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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 2

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, TRIMMINGS house in the country, elegant carriage, and Nsvsr Sat ,fied. 6 ree11, a nd we been very happy. th'1\k mardo.ges are an happy in Fr!l.noe llP servants in Uvery, It w11os a greflt tempta.· A Jittl'll, with content, 13 ILllCh a.oywhere tlse. I helped to m iake t hree l!!.01 tion, and theu sho wa.s not very young, you 'l'o him who'll not refose it <1lnter, 1:1nd they have a.11 been happy." know. Well, dbrner WM over and we had Wno ta!.l:es it a3 the Lord has sent And then dcea rightly u>a lt returned to the pa.rl or, M. Auber 2enn0d " Do tell me about them," said I . Most men, wilh no· h1ng, have a thought FRIDA.Y, MAY 21, 1886. " W ith t he gre11o1;ee~ ple!\~ure, thi~ evenini; l'e~th~~ at1d fi ,1sety, for h e iq llf ii. vety imThat life would b"" p·earn.e 1 Me.da·ne ·L1fort,' 'l! dinner." P'-tlen~ temjlerament. H th~y coul 1 share, in sm~lleat part, With tilose who h11ve oho t1e8,aure " Th e girls will like to b ear the 11tory he,ria!ng, 'I would like to aho w you 11 But is this true l Exp"'r1ence snowa too," I . (Tbo girla were four ohrum p11ointfng by f'i.ul D ela.roche In the n ext That, in this world of soc-row, ir.g specimens of American y oung woman· room ' I had aecn the p ainting hun'J'he man wbo fiahta for bret>d to day W.ll !lt;llt fox pie t J·IDOrIOW. ' hi>od who were under my cue temporully.) dre ds cf times, but I followed w it hCA'l'ARRFI.-A new ;;,;;ruent has been dis· Aooordkgly, whon the liAmp11 were ligated out a. word. 1 Ve1'ni>n, wec ldn't }'()U. lik e covered w hereby a permanent cure of this hitherto incu1·ablo disease, is absolutely aft'e;t· He vows he does not want the earth; (for there 1& no ge.s In Fre:i:oh p11.rlol'e) we to see it t oo 1' sa.ld M . Auber. NJ aeoueJ ed in from ono to three applicat 1 ons, no mat er His 1houghta are h r a bove it; drew our chairs a.round the table to hear the WM the door closed thD>n he asked ID his whether atandrng one year or for ty years. This The gold ot Indus and of Or, ~to1y of the three m11.rrlages, eager way, 1 Well, ma.dame, wh"'t does your H lasim, le tast~a don't covet l\'emedy is only applted <_>nee m. twelve da;rs'. e.nd does not interfere with busrness. Descrip A v~r.; little meets hla wants ; "Yo11 r emember," bege.n, " the sister think of my fr!end ?' ·But, monsieur, tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by Enou~b to rurmsh living, ·a.t ~elonel who dined with uu la·t Sunda.y how ehould I know ! I have not had an op ~. R. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, He says, is all am ,.n should ask, H ta w1fo Is mv cousin, and a y ea.r ago si.e portumty to apeak to her, Besides, it would .A.nd thank the Lord for giving, Qronto, Canada. , W HAT IS CATARRH, . But, is it rne l Well. if it be, was not M ·dame de O ourc e lle~ " be more suitable to know M. Vernon's Im· The truth you'll h ave to borrow Catarrh is a dangerous d1s!'lase which thous· " But t ile little boy ?" said A 1 ice with a. pression first.' ' Oh, I saw t hat In an inao.ds are oonsciously or uncons<?10uslysuffermg Tile man who tlghtsfor bread to·da7 stant,' said M Auber, ·There h no need of naivo surprise In bn blue eyes Will fight for pie to-morrow. f rom. It is a muco·purnlent d1schar~e c.ansed "Oh, the llolonol wo.s a widower," said aeklng him. He is enchanted.' ' Truly, b y the presence of a vegetable parasite m the lining membrane of the nose. The pred1spos· ma.dame, laughing. "My c m&in lived she is the most beautiful creature I ever wealth, f raction's all he asks, i ng causes are a morbid state of the blood. the Of with her fathe1· In a country town. She nw, ' 6ald M. Veillon, 'F.i.r too y oung and W1tn smallest nume,ator blighted corpuscle of tubcrclo, the germ poison Set out m nnit bold, shove was the youngest child. Hu m other had lovely for me, I am afraid.' 'That r emains pf sYI:hills, mercury, toxumce, f~om the reten.A. la ge dev omina ~or. beun de!!.d mauy ye11.r1J ; her brothero a.ud to be seen,' fald his friend, 'A1>k hllr, ma.· t ion of the eft'ete matter of the skm, suppressed makes the rnm of all his joys, perspirati<>nB badly ventilated sleepmg, apai:t· 'l'hnt sisters we re m ~nied ; t hJ had be·n ask od uet u,a well now a.s any time.' 