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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1886, p. 2

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· A CAR:i>.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness,. (early decay, loas of EVERT FRIDA.T MORNING, manhood, &c., I will 11end a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHA.RG_g. . '.!'hi· -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a m1ss10n· 1 ary in South America. Send a selfc AT THE· OFEIOE addressed envelope to the REv. Jos:EPB .\l"a1teaceBlock,K;lngSt.,Bowman.irllle,Onl T . INMAN . Station D New York Oit'I/. 4'67 Thirteen years "go only three girls were In the L ..mbeth potteries of the It le aetonlahlng how little oaro llOll10 Messrs, Daulton ; now ihere are three bun· farm t.eatul! get. They C(>mB from plowing or dred, harrewing, all duaty, sweaty, and wlth The Virginia L~ncet, of Petersbnrg, Va., skin worn off In 1>l~1. It may be, by bard le said to be the only paper ln this country harneas that do88 not fit. Ink> the 1tabl01 oonducted by a oolored woman, H er J:Jame they go ; and the ourryoomb and bruall le Cnrle Bragg. 10Moel7 ever touchee th.em ; and a11 for Mt1. Emily F.field haa been ohosen ea TER:r.4'.S; wa11bing elf the dried aweat, and rnbbing member of the Bo·ton Sohool Commlttfoe.,or1111.001rpa1dtnadvance them down, that Ill .n&ver &ne. Tbev go She ls the wife nf l>r. W. C. ·B. lt~ifitild In into the field In the morning; perhaps they the Dorch.eater D.str·c;, baa eerved several PaFJnent strictly In advance re11ntred from . . 1lllblloribers outside of the county. Ord~rs to Insure m the Confederation Life .Asso· bave been watered aud porhapa not ; a.nd year11 on the Sohool Committee, and ia well t lnue the paper mu~t be accompanied by ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian they are a.mpelled to wait until noontime, qualified for the position. dteoon. bsamountduo,orthepaperwillnvtbestopped. Mutual.Aid A 0 U w or any paBB It· when, H &!lowed to drink, they will take ublloribers r.rere11pon11ibleuntl!Cullpaimentis d 'h · ·t. · t" · . the f o11ow· more tha.n ia good for 11bem, It la only The French national printlog dfice em· llll&de. roun your at 1ns 1tu ion, a11 ploys girls as type-founders, pri.nters, book· KA.TES OF A.D't'ERTISINGa ~""~ ing examples will prove: Thos. McClunQ humue te IDIWBI· 110meway that, on tlhe eewera, bookbindera, etc., the wagee rar g· hotteat days, the work-team may have more Ing from fifty oent11 to one dollar per dity. WlloloColumn one year ............. $60 oo ~~ ha11 been in11ured 11~nce 1872 for$~,000and frequent opport1111lty tlo drink than ab .. .. Haltyear ............ 8600· :;:;: shelaetfiveyee.rs1tonly cost him $2.55 After thirty years' ! er vice both - men and .. " One quarter ·...·· ·· · 20 g8 ~... per annum on each $1 000 to ineure. John morning, noon and night, In re1peot to women are retired upon a pendon, feed, let It be out hay mixed with m&al. 3 Jlalf Col,'!mn one year ............ ·" McClung insured at the same time for tl.· Mlao Ma.ry Anderson, who recently re· He.lf yee.r .............. 2 00 · 1 . <11!1 7 It ill moat ~oonomioal ; hone. will do beat " Ono quarter .. . ........ 12 50 same amount and it on y cost him "' . 4. on It and work the hardest. It ii an error t11rned to the city cf Loulavlllt>, lu which QuarterColuir..n one ye11<r ............ 20 ~ per annum on ea.oh $1 000 to insure, he to feed ·a hone all the hay he will eat. she spent her early yeare, Wlll honored by a " " Ile.lf yee.r ........... 12 b . l"ttl ' Make up the deflclenoy in grain ; and, H ~oecie.1 vote of congra.tulation, paaaed by the . " One quarter........ 8 00- 5 emg a l e y~unger. llxlinee itndunder, llrst insertion ·. $0 50 We certify the above to be correct. Tho11, oats are fed, twelve quarflll per day la Bl! Kentucky Leglalatnre, and presented muoh aa a h()r118 can dlge11t well ; and, un101s to her on the stage In the presence of the Each subsequent Insertion...... 