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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1886, p. 6

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He hMI dene bu11ineas whh them, he Hill : us, to euperintend Lfzzia In hu domestic MALL FARM FOR SALE.--30 r>nd they had ~nown him, at home a1·d open.t!ons. . acres of land having thereon good frame for ye11ora, He inaieted on payini,i 11o ab1eail, house, barns, stables and other necessary outMr. Ohelp's mlo.d still ra.n 011 my a.ffa.irs ; My qoul opprel!aedbuildings. young orcha rd of 4 acres, well wat---·---· -::.:=====:::.::~--===-==de,.oeit ; and while he wa1 settling thin and as tho evonlng wore on, h~ plied M r, And I desire what I hflvo long deaircderecl and fencArl. Situated j ust outside the Reet-only rtat. with my wife, 1m.d she was 1trttlng dol"n SJate. with very dtroct q1011tlon~. auoh 1.\1! I FRIDAY, JU~E 11, 1886. corporation ofnowmany.:.:.;,_~ W ill pe sold very the addreau of hh r&ferer.ce. which w,.s muoh wished to ask, but facked the courage cheap for cash. A pply to M . A.. JAMES, ' Tis h~rd to toil, when t.oil is almost va'n, ra.ther a. tedfoua af!, a.~ Mr. Cb.elp'd m~l "" 1o do, Mr. SJate w11a at first as vague S'l'ATESMAN Office, Bowmanville. 9-tr. · In b~rren ways ; ory for names and addresses did not appo"r with him aa he h"'d been with me; but nnder "l'is harl to sew and n"ver ge.rner grain, to be very good, Mr. S ·, ata seiiwd the oppor· the pre~snre &f the old .gentleman's repeB1ted ln harvest days. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR tunity of eaylng a few words In an under · 11'.'q'lirise, ha ev~ntually explained that hla SALE I N BOWMANVILLE.-A very The burden of my days ia hard to bear, comforta ble bl'ick house, nearlJ' new, contain· lione to me, CA TARRH.-A new treatment has been di~· frl ..nds were " general 11ogent a.nd mlBoel 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets a. n d suming But God k"ow.1 beat; .savered whereby a permanent cure of tins " '.l'his is a life I" he sald. " Y (IU have 1~ueouamercn11nta," who t>onght and s ..ld mer kit.chen , oxccllent cellar. Hard nd soft hi.tberto incurable disease. Is a~solutely affect· And I have prayed, but vain has been mf let ytur p1ao11, let it well, toe, I con· 7 , Situatprayer, water: very good fruit garden oft ac from a common Blotch, or Eruption, a ll kinds of gooda for all markets, h 9me l\'O.d ed in from one to three applicutwM, no mi;~t~r For rest-sweet rest. sider, tu an ald follow with no wife Ol' rufa- foreign. Anythln~, .anywhera, t hi y woulrl to tho worst Scrofula. Salt-l'heun1, t>d in the most arist1·ocratic pa.rt of m:;.,, town. ,vhether standing one year or forty years. Ih1s remedy is only applied once in twelve dap. t;lv~ to bother you er give trouble. Didn't buy it if it wu·a oheap and ~al~able ; ·md "1"evel'-sores"' Scaly or Rough Skin, W ill be sold on very reasonable terma. A pply in short, nll diseases caused by bnd blood are to M. A: JAMES, ST.ll.TESMAN Office, 9·t!. and does not interfere with bus_lness. Descnp· 'Tis hard to plant ln spriniz and never rea)l I yc-u your luok would turn ?-a.nd here wonld Hllll at nn.all011t pmfit to do b 1 unoee.e ~onquered by tM~ p owerful, purifying, and tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by 'rhe autumn yielcl 1 h's turnit1g Uko the tide, TeH your good qu!etdy. Tha.t, their b11Sinea1 being ra':her rnvlgorating medicmc. Great Eating Ul· «,, :H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, 'Tis bard to till, and when 'tis tlllcd te weep cers rapidly hertl u nder its benign influence. little wife to keep n p heupirlte. I aba.ll be peculiar, they preferred h oonduot h by Especially O'er fruitle~s flo!d. tn'Qnto, Cani.da. C . bas it manifested Its potency in WHAT IS .l.TARFH1 · round to monow night, e.nd I expect to see a.g,nt .· on wh0m they o<Juld rely-" Suob aa curing Tetter, Rose Rn811, Holle, CarCdarrh Is a dangerous dli!eaH~ which thous· And so I cry a weak and human cry, my frienda between tbia and then. I am our friend here, Mr. Mnley," he 111id-"to buncles, Soro Eyes_, Scrofulous Soros .., 11ds are consciously or uncons9wuslysulferlng So heart oppre.aed ; FmsT, -30 acres of lot 8 in the lat concession eure to something h tell you ; and ba.vln~ ll centr11! li:ti!e, aa other meroht.nllo and Swellings, H11>- .T o iu t Dlseaac, f rom. It is a muco·purulent d1schar~e caused And so I sign a weak i>r,d human sigh, 'Vhite S'vclUugs, Goit1·e , 01· 'l'hlcli of Darlington, lying immedia tely south of t11e b the presence of a vegetable parasite ln the while you 11re waiting, if a · five-pound n.ote did, They always bought fer r~ady-momiy, Neck, For re~for rest. nnd Enlarge d «Hands, Send ten cemetery. lfuing membrane of the nose. The predtspO·· Ui of any aerviae to }'OU1 It 11 ready a.t a me· which gave them a. c ommand. of the marlret, cents m stamps for a large treatise, with colSECOND.