· t TERMS :-$1.iO P n AI-lNVM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WOR LD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDI TOR.AND VOL UME PitOPRIK'.r-OR. ' N:e:w SERIES, NUMBER 411. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1886. PROVIDENCE. BBEl{EZER. XXXII. NUMBER 24. Opposit~ ~ McCLUNGS, Ontario Bank, B owmanville. z 0 T :::S:E s · cf:I +:> 0 0 r-93 0 rn (I.) .µ SELL.ING OFFI CORNER STORE, OR0~0:7 is now open again and bound to Lead lil · Prices. - ·A lot of-- - Ne~Goo .ds have just been added m aking an IM M EN SE STOCK of Dry Goods, . Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, &c., w hich mu s t b e sold off at Tre rne n . d ous Bar gatns 1 All w ho like Good Bargains come along with your Cash, Butter, Eggs, &c. .CREDIT TILL NEXT FALL WILL BE GIVE NR E SPONSIBLEPERSONS. ------. - NO TICE. Al" the book accounts and other claims of the insolvant estate of C. G. Armstrong have been placed in my hands for immediate collection. All indebted to the estate in any way will please call at once. W. W : TRU L L. 16 Orono, April 9 1886. MAPLE GRO .,.E. OSHA .A. The anniversary of Maple Grove Sab\ A number of busses have been sent 'l'he anniversary of the Provi.lence Sahbath School will be held as follows:-On from he re to the striking street car men bath School wi ll be h eld ai follows: -On Strnda.y, June 20, a sermon will be preach- in Toronto. · S unday, J 11ne 20, serm ons will he preached by the ltev. J . W.Cannom, ofElnwale, The Cedar Dale Works have a new ed at 2:30 p.m., hy Rev . Alex. Fraser, at 2 o'clock, p . m. Collection at the close. manager.. · of Oro110, and »t G:30, by Rev . R . ffa~· On Monday, Jnne 21, service will begin The trustees of the Cedar Dale school eard, pastor . Collection after each service. at 1 :30 p.m., when 'addresses will bAgiven complain t hat they are trot.bled with the MonduY.1 June 2J , exercises will begin at by Revs. C.inn um, Roberts and Whi tlock. ambigu ity of the presen t Separate School 2 p.rn., when addressFs may be npecttd Recitations; dialogues and singing by the from the Rev. W. H. Waniner, J3. D., Sunday school scholars. The church law. and circuit ministers. R.eciti,tiom a.nd choir is also expected to assist in sinc.(iug. Mr. Robett Sugden who has been teachsingi ng by the School. Tea will be servTea will be served from 4 o'clock till all ing a class in Mechanical drawi ng h ere ed at 4 o'clock. 'I'ickets, 26c; children, ar e served. Tickets, 25 cents; children, dnring the wiute r months, was presented 15. All are cordially invited to attend. not members of the.school, 15 cents. A with a handsome set of drawing instrucurdial invitation is extended to all. men ts by his pnµild. · ORONO. SCHOOL REPO!tT ll'OI~ MAY.-Fourth Father McEn tee's Annual Picnic will Class-Will Frank, Herbert Foley. Se- take place the ldt of July. Me~ars. S. J. Borland, of Belleville, J11mes Newsom, of Bowmanville, and .J. nior T hird-Edwin Rundle, Bella I~11wrie. Mrs. Richard May, nne of Oshawa's H. A llin, of Cou rt ice, were in town on CATWRIGHT. Junior Third- Fred. Lawrie, Edi th P ow- oldest resident s, i~ seriondly ill. Sunday last. · Ca.aearoa. Christian Wor kers will con - er . Second Clitss- Gerty Fol!!y, Lillie · There we,·e six: Scott Act tri11.ls iu Os ha· Harker. Not absent during the month: wa last wetk with no conviction. 'l'he north en d con tinues to i'llprove, d uct ser vice here next Sunday. and will Boon be the most attractive par t l<'y, Edith P~wer, Mr . H. H.' L11ng, ha~ sold his property The Methodists and Presbyterians ar<1 Will Frank, Fred F:> of the village . ~.thel Pvw ei:, Catharine l\!IcCann, Gerty situ·ited on Col burne St. east, to Colonel pr~paring for their anniversaries. Our Dominie is very justly elated Mr. 