'. L11E3-ffRUIT Jiiiii~ - Mr. Fred. Shaw is home from London Mr.E. G . Burk, of Campbellford, was on a short visit. in town this week. Shaw & Tole's is t he place to get a Mc· Only 50 cents for STA.l'F.SMAN to new L aughlin .Buggy. s · eribers to end of 1886. The Public Schools in town close nex Mr.John Wesley has erected a high flag Wednesday for the holidays. pole on his lawn, Cedar cliff. · Buy 3 lbs. of L i-Quor .Tea at Levi Moreo those beautiful Fancy Window PURE ris' and get a $1.00 book free. Shades at Tait ,ll; Morrison's. 11nd undiluted · Rev. C. E. and Mrs. Mcintyre r eturnRosary Beaded Trimming for dresses at full stren~th. ed from B rampton on Friday. Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Mrs.Joseph Cole, of Fenelia, is on a flyMr. D . Fisher is erecting a c~nsiderable ing vISit to Darlington friends. addition t0 his fine residcnca on Silver-st. WHOLESOME Mr. Daniel Lee, of Boston, Mass., is on Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed P11rilies the blood, a ,·isit to fdend~ in \Vest Durham. wire a foil stock at bed rock prices at S. and aids digestion. sa l 's. A good tweed or serge suit, any size, $5.00 at T. Geo. Mason's, Star House. Mr. A. Younie has greatly improved the Mr. and Mrs. l't. H. Nott are expe, ed appearance of his residence and grounds to return from their bri.d·l tour to-n\ , ht . by paint and other attentions. REFRESHING Full line of artists materials-tub C"e "' s·,..i-.-'l<i'1ose California poppies in Mrs. R.H. Tones up the system. brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. Turner's garden have been objects of admiration to our citizens during the week. The L aw offices will be closed in Bowmanville duriug July and August at4 p.m. Me~srs. \V. S. Russell, W. C. King an d FRUITY John B. Mitchel, member11 of the Wimand rich in flavor·. Mr. Blake will visit t his ri~ing again bledon Team, sailed on Thursday from early in July. See list of meetings in an - Quebec for L ondon. other column. 4· pieces fme new worsted coatings, beau100 pieces White MuHlins, including all tifully finished goods. Gentlemen,. if y?u COOLING popular makes and patterns, now showing want a suit, see them ac T. Geo. Masons, Just the drink for Star House. wa.rm weather. at the Star House. FAR!l[ERs.- Take your wool to .Tohn Just received at the West End House Lyle and get the highest market price. from tho famous manufacturer E . A. · In ordering, speciliy DoM~NI?A , .and dC1n't Don't seU till you see him. Levian & Co., a lot of his newest and 'best be put off with any umtat10ns. Elder J. H. Shoult.s, of Ornno, will styles in Gents' Ties. preach in the Diciples' church, next Sun'fhe Editor will leave Bowmanville on BEFINED E:J>:PRESSLY FOR clay, the 27th inst. at 11 a.m. Tuesday morning next for his trip to the L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for Old Country. He expects to be absent making evetroughs that wont leak. It two or three months. l.Vl"C> .N"I':R.E.A.L, makes the length six feet long· Notwithstanding the recent advance in For sale by STOTT & JURY. Ladies, it will be to your advantage to silks, yon can stilfbuy all colors and all .A libm>al discount to the trade. No inspect our millinery before makiug your qualities at the old prices at Couch, JohnchiLrge for cases. ston & Cryderman' s. purchases. Robertson & Bond. Bo.ATS TO HIRE.--Twogood boats to'l1ire. Jno. McMurtry is sho~ing Black BroApply to Geo. H. Buxton at the Organ caded Silk, Black Gro. Gram Silk, Black Factory, or at his residence King-st. East. Satin s uitable for summer mantles, lovely Wes L '3 Pa.in King cures the worst pf Black Chenille Fringe for trimming. " colic in live minutes. Cures chills,cr11.mps, SPECIAL TO CortREsPOND.ENl'S.