-The South HO a.ores of lot 16 in th o iiug causes are a morbid sLate of the blood,_the My way has wouT d a.cross tho desert yea.1.'11, ment'1 notice.-Comlng, rir 1-~ulte ready," ao far ~s noedy vendor· were concerned, HO ored plates, on: Skin Diseases, or tho same third con cession of Darlmgton, and the North blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison And cares infest amount for a t reatise on Scrofu lous Alfectlons. 3il acres of the South 83 acres or lot 15 ln the ol syphilis, mercury, toxomoo, fJ:;om the reten- M:v path, Bl:>d tnro"g ' tha tlowilig ot hot tears This was in an11wer to Mr. Chelp's ; and shat they oould otten obtain good1 at muob "THE BLOOD IS THE I.JFE." tion o(the effete matter of the skin, ~nppressed then the two !'oft the room a.nd the houae !0111 than tbs cost of production. Thia 11p· Thoroughly oleanse it by u sing D1·, Pif)rce·s same concession I pine fur rest, Ta mn,- The South 100 a.ores of lot 25 in tho gerspirations, badly ventilated eleepmll', apa".t· tagether ; Mr. Soate turning al the p!led u much to foreign manuf.r.oturer1 a· Golden Medical Discovery, and good ments and the germination of othei; ~oisons rn And I am restless still ; 'twill soon be o'er ; on, n fair 111kh1!!. b11oya11t splr- third conceeslon of Darlington, a1.1d the North· moment to ta11or ua with a grin full of iie Eogll11h, Whoa they gave ahort bllla to digesti H8, 11ttal strcngtb, ana sonnd11e11 or erly 60 acres of the east half of lot Z5 in the 11.!ie blood. Irritated by the8e, the luung mem· 1' ' or <lowu ihe woat meaning, same concession. · 'Orane of the nose is eve! ready , f ?r the roceJJ- Life's sun ls setting, atid I see the shore foreigners, they would ·lway1 dleoount co11stUul1011, will bo established. ti.loo of the parasit.e, which rap1d1Y spreads.up It n:ay be gueued that 811Un ud I tat All tho a.hove wlll be sold in pa.reels to eulli Where J. shall reot. them th('lli..Jelvea if required. They reukontb.e nostrils and down the fauces, or back of purchasers. Time for payment and terms will up for 1;;1me lhtle tlllle tti.lldng over th· ed on-. divideud of forty per cent. enry 'Che thl'Oat, causinl{ nlceratio.n of the thro~t: up be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, Foi: 1tnngo and 'Qnexpeoted ev'entl of aha night J year.·· llhe eustacbian tubes causrng deafness, bu" particulare apply to · whioh Is Scrofulous Dl11cnso of the L-OWing in the vocal cords, 00.llBing housene~s; of our good fortune In 1eouriug euoh a lod· D, BURKE SIMPSON, Tbe eya. of Mr. Clielpe twinkled and I.ungs, is promptly and certaiuly arrested UBtirping the proper structure of the - b~onch1a.l '1-tt, Vendor's Solicitor ger ; and what a good thlnp, too, It ""' glilltened more than avn a· he liiitened to and cured by this God-given remedy, J! t aken 1 tnbes ending in pulmonary consumption and ~hat he had not oeme a few day· earlier, thil, until fiaally he a&id, tha.~ the Idea. before the last stages of the disease are reached. de&th. f F rom its wonderful power over t his t erribly when he would been eu">j eot te all the Many ingenious spo!fics for for t.~e cure o s~med 10 good, so feua.ble, , a.nd so profit· fatal i'llsense, when first offering this now celOHA.PTER II. 1:1atarrh have been invented, but wt.thou~ suc· a.Dnoyuice and tnrmoll of tile sale. Wa able, tha.t having a gr~t dea.l of tim· on ebrated remedy to t he public, Dr. Pnmcm cess, until a physician or long s.tandrn.g d1scov· Acting upon our friend's advice, wid could now, poor Su11&n tho11ght, hla h1U1d11, and ssme spare capital by him, thought seriously of calling lt Ma "con· ered the exu.ot uatnre of th disease and the Has received her new stock ot ·utnption Cure," but ubnndonod that n11me o:nly appliance which win permanently destroy overborne perhaps by bu energy, we told H1paclally if l ooult\ contrive to ebb.In Beme he wae more tha.n half lnoltned to set foot as t oo llmit.od for n medicine wlllcl1, f rom Its Lizzie to the apptlo!Ult into