" £ ERMS :- $1.90 P u .A.NNVll. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. NEW SERIES, N U MBER 409 . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1886. CLARK E. ORONO. VOLUME XXXII. N UMBER 22. McCLUNGS, . Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowman v ille . SOLINA. 'O ~ fll "' (J z E-i . z< - r:cl ~ s z s r.c E-i ~ Pl ::J o~ ~ ..p r-f rt:: 0 r:n 0 ~ 0 ..p ~ · Q) ..p ~ 0 8 ~ ..I . <C ~ I ~ <Q P-1 p l=C1 ~ ~ 1-t .J rn 0 Q) w. ......-1 o3 Q) Q) 0 ~ ..p rn z T:S:E 0 u :: · r-f rt:: 0 ~ Q) ~ 0 0 ..µ 0 P> < ·'"" S ELLING OFF! C ORNER STORE, OR ON0:7 is now open again and bound t o .Lead - lil · Prices. A lot of - - Ne~Goods have just been added making an IMMENSE . S'I10CK of -Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, f Boots, Sh oes, &c., -- which must be sold off at T remendous Bargains I All who like Good Bargains come along with your Cash, Butter, Eggs, &c. . VREOI) 11LL N EXT FALL WILL BE G IV EN RESPO NSIBLE PERSON S. NOTICE. All the bOOf a ccounts and ot h er claims of the i;1solvant est ate of C. G. Armstrong have b een ·~.ced in my hands for immediate c~llection. All ,_ ,bt ed to t h e estate in any way will please call 8.t, once. Orono, April!) 1886. W.W. TRULL. 16 rhe Trn·teca of R.· S. No. 0, ~lnrk<'. rlesire M r. Tho!llas Little, near here. h ad a. ANNIVERSARY - -Extensive preparations T ION. to r etur n t hanks t o Messr~. Charles 1 md J ames Pollard, )Vlr. Wm. Colville. Mr. H. :i:iowen, ff. hive of bees swarm on Q ueen ' a Birth day are being m ad o b y t ho lad ies in and T hesemi-annu:.1 meeting of this AssociaRen"'.iCk: and Mr. L ·ckh1trt. for their prompt assistance in ClecoratinA' t b l'! School Yard on - a month earlie r tha n on auy fo rmer a r,,und S olina fo r E ldad anni ver sary t ion was held in the Hh(h School Building·, wh ich comes off on M o nday n ext, com - Bowm anville, on Friday and Satnrday of Arbor Day, Yours trnly, Geo, .Pollard, J . year . W ho can beat th is 1 Wilson nn1 II. Bowen, Trn9tees. ~ - -- - mencing at h alf p ast one o'clock p. m. Tlte anniverr H ry ser mon wi ll be preached last week. The altandance was fairly up ZIUN. on S unday at 2:30 p. m., wheu 11 collec- t o t he average, the audience consist ing not a large "on wi" ll b e taken for the b enefit of the only of a major ity of th" teachers of the The Anniversary ser vices of the z· n J Ther h B e was k' d family h picn .-.. ic t h in Mr. t i n eococ 8 woo 9 on t e """ · l:labba th School. T here wi ll be 1 ecit11- County, but of a larg-e number nf friends of Methodist Church will be lield a~ follows: On Sunda y, Juno 6th, sermons will be preacl Why did n ot .Jan etville base ball club tion s and sirniing by th e sch ohrs who the profes~ion from th e town. Following is b y Rev. c. F.. Mcintyre. Bowmanville, at 10:30 h 24 J1 th d2 ,. e.. m .. and li::-o p. m . On Mond11y, J ime 7th, co lV <1n t e t as ey agr ee · h ave been t r ained in the latter by M iss a report of the proceedin~s :the exercises will begin at 10 2o'clock p.m.,sharp, The wido w of the lat-e D avidHooey VanNest. : Excellent spea ke rs are en'L'h~ Association met. at 10 a m., on l!'riri,~e~;~~~i. ~i~~lb~P~~~~:; ~; ":R'.!.:'.n~~~ bs. die · an Saturday. gaged. A.a t he people of Wesh D ll rh am day, the P residunt, M r . Tamblyn, in/ t he Manning and Hill, or Oshawa, circuitmin;sters .J ames F luke is repairin2'. h is mill at ha ve n ot been ap pealed to fro m t his chair. On mot JOn t he minuttJa of the last and others. Tea will be served from 4 o~lock ~ f ) t. · t h. till aJI are ser ved. Tickets 25 cents ; chi1 '"0 · '=-.'"-"'"" -- dmus. q u arter or a.. oog ime m is way, we meeting we1e taken aa read. not members of t he school. 