'But ot all bis hopes and bnsse3 ; men ts and th~ gennination of othe~· ~oisons m 'Tia all he ntiens, ' all he prays ; in, but she did not like to leii>VC M. Veraou must go away.' · Certaluly, t he blood. l rntated by th ese, the hmng mem· 'Tis bread t>nd ohceae and kisses. her fe.t her, and he would h11ove been so deso- mil.dame ;' and ho epened the door Into the brane of the nose is ever ready . f or the recep- But, la it trne 1 You bet it am't, tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads,up late wlthcu ~ her that he had not the heart parlor, 'Come, then, Julie, don't you wish Form thm world of rnrrow. the nostrils and down the fauccs, or back of 'Jb e man who fiRhts for to·day to mge It. My unolci dlt1d about twa years to see this h~ll.ntlful painting? Have you no the throat, causmg ulceration uf the thro~t; up Will fight tor pie to-morrow. ~go ; hi' property w11.a divided among hi' ta~te fsr hhe !\rte?' She · :M , Auber the eustach1un tubes causmg de!tfness. bu,,. cblldrm. P a uline had a moderate i?lcomo, wiahes to kn ow bo w yeu pleased with !rowing m the vocal c~rds, causing boarsene~s; . . . :e w · ·· _. wurplng the proper structure of the bronchial which would net p ermit her to live his friend,' 'He is ni:y well, ' aald 11h.e cool y tubes ending m pL1lmonary consumpt10n and !n the atylo to which she was accustom· -· rs.ther old.' ' Oh, madame, la that all death. f 11d, She wrote me a very Bllod letter, you say for one of t he best matches in Many ingenious speiflcs for for ~he cure o catarrh have been invented, but without suclarnentiog h er father's death and h or France ?' 'I do not know tb~t I any cess until a pbysieian of lung standing discoV· own lonellnrn1s and desolation. She o hj~ctlon,' she a dded. 'Tnen, madame, we ered the exact nature of th disease and Lhe RoGked m e to find her a. room and beard In will coD11ider the aff~ir setUed.' only appliance which will permanently destroy I wasp-resent recently n.t a. wedding-mass P iuis, lu a. convent or In some quiet family. " E!!.rly the next morning M. Vernon the parasite, no matter how al:(gravated the ease Suil'erers should send stamp at once ln the ohuroh of S), Tbom11.u d 'Aquln in the I wrote that I would do all I could for h er. called to o.ak my husband t 1J accompany him for descrip1 1ve pamphlet on catarrh, to ~h';J F a.ubourg S,. Germain, Pa.tis, In the Pquare ·Bat, my d ear ooualn,' I added, 'why do to the h ouse of Jalie'~ mother, and af ter the business managers, A , H. Dixon & Son, 30:i before the church Ja.d!ea In elogant llOBtume you not think of ma.rria.g!l? It w ill be very usual compliments of p resentation he Imme. K ing street west, Toronto, Canada. What the l~ev. E . B. Stevenson, B.A., a Cler7v· were de·c,onding from their cL<rrlagos and disr;,greea.ble to you, who so long been dlately askc. i the h and of h er d11.nghte,, In man of the London Conference of the Met monnting the 8t aps, where a rloh carpet was the mhtreEs of a hr.r dsome eata.bllshment, three weeks I ha.d the pleasure of being predist Church of Canada, has to say in reua;· J,.,id for them, as one would see in New York to Uve in the way yon propose. Serfou sly, S\>nt at the wedding." To A .H . Dixon & Son's New Treatrnent 1 O>' on a simlla.r occasion. At the d oor stood m Is the only ~olution of all your "Oh, how dreadful I" cried the glrl8 in Cata1·rh, Oaltlans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 two vErgGrs In white hose and fO!\rlot pHrplexihies' I ha.d not long to wal ~ for a n clrnrus. "No lovemaking!" "No wallu breachea, with blue coa.t, gold -<mb roldered reply, P auline wrote th~t ehe would wlll· by moonlight I' "So pr,, I" " E ver yt..bfog Messrs. A .H. Dixon &: Son: DEAR i3ms.- Yours of the 13th inst. to haud. baldrle, and the plctureaque threa-cor iered ingly marry, but ahe wa.s now thirty six hu1Tled up so, just ltke a. parcel of geode l!t seemed almost too good to be true that I am ha~ t ri·mned with light gray ostrich feathers. yrnre olcl, her d ow1·y wn.e not excessive, aud bought and deuvercl." cur ed or Catanh, but I know t hat I am I While aw>itlng the arrival llf the bridal she f eared It would be impoEsible to " Why, how long are In your h ave had no return of the disease, an d never felt better in my life . I have tried so many cart age I t ook a survey llf t bs church, wh ch an advani;al."(eous marrl&ge. 