~~~~~~~~ ---- ~==~r~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mf ~t t t:! JOHl\' 'SPENCER HEALTH STAND.Om ?llEDICAJ, ll'ORK ]< ' OR '.l'HIS OUT and return to us· -\vlth TARRANT'S me. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get NATURE'S ~~!l~RllDt.AlUY, '~IAY . ~Stl"[..188n6r.llU. 10 "' ., · a· I VETE~INAl\Y SUl\GEO&, ' . '.;. :.rhea· · Pianos 'J'uned and Repaired. Tuned or repaired can haTe them attended by leaving word .at the DOMINION ORGAN Oo'a 0Jrll'ICll, Bowmanville ·. .A. flrst-clas man Row being in their mvlo '· 0 P ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS Newly improved Verses & Motto a ll Ohromo Cards, with name and a water pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pens, for 50c. Agents sample pack. out.fit, and illus. trated catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A . W.~Il'.INNl!lY, Yarmouth, , ~& 50 Nm Honorary Graduate ofthfl Ontario Veterina.ry College, 'l'oronto. Registered member of the Ontario Vaterinary Association, in accordance with the Veterinary Act, Is prepare<l to treat. all disea~es of tho Dom· estic Animals, according to the la.test theories. All oalls personally, by Telegraph · or Telephone will receive prompt attention, a;u'OFFJCE-Main St., Orono, one door nqrth of W. Henry's ::>tore. CHARGES MODERATE, GRAIN ~ no. Pre~erve Your Sig'l1t. Use F. LAZARUS' (late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris,) Renowned Sµeutacles and Eye· OF CANADA. Glasses, They are the best in the world. '.l'~ey never tire the eye, and last many years with· Capital paid up, $1,000,000. Rest, $260,000 out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow6-it. This Bank ls prepared to do Legltlmanville. - mate Banking in all its branches. STANDARD BANK l · Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on amounts of 85 upwards in Savings Bank Department~ ,. lY.IclVlurtry & Co. DRAFTS Issued and Collections made in E nrope United States and Canada. Are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Grain d elivered at the Wharf or t heir Store House in town. W.J· .JONES, Agen GREAT G 0 DAYS' .~ ~REEMAN'S CLEARING SALE] D. DAVIS The ca.nae of the falling out of the hair la not fully underatood. In most oases It is doubt!eea due to some failure iu the nut rition of the hair folliolee, In the aged it connects with the feebleness that characterizes the functions of the skin generally, Heredity baa muoh to do with It, as it has with "ll the bodily fnnctinn11 and organs. Individuals in some faml\lea beoome bald early In life rrom generation to generation, Coarse hair seems to have more vlger than fine, I t la well known that violent emotions sometimes suddenly blanch the h111.lr , the cerebral nerve (the tropic centre, so called), whloh controls the noulshment of the hair, being affect~d by the shock, Fright ha1 caused a rapid and almost lmmedia.te falling off of the hair. · C11oees are on record of persona apparently fn',vlgoroue he11lth whose heads, faoee and bodies ha.ve become absolutely bare, There waa no 11oppreoiablo oauae. The fault wa1 doubtlees a.t the nutritive centTe In the brain, but wha.t it was, no on e can certainly ua.y. Whan the hea.d is scurfy, there Is often a connection between this conditleu and ba.ldneee, It le found tha.t tho scurf m!xed with v11oeellne and applied to the hair of a.n animal caueee a baldness on the put, In 1uch ca.sea the c'use is prob:i.bly a microscopic vegetable parasite, Two persons should never use the same hair-brush, There is little doubt that barbers have thus communicated baldness from one pat ron to another, There h a form of baldneea in whioh the hair suddenly begins to fall out in a sma.11 round epot, which gr11odually · increases in area., the hair no1i.r the edge of the circle being brittle, and more or leH broken. Thia has been proved to be due to vegetable erganlsm1, which the mlcroaoope has detected within the hair-tubes, . It is probable that ooverlnga which heat the head may result in loBS of hair. But the effaot is doubtless due to subsequent chilling of the surface, just aa a severe cold or inflammatory rheumatism ma.y result from sadden coolhig of the heated body, The main remedy against premature baldneas is the application of mild stimulating wa.ahes and tonlos. UT :~~.