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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.iO PEll. AloNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M , A. JAMES, EDITOR .urn P ROPRilllTOR. VOLUME NEW S ERIES, N UMBER 413 . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, J UNE 25, 1886. BARDLEY'S SCHOOL HOUSE. School report for May. ]'0urt h cl a~s. - Minnie Groat. F. Moore, Maggie Ormiaton. Third re u.-G·o. M illson, Edrzflr Ross. L . Vfln Nest.. Third jr.-Lotrie Van Nest, C. Jeffrey, J ulia Gibson. Seco11d sen. - N. H.oss, R. Va nNest, N. Heatlie. Second j r .-A. VanN est and F. J pffrey equal , Edna ltoss. F irst sen . -Geo. Gibson, L . Leask. First jr.---A. V auNest, M . Sonch, A. Bennett. J . C. GROAT, T e ,.ncher. M A PLE GROVE. XXXII. N UMBER 26. The anniversary ser vices of Map! e Gr ove Sabbath School, hel d on Sunday and Monday, were a decided success. Th~ sermon on Sunday was delivered by the Rev. J . W. Cannom, and deserves the highest praiafl for its good sentiment nnd delivery. The children performed th eir part in a mnnner which called forth the applause of the speakers - Rev·. E. Rober td, Cannom, Sanderson and Wh itlock. The n111sic rendered hy the choir was duly appreciated o n acconnt of its excell ~nce, far surpassing any of its form LUNG SAULT . er achievements, and fi tly inte rspersed Crops looking very well. between the eloqu ent addresses by the R ev . F . Woodger deliver ed his fare- above named sp1>akers. The proceeds of wel~n on S unday week. the tea was ~81.25 . V!r. Wi lliam Beacom is gaining slowly . ORO.NO. from the h nr t h11 received a short .time ago, his collar bone being broken. Ile 13usiness is rushing again a t t.he Corner (,_, ~~reful, Billy, when handling colts. Store. . The new firm of Underwood Mr. Joseph Byers and fami\y h ave Broth ers, includin g M r . 'l ' . W . Und erw· od and Mr. William U11derwood, both ret1Jrn:j,.£110m Michigan. · ~barns and out buildings of Mr. D . of are well and ve ry favorably jars wer e destroyed by fire last Tuesday knowu through Clarke, Man ven and · , ight. It is said to b e the work of a 11 ope, are here t o s tay they confiden tly assert, and from their excellent business tralQJI· . ~ Two youths left our neigh borhood and ability ?.nd genial and courteous manners drove t o t own where they became man u othing short of s u cce~a can be the result of their en t<>rprise. They bought the and wife. stock fr ·m Mr. 'l'rull at a marvel lou·ly ~ Our young bear h un ter has killed two low figu r e and have sflrted u p wi th sei.fine coons. BETSY BollBITT. sonable goods of th e various Ii11£-s in which they deal. The prices at which ENNJSKILL.EN. they are selling some special lines of Rev. A. McLaren attended the meeting goods will as t oni~h your reader s. Just of the Generai Assembly whicl1 met this think of <~ nice 40 cent piece of dress year at Hamilton , On Sabbath morning goods going for 15 cent~. and many other previous t o iu trod nc io~ h is excellent things at like red uctions. The carpenters s ermon he gave a brief sketch of the great and white washen are at work improving work being done by the Pres byterian the gel'.leral appearance of the store and Church . everything abont the place has a busi ness Rev'd Messrs.B rown and Tay lor1 Meth- air t hat augnrs well for t he fortune of the odist ministers, lea1·e Darlington circuit concern. I h ave seen t he books showing next week for their new fields of labor. cash and credit sales for the past ten days, 'f hey ciirry with th em 1he best wishes of and it is doubtfu l if any one hou se i n t he a great many for t heir fu ture succesg. count.y can show better record of actual Each of them have made many warm business d 0ne. G ive the Corner Store, friends here who greatly r egret their Orono, an early call, 1f you have not departure. l\'lr. Brown gave us a very already doue so. eloqu.,nt. earmst and p ractical discourse HAMP7.'0N. as hie final effort here on Sabbath night last. Mr. Taylor will preach his fare