'Diffioult,' I country?" aslrnd m !ldame. things for Catarrh, suffered BO much. and for wa.s built by the Domlnlcan a near the close wrot e in reply, 'bnt not i mpoedble. Oome " T wo or t hree years gen5rally, Seldom so many yeais, tha t it is hard to realize that nf the seventeenth century, a nd during the to P;.rift, make me a little visit, and we will lens t han oue year when the parti1·2 are lI am reallv b Cltter. .. I consider that mine was a :vei:y, 1t R~vclution was occupied by the Th eophil· eee.' Now I had In mind my friend Colo:uel y E>ung." was aggravated and chrome, invclvlllg the anthropish. ' It was rfohly decurated, ilke de Q·,u rcel!eP., whom wife h t>.d been dead " l sl10n1d have ohong9d my rofod three t hroat "~ well , as the nasal passages. an d I most Rom11.n Cll>thQlio churches, whue art about a y ea r &nu a half. He often came to er four t lme:i In a y ear," M. L efort, t hought it would reqmre t he Lhree ;treatments, b ut I feel fully cured by the two sent me . and eee111s to lavi h all i ts resources, Some one see me, and always bewailed hlo lonelinees helung up from t he book which he ha.d been I am thankful that I was ever mduced to send h11.e called Art the handmaid of R ~liglon, imd the i1nhappy condit ion of his children reading all t he t ime, apparently. but 11he aeems often to torget this subordin- ( he h ad but t wo, a girl a.n d boy) without a "And I m ine.five times," aaid madame. ' f!o~~~·aro lLt libert y to use this letter stating .. t hat I bave besn cured at two treatments. and te p nalt!on, and to arroga.te for h erijelf a m othe r. H ocouriod to me that two sorrows "How, then? Aro nllt suoh l ~ng engage! shall gladly recommend your remedy to some temple in the hous e of G i d . I noticed p Vlr· right ly mil1gled might make one joy; and rnenta 19ften b1'ok 0n ?" ahll lnquir~d. ·-Ot my fnends who are sufferers. tillululy a marble group of Vln< eDt de t he ut1xt t ime he calwd a.nd entered on his "Oh, never I" Belle with forvc1r, Yours with many ohanke. " Bnt, my derr oliild," Interrupted I, "I Paul wlhh a.n infant in bfo arm~ a nd a.1.1 older uaua.l monologue 1 fot9rpola t e<' t he qnestlon, ' REV.}<], B. S·n:vE:'!SON.!ld at l: h feet, and a Descent from the ·Why don't you marry again, colonel? ft am afraid you ar e mistaken there : I h 11.v e . :Jin d hundred s of others Croun. fq the only thing the.t oan make yon forget knowa a grea.t m r uiy bro'~en in n-.y time." At length the bridal Jl "rty entered pre· your s zrrows.' · I know it,' s aid ho, ' but "Aud de t hese younJ? lover s see each ARD OF THANKS. -To t h e Mana- ceded by the vergers with their glttt odng there is DO la.dy.' · ~c.rdon me, colonel, I other oh;en during this long lnt er v&l ?" ger of the l!'ire I nsurance Aesociat10n: halberds. T he bride was l eaning on tha srm have a oounln who le JUS ~ my age. She has "Very oft en, m:i.ds.m, if they happen t lf> Sm J hereby r eturn thanks for the prompt tf h er fat h !lr while t he bridegroom cond L \C · recen tly lu"t h er fa~her ; sbe has a dow1y of live near other." llJaynient (by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingh am, ted 1 ' But alway a in the presence of the young her m~ther. They Wl.lro &tteuded by fifty t hou s11ond Ira.nee, &nd ~h e ia coming to tor my Joss by fire. caused by a spark f10ui a filtcaro 1hreshei, havinl'( got payment for con- seven ! bride11m,.,ids u.nd groomsmen, and apend a fe w waekll wit h me.' 'I shall be b.dy'a mother, I suppo~e ?" tents at market price ; no ~ or ;t paym eot like followed by a long train of r elatives an d d eilghted to m eet y cur oh11rm!ng ooudu, "No; it fa vel.'y oomm9n for a yeungle.dy I see on t be Dommion Gr ange Policy to tenants. frfonda, P a·elng UlJ t he m~.ln aisle, they m f,dame. ' , to r aceive h e-r bi-trothed alone." Yours gratetully. TIIOS. llARlt!S, S8 t ook their s aats in the encloB ed np e.ce before "In due tlme Pauline arrived. A .ter the "Oh, shooklug !" a.ud ffil\Uam e looked 'J'ywno, Sept. 11, 1885. t.he h igh iolt"'r, t he bride and bridegr oom in first gretiog and coi!ldG fonee6 wer l! over, I rigid with a.stonl,hmvn t . " .But If the euthe oentra, :1p art from t he r est, in ch afra of m~!d, 'Pa.ul!ne, I think I fouod a. h UG· gagement were br 1tk [)u, she woula never find ARD OF THANK S - T o the M ana- crimson vel vet and g old, r lch euougll for b8.n d for ycu-9 0!10nd., de Courcal!e!3, I a. lrnob and after G uoh a.n ~ntim~cy 7" ccr of tho Fire I nsurance .Aaaoointion : "That woukl m"ka n o d!fforenco," I te· S m ( her eby r eturn t h ank s for tho prompt tb.r<11nes. Th ere wa.a a pi·ofosio!l of whl.t.e have b een e.cqua.m ted WHh him many years ; ;pay'roent (by y our iigent , Mr. '!'hos. Bingham\ flo we,rs a.round the, but t hey were all he ha~ !I fiDe posi~ion, ~nd he wa~ very Ill· joined, " unleua a glrl ware an~n'5"' :\ s ix or tor my loss by fire, caused .bY ~ spark fron~ a ar~lfiola.l as saems to be !llwa.y s tho c1Joeo ill dulgen ~ to bia w1fe ; she wa2 very h>llI"PY aevrn ye1m1 , and the man brake bis eng1.1.getiteam thresher,havingreceived u he full 0.lliOhnt France 0; 1 s uch ocoa'lone. T hough t hey wit h him. H e will din e with UB on Sund:»Y· ment than, as sometimea hm~peua. She would of my msnrance rn GOLi) on the occasion of my ~olden weddmg. Yours thankfully. THOMAS ex quisite imlbtion~, 01>e would per fer to and yon will have an oppo~tunlty t o see h im , have loather fre~h young beauty, and h er r eal flowera at one'e wedding. More I have said nothing t o him ab ou t i t ; you hea.rt might be so set on t he fo.itblesa lover ~t y~·~~: Sept. 11, 1885. 