0 25 McClung, John McClung. l'romsixtotenlines,.ftratii;isertion, 0 75 ·: THOS. BINGHAM, Agent, they are digeetod, of oouree they do no good. audience. Each subsequent insertion.... .. 0 3.5 -10 Mi&11 Augusta H olmes he.a nearly finlahed Above all feed regularl7, and do not over.oYer ten linee,firet insertion,perline 0 10 _ the opera ehe ls oompodn~ on an Irlah theme. feed, 011 the other hand, do not expect 11o Kach 11ubsequent insertion, " 0 OS _ An antique legend of Erin 11 the aubj9ot horae to do heavy work on light ratlo1111o The number of lines to be reckoned by chosen oy tbe la.dy, who has composed .he space occUlJied,1mea1ured by a scale of her own libretto. Mlos Holmes ~pent The Apple's Enemy. cilid Nonvare1l. autumn In L~ndon, studying the ancient Thh, lt need hardly ,be said, la the oodllng Irish M.S.S. In the British Museum. DR. J, (), MITtJBELL. moth or apple worm, The only nice thhig 'l'ho Lancet say· 'tha.t a maiden b.dy, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS about it ii its entomologloal name, Carpo· and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. , oap1a pomonella. Thl11 moth makea lt1 ap· named He1>thorn, who le known &9 " The 7,,., Ofiloe and Residence, Enniskillen. pearanoe In latter May er early June, and Maid of Kent," has just completed her it ia well to be to meet It when h 103:1 yea.r, bavmir bet>n baptlz~d at Ma.Id· DR. TAMBLJlN, eome11. Traps have been lnvimted for thla atone In April, 1783 The Vllnorablo lady HYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUCIIEUR posafssea. all her fa.caltlea, and la reported to Office:-Silver Street, Bowmenville. 7 Dr. E. C. West's NerveaIJd BrainTree.tment, Insect, and various mean1 augg11tad et stay- have indoraod a cheok 'lllHhout the aid of - 11. specific for Hysteria; Dizzine8s, ing. the advance· and preventing its ravages. Convulsions, l!,its, Nervous, :Neuralgia, Head· Profeuor Oook a11erta, that Pe.rll Green glasse1 on her birthday, which oocurrc:i D. BIJRKE. SIMPSUN, ache{ :Nervous Prostr1J.tion, o aueed by tbe use last month. .A.RRISTElt, SOLICITOR, ko., MO:PlUS of L ondon Purple lf mixed with water e. cobol er tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental and . BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman Depressio The U. S. Ladles' H~lth Protective A9, ofteniIJg of tbe brain reeultin1t in and sponged on the tree1 " It la aure to kill 91.lle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. insanity and loe.dingtomisery decay and death this arch enemy of our moat valued fruit." 1oclatlon hadnduced tb.eowners ofale.ughter· Prlirate Jlonevs loaned e.t the lowest re.tee, . Premature Old Age, Barrenness.Lose of Power He ha.a found that a pound of the polaon housea to make the Improvements reaom· In either sex, Jnvoluntarv J,osses e.IJd Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, ml:xed with 100 gallons of water, and kept mended by the ladles. These consist of .Job.Jl Keith Galbraith, sell·e.buee or over·indulgenco. box con- well mixed, hi still d:'dotive to kill the Ian· patting In asphalt floors, ba.ving the freshly ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or six as they attempt to enter the e.pple. 'One or 8laughtered meat kept away from the edge PUBLIC &;o. 01f!ce-Bounsall's Bloc,k boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt t<Vo applloationa of 'ho peleon to the trees, of the aldewalk, kee plng the a.venue clear of Ring Street: Bowman ville. Money to lend, of price, made aoon after bloseema fall, will thin 'ruckB, and keeping lihe houaea abut up so We Guaran1ee Six Boxes almost BOB.ERT A.JlMOUR, to extinction net only the oedllng that the children in the neighborhood can· ISSUER To cure an:r osse. With each order received lana1 but all other lnaeota 'pre110nt, ae the not see the o&ttle slaughtered. EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM by us for six boxes, acoompe.nied with $5, we canker-worm, leaf-roller, and v11riou1 oaterNo Ru1111lan lady mm travel w'thout her ot Licensee, Be.rrleter and At tor· will send the purchaser our written guarantee ·· T &t Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Money to rerund the ·moue, if the treatment does not pillara. The probabllltlea are that In thOlle husband'· a1sent to the ISMua of her pa11port, Dsned on Real Estate. 