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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1886, p. 3

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THE LUIE-KILN OLUB. Th11re was an unnsaally farge attendance u th11 meeting opened, and it was whisper· BOOTS and SHOES. FRIDAY, JUL\ E 11, 1886. HEALTH. :For Neuralgia. Is showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of T oDga le the boot medicine that I have ever given for neuralgia, It. le ea.f.,, certain, pleasant to take, a.nd n1> dis11ogreeable or uii· pleaeant ·ymptome--effeote-follow It· atlm.lnl.tra.tloil. My attention was called to fl aa a remedy for neuralgia. about three yea.n ago and a11 I had suffered iateneely from neu~a.lgla almost yearly for more tha.n thir'J year1, I determi11ed to try It In my owll penon. I mixed the fl.aid ex+ra.ct with au equal qur.ntlty ef simple 11yrup, a.nd Immediately upon feeling the I took a large teatp<>onlul of the mixture, and repeated the don every half hour, until four doHt were taken, then I toBk a doae every hour undl three doaea were taken, and to my jlreat Ra.tilfaotlon the pain was held in oheok, l'Wew and stylish lines oC Gent's Furnishings. did not become severe at all, u It had al· way1 done before, I repeated thl1 oourM the n<>xt day and the next. The pain ma-. terlg,lly weakened the third day, ·nd on the fourth it came not-I wae well. I attended to my practice enry day, and ln the evel)· Ing felt pleaaaot ; indood I felt ao pleaaa.nt 16. that I think the tonga m111t have had an ex· ~Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. hllaratiog e[1nt· upon n>y nervou· eyfftem. Jn all fnrme· a t t11Cke I wa.s compelled to lie fD bed for about one week, anu was forced t.o ..a.IC.Ill opium every day ta mi'1g"t" the tu· rlble pain. Since 'liha~ time I havo preHoribed tonga In quite a miml>er of oases of n ..n · ra!gia with great 11uooet1s, I have 11.110 pre1odbed It In ~omo oase·, 1cemlngly vf a mix· ed chara.oter, Home neuralgts., eome rhettm,ly wbatu.tlam l\nduome I d(m't know e:X:'l.01 STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. arhap1 tha uoknowr.ble - wltn like auo~~l'l. '""Jhen the pa.ln i8 contlnuou1, a.a It g!llleraUy le In mixed c11>se11, I gtvo r. doeo e\'ery two houra i'uring the d ay, e.nd a'oout twice ~ ur Ina the night and if relief la not obt1.uneil We have all the best grades of within two d~ya, I focreaae the doae 10 that t Tr'_ Tr'_ '&I~ "' · MDI Qi R '!\'Ti' DTr'_B "l'ntD the patient will get a bot ti ve c;r ab: draob 1112 'IJ) f 1 of the fluid ext.i:aat In twtniy four houn. ~ ~~~~.t!!:. ~~~ ~ ~-~~ ~ -!:$r~~~~ I tetei:.m tong11. far above all remedies k newn that is manufactured. to me for neura.lgla.. Th11 time wa.s th·t the vory thought of ho.vlrg tbs dlaer.tie wu al· We have in stock kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, most a terror to m~, · iaow I dread it not. tonga out of the mediclae knawn as American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bra:p., Shorts, Oats and Chicken Tonga.line, and what remaiDB b not worthy Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausacres and of any oonsldera.tbn whP.tever. The firet Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experienc~ in the cue of dysentery that I mee~ with I intend Meat Depa1tment enables us to supply a quality unequalled~ to try tenga, for I believe tha.t it wi_ ll prove of great utih~y in moat oaB(l8 of diaee.110 lu The Grocery Depart~ent, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is which vain h a prominent foatm e. I ta effects en the nervous syetem oerta!oly of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals very peculiar o.nd powerful, whiph dem11J1d only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. for it oa;reful!(~tion. Your patronage will be thankfully received. ad fr o!!