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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 7

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(!tauadiau jtatt~mau. FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1885. KEEPING to tho FRONT J Nl:AYER Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christies Stiff P.L:ri PICTURE or PASTEUR. Row t h<> lnoenlatioll A.pestle .lppears In Every Day .Ltre. FARMERS, THRESHERS 1 · Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. PUTTING THE FALLS TO WORK. A scliune to 11sc the Power of Ntacua to ,'fheels. · Al, e. blirlerque up:m Yankee ingenuity-, it Is showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of uaed to be 1a1d In the aomio p·pera tbe.t · , · , .Uncle s ~m would some da7 put a· wheel under Nlag1ua Falls and run all tha ml\ohin· ery in the country. Rldiculoua as thla J\. rT1 aeemed, Y e.nkee Ingenuity he.a devilled some· ...c':l.:.. :.J.. thing very like It, and a bill to put the , acheme Into praotlee haa recently passed both Houses of the Legislature. The bill says that the oompany la formed for the purpose of oon1truoting, me.lntalnlng. &nd operating, In oonneotion with the Nfag· ara River, a hydre.ullo tanuel, er subterranee.n eewer, for the public uee of sewerage and and for furnlahlng hydre.ulfo power for purposes In the town of Niagara. The capital stock Is to be $200.000 a.t first, with the right of lncreare l\'e'v and stylish Jines oC Gent's Furnishings. to $3.000,000. The pl&n is a. simple one. A great pipe or abaft is to be cut through the reek close by and pa.nllel with the Niagara River, 160 feet deep and runn[ng half a mile or more back from the falls. The open end ef this 16. little she.ft or tunnel Is to empty ou of the ~Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. rock at the falls :>. foot or two above the level of the water below the Whenev er a company wantis water power It ma.y elnk e. vertical shaft from the surface a 'moet down to this horizontal shaft. In the bottom of this vertical l!haft a turbine wheel le to be placed, and below this a sma.lle1 abaft, for a tall race, will carry the water from the wheel to the great horizontal she.ft, -, which will then work a.a o. wo.1to pipe to ST.A.ND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. 'carry off the water In order to get the needed water to drive the wheel It will only be neoesury to build ent a short pier on COfil S 0 C W a S Qil . all , the river 1hore to oatoh the edge of the awlftly flowing current and divert a little We have all the best grades of of It, by of a. ditoh or p·pe; Into the vertical she.ft, and so the wheel and through the grea.t subterranean shaft and back into the river age.In below the fa.Us. These vertical ahafts are to be big enengh that is manufactured. to admit one or two of the w~rkmen, who must place the turbine in poaltion and a.fter- We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and F ine Salt, we.rd attend to It. It Is said tbe.t a wheel tu American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken big a11 a man'a he.t will supply 200 horse Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and power, though this was oa.rele1111ly by Life-time experience in thw the reporter's lnforma.nt, who e.cknowledged Lard of his own make and rendering, Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. uncerte.lnty a.a to the precise amount. The plan la to sell to ma.nufe.oturing oerporatlon11 the right to sink shafts as clo1e The Grocery Depart~ent, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is together as practicable e.long the line of t~e of the very best quahty. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deal.11 great wa.ste she.ft, A glorious 1uooeH 18 only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. prophe1led for the company, It ls sald that Your patronage will be thankfully received. cheap, steady, relh.ble power Is 10 ~reat e.n item in manufactures tbat a oomm1ttee of Go~ s delivered to all parts of the t own on short notice. Conneoticu' mill owners declared the.t it A call solicited. weuld pay them t o remove their mills and factcrles to the town of Nie.giua.. Freshets, droughts, and lee play mischief with those Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beef, Po1·k and lnter&tll that depend on water power all Farm Produce. throughout New England, but no such a.nC. M . .CAWK ER, noya.nce, It 111 said, attends the use of Nia.gara water power, The N iagara. never freezes, J OHN ALLI N. never overflows, and never runs dry, lltll lta· :a: s Also Fine English, Canadian & Ameri... can Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. A P1e t e t k a1 Y h d Paett1 1r, the lion of the day, Is, like Mr. Grevy, " Fra.nche Oomtof10, lie hu the Intonation in of the P1esldent of 'he Republic-that le to aay, he drawls -1lightly and emphasizes strongly the.leading .verds in each