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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-tl.50 Pu .Amro?ti. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND_P:&<>PRlE'IOR. V OLUME N"e:w SERIES, NUMBER 408. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, F'RIDAY, MAY 2l, 1886. XXXII. NUMBER 21. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. (J (J z c( --.. TEI:E s ~ 0 . T:S::E S-YL-VESTER -W-OR:KS., L I :::t'f D S_A_-y _ Dnri n g t h e secon d year a large num ber of rea per s , mowAlthou g h the M in neso ·a C hief cord-bin d er g a ve t he e r s, hay-rakes and o t h er impl e men t s we r e manu factu red be~t s llt isfactiou i t was fel t b y th '· m a n ufac t urers t hat it wou l d b e in tho inter est s of for mers to ligh t en the and w er e so s u ccessful in wmn ing t h e a p11r o val of t he ., macl1in e . Fm· the sea son of 1 88G t his was don e , cas t farmer s through out the count y t hat t he sa l e o f such i m - i r on being replac ed by rnalleable i ron a· ·d wood wit h p l em en ts from a d ist a!nce was c u t d ow n t o almost n ot h- steel and the binder n o1v s tands 300 l bs. lighter t han as iug . Two years ago, realizin g t hat t he cor d -b inder was i t wa s t urned ou t l ast year. It i s k n own a s the S y lYes t he co m ing im p lNneµ t foe the h a r ve st fiold, l\fr. S_y l vcs- t er Bros. L ig h t 'l'wi ne -hin der. 'l'he n ew b i n d er pro m iter b rought out and p l ac, cl in t h e fiel d two of h is M:in- s es to b e a favorite wh ile t he l\iinnesota C h ief is t h e n esota Chi ef Cord Bin d e rs . It wa s a g r eat s ucce ss: It standard mac hi n e. O ve r 300 of t he latt"r will b e built w01·k e d perfectly e ve n unde r circumst~nces tha t t e st e d in a nticipa t ion of the comin g lrn.r ves t, and som!l of t h em its capa c ity t o t he ut most . It. was e verywhe r e r ecei ve d h ave a lr ·' ady been delivered . w ith appr ova l as just t l· e bin der t h e farme r s were wai t · ing for , and t h e harv e st of 18 85- i 1 1 t h is cou n t y and t e r N ot only has th e bu~ in ess largely ex tended i n the rit ory adj oining ---w11.s largely gath e r ed in by t he M in n e s ota C 1i ie f. Not only wa s the special d emand for t h is m a n u factur e of cor d -bin d, l"d, b ut . m a ll o:her resp ec ts as w ell the ou tpu t calle d for i n all d cp rtmentR b ids fair co rd-binde r met b u t t he out p u t from t lrn -\vor ks i n ot h e r respec ts larg ely in 1reased d u r ing the year1 'l'h e suppo- t o d ouble that of last. At the b egin nin g o f t h e year the h e Sy! vest er D r os. ! s i t ion , too , that t he far mer is a p oor m a n is ae on to b e n ame of t he business wiw cl1angecl Lu L a g r o undless one when i t is shown t hat thel'e were man- Manufactur ing Co . · 1lr rt .. ht. S y lvest e r, s uperintendt part n e r. ufactured at t he works a nd sol d dLU·ing the y ear 2 0 0 ent of t h e shops, -ber.oming > Minnesota Chief cord- binders, 80 r eaper , 125 m ower s, 4 50 h ay-ra k e s, 3 00 gan g p l ows, and 2 furrh w pl·iws, 1500 The e n graving ab ove s hows very fait h fully the exten ds ing le p lows, 400 one-hor s e c ult ivato rs 100 fannh-g e d premises o f t l1e com ' ·" n " . T h is e ngrav in g a p pears m ills , 50 r o ot-c utter s , 75 · s traw-c utters la nd 50 grain on t he c over of the Jrn,,dso111e catnl ogull just iss ued for c r u sh e r s . the firm .