well 'l'he Salvation Army. of Hampton, are sermon next S unday ev~ning. Rev. S. going to hnve a Strawberry Festival. on Salt on, of N e wt onville, succeeds Mr. Tay- Tuesday, .Tune 29th. Special Walton lor here. He comes highly recommended. and otlicers from BowmanvillP, Oron<>, E nfi eld a nd Enniskillen foot-ball teaws K endall, Leskar<l,, and sc·ldi er~ will have another t ry for goal in Hampton from surrounding s tat ions ; al8o some on Dcminion Day. one you will be glad to see. Don't miss Dr. J . E. 13rown has gone f or a trip it. Strawberries and refreshments served from 5 to 8. R ousing march at 7 :30 p. through Wes tern Ontario. m., war memories and trophies of victory C./ESABE.A. at 8. Come in crowds. 'l'icket s, for . . . FeRtiva.l and Jubilee, 20 cents, Jubilee Ou_ r blacksmith, Mr .. Hen:ry Jo_blm , 18 only ·trtlent.s, children, 15 cents. erectmg a new shop beside l11s residence. . _,.. ,.,. H T P l -11. t k dd 1 B fi h. d J ~ h"' . !ur. · · u 1ps was a en eu en y ass 8 mg commence . on une lot ; ill last F r iday evening. Medico.I a.icl was no further need of. throwmg them 07er- suarni oned ; he contmued bad all night, was bett er next day, and now we a re Valuable Premium Given Free board or of t.hem home ~ow. OF WORTHLESS IMlT~TlON S Some of our citizens ar e shalnng leased to state h e has nearly reco\"ered. with Canada's Popular As tbore are mo.ny i uferior goods, corded witb jute. their shoes in duiad of the F ishery In· \VTim,.. · 1 t l It d · · Weekly. . belllp, etc., offcrod aud sold specto'r who is r eported is 'about to have ' d t mig 1 1 ~ -ve r~~u fe lll af M s erioRus 00 as Coraliue by some un0 THE WESTERN AVVERTISER, of London, has some of tliem prosecuted for illegal fish- ~Cl e~ ' ~~;{e ~ ~e t~m ~ll r. · 1rincipled mercJrn.uts trad1 18 just made another important step in advance, ing, Who turn ed Queen's evidence a nd. M:~~ a ' al 1~t e ~s ·0 ing on the reputation of J Cvi a~e, ond n now appear s regularly in twelve page form, our ;.:«Jnuin" Co1·u lint', oave them awa ?. · Y a . r. ames urtJs an we warn t h e ladies against I·and in addition to all its well·known popular "' Y· . brother were loading h ay, and had just features gives in each issue Sam Jones Sersuch in:ipositiou by dmwMr. Jaa_ies ~c~Ioull , ~l"ho has been ill finished a load, Mr. Curtis started t o go mona,tholnterrntiona.l Sabbath SchoolSeesona, ing their attent ion to the down off the load in toe front when the necessity of seeing that the 1 a Complete Story, etc.. etc. Jt Is v nstly Im· for some time, 1s improvmg. proved in every respect. For BALANCE Ol!' name We are glad t o say that our T emper- rack gave way and precipi tated him on YEAR the price is only l.illc. , or in clubs ot five and over 4U c. each. Postal!'e stamps ac- ance House "The Lrnland" is conducted the tong ue between the h orses. The cepted for fractional partaota dollar. Samples on a strictly temperance basis under the team took fright and ran soma distance free. 'R ijtumped on inner side of all Coraline goods, a;lf"Each subscriber will be entitled, without able management oI Mr. J. Cook. Good Mr. C . manfully siezed the reins and ran Without which none genuine. additional coat, to one of the following prem- accommodation is provided for campers them into a wanure heap, this luckily iums, which ehould be ordered as p<ir number, and fishermen as well as for the travelling brought them t o a halt, giving Mr. C. viz. : 1. Portrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipes. public. On fine evenings quite a crowd a chance to escapii fuom his perilous 2. Home and Health. !. Ladles' Fancy Work may be seen gathered there engaged in position. Guide. la!' Registered letters come at our r isk. ~~hletic sports o_nd ot~ er am~eements. Those reported sick last week im1 Address plainlyHelp your Neighbor boys m a good proving in health. ADVERTISER PRlN'l'ING CO.. ____ _ _ _ __ __ J,ONDON, 0 NTAUlO, catC ise . . th' .. . , . d Our public school and t he inhabitants rops m is v1c1m.y are m goo con- · 1 ·'II t t 1 · NEW 1th h d f · m genera v.i turn ou o t 1e umon i NATURE'S PEltFECT H t:ALTD dT 1 ion a oug m nee 0 r~m. B . picllic on F riday tha 25th inst., in Mr . 