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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 3

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JOH~ F'RIDAY, MAY 21, 1886 SPENCER, ;'· . THE FARM. Deadly Spray for Orchard Insects. Twen ty-fi ve to t hirty yeu.'!l ago my or oh~ rd bore full orops every alternate year ot smooth, ronnd apiJlea. I got money the1 easier and taste:.·, plcldng and selling tht ·r uit, than a t auy other time In my life, The trees were la.rge, ond I c'.luld set a lad der In a goo(t spot and get a barrelful with out moving it. But latterly treeB have noi boiae as well, and apples been k nott3 s.ud Wt·rmy; oater pillare and cankerwerm1 lncreaoed so as to ruin many orchards Tue oodlin moth has been worst of &111 and the most diffioult enemy to l. o"d In check 'Bat I feel sure now thati it ls au eafy thlnE t o deatroy tne whole oro wd of orchard in· geots, by 2praylng thf) t~eee with London purple-which f~ much hatter thiln Pa.rh, l{l'!l~ll, and cileu.per ; it does not aettle la wat er ii.a the green doe3, and d oes not n eeii oue per son t o st ir it 9.s you d tive along wit'. "'force pun,p . Mr. Geer ge Allon bought s fr uit farm near Holly, N. Y. , whioh wa.s auch a con ditl·m th11ot the whole neighbor· hood ridlculed the purchase, C11.nker wor m1 were In tho orchar d, the t:-eea h11.d not bell ;rimmed, and t he farm h11od not paid lt6 we.y to·: ~ome time, H e p ulled out half t he trees, gne the ther s a geGd pruning , sprayed ith P ilorlti P.feen onoe a week for a mon1ih, aud harve~t· l d 1,400 bJJ.rrela oi &!I fine apples as ever were seen; yuu could IJardly find u. wormy one, He expects t u have B(·illO t houe'.ln<l s of barreJa this year, !\3 m&.iy of ~he trees h ir.d l.Jien so stripped by c:i.ukerworms lu 84 th11.t they did not bloasom In in 81' but seem sure for t his eer · ,oi.J.. :Mr. Alle.n plougi·,ed and r~leed be~na aud some other ~prlng oropB bot wocn p~rt o~ the i;r teb. put on what barn manure _therEl~ w:u on the farm, bnt what mau e l.1e most surprhing runlt was t bPsprayiug, The thlnnltig nd prvuing Wf. ' just as ne ce~eary. If JOU thi».s: you ca'!lu~t Jpend time to ~ pray ~he tcees but once, t \J9 time then le wilen I.he apples are H )argE 2 1 iull·&lzod peas ; then the blossom i-1111 ox i.he l\pple ~tande up, and the pobou ge1i:r; on tile bloew m erid where it will " do the most siood," as the ~odlin moth lays the egg in ~he blossom end and when hii.t ohed eat11 \'I> wi>y In. M l.', Arthur Rathbone, of GeMsee County, eprt y ad a tree on Ol' e side and lE'~t the other. On the eprayed side the app!ee were fair and not a wor my one; en the other t hey were ltnotty1 wormy and poor, A ttd t"ic trees appear to bear bel.ter h sprayed j nat before the blo·scm s open ; leaf·'l'oHers-litt le cat er becomhig very de2·-~ uotlve- get on the ble.som-budo before they open, that make t;i.em look as II alnged ; u.nd buds that w11.y set no fruit. Thi~ peat also is kllled by the poison, Three lfnuHd oil b~ rrels a.nd e. borce pump with a rnbi;ar h ose t o put in the funghole, make a good dg to spra.y with. B e sure and not p:et too much purple or green. Mr. R athbonehae experimented more th~n any one else I kti ow ; he say· that half a pound of purple t o sMy ga.llona of W!lt eris plenty, The pm pie ehould be wet like past e before putting it in the bar rel, and then it will mix easily and not fioat on t heJ water. P refosa cr A . J, Caok, who firbt VETERINARY SURGEor;, Pianos Tuned and Repaired. ·.runed or repaired can haTe thorn attended 0 by leaving word at the DOllllNION ORGAN CC>'B 0.i'll'ICE, Bowmanville , A flrst·claB ma n !!IOW being in their mt>lo '· Newly improved Verses &, Motto a ll Chromo Uards, with name and a w ater pen for lOo. 5 packs, 5 pena, for 50c . .Agents sample pack. outfit, and mus. . trated catalogue of N ovelt.ies, for a 3o. stamp and this slip. A . W.;KlNNEY, Yarmouth, N. S. !Hm PARTIES WISHING THE IR PIANOS ~ 50 Honorary G·radua te of the Ontario Veterin a ry College. 