01f!ce on King street, effect a cure. Gurtranteee issued only by J:tw. feoalltlea where apple· were so abundant but In Au1tria woman's right h a vete has -&wmanvllle. Stott & Jury, Druggists. Buwmanv!Ue, Wt 16&1-0n, there will be few enough at beat juat beea reoognizad. It la atated that a this year, and we oao't afi'Jrd '8 gln muiy decree has recently been promulgated to .t. T , EDU.LIPS to the worms. the eft'.:ict that ne married Austrian subjeot ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County ahall henceforth receive a pe.aeport fer of Durhsm, Salee promptly attended, Addree11-Hamvton P. 0 , ~9. Potato Plantin«· jcurneylDg beyond the frontier, wlthout the . It 1 11 ouatOmary in mee' fr.rmlng eeoiloni e:xpresa consent of his wlio. OHN HUGHES.-Liceneed Auctioneer, to plant potatoes in the early 11prlng, and We have before now had oooaalon t11 notice Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Lifo ,.nauranoe, Notes and Accounts Collected onoe for all. By thh we m~an that there Ill the e:xcellenoe of the work acoompllahed ia Jloney tc Lend on reasonable terms, Address only one 1e&11on of planting and only one P·rl· by the ladies forming the Socisty 4'72 Cartwright, Ont. crop to harvee·. Jiut In v~w of drought of the Llberoea de St,, the great and huge, a late planting, ny along lo J1111e, female prison. It 11 well known to what GOOD WlFE GUARANTEED TO might make a deolded and dealrablo change. depths of miaery the women prlaonen in St. every man who buys his License from £hie plan'1ng leave1 the tuber fermatlen ter Lazl?e were reduced before Mlle. de Grand· ilBNRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. early tall, a.bout the time fall ralM ahould pre began her beneficent work. The W<>rk ONEY ! MONEY !-The 11ubscriber prevail. Moreover, during barveet time, of assisting the dhcharged prisoners haa receives money on deposit for theOntario "!hen gra.ln must be garnered, la juat lhe now been oa.rrlud on 1lnoe 1870 with ooutln· Loan and Savings Company, and pays in~erest )It time when the potato crop need· anentlon ; uoualy increaslug euooeBB. Durlllg the past at the rate o! 4 and 5 per cent. No not1c.e of ,..... and if It does n«1.t have It, weede wlll aeon year three dept.rtments of work been withdrawal required. .A.leo loans money .on 111ortge.gee at lowest rates. No oommiss1on Iii.I pre empt the territory to tho dhadvant&ge organized; the first is that ef the lady pateharged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowme.nville. 8·1y· of the potato orop, .But late planted pota- roneaaea whe reoelve the women on their . toell will not need ao m11oh atte11tion during release from 1>rl1on at 28 Plaoe Da·phln, the buay harve1t 11euon. The late orop oaa dfatributlog clothing or ration· of food to 80 Do! Gentlemen oCFa1h :: be dug and marketed when labor Ill oheaper, them, and endeavor to prooare employment ion, not so Cast. and the m&rlcet b,uaually bet&er, In order to for them, The second branch la the Billan· Is a powerful re-nedy tor thin hair, grey hair lntura a good orop all any time, · the gro-d oourt Atiylum, where tho children of the ave written these tewllnee and dandruff, wht\re the roots ot t he hail' ie not mu1t be kept mellow and 1eft, and a 1llghti prisoners are taken care of during their term And &ll I have to sa7_ entirely destroyed it will produce a ·heavy 1oratchlng over with a cultivator, as