38 show th!·n sweetness ls a bi;d mren, ma y feel completely at y our eaae!" that no other could ever take h ia place." '.!'he cfficl~tirg prie~ t and h !a aasist antij (My Canadian l'e11 .'l~r~ , wh<;- have baen " A h,' S1'ld m11.1:'.am e, " our y oung girls wore white robes with lace which would brought up, I h ope, with a. stric t rega rd for are at least saved fro,n a.11 p11.ins of ti.le h 111ve ina de t'1e d~llpair llf a duchess. The truth, will dmi btleas be ehecked at madame's hear~. " bride looked very graceful in a w hite gown want of veracr;y. I w a.1i not sorry to see " And tbay ar.i kept from lndeJoroue F ormerly Known a.a t he ' ' Soper Milla. ') perfectly plain, w fth t he t11lle veil float ing my voung frlends exchange a glance of flirt lng a.n <rmarceavres to att ract at tend on MILL HAS BEEN THOR- to her feat a n d ounge blossoms gles;ming eurpdae, which madame did not observe, too," I , with a gla.nce at my young n.. OUGHLYrenovatedand put ;norder,under 01 , trom her dark ringlets. 'I'i;e ceremony and would n ot have undeutood lf she had Canaafa~ ..,-not th11.t they needed the h int --eir own special supetvis1on,fo1 the purp< ae ol was long ;i.nd impreijnlve. I n en c part of it obseived It. Frenchmen appear to regard partloula., 'y, however. Rristmg anu man ofa ct urmg Oat Me11l and Pol the pr!es~ pre·e'lte11 t o tha hr <le and brf6e. a "e as a. thing inrocent In lt~elf-one which " They fl.Jrt enough afterwa.rd," said B3lle Burley aad we are now prepared t o recP-1ve grc ' ID t he "pk oea de"- that is, may ba even highly merlt orfoua , a.nd whfoh epiritadly, "Don't you ren· ember that <Crd.ere from all our old customf!rB a nd o thers, e!lvl'r mei\f).ls a.bent the slze of a. dollar bear· baeomes crlmlniU only under certaln clrcum· odious T., w!th her yellow curia for work, and we gur antee to ~1ve tJ;iem who intrust us w ith t he same entire ea. tisfact10n. Ing the Mmes of the y olng couple, with the stances, deriving its moral character entire· and the yonng cflicer at the Grand Hotel? <lats and other g rains taken in exchange !or date of their marriage and approprlo.te ly from the motives that pnmpt it ) I never saw aDy such :flitting in Americl' ' 'Flour Oat Mea l, &c. H. &; J, TOWNS, Bow· emblEm~. A little later they advancu'l t o· 1 ' Don' c talk, girls," ea.Id Emily. " Oa Sunday the colonel c11ome. Clarice " I manville 227. ward the alt.i,r, where the prieat presented was at school then, and there wertl only four w11.nt to hear about the third marriage," to them two goldon p~terre, w hich they of UQ-1\i. L~fort and I, my cousin and the " Well," resumed ma.dame, "I felt a. reve1ently kinaed, and, returning to their colonel, who eat opposlto her, T hey lookeu goed dea.l of oompl11oency in my success, and sea.ta two of the groomsmen held ab ve at ea.oh other furtive!.., from time to time, it formed a. subject of eonversa.tlon at my {)ontinues t o do a General Banking Business their' heads a. long white mantle of cloth llf e.nd when t heir eyen met dropped them In· ne.x:t reception, 1 I a.m dlagu ted,' au.i d 8 sBo wma.uville Branch. sliver with fringes of gold, while t he prieat shntly on tb.elr pl11te~ In the most cor· 'c 1 B elva!, · I have been t rying all DEPOS ITS went on with the servloe. mav.uer. Dinner over, I took my cousin winter to bring about a marrla!(e between Received in Savings Bank Department and Durir:g the etfartory the vergers pa.sued aside : · ,W~v.t do you think of h im?' 'He two oi my frlends, and It has failod !\t last, <Dall and interest allowed at current rates. No through the aasembiywith their monotonous la too fat, P11ullne, 'F;1t ! You think I will never try aga.ln If I live a thousand n otice of withdrawal n ecessa1·y. All deposit> <'hant " Pour Joe pa.uvree, e'fl v oua plait" so? Tne Idea I' 'Oh, madame, how could ye1.1r a. · I a.m ready to hy again to -morl!lBYable on demand, (" Fo; the peer if you please ') , fol- y ou? He ie immense l ' s~ld my lnnecent row. ' Pta.y be so kind 1u to give me some 1 lewed hy a ii:ro~msma.n and a bridesmaid, Pauline, with a look of diatrees. Only a.salstanoe, then,' 2 ald Ma.da me wife of who held cut the small crimson velvet bag consider what a fine position he ha.a,' said I, the minls~er of marlue. 