'l'oronto. Registored member of the Ontario Vet·erina.ry Asaociatlon, in accordance with the V etcrinary A ct. ~ Is prepared to treat all 'd iBea·es of the Dom· e8tic Anirrmls, according to the latest theories. All calls per sonally, by Telegraph or Tele· phone will receive·prompt attention. .~·OF>'ICE-Main St., Orono, one door north of W. Henry's btore. CH AflGES MODER A'£E, "l Prcse1·ve Yout· Sigllt. GRAIN Use F. LAZARUS' (la te or tho 11rm of Lazar· us & Morris,) Henowned Sp.ectiteles and Eye· OF CAN° ADA. Glasses. 'l'heyare the best iu the world. 'l'll ey never tire the eye, and last many years with· c 1111trnl 11a111 u p, $ 1,QOo,ooo. n est, $ 2GD,OO : 9ut change. For ijale by K enner & Co. Bow6-lf. This Bank ls prepared to do Leg!tl· manvil le. mate Banking in all its branches. . Fa.rmere notes disc9unted ; Deposits · received tm d Interest paid on amounts of $5 u pwa r<lj in S avings Bank D e par t m ent, STANDAR D BANK A. Grent Hcdlcnl 'Vork On l!lanllood. Ei::hansted Vitality, Nervous nnd Pbyaica Debil!ty. Prornat ure Decline in Man. Errors of Yo~th: and .the untold mlseries resulting from md1scretwn or . excesseP, A book for every_m an,_young, nuddle-aged and old. lt con ta~ns .1 2o prescriptions For a.11 acute and chr ome diseases, each one of wh ich is fnvalna· ble. ,So fOUJ?d by .Aut hor. whose experience for 0~ years is such o.s probably never before o pages. fell to ~be lot of any physician. ao bovnd rn beautiful l!'rench muslin embossed ?Overs, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work 10 every sense Ellan any other work sold in this ?O un try f.or $2-oO, or the woneywill be rerunded m ~very mstance. Prlce only Si by mail, post· ba1d, Illustrat1ves sample free to a ny body. Send no~. Gold medal awarded t he a uthor by the Nationa l Medical Association. to the P re· siden~ of wl!ich. the Hon. P . A. Bissell. and N ews p aper> Advert i s ing E u l'e a u, associate officers of thti Board t he reader is r espectrully r etferred 10 Spr uce St., New Yor k. 'l 'be Scien~e of Life Is worth more to t.he Send 1 0ot s. ! or 1 00-Pago Pamp h let. young and nuddle-aged men of this generation shan all ~he gold mines of California and the silver .mmcs of Nevada combined.-S. F ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., V . J) RA F'l' S Jno. McMurtry & Co .. Are p r epare d t o pay the h ighest prices for all kinds of Grain d eliver ed at the fosued an d CollectlC>ns made in E urope United States a nd Canada. W.J. JONES, A gen GREAT 6 0 DAYS' qrucksands on which t hecon5tit ution and hopes of many a ycuu~ man have been faitally wrocked,- Ma11,·heste1· M i ri·o1'. Th e Scle~ce of Life is of greater value than all the medics,! works published in this country for the p~st GO yeara.- Atlanta Constitution. Th~ Science of Lite is a superb aud masterly treat1 ~0 on nervous and physical debility.Detro'Lt Free Press. '~'here is no mem!Jor of society to whom the Science of Life will not be useflll whether youth. parent; guardian, Instructor cle1·g y. m an.- Argonaut. Address the Pe!l.bodv Medical I nqtitute or Dr.W . H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street.Boston Mass.,, who may be consulteti on all diSeases requmng skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases t hat have baffled the skill of all other physicians a spechdty, Such treated s nccesBfnlly witho11t an instance of failure, Mention S :rA:rESMA N , Bowmar.v llle, Ontario. L 7-y. Chronicle. ' '~'he 8cfonce of Lifo points out the rocks and J. HIGGIN BOTHAM& SON, Chemists and Drug g ists KEEP A FULL STOUK OF 1 o r FURE DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. A L SO S ELE C T s·rocK OF CLEARING_ SALE:! D. DAVIS :!?lt"tE:iO::MAIJ'3 WORM: POWDERS, Are plet\eant t o t~ko. C'ontn!n their om. l'urgnt ive. Ia a E m!c, enP~. u.u<l et:cctue 1 c!eatro.n<r oi' w o r ms in C L;J·] .. , "<>r Adult~ ~~lr:r. ~~~~~~~R:1'!El"i,~~~~~r!