- News THE l3EST and chol~ra rnorbus. 25c. All di UJgist. t letters must be sent in early next week, \VooL.- Farmers, don't sell your ~Wool as the STATESMAN will be printed on 'Wedtill you call on John Lyle who is paying mschty morning, Thursday being a holi· the highest price for good merchantable day. wool. Mr. T. Nowell sold his iurnltue arid F .ARMERs,-1\foClellan!& Co. have now household effects last Saturdav and re!IJon hand a la,rge quantity of iilalt and ized splendid prices. Mr. Levi A. Tole Plaster and for sale in q uantitics to suit handled the hammer with great satisfacpurc ~~ tion and skill, in th'e market is manufactured by The West End House is noted for r. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Conces· n -st,, have returned from a visit to having the largest, best, and cheapest riend; at Orangeville, Markdale and oth- assortment of H osiery in town. Ladies er place.3 in that locality. you would do weU. to call and examine HORSES WANTED.- ! want to buy a lot for yourselves. PRICE o lirge, heavy horses; also fillies from Su1rn Di.aTH.- Go to Higginbotham & one to fonr ye~ra old. Address, ~TEP.HEN Son,Cheinists and Druggists for pureParis COTTON, B<1w i11anville. Green, sure death to Bugs. And Insect M essrs. Shaw & T ole offers to present Po1vder for the ·destruction of flies, ants, a. binder to anyone who will find a man crickets, mosquitos, carpetmotlls, cabbage - Thie Powder isin the ·cuunty who has bought a Massey worms, etc. ! Bin er and will not recomme11d it. Severalofourcitizensatt endedthe MusicMr. J. M. Joness has returned from a al Festival in Toronto last week,includiog and equal in quality to any in the market visit to Ottaw.i., Pembroke and otherEast· Mrs. E . G. Burk, Mrs. W. J. J ones, Miss and as we liave no travellers bills nn1 ern sections. He says the poople of Lan- F isher, Mrs. Mc.Arthur, Miss Ida. Mcagents commissions to pay we can sell tlie ark.are delighted over the success of the Arthur, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Barrett, Powder one-third less than regular price~. Scott Act in that county where it lrn.s Messrs. W. Roenigk and W. Cann, STOTT & JURY \ been in operation the past year. Ladies,in Tait & :M.orrison's store you :.-..:.... .........Yvinter has paised and now comes sum- can see the pre ttiest, cheapest and best ~~~~~~~ - ~!;;~~~·~ ... ~~ ~~~ --- mer with <Lil the terrors of cholera, bowel Fancy Window Shades ever introduced ~t..~, (f\;ltt\ lt .tf11tt ~t!tt~" u C?mplaint,' flux, cho_Jera infootum . . Pro- h ero, their cheapness is most remarkable. ~M,\<.. '-J'H,Mft°'4~4.t dOf -"""+M M· v1de for emergencies by purchasrng at Call a nd see them. Rollers,cornice poles ~~~.-~~~-.-~~ .·--~~-~~~~ "~~.· · r once a bottle of West's Pain King. 25e. fixings for drawing, etc. , in stock. °!30WMA.NVILLE, FRID.A.Y, JUNE 25. All druggists. t Order your new buggy at once at Morris' S. 0. E . B.- All members of Welling- Carriage Works where you can get a ton Lodge Sons of E ugland are notified choice of McLaughlin's celebrated gear Publishers's Notice. to meet at Lodge room this Friday night with latest improvements, the Timpkin, at 7 o'clock sharp to proceed to Cemetery Regina, Buffalo and other makers, with During our absen<!e in Europe, Mrs. M . to decorate th e graves of deceased mem- Morris' Patent Top, if desired. A CoMl'LICAn~D CASE. - Harry Ricarda, Barrett who has been Assistant Editor for hers. By order, 1\:1·. A. J Am~s, Secretary. 