15 cents. Miss . J. Graham is r epairing M r. S. J ef- iuvite you all. A good social t ime is U nder t he h ead of general buaincs~, t he Byroni ts training the cl1ildren to sing. which f , h 1 · d M J cx1iected Come end see WH LIAM is suJiicient l(narantee that the m1~slc will not ery S onso r ecent Y occupie by r. · , · . · · ' · TMa·nrer, Mr. Keith. read his report , 22 1 ""· showing that,the flnap,·e~ of the Associathu be the JeaBt inter est ing part of the pro~ram. P a rks. W c expect to be at t he warming. \' Ei;Jl ' Supermtendent. E verybody is cordially invited· T.. Jll, WAsn:· Our two hotel keepers have paid $50 _...,T h., ma.aon work of W illi_· a.m W JNGTON. Superintendent. I' b b 140 h 1 d _erry's 11 were in a s:it iofactory fitate. - - - -.+---- each and costs u nder the S. A. $ 100 ie n ew arn, a_ out p_ erc ' rnc ~ t~g " Aa some difficulty had been experi enced JiJNFIE LV. t he Eecond line Who sold liq uor on the fo und atious wns laid and bmlt m 6~· in getting together the rr embers of the E xArbor day was not observed here this yMr . M onda.y1 . days by Medsrs .. V ice _ & Co. ' of Sol in a . ecuti ve Commit tee, and as it was thought It should have been. Messrs. Jones, B r od ie and Brittain Who can be11ot this ? unfai r to a.sk t hose living at a. distance from '! 'here are eeveral people on the sick list: Mr. arge number of o u r local 11ports the place of meetin g t o att end at their own LeTI Reattoire has bflen ·eriously ill lwit h B o wman ville went ou t to Cmsa.rea on disea se· of t he heart; Mr. Wm. Ormiston, jr', M onday. wen t to Oshawa to see t he fu n on 24th. upenAe, a motion, that the travelling ex· Whit.by.ls Indisposed with disease of th e lunw:s 'f h e a ud ion sale of village lots here T h e pop ulation is s t ill increasing in pen~es cf th6 Execntive be paid, Wllll adoptand.Mrs. Thomas Thurn hlis been quite unwell. was a big success. $ 2,250 wort h h ave th ese parts- it is only a girl. A great number of horses and coHs have ~d by the Association. died in this section lately. M r. IJ. Dyer lost a boen sold . A n othe r sale 9fter h arvest. A new a nd novel way of tak ing off The Commit tet· on the Reading Circle r ecolt· M r . J no. Ormiston a colt; Mr. Alex. .Mc-· Miss Gr an t, Rev. Geo. McKay's h ouse· h orse ':lhOPS is the Jat'Jst no veltv a round p orttd, and the following reRolutions were Cult'oul{b. a coll; Mr. Al"x. Smith a mare and colt; M r . Alex. Il.os,i two colts; Mr. 'l'hos. keeper· is i ll. here. · adopted. ··(l ) . 'J'hat a. Reading Circle be B1 e.dley a horse and Mr.J ae.Gallagher a horse, P ort P t>r ry bR se b~llists beat our t ea.m 1'11iss M oset ta J ames, of Uowmanvil:e, fo rmed amon~ the t eachers of this AssociaMr. D. Dyer is so hil("hly pleased with the ha.a been viait ing o ut h er e JAC . tion. (2. ) 'l'h11,t at fo··t t wo book$ be rea.d sol!· bind rs, that he has ordered another new b y 6 rullff on Mond"y in th at t uwu. one this year. NE W HA V EN. c ,ch year-one on the Art of Teaching, and Hev. F. Woodger preached an e:.::oellent ser· HAM P'l'ON · oue on some department of Smence-the 111on to a lar!<re and very attenti\'e congregation M r. E r 1stus Burk , of San Fra n cisco, on Sunday May, J Gth . Visi tors t o our village this week: P rnf. bo ·ks to b" named by the E xecutive of this has bean visit ing old friends in t his The hras· band tenders the villagers with an R use anJ fo mily , a ud Mr. J , s. Hoidge A··ocia.tion. (J,) It shall be sttillci.,nt that neigh borhood . open a ir concert occasioually. and fam ily, froro Tor on to ; Miss R e id, ' tlrn books h twe been cnrcfully read. in order Wonder if the person attacked by a vicious Miss G range, of N a.penee, is visiting sheep on Sunday evemng, n,.med a California Oro no; Mr. Adams, W hi ·b y; Mr. a