her aglta.tion made all her fi.ngere You i.nd your parents h11.d better remain died the other day at a very advan ced age. Qi!!j tt makes the funds available at once at the thumbs, so the common saying b, so th11.t here until your countrymen occupy t he city It without a.ny invitation, the oolor of his D esbarolles told him some curious faots re· tilaee of payment. she could neither clasp nor fast en anything In force, for not until then will it be safe ooat being under the clrcumstanct s of the specting his character, his tastea and his For farther particulars call at the BankinR properlv t hat aha w11.e putting on. oase quite sufficient passport, life. "Now," quoth the emperor, R ouse. for you ta vent ure for th. I still an Ile waa too delicate minded, however, to "tell me something a.bout t he future. Where A t this j unctur e the footstep~ had arri v· hour to give te t he good wife who has been 'll!.'. BRODI E , GEO. McGILL, seek to pass behind the harem curtir.In ln wtll my death tako plaoe and by what mal· Accountant. Manager ed j ust , outside her curtain door, but the fond and true to me for so many, and next Instant her fears were allayed, if n ot who is t he mother of my brave boy , So like manner, and so merely aignlfying to the ady shall I die?" Desba.rolles hesitated for ·lv entirely dls8lpatod, by a c&lm voice sayillg : farewell once more and may God have you of eunuchs what he wanted, and that a moment. " Sire," he said at length, "you she h 'ld better be brcught 'to him eafe and have asked me for a. fn nk respoDBe, and I " Directly you are ready to receive me, in his keeping." _.,LOOK OUT FOR·--. uninjured or th11.t his ll!e should answer for will r~ply t o you frankly. You a.redistiued but not before, I wish to speak s. few werdH And quickly raising one after t he ether of the ccnuquences. t.o you . Do not be alar med, litt le one. I Nellie B h11.uds to h ie llp3, he kfased and t o brea.the your last on Engllan soil, and you The tb:raat was amply sufficient and t h e wlll parish by t he knife. " Very curiously come te you as a friend, n ot hing more," a.nd d r gppsd them and with a. deep sigh, then hn.rdly were t he words ut tered when the t ook a hurried dep11orture, whilst she whom j st blaok Sondan negro salaamed a.nd dlsap· was the pr ediotbn fulfilled, though t ho heavy footsteps were heard receding again . he h11.d thus a braptly quitted retreated ta, ret urning In Lesa t han five m!nutee knife proved t o be n ot th11.t of an assasali!, with Nell!e walking beside him. H was ver y ~trange, but that of a surgeon . her i·oom in t rnrs, for it was impossible not Who eh1>ll describe t he ra.pmre of t hat Bnt not iess rea~suring tha.u strange, 11.nd to feel sorry for one who had behaved ao - -o-meeting, wherein t he husband and wife who Nellie's fingers loi>t t heir awkwa.rdne·s and nobly t o her. lfl'or the NEXT 30 DAYS I will sell for LESS deft and eager enough, The V a.Ude l:Iad bean sepu ated almost as it were on the An Enterp1isin!:{ Woman. atep a of t he a.lt1u met ag11.ln after a la pee o '!:.'HAN CORT the remainder of my stock of K hanoum was now a ble to help her t oo, Madame A9tie de Valsayre, the female l2ff' I am fully prepared to attend F unerals on Cf!API'.l!R L X . so many weeks, every one of which ha.d Stylish and most Durable Millinery "Tha do.rk fit has pa.sfed away, I supthe shortest notice, at t b.e lowest possible ratoe. fencer, who called out and foup:bt Miss ~ask:ets she remarked, " H e spoke g ently THE CAMPAIGN OF THE SPUB-THE FALL OF baen so full of perils to each of t hem ? and Bur ia l Cases ready on short notice. DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, pose," to you, at all events, and I say this for our So oblivious were they of thelr surround- Sholby on the famous field of Waterloo F 1 rat-class hearse on very moderate terme. &c., with a very heavy stock of lord and master; that when he io gentle with THE CURTAIN, ings that Pat Monc.ghan felt h imself called because t he latter ha.d called her a.n idiot , is l::lhrouds an d Coffins constantly on hand, Fun car ds supplied at once. Furniture Shop&; ene he ls ueuir.lly so with all. B ut I felt The mareh from the Smz Can11.l to Ca.Ira upon to keep a very close watch on the aga eviden tly prepared to go anywhere and do era.I Show Rooma-Bounsall'sNew Block. Feathe r s . & Flo-wers. eure just now th11t an evil eye had been cast d eserved t o be called the Lightning Cam- eunuchs lest he should play them some dirty anything. She we.e one of t he firet peraon13 In ordE\r to introduce our on him." palgn, fo r with t hree pi tched battles and a t rick or other with his sclmet11.r or pistolo, who offered themselvea to be inoeul11.tod by · catalogue of a ll kinds ot M. Pe.eteur, and ehe lo now In communica- Books, and agents' "I am quite ready now," said Nellie sud- dozen akirmiehes its aeoompllshment teok of whloh he seemed to be quite c11rpg.ble. 'rhanking my customers for p~st favors I goo ds, we w ill send 1eo but a fortnight and a day. Whlle the three were thus employed t here tion with a S wedish doctor who, It la, fo;i.vorito comic and sentimental songs and bal· :respectfully solicit all to call and inspect my denly. " Let us go out and meet him." present S'took, which I am sur e will give the came the sudden ruetle of silk skirts and freezes people into i nsensibility ir.nd restores l ads, a vast collection, for only lOc or '1 Sc. " W ould you ~ooner that he came in Twenty.four houn after the scenes reutmost satisfaction. 