'rhe Foresters of this tow n will° attend of Meafurd, O,nt.,testifies that he s11ffered the past fifteen month!, will be acting divine service on Sunday next in St. from rheumatic gout and chronic troubles editor and business manager, and will John'e church when Rev, Dr. Macnab will of the stoma.ch and liver, which Burdock transact the business of t he Office gener- preach a ~pecial sermon to the brother- Blood Bitters elfoctually cured, after all ally; receive moneys, give r eceipts, pay hood at 11 a. m. The brethren are noti- other tried remed ies had failed. t tied to meet at their Hall at 10:30 a . m . Mrs. GHard left on Tuesday for New accounts, etc. HIGH PRAISE.- ).V[rs. John Neelands, York there to take the S. S. "State of Mr. S.1\.. Jewell, Foreman, will have writing from t he M ethodist · Parsonage, Pennsylvania" of the State Steamship control of th11 Mechanical Department and Ade1aide, ·ont., says: '· I have used L ine for the Old Uountry. This Lina for will execute all orders for plain and fancy Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam in our family wh ich Me1srs. Gale Bros. are tho local for years. For heavy colds, sore throatd agents, is very popular with Uanadians as printing with neatness and <lespatch. We most respectfully request our excel- and distre~sing colds no other medicine we observe that several go by everv boat. so soon relieved." t A FAIR PROl'OSITION.- There could be lent staff of country corr espondents to con· Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Purcival, of Pem· no offer more fair thau that of the protinue to send to the office regularly their broke, aucl Mrs. Geo. Graham, of llramp- prietora of Aagyard's Yellow Oil, who weekly budget!! of news, and to exercise . ton, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. have long offer.ed to refund every cent special care during our absence not to send .T. M. Joness this week. Miss Percival, expended for that r emedy, if it fails to anything that will cause offense to anyone. daughter of the first mentioned, is the give satisfaction on fair tri.tl. t gold medalist at Ontario Ladies' College 'l'he New York Fashion Bazar for .T uly ,Send letters early in the week. this year. contains a splendid description as well as From $200 to $300 a. mi.>.ath are requirA GROWING EvrL.- Scrofula, or king's numerous illustrations of summer styles, .ed for expenses of the office, so that we evil, as an enlargement of the glands of the newest designs in fancy work, latest l1ope a_l). persons owing for subscriptions ·the neck is termed, may · be called a fashion notes besides a ri.uantity of choice or otherwise will pay up at once. Receipts growing el'il in more thim one sense. r eading matter. Geo. Munroe, Publisher, will be sent to all persons remitting money Mrs. Henry Dobb~, of Berrid:; le, was 17 to 27 Vandewater-st., New York . cured of enlarged [(lands of the neck and DECLARED lNCURABLE.- E . C. McGovern, by m ail. M. A. J Alln~s. sore throat by tlvi internal and external of Syracus.,, N. Y., who is a well-k" nown Editor and P ublisher. use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. t r esident of that place, was declared "Children's Sabbath" will b e observed incnrable by his physician, the disease next Sunday, 27th, in St. Paul's church, being a curnplica.tion of kidney and liver when.a special sermon to the children will complaint. In two days he fonnd relief be preached by che Rev. Patrick M cLeod, in Burdock Blocid Bitters, and in one H ose, h ose, h ose, \Vest End House. of Uentm l Chur ch, 'l'oronto, widely known Ladies go to the West End H ouse for as a capital children's preach er. Mr. month he entirely recovered. t Hosiery. · The Eagle steam Wash er for which J . McLeod will preach to the older people in · Mr. Fred, Quick of Port Hope, spent the e vening. All are invited. Special N. Kivel! is the general agent in this disS und ay in town ivith friends. collection for Sabbat h Sch;,ol funds. The trict may be seen at Cawker and Allin's M -... and Mrs. H . O'Hara, of