BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, J UNE 11. DISTRICT NEWS. Lindsay has a casei of . d iphtheria. $G OO whiskey flues in Peterboro'. Diphtheria still rages at Port Perry . Camer on, Victoria Co ., l1as a nest of Mormons. West's Liver P ills will n e ver disappoint yoti . Alwa) S i·eliable. 25c. All drug· gists. t T be Cannington lkirror has m oved to S un derla.nd. J_,an(e s hi pm ent s of fat cat t le are re· por ted from Por t P eLTy. T here hn~ been 16 S coU Act c~ses disposed of in P eterb oro'. · ' Vest 's Liver l:'il!s cures sick h eadache , d y8pejJsia, in d i~ estion and Ii "er compl aint . 2 5c. All druggda. t L i11ds11y is to h<>ve a busin ess college . .An offshoot of Peterbor o's. Du rh am teachel's are agitat in g for rail· way ticket 3 at two cents per mile. M r. ' Vm. Weir's l'esidencP, R P.ach, was iJurmd on M onclay wee k. .No insu ran ce . Mr. H. B. R<>~h b urn, sr . ,.the great lu mberman of D esernn to, <lted 1-iet week. ' Vest' s P ain K i11g- cures the worst of c olic i n five minutes. C·nes chills,crap.1ps, and ch olera rnorbus. 25c. All dr uggist. t 'l'he Linds iy b an d ha ve, at t heir own expen se, engaged a b and -master from M ontreal. A kit ch en is to b e built an d other im· provemen ts made in conn'.eJtion with the W hitby gaol. '.l'he English Church b azaar aud prom enade concert a t Camp bellfo1·d last week r ealized $180. "West's World 's Wond er, L inimen t c ures rheu matism , n eura lgia, cu ts, burns, sprains and bruises. 25 a nd 50c. All .dr uggi s ta. t A fi ve-yrnr-old child of M r . Ra m bough, Qf Rawdon, w1u1 kicked t o death by a · h ol'Se, lad week. T ho mauagers ·of the American Bapt ist Union ~1 ave found a deficiH1cy of$150 ,000 in t heir a ce rnnts. The line of rail way fro m Whi tby t o : M anilla h as been levelled up and ~teel :i:ails laid this spring. ' 'Ve t 's 'World 's W <>n der. T he d emand is steadily increasing for this tr nly p opular r emed y fo1 · r heu mat ism an d all k indred dirnuses. 25 an d 50c. All dru gg iste. t T he Roman Cat h olic church at P icker ing int end holdLllg th ei r annual picnic i(}ll Tuesday June 15th. A farm er in th e township of D uD) mer owns a calf with two tails, th e extr o. one being at the eh onl dors. 1.'he Dcrtoinion Government int,·,n d .erecting a ne\- fo1and Revenue, Custom and P oet Office L in dMy . Pains cann ot exist. a fter the patient h as taken a 8ingle dose of W est's Pain King, t h e Magic C ure . D o n ot be induced to tak e a su l)et itute, h ut i nsist up<Oll having W est's Pain K in g. 25c. All druggists. t Mrs. Samuel M cCraoki o, un old and esteemed resi dent of Cramho, died s udd enly on Sfl.turday week. The Grand T l'U uk railway aut horitiea have refuse1 l to gran t Whitby the h alf fare rate 011 mark et d ays . 'flie l\Ieth oc!i.t k of P ickering have ex· t e n ded a. u uauirnous call to t he Rev. H . S. Mat th ews, of B racebridge. Wi nter h as pai sed an d u ow comes summer with all th e terrors of cholera, bowel ~omphint, fl ux, cholera infantum. P rov ide for emeri;encies by p urcha&ing at ()ncc a bottle uf W es t's P<\in K ing. 25c. All druggists. t The Scott Act fi nes through t h e country amount t o sever al thousand dollar s a.nd Whi tby h as n vt had a case ye~. The Knights of L abor b us line, T oron to, h as secured eight lrnssea from Oshawa and Ii ve teams from l'ort Perr y. H aalem'3 brewery , Lindsay, h as sh ut d own, s topped t h e man u fa ct ure