liM~ fRUIT jUIOE. P U RE and und il uted full atr en 11,th. DOMINI CA WH OLESOME Purifies th e blood, and aids digestion. REFRESHING '!'ones 11p tlie system. F l1U ITY nn d r ich .iu flavor. COOLIN G Just tt,e chink for warm weather. I n ordering, specitiy DOMIN w,1, a nd d<>n't be put off with any i mitations. BEl<'lNlW E XPUESSLY FOlt Lyman So ns & Co., .JM"<> :;_..;;·-ra.E .A.L · . For s ale by STOTT & JURY . A liberal discount t o the t racle. N o char!(o for cases. LADlE SI 'l'HE 'BEST - - -- ---- - Baking Powder in tho market is manufactured by STOTT & J URY. PRICE 0.nly 30 cts. a pound.. - T his Powder is- Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a M cLaughlin Buggy. Only 50 cents for STATESMAN to new subscribers t o end of 188G. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L evi M or ris' a nd get a $1.00 book free. Mr. M. W. Williams, of the Cobou rg \Vorld, was in ~o wn last week. A good tweed or serge suit, any size, $5.00 at T . Geo. Mason' s, Star House. Full line of artist s materials-tubes, brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. The Law offices will be closed in B owmanville during July and August at 4 p.m. The wat er in lake Ontar io is going down at t he rate of nearly lH lf an inch per d ay. F ruit of i1ll kinds will be very ~pot~ed t his year . '.L'he pluros already are rottmg on the ~rees. The ]I.foil is to give an illustrat ed hist orical and descripti re sk etch of Oshawa on Saturday next. 100 pieces W hite M uslins, including all pop ular makes and patt@rns, now sho wing at t he Star House. The Sons of E ngland decorated the graves of their deceased bret hren on Friday evening last. FARMERi'l. -Take your wool t o .John Lyle and get t he h ighest market pr ice. D on't sell t ill you see him. The boulevard in front of Mr . ·wm. Glover's residen ce now presen ts a n eat and attractive appearance. The members of th e Church -st. Meth. y _ P. A., ar e having a picnic at Wi nter · Green P oint to-day, (Friday.) L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for making e vetroughs that wont leak. It makes th o.le'ngth six feet long. Ladies, it will be to your advantage to inspect our millinery before ma ki rJg y our purchases. R obertson & Bond . Mr. J0hn Squair, B . A., teacher of .\'.fodem Langua2cs in Toron toUniversity, 1 is visiting frie nds i n town and vicinity. BoAT8 T O HHm.--T wogoocl boats t o'hire. Apply to G «o. H . B "xto :i at th \) Or!,;an F actory, or at his l'esidence K ing-st. Ea.s t. The mor t uary stBtist ics for May, show a total of 1,313 deaths during t he month , in t wenty-two cities and towns in the D ominion . M essrs. Geo. Piggott, and R. Field, arrived h ome from the Old Country on ·w ed nesday. 'L'hey r eport having had an en joyable time. vVooL.- Farmers, don 't sell your W ool t ill you Cfl.ll on J ohn Lyle who is paying t ho highest price for good mercha ntable wool. W ARRANTE D P U RE !. and equal in quality to any in the market and as we have no t rav ellers bills a nd agents commiRsions t,o pay we can 1wll. the Powder one-thi rd than regular pnces. STO'l"I ' & JURY. B 0witr""-:NYu a ..E , FRIDAY, JUL Y 2. Publisher's Notices. During our absence in Europe, Mrs. M· Barrett wh o lrns been Assist a nt E ditor for the past fifteen months, will be acting edit<>r and business manager , and will transact the business of the Office gen era lly; receive mon eys, give receipts, pay a ccounts, etc. Mr. S. A. J ewell, For eman, will ha ve oontrol of the '.\'Iechanical Department an d will execute all orders for pl··in and fancy p r inting with neatn e. , s and rles pat ch . We m ost respectfully r equest our excellent staff of country corro,ponden ts t o con th~e to sen d t o t he office regu larly their weekly bud.gets of news, and to exercise special care dur ing our absence not to send anything that will cause offense t o anyone. Send letters early i n the week . F rom ~200 to $300 a m o11th arc r eq uire d for expenses of the oillce, so th at we hope all persons owing for subscriptions or oth erwise will pay up at once. R ece ipts - wm b~..~nt to all persons remitting money by mail. M . A. J .nrn;, E d itor anrl Publisher . Local and Oth erwise. Hose, hose, l10se, W est End House. L adies go to th e West E nd House for H osiery . Mr. A. B ingham, of T ren t on, is visiting friends in town. R ev. John K enner, of Chesley, was in town on T uesday, on his way to England. Capt. Owen is ex pect. d t o le<td t he meetings i11 the barnicks next Sabbath ~fternoon . To whom it may concer n : this is to cer tify, that Robert.,on & Bond are selling the cheapest goo s in town. O rder Doors, Sashes, Blinds, P ick et s, etc., at M orris' P lauin g Factory, L iber ty . s tl'eet , R. H . Osborn!'