5taropa a.nd this slip. A. W. ,KINNEY, Yarhere ?" " corded In our chapter but one Sir Gar- Mrs. Trezarr hove Into view llke an old- them t 9 per fect health, st rength and spirits ~ outh, N. S. _ " Yes; certainly, my kind friend." net Wolseley made the midnight his ally, fashioned line of ba.ttle ship under full sail. after a year or two, Shculd Dr., "Here comes the bitters after t he swoets the experimenter In que~tion, reluse t o So the two women, or rather the woman 11.nd under cover of " Egyptle.n darkness " and th e girl, raised the 11.nd lsened led his little army within rushing distance -the naaty phyeic after the lnmp of sugar, freeze the eooantr!c l~dy, she announces her forth Into the vcistlbule, the further end of of the Egyptian general's stronghold, taking lnste11.d of before it," thought Pa.t Mon11.· intention of tmloeedlng with her former antagonist, M lss Shelby, to help M. de whloh Arabi P aeha was pacing to and fro Tel-el·Keblr In fifteen mln:it3111 by the olook, ghan to himself. wit h the quiok, eager steps of a tiger In a and with the bayonet only, a. rate feat But for once the shrewd Irishman w1.s Brazza to civilize the Congo blacks, Has r eceived her new stock o! ' menagerie as feeding time approaches. 11.gainst rilled cannon, , mistaken, for instead of resembling a bitter For cos t of advertising in any pa1)er or "The dark hour is stlll on him I fe11.r," Directly the" impregnable" Tel-el-Keblr a.stringent Mrs. Trezarr was 11.s sweet as French Tales of Englishmen list of papers puhlis bed in t he United whispered the V allde Kha.noum as they ap- hJ.d collapsed like a burst balloon, It was molaeses and thanked Frank Donelly so States or Canndrt, send t o the AD)'Elt'l'ISand invites the L adies of Bow- boached. "Speak to him gently, my dear. the 011.mpa!gn of the spur and the 1abre once unctiously for his 11 rescue and prt serva.tion A Paris paper informs Its readers that ING AGENCY of E.D WIN ALPEN !'; BRO., not venture to oppo1e his slightest wlah again, and Major· General Sir D rury Lowe ofthem all," that he felt sure he was an the Prinoe of We.lea's recent visit to the o ·m anville and vicinity to call whilst he la thus." inna t a,_t .,,., Ne w York, followed up the suco611s by a splendid dash accepted son·in-law at once ; while the gay Ci!opita.l was fc.r the purpose of borrow- Cirnc Cur. 5tk & l "i neJitJ., vi 1/,0 Nasscm l:itreot. N ellie did net answer, for she felt :that forward with the 011.valry, therebv prevent hearty and genial greeting of Mr, Trezarr, ing a sum of £150,000. I t further states and see her Pattern "',.,* O ur'l NC\\. Spapc r Comb i nation s , , , n. book of she could not promise to follew advice, ing the enemy from rallymg In the direction when he j ust ae suddenly turned up from that the l'rince went on to Oannes, where 150 p ages, cont::unrng 1 ~nccs o f ad vert1~in!!, fu~l By this time the war mfoister heard the of the ca.pita.I. another direction, oonverted the d eoided hll pl11.yed bacc11.rat with Lord Dupplin, that i n5trnction ~, ere., sent o n l L'.Ct: 1pt of 1oc, Om nA m. that nobleman lost 250,000f, on the occasion, Nc wspR.pcl· C.1 t:ilo~~uc n cont 1 in i n~ names o f ever9 soft fall of approaching footsteps, and wheelThe Irish Dragoon G11ards led the van Impression Into a, positive conviction, 11c..:w .. p,L 1 Je l py h h ~! t' ll I l Lht.: U .:J. a_nd Can ..lUct and assortment ot " Yon will protect the Inmates of this aud, being un11.ble to pa.y went home and s Ing sharp round he a.dvan,)6d to meet the and entered with such ardor into the pur'. <.::nt on i ccc1:·t ot pi-.c..: , $i.50. Esumates f1cc . two women, suit that they soon diatanoed both the Eng· house where I have been se kindly treir.ted blew ont his brains. The Imagination of As he moved near to them the lamps of , llsh and the Indian cavalry, and though men by one and all from any oha.noe of insult or the t rue flaneur, unreatrlcted by fact and per!nmed oil that were hung here a.nd there ' and horses were with hunger, parched Injury, won't you, F rank?" ple11.ded Nellie, unbiased by oonsidera.tlons of prob11.bllity, atta.ins to a growth that rivals Jonah's STORE:- SeeondDoor'Wese or W1lllam1 age.mat the wall showed. how de11.d ly pale ~e [ with thirst, and troopers not unfrequently anxiously, -Gu.&eher Stan " Certainly, my love, th1Jugh they have gourd or Jack's beanstalk, wir.e and how strange a light gleamed, ln his d ropping out of their saddlea trom the effect t!tnuadini1 Jtates1t1nn. AN CATARRH. AStory of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upon Startling ReveJa· tions in the Oareor of Arabi Pashai EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. . . I WONDER OF WONDERS. African Zulu Oil! OVER 2 0 YEARS C A BIG OFFER C J. PERCY tc SON, Ca.ledonian Mills. ,. Public Notice. THE ONTARIO BANK .. I GURE FITS! (l Eranch omce, 37 Yonge St.J Toronto. BARGAINS! IN MILLINERY. UN DE- RT AKIN C :avLEV I MORRIS. - -o-- S 0 NG S Mrs. DONNELLY. llSS McTAVISH GOODS., .. -·- - [~win AMen &Bro. BONNETS, HATS 1 TRIMMINGS MvertisingAgent~.

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