~~~~ ~~.~A~:~t~~.M:.NL. C ., =OF'- " ' ;' I}(£~ "f: !EM ~ ~ ,,,. by retnfn mail a ·a olden Box of Goods t.hat will brin1o1 you in more money iu one month tha11 anything else in America. l~ither sex make money fast. CITY I';OVELTY CO., ~arruouth . N. S. A Great Jlfe(licaI· lVork On lllm1l1ou1J. E":hausted Vitality, Nervo11s and P hysica J)ebil!ty. Premature DeclinA in Man. Errors , of Yo1;lth, and. the untold miseries resulting from mchscret1on or excesses A book for every. man,_young·. middle-aged <1n<l old. It conta~ne .12., prescriptions for all acute and chrome diseases, each one of which is invalnable. r.So four:d by Author. wl,iose exper ience for 2a years 1s such a s probably never before fell to ~he lot of Qny physician. 300 pages, bovnd rn be~utiful French muslin embossed ?Overs, full gilt, gu:tranteed to be a finer work m every sense ~han any other work sold in thia !JOUntry for $ 2.aO, or t he money will be refunded m ~very m stan~e. Price only $ 1 by mail, vostba.1d, Illustratlvee eample free to a ny body, Send noyv. Gold medal awarded the author by the National .Medical Association. to the Pree1den~ of which. the Hon. P. A . Bissell. and Newspapel" Advert ising Bureau, associate officers of the Board the reader i s r espectfully refferred. 10 Spruce St., New Y ork. 'l'he Scien<:>e of Life is worth more to the Send lOcts. for 100-Pag e Pamphlet. young and m1ddle-ai.,ed men of this generation shan all the gold mmes of California and the silver .mmes of Nevail.11. .combined.-S. F Chronicle. · ~'he Science of ~ife points out the rocks antl quicksands on wh1ch the constit ution and hopes of many a younll' man have been faita!ly w recked.-Manchester ;11.in·or '£he Sciel!ce of Iiife is of gre~ter value than all the meihMI works published in this country to;,the P!!-St 50 year.e.-:Atla n ta Constitution, lh~ Science of LICe is a superb and masterly treati~e 011 nervous and physical d ebi.lity.Detroit Free Pres,~. KEEP A FULL STOCK OF '.fhere is no member of society to whom the Sy1euce of Life will not be useful, whether l' outh, parent, guardian, instructor or clergy. man.-Argonaut. ·Address the Peabodv Medical lMtitute or Dr. W. H. Parker, No_ 4 B11lfinch Street, Boston Mas~...who ~ay be consulte& ou all diseases requ.1rmg skill and experience. Chronic and obstmate diseases that have baffled tt.e skill of all other physicians a speciwlty. Such tl"~ated successfully without an instance of A LSO SELECT STOCK OF fw1lur~. Mention STA'.l'ESMAN, Bowmaavillc, 17·Y·· Ontario. '1ck Headache S can learn the exact cost 0Y SPEPSI A ADVERTISERS of any proposed line of advertising in Ainerican papers by addressing Form of apowder,producing when dissolved in w11ter an Exhilarating. Effervescing Draught .r e· commended by our best Physicians as a reliable and agreeable remedy, It curos Constipat ion cures Indigestion, oures Dyspepsia, cures Piles, ourca Heartburn , cures Sick·Headache, c ur ea Liver Complaint , cures · f Sick Stomach.a nd gener. AND ly urges nil t heExcret?rY organs to a proper action I t should be found .in · overy household and carried by every travdler Sol d by Di·uaaists eve1·ywhe1·e. LUSTIPAJJONI an elegant efficacious pl.,aeant ~npcricnt in the CO n CURE FOR E FFERVESCENT SELTZER ..ll'EICIEN'. r. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemists and DruggistsJ FURE DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. Notes; A little girl In Watertown, N. Y., who waa dying of eoarlet fever, desired to send a kiBB to a little playmate in another town. She klesed the letter, whloh was sent by Will, te make room for Spring Importations, mall to the little frrend, who wholly unoffer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of aware of the danger incurred, klesed the -his immense stock ofletter as a meeeaee from her dead friend, In a few days she herself died from scarlet lever Boots and Shoes, contracted by mea.ns of thia kiss, · !r ~:~~c1~,~~l&JJ~~;e*h~l~1~s~o;;~~~ FJ!