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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1886, p. 4

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I am Greeted E very Day with : P resbyter ian Statistics. At the General Assembly, tho meetings "My, wh at lovdj patterns you have in of which were held in Hamilton, th11 statWall P apor, and how cheap, too. You istical repor t presented shows that the total amount contributed by tlie church for h ave t h e best seledion I have sern." all purposes in the course of the ten years now completed since the uni .. n has been Jnst so, t hat is my ir.tentiou. $13,907,482, <m avewga of $ 1,390,748 a year. At the union, in 1875, 1he number. TUE of ministers was 570, this y ear they are 'l'H E PRE'I'TIES'.I'. 740. 'rhe number of station s supplied was J ,265_ Jn this report 1hey are gi 1 en ancl at t he rig·ltt pi-ice . as l ,648, an average increase uf between 30 and 40 year. The number of con- emirrrants in tl1is country are rapidly docrea~ing. Th e vast lands of the Nor thwest, to be sure, still to be filler! in; but so rnuid is the growth of our ow1 1 population as i t st'lnds, tlrnt lhe~e landP will be filled in quite fast enough, by th1 ' natural overflow from t h e moru densely peopled sections of the country. WOOL! WOOL! ! r.ric~ awav vnur wo"I when you C!ln gut a f'o dr p1foe etc., Carnet Yarn and i:lock Yarn 1Ll way· on ha11 d. W'ith th anks for past Favou rs and!:\' A. contrn uan~o of t.hc Harne. l arn 'l"o)Ur ooli!?ing servant, D. 'rAYLOR, H11.mpton 'Woolen Mills. 23·3m· l~AIU\I FOR SALE . -Th~ t well ktl'lwn Jl r·nd valuable form thH ·· v\~cldon Home· fih'lad." bt>ing composed of 200 aore9. 15:1 cleared the httlancc in woods. the principal pt1.rt of the tin 1 ber being beech and rrrnulc. A nPw frame house, with cellar foll size, Z IJarus; ltorne and cow stitlJ'. e·, cow shed and root ho use· 2 The llOOd well8 of wn.teri aocl small orcha.r'a.. above farm is wel fenced and under goorl cii!t.ivation. lt is suited for 2 tarms. l1 avinf( tlrn wood on both en<l s. '!'h e number of the lot iR 13 m t.h., ·i th conceasiori of Dnl'Jington . 2J nort.h of the flourishing town ot Bown::a.nvdle, Church 11nct t3chool cloe.e by, Apply to 'l'hamus \lv"eldon. :-ienior, Proprietor, now in Di.trlington, If by letter whc'!. home, "l,1tt.lewnod." ·p o. to; , B,-If not sold in 2 months it,wil! be rent· ed. I. Vi., Senr. in for Bl a.nkPt,s, Sh~eting. 'L ' wecds, 'Vool und 2C over thtt.t in trade. 'l'he subscriber will pny the highest cash fnr ILllV quantity ,.ir good l\{erclf,rntabla llont give VARIETY HALL - -is the place to get - A. O. U . W . R N S gregations is thus r eported as b~in g 70G. AI LTOSEE MY PATTE DONT F In 1875-76 there were 54,132 familiell conT h e very finest quality of nected with the church. This report shows 71,911 families, exclusive of 9,643 single persons, sh of nearly 21,000, or an average of more than 2,000. equal to any· shown in Toronto, at a p:·ic~ Communicants, whose names were at the eurprisingly low. former date on t he roll of Kirk sessions, summed up to 88, 228; now they number Plain Gold, fro m 3:tc.. 127,611, thus being an increase of 39,383. Windc w Blinds in linen, fancy. 'l'he number of elders now is 12,537; bapLarge V ariety of Patter ns. tism was administered last year to 10,913; the Sabbath School and Bible class attenPictures F r amed .at l o west rates. dance lrns risen from 7!!, 204 in 1876 to Gold E mbossed Papers P~ TREB I LC QCK. BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JULY 2. . HON. E. BLAKE Will a.ddrass the electors of Weat Durham as followa: Hampton, Town Hull, Moncl>iy, July 5 th, at 7 :30 p . m . Kendall, Sons' Hall, Tuesday, July 6th at 2 p. rn. Newcastle, Town Hall, Tuesdav, July f.ith, at 7 :30 p. m. Bowmanville, T own Hall, Wedn esday, July 7th, at 7:30 All electors ara re11pectfully invi ted to be present at t hese meetings. An Explanation. 