opper· of puniehmeo'- i'be third branch le that of ,fhat you can find me still at home, thick growth o! ho.Lr, it will likewise restore lam not gone away, the lady vialtor1, who laat yoar obtained the grey e.nd faded hair back to its former tunlty permlta. wlll have good re111tlta, l5CJ all my kind old r riends may oome, permlae1on to enter the prison and visit the color, and whero dandruff exists will remove And all the.young ones, too, it without i l atl. Testimonials by the hundreds women there. They can thna leam their Feed for Butter. An.d get their garments nicely made contlrming the good results of the "HAIR wishes, aaoertainwha.t work they are capable !PfaBhionsthat are new: MAGIC." It Ill not neoeuary to feed oiJy feod fer a o.f, 11.ud obtaln employment ready for them fliers old and young, dr.artrlends, ma:r mee' Manufactured only by .A. DORENWEND, large production of butter. On the contrary at their disohargr · sole owner for U. S. a.nd, 103 and 105 A weloome irroetin~. bv R. PE.ATE Yonge St.. Toronto, Cunada. food mixed nltregeneu1 with well 1eleo!Jed fooct ~~r:~····Fi·iie;mir:~~ rich in 1taroh and IJOOnliarl7 bvored For se.le by all principal drug stores. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Drugglets, fatty matter 11 preferable. It ls a faot th111t · Agents for ·wmanville, !l. olla taken Into the dlgeative a.pparatua are largely absorbed directly by the blood and are carrled, wlthvut change, Into the milk, thus givivg to tho butter a. flavor like that of the food, 1'11t when peas, bran, malt. sprouts, and other food rich In nitrogenoua ESTABLISHED IN 1847· . element&, and fat which hne an agrsea.blo Haver; are used with cornmeal or other It has no she.rehcid"ere to pe.y dividends to. starchy food, tho whole Is thoroughly well Managed by and solely in the lnterel!te of digeBted, and p11oss into tho blo11d and the WITH TEETH0 WITHOU1: TEETH milk In a cha11ged form, and net clirectly, the Policy holders, The butter is thus of a better quallty than - Us Rates are .Low. when oil are fee., The selection of PRA.CJTICA.L DENTIST, WILL CURE OR Ri::LIEV~ foed for dairy cowe jq a matter for the Policies non forfcitable an·l uncon.dttloaal, 'lVER TWENTY YEARS :EXPERIENC!ll, greatest aare, e.nd also for Individual experl· 13flTOU8Nfb"o, DIUINE88, ()usb Paitl every three years, ment. A good mb:turo of food for aows !J'ISPEPSIA, · Oxide Gas A·lmlnlstcred for ratnles !JROP8Y, used for making butter Is 100 poundo of !NDIGE8TIO.V, Operations. FLUTT£R!Nf1 pea.a, or Southern cew pea1, 200 pounds ef J11UND!CE. Joint Life Policies. OFFICE MCC.'LIJNG'8 BLO()K, OF THE HEA.'t1~ Though a double rish but one premium Is paid oorn, a.nd 2i0 pounds of fine whe6t or rye tRYSIPELA8, ACIDITY OF bran, all ground together. To eight q nnrh for two people. Amount of policy drawn THE CTOIVJ!t{J1'1 of this meu.I may be a.dded feur quarm of SALT RHEW//, on first death. DRYNE88 theroughly soaked malt 11prouW! and one of HEAPTB(JRN, OF THF ,v:m, cotton-seed meal for a fall d11.ily e.llowa.nce, Hl:ADACHE, Special Inducements to Total Absrointt't. dlvlded Into three feeds for a large full milk· And every spedcs o f dfgeast. arising frot11 disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS\ STOMACH. lng cow. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M A.JAMES, THE FARM. Ollle of the Team. WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING. ~mpleyed I!'. H. di .if S 0 JN, -DEALER I N - Cheap Life Insurance. 5 8 =-- HEAL TH IS WEAL TH. Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless ' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scuffiers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, . Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, M - Warerooms---King St., Bowmanville. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. P B B l1ZeMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSEREasily Managed, Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. 