nd to nceive credit for t he same." h e r siste r, Mrs. Casey '.l.'r ull, townl NEMO. Mrs. Anderson, a nd M ii.s Anderson , J anT he Committee appointed to con·ider the M r. and Mrs. Everson spent a few n etville, and ot hers. matter of Scripture Readings reported, NEWCASTL E. days at the old hom estead last week. M r . H . C. Phili ip 3 ret urned from N ew "Tb.a t the action of t he Education DeJl!l.l"t· T he officers of Rising Hope Lodge Miss M ary E vorson h as been eick. Yo ' k last week loo kin g well. ment. in making and distl'i buLing the selec· I. 0 . G. T . Newcastle, are :- J . Ugl ow, M iss Nellie VanCamp is at home enjoySome people will do a g r eat amount of t ions of Scripture Read in~~ for t he schools W. C. T .; Sis. A. Brown. W . V . T. ; C. in g a rest p reparatory to ta.king a course prowling ar ound i n t he nigh t, for a very eof Ontario, dernrve the l·earty a pproval Allin , W. S . ; A. Ferguson , W. T r ea. ; F. at t he .Art School in ToNn to. slight grat ification . A. large heap of rub- of this Association." T his report was Allm,W. F . S. ; J . Den na nt, W, M .; F . Miss Nancy VanCa111p is visit i ng in ish - boxes, barrds, "\\'.OOd, etc. , was adopted, and the Secretary instructed to Brittain, Ch. ; S is. M. M ason , I. G.; A. p laced on the s treet n.:>rt h of Mr. H · 1'. eend copies t '.J the Department , and to the G. Goman, 0. G.; S is. Beaman, L . H. S . ; Car t wright. Councillor W orden h as "come 011!;" Phillip's last S unday n ight or M ond!ly Educational papers of t he province. A.. Eldridge, R . H. S ; Sis. M ason, D. M. ; lln motion of Mr . K eith, ~econded byMT. mor ning and the pile was tired about 3 Sis. Nolan , A. S., i nstalled by Bro. Cam- wi t h a. n ew " top" buggy. Mr. H enr y P erkins is r e1oicm~ over o'c lock a. m. A clothesline had been ateron, D. G. W. C. on Tuesday May 11t h . tached t o the school bell and run acr··S:\ Wood, Mes·rs. Tilley, Jardine, and Davidl ast y ear's crop of clover seect i n the t he street. The fire aliirm was sounded, sou were appoin"ed a committee to arrange pos~eseion of a fi n e new bu~gy, COUllTIOE. a nd se veral of ou r cit izens made for rh H with the Grand 'l'runk , to is·ue tick.,te to Mr . J nm cs P earce is pr f paring to b ui ld P r eparat ions are being mad e for Eben8Ce11e of the conflagra1 ion , loav ing t h e teachers at the rate of t wo cents per mile. a find n e w h ouse. Th e house and everyezer a nniv ersary. great er part of t h eir wardrobe be ll ind, The election of officers was then proceed· Mr. Oran M iiler is build in g an ad dition thing else to be let by tender, "so look bu t t he ru se did not take as was expecte1i ed with resulting as follows : out girls ." to his h ouse. with the inh,.bitau ts. Where waa o ur P residt>nt.-W. W. Jardine. Courtiee was almost deserted on t h e Mr. John Cory has pur ch ased a farm to wn constable?F irst Vice l'r~sirl ent - !? Wood. Second Vice Presider:it - Mr, Allin. 24th, everyo ne spent a holiday at Oshawa n ear Osh a wa and will move Lhere in the ~ecrda.rv. _ n.. D Davidson. T hree fin e young ladies of this place, o r Tyrone. fall. J ohn will be gr eatly missed . walked a.11 tho wa._y to E nniskillen on t !ie Tr eas ur~·· . - Uhas. Keith. SA~rno. 1\lr. J oh n W or den h as purchased a Execut ive Cominittee. - Messr4. 'J'am· 24t11. Shame on you boys. --r-·Massey Binder from Shaw & ~l.'ole . A young man living 11 l ittle t o t ho b\yn '!'hnrnhill, IIampton, Lee, McDowell, CROUJ\ED CRE EK. TRIM. I don 't kn ow n-J< .at the people in this sout h of this village was d etained to an R eJ iwlds, Hick·on, Grandy, Richardson, commnnity would do if a nything wer e t o un sea.sonabla hour in Car t wrig h t Sunday Miss MeNanght:Ln aud Mis3 Winslow. L UNG SAULT . 