'l'he has found it a very umpleasant d uty to publicly dun delinquent rnbscribers and customers during the past few week!!, itnd it has not been our custom h er · tofore to do more than drop a hint or two very occasionally about paying up, 011r readers may h ave thought our labe course indicated hard timeB with ·us, therefore as ~ we always like to take our readers into our confidence wo shall make a brief explanation. Early in 1885 we d ecided to Yisit our native land- Old England- from which we came thirty-th1·ee years ago. Last year we could not arrange matters satisfactorily to go, and early this year we began to plim our business with a view to going this month. Early in June when we thought we had everyt hing nicely shaped for our cherished trip, we received an intimation that we were to b e called upon to make f!,OOd ou r r esponsibility to a Nort h -west lan d company into whose clutches we wore incluced by all«g<' d fritmds to place ourself about five yean ago, clurin'i the great bd>om. W e had hoped that we should not be called upon for mori> payments, as we had offered to lose what we h ad paid, about $400, and give up all cl aims on tho land; but find in g that an expen5ivo law suit was about to be begun against us, we succeeded, only week, in making a compromise which required the whole of our " F resh Air Fund " to satisfy. We have always made It a rule not to borro\v money for luxury or pleasure, but to deny ourself of both when we had not the money t.:> purch ase them. So in this case, tlwugh we had our ·arran gements completed for a trip to Ellrope, we determined not to go unless we could do Eo without b or r owing money - h en ce t he strong appeals mad e to our patrons the last two we(·ks. Thanks to the -prompt r espon se of those who luwe r emitted, our fresh air fuud h as b een sufficiently replenished t o enable us to proceed on our long journey. We feel sure that many others who have not lltmt us th e money they owe us would havo done so had they known the circmnstttnces which lead u s to make the appeal. A large amount of mon ey is required to rua our business du ring our absen ce, so we sh all he equally thankful if those wh o h ave not paid up will do so wi thin the n e:x:t week or two, and a receipt will be sent to all persons who do. Forward registered l etters or money orders as usual payable or addressed to M . A. J amos, Bowman ville. Before this m eets our readers' eyes, we expect to be " Casting up .Accounts " on the b~oad Atlantic, or enjoying "life on an ocean wave. " Now, for a few weeks , d ear r eaders, adieu. There is not a prison er in the Ontario County jail at Whi tby- this is on e rnore forceable indication of the good results dcrh-ed from t h e Scott Act enforcement. 'rho P rovincial Govern men t have d ecided to sen d the sum of $2,500,on behalf of the pr_ovince, t o Mayor McLean, of Vancouver, B. C., in iiid of the sufferers by t h e late fi re . -- 100,937 this year: there are 12,761 teachers; t his y ear32churches and 16 manse s X::EN"'~ER were buil t; the stipend promised is $ 690,819· contributions to home mission funcl, $66:586; French evangelization $11,811, foreicrn missions $43, 532; total contributions0to church 8chemes $03,610. Accord ing to the report of thP. first year, $982,611 was ra.ised for all purposes, and according to the report the l1tst se nt in, there were - - - O F - -contributed for all purposes $1,545, 986 exclusive of the sums raised in the mission fields throughout the bounds, showing an increase of $5g3,235. hitu. . , . . Con. 8, 0 IH.rke.on \h' hi( ·.1 1 i-< 1t good 2 storey hon~e Accept ~y own and fauuly 8 best w1"ht1s fur 2fa32, with atune r·dlM ·mder the whole. L&l'JC& the proijper1ty o( yam· noble order. _ ~table and d ri VP ""·rn. Lutrd and ·ort water and - ---H---I um yours very re"pectfullJ · about 50 fruit t 1 ~" AGN.ll:~ HAHltIS. Pnrcels 2 ttn·l :: ',';~ulrn a very deJirublo farm EUROPEAN EMIGRATION --~·---- · - · - - - - - and residcnc.i. PARCIH. 