'r he largest and fin est constructed hotel In Is iJ!lpossiJ;>le !~ the Di_ _ __ _ ____ i_ . ow OY · James Leask's woods. A g rand time is the city, on J·nrk Avenue, one block from CUR E FOR gestion _18 impaired, the Grand Central Depot. Liver mactive., or the expected. TYRONE. (ON AMERICAN AND EUROrEAN PLANS.) Bowels Constipated. Home Circle meets next Tuesday even600 rooms. elegantly furnished and decorated. I '.l'o.rrant's Efforvescent The members of Tyrope D ivision inThe v.entllatlon, drainage and sanitary arSELTZER A.l 'J:IUENT. t end holding · t heir annual pic-nic on ing. Full attendan ce requested. rani;~ment~ generally, are r. h e most perfect will cure Constipation, S d L k Sc Rev. George Brown will offer for sale th~.:. unman Ingenuity and skill can devise. Sick Headache and Oya- atur ay to a e ugog. Come one, ou the First of July his valuable drivino $-~airway and 3 elevatoi·s, pepsla. It regulates the come all, and enjoy a pleasant time. bowels and enables those e, c'a1q. ·iage, &c. "' l'o charge for conveying baggage from or to of feeble digestion to enOur pain t ers, 1\'.Cr. F . Weeks and Mr. tbe Gralld Contra.I Del>ot. j oy their food. It reduces Ed. Bingham are doing some fancy paintM r. J oseph Ward ha11 been improving llllNTI NG ·" llAl!DIOND, " "' " Fever, Cools in the Blood, h is r esidence by the addition of a fresh 2! ·3m . Proprietors. ti>.,... is in valuable Piles and ing around these parts. Mr.Ed.Bingha coat of pai nt. - - - - - -- - - - - -- Inflammatory Diseases, has spent five years in Yankton, so no and i:i a justly est.eemed h e i~r-epai:~d to do good work on t he Mr. R . Kat erson capt ured a stray I Aperient ror Children. A · l s'va;rm of bees on Sunday last. AND Economical, Reliable, Ill' rican pan. Eleu;1mt. It should bo l\fr. J . C. V anstone i11 spending this R ev. C. '.l'aylor gave his valedictory on ~o~~db~1 ~;.;~~~;;s:~~~: week in weetern Ontario purchasing Sunday morning. whe1·e. Manuractured only by '.l'AJUtANT ·" machinery for his rolle r mill in BowmanThe young men from the south who [ co., N"w l' ork. · vnle. Success J . C. in your enterprise. pursued th e young lady across the mm J . .Ed. Channon is visiting friends in dam on a r ecent S unday evenino-, indulgOur Millinery Department (one · . M ariposa, Gone for no other purpose, ing in vulgar obscene language, had better take caro or t heir n ames will be published. of has gone to Toronto to of the most extensive in the town) The anniversary se rvic~s of t he Methspend a few weeks with friends. odist S. S., H ampton, will be held as is now replete with all the latest\ A full attendance of the boys is request- follows : on Sunday, June 17th, sermons ed on Saturday night of each week for will be preached at 10:30 a. m. and at base ball p1·actice. novelties for the summer trade. 6 :30 p . m., by Rev. W. H. WarriM r, B. There must liave been a partial eclipse D. Collection at the close of each service of the etara at Ebenezer on the 14t h, as in aid of school fund. On Thursday, The entire sel ection is of th e n ewest your coxrespondent frooo Courtice stated J uly lat, sei vices will be r esum ed at 2 ALL LIVE R AND KIDNEY COM- that they. were going to shine brilliantly o'clock, p. m ., wh en a good programme and most fashionable description. P LAINTS, DYSPEP SIA, INDIGEST- on that date. As they did not shine as will be presented and addresses delivered illiantly al5 they expected, of course by R ev. W. H. Warriner; B . D,, Rev. C. Our asso1·tment of HAT S and ,ION A~D ALL Dil:'lEASES ARISI NG br J upiter and Venus could not show E. M cintyre and resident ministers. ' ]'ROM DISARRANGEMENTS oF THE their brilliancy on account of coming in Choice music by children of the school, BONNETS, which consiats Of the contact with theGladstones in crossing the under the leadel·ship of Messrs. H .Elliott, LIVER AND K IDNE YS. Meridian Line. 