~&oto,~e~h:: ·ufferor. Give oxp re S!l llll1l P . 0. ad(lre1s. DH. T. A. SLOCUM, .-1 have I\ p o1itivc 1·om0Uy for t he ubovc dieease · b vits UAO ihou.aandtJ of cases of the worst kiud 11ud of Jonk- Rtanding h n1'e been cured. I ndeed , ao str o1tg is my faith in lte CONSUMPTION. Hair Brushes and Combs, Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &c .., AGENT~ WORM POWDERS~ \l EWA D ! THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE'AND CATTLE FOOIJ. Branch Office, 37 Yonge St;, Toronto if FOR -- :Or, Ha.nd reports an epidemic of goitre among the Inmates of the MlnnElsota. State Reform Sohool, Forty-four out of one handred and forty wore suffering at the -ATtime of the dootor's obaervatl9n, It was thought that the origin of the trouble lay in the fl.our from which the bread was m11ode. The nsual treatment with a change In the Twenty thousand Eggs wanted weekly, £four wae speedily followed by a cure of moat Anil. Is prepared to execute all of the cases, CHEST .:1PPLICATION,-In brGnchltis and pneumonlc afieotlone the breathing is muoh MARKET SQUARE, BOWMANVILLE, on the shortest notice. relieved, and the congestion of' the mucous -ANDmembra.ne leasened, by bathing the ch~et with goose oil, slightly warme<t, and then applying some old shirting or other materButchers, N e-vvcastle, neatly and promptly attended to ; having none ial, saturated with the oil, to the whole thoracic aurfaoe, 0 1ten the addition of turbut. first-class workmen employed. ay Cash for Eggs, Cash for Fine New pentine in the proportion of J; to the goose l:!JTSATISFACTION GU AR.AN'£EED.~ ' Butt1 and Farmers' Lard; also Cash for H1dea oil will greatly enhanoo the v11olue of the ap· plica.tlon. Tallow, &c., at the abo:ve places A1e J>loo.sa.nt to to.ke. Contain their ow1. l"u:rga.tive. Is a. safe, suro, and oUectru.1 ~11tro:rer ol wol'JJJll ill Children or Adults Slippers, Rubbe1·s, T1·unks, Valises, &c., J IE will pay the above Reward for any IV ca11e of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, :Indigestion or CosttveneBB we caDnot Cure With WEST'S LIVER PU.LS, when the J)i:r:ections are strictly complied With. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 Cents; 5 Boxes ljll.OO. Sold , ~ Pure Ground Oil Cake. 20,000 ECCS I Greatly Reduced Prices. Brittain Bros., PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS Filled with absolute purity and correctness. au Druggists. Wm. Brittain & Co., ORDERED WORK REPAIRING D. - DA. VI s, 1 Fafmers-iLnd~BardeneiS The Largest and Best Assortment :EQ'E~ ,V. 18-4w. BRI~'TAIN & Co,, Market Square, Bowmanville, Express Ofllce Building, Bowmanville, Feb. l 1886, -DEALER I N - Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D.S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scufflers, Single Sulky a.nd Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnfp Slicers, ·Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, ., A email piece of resin dipped in water, which Is placed In a vessel on a stove, will add a peonliiu property to the atmosphere of the room, which will give grea.t relief to persons with a oough, The hea.t of the w11oter is sufficient to throw off the aroma of the resin, and gives the same relief that is afforded by a combustion of resin, It la preferable to oombuetion, beoause the evaporation is more durable, The same resin may be used for weeke, DI, R. H. Fox states that In a severe ca.so of rheum11otlam In which sa.lleylate of sodium, potassium, quinine, oolchloum and liniments bad all falled to relieve the fever and pain, the relief was Immediate after sponging with cold water and quickly drying the ekln afterward, Although this la no new treatment, It Is one which requires some courage to practice, and yet may be well adapted to certain severe oases In which the salloylio remedies are lneffectu ii\l, Again we oall your attention to the Inestimable value cf teaching children and other young people to fill their lunge a.a full as they oan by detllrmined aud persistent efforts, and to exerolsa the ehest and back muscles by mru:reuvrea of the arms, such as