' · f lliE fRUIT jillGE. DOMINICA S"e Norseman ad..ertisement in this issue. A cMe of bigamy is reported in Port Hope. There aro eleven weddings reported for next month. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a PURE Toronto Mower. and undiluted Mrs. F. A. Haddy and son are visiting full 11tren~th. at Mr Chas. Young's. Miss .Banish, of Port Hope, is visiting her sister Mrs. W. Ruse. WHOLESOME See those beautiful Fancy Window Porifies the blood, Shades at Tait ~ Morrison's. and aids digestion. Lovely Braided Jerseys from 1.25 up at Couch, Johnston & Crytlerman's No woman is educated who is not equal REFRESHING to the successful management of a family . Tones up the system. Full lines of artists' mtiterials- tubes, brushes, pallcttes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's 'Vaifs to the number of 4,034 were sheltered in Toronto police stations last FRUITY and rich in fiavo1·. year. Rev. C. E. Mcintyre is to preach the anniversary services at Tyrone next Sabbath. COOLING MrsSpearoffersagoodbuil<linglotfor Just the ddnk for warm weather. sale. Apply t o Miss Spear ;it the l'ost I Hose, hose, hose, 'Vest End House. Ladies go to the West End fiouse for Hosiery. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin Buggy. ·Only 50 cents for STATERMAN to new subscribers to end of 1886. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L evi Morris' and get a. Sl.00 book free. The boon in Dress Goods still continues at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. For a marrnificent choice of Hosiery, Gloves, &c. : call at the Star House. A good tweed or serge suit, any size, $5.00 at T. Geo.Mason's, Star House. Full line of artists materials- tubes brushes, pallcttes, etc., at S. S. Edsall' s'. Mrs. M. El liott, of Brampton, has lio<-11 visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) McIntyre. Mr. R. M. Horsey, <laughter and arm-in . la w, of Kingston, are visiting at May or Elorsey's. J" osiah Lick cut 17 a~res in one day; ho als0 cu t imcl bound 4 acres of peas without any trouble. Justreceiveclthismorningperexpress, B lack Spanish Lace, all. widths up to 25 inch End House. L.es. Geo.West Quick has :1 new ma.chine for makiug evetroughs that wont leak. It makes the length six feet. J o n~ . J mit recei1,ed at the West End House fr·<) lll the famous manufacturer E . A . Levim1 & Co., n lot of his newest and best styles in Gents' Ties. Hamlin's Wisard Oil Co. gave a delightful opdl air concert last ni~ht on the Market Square. Everybody hear them to-night and tu·murrow m ght. ~ Select Kninl1t Comrades ~M A J . DChas. D c Keith. C f P . S . C., and · · · · ames, · · 7 · · · 0 Durhitm Legion, No. 43, attended the annualsession c,f the Grmd Legion in ;:luelph this week, both taking aetive part in the proceedings . ScoTT AcT As~OCIA'rlON. - A.11 members of local Scott Ac t Associations and friemls of T.emperance ii~ \Vest J?urham are requested to meet m the Fire Hall, B ow- THE ...-,e....HOUSE -....; . \BUSINESS STILL INCREASING Our sales for last month were larger than for any previous April, thereby showing that our goods and prices and mode of conducting business a.re becoming better known, and consequently more largely patronized, 'the 1arges t s t ock. t Wn' but \V0 Anyone can a d ver t' 1S8 lll . 0 ' are to-day show1"ng the largest stock of Dry Goods, Cloth1·ng, &c .. 