'rhe Gladstones intend jr., and I. L. B rown. Tea served from 4 o'clock until all are supplied. 'l'ickets, latest and most desirable styles, making it a total eclipse n ext time. This place is pestered every week with 25 cents ; Children, not belonging to the school, 15 cents. Everybody invited. embraces the fol:owing makes and butchers, fish m o ugers, t ea a gents, &c. Sww BoY. W ho has got th e cont ract to bu ild braids : -Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, the i;arsonage '? Have we got to seed Scott's Emulsion of Pure our pastc.r to town 1 why not have him on the circuit ? Look sharp, gentlemen. tJod I.1ver OH, w ith Jly popbospltltel!I Pedat; -Swiss, Pearl, Milan, Satin, Rev. F . Woodger will preach his Fur W ast-iny Di.1eases in Children, P roprietor, Toronto. farewell sermon here next Sabbath morn· Where the digestive p;>wers are feeble Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, Porcu ing. His genial countenance will be and the ordinary food does not seem to missed amon g us. H e leaves with t he n ouaish the child, this acts both as fo od SOLD BY pine, Cordinette and Split Straws. good wishes of all the people. CLIMAX. and medicine, giving strength and flesh HIGGINBO'I'H A.lll & S ON, N AT IONAL P I LLS wlll not g rlpe or s l eken at once, a nd is almost · as· palatable as BOWMANVILLE. milk. Take no other . et a t horough cntbaru e. McCL UNGS, CA RTWRIGHT. A pu bli? tea will be served ill: t?e Drill Shed, W1Jl1 amsbnrg, on D "mmwn Day from :J to 6 o'clock under the auspices of the Presby te rian Clmr ch. After .toa addresses, mu·ic h:v the Meth. choi r, &c., wi I be give n. Tickets 25c. Varinus games are ex pect to take place in the village during the Rftern ooa. A l(OOd time is expected. - - -- - -·- - CO URTIOB. · M rs . Geo. Short is on a visit t o Wh itby town . Rev.·T. W. Annis, E. A., of B arrie, prea~hed a very able serm on at Ebenezer :::iunday mor ni ng. R ev. M r. Sanderson, our new pastor, spent a day or two ou this circnit tbi~ week, and has already made a fav orable impression. A 4-yr. old s on of Mr. John \l\' alter fol lowed his father t owards town t he other day and got a mil" away before he was overtaken and brought back. TRIM. I SAVED D RUNKA RDS' S O NG. B Y WM. PHlll/PS ANO B. JOL LIFFE, BO WMANV/LLE . Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. 'l'une :- " J·ini anrl M e," or "By the R ising 11f the !.loon." Good p eople, if you'll listen, 1'11 sing to you a song; I'll tell you what the Lord has done F or me 1 1ucl B enjamin. One night up in t,he ~Id Town H all We called on <~·od m prayer; And there He came and bless'cl our souls With tender love and car e. We know H e lrns pardoned all our sins And kept us saved since then ; And this is what t he L ord has done F or me and brother Den. Crronus : Repeat last two lines in each verse. I - - ----- z d '· 0 :J .J 0 .µ 0 BEWARE NOW'S THE TIME I l ' CROMPTON CORSET CO.' M URRAY H ILL HOTEL, YORK. CONSTIPATION L IN M IL ERY. ---o-- - .ck-Headache S I 0ys EpsI A. e · DAN DEL !QN LIVER ANO KIDN E Y " BITTERS I CURES ;i~:s;,n;~idge The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. E. MORRIS, Robertson & Bond. \Ye were very fond of whiskey, Tobacco and good beer ; B ut we haven't t cd rL single drop F or over now t wo years. You see the L ord has saved us From all that kind vf stu ff, And we never mean to drink any more, C ROS S I NG T HE ATLANTIC. F or we'r e sure we have drunk enough. And since we have given up drinking We take the followin g i>x tracts from a W e have lrnppy homes you see, letter j 11st to hand from Mr. J. K each ii>, And this is what the Lor d has clone dated Glasgow I L ine 10Lh. " To be sick F or poor old Ben an d me.-Cuo1ms. or not two be sick, that's tl1e question . . . . . Well, that dtlpends very much on will · And 1£ you thmk tlns is n ot true, power, in r ising abo,·e it, in ke epi n ~ the . .. Just ltsk our wives to-day, mind off it, and i n beiag on deck as mnch J lf our hom es they are not changed as possible. If you stlould get sfok, k e~p Smee we began to pray. as little in the state-ro'> m as yo u can . I \Ve know our blessed FathcrGet out on deck. 