-Li,nclsay I'uit. 0 ~ 0 SELLING OFF! It is jus t about four years ag o since t he first sod was turne d at the commencem e n t o f o p en i tions for buildin:;: t h e spa cious and convenien t implem ent works at Lind say o f M . r. Richard Syl vest e r. n o w the S y l veste r Bros'. Manufacturing Co mpany . 'rhe w ork s comme n ced wit h an e difice of brick, 8 Gx 40, wit h a win g 100x 40, t wo s toreys high, at t he c orner of K en t-s t . and :Vict oria-ave. alongside tho Victor ia track o f the Grand Trunk. D ur ing the :first summ e r , work was princ ipally direct ed to :fitt ing up the shops, planin g machiner y a nd tool~ nn d later o n in manufac turing a large nmn b er of s ine{l e a nd gang plou ghs. 'l'he bus ine ss p ros pered and with good m a nag eme nt, prospec t s a h ,.,id show ed a b r ;ght future. In fac t m ore room a n d enl arged p r e m ises be ca m e a b solutely n e ces sary a nd in the s prin g of 1884 arrangemen ts wcr&m ·1d e fo d ouble t he size of the sh ops. A n addition of 80x 50 feet, two s t o .. eys high ; fronting o n Kent -s t., was built, and on the ground where fo rmerly the d rill she d atood an ox· on s 'Oil o f tho m ain sh op w:~s e r e cted, 120x40, facing o u Vict oria· a ve. and of_ t wo s t orey s h eig h t. The_tools and mac hinery- 1ue of t h e-m ost im pr o v ed des ign and of large capacity . A t p oint s t hro ug h ont t h e shops ele vator s a r e pro vided to h and le m achin ery an d facilit ate t he t ransfer from p la ce t o place of w e. i g h ty pieces. The buildi ngs are heated by s and the tmsiness offices are a. model a t ness :md co n ve1i ie n c0. Z J()N __--- - -- . . . The I HAMP TON. - - - -- I COURTIOE.- - - - i lj _ CATlTWRIGHT. CORNER STORE, ORONO, is now open again and bound to Lead ........__----... ______ r. Anniversary. se.rvJCes o r. t he _ Zion ] The !Ith ot May, on S en11:og St , Ca 'let Savage is the n ew officer In charge of ~fet.horlift C hurch will he held. a~ follows' 0 11 1'herc was born & bouncio11: ~on; t he Salvat ion Army here. Sunday, June 6t h , sermons will_ be preoched To t;h e wi[e or our yonng builder, Messr s. T. H i . Kir kpatrick a nd H . Barber by Rev. 0 . JP· Mdnt)Te. Bowma n ville, a t 10:30 Mr. A. P ennington. v isit ed t he school 011 Friday la st. a.. m. , and 6: 0 p. rn . On Monday, Jurw 7t h, 1 t he exer cises w.ill begin ttt 2 o'clock p.m arp, Last Sunda y m orn on M ill S t .. South. Master Luq1er Cour tice spent Sunda y a t when .ther e will be 1ec ita tlons and si nging by A rla th em w a s born; home. I the school. und s peeches by Revs Messrs. T o the wi re or our pri:<e miller. M J h H j cock s In v y 1 t t f Ma.nning a.nd Hill, of Oshawa , cir-cuitmm 1ater~ --Brave M r. Charlie Horn, I heal~· h .o n n i a er ow s a e o and others. 1.'ea will be ser ved f com ± o'c loq,k'. . . . Lill all ar" ser ved. Tlcket 8 25 cen ts ; uln ldrf)n On the 12th inst, as _ M rs. Dedford was going ! Our cheese fi ctory is 111 operation. T RIM . not m ember s of the school. cen ts. ou t of h er door. en r onte to Bow1111m ville, s ite . ~ ... WASHIN01'0N, S uperintendent. fell aml rractured her a r m close u p to the NIE WTONVIJ LE - -- - · ··· shou lder. Dr. Hillier set the f ra.ctured membI ·J · ENN !SKILL (jJ or and she is progressing ravorc.bly. At the Q UERN'S B rnTirO.