the room In. employment, which I 1aemed likely to do c.l./le parasite, no matter how aggravated the (ID 1omeGhlrg of tho klnd himself, A~ thla wonderfu l combination of tonic, or strengthen- J , ·~ase. Sufferers should send stamp at once whloh we were sel\ted, which, bad e.s It w·u, tbroujjh the dlalntereeted kindness of Mr. Mr. Soate'a eyea twinkled 11nd glieteued lng·. nlteratlve, or ,blood-cJennslng,, anti-bilious, , · · · · l~or descriptive pamphlet ou. catarrh, to ~ht! wu by far the most preeenh.ble part of the Soa.te, 'l'.bis b.tter reDolleotlon of oeur11e pecrnra1, nna n ntr1t1vo propert1es,1a u nequaled, even more ihan tho1e cif the old gentleman lbu:siness· m anaeers. A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 heuae, The strllllger wae heard de11oendlng ~t&rted another subject of oonvenatlon, 11.11d ho old that, with his Influence, Ii wiu not only ns a remedy for consumption of the l!Z:tng st.1-eet, west, Toronto, Canad·. . Wh~t tfb/l Rev. E. B. Sle'venso· n , B.A., a Olm·oy· the stairs slowly, o.nd apparently with 'll\U· an(l we oould hu.rdly a..y enough in pr11oillo not lmp~Bllble but that Mr. Cbelpa m·ght lungs, but for ull ttian of tlie London Conferenceoft~ie Metho· tlon ; then he preaeniod himself a.t the open ot him. . Yet It was plain we had e&oh a se- be admitted to t&ke a small ·b,re iu info a..:st 011.w·ch of Canado., has to sew in regard OF THE .Wo A.H. Dixon & Son's New T"eat1nent for door, a'Qd, In obodience to my invit11f;ion, cret but very real dislike l;o the man, wbioh very bueiness, " A mGBt difficult thin~ to enkred a.nd t ook a. seat. He looked rJund we aooght to emother by 0<11ntlnual lo.nda· ba deno, I ·&aura vo11," said he ; ·· for t;h.,y 10a;ta,rrk, slowly upon ua, and then, fixing a largo tlon of him, It would ha.;ve been ungru.tewon't look a.t ou tillldors rui a rule-turn &'lt'l!.Y Oaklans, Ont:fBanada, March 17, 1883 dcuole eyegla~s upon his nose, looked again. ful In the highest degreo ta utter. a word thounndo a.Hflr thou~anda every V"'"'"· tha.t >iZfessrs. A. R . Dixon &· Son: and assortmefit ot DEAR i3ms,-Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. J:l.o was a 11tout man, apparently about sixty whlob. could reflect auy~hing but praise t1f peofb are a.lmoet gob1g down on their knoo11 Tf you feel dull, drowsy, d<>bllltated, bavo 1 .. Ji.t ueew.ed almost too .good to be true that I am years of 11>ge, fo1· hh hair; was gray, hie him-so we did not say it ; but we found and aaklng them to take, Yet, wltt> my sallow color of skin, or yollowlsb-u rown spots · mrl-ed of Catarrh, but I know that l am. I on fuco or body, frequent headacl1e or dlzzi· Y, had no return of the dtseas~, and never wb.lsk.ere quite whlto, and though at one ou~ that 'bo11ght UDfa.v<irably of him recommendation, parh'lips Bat h!JW m11c11 ncss, bad taste in mouth, i ai.<;rnnl lieut or cbllls, ,,. thlt better in my life. I have tried so many lime he must have been of puwerful, all the 11ame, could y en inveet ?·' ho said a.bruptly, nlternntlng wit h hot flnuhes. low spirits and !!!TORE :-Second Door Wos t W t lllamt '· ~b.ings for ca.tarrh, ~uifered so much . a.ud for he was now evidently somewhat feeble, as Well, the morning ; and punctually 11 N Gt a g r~at deal-not m ~re tba.11 eleven gloomy borcbodina;s, irregular appotltA, and Butcher Stall «ro many years, that 1t is hard to realize that we could judge by the m&rmer in which he at the tim') he had named, Mr. Chelpe coatoii tongue. you ure sutl'erlng from Judi· ram really h. e tter. . er tw11lve hundred pound·, which, hy·th.e· gel!itl on, Dyspepsia, aud 'J.'orpid I.iv er, I . ·cnaider tno.t mine was a very, It seated himself and groaned dlghtly as he &leo, clo11ely followed by a ema.ll va.n-loa.d of by, Is alrell.dy luvHtod," returned Cnelps, or "BHiousncss." In llluny cases only ·~ aggravated. and chronio,'invclvmg ~he did 8-0, furniture. We were pleased h aee tho.l part of these symptoms are experienced. As thi-oat as well · as the nasal passages. and I · " I am sorry to intrude upon you 't this faiii f1,1rnhure we.a a.ll in good cendltlon ; whCJ Eeemed by bla touo t<> aim It tho con a remedy or all such cases, Dr. Pierce's tlimught it would l'cquh·e t he tluee ;treatments, temptlble 11w1Jollnoa.a of the 1u111 he ·poke of. Goldeu f Uedlcal Dhcovery has no· 'uu:t r feel fully curecl by the two sent me, and time of the evening, madam," he be&nn ; wae, >n fact, almost or quite new, ae bright "All 1'he reft ill In beu101, with a. fo9v eqnal. · :Ii oJ:ri. tlrnnkful tha t :r wa~ ever induced to send "bu~ I noticed the bill In yeur window a few and ahinlng wat cvery~hmg. He explained,·rent11." For " ' eak Lung!!, SpltthuJ of Blood, daya a.go, when I was in th16 neighborhood, on our rema.iklng upon tills, tha.t hi· marri \Sltol'tnes!I of Breath, Droncbitl82 "Wull, nenr mind; I wlll see wh!lt I Sove1·c J;r.t,ilf~·acrn at Jibetl"Y to 'GSO this letter statln~ As I muBt ree!de somewhere in thie vicinity, ed Coughs, Cons111111·tlo111, ana l~,or eost nf nd v c 1 daughter whe h&d gone te Auntra.lla., 11 W i1eo kindred affections, it Is a sovereign remedy. 