'Jaa. Fluke has been improving his Stevens, Edi~h Rundle, -!ohn Gay, B. Mnlli)(an, for rhe snrn of $1,f>OO. Stevens. D ally a ver.ige,·33. A . Barber, Th fi b 'd h B d h ·o ver h is appointment to t he 2nd vice- propert.y hllre with a tasty fence. tea.char. . e ne new r1 60 near t e ra s aw presidency of the Teachers Associa.tion . ----+---mills h as been completed by Mr. John Mr . G. Bartley, bartender, has heen spShake. H .A.MPTON. Ashton, of Columbus, and is n ow ooe of pointed Health Inspector, Who pays the strongest and well built strac tures of We were much struck with the lubbl'r- him1 Mr. S. M. Clemens moves from here to the kind in this seotion. like movemeuts of eome three or four Dr. a nd · M rs. Oliver spent a fe w take char.,e of the s\orti at the east end of d udes from the Nort h-west who were in Toronto last week. the village of.Tyrone, having bought the Messrs. J. 0. Guy & Son's big coal knocking aron nd our streets on Sunday We wish he and his shed ~~- the ):or_ t is r.a pidly appr oaching Some leading Cutwright citizens ;pot same recently. evening. Trying to mash, no doubt. certilicates from a town M. D. on Di is- estimable wife success in their new bus1- comp e ton. t is au im mense structure. Of course its none of our business b ut ion Court Day aud cawe home . actir1 g ness. Mr. Willi11m D eans,of t his towo,receutwe would like to know where the youn g very sickly . ·Liquor i'I used very exten- l There has 1:-een several eick in t h is . ly passed hie final eumination at Ottawa plowmao who was wending his way north - sively ont he re fur sick horoes1 locality lately. Mr. T . G. Stonehouse has J as Dominion L and Surveyor, taking !18 ward at an early hour on Monday, spent Mr. Fred. Veale was married on the been quite indisposed, put is improving per cent. vf the wh ole. t he night. By the Powera, but he must 2nd inst. to Miss Nellie Jackson. at.time of writing. have had a time. ENNJSKILLfJJN. Another wedding in t he Veale family ,-" ~fr. Isaac ~:Harke took sudde11ly ill Parties need ing anything in t hti sulky Mr. Thoe. Evans was accidonbllv kicke line would du well to call at Mr .R. Beer's on Wednesday. Suppose it will be p:ll w~tle at wor~ lll the field last wee~. ed by a colt last Thursday, June 3;d, and Wright if partwulars a.re sent next w~ek. tned to trnh!!ch the team but chd not show rooms. He has a fow very fine snstained a fractu rc1 of the leg. Ifa was Miss Julia. A. Emerson died on Mon- succeed. He .w&a obliged to eit dow ,the doing well at latest a.cco1111ts. specimens on exhibition. day of cons ump tion. hors~s tuo~ fright and u pset t!1e ha.rr we The eheese factory is again i n full The "Gladstones" of 'l'yrone played , . on htm while m t he act of tu rnrng aroun . blast, and will, we belie ve, in Mr. Brent\~ho, th~ew the o!l can throu~h Sam He received severe injuries from the har- t he "Dragons" of this placu a friend ly nell's hands, prove beneficial to the com- Jeffery s wmdow1 :Shame · r ows and whifiletrees s triking him. Un- game of base ball on Monday 7Lh inst. munit.y . Fie!1 Inspector McDermid h a.s su a10n- der skilful medical treatment we hope to Score at the close of t.he game etood largely in fa.rnr of the v1s1 ting team. Our " wide awake " fire brigade had ed 25 persons for illeqa.l lishing. · ."-..___ ~on s ee him aro und again. the engine out t . e sling it ou l\fonday M rs. Wm. Beer was alao taken auddenThe Sabbath-Schoo! soiree at the Pres· eyening. It worked well. ly ill ~a.st ·eek but at time of writing is byterian church here on Mnuday was a CLARKE reported better. success. A snmp tuous repast was as usWe itre much pleased to know th<1.t Mr. S. S. No. 9, C111rk1" report for l\fay. E. C; Thnrnton who at present has Nama11 Mr. Th.os. Wickett was obliged t o call ual furnish ed by the ladies and appare11tin order of merit. Sen. 4thcharge of the 8th li ne school is proving Katd Col ville, May Gi bson, Matt.le Col- iu m ed ical aid on Sun d ~y. ly greatly "njoycd by all. Excellent invery successful. He is !liven loudest V isitors to our village this week : structive and practical addre9ses were deville. _Jlln. 4Lh -Alice Hamm, Do ra praise by those )vho sllould know of his livered hv the R e"J. Messrs. R. D. Fraser Dickson, Mary Wilsou. Sen. 3rd- Etti.i Misses Hdena. Cryderm ,~n , and Mcllulability. M. A., B owmanville, A. Fraser, Orono, ough, oi Bowmanville, Mr Jas Ilurns, Colville, Etta Buckley, James D ickson. We trnst that some of 1lle zealous Juu. 3rd-Milton · Pollard, Phoebe G ib- Conrt ' c~, Miss Ka.tie McLeod, Alsia and 0. Taylor, Enniskilleu. 