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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1886, p. 8

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DISTRICT NEWS. gentlemen el ectod Directors for the ensuing ye~ :-Sir W. P. Howlan~, Donald West's Liver Pills will n ever dieappo1nt Mackay, Esq., A . M . S mith. Esq., Hon. WITH SHEAF OARRIER ATTACHED. C. F . Fraser, G. M. Rose, Esq., G.R. R . you. Always reliable. 25c. All d r ugBowMANVILLE, F RIDAY, JUNE 25. Cockburn, Esq., and R. K. Burgess,Esq. gists. t Twenty-six carloads nf steel rails h :i. ~e At a subsequent meethlg of the Directors, Sir \'\', P. H o wland was elected Pre- arrived at Port P erry. The t rack is Lo sident, and Donald Mackay, Esq .., Vice- be renewed along that road. West's Liver Pills cures sick headache, The annual general meeting of the President, by unanimous vot e. dyspersia,indi~estion and liver complaint . s hareholders of this institution was held CLARKE COUNCIL. 25c. All druggHs. -1at its Banking House in '£oronto on Mr. B. Madill, of 4t!l con. Scott, and Tuesday, the 15th June, 1886 . Reouls r meeting, Jnne l. Members his n~igh.bor, Mr. Taylor, had a number Among those present were :- Dr. Lar- all pr~slint. After voting, petitions wer~ of valuable lambs worr ied t o death by Tatt Smith, ,James H . Morris, Esq., Q.C., presented : For airl t o improve Jot 9, dogs last week. Sir W. P. Howland, G. M . Rose, Esq., Cllll. !) ; sideline between l ots 4 aud 5, ·west 's World's Wonder, L iniment W. J . Macdonell, Esq., William Glenny, con. 7 ; McCormack's hill ; and sideline Esq., E. Hobson, Esq., Rev. Mr. Peattie, b etween lots G and 7, con . 7. Commit- cure3 rheumatism, neuralgia, cu ts, burna, s pr ains and bruise8. 25 and 50c. All G. R. R. Cockburn, Esq., D . Mackay, J I tees will examine anrl report. Esq., Col. Oswald, C. S. G7.owski, jr., The G. T. R. is to be · n otifi ed b v the druggists. t On the 208h inst., Mr. Chas. Virt uo,of Hon. C. F ·Fraser, Oliver Gilpin , Esq. , clerk not to divert water on lots 13 and A . M. Smith, Es<}, J. K. Macdonald, 14 (wherever· they are) from its original Enniskillon, was m arried to M iss E liza Strong of Cart wright. 'rhe Rev. W. C. :and others. course. On m otion, duly seconded, Sir. vV. I>. Owner of lot lfl, c<>n. 5, must move Winde l t ied t he lrnot. H owland took the chair, :111d. l\fr.Holland, fence off road between Jot.a 18 and 19, < tud West's World's \\Tonder. The demand! t be Gen eral Mauager, was r equested t o owner of lots 32, co n. !J, n p. off road is steadily increasing for t.his truly l :act as secretary· between lots 32 and 33 popular remedy for rheumat ism and till I 'fhc chairman read the following re,John Otton, pathma~ter , is t o perfor m kindr ed d ieeases. 25 and 50c. All drugp ort :.._ certain statuttJ h bor at Wilmot's bridge gists. t The Directors bef! t o present t o the and " to b e held subj ect to order of the -- - - - · -<>- · el10lclers their 2l)th a nnual r eport and Co uncil" (whatever that implies. ) OUR FRESH AIR FUND. l stateuw nt of the Bank's oper:i.tions for the M r. Long is to m ee t K e wcastle Council y ear en dm'! May 3ls', 188G. to insprnt and le t job r·n boundary beW e are very t h;inkful to t hose subscr ibThe net Profitd. ufler ilcducling tween Clarke and N ewcastle, lo t 24,c<.in .1. ers and others who ha ve so promptly paid Cba rg-es of Ma.naL:" e 111 P-n t, 1n1 e rest;"4 b h t d d t · aecrned upon Deposits, etc., and Mr. Long is t o cl is pose of tim er on t e amoun ue u s, an we mus agam resideline between lots 30 and 31, c .. n. 6 . quest one and all who have not p aid to muking provision for bad and doubtful Debts, were . .... .. ...... . .. ~110.2iG 68 On application of R . Oobnrirn ~ 50 was m ake an effort t o sq uare their account beProfit and Loss (b·ought forward · 1 from 31st May , 1885). ...... ..... .... .. 