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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 4

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I am Greeted Every pay with: TOWN COUNCIL. DISTRICT NEWS. I j CouNCIL CIIA11ID&n, Bow~u1HILLE. I l\lay, 61b,1886. f Regular Meeting. l\layor pre·idiuJ!,:lfem"My, what lovelt patterns yon have in ben pre·enl: D"puLy Ueeve l:leilU , 1rnJ Wall Paper, and how cheap, too. You 0 Jt1nc11lors Wesley.Morrin,Ma·on,t:lri1rni11, 1 have the best selection I have ee1en." I Kydd, Galbrailll unJ !Jurd.,u. Miuutea of Inst metiliug 1 e,.d and conI to~all whoat looks well aro110d Oan niog- AU CT I0N SALE I House Cleaning!? Yes, we have the pape1-a hangers here to-day. Let's see your paper? Oh, isn't that nice Where did you get it? From KENNER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL. Their patterns are just splendid, and so cheap this spring; and it is a fact, we are showing the finest line of 10 cent Papers that were ever shown in town. Don't fool yourself by purchasing before you see our patterns and note prices. ..-BIG:-a Just so, that is my ir.tention. TflE NE\\1 ES'I', TD. E PRET'l'IES'I'. · and at the right IH'ice. DUNT FAIL TO SEE MY PATTERNS The very finest quality of Gold Embossed Papers <'qual to any ehown in Toronto, at a price surprisingly low. Plain Gold, f'1·0111 3Gc. Window Blinds in linen, fancy. Large Variety of Patterns. Pictures Framed at lowest rates . P. TREBILCOCK. ~bt Qtauadinn Jtatt~man. 21. BoWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, M AY THE CHIEF OF BINDERS. W e p resent r eaders of the S TATESMAN thia week with an illustrat ion of the h r ge implement and m achinti works of t he Sylvest er Brothers Manufact uring Co. , L indsay, o n our first pa.i:ie, and a c ut of their popular Minneaota. Ohief Binder anrJ. numerous r eliable testimonials ou the m erits of this mach ine on t he last paw~ . and we recommend all farmers to r ea.d carefully these Far mera c an generally be reli;id upon to represent truthfully a ma.chine th ey have used, anJ should nay dissnt isfact ion p revail i t id very soon circulated all o ver a neigh bor h ood . There i 3 one thing in part icula r that impresses the reader of tbes1i t eHt i monia!s favor ably, tb .. t is th e universal commendstions of the machine as a. good worker in all kinds of grain, and as b "ing liRht of drau~ht and easily handled. Theee are the ca7dinal poin1e r .·qui red in any reaping machi u ti. Then a g aiu many of t he farmers who testify to the mtirits of the Minnesota Ohief Bind e r ar " well known to our reade r~ nnd are m en whose word can be implicitly r ..lied upon. When a man like ChlMI. Fs.irbairn, Reeve of°V" rulam, eay11 he f eels it a duty t o hi11 brother farm e rs to recomme nd this Bi nd er ; a nd T es edel Whitfitild 11nd J oh n S mith, jr., C artwr ight, say it cu·e all k inds of l{r ain- t hiet ley , taagled , tall or shor t ; and Al~.x . T rull, Darlin1£t on , say s he t hink& the Minnesota Ohief Cord .Bin der beats a ny binder he has seen ; a nd W illiam Trewin, Darlington, eay11 it ia ligh t of draught, easily managed and n ot lii>ble to get o ut of order ; and H.ob tirt J obb, Cartw righ t, · he cu t up and d ow11 hille nndhilleidesa~d it cut as well a.s a ny siugl" r eaper he used; a ny one k1 rnwing th.,tu feels inclined lO believe what t hey say, as they are k nown tCl be men