'l.'h ~ musiC was furn ished by Mn. H erringt on, M iss minded citizens of t.his place may soon son, J ohn Mason. Se.' l. 2nd-Nellie Ct·aig. learn to loolf up io their betters instead Colville, Charlie Uhapple, Ethel W ilson. The 8abbath School has started to Lily :i?otr.-r :\nd Dr. Brown, E11niskillen; M~ssrs. N . Yellowlees, Galpin, Archibald, of continuing tbeir mi.tu-throwing. Jun. 2nd-Alice Preece, E\·a T oms, practice mtlJ!ic etc., for the coming F. B·" w11 irnd J. H.ice, Bowmanville. 11.nni veraary. Annie B eel. Part 2nd-Freddie Bowen, Mr. ;ras. L into11 has improved his Rumor says the.re is going to be a. wed- Whila aol t h t> mn&ic was well received the carriage. ahow-room by 1 mtting i n a new Florence Bellwood, Billie Buckley. Sen . n'd i .. vor 1te Dl'. Brown was listened to ding in this neighborhood shortly. Tablet ClassMurray Barrett, B ertie front. He h also adding a n ew office -.ith t.'o . : ,. reates t am ount of enthusiasm.· Two young men departed suddenly Mr. 'l'l10s Brown, of L eskard, gave a capwhich is to be attached under the Paves Bowen, Lewis Chapple. .Jon. Tablet Class- Henry Dickson, Lizxie Dickson from this immediate locality last weekso as to be clear of the drop . . · JACK. ital · c>c;t:1ti1 n dining tlie evening. Lena Re11wick. For good conduct, th~ in search of new lmsir~ees we understand. Dr. :11itcbell and wife h11.ve returnecl best in ~a.c h c lass:- Kate Colville, Jessie There is a wonderful craze am o11g the Dickson, Ett.a Buckley, May Barrett boys in this village gathering bird3 e~gs. home ag .. 111. · rho Doctor has been atrendKIRBY. ing th., Ontario M erl.ical Association in Netlie Colville, Eva Tvms. Florence Bell: Leafy June i~ h ere once more in all her wood, Murray Barret.t, Lena R enwick . Some have 11s wany as seventy distinct T oro r.t · and vi~iting friends in th~ town S[.-ecimens. bea· 1ty aud a ~miling complaisance is The following were not absent during the o.f l\'li1 chell . H e reports a very pleasan t Milk is coming in more plentiful to the worn on every brow. month :- M :.ry R enwick, Wi llie Renwick, factory this week. We think it is about tune. JJr. Brow n attended to the practice of the absent M. D., in a highly satisfacOur annual put.lie scl1ool p icnic will Dora Dickson a.n'd He nry Dickson. Aver · six cheeses they are turning ont daily. t ory manuer. not, ou accon ut of the profusion of at·, age aiten<lance for the rnonth, 36. Mr. R Clark will finishing sawing this tractions in ot.her directions, be held I can not lot the opportunity pass with- week. SLOW BoY. ZIUN. until after the holi days \Vhen it will, we - ---· ----· imagine, assume somewhat the form of a out adding my th11nks to that expressed, The Sunday Scho'll 1muiver11a.ry ltere lfEW PARK. harvest home gathering. L et everybo<ly in your iss ue of two weeks ago, by our on Sunday and Mnnday last was a pleasTruste~s to those gentlemen, who ao remember. Mr. D. Fnller's stumping bee came otf ing success in ei:ery way. On Sunday kindly assisted in beautitying our school It must be encouraging to the minis- grounds on Arbor Day. I als<) extend my last week. Running and jumping was mornin!.( and evening R ev. C. E. Mcinters in charge to note the steady increase hearty thanks to the Trustees for their the amusements in the evening. tyre, of Buwmanville, pre[l.ch.id to overin the congregation at the Methodist generous effort in tha.t direction. The Both s ermons Capt. Brown is drilling his men every flowing cong rega1io11s. church . It is a. sourc& of much regret people 1Jf the section may congratulate Sat urday evening for the fitild b attle. It were fol l of instruct ion anrl were deliverthat R e v. Mr. Addison will s1Jon have to themselves, I think, on having for Trus- would not be well for the half breeds to ed in a forcible style. The sin aino- by sever his pastoral relationship. He will tees,gentlemtm, who are so much interest- make a break, C. Brown's men are fine t he childreu was v ~ry good a.11 w:re" also carry wit h him the love and £eteem of ed i n the 11chool as their con duct on that looking warrior~. the anthe m; by the choir. On Monday the UI)iled congregation. R