thrusting them outward, upward, overhead, downward, etc, '.I.he method of treatment la a positive oure for oonsnmptlon In Its Incipient stagea, It is a oure fer nervous dlse11Bes, dyspepsia., wakefulness, etc, A CURE FOR FELONS -As soon as discovered take some spirits of turpentine in a cup, dip tho finger In it, a.nd then held the hand near a. bet fire till dry ; then dip In it again and repaa.t for fifteEn minutes or until the pain oeases, '.l'he next day pare off the thick skin with a eharp knife 1.nd you will find something Hke a honeycomb filled with clear water, open the cells and the felou la gone, Thia remedy must be used at once when t he felon irt discovered or it will not av& il, S .E EDS IN BOVVMANVILLE AT MURDOCH BIOS~ 0 Warerooms---King St., Bowmanville. · Repairs ,for L. D. Sawyer and No~on. HAMPTON Cl.OTHING HOUSE S T I L L ..A.. ::a::: E .A. D with choice new goods for SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS in Scotch, Irish, English and Canadian Tweeds. Fine and medium Black, Brown, Olive and Fancy Worsteds, Cottonadcs, De:nhams, Ducks, Shirtings, etc. In carrying chUdre:n In t he arms care should bt: bk.en ~wt t u Olllrr y them habltm1lly on the same 'side, as this t ends to make them one-sided, a oonditlon tb~.t may ,be fr~quent ly ob2erved in 1111 the chili ren of a mother who can nurse only from one breaat, Not only the bodies but t he head3 and faosa of a whole family cu1 aemetimea be d.rawn over to one side. The cnlv remedy is to oh~.nge the posit.hm !rcq\lelltly, a very diffiouit thing for aucb mothers to do, but eometh!ng t ha.t good-will &nd attention ce.n acoomplish. -VIEW OF-- Photographing the Eyes of the Dead. A Pa.r!s physfola.n c&lls a.ttentlon to an ao· cnunt of s. r ecent a.ttempt to obs arve In the retin'10 of a. murdere;.'l girl'a eye t he ima.ge of her unknown dayer. H e sai.d : " It'fl a.11 noneence t o expect that this thing can be done. I have known of s. d ozen experiments, s.ll of which failed. from the very nature of the t hing. All there i~ to it i~ this : The brllll~nt ci>l.\t cf t ho retina ha.a a C3lor due to what ia known as visual purple, and tb!a oolor is to soma extent visible. Impressed by light. When in college we tried a otn·efnl exper iment on i\ horse, We g111ve the &nim1l atrnphine and pla.ced a negative of my own phetograph over hie eye, .[t; WL\8 them kept In a dar.k room six h.oura, , T his wae follow· ed by exposing the ret!n11o .to the ploture In broad daylight for a. few momenta, The re· ault con1isted of throe dark patches representing my chin, nose a.nd forehead, It was l\n a.bsolute failure aa far as producing a reoogniz!l.ble likeness Is concerned, ........ - teel Bi er, with Sheaf Carrier Delivering its Load. - -- ---- -- - -----The only Binder with Z Steel F inger-Bar and Steel Ex tension. The only Binder wit h extra R oller to throw the grain out to the pack ers. The only Binder with long Bevel Wheel Shaft supported at both ends. The only Binder with Steel Driving Wheel. The only Binder with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carrier. The only genuine Steel Machine in the Market. Sure.s t to Tie. Easiest to Manago. Lightest in Draft. Simplest Binder, Strongest Binder. Neatest Binder. To Tie the 'rightest. 'l'o Cut the Closest. 'l'o R eel th e Nicest. Best in Standing Crop. Best in Tangled Crop. Best in Short Crop. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Our stock is complete and correct as to sty le and price in Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, 'l'ies, Scarfs, Gloves, Braces,. Linen and :Silk Handk'fa. A full range of Celluloid and Zylonite Goods always in stock. As we do exclusively a Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing 'J_ ade, you may rely upon this that we give the best possible value for your outlay. ~Call everybody in want of a suit and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods: 'Fits a certainty, and workmanship gu~ranteed. FRANK A. COLE. Hampton, .April 20, 1886. l7-5w· Binder Twine and full lines of Repairs kept on hand. JAS. McLEAN, Agent, R. M 0 ON, Agent, Orono~ Hampton.