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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 6

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, · = It Is h·rd, writes Mrs. C. T. Herrick, to disb-was1ling ~oetica.L . 8till, oven crdlnary mortalb, by cunt of g1v1ng th!! same amount of thc.ught to this tnat th~y w_ould to some more highly esteemed occupat1ons, oan convert it Into eomethlng tote.Uy differ· ent fr~m the unsavary buaiueea inte whiol: T :El R Jl.a: S ; It degen.ere.tes when left to the 'he.nds of ...1.50.perannum,or ftll,OOtfpaldln advane· ca.rele811 or ill·tralned aervaute, It would Payment strictly In advance requtred!rom Insure in the Confederation Life Asso- eeem a:m'>&t gratuitous to mention plenty 01 'JlUbsor1bers outside o! the county. Orders to really li o~ we.ier e.a e.n es11e1 tie.I for the pro <dtsoontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied b} ciation. It is chea.per tha.n the Cane.dian per purifying of utensils, were it not the.t ha amount due,ortbepaper will not beatopped. Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W . or any pass II· one is too fr,qnently convinced, from cloudy 11ubsoribers are responsibleuntiHul lpaymentie round your hat institution, Bii the follow- gla3B, stnaky china., or dull i;llver, that Qlade. .RA.TES OF A.DVEltTISINGr ~~~ ing examples will prove; Thos . McClung their latest bath had been of extr.rne1ymod· has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and ente tempenture. With water jnst df the Whole Column one year ............. $60 oo ~ ':; ~ t five years it only cost him $2.55 boil, good soap, e.nd an abundanct1 of towels, " " Half year ...·.··..·.· 36 00 · ;:;; "' ghe las_ u " One qu!lirter .......... 20 00 ~ ~ per annum on each $1,000 to insure. John there fuo reason why stoneware and prees .Bait Column one yea.r ............... S6 00 - - McClung insured at the same time for the ed glaaa should be attre.ctlve io. their " Half year ....···.·... . . 20 00 same·amount and it only cost him $1. dainty oleanlinel!s ae French onina and cut " " One quarter ........... 12 50 74 . h $1 000 cryital. Quarter Colurr.n one ye11<r ........... 20 00 per annum onyounger. ea.c , to · insure ' he l N early ev<ry household has &ome favor· " " Hal! year ·.......· .. 12 50 being a little One quart9r .... ·· . · 8 00 5 te preparation for brightening silver and Wecertifytheabovetobecorrect. Thos. b A · h. h 'l:ll? DliTr'Kr'll~glf Slxllnes and under, first Insertion .. $0 50McClung, John MoClung. t~~sse~.h mo~g tnosa w icu 11occomplis t~ e U1I ~tt' ~ ~~ 1.[J~ ' ' ' ~ Each subsequent insertion...... 0 25 HI wit out h111irlng the artlclee to ~hich =' nom six to ten lines, firetineertlon, o 75 ·THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. they are applied may be n:eationed : F ,r VEfEKINARY SURGE Each subsequent insertion...... 0 35- 10 - - - -- - eilver, ailvu soap and electro·ltlicon. No . ON. over ten lines,:firat insertion,perline 0 10-::i:vmaaewillmvoforcleaningvaaesortuys Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ o '. B;i:ia.res or other finely en;i:ravect braas The number of lines to be reckoned byhe space occupled.,meaeured by a sea.le of Nor should tbty be touched by a brush. 1'11edellca.te etcnfog 11 teo easily effaced Ol' .olld Nonµa.reil. C"1.og2:ed to b3 1:.ur 'ld to auy but t;he gent DR, J, C. MITCHELL, le'Jt nand' ing. W2sh t he Oill'lment in c!ca.n l):MBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A,NS hot wa.trr and then rub thcrougbly w;~h a. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. lilt of soft olotli; a..... old.liandke1onief i-3 bekt Ofiloe and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. ~ 1 i;p - ~ in lemo~ juice, Wipe d1y e.nd pol1·11 w1' 1i oh11'IIOI'i rkln. Benilorea bre.sEu l\.tl DJI:, TA.MBl;'l'N, eapeola.lly apt to lo.~ e thelr bii:shhess readHYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUOHEUR. ily from the dust se,Jiog in the fnttlu~icee Ofilce :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Treatment, a. l<'Ua.ranteed specific for Hysteria.· Diz2ineB11 of the clo.s ely engc..ved eurf~ce, D . lnJRKE SIMPSON, To clean copper t Le old fashioned mixture Conv~l sions. Fits, Nervous, :Neuralgia, Head; ache, .Nervous P1·ostr11tlon,<>11used by tile use of vineg;;r and sl\lt, followed bJ an apEl '.C&· D ARRIS'l'EE, SOLJ:CITOR, &c., MOPRIS ot alool!ol or tobacco, WakAfulness, Mental .