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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1886, p. 7

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Dca:atM Romm THE WORLD. FRIDAY, J UNE 11, 1886. Portsmouth members ef the crow of the Only $1 By JllaiJ, Postpaid. famous war-ship K earaarge at the time of ILLirilTJU.'J'O"I~ ~..LUPLES l'REE NO A.LL, ber bBottle with the AIBobama are planning to oefobra.te the 22i annlveraary ef the fight at Boston, J nne 17, The snapping of a dog at her Iega, t hough We are n o w £nis hing 30 o f tb e best C u.rri a ges a n d B uggies evei; mad& no bite was fnfi!oted, 110 frightened a llttif in this est ablishm en t , with best g rade of Wheels, Steel Axle1:1 and best St eel Sp1·ing,e, girl in Ndw H aven the othor day that ~h« On 3-.ot the greatest mystel'fe3 ·of life to t rimmed wit h t he b est stock well painted. We are _ getting out became Ill, effusion d blnod to the hoad en· me, and ene that atlll remalni 110 e.fter ened, and 11he died In conVlllsfons before muoh thought and study on the rubjEict, ie momlag. r jll8t how aome women mangge a husband A G1·ent Ue1llc11l Work Ou lllanhoo11. The so-ca.lied pe:mnt faotJr1~". of Norfolk, BO charmingly, while others make snob dole· Exhausted Vitality: Nervous and Physica E very Board war ranted to b e made of the b est St eel a nd well tempered. ful fallnrn. I wa.11 a visitor on ona occa- Debility. Premature Decline in Man. Errors Va. 1 handle and put on t he m!l.l'k at a. ml!Uon an d a ·n · cert~;h hoiluhold, which I will of Youth, and Lhe untold miseries resulting half dollua' worth of plJlUlntll Eaob Blon l We are also g ettin g read y a stock of MOWE RS, imp roved a nd second ~ ~ from indiscretion .or ' exce~sea, A. b'boki for not name here, where the man ef the hoUlltl every ma.n. young. middle-aged and old.. It yet<r, The factory ii simply a cleaning, pol. to none in t he ma rket. They will be ready in good season and warranted to d o good wna not an objeot of the oolloitude Oil contains 125 presc_riptions for all . acute . and ishlng, a.nd sorting est11obllehment, a.nil tho work. We are also mak ing a number of HAY TEDDE RS, which will also be ready the pa.rt of rr.ny member of the family I In chronic dhetwes, each one of which is i nvalua- work f.!I all done by m11ochinel'J, in good season. T hey have been t ried by some of our best · farmers, to whom w~ ble. So found · by '.Author. whose experience fact he was dmply tolerated am !lo sort ef for 25 years is such as probably never before While a yoUJ1g woman wa.a being taken In r efer int ending purch asers. We ar& also draiight-boree to keep the fa.mily ma.ohlnery tell to ~he lot of <>ny pnyeician. 300 pages. an expreH tra.ln from Beeton to a reform inovina The Impression seemed to pervade bovud m beautiful French muslln, embossed 'l ' covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work uchool the other day she eluded her guardian the mind1 of wife IUld children \hat he in every sense' any other work sold in this and j umped through a window wh(ie the at&yeddowntownallday "having agood countryfor $2.50,orLhe moneywillbe r efunded t I tf n d Th t · t which has gained a. good reputation i_ n this locality. time" telling etorlee and having lnuumer- in every instance, Price only $1 by mail post· ra n wu !lo u epee ' e ra.m Wl'8 8 0 P· able "nipa" with 'that mysterious "othH baid, Illustratives saruple free to any 'body. ped, but no girl WU found, nor haa been P low P oints of every description by the ton, a nd m ade from st eel, w rou ght iron, &to ' d ll · f Send now. Gol1 i medal awarded the author by yet. Pianos Tune·l an4 Repaired. We are also get ting re11od y a stock of WAGONS . Mili and Engine Work a specialty man, 'and that the hard, u routme 0 the National