of ales and beer, and d isch arged all han ds. A SECRET ~'OR THE L ADIES. - T he grea~ secret of beau ty is p ure blood. E ruptions a nd all b lotches 1)1at flishgn re thu face, m ay be quickly cured by Burdock B l ood B il ters. Annie Health , of l'ortla.nd , certifies that :;he was cured by t his rem ed y a fter suffe ring for two y e ;irs. t Lindsay is making arran gements for an excursion to Toronto, to the Musical F estival on th e HHh and 17th , inst . Thieves visited , t h e farm of l\Ir. J a mee Gillespil:l. of O t.onab ee recent ly, and dre w a way a load of wheat and a load of oats. The members of th e P l'esby terian Young People's Association , Cobourg, are d eeirous of forming a Ch autauqua Circle. A F o1tTU?'<Al'E E soArE. - Mrs. Oyrus Kil borne, Beamsville, On t., had wh at was suppused to be a can cer o n h er u ose. S he was about to sub mit t o th e can cer d octor's t reat ment, wh en sh e concluded t o t ry Burdock Blood B itter s, int ernally and ex ternally, a fow bottles of which ·e ntirely cured her. ·I· Mr. J . S . Winnac1Jtt, Whitby, has been elected as one of t h a committ o<i of m an·. agerncnt of theCollegiate Institu te Cricket Clu b. Mr. J a mes l:'rini;le i3 moving into the h otel at th e G . T. R. siation, Whitby, where he intunds keepiug a T emperance H ouse. The sh ingle mil ls at F en elon Falls, l by Mr. John Fell, M. P . P . , were o w11ec burned last week , togeth er with over 100,0U O n ew ehi ngltls. A U SEFUL Hrn·.r.- It may be useful for the reader t o know tlrnt. the popular p reJlarat ion k nown as Hagyar d's Yellow Oil h as proved a soverign remedy for deafn ess, many certified cures being on r ecord. Hagyard 's Yellow Oil also cures ach es, pains, an d la meness, an d may be u sed mterually as well as out wardly. 1The Peterborough R eview s u ~~ests t h e construction of the Cobourg and Peter· borough R<iil way to Kimnount, t o tap t he Victori'l Railway. Tl!e Rix ty-eighth annual m eettng of the East Ontario Babtiat Association will be held at Brooklin on Wednesday and Thursday, June lGth and 17th. A bou& a dozen entries already been r ect-i ·ed for the prize farm com petition, in connection with t he Provincial Agricultural and Arts Aesoci;i.tion. WoRTH REMF.ll:SElUNG.-There is probRbly n o. better r elaxing remedy for atiff j oint s, contracted cords, and painful congestion , than Hagyard's Yellow Oil It cured Mrs. J ohn Siddell, of Or ton, Ont., who wtts afilicted for years wi th contrac· tiou of t h e bronchi&! pip es and tightness of tl1e chest. l t is t h e great r emedy for in ternal or external pain. t 'l'he funeral of the late R . C . S mith, sr . , P " r t Hope was very lar gd y at teu ded . 'r he May or, Councillors, members of t h e School Boards and Harbor Boar d at tend· i ng in a body . A Cobourg lad, J nlius Nieasa, was bad ly d isfigured last week by a fello w· companion firing t h e con tents of a. horse pistol in his face. N .,it her of t h e boys knew th e weap on w11s l oaded . ' Tim Uolborn e Methodists and friends of th e familv of 'Rev. ·John Bredin , D .D . . liave presented Mrs.Bredin with a ' 'crazy" quih. I t is made of almost innu merable pieces of silk and 1s considered worth fol ly ~100. Mr. J ohn F . H awkins, l ot 7, co n. 3, Hope, has a m ar e t hat has rnided e igh te()n col ts.