't.i Hi ng in n.n y IH rpcr or ·tb~(; \'.have be&n cu1·ed ut. two treatments. an can do o,bout It," returned Saa.ta. 'i she.11 gladly recommend your remedy to some I should have o~lled earlier ; but I WIMI not had furnl.&hed some roome entirely fer him, oa.u you get at your mQnoy? I ask, beoauoe Seud ten cents Jn sta111ps for l)r. Pierce's list of pnporn p uhl isliod in the llni!c<l quite certain tha.t l'n eld friend oould not juet b ofore she knew she wa.1 going, and ·l:.ll'. my friends who are sufferers. book on Consumption. SoJd b y D1·uggi1ns. Stat es Gt' Cn.i!:ida. ,;e nd to t1 1l~ ADV ERTlS¥ours, with many thanks, a.ooommodate me, I find n.ow Uw.t he oan- that her depi\rt ure was very sudden. He I know they miikinQ' a let of pnrchasea, !N!\ AnENCY of J::lJ IVI N ALDEY & B RO. , ltEV. )l;, B. S'l'EVENBON. 119 new will be 1ihe time," 6 not do so, eo have vontu1ed to trouble 1~u was as aha.tty M beforfl, having a nice ~ym· .f&' ~ bLA~ ~ud hundrecis of others " Al ~eon a.s yeu ple&11a ·after t1ie fint of Cin dmtl:riiti9/v "°' J>ff' ew 'f(H'k, pa.thlztng wa.y, which won very muoh upon - --- &t thiB Uil.USUi!.l hour," C ur. !; t h <C; !' 1 :ne b t.s., I l hU .N assau. 1Sf reet . nl\lxt month," reptiad Chelp!I -"That la not '\ "°Our ~·.N \: \V~)Y1 pc r Co_1111:iin a~ion:s," . :i. .hook o~ World's Dispensary Medical Association, OF TBANKS.-To the ~:I~na: "All I I a.m afra;d, sir, that an unfol'tu- Suwan, who was li!reatly ta.ken with him. , very far off-What did you oay your t5f) pag-1~ ~1 .. ~n nt:um 11 g pnc~: s . o t :~d vc1·tn.;m1z fu~ . ger -0t the Fire Insurance Aesoc1ation. nate change ha.s put it out of my powar.- to Tho depo11i~ he had left in my wife's firm's Wall ?" Proprl~tors, 003 lllaln St., BUFE'.l.LO, N . Y. i :1:;t n 1ctio11::: , ctr~· , f; .!11 LC1. 11«...:ec 1p t o( 1oc . Our Am. "'nt I hereby return thanks for the prompt ofter y cu 1uttable apartment;,," I replied, bands had enabled u1 to pnrohase one er It waa c< tha.t Mr, had not ·Vasment ·(by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingham, " To be tra.nk, sir, I have now not en~ugh two nocee"itioo, i\n.d even luxuries ; and in 1 msntloned anJ nam6 ; a.nd ho advl.eed t he '!hr my loss by fire. caused by a spark from a f l f If '- t d · b l bJ ·ot.eam t>hre&her, having got payment for c~m· urn ture or mylle , wH ea O· e ng a. e the evening Mr. Chdpa joined u1 a.t te11o, and old g.atloma.n not to go any fu rt! with 1 \~'t"ce"'$ tents a~ market.price; no~ or !! payment like to apare 11ny for my lodgers. While I had wag oo ohoor· ! ul In hie conversation, and BO hill mq alriee at preeont, until ho knew ' fl ec-e on theDominionGra11gePohcyto tenants. been spea.klng, the uld gentleman had drop· fall of ci.ueer Ht~le ~~odotes, t hat he qui.ta whe~het there would be ~ny cha.uoo o~ hie 'easa"" LIVER ~;.fonrs g.r·atetully, Tno_s. H.i.Rms, ped his, an.i now, ere replying, he led u· PJoWa.y from ou~ own troubles, untoil he U'\"~a'9\'10 38 mouoy beinc umed, But Chelpe by t}1fa time !Jly.rone, Sept. 11, l8Sv. felt about for it In a helplees way, which bror1gllt them b;r.ok by asking, but in a very ~\.\.ei.5 wa1 In no mood ta be put oft' or 4lV&ded, and '.\R D OF THANKS.-To the Mana- would h ave been lsugh&ble if it had net nice way t oo, wh<J.t I thought of doing In he determined to their ~amee, if only AN'!'T-BILIOfJS mul C A THARTIC. · ger of tho Fire Insurance .Association: been somawhlilt pltlfu1 too, Adj a&tiag It to the future. I told him that so far aa my t o wbh aucoe8e f;{J the ventnre, Sold by Druggists. 25 cents a vial. S iR, I hereby return tlianka for the. prompt his eyes again, he looked at a.a .for a mo- own resonroM a.nd h:;iluenoo were oonoerned, "Bllnn~r, W fll'(g!, and C.1.rrowb!e, that's fil'8Qmont (by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham) ment, then : " I den't want furnished I ha.d little pro1i)11ot of doing llDY g11od, but !'