Sylvester Brothers' Manufacturing Ct.,. LIN:OS..A.-Y, ONTA:E<.IO. / Not one single Binder returned last season. EVERY BINDER WORKED SATISFACTORY Will challenge any person to find a inan using one of our JYrr·N-NESOTA CHIEF BINDERS that would not recommend it. No manufacturer in Canada had be·ttersuccess than we had with the Minnesota Chief· last season. THE SYLVESTER LIGHT T-W-INE BINDER.. The Self-Binder has now become so universal that even the owners of small farms consider it to their interest to own and use one. AGENTS :---JAMES PYE and JOHN D. ARMSTRONG, Enniskillen ; WILLIAM BARTON, Cartwright. W e herewith submit a few of the many testimonials which we have received from some of the best farmers of the Midland District who arc using our MINNESOTA CHIEF Binder. drove a Binder before and A boy 13 years old does the Har-J Started the machine myself, and had no trouble with it. vesting. it works right along without any SHEIUUAN, Jan. :20th, 1886. LINDSAY, Sept. 2nd, 1885. ~i~~:~snb:f~~:-ad experience in SYLYI~STIH< B1t08. Ml'G . Co., Lindsay : IL SYLVESTER, EsQ., Lmdaay: Isuv, Sept. 28th, 1885 . ])EAlt Srns,-We, the undersig11ed, purDEA Tl. S1n,-I have much ploasurn in R . 8Y1.vESl'ER, Lindsay: chased one vf yuur M innesota Chief Bmd - givitt~ you a r ·cumm9nd for the .MinDEAR Sm, -'rhis i~ to cert.ify that the t-irs from your agetii, Juhn .J. Stewa.-t, o f nesota Chief Binder, which I purch:rned Self-Binder I purchased from JOU!; agent, Cooksville, and it gave us ~ood rntisfac· fr()m YOU: this harv~st. I am hil(!1ly Nicholas Thoma~, this season, ha< given t.i,,n. We cut 1:35 acres of an<! it pleased with tho working of the machi~e me entire satisfaction. I hroul(ht it home binds gond and tight, and hardly m isses a I W every particular. Some of. my grain frum Lincl~ay in my wagon ·HY><· lf, and eheaf I never d rove a Binder b»fore 1 was b adly lodged. bu~ your Brnder took started it without any person bL·in!l with a.ud no trouble with it. I find it ~I it up, cut it :·ad bound it in a tirst-class me, and c" t about sixty acres without the gre\1t advant.age ove r all oth ·rs, a~ we ma'.mer. I ha~e used anrl seen -\eve t1il least bor her. I may say tlH.t I !ltl V·· r had cm raise and J.. wer the grai,..wfrn;; I from different ma~lu~e~, bu t I 1n'.1"t cu;'~_es·; auythi.1g to do with a 1,inder before. our seat. YourH , that yonr ma.chme ex.celled ~11 oth -1~ I Your Binder seems so simpl· ·hat there · RICH - A l:lENTLY, h .nc ever seeu work . I cu t. 7o acre~ with ,. Gim. House. tw.o ho rses, and one of th n· u a_co lt ; they is no difficulty in any man hanrllmg it. wera clrtven ~_y ruy boy, who 1s ~nly 13 In mv opmion it draws light, aod fur cuting, I can handle the worst ta11gl"d grain Has Done Its Work Perfectly years old. 'Ih~ levers are w1t!1w ea~y I ever saw, and I am more th··n pleased re ·ch of the drt ver, and the Binder is under all Circumstances . cornpletf:l in every r~spect ;~ad very light with the Binder. Yours, A I.Ex. Cuti.rrc HAEL. Recommends it to any Farmer. CAinwmoII·i·, Oct. 28th, 1885. draught. I can . highly _recommeud it to - "'YJ·V."-i"I'vl' -, '_ 20tl1 1886 T0 h,'u Co. Lindsa .· all fa_rmP~s wantmg a Bmder as the b est · J L INDSA1'., mi. "' · .,., ~ :' "'. Y_ ·naclnne m the matkot. Yom·ii truly, Consider it light on horses. · · 1 RICRARD SYLVESTElt: ~ENTs,-E;avmg purchased o.Mwnesota LAWRENCE FALT,1rn, Lot 10, Oon. 5, Opa. FENELON, Dec. 10th, . 