sentence, There i1 an lndeIen~ in the walk which arleee from an in]ompletely cured attack of bemlplegia, from "'bioh some years a.go he wa1 dangerously Ill. He manage11 not to limp, although he !iaa to drag the ld~ leg, whioh 11 not of so much use to him as e. cork one 1et on an active thigh. · The eyes of yellowish brown, with lesa brown than yellow of a topaz hue, "le set In bletrou& Ude, and appear too much fa t!gued to eee without firllt well rubbed. I ee.y they are whe.t they look. There are vertloa.1 wrinkles in the brow a.nd quuer unnatural crow's feet about ~he temple, Concentra.tlng attontlen through " microrcnpe on the lntmieely small a.nlmaloular world bu produced them. Pasteur's oountecauoe btt11kens oi:lglnalty ; and the whole man shows 1turdy atrength a.nd grit. Ele must be kind as be ls unaffacted. The outer me.n Is ehort, thlok·set, deep·obeeted and a mauive hea.d la 1et close to a pair' of broad shoulders. The face ls fat though not glabre (you have 110 Eoglleh wol'<l I think for glabre), and the beard, whloh Is ·short, acant and grizzled, does not certainly adorn It. I like the spoon bill nose, It ahowa character and inteneitiea the homllno1& whlah keep& company with hie air of intelligence, and which ahews freedom from email oonoelt. But If Pasteur la not self· sufficient and self-oonaoleu1, he is not without quiet dol!matlsm of manner, suoh as one finds in old French country ourea who have long been looked up to by their flock. The servant of the Rue d'UlmJ11 genuine, but ht me&ns to turn the altar of 1cienoe to good account, and ha.II for many years turned tt to good acoount in proouriDg an income fer blmaelf. The homely klndnellB le devoid of 1enelblllty. It ooste .him no p&ng to Imm~· late dogs, rabbits and guinea.pigs on the a.ltar aforeaa.ld, Jrinter Liirdine MACHINE 01 L. THE BEST IN THE WORLD .. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, fl· &Ul.VLJIGHT'st Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. lllct.;0 LL BROS. & CO'Y, Toroato] _ _ 22J!&&t THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL &CARRIAGE CO., KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. c~rriages We are now finishing 30 of the best and Buggies ever made in thi6 establishment, with b est grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and bes t Steel Spri ngs, trimmed w.itb the best stock and well painted. We are getting out 300 of our Celebrated Champion Plows I Every Board warranted t o b e of the b est Steel and well t empered , We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second to none in the market. They will be ready in good season and warran ted to do good work. W e also making a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready in good season. They have been tried by som e of our best farmers, to whom we refer intending purchasers. W e are a lso Plow Points of every description by the ton, and made from steel, wrought iron , & ~ Work for the Humane We are also getting rea<ly a stock of WAGONS. Mill and Engme Work a speci alty . All of which will be sold on the most r easonable terms. The Amerlce.n Humane AB1oolatlon directs the attention of the public to the BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co. barbarities and abases continue.Hy being pre.otlced in varleus portion11 of the country, 14-3m. Cashr paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. e.nd oftentimes In loce.Iitlee o.nd oltle1 which are deemed very highly olvlllzed, In order "" - ==============~~======== that the friends of the defenoeleH and helpless may know tbeextent ofthlsevll, and devise meaaures for their relief, mention la here made of aome of the KXISTTNG CRUELTIES : .. -·- .. AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, which has gained a good reputation in t h is locality. illeQRRIS M D OUBLE D .RESSER ." Easily Managed, Light R unning, Durable. Threshes Clean a nd F a st. Separation Unexcelled. Bi~ Hearts in Little .l:Sodies. A blind ma.n sat beelde hie hand organ. He raised his sightless eyes and to be waiting the e.rrlval of eome one, aa b is rema.lnlng senses told him tha.t a storm waa brewing. A small bootblack round the corner, _E l· trousers, being too long, wore rolle.d up a't the bottom. His coat wa.s also fer a boy ef brger frame, lie stuck. his thumbs under bis dila.pidated suependers and relieveed himself of a mouthful of tobacco. Cat ching eight d the blind man, whose evident anxiety wa.a pictured on his fa c3, he ceased hie swaggering gait and brought himself to &standstill. "Is that you W illle ?" queried .the blind man. . "My name't Wllhe," replied the street Arab, " Ca.n't you me hGme f I'm ' it's going to rain and Willie Js late," continued the organ grinder, getting ready to move at onca. "Bet your life I kin. Whar do you ee.t? Hain't you nothing to-de.y I" continu· ed the boy e.s ho ae.w the me.n two cent pieces from the tin onp on the organ and desposlt them In hla pocket, " Only them two ? Well, just a holy minlt, till I 011.ll the kid.' " A shrill whistle brought a stJll smaller bey, whose visible w11.rdrobe we.a for his comp!mlon. He had a cigar in his mouth. "vVhe.t·s de racket, Cully ?" propounded the new comer e.s soon as he was within spee.klng distance of bl11 fellow workman. The latter explained, and In e. j iffy the two boys were out with caps in he.nd begging for the blind man, who stood a.u if half uncertain what was going on. The b ays took different aides of the atreet and stopped every pedestrian, man and wcman, and asked for a-clckel to help the blind man. · As the re.In began to fall they returned to their blind charge, and having escorted him to a neigbboriug store for shelter, tarn· e,d over to him the money whioh they had collected.It amounted to $1,65. . She Required no Further Expla.nation. At a rent dinner on one of th&lr este.tes the Duke and DuoheBB of M-. happe'!led to be present, when a son of the soil in a state of great ex9ltement, The duohesa, inquiring the 011.usa of his distress, was told tha.·, having oeme a long distance, he had lost the rent on the way, but If a.greuble to ~hem he W()Uld go back and look for it. A few days afcer be appeared with the 101t money. The ducheH MSked him where be found it, and was answered In the following rather singular manner : " Well, you 11ee, on my way I stopped at the Banrigh stables to speak to e. friend. I teok out my pocketbook to gle him a lett~r e.nd must dropped the money, for t his is boo I found it, Supposlug his grace was the sta.bleo and your grace tr.e manure au' I was the ret t . W ee!, you !ett- " " Yes, yes, " inter rupted her grace, quickIv ; "that will do. I perfectly understand the whole affi!.lr," -~~....,... ·-H.a:t._ ___ Animals In freezing e.nd atarvlnK condition in expoaed looalltlea on tho W estem plains, in the wint0r sea.son. ·Animals ao horribly bumed on their bodies, through careless brandlDg, a.a make wound· the.t never heal, Animals severely wounded o.nd tortured by clubs and long, sharp Iron prods, when being loaded on atook-cars, Anlma.le so cruelly crowded, trampled, starved, e.nd kept without water, when transported long dist11nces by rail to market, a.a to make their me11ot unfit for food, Horsee compelled to endure excrnole.tlog torture by the over-oheok &nd other high cheok-reins, through the Ignorance e.nd pride of thoughtlees drivers, Doge and oats driven to desperation e.nd · Don't fail to call at madness from want of w11oter, H orses rained in hes.Ith and limb through being over-loa'd ed, lack of food a.nd improper feeding. Old, galled, crlpled horses ill-fed, over. loa.ded, &nd genera.Uy abuaed by be.rd - --ancl see the--master a. Cows compelled, through the penuriousness of their owner1, to run the streets, in ma.ny cities and ville.gee, quenching thirst from mud· puddles, pounded by olubs, beat· en by atones, and mutilated by dogs, when A fresh stock of .Trunks and Valises just received. driven from ya.rde into which the e.nlma.le foroe themselves beoe.use of hunger. Ca.Ives with feet tied and tortured, while beiog tra.nsported long dls~cea, In dl11tres1ed, condition, over rough roads, by CALL AND GET ONE. botchers and othera. Fine horns, eutrageously high·oheoked Md brutally over-drlven by drunken,· lesa and cruel drivers. Pigeon· wantonly wounded, mutilated and e.llowed to linger houra b ,fore have opened out a splendid asscrtment of new goods, comprising: oomee to their reltef, at shooting tourna· ments, H oraes left standlug In exposed conditions, Prints, Ginghams, through severe storms, without covering. ·white and Colorfd Muslins, Beautiful song e.nd useful birds needlosaly slaughtered by men an d boya for aport, Canadian an:l Oxford Shirtings, Insects, birds and animals of va.rloua White and Grey Cottons, k.lnds cruelly put to by thoughtless Sheetings. Table Linens, persons, when a little would mak·e death less painful. T able Napkins, Towels, The cruelty and Hvage lneeot 11rouaed by White and Colored Counterpa11es, puglll,m, cock and dog·fighting. u!e!eea, b11rbarous cruelty Inflicted White & Cream Lace Curtains, onThe barea and foxes In allowing them to be Scrim, Cheese Cloth, chased' a.nd hunted by hounds for hours, as Gloves and Hosiery, sport. The deha.sing, orusl efleat on children by close confinement · &t le.her, often in dark Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd Dress Goods. e.nd unwholesome fa.otories a.nd other places. The crueltie1 and beatings inlllc\ed on pe.tlent, ucoomple.lning wives by brutal and drunken husbands. The whippings and a.bme endmed by boya Canadian and Imported Cloths, White and Colored Shirts, e.nd girls who have been given lntio the charge of ooarae a.nd hard ma.etera, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchief'S, Socks, The starvation and neglect endured by Braces, &c., &c. Infante &nd