0 PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat R OLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE It has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL affached. 1 L Dr. DORENWEND'S ... J :c > A - M 3: THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. <;treat Improvements in 1886 Machines. '. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. 0 MORRIS &WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. 1 Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's P r ices and Terms. William. Pooley, Agent. Box f>O, BowmanvHle COAL!COA~ Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF'Y beg to announce that they ·~ave received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. 'We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 85. DENTISTRY BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., 1. M. BRIMACOMBE, A.SSE.TS O'\'ER $5,000,000,1 INCOME O'\'ER $1,000,000 $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern BOWELS ~F· BLOOD, She Had Been Fooled Too Often. ~orge, ·r~ MILBURN &: rm.· Propr.:;.~ HA RN DEN, _,L . D. S., Graduate of the Roye.I College o lDental Surgeonl!O Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICKi:50N'S STORE, .IOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ate work exoouted in the latest and mos' Improved style ot the Dental .A.rt. BETH EXTRACTED WI~HOUT PAIN~ ihe use o!Nitrou15 Oxide Gas, withoutinjury to tho patient. Partloularattentlonpaidtotheregule.tlonof CHILDREN'S TEETH. ,_..ALL WORK W .ARRANTED·.._ .F. A. JONES, "I am a lawyer'· daughter, you know, dear," ehe eald, after George ha.d propoaed a11d had been acoepted, " a.nd you wouldn't think lt etraoie U I were to ask · IN'\'ESTED IN CANADA, $600,000,00, you te 11lgu a little paptit to the effact that we are encageil, would you ?" . HE.AD OFFICE IN CA.NAD.A.:- MONTREAL George was too happy to think anything strange just then, and he signed the paper For particulars refer to with a trembling hand and a buretlng heart. E; L. LIVINGSTONE, Then she laid her ear against hill middle GENERAL AGEN'l', PORT HOPE veat button, and they were very, very happy. Or to a.gents throughout the county, '8-6ee. "Tell me, darling," said Georp:s, after a long, deliolQu1 sllenoe, " why did you want me to elgn that paper T Do you not repo1e implicit oonfidenoe In my love for you ?" ··Ah, ye11," 1he sighed, with Infinite oontent, ·· Indeed I do ; but George, dear, I Pumps Cheaper and Better been fooled 110 many tlme1," ment for benefit of polioy holders. Public Notice. The undersigned having bougM out the GRIST MILL of J. Stalter, Esq., and put everything in first-class order, is prepared to do a.ll kinds of Grtsting. I will guarantee to make the best ARNEOTA }?~OUR that is made in the county, al!! the mill has been fitted up especially for handling that kind of wheat, I have also put in a· Saw MILL In con· nection with the above, and am prepared to take in any quantity of Saw Logs. I have lowered the price of Chopping to suit the times. HEALTH FOR ALLI THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOJJIA.tJD, KID~EYS A.ND DOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated C!Jnstitutions, and are invaluable in all Oomplalnt11 incidental to Females of all Age11. Children and the aged they are priceles~;;·· , For 0f0D0 p Ufilp Factory, than ever, A. S. TOOLEY, 51 People's Mills, Kingston Road. Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Ol~UWounds, Sore~ ' . and Ulcers. THE OINTME~:~ .~. .. The Subscriber having built a large ne11 "Simpson," s11oid the managing edit.or, Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared ' 1 don't write auy more pathetio arti· ·.