1 I am looking fo.r: Bonghtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe to receive the offerings. I would r s.ther 'and suoh an excellent man ! If you ceuld a suitable wife for E:nile, ~ I am very de. 11 U nited States a nd Canada. als o Gold,Silver a nd have taken pa.rt in the eh:n·ge at Gettysbu~g only see how well he looks on horseback a.t sirous t hat he should Young men U n ited S La~es Greenbacks bon1eht and sold, than do this myself, but the perfect ease t he h ead of his regiment I' are expo.ed to so m any tempta,tlons in Paris ' COLL ECTIONS and grace of th(se youn2 French girls made " Lat~r in the evening I had an opportu. - act1 ·esses and. griaettes, and all t hat kind nlty to speak to the colonel. ' Well! aald I , of thing- enough to drive a mother dietr<AoPromptly made at current rates upon all pori It oh armlnll At the c!~se of the m'l8s the bridal p~rty interrogatively. 'Madame, your cou E ln iu ted. Emile will be twenty-five next menth.' ' ;Jf Great Brittain. the Umted States and Dll minion of Canada. passed a.round the alt ar into the sacristy, cha.rmlng, but abe Is ra~her too tall.' T~e "I should think he w u.e old enou gh to when they received the CJngra\ ulat lons of huge coknel had a giant 8 panchant for ht find a wU<e for l1lmself," whisp ered Alice. Telegraph Transf'eri their friends afterward returning through tle women. 'Ther e ls no occaelon for vou " · His salary ls twelve tli.ousa.nd fre.n os, Made tor large or small sums on all parts ol the gn.nd ai~le of the church In the same to go any further,' said I. 'I have not which ls not b ad fer u. young man, and hie Cana da. This is especially advantageous to order as they ha.d entered, except that the mentioned It to my oou.~in; o! courao,' ' I fat her wlll do semethlng more for him when persons living in Mamtoba or the North -w eal he mar ries.' ·I know a. girl thGot w lll auit aa it makes the funds a vailable at once at the bride now leaned on t he arm of her huBband should like to call to inorrow· oaid he. while the organ p Aa.led forth exultiugly llh; "In six w eeks Pauline waa MG.dame de him exactly,' cried Madame Belva.I eagerly, 111lace of JJayment. Co,,rcellss, bnt up t o the wedding-day she forgetting, lik:e Rip Van Winkle, that she For f urther particulars call at the Ba.nklnR "Wedding M!\roh" of Mendelssohn. As we orune out of the church my friend, continued t,a,,aa.y p iteously· 'If h s were only had · sworn off,'" (Th is le an interpolation. House. M Lefort said to me- " You have n et so fat I I a.m afrala the F'rench ladies had not the GEO, MoGILL, 'I', BRODIE. Accountant. ManageT seen what lg ve;y rare in Fra~oe, a. marriage "That h not romant ic at all," said E mily. plea.eure of being a.cquai11ted with Monnlour ·lv of love and inelina.tlon, al Americain, It "But thev very h appy," eaid ma.d- Van W inkle.) " "l'he e.dminbtr!!otor of the is the only one I have ever known." Lyons Railway has a daughter almost nine· " An d y on r own, madame?" I. "Doesn 't she think he Is too fat now?" teen. the most amiable, the m ost lovely, and ~LOOK OUT FOR~ " Mine has been a happy m 'l>rd age, bu t aakGd Balle. her father will give h er a hundred thousan d "I dare aa.v sb e w ould be very Indignan t lf fnn~s.' 'That is very r easona.ble,' said I we.~ no~ acqua!n_t.,d wit h M. Lofort w hen 1 I wae married to hi m. The first t ime I you were 0 r;av so," la.ui?hed mada.11 "· Madame O. ·I sh all be un der everlasting " N ow :For ma.uiage Num,,er 2," 11aid obligations to yon if y ou will 0pea.k to him ever sii.w him was on the day cf r ej oicing at t ho b irth of the prince imperial. He was H el en. ef our aon.' 'With the grea.tezt plea.sure in n re3Btit ed to me in t he Champs-Elysees, but "A short time b exore my cou&fn'a ma.i" the world.' I wns eng~o~eecl wUh t he soene 9'r ound me rla~e," continued m~dame, "my frland, M . "Ma.dame Belval had an Inter view with l\nd cid net much observe him, ' H ow did Auber, called on me. ' That is a strange t he administrator of railways, He would For tho NJ,XT 3() DAYS I will sell for LESS yeu like M Lefort.?' asked m y mother on idea. of ycu n, to ma.rry your cousin to thn.t mak e Inquiries about t he y oung man. The 'l'HAN COST the remamder of my stock of tho way home. 'I do n ot knew ; I aca.roely grrat fa.t colonel,' h e ; 'I a friend reault was 3attefoctory, 1>ud in a week t he Stylish and most Durable Milliner y looked at him,' ' B::it, my daughter, your who would anlt h er m .1eh bet t er, I a.m nor e, friouds ef b oth fam·lje<:, cen nlm1ing M . L sDRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, father has eelecbd him fo1' ye ur husb and . ' It Is u th iir lo.te for t hat n ow ; she la to be for t and myse' f, receiv1Jd an bvltatlon tD a. Hs dtne with us t o-morrow, and unless married to. fon d3ove.' ' How ve:x:aUous I' eolree at Belval's, where t he t wo &c., w ith a vel'y heavy stock of b e is v ery d lal\greeable to you- ' M. L efort M. A u ber. ' llut , m onsieur, I have a young people w onld m eet for I.he first t ime wa!l 111 h a.nde0me man; he is se st ill, y ou slater ln-faw, a young widow, sevc~al ymra It wae very embar ra.,Jlng for t hem In the l<now, an d h e waa much h am' ·omer then , youpg11r 11>nd ff'.r hand~omel' t illllon my coubln Jll'esanoe of so ma.ny cur ious observers. Ho plelscid me, b ut I n civer sp ake t<1n words Your fl ieud might be pleated with her.' 