~~~ dlscaea to auy -~ I haven polltl,·o remedy for the a boV"edlscaso; bY fts nee t housands or en He& o r the worat k i nd nurl of lon g 11t1 rnding lmvo been c n red. lndeed, so strong 18 my f&ith 1n Its e0icllcy,4bat I w ill sent! TWO BOT'fLES FREE, together OONSUMPTION. Hair Brushes and Combs. Perfumery and Sponges Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &c,. 1 \Viii, to make room for ::lpring Importations, Offer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of - hie immense stock of- Q Branch Office, :37 Yonge St., Toronto EWA ifD! DR. T . A. SLOCUM, AGENTS FOR THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, Pure Ground Oil C ake. - - - - ------- -- - Boots and Shoes, SliJ·pe1·s, Rubbe1·s, T1·unlt:s, Valises, &c., - AT - AIE will pay the above :Reward for any ~Y oaee of Dyspepllia, Liver Complaint, BickHeadache,Indig estionorCostiveness we cannot Cure with WI:ST'S LIVER PU.LS, when tho Directions a :re strictly complied with. Larg e Boxes, conta ining 80 l'Ws, 26 Cents; 6 Box es $1.00. Sold by all Draggtsts. -----~----------- 20,000 ECCS.! Greatly Reduced Prices. Twenty thousand Eggs w anted weekly. And ls prepared to execute all PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS W m . Brittain & Co., ORDERED WO . RK MARKET SQU.A.ltE, BOWMANVILLE, - A ND - on the shortest notice. rain ha11 washed all the p e11on from the graa1 11,nder the trees. :~:t:~:ii~F:o~L~~~ t~~~~~:·~~:r:~~: ~armers Sheep. and Gardeners· · F illed with absolute purity and correctness. Brittain B ros., Butche r s , N e -wcastle , REPAIRING neatly nnd promptly a ttended to ; having none but first-class workmen employed. Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, 'Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain W agons, Cultivat ors, Harrows, Seeders, S cuffl ers, Single Sulky an d Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulper s, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedder s & Forks, Warerooms---King St., Bowmanville. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. STILL ..P..a...::S: E..A_D with choice new goods for Thia II the aeason of the year whn1 sheep W ill Pi>Y Cash for Eggs, Cash for :H' New need speolal oare, pa.rtlcula.rly the ewes that Ril'SATI SF ACl'ION GU ARANTEED .~ Butter anci }<'armers' Lard ; also Cash for Hides are In lamb. Some farmers are In the habit Tallow, &c., at the above places. of allowing \.heir 11heep to roam ever the ,.. D. DAVIS, p&1tures early In the epriug, and do not "\V. BRITTAIN & Co·· ExpreBB Office Building, realize that the meagre quantity of 1 v aas Market Squa re, Bowmanville, · Bowmanville, F eb. l 1886, they get doea them little good, and that be· lS.4w. lnir oonatantly on the move·ln search for It they lose fle,h, They should be turned out enly for a ahort time eaoh day. when the weather le not stormy, and they ahould have an allowanoo of grain dally vhlle changing from dry food to graBB, By proper attention DEALER I N at ihl11 time of year, ~hey will be atroug and thrifty when finii.lly tbey are left on pasture. A pint ef oorn or oa.ts each day along with their hay will maintain the strength of the 1heep and keep them lu good fl~sh. It "ii 111 be found muoh better te keep the ewes In ti.le yard until the lamba have gained strength enough to follow th eir dams · when placed wit h the rest of the flook, otherwise they will not m 'loke the growth they should. It is a good p lan to give the ewes extrii. feed while they are suokHng t heir lambs, so t hey will prevlde a i c.111 aupp' y ef milk, T ho?.e who niake a specialty of breeding Stl'ck for exhibition give t heir anlm'lols the best oa,re ii.nd attention, and succeed in ao· compllshing t hat wh ich the ordinar y farmer would not believe to hlil pos&ible. I t ls admit ted t hat such animals, by living In artl· Gang~Plows, ficlally hea.t ed b uildings, and b eing fed on prepared food, a.a well ae having been oloaely Inbred, are sometimes lack ing In vlhlity, and pr ove fallureBwhen in the hands of t he farmer, But t horoughbred st ock h not Intended for general farm p u:....iosca. T heir · tr ue mission i1 · to improve t he comm~>'l stock. The common etock by constant sub· jeotlon to th e wei>t ber and clumgu.ble d iet, become hardy ii.nd vigorouij, yet lacking In d ealrable qua.lttiel - Tho blending of the blood of t he t horough hred with that f·f the mongrel will therefore be beB t forthe farmer, and enable him to k·ep 6nperler stock with· out reeortlng t o al t itlcla1 methods for 110 doing. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~- The Largest and Best Assortment <C>F~E~ Pielti SEEDS IN BO\iVMANVILLE AT KUBDOCll BROS~ HAMPTON CLOTHING HOUSE SPRING AND SUMME R SUITS in Scotch, Irish, English and Canadian Tweeds. Fine and medium Biack, Brown, Olive and Fancy vVorsteds, Cottonades, Denhams, Ducks, Shhtings, etc. GE NTS' F U R N ISHI N GS. Our stock is complete and correct as t o style and price in Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Braces, Linen and :::3ilk Handk'fs. A full range of Celluloid and Zylonite Goods always in stock. As we do exclusively a Merchant Tailoring an d Gents' Furnishing Trad you may rely upon this that we give t he best possible value for your outlay. ~Call everybody in want of a suit and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. Fits a certainty, and workmanship guaranteed. F RANK A. COLE. Hampton, April 20, 1886. 17·5W· One £:ffect of Prairie Planting U pon t he treefoes pla.lns t he hnowe di~&p· r,ef'or, sp,yq·I';of. Bessey In tho Naw York l 'rilmne, v ery q "tctdy under t he hot iun which be:.ts down from t he cloudless nkles av oa::r'"llon there In ,.n ~euon11. · The water c,.nnot penetr:i.t<> the greuad, for it le fre zrn, u.nd so It runt d f i>nd if! lost, ' V"here t he .fire ran over the ground and burned t he 11bort pralde grll!!ees, the black surface In· areased the r a,ptdlty of melting. What won· dcr that the plain.s of even eastern Nebra.tka not !onp RJnce !l;oktd upm as desnt l ike In their dryaese. With tha pla oLing of trtes i!.ll thhl Ii changed. '.!.'h e tnow plies 11p in tho planb.· t iom oI youvg i.1·ees a.ud gaL.Uera In t nom101u cir Hts In the lee of the us.trow "wind·' These m11.1aea of rnow remain for weeks after tha ground eleewhere le el'ltirely b~:.. e. Tht watel' from these malling bJ.nke slowly trickles down ovllr the ground, aoaking into H, but l!Ltle r unnfog awa.y. In a recant journey weetw1:.rd ever the :pl~'n~ of ea&tem N ebraeka I rnw bund~eds of plaou whe1e such mas.ea of gnow were still slowly melt hlg, ho1 1{!"b. the general &urlace of th~ ~ round had been free ftem snow fe r fuUy a. i,rtnlght, I '\Ill aasured by ma.vy farmers t ha'tsprlnge D.i." .a uoh more abon.d1rnt new t han formerly, · r.ld t ha.t !u. m~D)' ln~t:.,1ocs ro.vlnes ii.nd de):.. ·eedonlJ wnlor1 ~~ ·eral yce~a ago could be ·i;>lowed H" now too wot :md springy. '!'his m clenly ti1e result uf kee\Jing tlte rainfall a.nd snowfall U\!Oll ;Jnd In i b.e ground, as fa done by treo-pl!mtlng. I ml$ht poiut cut that the !lorntields with their wilderne~a of luoken and tau~led stems hel p also to con· erve the snow;; m the winter. · - - V I EW OF- - Bra tford Li ht teel Bi er, with Sheaf Carrier Delivering its Load. The only Binder with Z Steel F in ger-Bar and Steel Extension. The only Binder with extra Roller to J,hrow the grain out to the packers. The only Binder with long Bevel Wheel Shaft supported at both ends. The only Binder with Steel Driving Wheel. The only Binder with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carrier. The only genuine Steel Machine in the Market. · · Surest to Tie. Easiest to Manago. Lightest in Draft. Simplest Binder. Strongest Binder. Neatest Binder. To Tie the 'right est. To Cu:t the Closest. To Reel the Nicest. Best in Standing Crop. Best in Ta;tigled Crop. ;Best in Short Crop. Binder Twine and · full lines of Repairs kept on hand. J AS. McLEAN, Agent, R. M 0 ON, A gent, Hampton. Orono. ·

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