· S he ia now twenty -three years of age, and h as a 'C olt now sucking her. S he has bee n a cripple aince ah e was ten mon ths old. A SURE 'f111NG - T here are a very few t hings in th is life of which we way be a bso lutely Ctlrt ain, but th is is one of t he m : that Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant P urgative P elfots " have no equal as a cat h artic iu derangements of t he liver, stomach a nd bowels. T hey are very sma'U and their uction is pleaiant. P ure ly vegetuble, perfectly h a rmlese. 25 cen~ s a vi i>l. A ll druggi~te. H O.NOR IN FOREIGN F lEL DS. FOR TEE TU1W1' TO LIGHT llINJJJm M ASllEY IIAlWE STE ns. 'tOWN COUNCIL. Cou Ncn , CnA11rm;n, DoWMANVILLE,) June, 7th, 1886. H. W!N DA'l"l', T. J. Regular meetinR". Member~ all p· as· ent except Mr. Porter. Minu tes of last meeting read and contirnrnd. Communia<\t iuns were pre~ented as follows : From the Clerk of the Legislative Assemt>ly. submitting certain proposed amendments to the Municipal Corporaliuns and in rderencll to r oads and bridges on boundary lines Refor .. red to tho [foads and Stret: t~ Com. From W. Brittain, application fo r appoi ntment of W ei!.(h Master. From J. C. Van~ton e , stating that he had p1.1rchased t he Rayn es M ill, and ask in g if t he Cn uncil wou ld contribute any thi ng t o the re111o val of th e Was te Gates in a lino wit h t h e bridge. Re· ferred to t he Roads and S tr eels Com. From th e South Ward F ire Co . ask · ing a grant of $30 for t h., p urchase of parad e caps. R equest waR grant ed . nesented a ropnrt from M r, Wesley 1 t he Fiuance Com. recomm end ing t h e paym ent of several accounts. R eceived aud adopted. M r. \Ve·l"Y p resented a report from t h e sam.i Com. , re1nm mending that th s Clerk be instructed to order two copies of th<l D ominion Ann11al Regist er. Ro· oeived and adopted. Mr. Morris pr esen te d a report from the Roads and Sts. Corn. , giving es ti · mates of su ms required m t hat depart · ment for tho year. The Co un ~il went in to Com mittee of tho Whole on the a,ne, thti M ayor in the ch1 1ir. O n A t he Com. rising th e chairman r e1t ion of the r eport withport ed t h e ado 1 out amend ment . On motion to coucur ,the R eeve moved in amendmen t th at th e repor t of the Com of the Wh ole bo n ot concurred in, h ut t hat t h e Rep:>r t be referred back to the R oads and Sts. Com., to give d eti· n ite particulars as t o how each it em of the money as ked for it> to b e expended. Mr. B urde n took exceptiun to the a m .indmen t a s be in ~ out of ord er, and call· ed o n t he ~fay or to rule on t h e Question. The M ayor sustained the obj ection. f he r eques t of t h e Uo'll. of the W hole w11s t h<ln concu rred in on t h e folb wi ng vote : Y eas, - M essrs . M or ris, B eit h , Mason, K yd d , Galbraith , Nosworthy s. nd Burd en . N ays,- lYiessrs. P rower a nd B rittain. M r. Morris presen t ed a report from t h e same Oom. on the comm unication of Mr. S tephen Wrigh t, to be a llowed t o erect poles and wi res on the street for E lectric Light pu r poses, r ecomrne nd ing t h e granting the pri vilege i sked for. 'fhe recommendat ion was concurred int h e privi~ ege to be open for six mont hs. Mr. Mason presented a Report from t h e Poor R elief Com., givio;:. esti mat es req airerl for that p urpose d uring the y ear. R ece ived atJd adop t.ed . . Mr. Kydd p resented a l ike R eport from t ho P ublic P roperty Com., wP,ich wa~ n.lsn received and ad·Jp ted. The :Mayor recommen d ed t hat at the preper time, s teps be tak en to co~lect non-reside nt TaxeR, lon11: due. THE TORONTO .LIGHT BINDER. WITH SHEAF CARRIER ATTACHED. Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record ! I f-·- I s g uara n teed t o c o n t ai n more m a lle a ble iron and s t eel than any o t h e r B ind er in Canada . I s g u a r ant eed t o ~ut clos er and h a n d l e sh or t an~ l o d ged g r a in ~ettet· than a n y o ther Binder . I s guara n tee d to be more eas ily- o pe rate d than a n y o the r Bmder . Its O utt m g App aratus is the b est i n t h e w orld . T he, o n ly Bin d e r ruqn~ng the. Conveyor a~d ~levator B~lts an.d B ind ing Attach men t with a S ing l e C h a i n. ThO:'only B i n d er runnmg tho Conveyor w 1t h m half an m ch of th e C u t t ers. The on ly Bin der h a ving p erfect P i tma n and ~nife. ~rnel O o':lnect:i on s . 'J'h e only Binde~· having in.~erchange able Bus h B earings.· T he only B inde r h avmg Spual Sprmgs m t he Canvas Bel t G uides t.o r e c e1ve the s t r a in and tigh ten t h e B elts in w e t and d r y w e ather. The o nly .Binder provided w ith a R el ie f R a k e. T h e onl y B in der fit t ed with an A ngula r Steel Cu t ter Bar. The on l y Binde r o n w:h ich t h e S h eaf Carrier is u sed s uccessfully. The on ly Bin der ha ving · a Clover See d Attachme nt. AND W e q uote the following article vcrbatim et t'iteratim from the B elgian Neivs of Augu3 t 29th, 1885, pu blisheli at B rueaels. ' .A.~'l'WEilP IN'.rERNATIONAL :&X:H IBI'r ION. One of t he most intereetin g fea tures uf t his exhibition, and one likely to. pro· duce great rn1 mlts, i~ t hat con nected with t he trial of the harve6 ti ng machiu· ery exh ibited by the M assey l\fannfacturing Company. From the very be· ginnin g it was a safe prophecy t o prediot that th ese rnachiues would secure a su b· atantial recPgn ition at the hands of even an exactm g j ury, an d nu one was - e1 ' ·t ·wns n0tse · d sur pr 1 se · t i1ere f ure wuen 1 abroad thaL the Gulden M.edal of t h e h ighest c1 ...~ 8 had been awar:led to th\'lm. Tho internst in these wonderfu l com · b iuation s of labor·oaving . mad1iner.y ·t ' h e1g · !i t b owever wh en 1 't reac h ed 1 was ~ under stood that Sir Charles rupper On m otion t he Council ad3'ourne·] to Wa~ 11·1aki"na arrangement· fc>r · p ti bl i'c t h e t ri:l of th ; 'harvesters, :nd t'hese arn ext regular meeting. rangement wer e actually carried uut on ,,dy say -s-tl· ios _e_F,"n - cy ·,V - .n-do'" S·liades Al ~ · · 1 " th e lotll a f A ugus t l as t , I t was at once percei\red t hat no prac- at 'fait & M orrison's are the best for the t ic' I val ue cou.l d be attached to th ese , money she ever saw. T h ey are beauties . ~ t rials unless sume sort of official re.cog· Jno. McM ur try is sh owing Black Br o· nition· could be afforded to ~hem, and caded Silk, mack Gt·o. Gram Silk, Bl ack .r D S th erefore 11 m.r . ore, r epr eaenting ir Satin suitable for summ er man tles, lovely Charles T upper. proceed ,,d tu put him- B lack Ch en ille Frin ge for trimming. self i n communication with the Baron de Gruben , P1~esident of th e P ermanent Comm ission for Agricul ture in t he P r o· · i A '['h ' I vrn ce o · ntwerp. IS gen t eman en· tered very h eartily i nto t he idea. of thus prac tically demunstrating in Belgiu m t h e uti lit.Y o f N ew W or ld productions , and th e B aron offered to allow the trials to be cond ucted on his own estate at D eurn e, a smail ville.ire abou t three ·. m iles from the cit y of A ntw erp. After so me little difliculty i n conn ecI C t h I t" h . t 10n wit l us om · ouse r egn a 10ns t e mach ines were tak en t ) pieces ands flfely conveyed t o the .Baron 's farm. H er e, after recon et r uction, th e lria la took place, and a field of oats was ver y uickly h arvested. q It was very am using to watch t h e fac es of t he assem bled rust ics. At first · . a stol id look of incred ulity was depicted on their co un tenances, but t his soon gave way to ou e of su rprise. 