1885 DEAR Sir.,-I write you to say that the : Chief Cord Binder from your a:lent, John __ R. SYLV~:snm: Delighted with the mode of getting tke machine through gateways. WHil'JJY, Feb. 8th, 1886. Ml{. R. SYLVESTER, Lindsay.: VEAR Sm,-The Minnesota Chief Binder I purchased from your agent, Alex. Wilsun, has giv~n Ille good satisfaction. It is easy opented wii:h. 1 can sit on my seat and handle all the lea.vers with eas ~. I never worked a Cord Binder before, bn l; c~n work yonr Binder - with ea~e. Your end oraw I am perfectly delighted with. l can change it in about ten minlites after_ ctHting so that I call: r.1iuvc it from one tield £0 another or r1in it on tlu· road like a buggy. In fact, _L ca.un.~ t B'>Y too much in its favor. I lVOuld not change for auy Binder I ever saw. 'l'Hos. SroNEHOU:SE. lJ~ev~r A duty to any brother farmers to recommend your Binder. VERULAM, Sept. 10th, 1885. !lifn. SYLVJl:STEit; D-i;:An Sm,- H aving purchased one of your Self-Binders and tind it does all kinds uf work in a rno~t :satisfactory manner, and 1s light of draught. I cungr,itulate you on being so lucky as to undertake tho roanufacture of such an excetlent Self-Binder. I lmve p urchased a great deal of farm nrnchincry, but consider your Self-Binder has given me more pleasure tlum any machinery yet purchased and consider it a du ty to my brother fa;mers to recommend the Sylvester Binder to all I know require one. You~s faithfully, Cn..1.s. FAIRBAIRN, Reeve of Verulam. Cut 100 acres of grain; some badly tangl ed, and it worked like a charm. WHlTBY, Feb. 24th, 1886. )fit. R. SYLvm;;TEn: D1;,rn Srn,-'l'he Minueaota Chief Binder that I purchased from your agent. Alex. Wilaon, works like a charm . I h ave cut all my grain that grew on three hundred vcres of lnnd with the greatest ease. I should think that myself and son cut about one hundred a.crea of grain without. costing m e anyth[ng but for cord. Your Binder is ea~y worked, durable and strong, and for doing ita work I d ont think that it can be equalled. I ha'<le cut some of the worst lodged grain I ever aaw with it; in fact, I tried my Whitby Harv~ster io a very badly lodged fi eld of barley to compare the work of both together, and I could do a great deal bett~r -work with the binder. I have no hesitation in recomm ending your Binder to ally one wanting to purchase one. Yours t rnly, WM. H .nmrn. Given perfect Satisfaction. DIXIE, Toronto T 'p. Jan. 10th 1886. SYLvESl'ERS BRos. MrG. Co.: DF;AR Sms,- I purchased one of your new model Canadian Mowers from your agent, John J. Stewart, of Cookeville. and it gave me perfect satisfaction. It has high speed and runs easy on my team. I would advise all farmers who intend to get a Mower to buy a New Model from Sylvester Bros. Manufacturing Co. , Lindsay, or their agent J. J . Stewart, Cooksvillt!. Yours, WM. Fox. Dixie, P. 0. There is not a Binder in the Town. ship I would trade for. WICK, P. 0., Brock, Sept. 12, '85. lt. SYLVESTER, Lindsay: DEAit Srn,-'l'his is t o certify that the Minnesota Ohief Binder I purchased from yonr ageut, A. Beattie, Seagrave, worked to my entire satisfaction. I used jt in all kinds of grain; some of it was badly tangled and down in all shapes; it picked it up and tied it better thtin I ever expected. Other ag·mls for other machines had nm almost afraid to hitch to ir., telling me it wollld not work, alld it would kill my hor ses, and so rm ; but after usin~ it all harvest I can faithfully Bay that there is not a Binder in the township I would trade it for. and if I was buying another Binder I would buy no other. It draws very light, and chd all my cutting with one team. Youre, J.