8.517 H granted for gravelli ng townline. for e the 28th in st. O ne d ollar is on Y a $Iis-:82i 09 Mesors. Stanton and H all were appoint- tritie, bnt if 1000 snbscrib era send us t hat Which liave been appl'opriatecl as followsed to examine rnacls and bridges in the amount each by t.he d;\te mentiontid above I s guarantee d to c ontain more malleable iron and steel t han any o t h e r B in der i n Canada. fa guarantee d 1 Dividend No. oG, 3 per cent., · followiug places and let j obs thereon if we sh1~1l. start on our trip to the Old to cut closer and h a ndle sh o rt and l o dge d grain bet t e r than any o ther B i nder. I s guarante ed to be morepaid l· t Dec.. 1885......... $ J5.000 oo deemed necessary :-Sideline con. 7, lots Country feeling .q nite cheerful. easily o perated than any other B i n der. Its Cuttin g A pparatu s i s t he b e st i n t h e w orld . The o n l y Bin der· D1virle11d No.57, 3 per r;eut., 4 and 5 · con. 7 Jots 6 a.ncl 7 · cul vert pay,. ble Jst Juue, 188G.. . .. 15 000 00 '8 1 tlO·, ' ' . b · running t h f\ Conveyor and Elevat or Belts an d B indi n g A tta c hme nt wit h a S ingle C h ain. The only !)in der Added lo Hest...... . ........ 15.000 oo con. 7, lots 7 and 8, ridge con. , o - - 105,000 oo 1 con, 9, Jot 9 ; bridge con. 8, Jot 11 ; con. running the Conv eyor within h alf an inch of t h e Cu tter!!. T he o nly Binder havin g perfect P itman :: a nd' BalanceofProfitscarriedforward. $13,siloo 4, lots 4 and 5; cuu. 8 lots 2 and 3; K n ife- h eel Connections . 'J'he only Binder h avin g inter ch angeab le Bus h Bearings. T he only Bin d er h a v and also to inspect roads complai'ned of From the foregoing it will be seen that by Mr. Jennings con. 7, and report at ing Spi ral Springs in the Canvas Belt es t.o r ecei ve the s t r a i n and tig h t e n t he B elts i n w e t a nd dry t he B ank has paid the usual dividends, at next meeting of Council. weather. The only Binder provided with a R elief Rake. The onl y B ind er fi tted with a n An gula r Steel the rntc of six per cent per annum, and Cutte r Bar, The only Binder on whi ch the Sh eaf Carrier i s u sed successfully. The only B inder h a vin g· brought the reserve fund to $500,000; or Messrd. Long and Thornton were 11 0 1 a Clover S e e d Att ach ment. THE TORONTO LIGHT BINDER. ONTARIO BANK Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record ! . from oornmgs since the re-organization of the Bank, in 1.881, the progress made, it is horwd, will be satisfactory to the sh ar eholders. In repoi:Ling upon the present year's business, the Directors h a ve pleasure in being able to state, that, notwithstaading tl1e plethora of unemployed capital in the country, a.n d t he limited demand for accommodation at constantly . reducing rates, the general extent imd quality of our business has continued to improve, and the return of profits, as compared with previous y ears, has been fn 11 y maintained. Your Directors, how11 ver,deemed it adviseable to make special provision for the liquidation of assets m the North· west , more especially for the offices at Portage la Prairie and Emerson, which have been cloeed, irnd the capital hither to empl oyed by them ·utilized uearer home. The earnings for t h e year, therefore, show l ess than in previous reports, but the wisdom. of such a policy is apparent and commends itself. As will be eecn by the statements accompanying', the accumulation of Govornrnent bonds and municipal debentures has been continued, and it is hoped t h at before au oth er meeting, the r eserve fund of the Bank will be fully covered by this class of security. Frequent inspectionH of till the branches l1ave been made during the year, and your Directors would express their entire sati~faction with tb e official staff of the Bank. All of which is respectfully submitted, W. P . HOWLAND, President, Torontv, 4th June, 1886. GENERA L STATEMENT. Capital stock paid up .. $1,500.000 00 Rest .... .. .... .. ...... ,.. 500,000 00 Balance of nroJ1ts carri13 825 09 ed roi·ward ... .. . .. .. " · i,605 00 Dividends uuclaimed . Dividend No. 57. payable lst June, 1886 . _. . 45,000 00 ltesel'ved fer interest due depositors ex· change, etc... ... . . . . . . 67 ,712 51 Robl1te on bills discounteu. . .. .. . ... .. . .. . 36.033 45 Notes in circulat.ion.. .. 95G,04!l Deposits uot beal'ing interest .. ... . .......... 