£) BLOCK, up eta.ire, King Street, Bowm1m 3d e.thes, does be' t3r than auy· pepress1on, Softening of tho brain resultinl\' in tlon of ell t Yll.le. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank, insanity and leading to misery decay i:md death tHug el. c, The fiual friction with charnola P:rtvate Monevs loaned at the lowest rates, ~rem ature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of P ower &kin or toft :fhnnel should never be omitted. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, m either sex, Involuntary Losses and SpermatEven in 011~ anUght<lued age, e.nd a.D'.'Oliji Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary .John Keith Galbraith, orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain people who ougl>t to know better, the pl'acMedical .Association. .AR RI s TE R SOLICITOR NOTARY self·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con'. t~ce of "d~:1.lning" dishes ls leas uncommon «Office and Residence, Newtonville, Ont · PUBLIC, &o. ' Ofllce-Bounaall'a Bloo,k ta.Ins one month's treatme~t. $1.00 .a box, or six . .King i;it~~et 1 :i;JQW!ll&!).Vi!!!.li;>ney to lend, ~~~~fc~~r $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt than it 1liould be, Servnits do It almost in- Will visit Orono e-rery Tuesday and Saturday variably, unlelli clo&ely watJhed. It Is a Office hpurs froll\ IO a. If·· to 4. p. m.,. at wbfi it ihould be consider· Coulters H~tcl. C~lls by r~Iegraph receivo aoBE;ttT .&.1u11otr1t, . Guarantee Six PuzzUng quss'lell ·. , -:unmedia.te attention. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. EGIBTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER To cnre any With Mchordei' received ed .:·Hier to wipe a p le of 1h:.tea a.nd c11ps of Marriage Licensee, Ba.rrleter and At tor· b~lls for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we that h11ive e.Jl \,t~11n dia.wn ... om the w:1.te:r at 9J' at Law a.nd Solicitor in Chancery. Money ~endd the purchaser our written guarantee tb.a . u to dry articla Bin~ly while lt l>aned on Real Estate omce on King street 'kretun tho money if the. trea.tmontdoes not ence Bowm ·u · ' e ec a cure. Guarantees 1seued only by JNO l1 ~till t o ho~ tha.t it needa but a few touches anv1 e. Stott & Jury, Druggiete,Bowma.nville, ' of the tqwel to make It bright, · · The ~we!~ tl.lemselvc ! are not the least tt:J::~i :~!nc~~~v~ ~~~~t;::'::1u 1!~~i~ ~ ~~~~h::~l~al . Jtt. 'J'. J>lllLJ.IPS important of them<a.DB 00 the B'ld Of waeh· cum. I bave made the dl·en., ofl'ITS{Sl'ILRP8Yorll'J.LL0 1 l:Oli:NSED AUC'rIONll:ER tor the Oonnt:r fn l dJshes proparly. They r(quJre c~ra to ~~~~~~:!'~~11~ ~~~~!~ l:~~'~ oth~~r:~! %fi!: ~e~ ot Dm·hom, Sales promptly a.ttended. p::event their l.iecomlng aud ma.lodor.... onfor not now receiving a oure. Sandat o oco fora Address- Hampton P, O. 591 1 1 1 ~ om:, While wa11hiug aoda ehouJd never be ;:;::!~~=~g~;;~~Jc~~ue 1~ c!!i~ ~~~! 1;~:b~:~~g~·at~f:~ used In department of lanndry wo\' k, ·no 1 wtn cnre you. Add,,,.. DR. n . o. BOOT, OHN HUGRES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and .Arbltrator. Fire and Life the ad~mon of,, ooup1~ ef t~b1(,p?or"u1s of I 6 cnsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. ammonia. to the sudY m which di>th towelij J · J Money to Lend on reasonable terms, Artdrees acs scrui.Jh 3d does no harm, aud e.c~l~::S .1H1· ::: -::· : :: : ·:::-::= :: · 472 Cartwrigh1, Ont. t~nh.lly in the removal of dirt. 'l't'3 towels -.. should ntver be lJoilcd uu~H washed tho1·GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys bis License trom ""11 enghly, Otherwise boiling sets the ste.lns, i!ENRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. · &&&M .A CAitD.-To allJVhoaresulferingfroml the errore and indiscretions of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe thnt ~VERY FRIDA.I MORNING, will cure you ~'REE OF CHARGE. Thia -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission· e.ry in South America. Send a. self· addressed envelope to the REV, JosEPB AT THE OFEICE T INMAN Stat' D N y; k C't :1'01t3meeBlock,KtngSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont . ' ion ew or t 1/. 