&1.rns MoCREIGJl'r, Lot 11, 2, Brock. I I Minnesota Chie[ Self-Binder 1 purclrnsed J .Alrmstrl<m~,hEshq., I sayl tth.l\tdl a.m lwell More than Pleased with It. DEAlt Srn, - The Cord Bi11der we purfrom yonr ai:;:ent, C. McLtian, last season, p ~ l\sel w~t t e mac 1w_e. rte 1t m ong h d th t J S S th ,. c from your agen ~, J. D. Arm~ t.rong, worked well in all kinds of orain wheat h E:>avy gram, a l so m gram a was aymg 1> S . ONYA, ep. 12 ' 188u. last harvest, gave eutire sat11if,·ction. We oa.ta an<l barley. I must say itfar~xceedecl ~lmost ~lose to the ground. In ~ach "'· YLVE8TER : t t . d I . . I . 1JEA11, Sm - This is to certify that the cu _s am1mg . g~arn, yrng grain Mi 8 wrt ll)v exl)ect. t1'ons espec1' "lly 1'n the lodged it surprt8ed me as to the manner in winch ·~ , ~ :. · gr~1n · and trn it up good. It is easy to barlev, 1 have seen as mauy as twenty it did its work, g11 thering and tying it Se ;f-Brnder I pnrchased from your a l("'Dt, , draw' th Id d "f tte_r than cou Id 1 b d b l d B eat,t 1e, - t h' ' . on fr e 1 wnea. ont soe any men "in one day to see it work, and they be. ~,.ye een one y ian. - A . 1s season, mti en t ire fereoce u Id 1 , d N l . f ac t. . all eeeroed to think it was doing first-cbss I fnus h e d th re~1u ng _ yes t er d ay ar_i d d icl ai>t.1s 1.on. It Ilitd several improvements Sto.nd d om It . o r .o flt:\ie> J 1 er, r u:xon d Would advise any one wanting a,, work. [consider it a. very easy machine not find a loose sluef tied by the Brnder. in_it _ t hat ot her B_i nders nut. Th.e 1 .t on ai·u. tis ealsl1 Y 1 e< t' Y0 ."' cyan y u r s ~a anc neve1· ge o . @urs 11 Binder to buy yours. to haudltJ,as rny son '\Valt<ir,fourteen yearn Wu.LIAM J. Bi<:ACOCR:. ra1smg an d l ow~ rmg w1 111".111 t h e s ~«t is truly, J uHN KN ox. of age, hacl no trouble in handling it very handy. It has done It" work first. OitiLLli, s. pr. l><·' 1885. We use three horses when the land w1i.s , 1 class m ev.,ry parncul1tr. It seems t o draw Mn. SYLVtiSTER. Liudsay, 0 t.: soft or hilly, but wh ere we ha.d a f~ir Done AU that Could be Expected. very light in comparison with other Bind- Consider it-the best in the market. DEAR l)rn,-Your ai.:eut, H. 'I'. CamcFe1 bottom, two common h orats were qmte GEORGINA September lst l88 5 ·s, and I arn m ore than ple11,,ed with i ·. LITTLE BRlTAJN, Jan. '.l6th, 1886. on, OrilJi ., rec111es ed me :o give my 5ufficient to handle it. The machine ' ' · Yours, D. L . l\'Ic'l'AGOART. MR. SYLV'ESTER: opinion of your Binder, workin g on the· Beems to be well macie, as we cut over one I MR. R . SYT.VESTElt: I DDAll Sm,- T have much pleasure in n ext farm t .. miue. 1 hkve pleasure in hundred acres, and came through the , DEA~ Srn, - I ~nrchased. one of your Consider it the best Implement I stati11g th.,it the Bmder I purchased from eaying that it rt"ally could not be beaten. harvest without a single break; therefore Self·Bmdi~g R eapmg Mach mes fr?m your ever had on the Farm. your agent, Mr. C. McLean has given It did ir.11 work so much cl -·an1-.r than I can ._.