'i. 1' 1adem 0foelle Therese was lovely, with long Thanking my customers for past favors, I t o h im till after we were married, whicr wfah I oould see her.' Nothing ea.Bier, Dine fair curls and that dellcl\te blonde beauty respectfully soIiCJ t a ll to call and mspect my present stock. w hich I am s ure w ill give tho we.a juat a. mont h from the day I first saw w ith ti& the d ay oftsr to. morrow, y ou and w hioh is se ra~e in France. I p it ied t he him; 11nd all the time we were so busy, my m adame Auber, !Ind I will invit e Julie to poor child, she was so distressed at t he u tmost aatisfact10n. moth er and I, w ith p . eparat lans for t he m eet you..' My efot er is rea.lly very beautl· tho.ight of being on exhibit ion, a s It were, w eddlrg th:>.t I had not a mo a ent to th;nk , iul, an r'l M. Auber could not r ota.In hla ad - and looked pa.le and then fiu~hed alternate· Re sent me the most beautiful flowers every m ira.tion: · Oh, madame, she Is adora ble I ly " day, and f or my corbeille de inariage h e If my friend can plea~e hel.', h e la ma n to lw "I am glad I am not a French girl," sa.ld gave me diamonds and an India shawl envied. L B t i:r.e see; to-day is £t\esd~.y. Helen, whioh oont five th ousand tr& n c13, He waa in W oll, Thul'liday, if you and your sister and "And thlll y eung man was scarcely Iese Hos r eceived he r new stock of a ata.te to ocmmit follles th~n," said ma.dam e M . Lefort will dine wit h us, m y friend will agltatsd . They haxdly d<0red to look a.t with a little sigh, " I was bewildered with be t bere,' ea.oh other, and were as ellont as d ea f-mutes " Thursday, t h e dinner and ti t he w hole evening. T he next d ay hie father all this n ew eplendor, for F rench girls are always dressed in th e simplest way-n ot at gu est s , I _ had t old my 2hter what w as 1 .-i a formal demand of M . Thonvel for all as In your country, wher e miss has ~ontem'.'l11.t1on , a.nd we were T t uN lly a Uij- t he hand of h is da.ught er , ' everything ;1s handsom e as mamma - and .le curious to see M . V ernon. H e was a "Ills fathtr I and the youn g ma.n ha.d they never go into the s treet without a good -looking man, a bout fifty years of 1.1ge, n ot hing t o do with it ?" exclaimed B alle, and see her Patt ern chaperone, I was full of life an d longed ( " Oh , ma.d ame, w asn't he bald ?" a sked amazed. for excitem ent ; mv mother was an invalid Alice, " Marriages are always arranged by t he and went eu t very seldom, so tha.t marriage " vY,eli, he was a little, on the tep of h is pare nts with uli, " slaid mada tne. " M. was like an open door t o freedom." hea.d, Thouvel gav; an affirmat ive a.newer, and and assort ment of "But! do not see how you d ared." " I ha.ta bu.Id men. Haw old wa.s she ?" the rnl\l.t1Sge t ook place shortly after, as is "Oh, as t o t ho.Ii. I was thoughtless "A little under thirty," usual in France." enough, and ba~id.ei I never e:irpeoted a.ny· "I ~hould not t hink she would mar" And ~hall you be married in t ha.t willy, thing different, Eugene w oa very ~ood r led him If she was ao bea.utiful," Olarlce ?" &bkc d Alice c ompassionat ely of STORE :- Second Door Wes t of WllUamB to me ; by a.nd bye we had our little Olar"Well, my dear he had a fine aoola.I p od· madame'a pret ty young d;i.ughter. rl:utcher St1 tll · lcei, w e fell ln love with ot"!ler by de- tlon and a )a:-ge fortune, hotel in Puls, I " How ehe ? I am not going to America. ' WONDER OF WONDERS. j Electricity Cut Down. African Zulu Oil! Stops ail pams and aches, internal and external. '!'here ia nothing like i t. I t's all the talk, go where you w ill, by evc1y one who ha.a tried it. -1" CATARRH. 'd 'H Eurg1ria nst1tutll InvaII S Ote1 II 11 1 ~ s, iu l'J.' ClJRES :BUFF.ALO .,...,. ~ ' Organized ·wltll a tnll Stutt ot eighteen E 1 d d , xper e nce an SkH!ful I Jaystcians and Surgeous ror Ille treatnocne or nll C:hroulc nhNtscs. . _. ,. --. ~ l OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal C atarrh, 'l.'llront and Lung Disease ,;, Liver and Ki d n e y Dise a se!!, Bladde r Diseases, Disea ses of 'Von1e n, Blood Disoascs and Nerv· ous Affoction!!, curnd he1e 01· at home with or without seemg the '(latient . Come ana ~~e us, or send ten centR m stamps fo1· our Inva!ids· Gu!de Book," whwh gives all part10ulnrs. Ne1·vous Debility Impo · t c n cy, Nocturnal iossoll, £LIGATE nnd all lUor bid Conditi o us caused by Youthful FoJlies and P e rnicious Soli· · tary Practices nrc speedily ..