of int eg-1i ry. The self-binder is the machi ne for al l farmers for the futu re, and from ·.what is of t he good qualities of t he "Minnew ta Chief by t.hose wh o have · test ed 1t., farmers nf t h is diatrii:t canuot err w ucb in giviJJ g th ir ord <1·s fo r it . < firrned . A uumber of accouuld were presealed and referred lo the .Fio1.1uoe ComwiUee. A communionlioo wa· r"ceived from Assessor, a sking a l,,o nus on account of in cr eased dulies. Ltlid on the 1111Jl e. From A. R. Williams, a gent Fire S u pplies, reterred to Ille F irn Coru. Fro m lhe publi.Lur ol lh e American R t9iHer, asking Ille Couucil lo ~ n ,c ri l>t>. '!'he Mayor subruilled a. wril whid1 h ad !:'ea served on him, in th ti rn a11er of dt<rn · 11ge re Towns. R efem·d lo Bond s and St. Com. to lake such tlclion as they may deem necessary in defence of 1he onse. Mr. 0 . Keitll made a verbal r equest on behalf of 1116 Teac her'tl Aeeocialion, a sking_ for the use of tbe Town Ha.II for a public m eeting in conJJection with the '.l'each ers Convention, to be held on l be 21sl inst. J,aid o ver for furlher collaideation. A c ircular in reference l o Che mical F ire E ~gi1.1esw,as refer red to l ~e Fire Com . A Circular from the publish er of the A nnual Revitw was referred to tbe Finance Commitlee. Mr. W. Goodman presQnled a T end er cfiering 10 waler lhe slreels from lhe Registry Office lo Division st reet for $2130, or to '1'. :!: 1on.r'g 131aoksm il h sh op for $275. Laid on lh e Table. A peltlion was preoeoted from a n um ber o f ratepayer s, as king t he Cou ucil lo arrange for slrPe l watering trom the R egistry Office to T. Hoar's ~bop. Also one from rntepayers resident between Division 8lreet and T. ffoar'a shop s talin~ Uiat Ibey did n ot wis h lo have Ib o street water ed i n that locality. Moved b y Mr. Ma son , seconded by :Ur. Bei\h,that the prayern d lbe petiiiou aBk ir.g fo r the streel to be water ed from lhe Registry Offioe to T. Hoar's shop,be g rant. ed . Carried. Mr. Wesley, cbnirms u of the Fin ance Com. presented a report r ecommen ding payment c,f sund ry accouo l s a mounting t o $125. Adopted. I1·rom Mr. KyJd, cliairrn.rn of the P ublic Properly Com , stating thal Ibey could 1.101 reoow meud the iulrnd ud io n of the Eleclric L igM this year. Adopted. A re port trow lbe Police Com. was r e. fer red back. Mr. K:rdd introd uced a .Ry- lllw lor the beller r egulation of tbe r enling of tbe T own H R.II. R end three limEls and p1&ssed . Mr. Kydd &lao in troduced a BJ-law to ame nd By.l"w No 32!i. R ead Uuee It m es 1rnd passed. By lhi6 t1me ndmenl lhe cows will be lei oul on lhe 20th of May instead of fi rs' of June, as th e ee!lson iR trome..,he.I earlier U1an last year. Dr. Beith introduced :By-ltlJI' for Ille waleriug of King street .fro m Scogog atreei lo T Hoar's shop. Read three l im es, and pR~Aed. Napanee is to be illumin&ted by eln·l-1 - -t r icty, . .,, OfBug~ies, Mowers, HayTedders, U xbrid!!e pa,·s its chief comtable ·;;>400 1 , J Plows, ate. per year. 0 'We le11rn th a.t. fall wheat is almost a t ott&l f· ilt1re iu 1:·ickeriug a.11d Mar k ham. On W EDNESDAY t hP. 9th d ..y vf J UNE· 1886, Tm,; UnwMANV I LLE Ao1ncor.:1·uR.AL A boiler explod ed in a tub fa ctory i n & CARRIAGE COMPANY, (li mi ted) will still B ethany a nd dt>~troyed $500 worth of by pu blic ~ u ct.wn 11. large stock of B11 ggies , propert y . . M ower·, f:l ,.y ·r~cl d erJ and P lows, all E. B. V anAlsli nc, se win!