Toronto, annual Sabbath School pienic is on Do- store, Bowmanville. Over 120 ·ha.ve bee n A sold around here since November. were the guests of Mrs. F arewell over S un - minion Day. large consignment has been r eceived from d ay . MINU~~ES OF CLARIO; CouNcn.. - \Ve The proceeds from the fonr concerts of have had occasion to compliiin several the manufactuer and all orders will be th e Musical F estival in Toronto last week tin~es of the delay in receiving for publi- prompt ly filled. The Eagle is decidely cation the minu~es of Clarke Council. ··w e the b est washing machine on Ear th . amou~1ted t u $14,'700. not receive the minutes of June 1st d1d A large doct.or's bill is often saved by To whom it may concern: this is to cert ify, that Robertson & Bond are selling meeting in time for our last issue, and we taking in t ime a few doses of West's Liver are too much crowded for room to give a Pills, the standing remedy for liver comt he c het\pest goods in town. Mrs. M. W. Williams, of .C obourg, who column and ·a half of space to a r eport a plaint, Llyspepsia, indigestion and sick month old. N o paper published in the h eadache. 25c. All druggists. t h~is been on a visit to friends h ere, r e· 1 county has half as many r eaders in Clarke R ev. Sam. J ones may come t o B owturned to h er home last week. as the STATESMAN, and we must again re- manville in October. Mrs. James -Miller, Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, quest the Council to order t hat the minetc., at Morris' Planing Factory, L iberty utes are transmitted t o us promptly after Corresponding Secre tary of the \ \Toman's Missionary Society of t he Methodist sk eet, R. H. Osborne, leasee. e very meeting. church, is in r eceipt of a lett er from t he Mr. Geo. Dowson, of Scugog I sland, SPECIAL ATTENTION should always be R ev'd gentleman, in response to one sent gave us a call on Monday. H e is offering given to the hair and scalp . There is asking for his services, in which h e intih is big farm for sale on the I sland. See nothin g nicer than a good head of hair. ma tr.s h is willingness to come if his en advt. In case of baldness when the roots are gagements previously made will ndmit of Josiah Lick cut 17 acres in one day; not all gone, Dr. Doren wend's Great it. The ladies will correspond with him h e also cut and bound 4 acr es of peas Gorman H ait· Magic, will produce a at a later dat e. IIis closing sentence is, with out :my trouble, with a Light Toronto luxuriant growth of hair ; it will re·tore " Our meetin gs here (lndianopolis, Ind.) B inclffi.'. all grey aud faded hair to its original is moving o,n gloriously and God is mightJ. R Bradley's Spring Pad for single color and vigor ; it stops all fallin g out ly blessing our labors." (Sign ed) S am. P. and double harness gives entire sat isfact- of the hair and removes all t races of dan- J ones. ion. No h orse will have a sore back druff. A little of t his g reat pre par ation Q UININE .AND CHILLs.- Quinine is the used once in a while will k eep the scalp where they are .used. proper remedy for chill fever, but it does in a healthy condition and make the hair Mr. 'l'. H . Everson , one of the entern ot al ways cure. Esquire P elton, of prising citizens of the rising town of Man- soft, pliant and beautiful. A.Dorenwend, Grass Lake, Michigan, took in all 600 sole manufacturer, Toronto. J . Higginitou, 1Vlan., is home on a visit looking the grains of q uinine for chronic chills and malarial fover. After that and various picture of health. He is gr eatley in love botham & Son, agents for Bowmanvi lle. AS SlVEET AS HONEY Is DI'. J,0~1"1< l'leas- other r emedies had failed, fi ve bottles of with the Prairie Province and expects to nnt lVorm