1.890,5!]1 Deposits bearing interest2,672,332 Balances rlne banks in Great Britain.. ... .. . .. 165,918 Balances due banks iu Canada . .. ........... .. 59,618 - - · - - 2,167,175 lil 00 LIABILT'J'ms . ~~~}~tfr1~r f1~~t b1Je~~ ;~:m~aJi~~d !~i!~1; 6 g~Pa~:~d2t :,~~.mJ, M~~~~i~?cZ~:~~~ln1~~~ ; al so lot 31 con. 5, and l ot. jobs thereon if d:ilemed necessary· M~ssrs. L ong and Sta rk were deputed to examine roads and bridge~ in the following places and let job8 therel>n if d eemed necessary : -BastJ line lot 12 ; con. 1 lots 14 and 15 ; and con. 3 lots 16 and . 17 Mernrs. Long and Thornton were . appointed to superintend any gmve11 mg d eemed necessary on west Man vtJrs i oad, and M.,ssrs. S tark and Stanton to get necessary gravelling dune on E. M. roud. ' A large number of accoun ts were presented and order ed to be paid. SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville~B owmanville, M ar ch 25th , 1 8SG . c~r:; M ESSRS, SHAW & ToLE,-H&ving b onght a Toronto L ight B i nder, and after running it for two harvf!its cutting for myself and neighbor s, over 200 acrP.s, n ot cost ing me JO cent s for repairs, being a ble to h an dle it with two h orses with· ease, I consider it the champion Binder of !.he D ominion. M y neighbor, M r . Neil Osb orne, h nd a field he could n ot handle with the Chatham B inde r, they could not go through without choking and I went in with the L ight Toronto, went eix: timel!i· around t he field without leaving my seat , not only cuttin g and bindin g it but t urned out and cnt t h e stu bble the Chatham had passed over, elevated and bound the rnme. M r. Osborna had the li ttl e Brantford an d t he D undas for ·s everal d ays . cutting fo r him, but gave his order for the L ight ::r'oron t o. W'. H. O SJlO'RNE.~ ~ADI - - CAT,L ES, A T- - The Star that Leads them All P=1 1 I SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. For some time past the q uestion of purity in baking powders ha3 formed q uite a feature of newspa per · discneaions, and emi nent doctors of phikeophy have given opinions as to the iugredi.,nts which composeJ many of the art icles suld under th~t name. The in vestigations have narrowed down to the limit which awards the Royal Eakin(? Powder the palm of purity, and several of t he .most distinguished scienti~ts h ave hst.ifilld tn their conviction that no ex iraneons or deleter ious matter enters into its composition. The R oyal Baking Powder Company have achieved a world-wide reputat ion for the success which has marked their preparation of cream of tar tar fo r baking purposes. It is indisputably ~hown that they have eliminated oil elements, tarerate of lime, alum and all other impudties, and present to the JJUb) ic a healthful and chemically pure article. Such widely known chemiets a:i Henry Morton, E. G. Love, H. A. M ott, Wm. McMurtriti and others have veritied its superiority over other manufactures, and testified, t hr ough practical expPrien ce, to its excellence. It is well for families to observe the fact t h at it costs more to manufacture the Royal Baking Powd er thay any other, but it is, as shown by chemical analysis, the one " absolutely pure " baking p..iwder made. DomNIDN Du A'r Ponr RoP E.-We have to thnnk the Committee for courtesies extended to us in connection wiih theit Dominion Day clllebration. Por l Hope is going in for n big time, on Thursday next, commenciug with Aquatic Sports, and a Base ball match between C0bourg and Por~ Hope; Athletic sports \Ind Hose Races at one p. m., the whole to wind up with a Torch Light procession and Wild Weal show in tbs evening. Return Tickets by Grand Trnnk to Port Hope nt cne fare ,e.nd . a special tr~io. will leave for points wesl to Toronto a' 10:30 p.m. · , GODEY'S LADl:'S TIOOR for July opens .its cue h·Jndred and thirteenth volume, and iR an especia:Jy bright and hands<>me uurnber. The frontispiece entit.led "'l'he Wedding Day," is the companion picture to one given in the June number. Annthe1· pretty illustration . ·· The Old Story," is a quaint picture of cats. with a fascinating poem writ ten by Mary E . Bradley. '.l.'he colm·ed