Medical Association. to the Prebnslne111 wa.11 the thing he ever troubled sident o! which. the Hon. P. A. l3isaell, and Until very lately only one copy of the .All of which will be sold .on the m ost r easonable terms. hillllleU about, I nBed to feel really sorry associate officers of the Board the reader Je fi rst edition of " '.rhe Pllgrlm's Progi:eas" ARTIES WISHING rHEm PIANOS Id . h h '· · i ht respectfullyretferred. waii known, but recently two copies more B O WMANVILLE A GR ICUL'r UR A.L & CARRIAGE Co. f or h im Tuned or repaired can haTe thorn attended en e wou come "ome a' n g · 'l'he Science of Life is worth more to the ··L W h d· bled lo0 k on young and middle-aged men of this generation been picked up In L~ndon a.ti aixpenoe 0 by leaving word .at the DO:MINION ORGAN Wlwi llllC a oareworn an .reu 14-3m. any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. Cashrpaid for hbs faoe, for I knew only too well what an shan all the gold mines ot California and the ea.ob. One was immediately sold to the Do's 05'FICE, Bowmanville . A. 11.rst-cla.s man· 1 exr.c11illg wHe he bad, who Jlterall1 k ept silver mines of Nevada combined.. - S. F. British Museum for £65, and the othor tor. 'lOW being in their mplo :. ·-· London publisher for £25, hla nose to t h e gr In d atone. Whon sh 9 Ohroni.cle. The):lcience of Life points out the rocks and weuld eye him suep·clouely, and In a harsh, quicksands on which the constitution and hopes The K11onsa.s Oity Times does not he1ltate THISOUT andreturn to us with fretful voice 11.ak him "why he did not come of a youn'l" man. have been faitally to eay that tho oomlng mat<ih between SulIOc. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get home sooner>' and then would commence wrecked._-Manche~te1: Mirr01·; Jfvllil and Mitchell will be a hippoclromfna by r eturn mail a Golden Box of The Science of Life 1s or greater value than , fl I f t d 1·h · Goods that will bring you in more auch a aeries of questioning and a re11nl.&r all the medic"'\ works published in thiscountry zz e or ga. e money, an remarks w t con- money in one than anything else in eider&ble wladom t hat " atan'ding up aga.inet; America. Eithermonth siege of s1·teme.tlo nagging th11t If I had for the plist 50 years.-Atlanta Oonstitution. sex make money fast, CITY been 11o man and in hie place It would have 'l'hl'.' Science of Lite is a superb and masterly S ullivan for thirty '[ler oent, of the gate :r.OVEL'l 'Y CO., Yarmouth, N.8. driven me out ot the bouee, Not a bit of It, treati~e on IJervons and physical debility.- money la muoh ea.fer than faolnn DemnllAy Detroit Free Press. ,, "' ,...... KEEP A F U LL STOCK OF Tbla wife knew her man, and the man was '!'here is no member of sodety to whom the for bleod. It appears from a recent book on sea leneed to this sort of "home rule," t ho one Science ot Life wm not be useful, whether object of hi!! life being to keep peace ln the )Onth, parent, guardian, instructor ur clergy- gende tliat their are many wa.yl! to ral.IJe tht Ar11ona1a. I d y h k' f amily, I natead of read iag the r i et &ot ta man.Address the Peabodv Medical lnqtitute, or w n · on m11oy eu11pend a. e-goa.t 8 1n at bis domestic tyrant, and ae113rting hia Dr.W.H.Parker,No.1BulfinchStreet,Boston themuthead,you may fiog a boy at the authority && I have seen other men do uncler Mas~... who ~lay be consl!lte"1 on ,a ll d!seases ma;t, you may burn a. b roem and let tbe 1lmllar clrcumata.nc0e, he was one of the requ_ mn1>: skill and experienc"- Chrome an.d hl\ndle turn toward the desired quarter obstm11to diseases that have baff1ed tLe s kill bl b d h' AIE will pay the above Reward for any moat amiable of husbands and complied with of all other physiciaus a speci»lty. s uch you may ow out to sea t e net_from t e ALSO