Syrup, ye& sure to des troy un·l B urdock Blood Bitters cured h im. retul'n there next month. expel ~1'o rm~. DOMINICA It~ 1-1.J cc I We now have in stock $250.00 worth of c.:> r-1 llcColl's Bazar Patterns the most valuable Patter·ns in the market. '1\Te will give customers t he choice of any Pattern we have in stock z 0 I- · ::c u.J :z: c::> c:::l FREE OF CHARGE when purchasing materials from us. A. fine stock of a: c:::c u.J Cl- 3Jt: . >CQ u.J Ribbons and Laces, Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery. Beautiful Shades in French Wool Dress Materials. RICH LYON'S SILKS. c:::l Lyman Sons & Co., :!!: c:: a: <C u...I Cl c::> c::> A very large choice of Black Dress Materials at all prices. LADIES I I- CASHMERES, the best. values we have ever ~,ret Baking Powder I0 :z: :c c:.::J shown. __. c:.:> UNION SCHOOL OONCERT. T. GE 0. MASON. ___ :;;.-.-- - --·· ...... . :.-'lo..,.... _ _,_ - ·-- -- -~-· . STOTT & JURY. Only 30 cts. a pound. WARRANTED PURE "° .. a"' Local and Otherwise. e dory tb.e premises, lot 6. con. 4, Darlington The entertainment given by the pupils a short time ago. Th~ owner is reqnest~d ; BIRTHS. prove property. pay expeosesand take it away 1md lady· teache rs on Wednesday and 23·3w 'l'hursday nights of last week, was mos MARTYN-In Rowman ville, on tb.e 22nd in1t., J· L ; PARSONS, successfu l- tho beat remembei-ed m thi · the wire or Mr. Job.n B. Af&rtyn, of a eon. tuwn. Very "'reat credit is due to F iTzE-Nea!'Betb.esda, on the 12th inst,, the . ,., . . wife or Mr. D1gory F1tze. or a son. - G . h Mtsses Culeman, Berme, l·fames, Ham"/ ROA'!'0 n t q 11th inst., In Hampton the hly , an d Th omas, f 0r t h ell Imost f au1 [, wifeofMr.FrauklinGroat otadaugb.ter ' and other property _ · __ less ma n ntir in which ev~rything wa · ·····-·- ·---·- - --··· ·--·.:____ _ _ dono. The way in which the ~ingera DIED. and reciters acquitted themselves w&s FRAYX-ln Columhn·. on June 17th,CR.roline surprising; and it showed that very great beloved wire of Mr. P.H. F'rayn, uged 40 yea.rs'. [Jains must have tleen taken in prepara; 'l'he subscriber ha\·ing decided to retire fron1 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. tion, especially when we consider that · tb.e Lumbering business, offera, by private sale ' tho following properties, viz: nearly all the performers were very .:orrcetetl by John Lyle, everyThnrstlny. PARCJl:L 1.-Three acre· on the S. ,;v. corner young. N othin. g but saris faction was of Lot No. 23, Con. 9. Utarke, on wb.ich is erect· shown by the audience, and the sum of FwuR, W' 100 lbs .. . ... ... $2 10 to $2 50 ed a Steam i::iaw Mill and S ta\' Factory. '!'he $87 was realiz"'d for the school library, WRE!\.T, Fall, W' bush .... , 0 70 11 0 7!J Mill is. driven tiy a 30 H . l'. En~in e and Boiler, h>i s a 60 mcb. Circular Saw an<l ha· a cap· wity etc. Withrn1t attempting tu do full jus11 Spring, 11 0 70 11 0 75 of from 6 to 8 tho11sand f.,et of lumber pei· day. tice to the ;very attracti\'e programme, BARLEY, ;yr bush. . . . . . . . . 0 55 II 0 70 '!'hero is also in C()nnection therewil:h a ll tile machinery necessfl.ry for the matrnfactm·e ot some r.f the prominent things may be RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 Flour Barrel Staves. On the L~ t is ereotod a. inen·.bned. The· openrng piece, a OATS, good Frame House Ux3G, with 9 rooms. II · · · · · · · · · 0 35 II 0 37 chorus. "Row, B c >ys. Row," was sung PEAS, Blackeye, 'II' bush ... 0 80 11 O 88 'l'his property is situated on theClarkeGraYel Ruad, ! miles from Pontypool. on the C. P. R., with ~ pirit. Harry May gave the open11 Small, 11 O 55 11 O 60 illmiles from the thriving Village of Oi·ono. ing address in good st vl... Then fol 11 Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 10 miles from 11/ewcsstle, and 12\. miles from lowed t he song of "The Clock," whi~h, 13UTIER, best table, 'Ill° lb. . . 