46Y THE CANADIAN .STATESMAN M, A.JAMES, rHE HOUSEHOLD. The A1t 0 f D' 18h W h' - as mg, Cheap Life Insurance. n~t ADVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you 1lis· turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick ch ild suffering and cryin <r with pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so s~nd at once and get a bott le of "Mrs. Winslow's S h' . oot mg ~y:up." For children teething, its value is mcalculable. It will reliev·· the poor litt le sufferer immediately. D epend upon it, m others ; there is no mista~e about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrh rea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces I nflammation, and give~ to d :ie an energy to the whole sy"tem "J\'Irs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp" foi· teet hing is pleasant to the t aste and is the prescription of one of the old~at and best female physicians a ud nurses m the Ul'.-itod States, and is for sale by all drug-gists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle . B e sure and ask for "Mlls . WINSLOW'S Soo:rHING SYRUP." 1md take no other k;nd, ' _,,,.,..,,..........., ____..__ . '· .,..,....., . . BOOTS and SHOES. _ .... ,_ SPB,ING ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN HELLYAR T k J a es. great p easure in notifying his customers and others that his stock. of Boots, and Sh,oes is n,ow very complete i"n 1 M every me - ens, Boys ' Womens and Childreu's. As I buy for cash, at close prices, I am prepared to --goods at-0 ffi er you . EJXTR . . "[jlMELY. LQTXT. FIGURES . ~ VV · · . --A vere large stock of-J HEALTH Is WEALTH' Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. · t JUS 1 .. M O.rdc1·ed wo1·ll and Rf'Jlairing receive Jll'OIDpt attention · : r0111· custom i·espectCuJJ y solif:ited.. Bowmanville, April 21, 1886. ·~;.,. ,.!'· ' · ve d an d arn WI ·11 be soId l ower than heretofore· P J. H;ELLYAR. LOOK HERE{ B MAYNARD the ·Jeweller, , ' I . R I We Boxe! r I IG uRE FITs f Has the finest assortment of Silver Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns ; also a · full line in . L Dr. DORENWEND'S ~ Gold and Silver WATCHES. All kinds of J A ===· · : = =========== MILK CANS, A.LL SIZES, Branch omcc 31 Yonrre St. Toronto. Juvellery, Spectacles,, Eye Glasses, &c. A full and complete line of M ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber receives money on deposit tor theOntarlo Loan and Savings Company; and pays interest at the rate or ll and 5 per cent. No notice ot withdra.wal reQ.uired. .Also loans money on mortgages at lowest rates. No commission charged. W . F . .ALLEN, Bowma.nvtlle. 8-ly, 3: Notes for Housekeepars. TIN BUTTER·BO\"LS-A corres(O~dent of the National Stockman rEcommenda tlu but! ter·bowls, a:fF·ming the.t, with an poss! ,le oare, the wooden ones will become tainted and spoil t'le butte1" CLEANING BRASS AND CoPP£R VESSELS.Brass or cocipsr vessels used for stewing fruit· should be polhhcd whlie warm, aa they are easier olee.ned to aay nothing of the pleasure t.o find them rea.dy for use, APPLE BATTER PUDDING. One quart of milk, foul" egg~, one pint of flour, one an: all te:.spoouful, three or four large fart e.pple1·out fine and etlrred into the batrM last, B11ll or h for one hotir. E~t with eauoe, · LIQUID SAUCE (FOR PuDDil<GS).-Two tablea:poen· butter, ene cup of eugar and y&Jli:B oi two eggs beaten together, juatbe· fore wa-ot id pour on slowly two cups bell· int water e.nd stir until dinolved, Flavor with a llUltt gratljd nutweg e.nd three tableepoons Catawb· syrup whloh comee In bot· tle1, or stra.wberry ayrup if preferred, FISH BALLB,_:_Cut up Bight 'good stzad [· te.toea and pick fine one pint of salt codihh. Put a.11 in cold water a -:id boll untll tmder enough to etra!u turough a colander ; add a piece of butter the aize of e.n eg11, a little cream and one eJg ; 1alt if needed. Ml\sh a.II t cgethel and fry hi boit!'lg hot fat, Uge a spaon!ul for b 11, dippmg tho epoon in cold water to prevent tha mlxtnr'l f d m atlcklng to t he spoon, · WrnE IDNG DIS. HOLO'Hl,"-Many good hoa&e-wlve& have no knowledge of the ex· cellence of e. bunch of wire rings (to be had for a reawrable price at any houEe·furnith· ing store) lu pot!, skUlet3 1 oto., par tfou'-ill~ if the latter should happ m to get eoorohed. A piece of sandpaper will 11olso be found very serviceable In rn">blng olfpa.tohes of "bnr-ued·r'l " fo9d e.nd it doesn't Injure the glazed av ~face ef the kei;t.le. POTATO RoLL~.