SELECT ST OC K O F every ·demand of hie wile with the most ireated snccessfully without an instance of cbapel Jl.oer, 'fOU ma.v atlek a. kntfe In the ~Y case of D;vspepaia, Liver Complaint, loving 1ubmlaeion, What is strong me11ot to failur':l· Mention STA'r ESMAN, Bowmanville, mizzenmut or ecratoh the forem' with a Slck Headache, Indigesttou. or coattveneaa Bile would be pol.aon to ano~l: er, and.J: would Ontario. L7·Y· nail, aud so on. we Clll1Jlot oure with WEST' S LIVE:B not_ advise you to try thi· walk -over eystem Newly improved Verses & Motto al A emall W aterbury l ad said to a. polioe· PILLS, when the DU-.ctions are strictly un~ll other means have failed, Chromo 0 ards, with name and a water man tho other day: "If ~ou ace a ladder complied With. Large Doxea, containing Some men love to be putted and pra.iaed, pen for IOc. 5 plick~. 5 pena, for 50c, up to my bed-room window to-night please 80 l'lll8, 26 Conta; G Boxes $1.00. Sold. and if they don't get it at home they Agents sample pack. outfit., and illus· don't say anything, or It down. A lot bV all Druggists. pretty apt to seek It elsewhere, All t he trated caJ.alogue of Nov Ell ties. for a 3c. stamp of nu boya are going to sleep together to.6.. W.;KINNEY, Y1>rm8.~~· nlgb.t and get an early start to aee the clrcua O?Jing and 1colding yon oan do wlJI . not ~~~~his 2 ip. "keep them In at night." They are Jolly - -- oame Into town, a.nd I want to get out ef A.GENT~ FOR and jovial in dispodtlon, and love good ~be house on the aly." The policeman la company and ooogenial compuienshlp, and said to been worthy of the oonfidence the world la full of Juat such "jolly fellows;" · · thus plaoed In him, and Uthe counter attra.otlons of home and Tnlrty·two years ago the hther of Alex· fireside are not brighter and better than ander Balles dhd, 11.nd after the eata.te bad they van find outside, the lesaer attraction· been aettled, aa wa1 enppoaed, some papers will go to the wall. Thlll!e are the sort of and family relics wore locked In a oheet and men whe have been 118ed to the g~ntle tengiven to the of the boy's gra.ndmother, dar ways of loving motbera-mothera who Are prepared to pay the highest prices She died and the chest went to the mother, l1ll8d to look &t them with tend, r.ppreciaBall- waa · ma·ried a wh1"le ·go ·nd went to Preserve Your Sigltt. ~ ~u a uve eyem, wbloh even the fil m 11f d eath can for all kinds of Grain delivered at the houeekeeplng In Greenville, Mich., and his Uee F. LAZARUS' (late of the firm of Lazar· ~ver blkolt dfrom dthefir mlemory, who hhad Wharf or t h eir Store House in t own. mother ·ent the chett to him. H~ opened us & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· ...waya n wor s e we oome, t 1 W om it, and in the old family B ible found decu- Glasses, They are the best iu the world. They h' h k h' h I lhEy oouldalwa.11 take thdr boyish cares, never tire the eye, and las t many with· dlaappolnt1DentB and a1pira.tlona, feeling mente"" io ma e im er to property out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· Fille<l with absolute purity and correctness. man ville. 6-;f, 8t!Bured of tha.tsvmpathy whfen . was ever werth $40,000. alive and reepona.ive, kindling a flame ef love O F CA NA DA· Ca!Uernfa C!l.rrlea on a larga businesa In t!;lat brightened ever;y shadow of their beysea shdls, which are gathered on lta oout hood daya. Capital paid up,,ooo. Best, 1!1260,00l and 1blpped to E~rope. Ooe firm has a oen· There any number of men, especially _,,,,_ trMJt to ship forty tona of 1hella every sixty among the soft.hearted of their eex, who This B~k ls prepared to do Legiti· day1. They are worth from $700 to $1,000 deari1 love to be managed. They glory In mate Banking in all itis branches. a hn. They are u1ed In all kind1 of deoor· hearing