and black fashion designs give innumerable varieties of seaside anrl mountain costumPs. ··The Cor. onet of Thorns." by J. V. Pritchard, su·ta.ins i·s brilliant; plot as t he story neara completion. A bright t rausl:1tion from the German cf F.. Laddey, ~utit.led ... l!'oundNot Sought," is to be concluded in the next numbn . A va1iety of short stories and poems coxnplete a number that shows deciued improvement under the new management . The sub~cription price to Gody's Lady's Book is $2 a year. or $1 for the six remain· ing months commencing with t he July num· ber. P.ETlUlSON'S MAGAZINE for July is brimful of brnutiful things . The first embellish· ment, ·· 'I he Rival Belles ," representing three lovely women, iR a steel·engraving in the highest style of art, and alone worth the pt·i.::e of the number. Jt ia followed by a. >iouble·sized colored steel fashion-plate; by an exquisite colorerl pattern, a.Ja ..Japane·e, for a portfolio·cover ; and by some fi fty wood.engravings of fashions, embroidery. ete. 'l'he high ebaracter of "P·itersou" for giving the best original stories 1s more tlrnn maintained in [his nnmber. Every lady ought to take " Pelersou. " It i· pei·foct as a lar!y's book. Now is a good t ime to subscribe. a new volume bel!iuning witn this number . The terms are but t wo dollars a year, with greitt deductions to clubs, viz : a club of three for $5. 2.), witl1 an extra 0ooy for a year for gettii1g up the club. Other clubs are still more enticing, with more cost ly premiums. Specimens are sent grati~, wit.h foll particulars. to tho~e wishing to get up clubs Address Charles J. Petersou, 306 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. . By the bye, we cl uh "Petereou" with our vaper. F or two dollars and a half we will send a copy of both for one year. ,Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varies. .a marvel of tmrity, s treu~th and wholesomeness. l\1ore ecoDornical th11.n the ordin11.ry idnde, aud cannot be sold in coiupet.ilion with the multi tude o low test, short weight, alum or phosphat.e powders. Solrl only in cans. ROY AL BAKlNU POWDER CU., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. M~S: MoRRI~~ - -AND SE E - - The Largest Stock - -A:'<D- - RED Tr CED -TO- Greatest Variety --IN-- 8 ~ ni ...p ~ R ·rl s:I s::: p llD t . :-}, r'·': "' ""'. Cl (I) (I) ....... MILLINERY EVER SHOWN IN ORONO. ..:1 ltlany l1nitate It hut None Equal It.. ·.-1 llD ·-·...... p. (J) "d toj Ill> ........... ~~I '~ )-.' H State Steamship Line RE TWJ~ E N L ATE REll1EllIBER THE S TAN D : Miss HEl'JJURN's, MILLE R 'S B LOCK. DOMESTIC SEWING MAG HNE. NEW YORK. GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL and BELFAST. announce t o the t ravelling puhlic a rednction of farea for the Sommer of l886, as follows: FIRfl'l' CABIN, Forward Berth, · $35. Aft Berth, · $ 40. IlWl'UR N TICKETS, $65 11.nd $75. STF.ERACm , One Way $19. Saloons and Smoking Room open to all Ca.Lin Passengers . The State L ine of Steamers are a Magnifi· cent Passenger .l<'leet, ~ach being- from 3,000 t o 4.000 All of them aro bnilt under special sur vey, and classed 100 A 1 (highest descrip tion), at Lloyd's. 'J'h"Y are fitted up with every improvement which experience can suggest for the safety, c0mfort and con. veni, nce uf Cabin and Steerage Passenge1-s, and from t heir fine model and power, are calculated to maintain a speed equal to any other first· class line. :!! ' or full particulars, plans, &c .· apply t GALE BROS., .Aol!N '.rs, N:rtws Office, Bowma11ville. . GREAT Joe L1NES. ---o.- JoB A.-One lot of Fancy Dress Goods, which we are clearing this week at ten cents per ya1d, just half t he regular pri ce. 12 62 G<5 '.l.'otnl liabilities to t11e public..... . 5,744,512 !JO 7,g}l,688 51 ASSETS. J OB B.