{ m l\ch ine made fr om the boot stock. l nt.e ncling age nt, " Whit by, has ski pped t o parts uu - 1 puruhaser" slionld c11ll an d inspect stock kn own. · b.-fore day of "ttle. T~r ms-4 mont h~. T he mi lls ritPonty pool d oing a rush- ' THE 13owM ANvILLE Ao RICULTUR.AT, AND ing tradti. 0AIUUAG~; Womu; Co. ( Limi ·ed). Thos. Chin n, hot el k eeper, Brool;liu , To every nuin u pon t his ear t h h :i.s been very il l. l t come:h soo n or late, Mr. A. 8 ome r vi1le h as been appointE:d To clean the walk before his d oor rio~t-mail ter at Brooklin . [-} is back yard ir rigate! S everal brood mares have dit>d in In wh at can m;iu fig h t better Pickering t his s pri ng. Th en r ak ing up t he loamRe moving til th and gat·bage Col umb us is ~e ttin~ u p a mon3 ter de;nFrom t he temple of his h ome. . on str a t ion fo r the 24th. \"'{, Rich&rdson, Columbns, is going to BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. England for an en ti re horee . W. A . R oss, Arg yle, loet t wo valua ble Cori·cctccl by Joltn .Ly le, eYery Thur~<lllY· stallio ns in one week r ecenrly. Cann inp;ton has t wo b ands-the l!'LOU R 1 l,'l- 100 ft>s.. . .·· ·· · $2 10 to $2 50 br·tt allion band a nd c it i zen's h>1.nd . W m:A'.l', Fall, ~ji' bush . . . . . 0 70 11 0 80 " Spring, 0 70 11 . 0 80 A 13 yel\r old eon of M r. M. U mphrey B ARLEY, ti' bush . ... .. . . . 0 55 11 0 70 sh ot a lynx near U:x:br id ge r ecent ly. R YE, II . . . ' ·· ··· · 0 53 II 0 5i) East W h itby C o uncil dines o n crackere, OATS, II · ·· · . ·· · 0 35 11 , 0 40 ld wat er o n cou ncil cl ·YB. cheese and c·1 P EAS, Bhickeye, 'lJl' bush . . . 0 80 11 0 88 Mr. J ohn Rnddy, P or t P erry , h 'ls fit11 Small, 11 0 55 11 0 GO 11 t ed up t lle Quee n's hotel for a tem pe ran ce 11 .Bl ue, · ·· 0 55 11 0 G5 house. . J Burr. ER, best t able, ~ tb.. . 0 14 " 0 1~ P ort Hope Orangemeu iotPnd gorng t o 1 L AIW, ~ji' tb · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 10 " 0 13 B elleville to celebrate the 12th o f Ju ly I Eaas, ll' doz. ··· ·· ·· · · ·· · 0 10 " 0 11 th is ye~r. P OTATOES, ilji' bush . . ..... . 0 35' .. 0 40 ..... H h L ' <l a· d f 0 01 HAY . . . .. ....... . . . . . . . 9 001 ,,, 10 oo r ~ . . .IJJ.C ug , tn ·ay, 10 r P M inju ries recei ved by the b reakin 5 of a N em '.llllucrhsemcnts. buggy _ a x.le . A barn on one of J a mes Rntl ei:lge's ACRE F 11rm to sell or t0 rent. .,g farms in H ope w a~ st ru ck hy light ni1 A pply to WM. WINDATl', ll>arling· tun, llo wme.uville. P. O. · tt. on Friday eveninJ! . · ·-------- ----·- ------- Hon. Edward Blake is to address a OUSE~ TO SE LL AN D RHlNT. great Reform d emons tr a;tion atilea,·erton, I have to rent. a good Hl'ic 1c Hot!'ltl' with nin e rounrn a.Md exc~ llt) nt. cell ~t.r ; goo ti ga.r den when t he pic-nic season comes. I No trouble to show Goods. KENNER & CO., VARIETY Hlli. · GRE_A_T SELO-W-OF- -- I 100 H MOURNING GOODS! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Have just op ened out a full 1mnge of '.f wo-t hir<ls of th e faill-wheat Conucil adjourned. li. W 1!1DAT'X, T. c. Mealing h eld May 12th, Mewbers preseul: Mayor pre~ing ; Dep11ty.r eeve Beith , and Ceuncillors We1ley , l\'I orri s, Ma~on , Brillis:o, Kyd1 !, N.:iswor1'1y . Galbraith and Burmibn .. A petition w11s recei ve d frow · W.Ma n orug,,. sec. of lhe Bowman ville At!l>l1:tic Ass ooiat ion , aRking exculsive UHe of ~h e Drill Shed· J,!rou nJs, for which t hey eugaged l o Jltl'Y. $20. On motion of Mr. B rilli11n, lleconded ity· D r. Beilh, the mi.lier was refell!'ed to t1Jo· P1.1 blic Properly C om. with poW>er 10 g ra.llll» cerlaio privile11es, s uoj ecl 10 t lle· ap prPv&!s of 1be Com. . T he w p rovidin g for the issuing o-l' Deban turee for the raising of :i!J)l8 000 hy wa v of loan for the t own of Bc>wmnGville , was passed its secoud reading. Oa motion of Mr. WeAlev, second ed by ])r . Beith, the sum of $25 was granled to-· tb e Assessor, as a B onne, on &3ce>unt of · extra work Ibis Jear. !\fr. Dri111otn t ende red hie r eaiRDll'h oo 1111 n. m omber of Ibo P olioe Com. wbi.i>h, afler some diacnssion, was accepted. T he Poultry Associalion asked fbr a r e.d nation in ille charges for ·be Town Hsll a I their l a le ex bi bi ti on. On m otion of M~. Burde n , seoom1ed by Mr. l\forris. the s um or $2 a n :ighl· Wt\8-, c h argiid for th e tbree nigbts, nn amead · me nt,by Messrs We&ley and Beitl> fur1 ~ 2.5<> a n igh t bein8 Jost. Mr. Wesley \TaS App ointed 10 ·1af.'e M·r . . BriUian 'R place on the Polioe Committee. Conoeil adjorned. 1 h am n.n d Scarboro to ,~nship~ ha~ b~ :n s hert; ~: acre lttnd wlth choice fmit trees;: good killed by t h e b a.d wi nter seas on. well ·r>d! ci·ter n: \V. H. n . CAWKEH;. il<>WurnnviHe. 2Jl·bt. Th e fi1llt case under tl~'e Scol t Act in O ntario count y for b 1each of its pro,.·iisI ions was· that of Al.,n ire, at 011hawa. Mr. C. Wilmot, ~f the N ewcastle fi&lt~ OME 0f the most v11lu" hle and e ligi·b>le 10 1 he T ow n of Dowmanv ille. Terms eae-y. e ries d e a ooited 250,000 Sll11mon in J, .. h ;e J!'or pa r ticu-16'rs a nd pl,.ns a pply tt.t t be office o f O ntario,oflr Port D a.rlinitorn, la · t we ek. tt. ];{us~ 1·: LL LOSCO:.J.BE. MelDlu ngs' Buildin)(tl, llowmanvlllle-The people of l\bnchestelf will be t reatMay 10th, l~&. .· 20·{1w ed t o a lec:t11re by Mr. J ohn R. Clark;., ---- ~-t h e boot- blllck or . t or , at. nn· early d ate. $25.00 REWARD. M r. J ohn S hort h 'ls beea a.pp ii nted Count ln8p~tor for Vic ll'9ria _O,iunt y S OME Plil"RSON o r persons, wilfulil\!', uo der t he ~ott Act. H e- restd~a it.t m a?lc ious l:t. a nd with e xcrediu ic ?.eal a.nd Manilla , pnservera nce wor thy ot a. nobler sentiuienb. "1. r . J . E .. S tnt ' t h, Cann i!tgton, waEt; htwiuJ<: 1een eF&ll\y clrculi>ted, ·candalous aod " · un t.r ut h rul report throuich r.he to wn to the· fi ned $50 and co~t, th e uth~r day for elfoet t ha t I had been ,.rt'ested ror d runkenness- 1 · ·. . violating the Scott Act. Commen t un- and c 1mi1 ned' in> ttllitO' Police Cttll· oYer nigM, 1! take 1 lu s mevho0 ot pu blinly asserting t h&otr neceasary. the re h not a p1wti1de or trut.h in the eontemptM iss Willoughby, dau gh te:r ~f R ev. ~~~ea~W1~\e~~~~~~i:, o~ ~~r':o;~:;,tat~~vl~~f=~ardi A. N. Wi lloughby, of W hit by, has l'<l::iAht' r, W . M ARON.:. ceived t he bachelors' degree i11. Ar ts a.t Bow1 nanvUle.. M a :r 19, 1886. 2l·i.:w· V ictoria U nivel'3it y. WoRTH REllH J..U JlEIUNG - There is prob. Rhly no hett er relaxing r e medy for st iff join ts, cont ract..,d cords, ·nd pa.iiif1 1l conl gesdon , t han H'iagyRrd's Yello w Oil It cured :Mrs. Joh~· ::-i tdddl, of Or ton, Out., ~ who was afH1ct.eu1/ fo ~ years with· co ntr acI jl t iou of tho bronchia l ptptls a.nd ti ghtness f, of the chest. lt is the g r eat r emedy fo11 f, intem al or external pain. t : NOTICE IS; HE RE BY GIVEN Tl&;'.11' ~ In the 34th Batltalliou, Cap. ~tledge , the Court or lltevlsio n ror theTo w ushiP·Ot gton. w.111 ta ke plane a t the 1'own ·Ifull l of Whit hy, has been promot ed t.o the : Jlar lin pto n on Sa.n111rday 29th May inst.. a t t l,\ rank of Adj utant, and Lieut O'Iilonovan , : 11.