\ Y-·A tea will be given in · N· time or t he a~cidc!"t sh e h!l-d n ot fu) ly rooov er - th e Methodist jChuroh. ~ewtonvllle. M.o nda l'· Lots of changes here and the Scott Act i's , ed from the .rnJur !es r eee1ved while in H ope May 2-lth, u ndtir the a uspices of t he L adrns Aid erking well, no liquor sold since May 1st. ia»t fall. h av mg still t o u se a crutch. S~ciety. Art~~ t he t ea, a pla tform meeting Mr. E . Gifford gave up the position of 'mine R ev. R. D. Fraser . of St. Pauls Chur ch; WLll ~e organu;ed. to be addressed b y s.ever1d host' or the Occident al, on Monduy last to Mr. B owman ville, preached here Sunday evening, R evd ,g!3ntlem1 m fr ·m a d ist an c e. ¥µs1c. will John Moyse, who will k eep a strict tempe rance his sermon w (>s very intcr estinp; a nd instruct- be tur1 nshod_by t he chu rch c hoir. 1. c:a will be house and try to the best of bis ability to' ive and was highly a·ppreciated by a large con- s~ rved from & t,o 7 p. ni . P 11b.lio me to be· 11coommod11.te the public. A gen nine te mper · 1-l'r ege.tion. H the c hange 14ave a s good sat· gm a t; 8 0 '0\oc!i;, sh~rp; Ad 1 mssion. 25c. ; Child· ance hot el should be well snpported a nd w o 1sfact.lon ot.her plactls as it d id in Hampton we re n, l O o. t r ust this one will bo. would suggest t hat w e have a r e petit ion every fi'r. Potter haa given up property a nd p r a c· m onth for th e next year, TYB UNE. t ice her e to his success a nd under stand ie Several persons from a d iste.nce a tten ded th e about to locate in Bowmanville. evening service here last Sunda.y. A mon g Bertie Creeper a11:.ed 2 .Yea r s son or 'l'homas - we w elcome to our village Dr. A . J . Comp- t hem were R e v. J. W hitlock , Courtice. M. A . Cr eeper, merc hant in t h 1s , {:'laee fell off the and family formerly uf Williamsburg. W e J a mes, Miss Hat tie Burke, Bowman ville, W . platto~m or ~li e s tor e on l nesday afternoon ~--~------------------------~------~--------~~ / bell trust Mrs. a nd Dr. Campbell will speedily Jt'. P ollard and .sister Salam and others and brok e Ins a.r m between the elbow a nd · · shuulder. Dr. Ml tobell w11.s C<·lled lU and 11.t· ' , · ' make themselvc' at home in our m idst. 'l be chee~e ra.ctory c ommenced opperatlon" tended to h i m . Preparations are going on lively for a great on t he 17th lnst., wo a nticipate a la rge m ake 'T h s A h b th b nd· th day here on tb e Ut.h. Foot.ball and baee-hall this sea son «s ch eese' will likely J:>e a good . e · · ~".e t o uy 0 u ing . ey !'-r e w lll full swing tha.t day and a great treat price. M r. Geo. McEwa.n makes a gain this usrng for a brira ck s to·da y or 11:ive it u p l m· is expec ted at the Methodis t 1.'ea.. W e trust se_ a.aon assisted by Mr. Ludwig. George is a med iately as vJthe parsonage committee w ants that every·one that can, will avail themselves "'Boas" m a.k er nnd will be sure to please. Send to sta r t t o lork. or the oppert uity or hearing Dr. Ba.tlge ly in one on your milk, "Opposit ion is t he life of trade," l;>ut it ~1 d of h is best etforts. Although times have been dull for the last n ot work that w ay last Sa turday lllght w ith l)J) Arbor Day was celebrated here i<gain this yf'a r or t w o, business is boom ing in this local· t he S. A, year. by thoroul{hly cleaning, wnit.e wash ing ity. Builders a.nd stone mason s were nev er A bee next !Friday t o shingle t he Methodist and decor ating the scbool·house and grounus. more crow ded with wor k , some di fficulty church shed, ~ve hope a ll will h elp. Ma ny ·.