1·n Bowmanville. A nyone can a d ver t1" se ' the best fitt1· ng su1' ts ' b·ut . · h t ' are constantly turning t em OU . CL , TT) VV DON'T BE DECEIVED. : Lyman Sons & Co., Office. Jolm Ross, Whitby, cut and bound 20 In ordering, speoifiy DoM~NI?A· _and d{ln't acres in 10! hours with the Light Toronto · be put off with any 1m1tat10ns. Binder. Darbed ribbon, plnin and annealed DEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR ' st0Ck at b el1 roek prICIJS . wire a full a t s· S. Edsall's. A new fence has been erected in front nfl'C> ..: ~ T~ :2.!:.A.:Lt, of St. J oh n's church, which adds to its For sale by STOTT & JURY. A liberal discount to the trnde. No c. N. Ruse are about .tEJ chart.:<> for ca.sos. leave town aud take up their residence m St. Paul, Min. Not one case of drunks has appeared at e alone :;.e::~l~;~s. ~~ould LADIES I THE "BEST Baking theI'ortHopepolicecourt since theScott Act came in force . Call on Jno. McMurtry at the Wes t Encl House for anything you require in Dry Goods or Oroce;ies. The anniversary serviMs of Providence Methodist church are to be held on Sun- Anyone can advertise 'we do t he Dress .:rOO s tra e, ut we } 'lk y· a 1One SO ld 40 !31 · an d WOO1 d reS ses 1'n one ,day r-ocent v · f OUr St QC k b y '1\!e invite a Careful inSpeCtlOil 0 · t d. rch a Se I'S . 1 n en 1n g p u ,. , · · G d d 'b ~ -~ . ';~STAR HOUSE, . · POwder in the market is ma.nufactured by ~ya~M~~~JuM00ili~d2ht. on~~und~mrl~2p.~ .. fur 1 ···· - ~~==================~~=~==================~===~~~~ Mr. Chas. Cootes, left town on Monday n=~~. he f.,rma.1ion of a Riding Assocmt1on. ~~ ---- - -- to take a position in the large grocery establi>hment of Swnn Bros., Toronto.. EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK. · T -. -·_ G ~J 0. M ·AS Q N. :STOTT & JURY. PRICE ·Only 80 cts. a pound. - Thie Powder ia- -w ARRANTED PURE .and equal in quality to any in the market ,and as we have no travellers bills and :agents commissions to pay we C!\n 11011. the P.o.wder one-third less than regular prwes. STOTT & JURY. BowMANVlLLE, FBID.A.Y, MAY 21. Local and Otherwise. Gold ring lo11t. Reward for return to :STATESMAN office. There was a b ig sing·song meeting at the barracks laat n~ht. Rosary Beaded Trimming for dresses at {fouch Johnston & Cryderman's. There was 11 slight frost l11st Sunday night, but little damage wa~ done to veg-etation. Barbed, r ibbon, plain nnd annealed wire a fuil stock nt bed rock prices at S. S... Edsall's. The watering cart made its £rst appear~nce for the season,on our streets on Monday last. ' 100 pieces White Muslins, including all popular ma.kes and patterns, now showing at the Star B ouse. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty skeet, R. 9:. Osborne, leastie. Messrs.Jes. Pattison and J ohn Bossell ancl Mrs. S . Munson, left for England yesterday morning. Bon v1iyage. · A lady says those Fancy Wmdow Shades at Tait & Morrison's are the best for the money she ever saw. They a.re beauties. All who can should attend Mr.D. Boyle's lecture in St. P aul's church School Room to night. It will be both instructive and jnteresting. Dr. H. Drummond, son of Rev. A. A. Drummend, Newcastle, has taken up his residence in Pontypool where h e intends practising his profession. MEATs. -The butcher shops of chis town will be open on Monday, May 24th, from 7 to 8:30.a. m. for the accommodat ion of those wishing to procure meat. Couch Johnston & Cryderman have sold an immense quantity of ctnpets during the last few we@ks, but t hey are still showing a large assortment of carpets of ;i.ll kinds. Essex Lod~e S. 0. E. anniversary sermon will be pr~ache<l in St George's church Oshawa. on Sabbi\th afternoon next, by Hev. Bro. :K W. Sibbald, of Belleville, Grand Chaplain of the Order. Order your new buggy at once at M-orris' Carriage Workli where you can get a choice of McLaughlin's celebrated gear with latest imprevements, the Timpkin, Regina, Buffalo and other makers, with Morris' Patent 'l'op, if deaired. A Regatt:o. under the patronage of the Lieut.