'fhis is my expe rience. ] The on e who rules on HighSpeakinl{ of the tr ip from her e tt> :N e w H e has saved our never. dying souls York h e says: "If you leave B owm anville A.nd mad~ us fit to dr.c. , by 7 :20 8 , m . t going via. Niagara Falls And nuw His blc~secl "'.ill we 11 do, and taking tlie New York Central, HudA~d t rne to _H~m well be s .>n River R . R. and West Shore Lines , Until He says it is enough, you are in. New York by 7:25 a. m. next To p oor old B en and mc. -CHOllUS. m?rni~g. The scenery along tke Hudson , We uoth of us are soldiers now R1ve.r 1s iira_ n d. Check_ bagga~<l t<.1 . S usAnd fighting for our King pens10n Bridge _( Amer1'!an side) where We mean to spend our lives for Him t he conten ts are rnspected by the Cmi~om I n br inging l ost ones in. officere. Check ~he_oce t o Jay St.Station, Our time down here will uot be long, New York, as this 1s t.~e neuest t o the We 'll work whilo it is clay, steamers of the State Lrne. And help to win the world for God Respecting the· State Line Steamers In our weak simple wav. for which .l\lessrs. Gale B ros. arci the K O\V sinners 0 rrive your he~rt.<J to God local agents, Mr. Keachie writes : "Iu v Ve'ro sure you'll happy be regar:l to yo ur comfort aboud the vessels Come and be a soldier of the cross Like poor old Don and me.- CJ:rORUS. of this line you need have no appr ehen· · sion, ev~rything is fir6t-ra.te ; the meals are good, woll cooked , and served in a manner t o please t h e mo11t fastidious. The m n wl10 places at.en dollar adverThere is no need of taking any delieacied, tismcnt in h is l ocal paper and flatters himfor when one gets all he req uir es on board ~e lf that he is a liberal adver tiser, will be it is needless." surpr ised to learn that a year ly advertisme t 0110 col umn iu length, in the Chicaao 'l'·1 ilw.11.e costs the advertiser $26,000. T~e A Good Life Insurance Co. New York 11erald r eceives for its lowest The Mut ual Relief Society of R ochester priced eol umn, ~39,000 , and for the hi"h :is;. Y., wh ich has a good membership in est, $348,000. The New York T·l'ibu~ie, Bowmanville, has p\tid in death claims for the l owest, $29, 75~, and for the highfrom 1879 to March 1st, 1886, seven h un - est, $85,G3S, and those papel's, it is stated dred and ninety-seven thousand dollars. are nev r at a loss for advert isin" to fill "> This :Seciety has now over eleven thous- their columns. and memb ers, insured under th ir teen P ains cannot exist after the patient thousand, five hundred an d ninety certifi- has taken a ~ingle dose of West's Pain cates, aggregat ing twenty-nine millions, King. the Magic Curn. D o n ot b e infour h undred and se venty t housand dol - duced to take a suostitute, but insist uplars in force. on h"ving West's P ain Ki ng. 25c. AH The Mutual R elief Society has m or e druggists. t than doubled its assets in the last year Scientific Aspects of Some Common and its R eserve Fund is increasing over a Things, by W. M. William~, F. R S .,F. thousand dollars every month. q. S., price 15 cents ; J . Fitzgerald, pubThe average mortuary cost- all ao-es (18 lisher, 393 Pearl St., New York. E \·et'V to 54) included-has been only $8~25 per r eader will fi nd in this little work somea nnum for each $ 1,000 of insurance. t hing that will inter est and instruct him. Each member is assessed according to age The s ubject tr eated by the .i.uthor are tlrn and the younger m ember pays on ly on e things we come in contict with every day half as much as t he older member. - the coal in the gr.ate, the articles which Every member can comfort h imself constitute our daily food, the mineral oil with the fact that t he cost in the Mutual which supplies our lamps, the stones or Relief Society for the vast amount of in- bricks witl1 which our hout1es are built. surance afforded by it from September, t he con ditio,1s of comfort and convenience 1879. to March 1st, 1886, if compared in our l10mes, etc. with the cost for th e same amount of protection under the old line rates, shows a Much suffering could b e avoided by conpositive saving to its members of two mil- s tantly keeping a supply of \Ve3t's Pain lions, four h undred and four thousand, K ing in the h ouse. A certain cure for six hundred nnd seventy dollars. M . A. flux, dysentery, cramps, chills, colic, J AME s,Secretary of Local Board. cholera, and cholera morbus. 