'f he machines were well· horsed with some of the B ar0 11 's best 6t ock- big animtlle of t h e true F lemish breed, and t he mach ine glided s moothly over th e broad lev.,l fi eld . T hen t he r ustic fo rgot for a momen t t he r espect due to t hose of gentle birth, won d ermen t crea t e d a common r epu b . licanism, a nd n oble d ame and r uddy peasant maid alike, pressed ou in the ear ot t he machine a a it is laid low t he oed th~t the trials g old en crop. All aar ,., were a gr eat euccess , and w mo of t h e . .__ k s ma II f ar merso f the n eig hb or1 1oo d rvo · ed on wit h evident envy, and admirin g th<i celeri ty of the operation , they B owtnanvill e, March 25th, 1886 .1.·1 · · MESSRS. SH.i._w & ToLE, - Having b ought a Toron to L igh t B inder, an d after :i:unnin~ it for two harvests cu t ting for myself an d n ei ghbors, over 200 .'1cr es, n ot costing me 10 cen ts fo r repairs, being able to lian dle i t with two h orses with ea.ea, I consider it t h e cham pion Binder of th e Dominion . My n eighbor, Mr. Neil Osborne, had a field he could n ot h andle wit h the Chath am _ B mde r, th~y could not go t hrough with ou t chokin g and I went in wi th t he L igh t. Toron to, wen t six ti mes around t h e fi eld without leavm g my seat , n ot on ly cut ting and bindi n g it but turned ou t and cut the st.n bble t he Cha.tham had passed over , el evated and bound t h e rnme . M r. Osb orne ha d t he lit tle Brantford and t he D un das fo r several d ays Yv . H : 0 SJJO'RN E · cu t ting for h i m, bu t gave his order for the L ight Tor on to. · ----- SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. 1 VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES VALUABLE· FARM ON I AUCTIO~_ SALE ! AUCTIO.!! SALE DRESS GOODS. PROPERTV. - - -o--Amon g ou r m a n y d epartme n t s, . in the Towns hip o f Darlington in in the Towns h ip o f Darlmgton, i n' the County o f Durham . t h e County of D u rham. April 1887 when purchaser or purchasers w ill be le~ into full possession or tho premises. Possession to purcbassrs immediar.ely arte1· of every d escription at . )iarve.s t in 1886 for,,t~e vur·poae .of nlowh;g. . l'he Seconclly and Ihirdly doscn bt:d parcels o rn ·~t ~I ~~~1.~~J>~~I~~ :~:e~a;:d ~i~e~~~h ~~;c~l t!.w.; i~ ll! Ull'W ·· . j;. ,, . . . offered seperately. I·'urther and other conr :ius powder never varies . .A marvel o! 1 ditious will be made known at time or sale, Sh e h as j ust opened out one of the hrgeet purity, strength and ":hol.esoi;ienese. M11 . re I F urther particulars can be obtained from tbe economical .t.han the ~rr,Jma1 :f .lnnd~, aud. C1'U - auctione"r and from I and most s tyl ish s tocks . .eYer brou . aht not be sold m compet: tion with the multitude D BURKE SIMPSON , t o t own, con11 stmg of· fl/. low test, short weight, alum or phosphat e · v· d , " 1· ." ' 1 · · · powders: Solrl only incans. HOYAL BAKen ors~oici io:. 1M11J1n e r y Dre ss S ilks l NU P OWDER C0., 106 Wall St.. N. Y . Bowman ville. 