-B9ll slx good s 'z'd pote.· toes with theft p.ckets ; take them out with a. skimmer, dra.n and Egneeze with a towe to insure belng dry ; then remove the skin, mneh them perfectly free frem lumps, add a tar lespoonful of butrar, the yolka of three e"'ga and a pint of sweet milk, When coo bee.t in "'teaepoonful of yeaet. Put In jaet enough flour to m!lke a ati:ff dough, When this rises make Jnto small on ll:ea. Let them rise the same e.a blseult, e.nd bake a delicate browo, P eop'.e who py e.lleg'·uce to fashion are dyeing their white · b ee window curtains with aome shade of yellow, )> C) - Dairy Pails, -ALSO- American Clocks. We·have put a new LATHE in our work shop, which enables us to do . . . all kinds of work m our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. WCall and get· the corr.~ct timelfrom the :finest Regulator in town. so Do? Gentlemen oCFasl· ien, not so :fast. 0 :: MILK PANS and all lines of Ia a powerful re'lledy for thin hair, grey ho.Ir ave written these tewllnes and dandruff, where the roots of the hair ie not ,And all Iha.veto say_ en~irely deet.royed it· will produce a bea.vy .fh.&t you can find me still e.i home, thick growth of hair, It will likewise restore Ism not gone a we.y. the grey and faded hair back to ite former Soallmykindoldtriendsmay come, color, and where dandruff exists will remove And all they oung ones, too, it without fail. Testimonials by the hundreds J.nd get their garments nicely made contlrming the good results of the "HAIR Inta11hionsthat new: M.AGIO." !Vbere old and young,deartriends,may meei Manufactured only by A. DORENWEND, A. welcome greetinir, bv R. PEATE . sole owner for U. S. and C~noda 1 103 a.nil 105 Yonge St.. 'l'oronto, Canada. For sale by all principal drug stores, J. HIGGINBO'fH.AM & SON, Drugiiillts, ..A.gents for ·wmanville, ~. TI~-W-.A.RE.. MAYNARD The Jeweller. DENTISTRY. BRITISH EMPIRE No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods·that will wear and give satisfaction. g-Call and examine..J!3lf 0 ... ~~- :C<. D E J:<. CA.NADIA~, As usual our new stock of ENGLISH, l::>COTCH & AMERICAN ' ·' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ESTABLISHED IN 184'l. It hae no eha.roholders to pay dividends to, Managed by and solely in the interest· ot WITH TICETB. WITHOUT TEETH. L. ~EO. QUICK, 1. M:. BRIM:ACOM:BE, the Polley holders. PRA.CTICA.L DENTIST, l'ollclfls non forl'eltable un<l nncondlttonal, 'JVER TWENTY YEARS EXl'ERIICNOE, Cash Uonus 1·atd e-very three years, ·Jtrons O:l:ideGas A.<lminlstered Cor Palnles Operations. Joint Life Policies. OFFICE UCCLlJNG'S BLOC:&, Though a double rish but one premium le paid for two people. Amount of polioy drawn , on :first death. Its Rates a1·e Low. Tinware and Stove Emporium, H-t.f, BOW MANVILLE. TWEEDS, WORSTEDS and other Suitings is the large s t, m os~ complete and most fashionab l e to be found in West Durham DUNN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ... . Special Inducements to Total .Abstainer,, A.SSETS OVER $5,000,000.1 INCOl!llE OVER 81,000· 000 POWDER c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., 8100,000.00deposited with theCanadla.nGovern ment !or benefit or Canadian pol!c;y holders. INl'ES'. fED IN fJA.NA.DA, $600,800.0G, WO·RLD'S BEST I We have the goods. We Never Get Graduate of the Rdye.l College o iDental Surgeon8' Ontario, OFFICE OVER DICK::JON'S STOR:U:, lOLD FILLING A. SPECIALTY. ate Work exeoo.ted in the latest and moei Improved st;vle of the Dental.Art, BETH E XTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN · the nee of Nitrous Oxide Gae, withoutinjury to the patient. Particular attention paid to the regulation o r CHILDREN'S TEETH, HEAD 0 lo'FICE IN CANADA:- MONTREAL For refer to WEST'S To inspect is to order. Our prices are ~igb.t. Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. left. I@" Call at the centre oC Style, Beauty an·l Cheapness. Gent's Furnishings a specialty. E. L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL AGENT, PORT HOPE qr to a.gents throughout the county, 48-&e. , LIVER DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf 'I'be Tailo1~ . A contemporary, Ju some "hmta on ad· VE.rtl~ing," B ays: "Another which ,...ALL w.ARR.ANTE]).