25c. All druggists. t · PURE TEA! P unE LirERA'rURE!!- T he The J uly n umber of FnANK L EST,IR's L i-Quor Tea Co. ie t he largest and best SUNDAY MAGAZINE opens with an art icle Packet T ea Co. in the v. orld. A hand- by t he Rev. Frederick Pember ton "The some volume given away with every 3lbs Character-house, London :- I ts Hospital of this celebrated tea. I t is uot necessary and Public School," with a n um ber of to purchase the t hree pounds at one time; q uaint and curious illustrations, including a voucher is given away with every h alf a portrait of Sir Thomas S utton, the pouud. By drinking theLi-Quor Teas, th founder. Mrs. Angeline E. Alexander consumer b ecomes a participator in th e m akes " A P lea for Girls " in her usual advantage11 which this company possesses forcible and pleasant mann& r. The over all competitors, for he gets a better a uthor of " D1let tante Days " takes her tea at a lower price than can be pr ocur ed readers t hrough Col~mge, u p the Rhine, elsewhere, and he shares in t he inestim· and lands them i n Mrinz. Dr. Talmacre's able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. sermon is on "The Newspaper Pres~ as Came early and get thl> benefi t of our un- an Ally of the P ulpit"; and i n t he Edit· broken st o·Jk. LJ:o:vI Mo.RRIS, Agent, ori~l Depar.tment _ lie discusses several Bounea.ll's .l:llock. 11-tf t opics of t1'1lely rnteres t. The serial It ~a7 n ot be known to many readers stories~".~he G~ms ,~he Wore," by L.'r . of this Journal that we have in this town Meade , . Paulma, by the Rev. . A. C. an institution bea ring t he name of "The Haverstick ; and "The Tapest.ry Room" Bowwanville Electro Platin(l' vVorks" by Mrs. Molesworth- are continued; and W:hich g ua.~anttles to do plating in gold, there .are many short sketches and po~ms silver or mckle so that old articles are and 't. numb~r. of iull-p~ge be~uhful made t o look quite as good or eve n bet· engravmg~. '.I h is number 1s .t~tl first of ter than new, and the propr ietor agrees t?e twentieth yolume, and this ~s a good to plate heavier than t!te platin~ to be time to subscnbe for the magazme. f<_>und on any new article. All kinds of A "POINTER."- When Col. Sellers s1lve~ware, old ~atch cases gold or silver, gives you a " pointer " in stocks, my and mdeed all kmds of ta? le ware are re- ( friend, leave them sever ely alone, b ut paired, cleaned! and polished. Any. of ( when your own feelings tell you that you our !eaders havmg art1?les t ha t r_eqmre have palpitation of ·the heart, asthma, p latmg can r ely on gett~ng a supeuo.r JOb bronchitis or catarrah which unless d~ne a~ a reas_onable prwe, a!1d. a smgle 1ch ecked are apt tu r un into consumption, bn al will conv.m ce you that th~s is correct.. heed the admonition before i t is too late. The foreman is Mr. John Wright, late of All the diseases enumerated a nd others 9:la.sgow, Scotland, and the proprietor arise from im pur e blood. Put the live; 1s Mr. F. N. H am . Call at , Reid'11 in action, the largest gland in t he human Blockan_ d see samplea of t he worK they body, and you will soon r egain your lost are turmn g out, health, and your bad feelings will d isappear. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical rROl' . I.01l"S SULl"H lllt SOAP I s :t c le· llgl1ttul t o lltll luxury ns 'vcll a s a :;11od Discovery " will acco mplish the work c urath'e tor skill dlscuse~. speedily and certainly. Of all druggists. ----·- -- ----- I

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