-Governer of Ontario, is to take place off Hanlan's point, Toronto Bay, on June 4thlltld 6ta. Upwards of $1,500 is to b"!.l given in F"iiell. All traiLis will run to tne;city on these days at excursion ra~es. L aclies,in Tait & M.orr~son's store you c ;;in see the pwttiest, cheapest and best l<'ancy Window Sbadea ever introduced here, ib.eir ·he~pness iJl moat t;tlmarkabls . Ca.U am.l see theill. Rollera,cornice poles :fixings for drawing, etc., in atook.. NA.'l'IUNil PU.I.!§ are s11:,tnl' codted. rullcl lout t11oro11gl.l. lllL4 are fhe ~t !!to11rnd1 und Liver l'LlLl · 1 n ~"· Notwithstanding the recent advance in silks, yon can still buy all colors and ttll qualities at ·he old prices at Couch, J ohnaton & Cryderman's. There w"s as usual a laq~e attendance at the b11.rracks on Sunday. Lieut. Staples who has already won golden opir ions here, led the meetings with good effect. Per.;ons wishing to borrow money on farm security can b~ ac?ommodated with any amouot on apphcat10n to. the STAn:sMAN office, nt lowest rates of .interest. tf. The West Eud House . ls noted fur having the largest, best, and che11.p~st assortment of Hosiery in town. Ladies you would do well to c1~ll and examine for yourselves. BOARDING Ho usE FOR SALE. Mr.;i. George offers f01; sale the furnishings an,d outfit of her Boardincr House in Horsey s Block. Reason ro/' selling: going to ToNn to. . 'l'erms reasonable. Immediate possession. Apply at the house for particulars. TnE QtrEEN'~ BrnTIU>AY.- The Sons cf EngJ.1 nd will attend the big demonstr.·tion in Oshawa on Monday next in a body. The nwmbers rtre requested to meet at the Lodge Room at 8 o'clock a. m., where conveyances w·ll b e waiting tv convey all who wish to attend. It is desire<.! that every brother will try to g0. S , 0. E . B. - AllmembersofWellington -Pust. Lodge are notified to meet at the Lod·lO Hundreds of groups of people l1M'.'~ Room on Sunday morni ng 23rd a t 10;30 stood in front of the window in Henry's for church par·· de. Rev. Bro E. R obe'r ts, photograph gallery the last two weeks Right Worthy Deput..C Grand Chaplain, admiring an almost life size crayon p··rwill breach a special sermon to the breth- tr»it of the late Mrs. J. Herbert Cryder· ren in the Queen·st church. Serdce be- man, the al'tist being M1·s. 1"tenry. It is gins at 10:30. M . .A. J AMEs, Secretary. an ex:cel11 mt portrait, every line of her Of the mineral produce exhibited at fe..tures being beautifully delineated. It the Colonial Exhibition, Brit11,h Colombia is enc osed in a massive fr11.me, a fit.ing sends a tl"ilphy in the shape of an obelisk, . envoirnment for such an excellent work of showing the quantity of gold found in the art. '!'here is also exhibited in the same colony durin\l the last 25 years. It is es- wjudow a large portrait of R ev. R. D. timated a.t £10,000,000 in value. Nova Fraser, M. A., pastor of St. Paul's, that Scotia also contributes 11 small obelisk, is said by those who ha ve seen it to be showing theyielcl of gold has been$7,250, "as natural ns life. " It is indeed a very 000. true likeness, as is also one in the same Two very large and excellent photo- window of Mr. Jonathan Stephens, of graphs of the Misses Martha and Charlotte Darlington. NEW PAR'Ii~.ERSHIP. -"\Ye have much Shaw a1·e exhibited in the show window of Tait & Morrison's Art Gallery. 'l'hey pleasure in announcing to our readers this are ns good as any city work of this kind week th~t a. partnership has been entered that we have seen. '! 