0 12 II 0 14 Bowmanville. and is very n·lvantageot1sly like tha other kindergarten song~. Waij LARD, ;yr lb . · . · · · . . . · . . . · 0 10 II 0 13 situate<l to comma11d a good trade. A ver)I' successful business has been done bere for the given in excellent time and graceful Eoos, ~doz . ......·. .. . , 0 10 11 O 11 past 12 ye1trs. 'l'o a. man of energy and experimovement by twenty lit tle girls. Bes- POTATOES, ;yr bnsh ... ... .. 0 35 II 0 40 ence, witb a little capitJLl, this id a good Oi}por· sie Tambly n imitated well a sc.ine in a H AY. . · . . . · . . . . . . . · · . . . . 9 00 II 10 00 tunay· PARCEL 2.-100 acres being the South half of housemaid's life, r eciting in a very Lot 2G, Con, 9, Clarke ; ,.bont :;o acres cleared and in a good state of culth'&tion. Ba.lance lively, energetic way. Twelve girls pasture land and b n~h . next formed a bouquet, each couplti N cm 'Jlil:ucrtiscmcnts. PaRci> L 3.- 0nc acre N. E. corner of Lot 24., representing a flower, very effectively. Con. 8,Clarke,on which. is a good 2 storey hons" OW J<'OR SALE.- Good Young Dur- 2!x32,with stone cellar under the whole. Large '!'hen appeared 'Villie Spry, Ernest L os· ham Grade Milch Cow for Sale. Apply to ~table and drive tiarn, ha.rd and soft water ancl c0mbe, J esse James, Eddie B oughen, J , PERCY. 21 . Bowmanvllle. about 50 fruit trees. and Clare Willianu, in the dialog ue of l'arcels 2 and 3 make ·a very ·desirable farm. ABINET OHGAN FOR SALE. "Choo3ing a 'l'rade," and they all did and residence. . Handsomely carved, solid walnut case well, speaking out distinctly and natu· PARCEL i.- 50 acres S. W. l of Lot 12, Con. 1, Wrll ba solc1 cb.eJLp for cadh; Apply to E. It Manvers, which is a quantit,y of pine, beech. rally, giving utterance to many useful Bou Ne.\.M,, BowmJLnville. 25-tf.. maple andon 0th.er wood. thoughts. Twelve girls gave th e song A qeclded bargain will be given in any of th & TOCK FOR SASE. - A gnod, heavy above "Buy a Broom," and they p resented a described property, · clraft colt, 4 years old, with good bone charming picture, all dres1ed tastefully and action; a heifer duA to calve shortly, and a ]for terms and particulars apply at the mills, to altke and supplied with brooms. '!'he brood sow in pig, all well bred. Appl" to A. Enterprise, or if by letter C. J . '£HORK'l'ON, 25-2w* kinder!{arten song of " The Bright HANNA, Ennlski!len, KIRB Y P. 0., Ont ; \Vaves," represented tJ1e motion of the '(10W.N PROPERrY FOR SALE. wavea beautifully, and by many it was . All or any part ot whfl. t is known as the regarded as the be~t piece of part first. Stephens Mill Property, liowmanville. w ill be Rold on easy terms. Apply to D. WERRY, Mabel Tai t then read nicely a selec· Bowmanvillo, 23-tt P. 0. tion. "School Dudes, " by ~e v eral boys, wa.s well represented. " The White OTICE:- All persons are hereby forbidden to give credit to any one on my - - -o--Lambkins" was a charming song, and account without my written order, as I will Misses Ruseell and Thornton closed the not be responai tile for same. first part uf the programme with a fine j 23·3w· HENRY SYJ,VEBTER. Among our many d epartments, instrumental duet. Part second consisted of the opel'etta j FARM FOR SALE. - 200 Acres being lot 9, con. 12, Scugi;ig-n.11 cle11;red. and in Dress Goods wiH hav e our s p ecial , of "Red Riding Hood," which was I good state of cult1Ya.t10n, Dwe lling house, ( · · admirably r endered. · Littlo Minnie I barns and 0th.er outb1 1ildings, Terms easy. Wright took the pa.rt of Red Riding ; ]'or furth.e r oarticnlars apply to GEo.Dow soN, attention and w e p ur[)OSe makin a 2G ·3w* b