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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1886, p. 7

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OANADA'S EXHIBIT. A. Glhnps1' at HOUSEH O L D. Puttine- Up Thin~s !'or Summer. I have found the beat way of putting «"tll.y things for eummer ·to be a.a follows : I s showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of . 1:1 you have not a regular camphQr trunkt is a chest m..C e of camphor woodt ake an ordinary trunk or cheat; tbat Is well ' !~~~~~ !~~ th:~:m~r~:~;:w:gd~~ :a~: t~~~ covered, eo tha.t it is perfoctly tight, and E ver y B oar d warranted to be made of the best Steel a nd well tempered. manufacturing progress of during p ut a layer of camphor gun In the bottom the, that t he exhibits of It. De up eaoh a.rtiole separately In a show bath In number and quality We are_ also getting ready a st ock of MOWERS, improved and second clean cloth, then do them up In newspapers, ' an Immense advance upon 11>ny previous to none .m the ma rket. They will be rea dy in good s eason and warranted t o d o good. pa.1tlna the ends 80 they will be perfectly time. Oa entering the ex hibition buildings ~ork. W e are also making a num ber of H AY TEDDERS, wh ich will also be ready tight, What there ls about printerR' Ink one la a.t once face to face with striking re· 1ll good season. They have been tried by some of our best farmers, to whom we that moths dislike 10 It would be difficult minders of lmperbJ development. On the refe r int ending purchascra. We are also to say, bu t t here la aornethlng a.bout It various panels decorating the entrance ha.n t hey don't approve of, I speak with a good are portrayed a. series of views of the metro· dea.l of confidence on this matter, for I have' polis, and l eading provincial and colonial treated furs of a.11 kinds and woolen gar· which has ~aine d a. good reputation in t his locality. · 0 mente In thia way for several years, and I Plow P oints of every description by the t on, and made fr om steel, wrough t iron, &e have never had a moth get Into a. thing ronto, Winnipeg a.nd Victoria, an excellent We are also getting rea.-ly a s tock of WAG.oNs. Mill and Engine W ork a sp ecialty that was ae protected. 1'" ew and sty liSb Jines of" Gent's Fut·nishin ... s. panorama of C~na.dtan civic growth and imBla.nkete I simply fold a.1 la.rge aa poBBiAll of which will be sol d on the m ost r easonable terms. e portanoe. P iwmng through the harmoniously ble to fit the trunk, avoiding more creases u1 empire, · , arra.nged splendors from the Indt1 B OWMANVILLE ~GRICULTDRAL & CARRIAGE Cc>- . than 11 neoeuary, and lay them on the bot· Ol' OHlng the court of United Australla, and 1 1 tom of the trnnk, without putting Into pa' down the ocntra.1 avenue, one fi nds the Oan· ' Cashlpaid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m. pers, placing bite of camphor between a<11an section, excellently p1 aoed 1n the each layer. If t he trunk le not filled with oantra.l a.roade, where, inoluding annexes, the bla.nkets, I put In the woolen under- ~Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. 16. transepts, corridors, 34,899 feet are clothing, etc., then in another trunk the provided, ExtenElona thence run into the u udorclothea, cloaks, furs, hoods, and overwest galler y, with 20,280 feet of sp11.oe, and oeata, these being done up In newepapera, t he west a.' with 2,080 foet, which, with a la.yer of camphor In the bottom of the a.dditlons In the east and west quadrant, the truna:, and In t he pockets ef the·oo:i.ts e.nd conservatory and gardens, Albert Hall and cloaks small pleoea of the camphor gum, :ho new building adjoining, make In a.II just F er the removal of sta.lne In such over 73 ,830 feet of gro~e apace, First to heavy fa brias a s carpei;s, t he most effectual claim a.ttentlon are the decorations, the methods, I think, will be to u1e a.bsor bent basis, a e it were, of the whole dlspla.y, and materials, ouoh as potter's olay, po wdered ·. here one is a.t once struck by · STAND :-Town H all Building, one door east Ont. Bank. soapstorae, or buckwhellt flour. Successive A. LEADING DISTINCTION appllcittfans of one or the other of t hese between the courts of Canada and the ether will finally accomplish the desired result. colonies. 