'here is also a splen- into between Mr. J ohn R obertson and did assortment of other pictures exhibited. Mr, J ohn S. Bond who will carry on the It is not n ecessary for our r eaders t o go to drygoods business in the stand formerly the city galleries for pictures when they occupiecl by Pierce & Cu. Both of these can get the best the profession can pro- gentlemen are young men of push and energy, both have a thorough knowledge duce in this town . of the business, and both are extensively Tho West E nd Harness store by .T. R. vn thoroughout the district. Mr. Bradley is t he cheapest place in the co un- kno1 ty to buy Harness and Hnrse Millinery, R obertson has been for many years conWhips, &c. Nickle Single Harness from nected with the same stand, first as clerk and laterly as the leading partner in the $15. 00 upwards, B,lack trimmed from$10. 00 upwards. Horse collars, $4.50 per firm of Pierce & Robertson. M r. Bond pair and everything in the Lrade at ex- was for many years clerk with Mr. W. 0 ceedingly low prices. Responsible purchasers ca.n have from one to two years time a thorough knowledge a nd wide exif required. All work warranted to give such perience we shall expect to see a most satisfaction. Call and inspect stock. lw. rosperous business established by the P TEACHERS CoNVEN1'ION:-The Semi- new firm. We understand that they are Annual meeting of the 'feachers Associa- going to put forth special efforts to make tl .on of Durllani county wi ' ll be held in their store head 'lmtrl ~rs for dress goods the High School buildings, Bowmanville, and millinery. They are two 1 busy this ti . F "d d sa t urd ay, May 21 s t ., ancl week ge·t1°n(f ·ur1· · nu l l S rt ay an " ., ready for ~ g1 " u op"~1 v " 22nd. , when the following subj ects will be n ex t week to prepare their new advertise· discussed: Friday, from 10 to 11 a.m., ment, but they will have something that electl . on of oflicer·s and general b11s1'ness· \Vlll open tl1e eyes of tl1e p11bl1 "c 1·11 our . . ' 11to12 am., school Qffences and punish- nextissue. mc11.t, by F. ·w ood, M. S. M.; from 2 to FARMERs,- McOlellan & Co. have now 3 p.m., how should first book cl.asses be on hand a large quantity of £a;lt and I d by Mi R · f o t0 4 emp oye ' ss a.mes; rom "' Plaster and for sale in quantities to suit p. m., schoel pren!ises and equipment, by purchasers. W. W. Tltmblyn, M. A.; 4 to 5 p. In., ~=-===ir==========~~ speciDl.en lesson in rooding, by Charles llfnrrlnge Notlc:cs, GO eeai..; birth.~ uud I~eitlL On Saturdl\'f from 9 to 10 a. m., denlhs, 2!1 ci.:u o. Grammar for Entrance E:rnmination, by =--=--=~ =-==== --= -=-= """"'= :=-t== W. W. Jardine, :B. A. ; 10 to 11 a.m., BIR'THS. Drawing, by A.. Barber, M.S. M. ; 11 t<.> 121 BAIDE!>"- ln Jlowman'l'i!le on tlie 12tli inst m., Should 'feaehers form a Dni6n 1 by Ji>. the wife of Mr; Gbo. Daiden: of & 'son. ·· Boyle, PH. B. On Friday evoo.ing a very LA.snY- ln Bow111anvllle, on the 17th iost., . _ ____ inh1resting leoture, enti~l ed, "The Natu- ~~wife of-~r. J_?~_n ~~-by, gf a i:<>R_ ral Hist<#Y of Teachers," 1till be deliver - XMARRIED. ed By Mt, D. Boyle of T01"011.to in th " .. "" St 'p I' a h Aonis~GAY-At tlle residence o!~ir. Wm. gch QO.l r oom ~· · au s c urc ' co~- Gimhlets. Darlington, on ti)_~ 17th inst., by .the m enclll.g at 8 o c:Tocbherp. ETeryone will Re'I'. J. Whftloc~.Mr. Wilson .Adams and MJ:'ll. be wel<10nie. \ M..ry Gay· ;;..~~.:....~~-~~~~~~~~~ . Ten aases of Em broideriils, all widths. llSE J>ROt'. l.OlV' " SUL.PJUfR S OA.1° tor Lfl9e~ iu <1'.l'~at val'ietka.ud fine values J · ust PrJekly D,<mt. NeUle Seutey ErupUoti, · d .. ~ T ,_ , , "'t H · l&d1, nrul nil d.hen~ecl. eunWUolli ur t~ recnnve 11t · ...-eo. a.ao:fl> 11 "' ar 01111e. I lllll:ln. . l y order Robert Walker, convener. ...,, r. Th b f th J.!ul.RLY vLOSINO.