1.- 50 !L()l'CU s. ·W. i of Lot 12, Con. 1, Tono!'ll'O OoNJ:EllENCll. - Tta fol)owmg on which is a qt1a11tity of pino, beech, Have just opened out a full range of changes have been made from 1be draH o! l\1anverd. Not lon g ago, Prince Bismarck C<tused maple o.nd other wood. slution· announced, in the following Di· restrict.ions to be placed on the emA decided bargain will be giv"n in any of tho tricts : aboYe described prope1 ·ty. igration of German subjects to foreign Whitby district-Brooklin and OoluwFor terms and particulars app1y at the mills. !(IMPORTED DIRECT). bns, J. J . Reddil l, L . Pilelps; Mynle, J . E11tcrprise, or if by ler.ter t.o countries. He saw that thoso countries C. J, THORNTON, Liddy; Scarboro ' Ea~ I , M. H. Couron, 11. were draiuing Germany of thousands of G . Dtn·ey ; York, E . G. Rowe; Don Mills , These goods are undoubtedly the best value ever RmlJY P. 0., Ont. its sturdiest arms aud most valuable work- G. ]{. W!itson , Ph. D.,; Greenback, George shown in town. We have also in stock a foll ing elements, which he wished co r etain Walker; Sougrave, N. l!l. Scott. assortment of the best and most reliable make of .Bowm..avi lle districl ·-Newcast le ttnr1 for th e well-bein!! of the "Fath~ rland." Orono, R. Walker, 'l' Dunlop (Orouo); \ OF TUE Finding, h owever, that as a r esult of the Hacnplon- E.""· i\1. A., S. S<lllou (lfo1.1iskillcn.) heavy taxes, the depression of industl'ies, Uxbridg<l di, tno t- P. Addi~on; Guo<land the overcrowded state of many p arts Crapes not made for show merely, but which we of th" late WHITWELL HA LL, in wood, J. H. Wa·i, ~1. A ; )fount A lb~rt, Dadington a.11d Car twright. Side to of Germany, emigration continued in J . Harris; Saudford , H. Moore, \V . 'r. can confidently recommend to give satisfaction to the wearer. take place at , W. H. Madden , W . spite of his efforts against it, h e cast about Norman Sulton Wes L Ru E!lo· r rvM's HOTEL BowMAJSVIuLe:, ON N. Cb tu ;tler. Couclt, Joh n s ton & (;1·yd erm a n , t:> see what remedy h e could apply. IuPnov.EUJl:NTs. - W. E. Petbiok, E sq., '!UESDAY, July 6th, 1886, Ono Door West of Post Office, Ile then entered upon the task of findIlOWMANVIU..E. Tonsorial Artis I , hao been ti lling up Ins a.t oue o'clock, p.m. Shaving P~rlor aad Hai· Dressiug l:laloon, in[! in different parts of the world favoriu may,nificeni style, the former uppe11 rable spots for planting German colonies. '.l'he followinrr lands wi.l be sold by Auction, anoe having been eutirely t.rausform~d . H. '1'. Pnr.LLirs. Auctionetr, compriRing He secured a footiug in New Guinea, and '.l'be iu teriol' h ..s bceu hnndR omely painted , hung with new pictures ao·l .>therwi8e No. 1 . - !iO A ere·. Lot 27, 9th Conces, ion; on thu east co:ist of Afric:.L, and tried Lot 27, 8th Concession, 56 acres. to plant the German flag on the western tastefully decorated. II will pu zz le some of his old enstomern to recoiiui ze the plRoe No . 2. --Lot N". 26. 9,11 Cou..I. 79 acre8; coast of that continent. wh en t hey call for t heir S11.1urdny nil,lhl ·1 a.l$o 20 acres, Lot No. 29, in 0th L:on. shave, to·morrowin11 eveniug . Pelhfok 's He evidently thought tluit, if the GerTO~ No 3 .