-m o'clock p.m. A\lll partle· b.avini complaint& lLgai nst assessmeMs will t«ke notice a nd! Jj of Whitby, to t he rank of Cap.t .. ,,r Mair k- soi t abto fo1· tt r1~u rin~ fH.rme1·; conitai !lS 8twen roo mot a o d s 111n n1 er ki tche n a n d wood· whh fru·itrrees. A ls·1 tt tl e,irnble resid enctl' for Crape Black Cashmeres, l(IMPOR'r ED DIRECT)·. Bui ding Lots for Sale. S These· good> are undoubtedly the lbest value ever shown in town. We have also i n stock a full assortment of t he best and most reliable make of BLACK CRAPE! C rapes not for sb ow merely,.. but w hich we can conflden·t!y 1ecom mentl to give satisfacmon to the wearer. Co11c h , Johnston & ( )1·y,'d.er111an, One Door We&t of Post Office, BoWM.ANVl.LLE. 1111!1-·················-········lliJ...mi·· I WEST - -----END HOUSE:. -·----·- - -NEWEST AND NUBBIEST IN Court-. of Revision .. That Surgical Operat ion. 'MR EDITott,-:-S upposing corr ect io11111 to be in order at all times I re~p01:tfully heg -to d ecipher a slig ht inaccuracy which ap~ pea red in 11.11 ies ue of your paper under th@ .. l1eacl of E nni·k illen n ews. W e h ave as our corr esponden t has told <us, ~even doctors of va.1fous kinds in thi~ In anot her issue h o has infoTmed t ht\t the doct ors in this place had Ci'l:l!~rg0 o.f th e importan t opera tion perfor meG. on M r. J ohn Avery a shor t t ime ago iin t l'l.e ampu tation of h is tnigh . Are w e to fofel!' from this that the whole corps of proife-:1sionals were elect ed t o fill the place o·f one operator and no ono in dividual to su.pel!"intend? T o inform t he p ublic as well as s0ttiisfy cortain cur ious pen1ons who have b een at a. great loss to kn~w who . really was the favored man on tlus occasion . I am, 1\fr, Editor through the medium of your n ext issue i;1duced to so inform.them and thus cor rect the evasive report of our wor thy correspondent. .. . Dr L . !'otter who WM the surgeon m authority at th iR tin~e e':inced proof of his competeucy and skill m t~1e successful mauner in which the operation was pc1·fonned . His 11cniality was also prove n b y volunhiril y i nvitiu(; h is associa~e in the profess ion (Dr. Mitch ell) ~o witness the operittion a·,J also others mterested , two of whom we understand ar e students in medicine. 'l'his sh ows a good spirit whi ch we are sorry to sa.y has b een abused. Mr. Avery has bee_n a.sufferer for o-yer a year and his const i tu tion was anythmg but favorable to.un dergo so great an op~r ation. OonseqnenUy some grave suspi~ ion8 were entertained as to whether !us final recovery could be l()oked for; but contra.ry to our fears h e a.woke from bis sleep with a. smile which, he has worn every day since the oper11ohon to t h e present ti:lne, and can now rooommend him as . a sub ject for an early reco,-ery: W,p d o not t hink any lllitn m America coula h&ve operated more successfully t han Dr. Potter did in thia Cll&l. ~ Tu~ C 1vrL 8ERVICE R E F OIUlll!ERA say ·~ their object is sitm ply to retain ~ood me u ;~ at once wh en y ou tind t hem. This theory · may b e safely 