ev. Mr. Walk - day would indicate. KATE. R. SQUAIR, a very large concourse of people from far The people around here are well er has a.leo won the good graces of his and near assembled to wit ne3s the proTeacl~r. su pplied, having three dry goods peddlers flock and he will be welcomed back as gram. Rev. C. Taylor occupied the cha.ir and a butcher. supe1intendent. His sermon on Sunday to the delight of a ll. The opening cliorus COIJRTICE. The anniversary of Rising H ope Sab- by t heschooljwns "Bring them in. " Prayla.st was much admired . H e surpassed himself. bath School will be held iu Mr. R obert er wits offered, then follo wed "The TemMrs. Walters is visiting at La.n g, n ear perance Army," a song in which t he smalAdams' grove. We ar e surprised that youths who have Peterboro'. Union Rose Tcruplar will have an Open ler schola.n waved banneretts and did it been brought up under cloristian influences M B would so demean themselves as to in· rs. ro~n, of Flinton, is visiting at Lodge on Friday evening, June 18th. very nicely, too. Mis~ M ina. Groat recitMr. James Courtice's. Friends are kindly invited. ed "Which shall i t Be?" very nicely. A dulge in such disgraceful proceedings as those of the laat two or three Sabbath Hon. Edward Blake is to address a Mr. Turner Brisbin has gone nerth on a duet by Mis~ee Lucy and Annie Lander evenings. Not content with merely mak- meeting in the Sons' Ha.ll here on Satur- li.shing expedition. We wish him a good was beautifully rendered. Miss A wde ing the a.tmosphere stifling with profanity day afternoon next. STRAGGLER. and three little girl11 r~cited a dia logue in tim e. while quarreling over petty differences, Don't fori;:et Eben.;zer anniversary on M r. Adams has been somewhat better .very good sty!~. "T!·e Sl.eigh Ridti," for the last few days. su~g by th e choir~ and m which bells and they 110.ve resorted to open brutal fights Sunday and Monday next. whips were used m the chorus, was very and even now wear distorted faces and blackened eyes as· a. momenta Gf their The Salvation Army had a successful The· good people of this nei):(hborhood, well rendered and pleased the audience. engagements. We believe the time has jubilee on Tuesday night, when Special are making preparatic..na for a tea in con- '·The Rehearsal" by Miss M. Awde and nection with the Sunday achoo). five little folk was l'fell gil"en. A glee an.d come when " forbearance ceases to be a Walton was present. virtne " and if it is repeated we shall Mr. James Goyne had an attack of When th e filthy bird called the buzzard whistling duet by the choir, though short certainly send in t he names of the parti- paralysis last week, but is no w able to get scours the country in q uest of carrion was sweet a nd pleased the chai rman greatcipators for publication . out a.gain. and finds none he will not hesitate to ly. "The Military Review" hy nioe boys · Mr. Lent ia prepa.iring to build a stable plunge hie dirty beak into that which is in r egimentals waa the last dialogue. A We must in common with the News d d · an nving shed. . clean and undefiled. This fe~thered song "Be ye kind to one another" vvas cor. unite rn congratnlating Mr. W. C. Allin upon his to!ection to the important Mr. L. M. Courtice is putting up a creature is a. fitting type of some who live capitally sung by seven izirls . The closand highly honorable position of 2nd substantial wire fence at the east of his in this neighbo: hood. They spend their ing piece "Nea.~er Hom.e" by the school spare tiiue in collecting scandal if there waa very cred1t~bly given. Excellent vice-president of the Durham Teachers' orchard. . Asseciation. It is but a verification of a The Ebenezer Stars, as t he base ball happ·ms t o be any in the n eighborhood, a~eeches w?re give n by M essrs. Maoproverbial saying that real merit will club is henceforth to be called, are getting and scatter it broadcast throu ghout the mng ~nd Hill, of O?hawa., and Mr. T. E. make itself felt. N ot only has he won in some good practice and are expected length and breadth of tho land, either by W~shmgton, supermte~dent, also B{loke the respect of pupils and parents but