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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1886, p. 7

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C!tauadiau ~!DAY, J tattsuutu. MAY 21, 1886. KEEPING to tho FRONT I IMPORTANOE OF HUIFAX. f!ome rerttneni Remarks nespect.lng Can· ada's A.tfontic t·ort. FARMERS, THRESHERSI Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. HEALTH. · Diseased Money. .A. writer gives some very pert nent advice I s showing one of the finest ancl best selected stocks of ~n thl8 subject : · k the n.umerons spacula.tlona as to the · va.t1ety of ways and channela through which the germs of oonta.gions m'-'y be diseemlna.ted, there ia one to which but When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, little or no lmporhnoe ba.s t,hus far been attaohed, but which, neverthe'eBs, probably plays a.n imperta.nt role. We refer to thi>t unlve.r sal olroula.ting medlum-m·~ney. It pa.ages impr.~ tia.lly from the hand of the millionaire into that of the begga.r, conTry it once, you will use no other. stantly olrcula.tiDg through ever.v olasa and oondltion of sociaty. The person of fas.fUcl/O LL BROS. & CO'V, To1·011to ~ tidious taates, who will turn from his path rather than rhk coming Into actual con; tact with others of uncleanly drees or per-. 111on will receive, handlo and carry in his pocket without the ellghtest symptoms of l'Weur and stylish Jines o:t· Gent's Ftu·nishings. disgust, or perb! without giving It a thought, money tha.t has thousanda of times passed through hands or reposed in psckets whose contact he would doem to be pol· KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. lution, In respect to ~he dangers that may arlEe H· h t · "d i' R We are now finishing 30 of the best O"'rriages and Buggies ever made 16. from this cause, paper money Ia undoubhdly ~ 1g es prices pal ior aw F urs. in this establishment, with best grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best Steel Springs,. more to be ieared than coin, and the in· trimmed with the best stock and well painted. We are getting out deecribablv filthy appearance of much of tha.t which la seen ill circulation liJ famUfar to all who read t his. 'I'hat the handlQ of sucb. nasty stuff le often frimght with Every Board warranted to be made of the best Steel and well te mpered. serious danger, 1.0 seneible pereon can doubt. It would be well ff the ryatem We are also getting ready a st.ock of MOWERS, improved and second said to be In voguii in certain countdee of to none in the market. They will be ready in good season and warranted to do good Eu.rope, of de~troying every note that wol'k. We are a.lac making a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready comes Into the b i.n.ks and issuing new ones STAND :-Town Hall ·Building one door east Ont Bank in good season. They have been tried by some of our beat farmers, to whom we ln...,;heir stead ware pt·:i.ctlced with us, refer intending purchasel's. W e are ·also though even thiz would only to ~ome extent 0 leSHen and llOt do i1W3Y W ith the danger. I :But theugh paper ourrenoy Is the mast 1 to be feared 011 tho aooro ol ooinmunfo.i.ting We have all the best grad es of which has gained a good reputation in this locality., coin is by no mea.ns free from danger ofthe sa.mekind, It baa been shown ~AT. 'I(_ e~ ~ 'i\.l?D Q m A 1\'IT?~ DlTr'.AT~Dl Plow Points of every description by the ton, and. made from steel, wrought ir.on, &e: that the blackish coatlDg, whlob. ma.y be ~~~~~M~ ~~~ ~ ~-~~ ~ ·~!r~~~~ We are also getting reacly a stock of WAGONS · ..Miil and Engine ·work a specialty 11een in the recersea and In the milled edges All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. that is manufactured. of coins that have been in oiroulatlan for a short time, conbiats of organic filth which We have in s tock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co. whe.. h.roduo::ed Into distilled wato.r and 14-3m. examined under the microscope was found American and Canadian Coal Oil, Br~n, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Cash~ paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. to be swarming wfth b111otaria. and fungi. Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and We not sanguine enough to exp£ct Life-time experience in the that our ohall decline to touch or Lard of his own make and rendering, Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. ha.ndle the stuff, for the reasons here pointed out, but wo c!l.n not refrain from u{.~er The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is ing onr pro'.;est ai;(ainst the unutter!lbte No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals n1~~tlnees, of whfoh m1'ny perJoDa of the very best quality. Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. gllil~/ who wouid fod themMelves deeply only in t he best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled, inaulted at a.ny ln~inuation of 1< ! of 1·0Your patronage will be thankfully received. finement or good breediug, of placing paper :PERFECTLY :BEARDS :BARLEY. Removes a.11 White Caps from Whea~.. curtenoy o. c ;m in the msuth for temporGoods delivered to all parts of the town on short notice, ary convenience, while me.king change or A call solicited, the like. This most dlaguuting ha.bit ts CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. aln~ule.rly enc.igh, confined almos~ exclu· Casll Cor Buttc1·, Eggs, Bides, TaHow, B ee:t, Pol'k and BECAUSE sively o womankind, and le an act of A Home-Mace Telephone. thoughtlessueaa which, If a,ny who read~ aU Fa1·1n P1·oducc. To m.ake a.'terviceable tel ephone from one If has a SMUTTED and SECOND FANNING MILL attacharlo l this ever prac~iced, we feel sure they will farmhouse to a.nether, only requires enough 0. M. CAWKER, never do again, wire and twe cigar !:oxes, First select _____...............,............. , JOHN ALLIN. your boxPs, and mu.\e a. hole about h?.lf an inch in die.meter iu the centre of the bottom A SIBERIAN RAILROAD. of rr ,1h, and thrn pl&1ce one in each of tbe The C\Gmplction of.the C:antull:m. ll.'aeUle hou~e~ you wish to connect, Then get five Alarms Rnsslu. p or .1ds of common iron stovepipe wlrs, A St, reter2burg despatch says :-The make a loop in one end, and J?Ut it through completion of the U11cnadian Pacilio rr·ilway the hole in your cigar box, and fantm it with ha11 given a fresh incitement to t he diacuEa 11ail. Then d:rilow it tight to t b.e other Don't fail to call at slon among R ussians of their own long t al:..:box, 2upporting it, when neocesea.ry, with a stout co. r d, Yo11 oan easily run your line ed of line to the P"oific across S.tberi~ to Vladlvostook, If Russia. he.a stolen a march into the house by bor:n~ a. hole through the glaaH. Support yourboxee with t1latrna.iled over $ngland. in railway progress towards ac roaH the window, and ycur telephone ls H ere1t, it will be a long time b3fore the Ru~ eian locomotives compete with those of Engcomplete. The writer ha.a one that is 200 - - - an<l <See t h e - - ya.rr'1 long, and co8t forty fi>'e cen~e, that la.nd a.nd .America In reaching the shores of the P&otfic, . The branch to '.l.'lmnen has not will ca.r·:J music, when the organ 1s pla.yTHE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. yet been made, and the Ufa Zhtouet 3ectfon ing thirty feet away in ano~her room, t9 Eketerinburg has only lab ly been decided Great Improvements in r886 Machines, Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. vpon, after year1 of dlapute over the oonToo Fond of Mcdioine. fiiating claims of different towna. Yet the A fresh stock Trunks and Valises just received. almost ohimerio~l Idea <Jf a R1uslan Pacific " I see yon have got that i>ottle filled, railroad is alrea.dy of and wrltien agnm !" remarked Mrs, Splatterby, the Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and T erms. about as an undert11.king of early and easy other day, a.a Splatterby wa.11 hunting a.round accompliahmont. The other da.y a. meeting of the society for furthering Russian trade fo~,tt::,~~~~lledSplatterby,"alittleaomoCALL AND GET ONE. and commerce, under the preddency of thing is good to about the house in 1 Count Ip;nat!eff, wc.q er .lghtened on t:...e subcase of sickn'.lse," ject by a discUBsion of 11everal proj ect1 for "I don't think whlakey a good medicine," the great work, among them being a curious said Mre, Splatterby, one tendered by an enterprislng"'exlle living "And why hn't ic, I wouli like to know r' In Slberla.n banishment. .AU difficulties a.eked Splatt!lrby, with some degree of feelwere very satlsU.Ctorlly disposed·of except ing, " Ma.ny of the most eminent physlhave opened out a splendid asscrtment of n e w goods, comprising: ene, which wa.s quite left out of oa.lculatiou, and that wa.s the Aonrcs of the 150,000,0CO Splatterby, with al roubles and more that would be required for Prints, Ginghams, cdmposed oaet of countenance, "If it le a the enterprise, '.l'he addition of t he Canagood medlolnr, it don't agree with your Bf· ·w hite and Colond Muslins, dian P ' Cific rail way to that of the United stew. I notice tha.t you are never well Sta.tea naturally makes the Russians fetil Canadian and Oxford Shirting·s, :~! ia a drop of the stuff in the more keenly than ever the diBa.dvantages of their Isolated pogition on the Amoor and the White and Grey Cottons, P ~clfic coast. Sheetings, Table Linens, To lntrodu9e them we will A Novelty fa Sure;e:ry. Table Napkins, Towels, G0'1' ] A."\VA.Y t ,000 Self-OperatingWashing Machines. If yeu want one send us An electric light inside the hip· bone of a White and Colored Counterpanes, your name, P .O. and express office at once. man Is an u.nneua.l speot:l.ole, a.nd yet it was The National tJo., 21 Dey St., N. Y. White & Cream Lace Curtains, witnessed receutly at the Poatgra.duat~ MedlcP.l S-0hool, in New Yotk city. The light Scrim, Cheese Cloth, w11os t1sed in ,_n operation to cu;:e hip diser 1e. Gloves and Hosiery, .A otudent, twenty-two ye!1.