~co'lJmend auy farmer wishing ti. ai;;cnt,ll Mr. J _ohn ~l'nne!l, which has OJ·s, Oct. tli, ,,,_ I!Ile tlrn bes.t of Ratisfactiou. I cons1d_er could be d1111ti by the other snrt of Reapers 24 188v Binder to deal with our li1·m. ~1ven ~ue enttre. satisfactrnn .. To~ether 1t th.0 best m t h e mu k et. I can with that 1 really ht-lieve the price of tt1e cord Yc?'urs truly, rn cuttmg, elevatmg, and bmdmg 1t has H.. SYLVESTER, Liud6ay: JAMES MncHELL. do~e all th.a t co_nld be expect,ed . In eleDEAR Srn, - 'l'he L tttle Minnesota Chief ?0 Dlidence recommend yo ur F; nd · r to all would be savlld, h boun' i th., Hheaves splendidl.v, and runs as lighL as my viLtmg I find 1t surpasses any of the Self-Hinder I purdased from your agent, mtendmg !JUrchiisers. JNo. P!NKHAM. Meadow Lark. Yours truly, machines that have come to my 11otice, C. l\foLean, this season, proved a success 'l':ao111rso:N, Thinks it as Good as, if not Better and 1 would recommend al I farm era pur- in all kinds of grain. l must say it is the Have been examming Binders the Reeve t·f Ortlha and Matchedaoh T'ps. posing to buy a Binder to examine it best implement I ever had 011 the farm. I past year; got what I wanted than, any Binder in the Market. bl:lfore they buy, as l can ~afely recom- cnt all kinds of grain, both long t\nd. short at last. Done its work to entire satisfacMAiaPOsA, J an. 22nd, 188G. mend 1t. Yours, etc., and it did its work well. It saenH to draw tion. 1 JoHN KAv, light, and it is very easily hanclled. You MR. RonERT SYLVESTER: BowMANVlLLE, Oct. 27th, 1885. Virginia P . 0 ., Ont. can raise and lower the machine at either Mn. R. SYLY.l!:STE1t; ENNISKlLLEN, Oct. 26th, 1880. DEAR Sm,-'l'his is to certify that I am ends while in your seat, and the tilt ie ex.DEAlt Sm,--The Corel Brnder I bou.,ht It. SYLVESn:R; well euited with your Little Mionesot!l. cellent. In fact, the whole machine is all from your ageut, J. D . Arms·ron..:, wo~ka DEAR Srn,-The Binder which !bought Chief Bmder. I think that it is as good as The Best Investment I Ever Made. a man could desire. Yours truly, to my entire satisfaction. I havti cu t one from you g ve 1J11tire satisfactioo, lt has if uot better than, any Binder in the E A ANTliON'{ · McGLYNN. h 98 t , 1885 hundred and forty acres. I havti been ex- worked b , tttir th ·ll I ex: pected, making market. It rnns light, cuts clean, and ~ RAMOSA, ug · ~ · . amining Binders for tha last year, and I better work even in lodged than is binds well. Yours truly, R. SYLVESTER, E sQ. ; T. A. DAVIDSON. D11Att Srn,-The Minnesota Chief Twine A Boy 8 Years Old Capable of think you.r Minnesota Chief Cord Binder usually dcu1e by hand. I& is light of will beat any Binder I have evtlr seen. I draught, easi1 1 ma11aged, and not liable Driving this Binder. Binder purchased from your agents, M orworked i t with one team, and cut ten acres to get out ,,f urner I · has not cost me rison & Borthroyd, this season, has given l\'.loFl'.A'l'T, Sept. !Jth, 1885. a day . 1t will cut short barley and lodged a cent for repairs, alth.,tu!h cuttin~ the me the best of sati~faction. My crop this Light Draught and Easily gr ain better than any Single Re .. per I have crop fron1 our hundred and fifty acre farm season has been exceptionally heavy, and R. SYLVESTER, EsQ.: Operated. DK.\.