- 50 Acres of Cedc1r, W e·t half of Kathurion and hair DresHer (w'lmrnted to t.he South ball of J,ot No. 21, 9th Con. of man working-classes were determined to make hair grow on b&ld p"les) are too ht . To be snld in acre lots, accordCartwriK emigrate, he might utilize this tenden cy well known lo say anything about them. ing to plan. A full line of all kinrls of Tobaccos, Cigars, by transferring them to p l:wes which Term· will be mude known by Auctioneer Pipes, and smokers' sunderies always on on day uf stile. would still be German soil ; and might on band . J . B BICKELL,} thus not only affurd an outlet for their C.1.:11.1.DA. - We he.vo to thank Hon. John \\T . KERR, E xecutors. discontent, bu t increase the facilitie~ and M .A . HALL, Carling, ~Hoister of Agrionlture, for 1.1 copy of a book ou Uanada, prepared un1er J11s June 2~rd, 1X86. 2w the extent of Jerman commerce. for everything in direction. It is in tended as a supplement In this, Bismarck is only following the to the informa tion given by Cauau·a·a exexample which has b een set by England hibit~ at lhe lnlerodouial E x:hibition of her resourcee, clitu!lte; her progreds in ari a, ancl by Holland for centuries . England commerce, manufactures, education , and in by h er vast system of colonies h:ts been foot evervthiniz calculalad lo impress l ho inhabitirnls of the mother country with Iha able to relieve h erself t o a great d egree, extent of our development. The faces and though not wholly, of her s ur plus, o~er stalistics are the la.test procnrable and bo. crowded popultttion, and h as at the same ing reliable make 'ha book mos\ useful as Their China Hall contains the time creat ed commercial centres in all · well 1.1s interesting. Handsome maps acof 'l'lle undersigned wishes to inform his company tho book parts of the world . Hollitnd, to, by h er A. Musrc.i.r. AND LITE RARY ENTEBI.!.IN- very large number of patro?s. t1_1at his settlements ii1 J·ava and Sou th Africa, has UENT. -i:leld:im if eve r has a more uniqm1 mill dam is rebuilt and the 11111l 1s rn good accomplished the same double purpose . or succ essful enlenainment been given in working order . He thanks. all for their England, Holland and Germany, i ndeed Howmanville lbau the one given on Wed - very liberal patronage <lvr1<Jq the p~st strict nesday evening bst, in Si. .Paul's Church thirty -two years, and hop~s by _ are the great colonizing nations of Europe . school-room, to be found in the district. goL up 11nd couducl9d by .Miss attention to business to r eceive a liberal Their p eople easily settle down in a n ew Armour. '!'his performance gi ves satisfac- share in the futur~. place, and thrive upon a cliet:1nt soil. But tory evidence that we have among us musisuccess in colonization appears to be pretty cal talent of the very highest order, and that there is no lack hara of 11bility to get much confined to Northern and Te utonic up at 1.1ny time aud give couuerts which w1!1 please the most fllH Lidious. . 'f he ~oom races. Neither France n or Italy has sucalways on hand for sale. ceeded in establishing flourishing distant was beautifully fitted up, and k1ad fnends adorned ii with abundance of cboice flowsettlemen ts. Spain once did much in col- ers. Our celehrateli Dominion Organ onizing the Americas; but h er ca.pacity to Company, with th eir usual good nal~ro, AN APPRENTICE to the KING STREET, furnished a piano and orii;an. Everything l30WMANVILLE. colon iza seems long since to have died was in perfecl h armony, and every p11rt and want ed. out. There c:m be no doubt that emigraportion were alike good. Miss l\foud Hillaty, of Toronto , gave several recit~tiooa .in tion from the over crowded countries of admirable style, ani h ~r eonsm, M1 3s Enrope, ancl th e cnlonization by t h em of Grassiek, who pltiyed ou the violin, did her .1£nniskillen, Jnne lOtb, 1886. 