-One lot of Ladies' R u bber Circulars, warranted perfect 1 and water -proof, an excelle nt cl oa k for t h e dusty weather, cl earing for · . one dollar each. 1 I j i This is without d oubt the most elegant, most durable, and best Family Sewing Ma~hine in t he market. It does better work. It does finer and better sewing. I t is easier to run and superior in every respect to all other machines. Its attachments and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a child can almost place them in position. E very lady ~hould give the " Domestic" a trial before buying inferio:r soft made machines. Machines may be seen at Mr. Kenner's Variety H all, Bowmanville, · and a t H ampton. T he undersit,ned have th':! exclusive right o f sale in the West R iding of D urham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted-apply to H . ELL IOTT, Jr. Hamp ton, .March 26, 1886. W. BATTEN·. x3-3m. JOB C.-On e lot o f washing fast Gold and silver coin. . .. 'j; Domimon Govet·nment demand notes. . , .. , . . . Notes and cheques on other bonks.. .. .. .. .. Balar.ce due from banks in Canada.. .. ... .. .. .. Balance duoirom banks in United State.s·...... Government securities. and municipal and other debentures..... 2'28,018 05 362,321 00 226,758 91,233 7 color . Prints a:rid Zephyr Ginghams clear rng at eight cenfo per y ar d , , formerly sold at 12 k cent s . IHA INES' · CARRIAGE j 89,615 90 395,135 25 Jon l ot o f B oy's W 0011 Tweed Suits, fit tin g b oys fro m 5 j 1 c os t . n. . GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, --MANUFACTURER O F - - "'{TTQRKS VV · .· a .:::s 'l'otal assets immediately available. 1,392,082 rn Bil ls discounted currcu t and advances on calls 6,188,486 25 Overdue debts secured. 21,!J70 M Overdue debts not ape· cially secured (lilstim28,199 3() ated loss provided for) Real estate........ ..... . 110.135 41 2,827 37 Mortii:aKCB . .......... . .. llank premises (includ· iug furniture, safes&c 170,163 40 Other assets not included under foregoing 2,823 !19 heads · . . . ... .. .. .. . .. . ONTARIO - -- - - G,519,GOG 35 BANK, C. HOLLAND, General Manager. Toronto, 31st May. 188G. After explamitions from the President and General Manager, Sir W.P. Howland moved, s econded by Domild Mackay,Esq., that th e report r ead should b e adopted.Carried. The following resolutions were then passed, moved by John Hallam, Esq., secbnded by James H .Morris,Esq.,Q.C .:'f'hat the thanks of the shd.reholders be given to the P1·esident and Directors for their atten tion to the i nt erests of the Bank dming t he year. Moved by Vif. Glenny , E sq ., seconded by David M orrison , Esq.:That J. K.Macdonald, \Y.J.Macdonell, and C. - S. G zowski, jr., be appointed Scrutineers, aud the balloting for the election of Directors for the ensuing year do now 0011).!n en cc, and that it close at 4 l)· m., hut that if at any time five minutes should elapse without a vote being tender.. ed, the ballot may be closed by 1,he Scrutineers . The Scrutineers declared the followin~ $7.911,688 51 CUA Wl"OltD, Master.) I LL MA.KE UER REGU LAR TRI PS on this route, leavrng Cobouriz cve1·y mol'l1ing a.t 7:30, and Port Hope at 9 o'clock, on arrival or Grnnd Trunk Railway 'l'rainsfrom theeast and west, connecting at trocbesterwith th e New York Central, North· Hrn Central, audorth.e El'ie Rome. Railway., andtown the Lake entario Division V\Tater and Ugdensbm·g Railway for all points ea~t. west and south. RETURNING- Will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily at 9 o·clock, p.m., except Saturday when she will leave at3 p. m .. for Por t Hope direct. 1 · Dealers in stock will find t his the cheapest · and most expedtt ious route to Oowego. Boston, Albany, New York, etc. l<'or furth<lr information apply to K~NNER & CO', Bowmanvllle or G. CRAWJfOUD, Port Hope, or C. F. GILDEltSLEEVE, Kini<· 2 1-tf ston. (0, N 0 R ,s E M A N THE STEAMEH. year s, clearing at l e ss than Price s will be e xceedin gly ' ' ' ' ·~ llow as we purpose d r opping out of KIN G STREET, BOWMANVILL this c\epa1 t ment Hae now on hand a number ol vehicle~ (and ls manufacturing &great many more) or the newes · 1 pat terns and best finish, which I am offering for sale st t he lowest prices consistent I t with due regard toprincipal workmanship and quality. Theby following i· a list or· the vehicles manufactured me I to 11 ICARRIAGES ! I . 