-1 The sohool-houee look very neat and inviting in securing suitable help. Most or the m e- llands make lig-ht work. now Mr. Stapels and his pupils deserve very ch a nic8 and tr >idesmen in this village a re ta.II - ----·[. · . - -- - -much credit for their work. meu, or. slight built, but t hey are just the at u1 f, u.A PL E GR U V E good wire y all day men. · .L·J11 . The ·Pire or the Methodist church her e wa s · struck by liichtning and ba.dly shattered. dur· I t is said and I belie ve truly. t ha.t M r. F . . A~ fho R ev. Mr. Fraser , of Orono, pr each.-.d an ing the sever e storm on thll.evening nf th e 14th Cole , our courteous !i-Dd affa.ble m ercha nt-tailor excellcmt ser~on t o a large cong regation on inst. Damage not yet es tima t ed, Insured in t.h ongh a man or slight build, ~easures m oro Sabba t h afternoon. the HarUord. a r ound the chest than any man in .th~ villa~e · 1 'l'h e Annlver~a.ry.Services ofMapleGrovoSab- -- - - --.· - -- - - -~r. ar!d Mrs. C. N · Huse are VlSlt m g. with bath Sc hool, , , ill be held on th e 2nd Sunday t hei r friends here ror a. we ek berore the ir de· 1 Mon da y Jn J une . BETHESDA. parture for :st. Pauls, Mm. Mrs. J ohn Jame· and Geo. R . J a mes w ho Our Post Office has got its mooh n eeded n e w Mes.sers. \Vm. Ma.rtu:~ and J . Oke, .of Bo~- have b een eonJ]ned t o t he h ouse for t he p a st ([) m an ville wer e m to wn :Sunday. V1s1 tmg their t wo weeks with pleuris y, a re r eco'l"ering . Hat, not much too eoon a.s summer la nea r. li' I th h d' · thl Are we going to have an anni versary? time parents, of course. Quite a. heavy frost visit~d this scc~1on on sec~~~ers a r e nea r Y r oug see mg m e to hurry up. S11n(lay mght, we was seen m the mornmg a s ...--:Our beautiful b urying ground Is fa st filling th ick ><S gl><ss. W e trust not much d a o:school r epor !or A pril. Sen. - Will up, quite a num ber oC Intermen ts lat ely, W e has been a ono however. Frank. Her~er Foley, Feed Foley. J un. 4th·rl think it one of the best in the county. Alex. Lawrie. E sther P owe r, Ro bert Stevens. Can a.n:>: pe rson tell who the stra~1N dude Sen. 3rd.- E dW,in Rundle. Della Lawrie. J ohn A large attendance at the Quar terly Meeting Sunday, excellent sermon, and ·a. droppmg time w as, ~valkrng the s~reets Sunda y eve ning with Crumb. Jun. 3rd.- Fred La.wrie,Edith Power, Sare.h MuCannl 2od clas~.-Archi" McDonald , at the tellowship meeting. A very pleasing cane 1n hana, wea.rmg green glasses~ S I.OW BOY. I Gertie F oley Lillie Bark er. feat ure was t.h e large number of intelligen t 1 and pious young m en from 'l 'yrone a nd oth er \Vdt ing t o _ a_f _ r-ie _ n_ d_1 _n ._ D _ a_ r_ li_ u_ g_ to -n , R.ev. n. B . \ 1 vicinities w h o rema ined for the alter serv ices, which we are sorr y to say did not a pply to so Howe, roi·nrnrly ot this circ uit, now of Camp· · many of the young ladies. Wha.t's th e matt er den. Ontario, says: "I am glad to say this h a s Our crick et club is organi zed and pr a ct ising girls 1 is there not sensa tion enough in our been an excep tionally goo~ yea r wit h u s in our r egularly. old timed Love feast and Sacramen t ~ 1'hat.'s wor~; our tlnanc_ Mau~ e e are m. ll:"lvance of a ny A s tage line from here to Myrtle Us mooted r ight young men, let r eason a nd common sense p revious year and our sta tist ics s how a la rgo I t w ould pay guide you and continue to observe the inj unc· m c1·tn1se ov er last year, our p resent mem ber· . · . . . This