'L' he 1etiring l'rtsident, Mr. 'i'a.mblyu,t hen d elay you r vallla ble paper, for every ot her night , but he is exc usa ble, if he really T he 24th was q u ite ar ound here, m o~t week they ar e wai ting w ith t he patience conte mpl ates etarting as a poul ry fancier . gave a short "ddress to t he Association, and of the yo ung people s pen d ing th e even i ng of J ob for it t o come. 'l'hey snatch it Some say a Leghorn is the best, others int roduc.,rl the l'resident -elect, Mr . ,Ta.ri o Tyrone . up an d the first t h ing they l uok for is t he chooae a P lymoth R ock; but t his y oung dine, ,.,ho t ook the chair and ca.tied upon man, n one will com pare with a l o vely Mr. n. McLaugh lin h as sold his farm Crooked Cr eek ite ms. y o ung B- -k. SLO-,.V BoY. Mr. Wood, Principal of the P ort H ope - tho old hom estead - to Mr. Cou lter , of Mr. and Mrs, F letcher, from P eterModtl echool, to 11.ddress the meeting o.i Manvers. boro', and Miss Arg··y, from Ca van, were " dchool Offences a.nd Punishment; ' Mr. ENNISKIL"f, JJJN . Mr. Geo. Convay is going to give up visi ting a t J . .R . .Reid's las e week. W ood dealt exhaustively wit'rt t he subject, 'fhe Rev. E. I. Badgely B. D. , L.L .D., sch ool ; he wi ll be m.10h miesed. George ls much Pa.yoed t o t hink he is of Cobourg,d~li vered two very thoughtful bringing not only his own experience, but '.l~he wri ter to t he Wes t Du rham N ews not as good a work man as Levi. and e loqu en t serm ons i n t ile M ethod ist also that of prominent ed ncato.-s t hro aphout spok e of Bet sy n ot h aving much kno wW hat h as b ecome of Sol, has the Chur ch h t:r e 011 Sa bbath la.st to ver y large t he country, to bear upon it. 'l'he discus . ledge sto1ed away. If t he thin h aired P hilistine killed him. siun was continued by Messrd, Hickson and highly a ppr eciative congregations. writer would do h is wri ting wit bou t t he K eith and Gilfillan, W1>nd er if C orley ever g ot left? Rumor Tho Queen 's Bir t hd ay was q uite a day J assist ance of an ed ucated d u de he would s ays yes; t he night of th a social in New· On F ic fay aft ernoon, Miss Rzines read anh1>re t his year . A ga.me of foot-ball by not be far ahead of Betsy. I s it t o d rive t on vi!ie. t he j uveniles, som e baee-ball, etc., i n the excellent paper o:i ' 'H ow First Book Cla.sse<t a liv ery .v11gon or t o the h ospital the Wonder if Pard made a mistake and forenoon. In the afternoon fiat races, should be employed." foll owed on the same ecl ueation h as gon e, and as to . B etsy subject by M~ssers Allin, Hickson, and preforming her mission in killing twitch t ook th e l ittle log house for Clarke church ? jumpin g, etc., by thfl boys for cash prius, McDowell. aft er which a match gam e of foot -ball Or did his best girl prom ise to meet hi m sh ':l ha.a u one t o k ill, a nd la.w sh e tak es was played b y the Enfield and Enuiskillen Mr. Tamblyn introduced "School Premisno interest in wh atever.. It wou ld havo t h er e . Come, ,Bob, str ik e in and h elp S amuel teams. T his was a well c on tested g ame, es and equ ipment." making a t elling point bef·n a credit to some who are not pigwringers if th e Scott Act h ad passed som e J oh n to r ead his httle b ook thro ugh. good playing b eing exh ibited by both in favor of improvt<ment, when contra.sting side~ and the best of feeling manife11ted the generally diarepttta.ble school buildings of T h er o is only a Page each for you. yeara a g,o. t hroug hout. The score at th e con clusion the country, wit h ita neat, c::imfort alille and, Sando h as ren ted Mr. J. Thompson's A. black fox captured two fleese on t he of t he 11:ame st ood E nniekillen t wo goals, in many cases, elegant churches and pri.vate far m, below Newton ville. You wi ll have B ETSY Bo11BITT, nest n ot long ago. Enfield one. An apology is d u e t o the to ask Paw for a cow, Martha. dwellings, Mes~ers Fairbairn and James, Enfield b oys for a mista ke t hat was m ade OSHAWA. T he far mers in this dist r ict carry pleas- in r eference t o the tea after wards. 