-· e mem ers o · e Bowman ville Bortrd of 'l'rade on Monday last decided to close their stores begmning .Tune lst--0n Saturdays and day proceeding public holidays at !>:30 p.m.- on factory prty days at 8 p. m. and all other days at 7 p. m. 'fhe poblic are reqocsted to aasist in carrying out this arrangement. tf. M essrs. Shaw & Tole offers to present a binder to anyone who will find a man in tho county who has bought a Mtissey Binder and will not recommtind it. A second party of 200 boys (ages 8 to 16),is expected to leave Bamado's Training Homes, London and Worcestiushire, En<r]and, earlv in .Jone, and will arrive in Peterboro to~ards the end of the month. Applications for these boys will be dell.lt with in the order in which they are sent iR and com~leted. Address Mr. J£~lwa~~l Duff, Supermtendent, Dr. Barnado s D1stribu ting Home, Peterboro, Ont. At the recent Methodist ministerial examimitions in Lindsay, Mr. P . H . Allin, of Little Britain, brother of Mr. L. J. Allin, clerk in McOlung's, passed with an exceptionally high standing. He obtained over 91 per cent of .in average, taking a first-class certificate .vith h onors, being the only one, we und erstand, who won t he latter distinction Mr. Allin is a n earnest n,nd d1lligent student, and gives promise of a useful ministerial career . T · IIE To .a _ ON;'..,*'-0 L IGllT Bl N DE R W~:rH SHEAF OARRIER ATTACHED. Ft: II - Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record ! Is guaranteed to contain more malleable iron and steel than any other Binder i n Canada. Is o-uaranteecl to cut closer and handle short and lodged gtain better than any other Binder. fa guaranteed be more easily operated than any other Binder. Its Cutting Apparatus is the best in t he world. The only Binder running the Conveyor and Elevator Belts and Binding Attachment with a Single Chain. The only Binder running tho Conveyor within half an inch of the Cutter11. The only Binder having perfect Pitman and Knife -heel Connections. The only Binder having in.terchangeable Bush Bearings. The only Binder having Spiral Springs in the C11.nvas Belt Go.ides to receive the strain and tighten the Belts in wet and dry weather. Tile only Binder provided with a Relief Rake. The only Binder fitted with an Angular Steel Cutter Bar. The only Binder on which the Sh eaf Carrier is used successfully. The only Binder having a Clover Seed Attachment. to SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. Bowmanl'ille, M arch 25th, 1886. MEssR~. SHAW & Tor.E,- Having booght a Toronto Light Binder, and after runnini.i it for two harvests cutting for myself and neighbors, over 200 acres, not coating me 10 cents for repairs, being able to 11andle it with two horses with ease, I consider it the cham pion Binder of the Dominion. My neighbor, Mr. Neil Osborne, had a field he could not handle with the Cnatham Binder, they could not go throu gh without choking a nd I went in with the Light Toronto, went six: times around the field without leaving my seat, not only cutting and binding it but turned out and cut t he stubble the Chat.ham had pa1sed over, ele'l'ated and bound the rnme. Mr. Osborno had the little B rant ford and the Dundas fo r several day:;a cutting for him, but gave his order for the Light Toronto. · W. H. OSBORNE. Daily Line to Rochester. IRA! NE S' CARRIAGE -WORKS, ~~~u~~f[i1 M~. fTr: ~J!ti~ta~~~~ \v~;J~ :;a-~ ~ (G. nM. \VFOltD, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ---MANUFACTURER OF- - V NO 0 0 Master.) WILL MAKE HER REGULAR KING STREET, BOWMANVILL · 'l'RIPS on this route. leavmg Cobouri;r Hae now on hand a number ot Tehlcleis (and is manufacturing a great many more) ot the newe· every rnorning at 7:30,,. and Port Hooe at 9 patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale at the lowest price s consistent o'cloclt, on arrival ot u-rand '.rrunk Railwaywith due regard to workmanship and quality. 