1 SLEIGHS CUTTERS WAGONS &O Rob er tson & Bond 8 Qy NE W l WATER MI LLS I l Building Lots for Sale. OME of t h o most valuable and eligible m the Town of Dowmanville. Terms easy. Jfor particulars aud plans apply l\t the oJllce of S McCluugs' Buildinga, ilowm anville . May 10th, 1886. 20-1w H. R ussU:L L L OSCOMBE, FOR SALE. SOLID 'BRICK HO'USE, WITH l<' rame Kitchen, nine rooms, cellq,1 ', hard and soft water. w hh an acre of land mostly in lrnit:-apples, pears, plums, cherries, currants, raspberries and strawberries. 'l'he property iA situated on Scugog 8treet, and will be sold at a very reasonable fli;im·e. Apply at the A S·rATEBMAN OJl'FICE. · 17-iw Double Covered Carriages ..... . ............. ...... ... .. ............ , ... . .... . $150 Upward,, Single Phreton s ..... ... . ........ . ... .. . .............. ............ . . ... .......... 100 u Open Buggy....... ...... .. , ............................... ......... .. .... .,, .. ·· 70 11 T B · . op uggy ...................... . .... ... . .... ........................ .. .... ........ &O " Democrat Wagon .. ............ ...... .. . ....... . ........ , ....... ... . ............. 65 " L umb er Wa gons..... . ... .. ....... ............................... ................ 55 " ' Light Wagon.. ........ .. ... ..... . . ............ . ..... ... ... .. .... . ....... ......... 40 !l Expr ess Wagon ......... .. ..... . ............. ...... ....... ....................... 75 u "0 ii . j ·Skeleton .........."" ·" ................ " ... .................... ··· ·" "" ......... " II ' Snlky.......... .......... .................. .................. .. . .. . ........... ...... 40 ---o--i Possessing superior racilitiea !or me.nuractnring carriages, I intend to sell very cheaJ) tor 0 8lu ' or approved credit . aud by so doin g I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Woul4 T n e undersigned wishes t o inform h is sell the wood parts only, or t he gee.rings of buggies irontid. f J · very l arge numb er 0 patrons t iat his I mill d am isrebuilt a ndthe millis i n goodJ working order. He t hanks all for t heir ' At the ShortestiN ot ice, Painted an d Trim med if D esired. very liberal pat ron age dvri!lg t he past At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning anO. Se.wing with Circle, Band or'Sot' thirty-two, and hoJ)es by stl'ict Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others tor building purposee. attention to b usiness to receive a liberal Ornamental and Plain P icket s tor fences in every style reauired. made to order. share in the fut ure. ARM FOR SALE.-T hat ~ell known aud valuable farm the "Weldon !Home· stead," being composed or 200 acres. 153 cleil.l'ed The subscriber will pay tho highest cash the balance in woods, the principal part of price for any quantity of good Merchantable t l1e tiruber bein~ beech and maple, .a new Wool aud 2c over that in trade. Vont give frame house. with cellar Cull size, 2 barns ; always on hand for sal e. away your wool when you can get a fai r price horse and cow cow sho<l.,and root. in exchange fo1· Blankets. Sheeting, '.l.' weeds. house ; 2 good stables, wells of water, anU small etc., Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn always on orchar d. 'l'he a bove farm is well fenced aml hand. With thanks for past favours and under good cultivation. It is suited for 2 soliciting a contmuance of the same. I am tarms. having the wood on both enclH . Th!\ AN APP R ENTIC E t) the m illery your obliging servant, D. 'l'AYLOR, Hampton number of the lot ls 13 in the tth concession or Woolen Milla. 23·3m · Darlington, 2&north of the Jlourishinit town ot · .want3d. Dowmanvllle, Church and School close by. Call at M orris' Carriage W'orks b efore Apply to Thame.e Weldon. Senior, Proprietor, in _ Darlington, It by letter whe'.l home, or dering an d exam in e t he mater ial and now " Littlewood," P. 0. .r.. B,- lf not sold ln 2 mouths it will be rent· stock he i s using in his carr iages and ed. 'f. W ., Senr. wagons this season . E naiskillen, June 10th. 1886. 2Hm. 1-~ · 8 ENNISKILLEN ' I All K .1 . nd s of . v e h.IC1es F R epa1re . d I FLOUR and FEED WOOL! WOOL!! JOHN MARTIN. I

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