small children, when left by their pa.rents with thoae who promise to care for them. The privation, dlstreae and degradation of Iii tie wa.ifa of children, in the 1treet1, who o!tan have no one to pretect them, 17 The deplora.ble condition of the horse, no longer useful, tumed lo >se to starve and die; the ohild, whipped by the heartless parent ; the diBcharged prisoner, whom no one will employ ; the ll·tla tired cash· boy and caeh· glrl, t hat ehoul<1 have been, hours Having purchased t he Harness business lately carried on by Mra. HUMPHREY, ago, in b ~d ; t he hagg!l.rd, eunken-eyed, poorly paid sewiDg·woman ; t he starving hope by careful atten tion to b usiness, good workmar:ship, and first class family, t bat oan g~t no work ; a.nd many, materir~l , to secure a sh are of p ublic patronage. ·w e have i n miwy et hers :aot here mentioned, stock and are manufacturing a large amount of 'o PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat CLEANS GRAI~ FIT FOR MARKET, BECAUSE If has« $MUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. · f AlMll8 AMlJ 0Tltll8 t W. H. MAY'S HARNESS STORE $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness. THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESS1il:R. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ·· Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT.· Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and T erms. Bull Bone Whips still take the lead, William Pooley, Agent, Box 50, Bowmanville TOD BRO COAL/COAL! Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. TOD BROS. HEALTH FOR A.LL! THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVE R , S'l'O.llIA.UH, KID~EYS A.ND BO,VELS . They invigorate and rest ore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and a re invaluable in all Complaints Incidental to F em ales of all Agee. Children an d t h e aged they are priceless. F or Eggs are eight cents a dozen In Missouri. ~ ·ay Gould could get a big reception there at · small cost, " Charming little p ink-tipped, shell-lib:e ears you have, Miss Totty, Did you never Collars a. specialty. W e intend t hat the r eput at ion Humphrey'~ Collars have gainsd have them pierced I" " Ne ; but I havo shall be fully sust ained . ' Ve prepared to furnish responsible par ties he.d them bored," Collars on approba tion . \ 'Ve gm\ rantee satisfac tion or n o sale. Taot ia the lubricant that makes sliding W e alao keep in stock a full line of goods usually fo u nd down the be.luster of life 'e asy. She bad t wo in a first class harness sh op , comprising e.dor.ners, and, as ls usual, halted b ~tween two opinions, Harry loved her well, but George's head was the longest , as the eequel ahows. " Speaking of memories," cried Lucille, "whv I can remember when I used See onr B ull Bone Whips- something n ew. We have also in stock to pla.y with dAJla and maka mud-pies in the lane." " Wba~ a wonderful memory I" exclaimed the foolish He.rry, admiringly. " Pshaw I "1Vonderful to recall that which ()Courred 80 few yeare ago r spoke George of Horses and 0 attle, a llure cure for bruises, spra.ins, cuts, and 11or es of a.11 kin:ds. tile long head, a.nd the next time Harry for S hop-Sign of t he Big Collar. · 17-3m. epoke k her ihe anubbed him. LIGHT AND HEA v ·y H AR N ESS. Cleverly Trumped. T wo pretty quick-witted minds came In contaJt when the R~v. D r, Vincent Intro· duoed at Cilautauqua a C ·lea.go clergyman who was to lecture on " Fools." l'he preUmine.riee are thus report ed : "We are now to a lecture on fools by ono (e. very long pauee and J.,ud'iter from the a.udienoe, when the President concluded from t he aaving ohuse) of the wlee~t meu In the oonntry." The lecturer a.dvanced to the deek and responded : " I am not half 10 big a. foel Ml 'Or. Vincent (a.nother very long pause, and still more bee.rty le.ughter Jrom the audlenc~) would have you suppoae." weighing 70 tons, moro tl1an thbty feet long, and throwing a 1hell welghln" 784 pounds, ha1 jllllt been mounted at W llhelmehaven. ...... . _,~ .- THE and Ulcers. OINTMENT F or disordere of t he C~uglts , Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Woun ds, Sor es It is famous for G out and Rheumatism. - Chest it has n o equa l.- For Sore Throats, D1·onchitis, Colds, BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. Gl.11.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and'rfor contracted an d stiff joints it acts Uke a cha.rm . Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON ' And are sold at b. l!d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lla., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and The hea.vle1t Ktupp gun ever made, may be had from all Medicine Vendorl!throughout tlie World. WPu.rchasera 11hould look a& the l.abel on the Pots and Boxe1. If tile r ddHll · 11 a IJ33, Oxford Street, I.ondoa, th~J' are 111arlo···

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