the persuadhig voice In their ea.r Fa.rmer11 note~· discounted; Deposlta a.tive lndnatrfeo, r~tarnlng to the United and to feel lovln2 arms around their necke. received and Interest on amounts of Sta.tea frl)m France vastly Increased In ptioe A petition, aupp1emented by glowing ten- 15 upwards in Savings Bank Departmeni; when tranafermod into pearl button1, bi:oooh· d.emeae, although the object of the oa.rEsJeB D R A. FT~ e1, sh.awl, knife handlea,- or- inlaid ma.., be well iuiderstood, will bo aranted . work. Tahlta shells, liuge fiat motheMf· J r--~- bt!fore It ~1>1mea ihape in words," They Ia1med and Collections made in Europe pearl shells, a.reworthlrom $1.50 to $4 ea.oh, a pride in their quietness, enjoying the United Sta.tee and Canada. and the fioe1t seleoted prilis a.1e aometlmea 1itv.\>l~en Immensely, frcm the very conW J. JONES aold for IMI much as $50. ac~' ·~en of their supremacy. Bslng mil.II· · · lgen Oliver .Hvghes and Steve Connelton, lads torso ' the Bitnatlen, they observe w ith in· of S;;:·arta, Ooio, went squirrel bnnt .ng on ward alrl118ement the little artifices a.nd S Atnrday. They ha.ppened to get inw the who-pulling of the fair dlplomr.ts 11.nd pa.r. 'U1?... V7i> ~ 'jli'l?'f)'li?'lii'JV · eame woods, and when they were 11.bontfifty don them for the mere pleaeure It glveB W ., W ~ ~~ Y~~ ~ ~ yards apart Hughes sat dawn and bzgan to them of yieldiing. They never lose sight of E f-'n hlrueelf \\"hh a. brown ha.ndkerohlef, the fact, however, that U neoeB11ity required. V IElUN ARY SURGEON. Conllelton, who had not seen him, Qaw the it "they could kick over tbe traces and flutter of the handkerohlef and thought it the whole Into a. thous11ond was a bird, He crept up, and when wit.bin aplinters." ·woe be unto the woma.n who gunshot WI.IS oertal11 the fiuttu wae made by looaes alghi of tble fact herself by t his ~wo big owls Dihting. So he bbzed a.way, 1eemlng 1.0·111·yon·pleaae pa.oe te be betray11.nd poppored l:fogbe's head full of bird shot. ed Into drawing the u1lns too tightly a.nd Luckily Me eyffi were not hit, a.nd the inrendering these Sa.msons re!ltave, and foroe juries were not serious, them te the cenoluefon that they have been Burglars entered sever&) residences In too Indulgent and that it was 11.bout time WU ton, Conn.. the other morning, At t he "tG put a step to this sort of thing." house of Mrs . O!ai:lsrn D ~venport - 8aymond , When todnw a line requires the most tbe aged l&dy whose 104th yeil.r was comdlscrlmina.ting judgment on tho pa.rt of a. plcted on Ea.ater Sunday, the old lady wii.e wile In all m&1tters pcrta.lnlng to domestio the fint to bear tbe movemcntn of t he inbliSil. Men are ~ervene a.nimala at beot 11>nd trudare. With her staff~ which e.lwar.ys are dreadfully jealous of t heir per ogatives stands at the head of her couch at night, a.a lords of creation, and being the he&da of she rapped the floor eo vlgeronaly that the at leut their family, when they know their burglars departed wit h.out eecor!ng any of power la reoognized 11.n d prc.parly acknow- Grs.nuate or the Ontario veterlns.ry Co!lege, the family treasurer, She th11t ehe was ledged In the household, they seldom feel Registered member of the Ontario Vetermary t hey would steal htl? little Bible, there 11 any oooaelon to riee -up In their Medical Association. whloh cont.alned the family reool'd, lnoludatrength and a811ert t heir &uthority. JW'Offlce and Residence,.Newtonville, Ont . lug her own birth at Sta.mfoi:d, April 25th. There are many stapld husbr.nclo who do Will visit Orono every TuesdayandSat urdayl · ··- .. n{)t know they beh!g m&naged, and Offica hours from IO a. m., to 4 p. m., . at Htw to Write .!:'or the .Press. many clever women who make their hue- Ooulters' Hotel, Os.lie by Telegraph receive N 9 doubt many who write for the press band· bellove they the most subm~e!ive :immediate attention. are discouraged bec!