.ol' m:; Joss by fire, caused by a spark from a apa.rtmentP, I ought to have explained that i;, frieud~an entirely new friend, in- them," H&td Mr. s~11ota a t last ; and then he owe.rnthresher,havingreceived the full amount that at first. I have not long come home deed-Mr. S :at.e, the gentlem11n whNn he went on to !':xplaln th11.t tho time n~wed by .,1 f my insurance IN GOLD on the occas1o;i of my is orrered by L lle proprietors Mr. Onelpa WIMI the most 11uaplolous he ~·olden wedding. Yours thankfully, 'IHOMAS from abroad ; and my only daughter, with h!!.d setlD 012 the prev!oua evening, htr.d moat of Dr. Sage's Catarr h Remedy could po12lbly have oboaen for his mou~y to Ja.RDINE. whom I have been sta.y!I>g, baa now goD.e to generoUDly, mos1; unexp~otedly com!l for· for uf catarrh which they 38 cannot cure. 't'y r:one, Sept, 11, 1885. Australia. with her husband ; lea.ving me a ward, and had almost llbtalaied the promise be acmlpted, a.nd thl11 being tile. c1ue, he If you have a d ischarge f rom would not 1013 a day In breii.klng the m"tter little farnit.ure, In ca11e I like t~ keep on of a sltul\tlon for me, A.a In duty bound, t ho nose, olfcnsive or otherthe house, .But I don't like it ; it won't 11ult Sueu.n and I broke inte pra.ise of Mr, Soa.te, to his firm. This S? delighted Mr. Chelps, that be In· me at all. I want a quk1i lodging with a imd tQld how he had been au entire sbacg· Formerly Known as !,he" Soper Mille. ') small fa.lnily, where 1 oc.n furnieh my two or, a.nd how he w11.1 tho only one who ha.d slated upon havlni;c a friendly t.tlaH vf aome· roollll! ; taking my meals by myself, or with anything like a. friendly feelfng towiorda ua. thing hot, whioh waa lmm<!diately eent for, '""HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· ·ho fa.mlly, as I please. I 11rn a., quiet p er · While I waa talking, and while Suran waa and actu11.lly proposed to Bing a avng, on con· ~r '" dltlon that Mr. Seate would help In the - 1.0UGHLYrenovatedand put In order.under eon, · I think. ra.ther an inva.lid, but no Will, te make room for 8pring I mportations , talking, Mr, Ohelpt1 llqtened with i:reat In· choru·. Thia the ln.bter uuhesitathgly pro·~·Iro:wn special supervis!on,for the purp~se o1 offer for the next 60 DAvs, t he wtvli"l of litristtng ana manufacturing Oat Meal and Pol trouble ; iwd I am willing te pay you rent tentue88 ; but It wae difficult to avoid a mieed to do ; and M.-. Oholpe begw " My -his immense stock or...: JSa~ley and we are now prepared to receive for my room9, a.nd thirty &billings a. week smlle when I eaw him put up his double Pratty J a-:u," and 11ang - It tbrougb,. while 7f «:11'.<lle"e trom all our old cttdtomers and 01 hor~. for my bc!l.!d," HI.I! tumbled down eyeglilol!ll, u thouiih he listened with !t ; and Mr. So~11e rep11ated the last part of eauh vene ifoc \VOrk, and we gurantee to irive t?-em who Hoots and Shoes, f.'.nlr1rnt us with the entire sat1sfactlon. onoo more, atcd wh1le he was fumbling for 't then, when it fell off, as It wa1 continually in cn1janotf9n with him, &1 a. cborua ! - A ' l' 'l'HE O&tlf &nd other grains ta.ken In ox:change for -for ho did not seem 11oblo to do 10Uythhis doing, the helplesa way i1.1 which he would Anything more a.wfnl; in the w11oy of singSliJ·IJers, Rubbei.·s, !~li.t111r Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· without it-S;ah nudged me with his el· i.rropa about for It, wa11 more comlo11l still. ing I never heard ; I s tJ. o ald think nothing lll\8!11.v me 227. bow, and gave a knowing wlnl<,-" I We raised our voice· ai firat when 1peaking moN awful onr was heard. Then, e.fter a T1·unks, Valises, &c. thought it he1Jt to expl11oln that I 011.nnot af· to him ; bo' ho told us there Wall no occaford very high term.., ml>.daw," o<>ntinued sion for ·his with ua, a1, when pereon1 spoke little m:ire diaou11ion of buainees mattera, ATMr. left, with miuiy e. shake of the the old gentleman, addroodug my wife, "in clearly and dlat.inotly, ho could hear them C.Tontinuea to do 11. General Banking Jilnsiness order to stAve d iscu,sion. I h11ve m"de a much better than be oeuld th11t111 who bawl· hand from Mr. Chelp1, and proteata.tlons of sBe wmauvillti Branch. memo. oi two other addrcsees whfoh may ed a.t him. Ha wiw very muoh intereeted in the warmeot frlenasnlp on buth sides. I tli!nk I h!