1·~plied to t he trea.t m~o~ of the human system b y means ot m edic m e. ~ 'l'ho~e who have onl!e t rie<l P lel'ce'e ' gover n t hemsell\<c&accord i ng\y, ' Ma y 12th, 188Gi K. W r NDA'J "l'i Clerk:.. ! l u§ SCHOOL BOARD . Golden Medicine Discevery " for scrnf.; l . d 1 f n· } u our. swe11m gs. a n sores, {IS~ o. es i , and appetite weak lun"s, sp1ttmg of ' t' "'- n l to it . bl oo d 1md cons.:imp 10.n '. W t ~ PP Y . ' t he real principal of 01vil Sen1ce Refor m. li and "hold fast to that which is goud. " n ' ti " Di:: To Admirers of thie· Scott Act. 1 ·nress Goods, , Prints, Ginghams, Printed Muslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols, &. c., &c. 1 T lJE _ S "GESORIBER _ OFFERS· 1110!.l!t .· · . · . , . , I ! l " T b e regular meet in g of ·he Bowm11oville ~ Board of Education was held io Ibo· I:.ib - · ) r a1·y room on l!'ridav evening, 71n1i n sl. Iii' Membe1s present: Mr. Winda"" presid -iug, an d MessrR, F airbair n . Burden, . Lyle, Bri rnacombe, Horsey, Tod, Blel/lilley,. Ct1 - H iizgin 's "EUREKA'" E n 0 alish ~ I ~ " I I High Grade Dairy and Table Salt. Gollil medals and highest . 0f. a.wards a.t the grea.t fau·s the worli:d. For sa)JD i sale his Uotet a nd prermses w ith all tlmurelt :plant, furniture a11d chett els 1hereto belongln1:{, : to a.ny person1 mr syndic,.te ot pe rsons, desiro us ' or keeping a . H10tel In accordance with , ::ieou. · Act rule ; on he w ill leaae th e said p ropert~ llOt' a term ot yeaills~ Terms of sale made r.o. swit. Ir= leased rent 'o be every six, months ;n advance. 'rile )louse has been tborou g llily r epaired a nd tsi. i n fir st rate order and! cwaili· t ion . Two .l\..,udred dolllil's w ill be deposited bf h im in :he Standard Bank. as guarra.ntee o good faith, to be f orfeit ed i t he fails to carry out his agreer~ent, a.ndany lntendiu,,ptllllchaser or purchaaeE'S is required to do t h e s&me>. J . B UEBO<Jl'llG>l\I . BowmanYillit. May 18, 1886. l!l-lw Cloths and Tvveeds, Gent's Furnishings. Suits made to order on shortest / notice by the A 1 Tailor. ~ J . M c MURTRY. bitt. Minutes of last m eeting r ead and1 con firmed. ! Judicial Sale of Village p roper t y. UTu~UANT TO AN ORDJRR OF the Chancery Division of the Court ot Justice, in an a ct.ion o r 'l 'hompson vs Barton and with tlie a.pprob11.ti.on of the Local Master of <.he ~prcm e Cour t a t Cobourg there will be sold b y 11>nbl.ic auction at Robert lliutcl.tison's store in t he l villai:i:e of En roi~killen~ lil<I S ATUR DAY 'l'H E FIFTH l>A Y.' OF JUNE.1886,at two o·c lock 1i1fternoon. in one parcel th.e f ollowing valua t.<e village Lo.ts in. village or E nnis killen, one being half a., acre m ore or less, part of Lo~· eighteen i n the seventh co.ncession or the '1'ow nship of Darli,ngtou , in the County of Uurham. which m ay he described as commenc ing n )n e c hains in a sou t herly d ir ection from the »Orth west corner or said L ot number eigl!iteen on the eas~ side of the Scugog Roa d t hellce,erly twc uhains and fifty links thicnce s outherly two ctl.11ins a nd, t hence w est terly two chains and fifty lin ks more or less t o the Scugog ltoad, th en ce tw0 c hains more or le<0s along the Scugog Road:io the place or beginnin g. On sn.1d parcel t here is a f rame barn ~~L~e other parcel beinfl' a village Lot in the s&id village of E uniskillea oonta.irung one tinarter of an a cre being compoaed or par t ot said 'l'own·hip