has to shine with increased brilliancy after means of their Ion~ tongues, or, they will br~elly, T oo much ? r?d1t cannot be given refine it a little and give i t to the public MIBs ~yrom for tram.mg the scholars . so by hie winning manner become t he very their match on Monday next. through t he medium of the press. But very m cely, the mns1c througho11t bemg idol of his fellow teacher s. He seems to Mt. Carswell Division purpose holding have been born with a spirit alien tu a public meeting on Monday evening when scandal is scarce they do not hesi- far a?ove t~e a.vera.l(e. Her presence tate to clutch with their dirty claws the here. is a dellgh_t to all and ~ a teacher of boastfulness and prefer s to walk on lhe next when a good pro<>ram will be given 0 "even tenor of his way," leaving it to / ' TRIM. · private affairs of others, not scandal, and mu~1c and leadmg soprano m the church having selected m orsels to suit their de- choir h er ~bseoc?, should &he r emove to others to sound. his praises . . We ~~st School report for May, no.mes in order praved taste, they proclaim their discover· Bowman ville Mis probab~e, would be a confident ,that this upward step 1s but the of merit. 4th class B · B k J · · f th d Otl d/ ·-ess1e roo s, as. ies to the world by the same mea ns that eource o~ regr et and a serious loss to the b egmnm~ o . e en · . ie~ an more Salter, Minnie Morrow. Sr. 3rd classthey ma.kc known the scandal. Som e [ commumty. . . ex.alted s1tuat10n~ stare .him m h e face. Lizzie Rundle, David Coleman, Arthur members of this lovely fraternity are inThe ri;ea. was a most gratifymg ~ucces~, His bones shall r ise agam. Short. Jr. 3rd class- Lizzie Nichols, deed able to perform some wonderful every~hmg first-class and plent iful in 1 · I Mackenzie Penfound and Laura Cawker, miracles. One of them, "a wise man ~uantlty. The proceeds were upwards of Scott's Emulsion ofl·' Fure equa.l, Lydia. Ba.Ison. 2nd class- Everett from the east," took Clarke and removed $SO. Gerry, Lavinia Skinner, Horace Hancock. the same two or three miles into Manvers . . . . «Jod Liver OU, with Hypoyhosphl tes Part 2ud- Saran Balson, Annie Limer, and back again to the starting point on J osiah Lick cut 17 acres m one day; As ·a JJ,emedy for Ptdmonary Afflictions Charlie Nichols. Average attendance the same day. This wonderful miracle ' h~ also cut and boun_d 4 ac.res of peas and Scrof1£loiis Dissa~es. for the month 51. P r esent every daywas pel'formed by him on t he Sabbath- without any trouble, with a Light Toronto Lizzie Rundle, M. Penfound, L. Cawker, day, and witnessed i u open-mouthed Bmder. . Dr. IRA. M. LANG--a prom~nent phy- Sarah Balson, Charlie Nichols, M ina astonishment by his brother disciples. Just received at the West End House sician in Naw York, says :- I a greatly Rancock, Wilford Cawker. J. fl. ALLIN, 'Vould it not be well for these select fe w from the famous manufacturer E. A. pleased with your Emulsion. Have Teacher. to sink back into their former obscurity, Levia~ & Co., ~ !?.t of his newes t and best found it very serviceable in above diee see as it is not very pleasing to t he p ublic to styles m Gents 11es. and it i~ easily administered on accoun · ~T «JAN DO NO B.lRM t.o & ry Freemnn·s 'torm PowderK w hen your chthl ts nilb1«, see jackdaws decking themselves out in NA.TIUN.lL PILLS ;will not &ripe or sicken of its palatableness. £e vcri8h or i l'Clt"uL " SPECTATO.!t., peacock's feathers. ;yet are ll thorough catharuc· The Anniversary of the SitbbatbSchool will be held as foll nws : On Sunday Jnne. 13, sermon8 will be ]Jrenche·i at 10:30 a. m., and 2:30 p .rn. Singing by the Church Choir anrlSund.i.y School Scholars ColJection at ench service. On Mondav, Jui1e 14th, t.he exercises will begin at l :30, whPn there will be recitat.ionR, dialogues and sinp;iug by the ' S. S. Scholars, and addresses by mrnisters and othere. Te11 will be served from 4 o'clock: till all are ~atisfied . '1.'ickets, 25 cents ; children, not belonging to the school, 15 cents. Nu pains will be spared to make this anniversary equal to any former occasion. Come alon5, friends, and enj oy a social t reat. I w I I ..... ·