-._ publishers h'lvo to cont~n1. with Is that the Pumps Cheaper and Better reanlts of advertising m.e not always vlsable - : POSITIVELY CURE.S :than ever, · to patrons, mHl" of whom cau not under e ~and why custom can not be directly traoed The Subscriber having built a large ne\1 to the source where they expended their money to obte.ln It. Business h like e. rlver P ump Factory in Orono, is prepared with mo.ny tributaries, and in which it lo impossible to trace every Individual drop of -to furnishVETERINARY SURGEON, w11ter to the sprfog from wheuce ii; came, But If a j ()urnal is aoleoted for advertfolng DESGRIPTIO~ pnrpasea t1rnt rea.che~ time ani again the With or without Porcelain Cylinder, o! per·oua most likely lo be intereatad ln the SO· Honorary Graduate of Ontar io Veterinary the Beat Material, on the shortest notict Hclts.tion, that paper Is certainly a. sure College, will attend to all d iseases of profit~ble ~.'ade In th<i and at the !owest prices. of domestie animals. a~:rtam of patronage far belc.w. Teinpo1..ry G hementa iu a sma11 way will not pro· Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. adver duca an Immediate or p arm11n·.mt increase of A few Boxes will cure any ca'-!e of J>ys· bnelnes!, ,.,y more t han a. light shower wlJ· P.e paia, simply by taking one :Pill every A SPECIALTY. affect the depth of water in a well, but by WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. night on retiring. They do not 10110 their p~rtista- oy In the use of printer '11 Ink In the effect like other :E':l.lls. right direction, the result sou~bt will be Calls a;nd Or~ers b y mail or telegraph gained in t be end with intereat,. will r eceive prompt attention. 25 C ents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. 0IIAitGES MODERATE. TH IRT Y PILLS IN A 60X, TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Vfoar's da.ugbtu- " W ell, Tommy, how OFFICE . HOURS, 8 TO 10 A . M. a?e you all gei.ting on ?" Tommy- " N ice· .A :first· stock of Medicines always ly, thrnk you, ml3s, Oi get a 11umboil, on hand. SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Orders!by Mail promptly attended to. mother she's got the rheuma~i'lll, -and fath'lr N . B .- Will visit Williamsburg every get e. in. jail I" e"ve S aturday of e ach week. 16-ly There is actual proof th~~ wood can be DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, ohr.rred by steam pipes, and by th" dow I11ortj.e.r toi11troduce our MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. but long conti .1~ed action of moderately · catalogue of all kinds of Book~. and !1ge. n ts' go'?ds, we w ill send 100 heated ·t ee.111. Oharcoal thus fermed Is favorite comic and sentimental songs and bai· PROPRIETORS, s11.ld lo be Ue.ble to rbsorb ox ygen B ud· lads, a. vast collection, for only 10c or 4 3c deuly, and break out into bpontaneouij C()m· starnns a nd this slip. A. W. ,KINNEY, Yar; buation. m outh, N. S. Orono Pump Factory. How to Advertiee, wo·nx PILLS:c<. E A DY F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, JY.CASON EROS_ ' PUMPS OF EVEJlY LIVER COAIPLAINT, INDIGESTION. Are now showing lar~e purchases of Spring Goods which we believe will command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the · same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasure in show- ing our goods:· Operations & Dentistry " ' e bave just receive·l a nice range ol Lace C:u r dain vai"y1ng· in price Cron1 60c . to $ 6 a pail·. A Cresh O}ltmi11g· ot· Table Linens r1·om 2~c. per yd. up; also Table .Napllins CI·om 7:ic. to $2.:iO pc1· doz. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ..... _.... _ We would like yqu to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; also figured goods at 122 cents. These are rapid selling goods and will SOOn be cleaned OUt, Our stock of Embroideries is also very complete and will be fonnd to be of interest. SONGS John C. west &. Co. Knitted Shawls in . all T .ORON"'TO. colors from 85 cents up. R. FERGUSON. As usual we are showing a large choice in Cloths- English, Scotch and Canadian-and furnish clothing to orde1· by the be st tailors in town.

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