~s old, in the co(. lege of Burlington, Vt., slipped ou the pa. ve· ment about two months ago and strained Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd Dress Goods. his thlqh, He &Mn lost the use of his left leg and suffered excr"oiatlng pain, He came to Ne.w York, was placed in a. cot in the Postgraduate Hospital, and Doctor J , Milton Roberts, a profeser;r in t he Institution, i:erformed on him a rem11rka.b!e oper- Canadian and Imported Cloths, 1Vhite and Colored Shirts, ation. Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Socks, The youniz man was put under the Infill· ence of ether, and Dt. Roberts, with a. seal· Braces, &c., &c. -B'Ypsi, laid bare a porl:lon of the hip· bone about Bowmanville, August 28, 1885, 35. three il!ches wide, Thrn he ca.lled into play a bone-cutting mi:.chlne, invented by t!r I am folly prepared to attend Funerals on himself, and called the electro-osteotome, the shortest notice, attb.e low eat possible rates, It ls worked by all electric battery, and cau Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice. 17 revolve ~urglcal inatr.uments 12,000 revolu.s e on very moderate terms. First-class hear· Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun tlous, if nccoLa&ry1 In a minute, era! cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & The doctor attached a sma.11 drill to the Show Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. Instrument and cut out por:tions of the hipbone np to its head, a distance of four Inches These pleceB of bone under the micro2cope sl owe.:l disease. The dootor then used 111.ill larger drills until there was a space luge Purify the Blood, correct all Dis orders of the enough te admit tho entrance of a. ma.n's fi.n- Ilaving purchasad the Harness business lat ely carried on by M rs. HUMPHREY, hope by careful a ttention to business, good workmanship, and first class f'er. He now wanted to see the exa.ct con· LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND DOWELS. . material, to secure a share of puhlic patronage. We have in dition of affairs luslde of the bone, To de stock and are manufacturing a large amount oI se he usr '1 a novell,y for this olasa of work They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitution s, and -a tiny lnc!\ndel!cent electric light, a.bout are invaluable in all Oomplalnts i ncidental to Females of all .Agee. For as large as a pea, Thie Dr, Roberts introChildren and the aged they nre pricelees, duced inelde of the pa.ssa.3e in the bone. and the several flashes of light enabled him to soe just wh6re the diseased bone wv.s. Then Collars a specialty. We intend that the reputation Humphrey 111 Collars have gained Is an infallible r emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores he took up his drill a.gain and c~t out the shall be fully sustained. We are prepared to fur.nish responsible parties and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders -of the diseased bone wherever It was necessary a.2 Collars on approbation . We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. WILL CURE 'OR RELIEV&f Ea.&ily If the bone were open before him - Cheat it has no equal.We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found ~n an operatfng t;i.ble, Dr. Roberts put In B!WJU8N£8i:i, DIZZINESS., in a first class harness shop, comprising For Sore Tlu·oats, B1·onchitis, Coughs, Colds, a drainage tube to take off disea.P.ed matter OYSPEPS!A, DROPSY, tha.t m!Jgh.t form, sewed up the wound, and INDfGEST!OiV, FLUTTERING Gl11.ndular Swellings, and all .Skin Diseases. it has no rival; and;[for . applied 11-nt!ssptio bandages, A hypoderJAUND.'OE. OF THE HEA,'t1'1 contracted and stiff j oints it a~ts hke a. charm. mic lnj ecHou of morphine was given to the £HY81PELA8, llCIDIT>' OF pa..iem,, and when he recovered froi,p. the cf· See onr Bull Bone Whips- something new. We have also in st ock SALT RHEUkT, THI: QTOf.?ACli, Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWA.Y's Establishment, foots of the ether he wa.a in a satisfactory HEARTBORN, ORYNE88 co·1d!tfon, and lt Is conjectured that he will 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON: Hl:ADAO HE, OF riff! 8KtJ,1, in a. comparatively short.time be a.b'.e to use And e ve ry specl<"s of dlseasr. arising frO·'il And sold at ls. ltd., 2e. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s;, and 33s. each Box or Pot, and his dieabl6d limb, slisordered LIVER, K IDNEY'. STOMAC11: may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout t.b.e World, BOWELS .,r, BLOOD, Si·tan a.lwe.ys rooks the cradle whn 1 we for Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, s1:iraina, cuts, and sores of all k inda. W.l'urchaser1111ltould look a& the Label on the I·ois nnd Boxes, I f the ~ ddre11 Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m & Propr'-r~~ sleep at our devotlons. - [Blahop Hall. . ts ll 533, Oxcord Street, London, they are spurlou11. l l\'l:AYER ::S:: ATS, Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff Also Fine English, Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices. Shirts, Ties, Collars,· Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, ·Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc.: IA coinplete st Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. ck always on h . an d ' ' . . The Pall Mall Gaze:te a9'y~ :-A corresponder.t who ha.d ocouplo.d a.n influential !·O&itlon at H alifax, Nova Scotia., eenda u ~l1e following aooount of wha.t fe to be done t() Improve the docks there :- N ortb. of tbe · qaa.tor there are two naval dock yardaBtrmuda and Ha.lifo.x, Nova. Sooth. - but tlley are very far from being kept up to the high atandard of efficiex: cy they ongbt to be, Bsrmnaa. as an outpost and u a repairing ~btion is doubtless of value, but cnly rn long as the store of coa.l laste or can bt. renewed ; In fa.ct, so long as the fl eet can keep open communication, .After that, in these days of steam, it i~ pre.otloally uaeleH. Hallfa.x,fl\ ova Scotia; is, however, dlfl'erEntly ciroumstanced, Placed ID one of the finest harbors of the world, free of ioe all tlmea of the year, fa.clog the Atla.ntio ootan, yet sheltered from its ad verse storms, it ls sit· ua.ted within eight to a hundred mllea of tbe route of the steamers, &c., crosslrg the Atlantic. The extra.ordinary benefits of Its pofitfon can be aprreclated a.t a glance. But u :i. coaling sta.tion either fer t1'e navy or for mercantile ships It ls unique. The co:ll fields of Nova Scotia brougbt into cnmmnnlcation with it by the Intercoloninl ra,lwa.y, while there : is a con· tinuous aupp\y of coal ft(>m Cape Breton <i~rrlerl by_ coastlni;( schooners. Tile oea.l ef Nova. SJotia and Cap~Breton Is used by tha m:i.11 and other steamers, and the Bupply is practica.I:y Inexhaustible. Ha.llfa.x, tbcugh the headquuter& of the North American a.nd West Indian equa.dron, a.nJ possess~>Jg a dockyard, hag not had, up to the p"l'eeent time, any far.!litie~ for t he repair or for thll rai;;id oo~ling of vessels. This ls, however, to be altered. Alrea.dy work ha.a been ordered on will be, hkm all over, the largest gr-avivg docl!: lit. the world, and in two It will be complete. This dock will take in her Majesty's llhip Infle:xlble, the largest ironclad afloat. The ' ollowin~ dimensions m11.vbeoflnterest-le~gth 580 feet;width 102 feet; width at entrance, 85 feet; dep~h of wa.\<'r over the clll, 30 feet. j ofo,lng tbfa dock will b e a la.rge ~olllng wha.rf wit11 !>.ll the applianc211 fot· the rapid coa.Ung ef Vf30els, with storehouses fo r auppliee of coal, with every 0.1.'angement for the reps.Ir , Ing and fitting out of ehip9. Both the dook a.nd the coaling wharf to be in commu nication with the lntercolonial railway, and thi ough tha.t system with the whole of Ca.nada.. Ha 'ihx i3 to be the winter p ort of tue P.iclfiora.ilway, and as au ~J., with the fa.cllitke which these new work.a now in contemplation will afford, must be the grand and central depot of the navy la the Atlantic, and as the alternative route ~ o Ohln.a, ' Australh, and India. must be alw:lys kept OlJen and m1>lnta.lned. The defenc<s of H~llfax are strong, but not eo strong as they should be, and no attention has been given to the land defences, ~irater Lardine MACHINE 01 L. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. ~,; SUNLl:GHT" Coal Oil.. THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO., 300 f 0Ur Ce }e b rat ed Ch ampl0fl · Pl 0WS ! AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, 'The MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER _ ..___ - -·-- - llS ANll OTUll8 t W. H. MAY'S HARNESS STORE $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness. of Bull Bone Whips still take the lead, MORRIS &WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. William Pooley. Agent. Box 50, BowmanvHle TOD BRO COAL! COAL! cla?~:~1:~~!il ~~~. ABIG OFFER GENTS' FURNISHINGS. UN DE RT AK . Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF b eg t 0 announce th a t th ey h ave received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. W'e intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. INC ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. :.ErEALTH FOR ALL 1 Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. LEVI MORRIS. TOD BROS. THE PILLS LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. THE OINTMENT aa BLANKETS, ROBES, R UCS,HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. El.LI MAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION T . IILBUiiN go.·

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