& Srn, - The Minnesota Chief Bind- seen. I can recomme11d it t,i all mtend- I ca.n recommeud it ·o all farmera who down, a11d it cut, elevate<l aud b ound it GUELPH, Sept. 14th, 1885. want to buy a good Binder. Yours truly, to my entire satisfacl ion with only two er 1 purchased from your agents, Mor- ing purchasers. Yours tri+ly, Ar.Ex. TRUI,L. WM. TREWlN. hors ~ s. Having seen all kinds of others' rison & Borthroyd, ha~ given me entire R . SYLvEST1m, EsQ.: & _ atisfaction in e 1·ery respect . I h ave cut _ __ DP.AR Sm,- -I have much pleasure in B inders wo1·k and operate, I can heartily Satisfied Wlth the Machine in certifying to thtl very excellent manner in recommend it to all intending purclll\sers, all kinds of grain, some of which was Every Respect. which the Minnesot1o1 Chief Binder, sold as it is the lighteat draught machine I lying fhtt to the ground, and I cut it Consider Your Mode of Moving h an l e-Y:pecte::l any machine from Field to Field the Best. by Morrison & Borthroyd, cut my harvest ever s;i.w, and I think it is the best invest- cleaner t_ MOUNT TARA, Aug. 20th, 1885. could do 1t. I cut all ray harvest ; some this season. The machine picked up the ment I ever m ade. It. SYLVESTER, E~Q . : of the tields were very hilly, and my little , REAHORO P. 0., Ont. Yours respectfully, badly lodged grain clean. It 1 s light of DEAR. ::iIR.,- is to certify thtt.t we tea m cnt it without any troublti, and my R. ':>YLV~STJm : . . . TJJOS. lt. DRYDEN. draught nud euaily· operated. D.EAit Sm,- It 18 w~th very great .sahs- purchased a Minneeo~a Chief Self- Bindeit boy, eight yeani old, driving part of the W. D. Woon, time. l now believe your Binder runs faction that I d? testify ~o the merits of from Morridon & Borthroyd, of Guelph, Eramosa, Con. 1, L ot 27. We had some little difficulty in the start,, Worked well in every Particular. as easy as a Single Reaper, which I your Lindsay Bmder, wluch I l~urchased but Mr. Morrison giving his assistance fo.. thou"ht not possible befor0 1 started to through VOtll' agent. The machine work0 Knocks the Tar out of all Others. LINDSAY, Jan. 20th, 1886. out. Wishing yon every success the fol- cd with_ great satisfacti?n. · My barley instruct u11 to le«rn the proper mode of ~:II:. R . SnNESTER: lowin"' season was enttrely down, and it cut , elevated, running the machine, ws are now satisfied. CAR'.rWRl CH-I'l', Nov. 3rd, 1885. DEAR Srn,-I write you to say that "' I am 'yours respectfully tied, and discharged, maki ng a perfect with the mechioe iu every respect. It: R. SYLVESTElt : your Binder 1 purchased la~t season from ' JoH)i A. PJ~ACOCK. job of it. I do not see how atJy person works better than we expected, and doea DEAR Srn,-In reply to your enquiry your agent., C. McLean, worked w~ll i n could expect a Binder to do any better clean good work. Yours t· uly, how we liked the Binder we purchased every particular. Svme of the grain was Cut 160 Acres; Longer I Worked work. In regard to your tilLing and also Jo1rn M'JlU'HY, from you, we ca.n say that we are wl:lll so short that I could not tie it if I had M1cHAr.L MURI'HY. Binder the Better I Liked it. your lifting arrangement, J_ cous tder it is pleased with t he working uf the machine cut it with an ordinary reaper. 'I'he all that ie necessary, as the driver can tilt all through. In the first start you did Bmder tied it well, and made a first-class CARTWRIGRT, Oct., 1885. or raise or lower either end of the Binder Worked it on Hilly Land with. no t send us a competent man to give us a job of it; and also cut very long and M R. R. SYLVES'fER: .Entire Satisfaotiou. without leaving 'his seat. l mus t state start ; but after iL was properly adjusted tangled grain, and I must aa.y it made a :::lm, - 'f hc Binder I bought from your th11t I can raise the Binder high enough GLENWILLIAM, Aug. 22th, 1885. iG went like a charm, for it cut all kmds firsi;-class job of that. The machine is so agent, J. .Armstrong, has given me per- to pass over any obstruction thar. is in any MR. SYLYESTER : of grain, whether it was thistly, tangled, \ arranged that the dnver Cllll handle it in fec;t satisfactien . 