· , \ elee. I a9k you this for a per1one.l favor for -to furnish:· VETERINARY SURGEON, I am inclined to look on the bright side of life, and when I tho11ghtle11ly take up an ENNISKILLEN, ~ art1ole like the one you wro:e 111.11t nighL1 Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of why It topples me over the preolpioe o:I de1pond611oy and gloom, where I flounder for College, will attend to all diseases the Best Material, on the shortest not~c& hears before I can elimb up the rugged steeii of domeatie animals. and at the !oweat prices. and agaia bask ln the boa ms of the 1un," Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. .. '.Io whloh e.rtlole do you refer?" asked Simpton, "The one headed, · A D:ummer s Experlenoo with a B()ttle of Cccktail. " A S PE CI ALTY. WELLS CLEANED &REE.AIRED. "Why, 11lr, the.twas a humorous article," "'!'hat ao ? Well, give us some pe.thoa then. Sa.y, Simpton, 111obel 'em, please." C a.Us and Orders by mail or telegraph will r eceive prompt attention. 011 hearing that they were having an e~g CHARGES MoDERAl'E. ocsla.ble out West, an actor remarked that TO GIV'E SATISFACTION. O FFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. "' the egga were too soolable In some places out there, They right up on the otage A first·olass stock of Medicines always a word of Invitation. " " .ll ~~hawn~· . b (Orderslby Mail promptly attended to. without He (a few weeke .after marriage)-" Now, N . B . - ,, 1 v1s1t 1 iams urg every In making that Improvement In our house, Eaturday of ' 16-ly ' each week. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, we might uee to advantage a part of flhat twenty thousand dollars you eafd yon were Inordertointroduce our MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on hand , golng to give me after the wedding." She· catalogue of all kinds of Books, and agents' .goods, we will send 100 " Well, dear, as soon as yen place the 11lxty favorite comic e.nd sentimental songs and be.I· thouaaod dollars you teld me you had in the lads, a vast collection, for only 100 or 1 3c. bank to my credit. as yon promised me you stamps and this slip: A. W. ,KINNEY, Yar. m outh, N. S. ' would, I'll give you a third of It," La~lling Necessary. JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEON', GlA1.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has ~·~-:"rival; and foilt, contracted and stiff joiuta it acts like a oharlli', Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's EstaBii~hment,. '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STB.JttT), LONDON·' And are sold at 111. l!d,, 2s. 9d., <ls. 6d., lls., 22a., and 33e. e~~h.:Box or . Pot, an~, may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout ,we. -rl}'.:~rl,4·;<:~~ ·· ·Purchaaen should look at the Label on the Pot8 and Boxe~· rr. the i' 4dref.J Ill ». 1133. ttxford Street. London. the:r are A1>uri'i iua. . · - -- -- - --· ··:;. ..[? . For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, CJoug:..s; CJolds, It is fa.moue for Gout and Rheumatism, Fo'r 1'disordere of the -Chest it has no equal... .i·;,~, ' · .-,,:!." ·· , · PU. MPS Of ·EVERY DESGRIPTIOR Operations & Dentistry ALL WORK GUARANTEED 0 - ....... 11 SONGS R. FERGUSON. H onore.ry Gracluate or the Ontario Veterinary · 0 olleg:e. 'l'oro!'to. Registered member of the Oi;ttariu Veterinary Association in accordance with the Veterinary Aot, ' I~; prepared to treat all diseases or the Dom· estic Animals, according to the latest theories. All callf!, by 'l'elegraph or Tele phone will receive prompt attention. .1Mf'0.~'FICE-Main St.; Orono, one door nortb of \V, Henry's Store. CH.A.RGES MODERA.'l'E, ~·(' ~llEEMA:N'S . ·: \ · ~ ...,,.:{ .C..... - The most terrlble weapon of the American rooiallst b hie j1'wbono, He ha.s the e11me variety of j.lwbone, too, with whloh Samp!On did euch execution tho Philistines, WORM P.:CH1VDERS~ Are plcner.:ct to tnko. Co::itnin tho!r..owl.. Purfinth·o. Ia a. tm!o, euro, o.:al eLiecUz:f~. r!e11tro;rer oi wo1" ill Cbildrrn or Adnlt~i ·~

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