1'he coloringlssu bdued, and lna :1.'he use of beIJ z!ne, naphtha, turpentine, or TN sense unobtruelve, From the ee.stem corridor. other 101 vent s is not to be recommended, through. the!epts and ooutra.l gallery We h ave all the best grades of When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oil, as, owing to the thlckness of t he material, t o t he weH tern corridor, a length of 600 feet It will be nex t t o impossible t o prevent the In a etraight line, handsome show oases of solvent from aprea.ding t he greaee over a. dark Ca.nadian woods line the aides at large surface, leaving an ugly looking ring intervals. The walls are draped with about the spot where H wa.a applied, maroon cloth, relieved by a deep old-gold that is manufactured. . Cold bolled rice may be utmz~d t o make valance in the bays round the court, with Try it once, you will use no other. hot cakes for. breakfast. Te every two cu pa We have in st ock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt painted plaques baa.ring t he word "" of rice add a quarter of a cup of fl aur, one American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Ohicke~ and t he letters " V. R , " while on either lllct:JO LL BROS. & ClO' Y, Toronto~ egg, a tablespoonful of sugar and enough side of the upper lighta han~e a pale lil~c m ilk or wa.ter to make into a batter. F t y Feed, Crockery- and Glassware, F resh and Cured Meats, Sausao-es and sa.tln, The a rches pioked in hot drippings In ~mall, round cakes and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experienc~ in the out with gold tipped lea.ves, and a.t ea.oh eat with m aple syrup. llprfng of tile arch, 12 ftet high a.nd 10 feet Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. Before washing Jfannels, have tho d11st apart, appropriat e £ on spears fescarefully bes.ten out of them in t he open The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. J ohn Allin is t ooned over shields ornamented with ma.pie air, Then they are not scalded oui in of the very best quality. N o t rash or poor goods kept in stock, d~als leaves bearing t he names of the provlnaee of Easily Managed, L igh t Running, D urabl e. water muddy with their own dust, For the Dominion. The effoot t hna distinctly that matter, a daily beating an l brushing only in the best goods, which will be sold at t he lowest possible prices. differs from tha.t produced by the magnifi· Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. out of an upper stor; windo w should be the Your patronage will be thankfully received. cent t apeatries and br lllfo.ncy of endless rule fer all cloth eldrta and a.11 woolen paints met with In many other oonrte, PERFECTLY :BEARDS :BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat.. Goods delivered to all parts of the t own on sh ort notice. <lresses that are in da.lly wear. and hereln lies an indloa.tien of Au excellent dish for breakfaet is made A call solicited. the primary objects of t he exhibits C LEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET, of six eggs a.nd three t a.blespeenfuls of ham from t he various colonies, Auet ralian chopped very fine ; beat in the eggs and, Cash r or B u tter , E ggs, H i d e s, T allolV, B eef, P o rk a nd sene of t he word ? They have already, BECAUSE after 1mltlng a lump of butter in t he fryingIf anything, t oo large a populat ion, and all F a1·m Pt·oduce. pan, drop the eggs int o it and stir the ham It has a $MUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL affached. ) cannot be described a.a in a.ny ardent haste In ; the ham ha.a of course, been cooked, C. M. CAWKER, to attract oo.pltal a nd enterprise, H ence, either fried or bolled ; season with pepper, India and the class of countries It repre· JOHN ALLIN. This le a. good way to uae up pieces of meat