\ve the.t Mr. Cheip'd consuit, but aho\lld prefer to cloee without fur- eur acot.unt of Mt. Seate, in whom he de· DEPOSITS Clothing and any a mount of sui t s A.nd te prepared to execute all ther trouble, as, boing an Invalid, I do not olared ho had ta.ken an intereBt at fint verntlon W!l.8 on thle eveulng more ~ha.n ~eeived in Savings Bank Departmentand, usually oheerfol and interesting ; but disent out every day . OM'e i..b , ui much w orry. Thete i~ my card, ·a&~l and interest allowed at curr.ent rates. No 1lght, ·m~tice ofwithclrawal necessary. A.11 deposit» Hfi haudt d to Mr. So11.te, who sat n earest Very aoon. after this, the latt11r's loud rectly Mr. Seate ha.d left, he aeemed to fall l;l9':ft>.ble on demand, to him, ..,, cii1d, from which the Ja.tter read knock was h~ard ; and then Mr. Saa.ta was back into his nature.I manncT. No ~folng on tho shortest notice. 11oloud, "Mr. Ihnlel Chelpa," and then palll!- immedfately sho;v·n in, Mr. Chelps rone ns thls, I did net nnd my llkin~ for Mr. Soi.te Our Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, EXCD/lNGE the very latest styles. lncre:ued; In fa.ct, it wa.s ae machaa I could ed It to mo, he ont&r~d, and after a very friendly bow to ··n:O'.ng:lt tan d sold and Drafts issued upon Europe1 " Mr. Chelp?," ' exclaimed Sea.ta, a1 if the vidtor, ff~ii to us : " I shall be down do to avoid thoroughly dinelia!iir g him, In U'ni.ted States and Canada, also Gold,Silverano atruck with a. eudden thought, "a.llo'lf me spite of tho ber.E-fit he waB confoir,1·g upun again in a few minutes, Mr. Matley, when, l\!J,u itod Sta~os Greenbacks bo1111:ht and sold, to eJhr you some refreshmenb," Mr. If you will allow me, I will sit for half-an· me and the tiouble he was t11.kwg In my be neatly and promptly attended to ; ·having none Ohelps ·tui-nmg his head a little towa.rds hour and have a chat with Mr. 8011.te and hali. but first-class workmen employed. FROM $2 UP. ! COLLIECTJONS (70 BE CONTINUED,) him, said : " Will you ploaee to speak a yonl'llelvea," Of oourae we a.U eald we S-SATlii:F A CTION GUARANTEED,"l!;ji 'l?'~omlltly made at current rates upon all part trifle lender, air ? I am unfortunately a PLEASE 'l'O CA.LL AND EXAMINE should be much ple&aed if he would j iln· ~t Gt'eat Brittain, the United States and Do little hard ot haarhig." ru, Mr. Soate proba.bly being the most em· . D. DA VI mi nion of Canada., The Fruits of Cana.da. Seate loudly repeated hla Invitation ; i~ phatlc of the three ; s.nd t oe old gentleman E xpress Office Building, Telegrap~ Transf"er' N, B .-We liave d isposed of our stock was ea11for for him to speak loudly than In toddled 11lowly up-eta.Ira, Th.ere 111 en ol<t uylng the.t the re\lOid ef Bowmanvillo, Feb. l 1886. Made £or largo or small sums on all parts ot 11 snb'lued key. ai;rloulture in a E11rcpean cou11try is often of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS . IVES, S.;,ate n~tened to bis retreo.tiog footqtepq " No, tlr-nrJ, sir?" retm·~ed the other Giu1a<ia. Thia is especially advantageous to t~ e. hq~e extent I\ 1ecord of ita genflral h ie(le"1l:ona living in Mamtoba or the North-west wlth·a. sii.d smile. "You have brandy there, with a knowing look, until he wa.e Sitletied tory, How mucll more s o le It with Ca.nsd11o o oposite the Salvation Army B a rracks. -:n-e: tt makes the funds available at onqe at the I think, and the doctor a won't allow me to Mr. Ohetps wa.s out of hearing ; then turn· ··1 Jlaee of payment, Ing to ns whh the grin and wink so cuawm- where tha lllass ef yeom11.n hrmera lo the touch anything but sherry;" a.ry with him, er:>Jd ; "You'vo get the old very backbone of the la.nd, a.nd where to ' li!"ar further pinLlculars call at the BanklDR " Then, it'· juet the thing !" cried; boy all right then ?-You will o.lwa.ya re· their a11ooe1e is ma.inly due the prrgrue of "liJilm;e. " for tbla la sherry, and the befit you'll find collect, Mra. Matley, that I aaid at the first n ~tlonal lnduetry and o~mmarce. To &gJi· 'l'. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, Accountant, Manager within five mllea from this pl11.oe, I'll bet." moment ·he wonld do,' " My wile a.saured culture prominence la therefore very propn- Please to call upon her and you will see 1'he old 'guHleman sipped the wine, him ahe ehoald remember thh; and ly glv~n In the C.i.n:i.dia.n section o! the Col· ·Iv the pret tiest stock in town smacked his lips approvingly, and ae.ld : then Ml'. Soate propoaod tha~ we should onla.i E xbibltloa, aucl It la le but natuul "And now, sir, we wm proceed to bnsl· aih down and talk business, t r. at, coming t-0 treat in detail tho dlsp'ay of nel!fl,-1 do not see, madi.m, tla.