· «Jne to the other that Brother Gard· nn h~rt something on hia mind. His coun· tenal!"" h11od a serious look aa he t ook hie ~eat, ..nd during roll·oall he was . bugy with ~lett-Or. When the secretary had finbhed Ilia onll the Pru1ident aroae and Mid : "My frlendg, huh am a letter frr.m Ashe· dlle, N 'o th Carollny, inolosin' ihe purooed· ln'e of a late temperance meetin' held by ·ubjiok of temperance. Not a man among rou hPz eber heard me preach temperance. Some of yflu who war' drlnkin' too deeply 11.ev bin to wa' k obalk, bnt I ha·n'i forced my opinyuna upon you. I see my ~1dl 'd friends siyiii' In an' 1l;ppin' out of aa· loom, an' although I know dey leave money 1ar, which am eorely needed at home, l tiaven't · word of advice to give. I often ooeet a good man drunk, but I doan' chide !Jim. I Ees y oung men gwine to deetruok· ·hlla by de aid of whlaky, but I dOIUl' hold em haok, Why? Beka·e"la'· Advise anaakei a.m worih frown 11.way. SPilING .ANNOUNCE MENT. 'JOHN HELLYAR Takes great pleasure in notifyi ng his customers and others that his stock of Boots and Shoes is now very complete in every line -Men's, Boys', Women's and Childreu's. Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff :~1:.u~~dt~~0J1~uokt~ :~.., :'i~i::~:~ th~ :a: ATS, Also Fine English, Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices. l As I buy for cash, at close prices, I am prepared to offer you. -goods a t - EXTREMELY LQ\TT F!GUR.E SI VV · --A very large stoC'k of-just arrivfd and will be sold lower than heretefore. 01·dered worl.: and Rt>pairing receive prompt attent1011. Your cus101n 1·espectCu11y:solicited. B owmanville, April 21, 1886. ~ .!:ik..1:.0~nb!"kn~!!1!~n!r~!~~·t Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, ~'r?!ut " All dat I could aay or do fur a deoade of IUm.brellas, Rubber Coats, etc. v'arewouldn'&le1Rndenumberefdrm>:kard1 '>y one, De man who m·kea a praot1oe of glttln' drunk am, in my oplnyun, ao low down In his moral natur' dat Jii1 fellow·man had better let him fioiah da blznen wldouu lnkirupab.un. me 1ay a. few words to de men la dia club: "DJ ye know what a gla.18 of beer a day means? Thirty-five oenta ft week -a dollar forty a month-abou\ $17 a y'ar Nobody ~tone a.tone glaae, Jiat dat $34 a yeat. W hat hev ye got to 1how fur yer money when de y'ar eand1 I How much better doea yer brea.f amell? How much 1tronger am yermuaole? "Finy longya.'rsago, whenlwauebveboy on de plP.ntaahuu, I eaw a. apeoter. It bad hands whioh trembled, Ii had hollow eyea-a t<>othlean mouth-a face 10 dra.wn an' pinched dat a blue light seemed to dmoe a.roun'lt. h1b of de 1peoter, 11.n' an old mau answered: ·Ram I' "I hev eeen dP.t epeoter almou.11 1 ebery day since. It hae followed friends to,de lllta.r - It h1u jlned de fanera.l p nroeeahun when deae friends wa.r' buried. When men fust eee it dey cry out In di9guat but, little by Ii ttle dat grim, relentleBB 1pecter gilill a foothold, It Pi'to ycu on the back~ It walkB arm Jn arm wid you, It becomes a boon oomp·nlon, Da broken voice of a fatherde sobP of a mother-de of brothers an' slater1 do not reach do heart of dia apeo· ter. H has no bean- no soul. " I have heard it laugh ae de p oo' ole drunkard fell down io. de euew to freeze to del'.th, "I hev beard it exalt as do young man was hroogbt home drunk fur de fust time I " I hev seen it 1tan' at de oottage window an' d ance in glee as de brntal blows of a d runken father amete a aufterln' mother an' lunooeut chill'en. " I hev aeen It rldloul In' de yout h he would not be lod into temptaehun, " I look baok for t wenty year1 au' ask what has become of Ben an' Tom a.n' Sa.m an' a soa1e of others. Daad, alas I Hlw? By old age ? No I By accident? No I By dl~oase? No I They locked arme with ~he epeoter. Drink, an' drink alone wo.s respootible fur fo' out o' five deaths. "I look aroun' me to-day an' I B0!4! de sprnter seekin' new vlcilme. It ha.a victims Tr u n k s, Va 1i se s, Sat c h e 1s, & c. J. HELLYAR.. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. A , l ete S tO C k COin.p a l Ways m m LOOK HERE! Qll hand, MAYNARD the Jeweller, Has the finest assortment of Silverii.Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patt erns; a]so a full line in all Gold and S ilve r WAIT CHES. .All k inds of Highly nervous persona, tne victims of b y pochondrla, thoee suff<irlog from excemdve bra! all, those In whom thase conditions ar e tolmd In oonj <wctlon-ahould not, a· a geaeral r ule, be o.dvlted to try the seaside. A q :iiet lnland kc<\lity, or seme mountainous 1po' vf mod1>ra'li1 elevation, will be found t o suit t\ieir c:i.- better. The monotonous aspect ot the sea., and the oeaae· lets be!!-t of lta wa.ven, aro mentally depreB&lng, while th.e highly st1nng neiuo tic patient la irritated IDl!t~ad of bracod by the stimuJa.tlug effects of the 808' air, r.1to11e Who aTe j uat recovering f.rom a serious lllnelB, such 1 u pneumonia or tppheid fevi;;r, ahould not be sent prema.turely to the seaside, a.a an accesaion of febrile symptoms is frequently -~" · 11".!.""!!'.!'.td result. n Inland looallty I! ·;;i: o suita.ble during early con valeE cance ; , , la.ter on, nothing conduces .more to ooa1plete cure than o. resort to the seaaide. The marveiou·ly r estorative Eftacts of sea air In caeea ot sllgM general dt<bllity, In panooa of 1trumous bablt, and ln tho1e with famlly predisposition to 11hthlsis1 are well undentood, and muat not be regarded as ha· ing in any degree Impugned by the opinions exprueed in this ai'tlole, R~l!lrity. Mountain a.ud Sea. Air. Goods delivered to all parts of the town on short' notice. A. call solicited. Jcwellc1·y, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c.. · A full and complete line of Cas b :for Butter, Eggs, Rides, Tallow, Hect, Pork and all Fa1·m Produce. U. M. CAWKER,. JOHN" ALLIN. American Clocks~ f llM!l\8 ANtl 0Tll!l8 I D"On't fail to call at \W'"' 'ff ... W e have put a new LATHE in our work shop , which enables us to do all kinds of work in ou r line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. e-Call and get the correct time from the £nest Regulato1· in town~ If there ls one t.:lble law about whioh all peroonB are agreed it b th!Ali onr meMe should be taken at 1ta.tod. and regulp,r p 3· rlod.s. Paoplti may diff~r about vegetarlubm, abvat ewoota, about plea and cakea, about tea a.nd coffee, but l have never met a pe111on who would lneiat that rttulartttJ waa of no oonaequenoa, that It was Just ao well to take two me11ls to-day and live h · . morrow, to t dinner at one o'clock to-day 'hree to-morrow, and five next day. With· out undereta.nding the phyelologioal law all are agreed that regularity i11 important. A loog journey by rall doee not derange the stoma.oh beoau~e of the Bitting In an UD· ventllated'oar, for the traveler may oooopy a atlll worae place in the pnnuit of hie bu~ l neBB at home; neltber is It b 5cauae of the char11ooter of tho food furniehed a.t the rail· WaV lunch-rooml. t he food home ia Ot· ten worse; but the derangEmeot w hich nearly always comes whh the long railway trip h, In a great pa.rt, to be traoed to lmigularlty in the tlmee of eating. for at A Very Curious Oommnnity. E~rly In thla century a number of Gei:· mans, under the leaderahip of Geor ge Rapp, made a aettlement In P enn1ylvania, foor· teen miles from Pittf:bur~ . '!'hey almed t ~ lmlta.te the tix~mple vf tl:e Dhclples os re· b t ed m t he Acta of the ApJBtles. Ia ether wordr, they eatalllshed a commurl!ty having all thlr g1 lu commou, Tho family r elation was reg..rded for a number of years, bat finally the oommtinlty bec~me celibates and tho husbands and wivE.s llved ap&rt, As a oonecquenoe the mrmber~hlp beoame le·s and !tea. At one time ttey uumbered about a tll.ousand panona. All tha.t ia ldt ls about fifty eld men and women. The ocmtnon!ty proaptired in woolth while it dlmiolehed In numbe-ra, In tho piu t it.e manufa.ctm es were famou8, e~peci11.l!y t belr b w'l.doloths, fi1uneb, and blan !lets, SJme years 11go they bough.t some wild la.nd in 9 . · Pennaylvanb1 for the anke cf the timber It oont~lned, Subsequently this traot proved to ' · · · . · r be t he middle 