s.ents, can well afford t a epeud muoh of that left fr~m dinner, their energies upon decorative dl'dct, Cana.da has other and more praotlcn.l ends Choice Receipts. to serve, By her exhibits themselves, rather t han the rare deoora.tlone, are Cheese Blscuiti-Take a.a much cheese as desired to be the maia objects of you want for your billcuit, and with.oklmattraction, and while having dne regard mllk mix it into a. very stiff pa.ate, after t e unqueetloned neatness in delllgn and which roll it out to a.bout t he thicknoas of a Don't fail to call at taste In execution, has been taken t o penny, then cut into small piecies the size of do nothing to detract in any way from the a qu a.rter-dolla.r , and r olling very thin, bake M D IM 0 proper promlnanoe due to the vast t>roduct e in a CF.iok oven, · Jft ~ of foreRt, mine, Jandand water, l[ollowing, Steam hea.t Pudding-One cup of an- ff · thet afore, t he natural-cour ac, let us brlefl y 1 gar, one cup sweet milk, t wo cups flour, glanoe at t he rema.rkable gathering of C&n· ---and see the,---.we eggs, t hree t ablespoonfuls of butt er, ada's resouroes, from the ehorea of the At . \ o teaspoofuls oret1m tartar, one tea.spoen· lautio to the wa.tera of the P a.cific, whloh is f~ of soda; one cup chopped raMns Im· THE M ORRIS DOUBLE D:B'.mSSER. now fillhlg the area. at aomma.nd, proves iii, S team one and a half houri. AGBICULTUBR AND MANUJIACTUBE , Great I mprovements in 1886 Machines. . Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. Serve with sauoe. Breakfast Rolls Without Soda.- Twe C ommencing with the eaJtem a pproach A fresh stock of Trunks and Valises j ust received. egge, l ~ cupfuls sweet milk, 11 t easpoonful to the central ga.llery, one finds tirat atten· of salt, a.nd flour enough t o make a. thick tion properly paid to agriculture, the· batter, These must ba baked in an Iron bone of Canadlim prograes. To this diviAlso supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. gem p11on t o be a euaoess, a quick even elon the whole of the east t raneept h devot· ill dealrable. ed. V egetables, cereals, fruit.a, a.nd wooda P otato Chowder- Ont ha.If a. pound of CALL AND GE T ONE. from t he laolat-ed Antioostl, aide by side salt pork into thin slloes a.nd fry elowly a with the r ema.rkable products of the Cana. light brown, and five large sliced onions. dlan. mainland, from Nova Scotia and New Lat them color slightly. P ut a. layer of Brnnewick to Ontario, the Northwest and pared and sliced potatoes In a soup kettle, British Columbia, vie with one another In t hen a thin layer of pork and onloua, sea· friendly zeal to i;how t he agricultural and eon each la.yer with ea.It and pepper, and Industrial aiva.ncement of tnelr one ooun· dredge with fl.our. When all the ingredients try. Aud here some speoial features de· have opened out a splendid asscrment of n ew goods, comprising : are used, cover (W!th two quarts of water, serve attention. Ma.ny of the India.ns of let It come slowly to t he bolling point, a.nd Canada may be found al agricultural exlllb· Prints, ,Ginghams, cook forty minut es, or until t he pob toee lters under their own ne.mas- a striking and are done, About t wo qua.rte of potatoe~ encouraging instn.n ce of the progr ess of olvi:Yhite and Colored Muslins, will be needed, Any herbs, such as liz,.,tion among several of the t ribes. Then, Canadian and Oxford Shirtings, parsley or young celery t ops, may be used a.gain, It will be obsE ·rved by those who also. tr.aka search, that · with other exblblt ors of White and Grey Cottons, Ccoklea- One cup of butter, one of cereals, vegetables and fruit, are settlers cream, three eggs, one-and-t wo-thirds cupe Sheetings. T able Linens, who but a few slnoe left this, their of sugar, one t;eaapoonful of aaleratue, native l and, to try t heir fortune on Oaria1ian T able Napkins, T owels, Very rich and good. soil. Notioeable among these are some of Ginger Co.keu for Breakfast-One cupLady Cathcart's croft ers, n iiw auocesefully White and Colored Counterpanes, ful of S ew Orleans