'Ne edit or of the Statesman, continued the discusA sta ge runs d aily between Oshawa. ant looking faces, when t hey see h ow nice tr ust no offen ce will be taken as n ono ion. On Friday evening, an entertainment was their crop s are looking. and Whit by . was in t ended, and t he mistake will be given in t h e basP.ment of St. Paul's Church, Some of our Good 'l'emplars s till lay r ectified as soon as p ossible . The cow by -law will be r igidly enforced everybody w as pleased with Mr. Boyle's h ol d of th e cider. in th is town. T he annual tea in the M et h. Church humoroua descript ion of thti different cla.sses .Anniversary sermons will b o preach ed Won der what Uncle H enry is going to was a complete success this yo11or. A. good i n t he S cu_p;og-et Meth. Ch nrch n ext Sun - d o with that team of sorrels? ls h e going attendance from all t he su r ro und inl( of teachers, the recitations wer«" all well day by R ev. W, Galbraith , of Orillia. t o c'1ase the deer wit h them this fall . n eig hborhoods, a. au mptnous r e past, ex- 11iveu, and the muaic by t he Quintette Club was the best we have heard for a long time. Our M ethodis t ministers preach at The 24th passed off VAry quietly her e, cellent attendance, and good order . Cedar dci.le each S llnday afternoon at 2 :30. wit h the ex ception of a horse race, on the T he treat of t he da.y h owever was in The b·aming faces of the auditors as they Mr. J. D . H oitt, E a.At Whitby, has a 3rd line , between Lady E lgin, F lyingBab th e lecture ·' P r eparation and Conflict " t urned to go, on hearing t he last strains of and Levi's Clipper . Lady E lgin won, by so eloquontly d elivered t>y th e R ev. Vr. "God save t he Queen," WM, of its~Jf,suffi.ci. fin e field of fall rye. ce t hat t he enter tainment was a Badgely. 'l'he lect ure contains a great ent evideD S overal weddings aro to t ake place i n t aking two s traight .heats. There i11 going to be s ervice in the amo unt of food for thought and may well success. t own shortly. Good luck. be characterized as pr ofo und . l t was The Saturday's Session began with Mr. T her e were shipped from t h e Wood- school hon~e h ere next S unday evening listened to with r a pt attention by the Keith giving hie methods of assigning a read· lands Dairy Farm, H ar mony , to Toronte, at ha.lf -past a1x o'clock. We h ope the a ud ience. T he Rever end D octor will bt.l ing lesson. The subject of reading was on Monday week, 1,920 poun ds of m ilk. people will t urn out, for it will be so co nvenien t to have p r eaching so close at hand very warmly welcomed back among us, further warmlydiscusaed by MessrsTamblyn 'l'he Library for the 0 11h awa Farmers' Cr oquet ts all t he go here now. Symthe should we bo so fortunate as to secure his J ardine, Barber and others. M1·. \Vood aaid. Institu te ha.s arr i ved. and P ard will get to be good players, for ser vices h er e again on som l) future occa- i [ the pupil h &d t he thought in its intensity, W. Wilson had a fall last week and t here is a set at t h e white house. si on. suitable expression of it would naturaily dislocated his knee. A second tea was held on T uosday follow. D on 't take your lead pencil to t his, L ast week the Oshawa. S alvation Army H iram; give t h e r est a cha.nee to aee. ey~ning to d ie pose of the s~rplu~ proMr . Jardine in introducing "Grammar was rotten ·egge<l by th e cro wd of people