1 f the vil beariog r ~glon. Havmg p urchasod t he H ari;iess busm~ss lately earned on by_ Mra .. HUMPHREY, Riches poured in upon the community, while h ope by careful att.ention to business, good workmar.sh1p, and tirat class all the time it is dying out, becauua It made material, to secure a share of public patronage. W e have in no r roselytes and would net C?r. n ' eaance stock and a1·0 manufacturing a large amou nt of famlly Ufa. VJ.slt ora t e the community tell touching storlei of tho hunger for ch1ldr~n which these ol:l men aud women sUll feel. Tho b.i.blcs and little onee '!"CO come to Harmony·, as their vlllage u called, are· W e intend that the reputation Humpbrey'R Collars have gained pas~lonately oarcosed und wept over by Collars a spec:alt y. shall be fully su stained. We are prepared t o furnish r esponsible partitis t hese oelibs.te communists. In ll"Hlh:ig It i s Collar s on api:;robalion . ·w e g uarantee eatisfac tion or no saltl. worthy of note that the ShakorH are dying We also keep in stock a full line of goods u sually found out In number11. They make few or r;o :prose· in a :lirs,t class har ness sh op, comprising 1ytee, and the only n-crnlte they get cli'ldren they o.dopt from the alma h ouaeB. / '!iistery of American 110cla.lhtlc exptirlln\...,tB, much a.a the Sh11.kera, the Eoonomites, and the Oneida Communlstl, would be very See onr Bull Hone Whips- som ething new. We have also in stock intereetlng reading, --·- .. T 0 D 8 R0 S ~ASON ERos· _ --· - ------- __ _ ___ _ ___ ---·_ . ____ .__ I Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe . rn IB w ~, ITl 1 fil· lf-rn IB 1rifr;t.~~~~:~:E~~r~~: :Et [I IDID] ~ ill l.! d&~ will command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the same is rer;pectfully look ed for. W e will take great pleasur.e in .sh owI - ing our goods. - it am not satisfied, It has a milllon widows, but Its hand le relentless, It baa made five mlllyun orpham, but de number --. - - an<l. see the--mua' lnorea1e, ·· De young man who putl liquor lu his mouf am holdln' a keen-aged re.zor t o his A.s usual our nevr. froat au' walkfa' ober broken g round, He stock of am etea.ling' away an' eellln' \o d e dram· ahope his reverenoe fo1 his father,- hle love A fresh stock of Trunks and Valises just received. for mot her- h ie brotherly feelin' fur brothers CA.NADIA:N, a.n' eutera. He am exohangln' honesty In· EN GLISH, dustrv a.n'de reapeck of his fellow -men tnr~COTCH & what ! , "Rum I A apecter walkln' beaide him wid A.MERI CAN CALL A.ND GET ONE. nolrelees step, A aerpent; lyln' In wid ~endly fa.ngs. H bllghta your mmbood. It h 2st rns ole alge. It d igs gravea fur heart· 1~ broken women and atarvin chill' en. ~ 8 ·· As I cnm down heah to-nlgbt I heard walls of sorrow In a house to which de ma.a· ter "ill nebM r et urn, Hu traded his all for ha V e opened out a splendid. assrrtment of new goods, comprising: &um an' de grim epccter walked to de riber and other Suitings iswid him a.n coo.xed him to j ~mp frem de t h e l a r gest, most wharf. Y()u oannot imagl c.e how dark de Prints, Ginghams, clouds hang ober dose left behind. Da vlc· comp lete and most V\rhite and Colored Muslins, tim11 of dat specter am !yin' about ua all fas hio n a ble to be if Death had been holdin' a carnival, Walk Canadian an'l Oxford Shirtings, found inWes±Durham. up and down the streets of any town or city White and Grey Cottons, In de l&nd an' your eye will tell you which household welcomca do specter an' whloh Sheetings. Table Linens, drlvea him away, What do broken gatea, Table Napkins, 'r owels, shatt ~red pa.lull, ra.gged ohill'en and bo.r' mean ? W hat do blows, screams, White and Colored Counterpanes, floors oaths a.n' arreste mean? What info' oases . White & Cream Lace Curtains, eut o' five, cooks de murderer'· pistol or We have the goods. To inspect is to order. Our p rices arn right. <l-Hwa his deu.dly koifb? What!iea Scrim, Cheese Cloth, · Our originality is inexhaustible.. hubba.Qda an' wives- broa.ks up homee- tilla Our styles command admiration. · Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. Gloves and Hosiery, our asylums and poo' houees? "lt h Rum I Dey talk of de deadly of war, but R11m kills ite hu:i.