Hood, Dottie Rogers of Batterc11p, A. l Scup,og, P. 0. Baulch of Rose, Miss Coleman of Mam. - Strayed into the a gre at effort to lead t he t r a de in ma, Mr. T, Brown of th e Woodman, premises or the subE criber lot' ll, con. .'i, and Mr. N. Yellowlees of the Wolf, and II Darlington , on or atiout the 20th iost., a am.all that br'anch of 0111. en ter·p r·i'se. milch cow. Tho owner is requested to prove they all vied with one 1rnother in doing property, pay for I.bis ad\'ertisement and take their best. The scene of th e "Blue ti;;rli~;to;;. Jorm CoLwrLr., Manver~G·~~~d, We will constantly hav e on hand Bells" charmed th e aud ience ; the woodman's song was fine ; little Buttercup A'fTLE S1'RAYED. - From lot 20, all the latest product ions that the won great attention ; the Wolf scene con. ti, Darlington, early in May, t wo delighted the children, and th e last anCl yearling cattle, one heifer spoted- red and whitethe steer red with. very little white. market affords in Fre r.ch, G erman most beautiful scene fittingly closed a Any inrormation leading to thd r recovery will splendid performance. be smtably 1·ewarded, Hll:Hll li:RT SHOR'r. Hampton. 26·3w· and English matetia]s , together llfanlage NoUecs. liO em1iii; 1li'tl1s iiil.U d eaths, 2ii cents. C ALF A.sTit,\Y-A yearling caif st~·ay- Valuable Saw Mill FOR SALE C C S DRESS coons. N Icow A~TRAY. C I ' EXECUTOR'S SALE L I LAND S O F THE l J,E\'I A . TOI,E of the late WHITWELL HALL, in D arlin g ~on and Cartwright. Sa.le to t ake place at Ru.EBOTTOM's HorEL BowMANV ILLE, oN '.tUESDAY, July 6th, at one o'clock, p.m. 1886~ IUENSED AU CTIONEER for the ' wilh Buttons, L aces, F ring es, County of Durham. All salAs will receive Bi;:>tpt attention. Address :- Bowmanville, Plus h e '1 , Velvets, Silks, Sat ins, -----------~----DUS. l!lcL.UfGllLIS ·" Jrnl'J'H. and all Trimming :; t o m '1t ch. OFFICE :- MO HRIS' BLOC K. DOWMANVILJ,~:. Dr.J.W.McLAUG HLIN, Dr. A. B E i rI-I , Gradulicenliate of th e H~yal ate of the 'l'oronto College of Physwraos nnd member of the Umvers1ty, l'bys1 c1an, . ltoyat College of Sur- Surgeon, &;c. geons, Edinburgh. I . I . . ROBERTSON & BON D. LADIES~ ~o t i MEETING 0.F THE STOCK- l.U illinery, D1·e ss Silks~ ' - Holders ·or tho Port Dar.lington Hal'bour Vel vets, &c., · Company, wlll be held at ' heir .Office at Por' llnr!mgton, on Monda)' the 21st, June next, at with a very fine stock 0£ F eathers artri three o'clock, p.m., fol' the election ofDirectors Flowers. · ' for the ensuing year- and for other pnrposee. Call and inspect this fine d isplay, which, Shaw & Tole's is the place to g<~t. a~ Bowmanville, l9IM~J, Bfsi~[· ~~J. Mrr,NE, cannot fail to give satisfact ion . T oL ·onto Mower. Secretary. 'l'he following lands will be sold by A1iction, .H. T, PHILLil:'S. Anctioneer, comprising K o. 1.-50 Acres. Lot 27, 9th <:Jonces8ion;: Lot 27, 8th Uoncession, 56 acres . No. 2. - Lot N o. 2G. 9th Con., 79· acres; ab o 20 acres, L ot N o. 29, in 9th Con. No :3 .- 50 Acres of Cedar, W est half of t.he South half of Lot No. 21, 9th Con . of Cartwright. 'l'o l>e sold in acre lots, according to plan . T erms will be ma.de known by Auctioneer on day of sale. J . 13 BICKELL } w. KI~RR, , ' ' Execu>lors, M A HALL · · ·· · June 23rd, l~B6 . 2'w MUSIC. HR. «::HARLES C::AWTllORNJ<: (:ARTER, Your attent ion is directed stock of the immense . organist of St. Peter's, Cohonrgo, lllto of Enghmd, teacher of Piano, 0 l'gan, Singing and Theory. P upils desiring lessons can lenvo their name and obtain terms. at Mr. Trebilcock's ·Store. 23-tf MILLINERY of every descrip tion at Port Darlington Harbour Company. MRS. DONNELY'S She has j ust ope ned out one of t h e largest and most siylish s tocks ever brouii:ht to t own, consisting of : .A 1