1 ' ·~ ' 4 POWDER Ab I t I p so u e y u re. KI J4 G Under instructions from t.heVendnrs.there will D G be c,tfered fnr sale by Public Auction , at t.he I have J"O C'?lvcd iustructi; n· lro m E.G. Hurk, ress ood 11 w ;11 h a v e our s pec ial 1 1 1 ALMA HOTEL in the Town or llowlllanville, ~t1ii:iio~~0 i{frJ0 u~k\~b~·~e'\'.g~~~ ~fa~;~~ TUE~DAY manville. on a t tenti on, and we purp os e maki n g . :\J ' I · ' · l8SG,' nt 1 1>'clo<'k 1, . m .· b y u . T. PlllLLIP!!, " · . ' a gre at effort to lead t h e t r a de 10 Jluc Uoncer, the foll1>wiug l>llJ"CC I ~ at the hour or I WO 0 clock 111 the afternoon _ e>f hmtl : · . tbe followi ng property: t hat bi·ancli f lfm~TLV.-'l'he north 1211.Cres or l~ot n11mber -r;oT 1.- All and sinrtnlar that cerlnin parcel or O. our en terpr ise. 18 in the Pourth Concession or t.he 'rownship trn ct of land and premiR es situate. lying a nd · of Darlington In the County oi Ol1rham. being in the Township of. Darlington, in the We w ill c on s t antly Jl av e on hand On t his proper ty there are "· one and a h alt Conuty "o_ f Durham, contamrn g hy admea9ure· storey brick house 22rt by 30f t contain ing 6 ment l.rn acres, be the aii· e more or less, rooms ; a. brick kHchen 2 sn by 2og; a brick and ~ernfl' composed 0 ~ part Dor ~qts 15 ancl lG. all t h e latest p r o d uc t10n s ,.,..»! .t t t he wood shed 18rt by 22ft; a fram e driving shed m the 3rd Concession or ar lmgton, J5ft by 2Ht; a ~attle ~hed and stable 361t by On the proper ty there are n. l~l"llme House 1 2-0Ct aud a barn 3C ft by 50fc. There is also a 30x22. H stories high w it h Kttchen attached m a rk e t afford s in Frer:ch, G erman good orcha.rd on the premises consisting of 46 18xlli, Kitchen and V Voorl Shed, Stone apple trees, 11 pear r.rees, 3 plum trees. 3 cra n Cellar, Fram o Ba1·n 50x36 wit.h Cow Stable apple t rees. 6 cherry trees and othes small under.Shed 50x20,Stable !Ox2l. two good Wells and Eng lish materia ls, t ogethe r fruit. 'l'he soil 1& a light loam. with pumps attached. 115 acres cleared, SEO O NDLY.- All and sin11:ula.r that oertain balitncc sta!!di1 w ti mber. 'l'h" hw d is in good parcel or tract cf lar .ul and premises situate state or e'! t~1vation and well ff'nced ; there is a wit h But t on s , Laces, F r in ges, lying and being in the Township of Darlington never supply cf from Barber's aforesaid and being no mposert of the south which r ua s t hro.u){h 'he proper ty. ha lf of Lot number 18 in t be Jrd Concession of D1stance!from Bowmanv·lle abol1t H miles. Plu she.~, V e l v e t :3, Sil ks, S atin s , the '.l'ownship of D ~rlinglon oncl contain- LO'l' 2.- 160 acres, b e the ~ame more or i ng 100 acres more or less. less, being composed of part ot lots 25 and 2G, i n On this propert.:v there aro a hoase 23 rt by the 3rd concession of t he said Tvwuship of and a ll T rimm i o g ::i to m 'l.tch. 20ft. a barn55ft by 2Grt and a eta hle and uriving Darlington. abed 20ft by ctOft. 'l'here are two orcbarc\e, one On t.he P ropc rt.y there are a Dwelling House consisting of 55 trees the ot her or 25 irees. 46x24 with Stone Cellar. good W e·!! with pu mp There is also some cedar timber on the prcrni· attached. t wo F ramn B arns 30x~O. and 30x50 sea. Soil is a light loam. out-buildings. About lOh .crea a ··e cleared TnrnDLY .-All and singular those cer taln an d i ~ a g!Jod stat~,of etlltivatim!,the balance i! pa.reels or t racts of land find premises si tuate standing u mber. Ih 0 property.~s. woll fenced L '1A.RM F OR S ALE.