- ltif Call at tl1e cenh·e or Style, Beauty and Clleapness. Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k a nd Col'd Dress Goods. weapons dreds whar' war kllh its soore1. War res · ects de v.ig .~ d an' helpless, Ram de· lights in deir 11laughter. "I uy to vou, younq men, look out fur d11 fus~ temptashun. Ds specter &t<l.nda beThe 'l'aJ101·.., 1 tf hfnd you to drop plzlln la de glau. Men Canadian and Imported Cl ot~s, White and Colored Shirts, argy wid yon data of bear J<in harm no one. Neither kin it benefit anyone, Y11u Ties; Gloves, Co1lars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Socks, am blmply t ra.dln' off yor mouey fur mn· Braces, &c., &c. thin' of 110 aooount. It am a et1!p down hill. De man who t ells you he kin drink jiat ao much ebery day an' den let dll11k afon3 11m ba.ltin' a trap fur hi;iself to walk Into. No vicious habit eber yit stood s~ill 17 · on a man. It mua' gr:i1v er It mm1' be ohecked. H... ... ·· " ~ I.A V' 8 H"IA n ~ il\11 · E - (Q u~ ll~ ~ g ~ ro · DE n ~~e::e;! Fe~:!:~:~:~~ u'!d~:;1e1:~a~~~~ MAYNARD· The Jeweller.. 0 J:<. D E J:<. $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness. ' · Bull Bone Whips still take the lead, TOD BRO S, TWEEDS$ WORSTEDS W eN ever G e t Leftr Gent's Furnishings a specialty. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. JOSEPH I.JEFFERY, Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. J: (. E A.. · :o-y ill '- LIGHT AND HEAv·y HARNESS. l': L!on, de gallows. If, in de faoe of ' sartin knowledge, he jlnes ha.nds wld <le rp2cter, wh1 shall &l g :r dat he kin . ba turned back? Ebery arunk11.rd rl'ahz~a whlt c!e ra.nd will be. If he sm satisfied tthy t ho"ld de werld be anxu.s, l bev no day9 to devota to de M alvMhun of sinners who fool deira' 11es well 'nuff ·ff. nor to de rescue of mon who realiz ~ dat vach gls.u am anoder fence·co'nu on da highway to dejlradaennn. I has tlmp ly teld yvu how I feel a\Jt ut it. L 9t us go bum." \\l e have j u st r eceive'l a nice range of Lace Cur ta in va~y111 g· in pt·ice :fro111 60c. to $ 6 a pair. A 1·..eslt 01bcning· oC TabJe r. .inens cron1 25c. J)Cl' yd. u1· ; :11so 'l'ablc Na1)kins Cro111 7:Jc. to $~.:to p et· doz. It was follnd by exact me1r.1urement tbali a chimney near Maraeille1, France, 115 feet; high and 4 feet In dlametn at the top, r011robed 1o maximum 01clllatlon ef twenty lnohe1 durblg a high wind. --·- - BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. p ,.,f. N. S Sna1.,.,. la nthorlty fo; t he ~t..tnneut that 5!) 000 equu.xe mil· . B of t ..r r lto11y ea~t d th.a Mle·lu>ppl now ,;overed by BWl\mpa ml11ht ea-ily be drainad and tiuDe Into fer&lle lanl'a, Mr. Brown of San Antonio, Texa1, r.ngry and swore in the preaenoe of Mrs. W l11Ia.m1. She obj ected, and he cold her to help herself if 1he could. So 1he told her hunba.nd, and Mr, Williama at once loaded hhl platol, &Dugh· Brown, and found him eating enptier. "D!d you 1wear in my wife'· preaenoe ?'t uked Mr. Wllllamt, "I did," . for Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and 11orea of all kinds. 11n1wered Mr. Brewn. Thereupon Mr, Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m ·Wllllamt Mr. Brown dead. We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, new shades, which are on e and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per- yard ; also figured goods at 1 2~ cents. These are rapid selling goods and , will soon b e cleaned out. Our stock of Embroideries is also ve1·y complet e and will be fonnd t o be of interest. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up. As usual~we .A are showing a large choice in Cloths- English , Scotch and Canadian- and furnish clothing to order by the best tailors in town. ·

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