Lot number eighteen. commflnclng &ta post planted eleven e balns fo m t.bP. nortl1 We3C < n rner of said I.ot number e igh tee n on the west side· of lot on t h& 8cul(ol( Roiid, th<¥1ee north sevesty-four d egr ees east t wo chain~ and ftftt links, theuce eouth si~teen d egrees, one chain, th e nce scuth seventY·fo11r d egr ees, west two chains and ftfty links, thence north sixteen d egrees, west one chain m ore or le!IS to tile place or beginning. ·un this mentioned parcel th ere is a. tramo dwelling house one and a ha.Ir stgrles high with l1ve ~001nl! a nd stone c~&r, a godd w ell ot water and a nutnber of trmt trees. 'l'ha property w ill be offered subject to a re· ser ved bid fl.x:ed by th e laid Maete1·. Miss Birnie, by letter, t end ersd1 hel' accepted. signation aB leacber o f U1e 2ud the U n ion school; wh ich was on. mol 1on. r~ ~ iviaion ~ iin by WM. and gen. one. QU~OK & COl. P Miss Chapman applied for the· posiiioo1 aooul \o be vacated by 'Miss Birnie.. Tui.idl over mt uexl m eet ing of l he Bosrd .. W &ample bag6' ~'REE . OaJJl A r epc>rl from lnspeclc;r Seai h on the· condi tion of \he Hig b school d1 apparatus was re~d. an d on raolion.wa11- t-e· fer red to a speci1>l commiHeo, ooneist i:ag, ofi Messr~. F ..irbilirn , Ci1bit1, H orsey.,. Tuy.le , Bleakley, ' Vindatt and Durden, t o P*PIH>& a scheme for better aco.:;m modatiliJD1 hll' school purposes , lo be submiUed W· t he. electors at a public meetin>g· t o- be aaH:eGl for that purpose. Messrs. Lyle so d Bnrd\ln· brongh· to. the not ice of t he floud lhe 9ola*e of lh ·g·~ o111nds al the Union Sohool, wbJQh on m®si" n was refer red to the visi\ini-: oommilte&. M r. K eith, of th o S;iu,t h W ainl! school, applied for leave of abseMe for a . few clays, whioh w"e grant ed. Board nd journed. Call at '!f'ait & Morrison's t o see' Mrs. Clarke's ©bokery Boohr.. P erson8 who have hied the Li-~r Tea sol d by.J1. Morris spee;k favorably of it. You get.a. beautiful oook with enry dollar's wmrih. th e balaneo in woods, tho principal pa.rt of the t imber being beeeh and in,.ple, A new frame h ouse. w it h cella r full s ize, 2 barns ; horse and cow stables, co w shed and r oot house ;: 2 good w & llB or w&ter, a.nd small orchard!, The above ~arm is well fenced a.nd under good c ultivation. I t is suit ed for 2 tarms. having the wood on both ends. 'l'he number of th~ lot is 13 in th·1 i th concession of Darlingtou. 2~ no~th or the ft ou rishinK town of Bowmauville, Church a nd School close by . i'<. l..J--, A.RM: FOR S.A.LE.- T hat well known 1 and valuable farm the " Weldon Hiome_1_ etea.d." bein g composed or 200 acr e3, 153 cleared I LADIES, - -CAl.L .AT- - M~ MORRISON'~ - . -AND .Apply to T hamas >YeJdon. Sen ior, Proprietor, now in Darlin g_ton. rr by letter w hcri home, " Littlewood," P . O. SEE - - ed. B,- Ir not sold in 2 m onths it will be r"nt· '1 '. 18-t f. w .. Senr. The Largest Stock --AND-- - - -- - - - - - - - · - - - - - - J . McD o-.ii:>ALL, Sec. JoH::<t A vE1tY N o!l'B BY THE E nr:ron- T his l ette r h as . been Cl:'Qwde <l out for two weeks. Soott's Emulsion of P ure coo Unr 011.. wUh U y pephosphlte& Ia roGro reliable as an in the cure· of Consumption, Ohronic Coughs and E m aciation than any raa:i.e<ly kuown to m edlical. ecience. It is 110 prepared that t h e. P.qte~cy of t he~e t wu nwst vn:luablo speCi.fic.1 rn larg~y 1a Dt'ea11ed . It 111 also very palatable. ·w