~ tho misforOrn11da.'s roaouroe11, the group should first He a.t once said he had seen the friends claim a.t~entlon. £he produc'Gll nndnr thl~ tune to which Mr. Ma.tle7 referred noed frDm whem be hoped eo much, and that make a.ny difference in my plan!, I e.m iw head fall i uto five olaasea, na.melv- frnit and old man, 11o11 you sei:>, and moraty want to be t\lf'y were quite wlllfog to lmg:lge me, eo vrgo::ables, cereals, farinacecu1 products, thi>v I might exp~ot to hear frem them in a dwt1llinga, ntenells 11nd fertlllaere, a.nd m acomfortl\ble. I want, aa I Eo.i.d, to live where I can either mix with the family, or few days. If I did jdn tboro, I slionld chinery in m otion We will epr.1t firstly find it uomew hat be~~er than drnilglng on shot myaelf up In my own room, juet 1u I cf t bo fruits, and lea.veto anolher occasion in a mia<ir~bl0 dliJe aa clerk. Hie friends please, I shall gh"e no tr11nhle ; and though the. trentment of other claseee, '!'ho under·igned bc~o leave to intimate to the I oo.nnot affJrd more thP.n I ea.Id, u.~y money did not go !n muoh for clerks-no, no; t hat Tbe fruit exh·bits for the m ~et part people of Bowmanville :md vicinity, that he w~ s cot their On h<!a.dng thfo, I ni.tbas opened a new Uaruess Shop on King St.. , ls safe. I want to eetule my plans to night ; ~r 0upod rcund the agrlcnltural ttl)pby In opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables, and I must hone~tly own, that from 1mme 1ui;lly luqulred In wl1~ t "thtite ·g~me," as t h<i ..,..& tern tra.neept of t ha central g e.llerv, . where - : POSIT IVELY CURES :he will h ave constantly on hand, a nd little Information which I obtained in my he styled it, conshted ; but a.l'flhuugh he 1'nd will ba fcund t& comprise some 1 .000 ma£e to order, Harness of all kinds, viz.: first inquideo, a. weuk or 80 baok, I ahouJ.d launched out Into> coplona prai&e o1 their j ~rs. A1Y1ong t 111m1 will be seen rn\iQtantfal -:B"Yprefer to come here to anywhere t.lee I libera.llty, and adoolr~tfon ol tbEJlr oxten- applea ( f every ve··iety from the eastern Heavy Lumber, Farm, heard of, believlog I ahould be more eom · ~lve tranua.otfons, I could not nnderstand Pruvinces, the la~olQn& Olltcoor grap~a of whe.t hind of lu ·in( B~ they 011.rrled on, or QJ.abrn and Onterlo faughing to ecoru the Express, #:#'I 11.m fully prepared to.attend Funerals on fort!lb!e, i!te dtertest notice, at tile lowest possi blo rll.t.e8 Jnnding him stlll wiillng to go on·-,,· ith what p articular 111tuatfon I wa.g ltltflly to Britisher w'.hoee ohiaf kn<Jwl&dge of Coach, and <C'a .skets and Burial Cases ready on short notic~· the nep,otlatlt~ne, I a.t 01100 my fill. Yet hfl kept on talking about the, Canada. ae('me to relate h the sncw-sl:oe a ud Light Double H arness. );'~lut-class hearse on very moderate term1· a.nd oongutul;,.ting me upon my go!>d for"8'11.mmiis and Cottlnaconstantly on hand. Furl' a.n:xiety to obhln a ten11,nt, and although h~ tune in r.eom iog a pnsitfon with them, a.nd Ice p\, tile nany·tlctad peaches, plume, and qulnot-s, a11 well a.e plnmp cherrits Fine Single Harness a specialty -~re.I cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & asked a few q ae11tions, Mr. Chelpo · no dJ.ffionlt!Es, r.nd It wae armnged th1Jot he ghmoing at the confidence they r eposed l!"Ooseberi i eo, oraul:errlBll, and endlees other · Rooms- Bounsall'sNow Block. in him, as thowu by th~ir accepting "' ~m all fruits, cultiva ted and ~lid, ropre~entr IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ,,_·. -~· ~ ..... ;;.~.;. -im;;Ma;;;;;;;;;m9memmiiiwwi&ilia·rii"~· &fh ould_ ta.It edu p hiTs q uarlera wflthhus ohn the stxangJr on hfo reoammendation, until I c --· o11owll!g g.y, he eueot o t e e erry Ing almost ov·wy s ~ction of tho D ominion, ,,l Jar:.r;u stock ofColl~u·s of ever.r 1l eNcrl11t1011 up11n him was to open out hil! heut ; for ho heard Mr. Chblps's slow h1mberlng step ap- from Prince Elwn.rd I~hnd in tb.e eaat t D uhvn:rSt on l ·nufl, n r c n s t.01ncr s cn.11 have lben1 nl1u le to oa·atcr on s ho1·l;cst· 11oti1~c. d !atant · Vacc,uv·r Is!nnd en the Pacl£c. grew so loquaolone and dfo~m·alve, that with proaching, I called hia attention to th!s, and sllld :.foovm in muHeo.m ja.ra, e~oh l!