-~Tha'fwell known lying and being in t he said 'l'ownshi p or Dar!· ai:d watered by a uev<?r lai liU K stre.a m: ~ and valuable fa.r m the "Weldon ;Home· ington and being composed : Firstl y- of the D11·ta,nce fro!Y' !~owm~nv 1!10. ,about J mlle.s, etead," being comp..sed of200acres. l 53 cleared west half of the north half of lot num ber 18 in Oshawa, 6 n~iles , Chntch .and Scb.ool·hou~e 1U the balance in woods, the principal par t ot t.he 3rd concession of t.ho said Township or the immediate neighborhood, the timber being beech and mavle, A new Darlington containinG\' 50 acres more or less. Terms made known at L ime or sale, .Any frame house. with cellar f all size, 2 barns; i:lecondly- of t he nort h 6tJ acres of lot n umber further information may be obtained from the horse and cow stables, co w shed and root 19 in tho 3rd concessionofDarlington n.for esaid Vendor's Solicitor, D. Bark ::'limpson. Esq., houso ; 2 good wells of water, ancl small and, '.l'hirdly- of the sout h 20 acres of the north Barrister, llowma.uville, of the Auctioneer, r orcha1·d. The above farm is w ell fenced and half of said Jot number 19 in the :;rd concession Hampton. under good c . ultivation. It i s suited for 2 of Darlington aforesaid. H. 'f. PHI LLI PS, tarms. having th e wood on both ends. 'rhe On these parcels there are a c:ine storey brick 1 Ilowrnanville, June l , 1856. Auctioneer. nu~~erof lhe lot .is 13 in t hfl!1oession ot house 431"t by SGEt containi ng 7 rooms, a barn DailJ~gt.on . 2} n 01 th or tbe flou,r1 sl11 ngclo~e townby. ol 32ft by 46rt, a di-iving shed and stable 2H t Bown.a.n':\lle. Church and 8!Jhool by 50ft. 'r here are three acres of orchard 4. Appl:\' to l hamaa 'We!don , Senior, P ropr10tor, consisting of about 65 fruit hearing trees and I -l' ~ow m Darh~g:ton , Ir by letter whe'l home. 72 young trees coming into bearing. '.l'he 8011. . . . . L1t t.lewnod, P. 0 . is a light loam, You r at ten tion 1s directed ~o t he immen se !'< . ll,- If not sold in 2 mont hs l~ w ill be rent· l'JJ:i<Ms OF SAr,M::- 10% of purchase money at st ock of ed is.t r. · l'. w .. Senr. JU"E" 22 Tuesday June 22 '86 n l . . I R RTS 0N & B 0N0. 0BE I I I . .. s L A D I E ;~i:ieea°n1'd~~°e;b:J;n~6~i~l~(OC~!~! ;:;~~:~~el~~ IM I LL I N E MRS · ""'- "" · RY CLY'S . M Fa· A·-z ER -A · -x-L BREA SE E . - BEST IN THE W ORL D pr- Got thllGenulDe. SoJdEvllfJ"Whertt. can leo. rn the exact cost or any p1 ·oposed line of - --·AD Tt; n ·r I s t l It S by addressing <rno . P· JtOW E LL di Uu., 10 Spruce st.. New York, ADVF.U'l'ISI!\j G in American till.IOO·J>ng e P n mi· ble l IOe · · · .Newspapers. !:~?su~:! ~~:; ~~eh~~;e:ii~u~~ it:c~o~:~J GREAT m anual labor still aurv ivea in t he BolC 11 g1ansy stcm of agricul t ure , b ut a few --' , a m9re p ublic trials of suoh labor saving o· instrumant s as t he Massey machines would change t he aspP.ct of affairs very JOB A .- One lo t of Fancy Dress · · m l\terially . ThIe system of lape.tite c~il· G ood s, w h ich w e a r e cl ea rin g this - - -o- - i · · · th · tttr e 18 very muc 1 Ill vogue Ill e a~rt - week a t t e n cen ts per yard , jus t 1 cultu ral district of bot h Belgium. n.nd half th e r e!lula r price. The undersigned wiehes to inform his : H olland. wh ereas these machines can ~ very large n u mber of .pat rons that h is i only be ·proli tab ly employed on large,. , Jon B.