molasses, one of sugar, aet tled at Wa.pella., N orth-weet t errltorlea. & Cream Lace Curtains, White one of but ter, two .t easpoonfuls of soda, Surely no mere potent faator could be desir Put halka oup of hot water OD the soda, ed In the prome~ion of desirable emigration. Scrim, Cheese Cloth-, pour t hi11 lln the butter, mix soft, roll out, fruit ex hibits of the nlfferent provinces Gloves and Hosiery, The and cut like oooklea, Bake-In a quick oven, will also prove a featllre of no ordinary in· U ae ginger to the ta.eta, tere1t to t he Brit ish, and Indeed European One·Egg Cake- One egg, three-fourth1 P arasols and a good assort'ment of Bl'k a nd Col'd Dress Goeds. visitors to t he oeurt. T hey consist ofabout cup of sweet milk, butter size of an egg, 1,000 jars of fruit preserved in their naturone oup of sugar, two and one-half of al oendltirn In a.ntlseptlc fluids, Such large fl.our, two tea1peonfule of ba.king powdor, oelleotione of grapes, pears, apples, poaohos, F lavor to the t11.11te, late-keeping winter apples In fresh oondi· tlen, as well as many other clas~es, must un· A M~cent Broad Gaue;e Oity. Canadian and Imported Cloths, White and Colored Shirts, que~t lonably prove of great practioal valu.e lil demonstrating the mlta.b1llty ef the cbThe City of Borlin, with about the same Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ha ndkerchiefs, Socks, ma tes of Canada to the;oultlvation of fruit p opulation as New York, has 300,000 more of nearly all varieties. Braces, &c., &c. tqnare yards of 1treetll th&n the American THESE l'BODUCTS OF FA.BM metropolis. It ha.a oemprehenalve eduoao D, Bowmanville, Aug us.t 28, 1885. and orchard all centre round a highly attlenal and oharita.ble systems, and ma.intaln1 tractive trophy of large but prollortion1.1te twenty-three circulating libraries. Its an. dlroenaiona, built up with a variety of agrl· nual municipal expendlturee are under $10,cultural exhi bits which, under a.ble group· 000,000, The annual expenditures of New Ing, com.bine to give a. striking general ef· York are nearly $36,000,000, over $10,000,· 000 being req ulred for salaries of offiaehold- ~===============~~~===~====....,===~ feet, Glancing down t he central galleryIn whioh the manufactures and lnduetrles of en alone, C1nada are exemplified- we find a handsome pavilion fer the reception of Canadian or· gans, pianos, and general mueloal implement s, fa.oed on each aide by well-filled oases P urify t he Blood, correct all Disorders of the Having purchased the Har1:1ess business lately carried on by Mrli. HUMPHREY, of textl!e fa.brice. Exactly In the centre of the galler y le erected a trephy of the oomhope by ~areful attent10n to b usiness, good workma.nship, and first class meroial woods of Bri tiah Columbfa. espcolL I V E R , STOllIAUD, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. material, to secure a ehare of p~blic patronage. We have in ally from the B11rrar d Inlet, all hi~h stock a nd are manufacturmg a large a mount of ly peliahed, and diepl:i.yed to oon b!derable They invigorate an d restore to· health D ebilitated Constitutions, and effect, Following after this oentre·piooe a re inva.luable in e.11 Oomple.ln ts Incidental to F emales of all Ages. For ceme miacellaneous ma.nufaotures, and Children a.nd the aged they are priceless, among them the fnm'iture exhibits will claim special a.ttentfon, The Antwerp cal· Collars a specialty. We. intend that the reputation H u mphrey's Collars have gained lecdon wa.s in lta way one of the fe .