is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best tion o! ' " Paul"- Ga.I. 4, 1. sh ip being 330. I have been quits used up with A brick ya rd, 1s our new m dustry. Fmn y & he.r el work. bnt a.m much bet ter now." Hastings, prop~letors . :Family Sewing Machine in the market. . . . I h ear a good number were a t th e business mee ting on Monday (considering tll.!l weather) The following is the r G port ot s. s. No, l!l for We expect e"fer ybody a n d h is girl t o com e to It does better work. It does finer and better sewmg. It is easier to importanr. roeeting ; t hey advised t he P. O- the month or April; N a.mes iu order of mer it. our big d emonsfratio_ n on t he 24t h. to sell t he old fr ame ctmrcll to the S. A. n. S r . .I.t h-Mary Smit h,Auuie Smi th .K atie Argue, run and superior in every respect to all other machines. Wool is likel.)ll to range about s ame price a s Soueh a.nd H . c. H oar, were elected t o a tt end Edith Argue. Jun. 4thSusie last year. Ida. Gilbert. Its attachments and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a child can the District meet ing. M cLean, J a mee McLean. Sr. 3t·d-:M., McLean. John Ross and Geo . M int y, East W hitby , almost phce them in position. Is it not advisable for the trustees to consider .Tun. 3rd- Sa.rah Molean. Second- Ida. Mc· have gone to t lie Old Cou n try. the necessit y of r efi tting t he c!:iurch for t he Lean. Andrew Wil~on. Sr. lst-Willie CryderA D urha.m tle!rer on ly 1 yea r , 21 days old, E ve y lady ~hould give the "Domestic" a trial before buying inferior better a ccomodad on of sacramental and m an, Milton Gilbert, Lu ther Gilbert, Lev i owned by G. E. Mowberry, Ea st Whi tby. h as 'l'ordiJl.-J nn. 1st-Stanley Byam, .A.llie R otJ. funeral servicett1 zt>lt made machines. hlns. 'J'ablot.-Lill!o Gilbert, E dith 'l'ordiJf, g iven birth to II1 fine ca!C. It seems there !ire some who a r e dissatisfied LB.fye t.e Hobbins, ' Mc Lean, Frank Mc· Machines may be seen at Mr. Kenner's Variety H all, Bowmanville, The Scott A clt is being pret ty well :carried w it h keeping the organ, at a le.dies mee ting Lean, Mary Cr yderman. out ln t his tow~. last week, lt was r esolved _ to r cqueet t hem to and at Hampton. . . . . . . F. J, G ROAT, Teacher, The S · .Army r olds a grand jubilee he r e May call a. society m eeting to set tle this mi<tter, The undersii:,ned have th'.! exclusive nght of sale m tht: West Ridmg Speak u1i friends, now h your timo, CoM. -- · 2Z, 23 and a4. C a.11 at M orris' Carriago· Work s before - - -+____...,._ _ _ ()f Dllrham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted-apply to .FETmt eoue! nnnataral appe&Ue, t reltul · TUE Hll(JTIC FJ.llSH, pale hollow cbeck& orderin g and examine t he mate rial and H . ELLIOTT, Jr. · · h. · d uea11, weak1u111S, encl convuhons, nre ao m e and preeortous appetl«'. tudlcule worms. t k h · e is uemg m IS carriages nn or&be eaects ot Worms Jn ()blldreDJ de1&ro7 Hampton, March 26,' 1886. W. BATTEN. l're.e-U11m'3 lforut t·owders ~vlll qul.:li:Jy s oc wagons this aeaeon. the Worms wUb Dr. J.ow·11 Worm Syrup, and eftectually remove lhe111. i3-3m. J e·se Cok. lm tch er. Hampt.on,_ w _ i ll visit Car t wright on Monda.y 1 t11d Thursday ea ch I week during the sea8ou with a supply or fresh I meats. · ·· --- ~--- j BRA.DLEY'B SOHOO L H OUSE. 15 T .c. S c_hool R eport for A vril; Na mes i n order or Jnerit.. 4tll cl_ass-Mrn a. Groat, Frank l\foore, Ma g::10 7 0 l"miston_., 31d ·enr .