\UBO their o.rtlolea de of wlve1, ge~nlng oontrol of them withnut CHARGES MODF]RATE. not appear. L3t ns hint, to young 11o11plr· oooe alarming or wounding their self-r ea.nta especially, how they may 11uoceed In spect or vanity, ma.king. them think t he way being hea.rd, they are being led ls jnat ~he way: they ha.d 1. Have something to say, Some write ple.nned, but I believe, after all, the beat without h11oving anything to 11Sy, nothing advice I oon give yon, my fair bride, i1 the of either point nor substance. Others have 1ame a1 a wise wo111an once eald to her only the faculty of 81Lylng something-a great ma.rrled daughter : "Give your lluQba.nd Ilea.I, perhapa-r.nd oa.ylng it with grimdllohie ewn wa.y for twelve months and you !Uence, covering whole sheets-wi~'"'no will have yours fer the rest of your life," thlng .of lmportanoe. Keep silent till yon h~v'e a. thought well worth publishing, and ~ Death of a Prince in. I'overty. tha,i-\J.on'll publish It , W a.It till yon The Jut Prlnoe of · Gtiiiinlen hiAs just . . . t.t." .,..!·, . ha;e thoroughly m11otured h, and become 10 died at St, Potersburg.-:';~ '.1,very straitened flltDllla.r with Its advantages tha.t you are clrcnmatauoea. Of. lati¥i1Br1 the Prince aur~~~lie public will thank you for It. Me.ny llnd quits poer In a _su:~ilrb of the city. fromjdlffidence withhold w hat is important, Prince Geerge of- Grnefuf~- waa the r e· butJith'e ra rnsh Into print, a1 they orowd preeentr.tlve of a once poiferfnl house. Aa to~t!\,~ : front; In our oenventiona,. to pneh a youth he wont to . St.·. retereburg, wherf! , ·i: th.,fJi~~Jvea into prominence rather than an he alltrac ed much atten,lon' through hia bnP.orJ;a.nt thou11ht, beauty, the elegance ef.. ~l.1. carriage, and l, ~~(Jbeo1e yenr we1d11 with The the aplendor of his dlamon~a. He kept a Idea that atyle la ef little Importance, If JITil"t honee and beo&me:·t;f:lilowned for benyoil.r thought. ls good ; b pernicious. pltallty and benevolenoe/,~; ,On a. ·Ingle day, plenty ef time ; write and rewrite till your -ALSOhowever, hla wealth lett,hbn:,-and eventual· thought is clothed aa attraotlvelyaa possible, ly he took to a couple of , iiinall rooms a.nd T.T· Manya good theugbt falls to appoar in live on o. mcdeat pension . ~il.liowed him by LS.:;,' !'p rint, or if It &Jl]le11ou, t o find lodgment In t he Government. .He l;ioref: bis rever aa . .!,;. ·-the reader's mind, because It ie h!Ull. d er!nglyof forhlne wl,hont compfoiliing, even me.n ' . _ .,. .. or offenslvelye:x:preseed, Don't get on stilts aging to devete a portion· of ):Ile 11mall pen and all Imes of ·.,. :~d employ far·tetched and infia.ted phraaea, Deliverin~ «1f'.:'les11; b vorod "lon to the ma!nt.enanoe'·. . . '·" ·~~- nor ha so stiff and preolse all to be ll'ksome. ~ friends. A Court lady uf·l_:il~f ~otlier, :. fer .A. . In Jour style be terse but not etinted0 in· instance, waa provided wl~h'.'beth,bome a.nd --:,/~· ·" terestlng but not dlffase, free but not nec0111r.riea for a long t!miij) anc;l thh de" .~is """:'.;} ·: · ·· turgid, full but not proplex; and be quite pendent, ~O ef &gtl;ipistered t qi the ·: -:· :---- ~-- .':Z · ·>-;·~...., aa oarefnl to be pis.In wltheut being The only B inder with Z Steel Finger-Bar and S teel E x t ensio n . T he o n ly Binder with} e xtra R oller to Princa durinl[ hllll last heli~ '"° ' ' ·· '·· the grain out t o the packer s. The only Binder wit h lon g Bevel W heel Shaft sup ported at both Q shodd~ f:~!~;Li~~.11 ~deth~:i!~rd;1~~:u! :z!