>tnies of I s an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Woun ds, Sore& the cour~. Still more so will this ahall be fully suatamed. We are prepared to furnish r esponsible parties and Ulcers. I t is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the be the ln Sauth Kensington, where the Collars on approbation. We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. WILL C URE OR RE LI EV~ - Chest it has n o equal. display Is In every w11.y far more represent· We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found i'JIWJU8NE8b~ DIZZI NE89, .. ative. The oa.nocsof Ca.nada acquired For Sore Throat s, Broncllitis, Co u g h s, Colds, in a first class harness shop , comprising Dr8PfPSIA, DROPSY, a world-wide r eputation, and nowhere is INDI G£81f0!1, FLUTTEfl!NfJ their growth t e favor more marked than on Gl~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for JAIJND!CE. Of THE HEA,'ff. contracted and stiff joints it aoiB llke a cha.rm. IWAYER Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff tltc Col <1n l nl ·m d Indian Ex· ltlbltton 111 J;cmdou. A.'! t o t lio exhl.bit.lon itBelf, it ha.a every lndJoation ilf excelling its immedfate prede ceasor s, bo~h a.s regii.rde genera.I lntel'e3t and KING S TR E E T EAST, BOWMANVILLE , ONTARIO. utility ; und, epeakirg pMt loularly af Oanada, It ls happlly as~ ured t hat for extent yYe '.lre no~ finishill:g 30 of the best Ct(,rriages and Buggies ever made and va.rlety the present display will far exceed any prevlons effort. The space Is m this est~bhshmen.t, wit h beat grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best Steel Spri ngs, trimmed with the best s tock and well painted. We are getting out MntBotably more ~han t allotted t o the Dominion o.t the famed P hiladelphia. exhlbi6 THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTU RAL & CARRIAGE CO·. f 0 1 1 300 of our Ce Ie b rated Champion Plows I H A T· S., .ne Engl1" sh, Canad1"an & .Amer1"Also Fl , can Fur and Wool Hats. AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER., Manilla and Straw Hats,all kinds and prices .. ~~~j~iin~Q1ueii~!.he~;:~~e~i.f'O~!!~ll~~'. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs Handk'fs Gloves · b re11as, Rubber Coats, etc. U rr.t FARMERS, THRESHERS I Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. ~int~r THE BE S T Lardine THE WORLD. A compete I stock always on hand. MACHINE 01 L. ~~~~ l@ B; AN!Di ~ ~QNJm ~~Qlm~ ~~ BUN Coal Oil. L J:GHT" lfle MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER ' V AllMEl\8 ANtJ 0Tlll ll8 t H A l Y' s n u An ll-. E s s m TD RE $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness. Bull Bone Whips still take the lead, MORRIS &WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. William_Pooley, Agent. Box 50, Bowmanville TOD BBO s. COAL!COAL! .... _. GENTS.' FURNISHINGS. Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to annou1~ce t hat tr1ay have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c~ Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. ., .. 1:1EALTH FOR ALL! Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. T 0 D 8 R 0 S. THE P IL L S LIGHT AND H EAVY HARNESS. THE OI N TMENT ERY8/PELA8, SALT RHfUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, BOWEL S ACIDITY OF THE BTOllWJR, BLANKE TS JR OBES, R U C S ,H O RSE COV ERS, WHIPS, BRU SHES, ETC. ;:b~~~~~l~:~!;::~~~i~yn~l1the~~:=1:~·t~! See onr Bull Bone Whips- aomething n ew. We have also in s tock ORYIVE88 OF THt· t:Kllll_ , ..,f, BLOOD, And ever y species o f d!seas~ arising fro111 di:ln~rdered LIVER, K'D NEYS\ STOMACH. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for Horaes and Oattle, a sure cure for b r uises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. Shop- Sign of the Big Collar. - 17-3m erection of a canoe trophy. 'r here can be no doubt tbat such a dlspllly would po11sess Manufactu r ed only at THOM.AS HOLLOW.A.Y's E stablishmen t, r. MILBUIUl & rrn.·Propr.~~;of.ll'tli· LONDON ~ muohof int ereottoma.nyvisltor11, And are sold a.t ls. l td., 2s. 9d., 4e. 6d., lle., 22s. , and 33e. each B ox or Pot, encl A young man w1mt s to k now what's best . may be had fr om all M edicine Vend ors throughout tb.e World, t a be done when a. pe1'8on alt! down on a ·Purchasers s hould look at the La b el on the Po&s an d Boxes, I f the :- d dre11_ o ~eta.rd pie at a plonio, W e a.dvlse him to u 11. 533, Oxford S& r eei , l.onllon, theJ' are 1purloa1. 1it st ill until the rest gone home, '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET),

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