- Geo .. M .1 1lson. Le:-yis ' an N~st, EdK11.r Ros~. 31·d Jr;-Chaa. Jeitrey, ],01. t1e V1 rnN·'·t. Mina Rea.tile. 2n d M tm r.-Nor 1111 m lloRs. Norma 11 lieaL Jl.e, Hobert Y a nNest, Anme V:an.Nest., .Fr ed J effrey, _ Edn& l:tOf!S. 1st sen. -Li 7 zie Leask. Geo, Gibson. l st J r.- A Bennet. M :;ouch . A Hard~-, . J . C. GROAT, l cacher, SO L INA. -- -~---- lll · Price a m d ---', >- -··--··------- I · Th 8Star that Leads thefilA.11.< ~ ~ s:I J:I m I 1 Mr . 'l' . W ar d has a v 11.ltui.ble cow that is s ick w ith tion o! t he lun gs. Arbor Day wa.s cclcbrn.t"d a L Soliuu, school by p lantl n~ trees et c , Dr oss makers are in great d e ma n d h ere, W edding s. ehl Mr , A. H illis h 11,s sold a v alua ble h ome to the Amer ica ns for t he ha ndsome sum of $225. Binder a gent s -very plentiful a r ou nd these p a rto. Miss Cowie, or Bow m anv illi>, is with us once mor e, a s j olly as ev er. Mr. E. G. P ascoe delivered two fine fat cattle at Bowmanville last week. Mr. J , A wde, of Man illa , h as been vfalting a t s. Counclllor A w de" 'l'hose inter ested i n foot·ba.11 are requested t o mee; a t Solina. on Frida y ><nd Sat urday even· iogs to practioe a nd re-urgauiz e, a.s they h a.v.e r eceived a cha llenge to pl11.y a mateh·game a,t Columbua on th o Queen's Birthday. J ACK. ...... p. ~ ri; ~ STALLION ROUTES, 1886. P m NCE l lllPK B! A.L.- T rot t ing ·Bred S talli,m. t he propert y of 1.e d A. 'L'ole, Bo wma uv ille, will stann on Mon day noon a.t Queen 13 h otel, Osha wa ; night . Ra y's hotel, W hitby ; 'l'u esda.y noon, Chinn' s hot el, Brooklin; n ig nt, Raglan; W edn eoday no on , D ewart'K h otel, P vrt P~rry; n ight, l::lwain's h otel, W illiamsburg; '.l'hur.i.!& y n oon , S. Devit t' a, L nt 16, 3rd Con . Cartwri~ht ; 11igh t ,Gifford 's hot el, Enniskillen; Friday noon, Varcoe,s hotel, 'l'y rone ; night, H enderson'& h otel, Orono : l::laturday n oon, B ennett's h otel, Newcastle ; n ight, his own s t able, I<'isher 's hot el. B owman ville. Prince I mp erial is a beautiful bay with t wo whit e hin d h eels, stand· 15t h it:h and weighs 1200 lbs, He was sired by Crown I mper ial. he by Imperia.l, h e by the far-famed a 11d j ustl y celebrat ed st allion, Ryadyk ' a Hambleton· ian, who was th e sire oi moM noted tr ott ing h orses than any other stallion. P rmce I mp erial is one of the fin est roadst el"s iu this vicinit y, and can strike a 2:40 clip . Ae a stock-gett er h e h as no equal, an d the farmers of t his vic.inity should be proud that they have such an a nimal in thei r midst. A l· r eady his stock is oeginning t o tell : Mr. J. M a roney. of Enniskillen, having recent ly re· fused $150 for a year ol d colt. T h e 'foronto Daily Mail of Sep t . 28th, 188:3. & peak ing of the h orses at the Provincia l E xhibit ion , G uelph, sa.ys : " Mr. L evi A . T ole, B owma.nville, West D urha m, is the happy p ossessor of a remarkable eolt in threeyea.r old roadater class, H e is by Crown Im. p enal, dam by Rysdyk'· H amblet onian. stands 15i , a brigh t b ay, two white hin d h eels ; an elegant. furnishe d youth, which m ight be e:Ip ected from his breeding . Thia oolt !111 a st rongly inbred Hambletonian and on p urely trottio~ lines i s probably the best in the show. " 8 i ~ tj t-:t ~ t t-1 DOMESTIC SEWING MAGHNE. OSHA_ W _.A _____ · ln·itate It but None Equal It. I I ' -- ----

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