e aim t o make every page of tlte interesting which is a great b enefit t o advertisers. A n advertisement on a page with no pur~ reading m~tter is next to worthless. W l10 ever thmks of r eacl ing a page of miscella11eotu1 ad vta, one half of which aro dead and many of th e others gray with age. T he Eagle s t eam Wash er for w h ich J. N . Kivell is t h e gen eral agont .in this dist rict may be seen at Cawker r.nd. Allin's store, Bowmanville. . Over 100 Ii.ave b een sold around h ere sm ce November. A large consignment h as been received from th e manufact uer and all orders will be promptly fillell T he Eagle is decidel y th e b e1t wash in g machine on Ea.rth. STATESMAN J no. M cM urtry ia showing Bfaek Brocaded Silk, Black Gro. Gram S)]k, Black Satin i m itable for s~mmer mant les, l ovely Black Chenille Fringe for trimm ing. A skilled blacksmith from Toronto is in charge of t hti b]aeksmithing departm ent of Morris' Carriag:e Works.. All kinds of repairing no. ' \tly, promptly and well done. Murdoch Broe. have sold more ch ina, crockery a ud g lae$ware since t hey opened their handsome China Rall t h r ee . months ego than for a n y si milar period i n t heir h ist ory before. Are you loosing you r b11ir1 Are you gettinG b ald7 Is your hair t urning grey? Are you trou bled with P &ndruffl T hen d on t be in despair, go and buy a bottle of D r. Dorenwend'e German H air Magic, it will stop the h air from falling ou t; wher e there is the slightest chance of roots left it will produce a t hick h ead of h !'tir, and wher e the scalp is full of l)andi'Y.l't will princip1U cure it a.t o ncEl. For sale at't Druggists. J . H iggin botham & Son, Agents for Bowman vi.Ue . 4-tf LADIES, Your at tention is d irected to th e immense st ock of " · Greatest Variety - IN- M I L L I N E RY of every d escription a1i MR-S. D i~ ·o· N · N . . , '£LY ~s Mi II in e i· y, D i· e s M Sillitl, V e h'eh, &c., with a very fine stock o f Feath ers a:ud Floweca. MILLINERY EVER SHOWN ·IN OROKO. REM E.M B.ER THE S T AN D : Slie hae j ust opened out one of the lar,0'11t e.od most ssylisll stocks ever brought L ATE to town, consisting of : Mxss HEP'lltiRN's, M1t.LE.ll's B LocB:. '- 'l'Ji:rtM~-'l'en ver cent:oash at time of sa le and t-he L>aht.nce i n one month withon t Interest In other respects the conetitlons w ill be t ll.e sta.ndl:ng couditi t>ns of the said Ch&ucery Di- '.PROPERTY F~dR SA LE IN TYRONE. -------~--------- vls"ion. . lJ'tlrtMr particular11 may be ob.tamed tram ·~y. Morii nier Ol1Lr.1>. E sq,, or J oh.n & skii:_i.1 Q. au Call and i nspect this fine diapla.y, whiah :!.'ho $\ore. Dwelling, iiltable and Drlvlllg can rrot fail to give sa.tiefagtion , houifea.lldaboa.t three·fourths of an acre or 14iid C., 'l'orouto, IL JI' . liollaD.d , :El.sq. oc Wm. K'll'r, Ill tu!'tecl 1111 the viila!I'· ot 1'yroue, ..nd knQWn Jb'aq ·· CoboW'~. 4 pi.eceii. new worsted ll<la_ti~s, _ b eaa- as Bti.lQtt'a Store, ls otlered !or . Rle. All ia 1886 "l.iated May rd · Q~. M. , \ 6ifully gQOds. Genliemen, if ;rou 1tood. order\. F~tel'm~ anQ. 40D.d1Uons ot eale, to JA.ME,5 '!IINGHA.M lnll. . Agent, Local Master &t ~o~o1*'g. wllJi.t a aait, aee them at 'l'. Geo. Mnton's, 'J; fl!J' 1-'0114. Ql' ~·SAMPSON, KENNJllijY St 00., Wm 1't q..AR.K· . c · Ji S~oft St;, TOr$11~0· 13-Cf · VtK1~or·~·~o.U.o.lter. lS-a vi r"tAi': Q'llse. !f ·

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