v1 tlons. Total a mount realized m all for E ntrance Exa.mination," ell.id th ...t on ac· M ay 25th, 1886. who were listening t o t he Wiza.rd Oil being iu the neigh borhood of $80. count of the qnest ions asked, t here was a. N OTE--R eaders of t he S TATE SMAN ocCompany. A big time h er e o n t h e 24th and a big tendency on t he p:nt of teachers to discard casionally ridicu le t he news i tems sen t in "\V. T. Dingl e, manufactur er , died last t ime e very d ay this week a t the Boyne ·he formal study of grammar. by our country correspondents . We T h ursday nig ht of inilammatory rheuma Mr. Boyle, of Toronto, then gave his t hink we have the b est staff of co r's in Water Mills ~her? a lar ge num.ber of tism, aged 62. T h e b usin ess will ba m e n.aro workmg like be~vers ~akmg the views on the question, "Should Teach ers the Dominion. By way of con trast we canied on by h is sons. publish the above letter which we found ~epaus on the d~~ Which will soon be for m a U nion ?" His remarks were listened On Wedn esday, May 12th, Mies Lilly in the P or t HoJJe Guide. Crooked Cr eek m a bet ter c~ndilion tha~ befo~e t h e to with the closest attention a nd when the mill h o wever 1s n ot idle as r Clarke,daughter of t he late R ev. A. Clarke , i s one of t h e short ribs on the esst s ide brea k. The t' · b · d' h · Rent lema.u concluded, 1-:...r. \ Vood moved a. t" f · th - · f · formerly of Oshawa, was married at h er of Cla:rke, and the section is s aid to be Mr. M a r 10 is usy g nn rng, c o ppmg, 1 1 m oth er 's r esidence, P et erboro', to Mr. A . a good h u nt ing g round, there being 14 etc. e very day as usual. Bring on y our reso u ion avormg . e prmc1p ~ o umo~ wheat. ( among teachers. T~ts. was carried unan1· L. Rundle, of Oshawa.. young l adiee to 1 young gentleman. mously by the Association . The Secretary On his farm, at L ot 13, 6th concession E D. STATESMAN. Are y ou loosing your bair1 Ara y ou was appointed a delegate to a meeting to be of W hit by, Mr. G eorgo Doidge found, a gettino b a d1 I s your hair turning g rey1 held in Toronto for the purpose of making f ew d ays ago, bur ied among a nu mber of Are you troubled with Da.ndruffi 'r hen arrangcmente about a Te~chers' U nion., S c ott's E m ulsion of Pure I ndian cu ri osities, a r em arkably welldon t be in despair, go an d buy a b ottle of I Th&Association th'n adjourned. Coil J;t ver on, w ith Dypophosphltea pr eserved calendar for the y ear 1747, Dr. D or enwend'e G erman Hair l\fogio, it made in bronze, which is no~ larger t h an Is more r eliable as a.n agen t in the cur e will stop t h e h air from falling o ut; where Call at Morris' Car riage W or ks befor e an Ame rican d ollar, nnd on the other of Consumption, Ch ronic Coughs and ther e is the slii:thtest ohan ce of r oots left side are t he S undays for t he whole y ear. E m aciation , than any r emedy kn o wn. to it will produce a t hick h ead of hair, a nd order ing an d examine tho material and medical science. I t is 110 prepared that where the scal p is full of Dandrufl: will stock he is using in h ia carriages and FEVEJl colic, unnaturnl app etite, fr etful· the eotency of tl1 eae two most v aluable c ur e it at once. For sale a t all principal wagons t his sea.aon. · en, wea knCHs, 11n1l oonvul80tts, a r e some speoillcs is l argely increased. I t is also NA.TIONAJ; Pil.J;S a re ~1111."ar eoatet1, m ild Druggists. J. Higginbotham & Son, b n t lhorougb, nn·l a r e the be11t Stomacb.un d ot'tltl! eft""eet!i of Wor m.1 fu t:hUdre n ; 1lNltroy very p alatable. l.h ·cr Pllls in u se, t h e 'Yo.rm» n Ull. Dr. Low's Wor m iilJ'l'UV· Agents for B owman ville. ~- tf I DURHAM TEACHERS' ASSOOIA- <JARTivRIG HT . ° I ___.,,.._.~_..... ~~ ! . .... .._.