2i ·lm . distant r egions, will increase as time goes part to adm iraliou, !iud each one in h er - - - - - - - - - -on. Gradua lly t h e fertile co unkies and specially gihed way belped lo muke, and TRIS WEEK did mske, 1be programme a comple' e sue · islands which are now inhabited by barbar- COBB, Miss Edith Allen and Miss McLaugh. WI'l:Hous or semi-barbarous peopl es, will be Jin each sang several songs, reoeiviog wellt:1k en possession of by st rong E uropean merited eucoreR 11od t he well-earned pl.1lldils of the delighted audieooa , A trio on p owers. What is now going on in the the violin, piano a.nd organ, by Mis,i lon g, rich valley of the Oongo,- its rapid Grassick, Miss McLaughlin and Misa development, under E uropean auspices, Armour, was exquisitely played, 1.1nd was perfection itsAlf. Messrs. .1\111.rtin, Brown into a great centt'e of traffic,- will take and Yellowlees , wi th Iha song of "A Farm place in many oth er regions now given well Tilled," fairly broughl down the h ouse. Mis~ Mayer, Miss Yellowlees 11nd We offer an eight rib Parasol for over to unproductive savage lifo. Miss Maud Fairbairn did lb eir parts in the But while European emigration :will ohoruses t o perfection, &nd no ruore de· twenty cents, continu e, and will thus b e direc ted to n ew lighted people could be lh1.1n those who An ex tra larD"e eiaht rib Black Paro 0 listened to l he performances of Wednesday regions, th e emigration to this country for forty evening. We will fimRh t h.ise rem11rks by is likely to decrease ia the progress of naming the performers alpbabetfoally, to Ten rib Black Zon ella Parasol for years. avoid appearing to set one_ before another s i x ty cents. in tbe order of mer jl, and by sayrnf{ that · With Ireland rid of h er oppressive landMiss Edi th Allan, Mi ~s Armour, Mr. Black satin lined Parasol lord system, and enclowed with self-govBrown , Miss Maud Fairbairn, MiR s Crnsfor seventy-five cents. 1gland thrown r.ick, Miss Maud Hillary, Mr. Ma.rlin, Mias ermnent ; with l ancl in E 1 Mayer. .Miss McLa.ughlin, Mr. Wilson , A b eautiful large extra quality open t o all purchaser3, ~nd the transfer of Miss Yellowlees and Mr. Yellowlees, who Satin Parasols for one seventyit free from present restriutious; with new all performed th eir several parts to perfecfivc. English and G erman colonies spri nging tion, need not bo 1.1sh1troed al any limo, t o s land before kings or qucena eilher . An eleaam rrold. rib Satin Parasol up~in different pa.rts of t h e earth, - emigr a- At the d ~?.th <>f ft member ot the Ancient Order of United \V.,rkrnen. his family or · I some legal rep , esent .tf.ive r_ecetves t le amount of $2,000. A short time ago Mr. T homas Harris, 11 member of Bowmanville Lodge N.>. 99, died, aud eoun aft.or 1\11 s. Harris was waited n pon and pre·tll n cheque fur the above Sent.ed ,., "1 named amount, a~companied by th e following letter: HOWMANVIL[."~· June 23, 1886. 'l'o Mns. AONEB llARRI~.- WlleretL~. the ~~1- j _ 18-_ t:f· preme Master \Norkm.. n of the UmYCll'SP, ml his good ple'!-sure. has . ca.11ed our brotl1er, I U W l Thomas Hu.rr1s, from this hfo to t hat ab'llve. We feel that Ir. thP. death of our brother, our ! Lodp:e has lost a good, true ~11 d r10l~le !\'{aster and oth er proper ty Workman ; hi~ family a krnd. atfect10~a'. a, devoted husband 1tn<l.t.Lther; the community u. u~eful and respected citizen. . . Dear Madam,-\ Ve take this OPJ?Ortnmty of . . - -- - - - expresHing our profol;!,nd sympathy m tli18 your day of trittl, and commend you_. with ;i::om· dear '.rhe snbsc1 ·iber having dr.cirled to retire from children, LO the tender mercies ot God, who the Lumbering business, offers, by pri vate sale, hath said "Let thy widows tnst. in me, und 1 the fO!lowing µroperlies, viz: PAHCRT. 1.