\belk d with Finest stock o f Horse Millinery e ver; shown in very little anoouri;ge.nent he would have A few Boxes will cure an:v caee Of :&_ · town, including : tter go np staira In- tho 3am~ of tho gwwor a.nd loco.Jity o( told us all about h!s mtnr(od daught<1r who tbll.t we perhaps had b& pepBia, simply by taking One Pill every ulor1 cUsm.,,ntled as It waa, for a growtll, li\Dd prooervad e!tbcr in hydrate of ROBES, he.d gona to Auatnlla ; about tho late Mrs, to the p1 night on i:etiring, 'Fhey do not l ose their BLANKF:TS, Ohelpe, on whoao wort.h he dilated, a.nd t o short time, in order tha.t we might for a. chlore.te, beroglycldde, or aulphurnu~ acf.i FLY NETS, efiect like otha;i: l"illi;, who80 memory he wiped his eyes ; and tow mlnutca more ~pau,k uninterruptedly. - ·for all three 1olutionE have pro ved m ost WRAPS, WHIPS, would, I believe, have farnfahed UD with Seate reflacted for a.n instant, then OX· use' ul-the exhibit would be a revelation t o BRUSHF;s , ....,, _ complete b iographies of ev.. ry r()fatlve he claimed; " 0 no, N aver mind the old fol· mo t C inadla.n f'y ea , · v en t bough acq uaint· \J10M BS 25 Cents per B ox. had over poascaaed. W o Q:ot rid uf him low I I sh11.n't say a.nything t ha.t I don't eel with the exh11iutive collcctlona ahow11 Five Boxes for $1 and everything in season. want him to haa.r. I uhu.n't lot him know at B o1toninlS73, und at Ph!la:ielphla In 1876. TlllRTV P IL LS ,_ IN chiefly through the tact of Mr. Seate, who , A BOX. he was going to the 6troot through too muoh, l>elfove me, Besides, he le rather Still more must It attention a.mong he many thousand visitors to the. pr_esent l which ran the omnlbua the old gentleman good fun, and I like to wa.toh hlm.-Huah I l1 SQLD BY ALL, Dli'UGGl$TS. wish«Jd toca.toh, and he offeredhlacompany, here he le. H" I Mr, Uhelps," ho cried, E.x:hlbltion, unveueil as thu of PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, with an auumptlon of the heartie1t good· them are in the productlveneQ B of the D,,. which the other very eagerly accepted. f Mr, l 'help11 having no friends In the vi· fellowahip, 11e the old gentlem11n eniered minion in this respect. " What, de you Satisfac tion gnarantcecl. I ntending purchasers 1 will do well to give me a call. Having bougbt mean to aay that all these fruit~ come from nil olnity whom he oared about troubling In the the room, " hew are you now ?" goods of the latest style and best quality, Mr. Cbelpa, aa he oams In, answered the Canada, tba.t ioe-hennd oenntry ?" asked Oll<l for oash, I will be able to give customers the g·ve us the name of a firm Borne· · ~' eO. · . · . ., wh.e re down by the Decks as referee1, I s11olutatlon frankly ; and then Mr. Soate vhltor bat wtek: ; and his exclamation ex· benefit. .~Newspaper Advertising Bureau, Bay " 1emewhera down ;" for I did not lJrooeeded to repeat the informati en he had p ress ·e tbe very genPral feeli :lg of surprise 10 Spruce St., New York. take ahetrouble, aa I c;ught te have done, j llBt given to 111. While !<lr. Soate wr.1 that mrut be arou1ed by !O admirable a. dis· Bowma.nville, May 6. 1886.--... 19-J.w I i:Scnd 10ot:1. tor 100-Paa«· Pamphlet. , ef going there to ma.ko the p1oper Jnqulrle.111, ielllog all thh to Mr, Chelp1, my wUe left play,-[Caaadlan Gazette, L9ndon1 England, ~.anndinu Jtatr,antnu. Rest My feet are wMried Bnd my hands are tired, S CATARRH. CURES All HUMORS, B Valuable Farms for Sale. MY NEW FRIEND. CONSUMPTION, 0 llSS McTAVISH GQ Q D S CHRONIC DISEASES and :i:nvites .the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern liver, Blood, and lungs. BONNETS, _ HATS of TRIMMINGS [~win A!Oen& Brn. 1 PRICE $1.00, fl:u C A RD I LITTLE PILLS. ~~:r~:::·1;'~~"1~i:;:: B';':~\~'~:··:!:::}\"~~,:;:~:2;,i:t~~~J~r~~ . C $500 REWARD GREAT 6 0 DAYS' CLEARING Sill~! D. D AV~I Caledonian Mills. s- BUSINESS BOOMING THE ONTARIO BANK Eclipso House. ---o--- Greatly Reduced Prices. ORDERED WORK ....., .. READY-MADE CLOTH ING REPAIRING s, WORLD'S BEST I . ~c See the Best Value in Town. W. H. I VE S. WEST'S NEWI-IARNESS SHOP ---o--- ~LIVER - UN DE RT AKl NC L EV I MORRIS. PILLS · DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. 1-\.DVERTISERS .,..,a · n· learn the exact cost of any proposed line of · ln · A n1ertcan · :aciver t" 1s1ng · PaperS bY a ddfeSStng REPAIRING ___ :oo; 'G p R · owell & Co ma"", J0hn c w est &Co. PROPRIETORS, J. R. BRADLEY, TORONTO. ·

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