1 cut IGO acres ancl did reason for a machine to do. I nu.1st ac_DEAR Srn,-The MinnesotaJlbjef Cordi tall or short, and we believe it is lighter ' any kind of gr.,in with all ease while in not spend one cent on repairs. I cut up knowledge that your form of moving from Bmder I purchased from Messrs. Morrison, of draught than any other Binder in this his seat . As for draf t, it draws as light and down lulls and c·.1t on side hill, and field to field excels by far an ytbin!{ I have & Borthroyd. has giveu me entire satis-vicinity. The machine is in our opinion as, if not lighler than, any Binder I have it cnt as well as any Single Reaper I CVtJr yet seen on any Binder, as I can pass faction. Having work ed it on very hilly complete. 'rh11re are ot her machines in seen. I cut about ninety acre~ with it, hitched to, and cut it with one team. I t hrough any common gateway wicliout laud, can truthfully say it did better than. this section, bnt after seeing theirs work, i and it did not cost me one cent for repairn. cut eleven acres i n six hours with three any trouHe. I have much pleasure in .L expected, being very easy operated by and lookini{ at our own, we would not Therefore, I can recommend any farmer horses, and did nut wet a hair ou them. recommending it to those intending to one span of horses, and doing first-class give the M innewta Chief for any of them. requirin~ a Binder to try Sylvester's, as I am well pleased with it, and satisfied it purchase a Binder for next s~a~on, aod work in every respect. Would cheerfullyYours respectfully, in my opinion he can get no better i11 the best Binder I have seen yet. would say to try one of these Lindsay recommend it to all intending purchasers~ ·r. WHITFIElD, maohirie . Yours truly, Yours truly, Binders before buying any other. Yours truly, J . SMITH, JR. DANIEL O'CONNJl:J,J,, RonERT Jollll, Huou Gn4HAM. Tuos. Coo.a·· I 0 Knocked out by foul play, got into honest hands and proved satisfactory. \'311AGHAVE, March 5th: lSSo. MR. SYLVESTER, Lindsay, Ont.; DEAlt Sm,-This is t·) wrtify th~t the Binder I purchas..d from your agent, A · . Beattie, of !::ieagravtt, i.r1ve s lllli entire satisfaction. I have tested it in all kind3. of grain ~nd can tru1hfu1]y say that J. cut gr~in that I would unt attempt to cut with my ~ing le re"p r; aorl the manner in which it is constructed it has less wearing parts ttian auy hind1·r I have eeen, and I lave 11<> flea tatl1111 111 r ecomnlendinJ? it as a t:ir,t-dass Binder. and for ease of handling. Thfl dri..-·r ha5 full control of it sittiug ou thtJ 11eat, · lid can be easily handled by a P"ir o f ··rdi.. ary h0rses. 1! can also state that my n..\~hbor. Mr. R. Prouse, hought this bind' r and returned it, and your agent A. Heattiti, advised me to hitch "ll ' " this Biw ·er and tr,yl-Jt: aa he knew it was r·ght, and after testing it thoroughly I had no 11esitatiou in buying it.. Can safely say that I never saw it,...-; miss bind inc three she,.ves in my whole harvest wi·hout a ju·t cause, and I do not think the firrt pu ·chaBerhad any reason for rAturniniz the ab"v" mentioned Binder, as I havti found it jnst as good as recommended or fully h~tter, I am, yours truly, JosEI'll WnsoN. ° I I I I I I I I I