- Thrce acre· on the R. W . corner will pres~rve thy fat.hel"less childron alive." .A.gain a.ssnringyou or t he !1eartfelt sympathy of J,ot ~o. 23, Con. 9.Ularke, on which is erect· of our Lodge, we httnd to you a. chcquo.: for two erl ». Stea.m Saw Mill ».nd J!'actory. '.rhe thousand dollarn. b"i111{ the amount payable Mill is rlriven by a 30 II. P. J<Jn,;,;ine and Bailor. froni our beneficia1y·fund to tlrn fami1y of a llas a 60 incl1 C1rc11 lar S» w an rt ha3 a cap>tcity deceased brother, of from 6 to 8 1ho11sand foet or lumber per day. !:ligncdon behalf of· Bowmanvillo Lodgo No. 'L'here is also in connection therewltb 111! th-. 99, A. 0. Ol U. \V. machincrv necessar:v for the manufacture of A. J. HOOK. M. w . Fl0ur Barrel Rtavcs.' On t.hl' Lot is ·erented a CH.a s . KE;l'rH. Record er. good E' House ~1x3G, with 0 roome. M. A· JA.M.l!;S, P. M. W. This property Is situated on thcClarkeGra.vel Rua.ct. -1 miles from Poutypool. on the C. P. R., DAB.LINO'l'O~. June 23d. 188G. 5.1,. miles from the thrivi'"I( Villltgo of Orono, To the o.Dlcevs anc.L rncm.be1·s of Bowmanvillc 10 nnlos ftom Jllawoa%le. and 121 miles from Lod(Je No. g9. A . 0. U . rV. Bowmtthvi!le, and i" veri· Mlvantagcously DEAR i:>ms,- I take tbis oppcrtunity of ac- situated to commRnrl a goorl t rade. A l' ory knowled!ling the re(,eiut ot 11. cheque for two succllssful business has b<Jen dona here for tho thousana oollars ($2.000) b·; in;i; tllo amount of p!Lst 12 ye.trs. To a man or energy n.nd oxperi· the beneficiary or my 1...te huBbuud. enoe, with a little capital, thtB iB a good opporPerm1t rne t o ~ay 1hat my husband hold your tunit.y· order in the bill'hest esteem , 1 md orten re- P ,rnoteL 2.-100 acres bainl( th ~ South ha.If or grctted not being able toaLtcud lodge meetmgs 1,ot 2G, Con, n. Ulqrke; >Lbnut. 5'.l '.1-Cl"tlS oftener than he did on account of ltvrng ut and in a good stat<i or cult11' ut1on. lhilJ.nca some distance from town; but seldom,. meet- I pa,turo land and btt,,h. PAROEL 3.- 0ne acrn ~; K corner of Lot 2!. ing uii<ht passed. without it l.Jewg spoken or by vaI able sa m ·11 CROQUET SETS, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WACONS, CHILDREN'S C A RRIAC ES, PICTURES FRAM ED, A f'dD WALL PAPER Bottom Prices. FoR sA L E Silver Plated Ware I suitable for wedding presents, at great reductions. NOVELT I ES I N F A NS. & Come in a nd see for yourselves. co_ GRE..A.T S::H:OVT MOURN IN GGOODS! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Crape Black Cashmeres, E XECUTO R'S SALE fLANDS B L A C K CRAP E ! - GO WArERvMitts, Staple· and ENNISKILLEN. ---o--- Fancy Largest A ssortment (CHINA, CROCKE RY, LAMPS & GLASSiA~~) G- :a_ 0 CE: :Fl. I E: S . FLOUR and FEED HIG HE ST M ARKET ,PRICES for a ll kinds of F arm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. millery VI CTORIA B UI LD INGS, . JOHN MARTIN. COM1IENCING W EST END HOUSE. NEWEST AND NOBl~EST ~N PARASOLS I ---o--- a s ol c e nts . Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Printed Muslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols, &c., &c. semng1 Cloths and T-w-eeds, Gent's Furnishings. notice by the A 1 Tailor. 0 b tion t o this country must i n time become less. Couch J ohnston & Oryc l erman l1avo W e h ave nothing to r egret in the light sold an immen se quantity . ~f carp ets dr1:rof such a probability. Emigratio n h as ing the last few we0ks, but th ey are still sh owing a large assortment of carpets of already supplied u s with a large stock of all k inds. skilled a nd unskilled la.bur. With this ALT, WET.I, ·r:ui .\ SED .- 'l'ho dolldr" n lllH1 Low's P lc as..ut \'t'o1·111 Sy1'U\> 1111d par· fuller labor market, t ho attractions for Dr. ents 1·cJolce over U.s v irtue. selling for two dollars. Handsome laco trimmed Parasols in blue, beige, cream and cardinal fifty cent s and up. Suits made to order on shortest J. McMURTRY. from I ROBE RTSON&B OND.

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