- O n e lo t of L adi es' Rub - mill dam is r ebuil t a nd the mill is in good far ms. B u t a~ a farmer observed to working order. He th anks all for t heir t he wri ters of t h is sketch, th e small ber C ircula r s, warrante d perfect very li beral pat ron age d vri!lq the past 1 B elgian c ultiva tor could easily combine and w a t e r -p roof, an excelle n t c l oak t hir t y-two years , an d h opes by strict~ toge ther sv t hat five or six of t hem could for th e du~ ty w<: a th er , clearing for at tention to b usiness to receive a libe ral hold a Ci>rnmcm property i n a complete one dolla r eacb . sh are in tho future. se t of har vest in g machiner y. Be this as it may, t he t hin edge of th e wedge J OB C .- On e l o t of wash i n g fas t for t heir introduction into this country p · · · h as been d ri1·en in , and th ese success- col or rints a nd Zeph y r Gin g h a m s a lways o n hand for sal e . ful trials will have done much to spread clea ring at e ig h t cents p er yar d, b road t he fame of t he Can adian man - formerl y s old at 1 2~ cen t s . Joe LINES. ' WAT E RM I LLS I ENNISKILL EN 8 Qy N E ) Vel ve t :s, &c., I with a very fineF~~~:rs~f F eat h er s d · BEWARE g~~~:ei~~~'#er:i~1;,di~;1';i as Coraline by some unfirlnciplod mMohants trad0 t I 1' LAD I E - -CALL and) t t h ' fi d' 1 h" h ~~n:~ts ~:f1 to ~tve :~tis~!ctfo~.w ic I s :':F WORTHL ESS I MITATIONS As there aTe ro1my iu.forlor o':i~ ~0:,~0r;p~!~iin~~ M-M RS. ORRISON'S AT- --AND SEE - \J ' 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' '" we wa.m the ladles o.go.i!lst such imposition by dra.wing t heir attention to the necessityo!seelngtbat tht:> name u fac turc~. The Eagksteam W a2h erfor wh ich J . N . Kivel Lis th e general agent in t his d ist rict m ay b e seen a.t C:~wker and Allin's st ore, Bowmftn ville. Over 120 h ave b een sold around h ere sinco November. A large con sign ment has b een r eceived from -<>--- -- th e manufac tuer an d all orders will b e l'RCPI'. J ,o n ·S !SIJI.l'lllJlt SO AP l s a d e· prom ptly ·fl'll ed. .Tho E::tgle is d eci<lely ll:i; h H nl toild lux m·y as " '" ll as a goo1 l the b est ·washin g mach ine on Earth . · .:u raU.1·e tor ~Jdn <liscascs. J ou D ._:O n e l o t of Boy's Wool T w eed Suits, :fitting b oys from 5 . t o 1 5 years, clearing at l e ss t h a n cost. P .ticcs wi ll b e e x ceeding ly low a s we p u rpose dropping out of this (l.e pa1tme nt. Robertson & Bond. 4 pieces fme new worsted coa tings, beautifully finisht·d goods. Gen tlemen, if you want a su·t, see them at T. Geo. Mason 's, Star H ouse, - -AND- Call at Tait. & Mor rison's to see Mra . Clarke's Cookery Book. Are yon Jo,·sing your hair1 Are y ou gettinG b » d1 Js yn.ur hai: tur ni ng grey't - IN- Are you t ron hled ·1th D a'ndruffl Then AN A P P R ENTIC E t o the rnille r y dont be in de8pair, go and buy a bottle of Dr . D ore uwend's German H air M agic, it w a nte d. will st<>p t h e hair from fallin g out; where th em is th« slightest chance of roots l eft it will produce a t h ick h1md of h air, and E VER SHOWN I N ORONO. where t he scalp is fu ll of D andrnft will .Enniskillen, J uno lOtL, 1886. 21-lm, cure it at, once. F or sale at all princip~l - - - - - - - - - - -- John Wilson, o f Emily, was k illed last R E M EMBER i'm} SUND : Drugg ists. J. H igginbotham & Son, week by being r uu over with a roller. j LATE Mrss H EPBURN'S, llfrLLER's BLOCK . Agents for B owman ville. ll· tf IThe La.rgast .Stock· ata.mpeClon innersidooC a.UComlinegoodB, Without which none are genuine. FLOUR and FE ED Greatest Variety JOHN MARTIN. MILLINERY