'fhe f,JJlowing i~ a .list ot 'Jr .>ins frgm lhe east and west, connecting at the prlnclval vehicles manufactured by me trocb11ster witb the New York Central, North· Hrn Central, and :IDrie RailwayA , and the Lake Double Covered Oarriages............. .............................. .........$150 Upwards, entario Division of the Hom e. Watertown and s·lno -1 I Ugttensburg Hailway for all poin~s ea~t. we~t e Phret ons ... .. ............. .. ................................... ........ .. 100 and south. Open B uggy........................ .......... .................. ..... ............ '70 U ETURNINa-Will leave Charlotte (r;>ort o! Top Buggy... . ............ ....................... ...... .. ......................... 90 Hochesterl daily at 9 o'clock, p.m. , except D · rnt Wa-on 65 8 t clay when. she w'll leave at3 p m for .emoc w ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , · ············ ······ · ·· · ······ · ···· P~frHope·'diretit. ' · · ·· Lum\ler Wagons................................................ . ................ 55 Dealers ia etoc1' will find this the obeapeet Light Wagon.... ..... ............................. .................... ........... 40 end mostcxped1tiousroutetoOswego. .Boston. E xpress Wa.gon ... ... .... .................. ............. .. ..... .................. 75 Albany, New York, etc. Sk l t 50 "For furthtlr Information apply to KF~NNER e e on........... ....... ......... ........................ ....... ............... .. & co·. Bowman ville, or ll-. CRAWJfORD. Bulky......................... ............... ............. ...... ..... .... ........... 40 II Port Hope, or C. F, GILDEHSLEJ£ V'E, King· PoB.8eH1ng etrperlor fAcllltles tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to eell 'l'ery cheap tor o ~ 1 ston. 2l-tt or approvlld credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number or sales. Would eell the wood parts only, or t lrn gearlnl[s ot buggies ironed. tJLL8 FOR SALE.-Two Durham BuUsrisingtwoyearsfor sale by th.e subscriber. con.Cl, lot 8, Darlington. good pedi.il'ree; W . J . ROY. 'l 'yrone P . 0. J.il.tt At the ShortestJNotice, Painted imd Trimmed if Desired. .At the ll'actOI')' I e.lso do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sawing with Circle,Bond or'Sor· Sawf!.t and prepare all klndB ot lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purposes. urna.mental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required, made to order. RESEM AN CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACON~, &C " I B · a-GAX L£ FRAZ E REASE _ ._ _ _ __ - ---- --DM'I' IN TIIE WORLD Ul"'Gettheilellulna All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 1 . · &lldEver:Ylf)lera. °"""" D l'E tt 'I' I!; It ll S by &dd-ressing m !O. I'. IUHYE.LJ, .\\ t:o., 10 Spruce St., New York, c'an ll)arn the exnct cost of any propDl!ed liDe ot .A.lYVERTLSl:t..G in A..meri.cn.n NeWJpaJJe;rs, A m IOO·p1n1te r:unphler. Mic. Get yc.>1ir buggy painted by the No. 1 J Acr( F.RosT CoXQ C.t:.RED. -_:::_ Although. .:painter, H. Stott, at Morris' C;i;rriage during the cold season ",fack Frost" gets Work.a. . in his work lively, y et H agyard'a Yellow Oil beats him every t ime. curing chilCollars and 'Cuffs, new styles in Oel- blains, frost bites, a nd all iheir painful lt.J.loid a.nd. Linen, at T. Geo. Mason 's effects. It also cures croup, sore throat · SfM' Roi.tsc. rheumat is m, and n1 os b painful nffect ions.t -- -- -·- ·