__ _ _ _d and permun en tly cured by our Spemalists. Dook, post-paid, 10 cts m stnmpa. l!lnpt ure, or Bieacb, radically cu1 ell~ without tlie kmfe, without o ',pcnden cc u v.on t1·nsses'u a nd with vei y little in stamps, pam . ook sent fo1· ten cents PILE TUJ'f[ORS and STRJICTU RES treated with the grcutcst success. Dook sent for ten cents in stam ps. Address W ORLD'S DISl'BNSARY M E DIOA.L ~\SSOC!A.'.l.'10.N, 663 Mam Street, Buffalo, N . Y. 'l.'he treatment of many thousands of crrscs of those D ISEASES OF discuses pecuhur to VV C> iv.I: EN' WOMEN. at the Invalids" H otel and Surgical I nstitute, has afforded largo cx pou ence in adapting remedies for then cum, and K idney and Spinal affections. Back, and all complaints of the U rinary P assages. .!:fond land Blcedrng Plies, Salt Rheum, Scrofulous Sores, Scald Head, and a ll Cutaneous .Affec1tion s, Ncurale-1a, Bleedmj! at the Lunge, In· fi11mm11tlan:of t ile Lungs, ··!"OMhitls. .Asthma, Crou)l, Quincey, Swelled :N"eck, Colds and Coug hs, Hheumat1 sm, Colic, Choler a Morbis, Dyscntry, J!'ever and Ague. Sore E yes, Cat1>rrh, H ea dache, P ain in the Bt>ck, Sule, Chest or any part of t he systen ; Ulcer s, Old Sores an d Swellings. For Chilblama or F rosted F eet, used persever ingly, a cure is warranted . 'l'umors, Stiff Join ts. Cnts, Bur ns, Br uises, Sprams, Chapped Hand a. One half teaspoo11 ful will cure a Sore 1'b10at if takeu when it flr sc makes its appearance. F orFemaleObstr uctions causlld by Colds and other orgam c derange· m en ts, it is unequalled, WORMS in CHILDREN or ADULTS · If you VI ant a s ure remedy ask for .ll lor1·is' Veg·etable Honey Three French Marriages, D Wo1·1u Sy1·u1). Can be taken by the most dellc11te child, a nd if there 1s wor ms in the system guara nteed to remove them. P uce only 25c. lly all dealer s, 0,SEASES OVER 2 0 YEARS they have stoocl the test witl1out an equel. They are the best. MORRI ~ ' ud SUGAR COATED DANDELION LIVER PILLS. BECAlJSE 0 "------..n I C C Caledonian Mills. rmrs BUSINESS BOOMING AT They never lea ve you costive after takmg them. They do not gripe nor pain you in their action or weaken or ma ke you a1clc They positi vely do n oc contain a ny calomel or mercury, or an y poisonous minerala to inJ ure youx system. They a re the best pills tor costiven ess or P iles that you can take. They cle~nse tho stomach and Digestive Oi gaus, and stiengthen t hem. DR. PIERC£ 1 S They the best for J,1 ver Complarnt. '! 'hey cre>ite an a ppetite and g1ve strength a n d vigor t o th e system. 'l 'hey can be taken in wet 0 1 dry weather with· out any mcon vem ence or lundrance from work. Is the result of this vast experience. They make you sleep well a t n ight and feel well m the m 01 nrng, It is a power f ul Rest o l·atlvc Ton! c and Nervine , 11nparts vigor nnd sti cngth '!'hey regulate the Bowels gently and r egular. to tho system, anu cmes, as if b;y magic, 1 ,ou~'ry them and yon willnevor be without them co1·rboa, Ol' "\Vhites,' c xce asiv o EVERY flo,vin°, p ainful n1cnst1·11a t ion, unnatiu·af 6 UPJ>r cs>1io1rn, 1·1·0Ja 11s ns or fa mily should have L hem. 25 cen ts per box, or falling or the ute rus , 've ak. bacl{, 6 boxes for $1. by all m edicine dealers . antevot·!iiiou, rctl·ove1·Aion, bcal'in g . dO'\Vll sens ations, cJu·onic conge sE . MORRIS, P ROPRIETOit, tiou1 inna nuuatiou and ulceration N o . 8 () Augusta Ave . , T or onto. or tu.o \Vomb, inflauunatiou, pain o.nd tendcl'ness in ovarie s, inte1·nal h e at, and "A'c1u al e -.voakncss." It promptly relieves imcl c ures Nau s ea M ALL F A RM F OR SALE. -- 30 and W e akn ess ol' Sto1nn~ I1, Jndlgo,.. acr es of land naving thereon good fr ame Uon, B l o a t i n g , Nerv ous P1·0,;trat ion, house. batns, stablos and other necessary out· and Slec1·l et;suc ss, in eithe r s e x . buildings. young O iChalll of 4 acies, well Wat· ered and fencecl. Situated J nst ou tside the 6 corporation of Bowmanville be sold very ~~'&'~~ cheap for cash. Apply to Will M . A. J Allll':S, 9 tt. Sold byD1·ug gililtR cvcrywhe1·e. Send STA'HSMAN Office, Bowman-ville. ten cents rn sta1ups for D r. Pie,.ce's la1ge 'l'reatise on Drnu11s0s of \Vornun , illustrated. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE.- A very Dls~e11sary ~1edical comfortable bnck house, nearly new, contam8 r ooms, besides pan~ries, closets and sum1ng 663 Mam Street, B UFF ALO, N . Y . mer lntchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: vczy good fruit garden of} acre. Situat· cd in L hc most aristrocroL1c pt>rt of the town. SIC W.·HIE~ D ACHE, \Y i ll be sold on very reasonable terms, Apply 9· tC. to M . A . JAMES, STA'l'ESMAN Office. JJ:ili ons Hea da c he, Uizzl n es~, Co1rntlpa. tiou, I n digo s &ion, ;ion, S A L E OR TO RENT .- 'l 'h e a nd DHious .'11.ttack,., ] proper~y owned by the late A:-H . Gibbard, prnmptly cm cd by D r. m the village of Tyrone, about 3 acres of land; Pierce's P Jea!!a:nt comfortable house, complete 011t' buildlngs, J.>urg ativ e P e lJ cts. 25 stable, drivmghou·., and wood shed; good well cents a H al, bY Druggists, and mstern ; plenty or fnut. both large and small. For torms apply to 'l'no~BS BrNOH4 'r Bow manville, 01· GEO . E, GrnnAHl>, \Vhitb Favorite Prescription S PRICE $1.00, r.::a World's Association, B 1()'·· ·-----~--~~-~~- THE- Valuable Farms for Sale. THE ONTARIO BANK Eclipse H ausa. ---o --FROM $2 UP. PLEASE TO CALL AND EXAML'<E . EXCHANGE o., F rns·r. - 30 acres of lot 8 m the lat concession of Darhngton, lymg im mediately south of the cemetery. SEOOND.- The Sout h H O acres of lot 16 in the third concession of Darlmgton. and the North 36 acies of t he 8ouL h 83 acres of lot 15 in the same coneess1on Tnum,-'l'he Sonth 100 acres of lot 25 m the Clothing and a ny amount of suits thu d concession of Darlmgton, and tlie Northerly 60 a cies of the east half of lot 25 in the sent out every day. sam e concession. .A.11 the a bove will be sold in parcels t o snit purchasers. Time for paym ent and terms w ill 0 11 r Collars, T ree. a loves, Shirts and J ewellery, be made very easy t o satisfacto1y buyers, F or the very latest styles. part1cula1s apply to D, BU RKE SIMPSON, READY-MADE CLOTH 1 NC H·tf. Vendo1"a Sohoitor , FARMERS R equiring t h eir See der F eet SHARPENED or RE-STEELED can have t heir wonts s upplied by N . B .- We have d isposed of our s tock of Fancy Dry Good s to MRS. I V E S, o~poaite the Salvation Army Barrack s. J. PERCY tc SON, See t~e ~est Value in Town, W. H. I VE S. W ho k eep on h and at all times the steels used b y the manu factu r ers of S~ders or Drills a nd t h e same m o uld and applia nce:., thereby gi ving each foot exactly the same shape. S atisfaction guaranteed. P lease Please t o call upon her and y ou will see b ring a lon g this mon t h befor e the rush of spring wor k . the prett iest stock in t own .: l Otf. J . P ERCY & SON. B.ARGAINS! IN MILLINERY. --o-- Public Notice. The under signed having bought out th e GRIST M I LL of J , St1"lter, Esq., and put every thing in fir st-class order , is p repc ned t o d o all kinds of Gr1stmg. I will g uara ntee to make the b est AltNECTA. FLOUit t h at is made m the county, as the mill has been fitted u p especially for hand ling t hat k ind of wheat. I h ave also put in a SA.w M ILL m conn ection wit h the above, a nd am prepared to take in a ny q ua n t ity of Sa w Logs. I h a ve lowered the price of Chopping to suit t h e t imes. NEW HARNESS SHOP - - -o--1' be undersigned begs leave to intimate to th e people of Bowmanvil!e and vicmity. that he has opened ·~ new Harness Shop on Kini'( St., opposite Mr , Wm. Glover's Llverr Stables, where he will havo constan tly on ha1 1d, and make to order, Harness of all kinds, viz,: wm F e athe rs & F lowe rs. - -o -- Heavy L u mber, Farm, Express, Coa ch, a nd Ligh t Double H arn ess. Mrs. DONNELLY. MISS ~l cTAVISH GOODS, and .invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call People's Mills, 51 Kin gston Road. IN ALL THE L.ATES'l' STYLES. A large stocl· ofCollal's orcve1·y olcserl ptton ahl a)'S on hand, 0 1 · c u s t0111c1 s c1111 h:n c lhcm Jwtd c io or·lei· ou .JwrtcstnoUcc. Fiuest stock of Hor se Millinery ever shown iu town, i ncluding: ROBES, BLANKETS, For cost of odvcrtising in nny papet· or FLY NETS, WHAPS, list of impcrs published m t!:le Ulntccl WHI PS, States or Cann,da, send. to the A DVBR l'ISBRUSFms· · ING AGENCY of ED1'1IK .LJ.f,])Eff &; BRO., CO.v ;BS Ci ncinnati, "."" and everything in season. 5 A\~ew York, F ine Single Harness a specialty A. S. TOOLE Y , EOwin AMen &Brn. 0 01-. Uh dl V:ine J>ts , ~ \. B ONNETS, HATS REPAIR I NG PROMPTLY .ATTENDED TO. Satisfaction gum anteed. Intenillng purchaser s w ill do well to give me a call. H aving bought all goods of t h e latest style and best quality, for cash, I will be able to give customers the benefit. Bowmanville, May 6, 1886. 11 q 1 Nassa1i 1'treet ***Our '~Ncwsp~per CorT1brnr'i!ioi'rs, " .t book of 150 pages, cont.unu 1g puces o f a dvert1 c:: rng, fu{l ins truction s, e tc, sent on 11.ccipt of Toe. Ou1 ~"Am Ncwspapc.;r '1.log-.... e " cont umng names of every n ~ w >IM!JC.:r rrnhhsh cd 111 tnc ~ aw..l C anada , '3C i1t on rcCclpt Ci. p.,.lc..,, ~~ ! u. 50. E~timu.tes {rec. - J , R. BRADLEY, 10-4w Mvertising Agency.

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