~g throw ends . T h e o nly B inder w ith Steel Driv i ng Wheel. The only B in der with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carrier. . thatf~ ~traightforwa.rd fanguige, ~aoy -fo._wiri~ T h e only g enuin e Steel. M achine in the Market. · " .' . · ' .. and 11s easy to nnderr.t and, A void th1.1t " It'e awful I awful*~~· ~~-1 groaned Smith, geing around R obin Hood's barn, oa.lled an with d011palr in his vc~ce.<, · "Nots due te· ·~ · Introduction, t o get at your main thought. · · morrow- $3Q...{l-can't, !ifl\y it. What on Strike It gqnarely with your first sentence, eai:th I am fa do Is mere' the.nI know." ~.,... · "· _,,, ,, ;,... _' ~', a.nd stick ~· lt in every sentence till it s S t t T' E · t t o ago. L' ht t · D afit d " Why not let t he other fellew walk !" ~,. presenta.tlon ia perfected, and then 8top. · u res o ie. ; as1es ig es in r . impIest B' i n er. Strongest Bind e r. 'i,' N eat e s t Inquired Brown. ·· ~Call examine.~ , Strik e out them few sentences to close up B i n der . To T ie t h e T ightest. T o Cut the Closest. To Reel the Nicest. Best in Standing . Crop . " L6t the other fellow ?" with, St op t he a9 bullet stops that has B t · T 1dC B t · Sh t Cr "Certainly. Why not?" "f· -. hit Its m 11ork, andnot a.sone t hat has hit 110· es in a n g e r o p. es m or op. "Why net?" r epeated Smith, ntrldlng 0 up a.nd down In gr9s.t nervous exoi.tement, "He la walking, the other fellow," mere e:x:haustion, 3. Oonfine yours. If to one prominent T inware and Stove Emporium, Remal111 to b$ ;een-Any dl'ly at 'he thought. Better 11peak twlos ln meeting orgai, BOWMANVJLLE. H -tf. than spo1.1k too fo11g, So In writ ing, 1 Oll. rOllO, HOUSEHOLD. .<Managinl?' a Husband. A MoTir1ms.-Are you «list urbnd at n ight and broken of your r est by 11 sick child su ffering and crying with pa.ii· of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at one and get a. bottle of "Mrs. W inslow's Soothing Syrup." F or. children teething, its vulue is incalculable. It will r elieve the poor little sufferer immediately. D epend upon it, mother11 ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysen tery and Diarrhcea, reg ulates t he Stoma ch and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, sof tens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives to:ie and energy to t h e whole sydtem. " Mn. Winslow 's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the t a.ate and is the prescription of one of t he olde11t and best female physicians and nurses in t he United. States, and is for sale by all druggists throuKh the world. Price 25 conta a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. WINSLow's S ooTJIING SYRUP." and take no other kind, A1>VI SE TO ·- ·- THE BOWMANVILLE . -----·-----~ ACRICULTURAL 81. CARRIAGE CO., KIN G STREET E AST, BOWl\IANVILLE, ONTARIO. 300 of our Ce I e b rated Champion Plows ! AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, P CUT J. HIGGINBOTHAM& SOI, Chemists and Drugg i sts, and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ssoo.oo QEWARD fFURE DRUGS · Hair Brushes and Combs, 5 ·- 0 Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &o;. . G RA I N ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE ~AND· CATTLE FOOD~'~ Pure Ground O il Cake. M A STANDARD BAN K PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS- Farmers and Gardeners The Large~t and Best Assortment Field G artleti SEEDS IN BO\iVMAN VILLE AT - · ····-· .. DUNN'S BAKINC ROWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Dairy Paiil~ MIL PANS TI""N:-::VVRJ:!]:!.' Cheap-John, stuff. but goods will w ear and gIV6}. Sat1sfactlOil. and --VIEW O F - Brantford Light Steel Binder, with Sheaf Carrier its Load. s· Th~:· Oth~~w. N 0 · ..' :I'm L, GEO. QUI C~,: !~~g :!~ t!11i:~~~~e :ne f1~1 ~:u~t~:~ f:! Binder Twine and full lines of Repairs k ept on han d. J AS. McLEAN, Agent, R . M 0 0 N, Agent, H ampt · O .UJ.· . '

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