>, leRs<ee. J osiah _ L ick cut 17 acres in on e day; h e also cut and bnund 4 acres. of peas without any trouble, with a Ligh t Toronto "Binder. J . R Bradley's Spring P 11d for single a nd double harne·s g; vos entir e satisfact i on . No h ors" will have a so re baek wher e they are U> ed M essrs. Shaw & Tole offers t o presen t a binder t o anyone wh o will find a man i n t he county who has bought ri M assey B inder and will not recommend it . W e clio th e following from t he Cana·dian Krllibitor ,L onclon, Eng :- "Mr. W. E. Benn et t, u Bowman ville boy, is in charge of t h e mechanical department of the E x h ibitor." " Tt·ere wer e 80,2fl4 visitors present at the exhibition on Whit M onday and nearly 57, 000 on 'fuesday." · D ANG lllt4H;s l ' l 'H ! an' o n en can sccl b y ·wo1·m~ . 1' 'r ee1un11"1i " ' orn1 Po·w<le r d e st 1·o y8 ·worm s. Miss Chesholm is visiting at M r. Thos. McC lungs. u.J T he MissPs P irie, of S t. Thomas, ar e tvisiting 11t Mr. Rd. S haw's , t::::::> Mrs. Smart, of B elleville, is on a visit c.::> to her sister , :Mn J os. J effery. Rosary Beaded T rimming for dresses a t Couch J ohnst on & Cryder mari's. Mr. W. Wright and famil y, of Brant· ford , ar e visiting friends in t o wn. Mrs. T. Mingay and daught er , 0f Flint, Mich., are visiting r elatives in town . Dr . P ot ter , Offi ce and R esidence in Prower 's Block, K ., B o wmanville. u.J Full lines of artists' m aterials- tub es, brushes, pallettes, etc'., at S. S. E dsall' s. 1-J < J oh nston, t he " ·rerror of t he · Lakes," paii a flying visit t o town t his :z week. C::> Barbed, ribbon, and annealed ~ wire ii full st0ck at bed rock prices at S. c:: S. E dsail's. <C H ave you seen R ed Ridingh ood, Blue u.J c.. Bells and Ruy a B room in Henry's winclow on King St. Mr. L. G. Campbell has resigned h is position as Mathematical M aster of W hitby Collegiat e lnstitute. cc The strawber ry festival a t Trinity church parsonage on F riday evening last, u.J was a very enjoyable affair. Cl F i<rht vour own battles- ask no favors. <t You ~vili"succeed a thousand times better than on e who is al ways besee<::hing a YO~~ 'S patronage . 4 pieces line ne w WOJlllted coatings, beauL-LJ tifully finished goods. Gent lemen, if y?u Cl want' a suit, see th em at T . Geo. Masons, er: Star House. C::> T here are lots of people wh o m ix t heir r eligion with business, but forget to stir C::> it up well. The business invariably r ises tto t he top of the r esul t. c.:::J T he regular monthly meet ing of t he :z: town council will he h eld in the council chamber on Monday evening next, the 5th i nst., i·t 7 :30 o'clock p . m. 1-C::> co~rPLIMENTARY. - ' Ve ack nowledge _J with p!oasure the receipt of . a season c:.:> t icket from Mr. H . Piper, Manager of t he Zoological Garde11s, 'l'oront o. A few t housand dolhtrs investe d in t h e ----- - - , · tlus · tOl'ln th a t ltlur rlage 2 M otlccs. 50 1'4~11 C s ; 11i r U1s nucl b uild ing o f llouses m d citths. 5 ceJ·ts. would ~.:ent for seven or eight dollars a month, would produce good retums. , BIRTHS. The funeral of the la.ta Mrs. J as. NosBRAY- In East Whii,b)l'. on t.h" 27th nit.· the \~orthy , on Sal)b11th last, was one of the wife (·I Mr. Samuel Lira;·, of a daugtlter. larges t seen in this t own fo r a long time. i>J) MARRIED. T ho Sons of E ngland and United WorkS1'EVR:NS- FA.RRO:'<!-ln the Church-st. Meth. men attended in a body, out of r espect to Chnrch on the 23 ril in st., by the Rev. C. E. ·rt t h eir bereaved broth er, Mr. Nosworthy Mclnt.yre, Mr, Geo. L, Stevenci, to Midd Emm1t being a member of b "th Societies. Pro- Farron. fo und sym pathy is felt by an for the <I> FARMERs,- McClellant& Co. have n ow family i n t heir 8Udden bereavement. DIED. ~ on hand a large qnantity of Salt and (I) NOSWORTHYI n Bowmanville O il the 25th. I The E agl e s team Washer for which J'. inst.. Harrier, bewvett wire or Mr. J ames ~ os- : Plaster a nd for sale iii qmtnt ities to suit N . Kivel! is the gen eml agent in this d isworthy, aged :n years. purchasers. t rict may be seen at Cawk er and Allin's Citizens would greatly improve th~ ap- store, Bowma n ville. Over 120 have been BOWMA N.V I LLE MARKETS. pear:i.nce of the streets if t hey would t ake sold around h ere since · Nove mber . A the t rouble to cllt tlie long grass on the larglil consignmen t has been r eceive d from Correcte cl b y .Jo hn (,ylc, e ve r y T llnrMcllly , (I) boulevards in front of their residences. th e m anufactuer and all ·or c l ers will be Now is the time to do so, proni.ptly filled. The E agle is decidely FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs .. . . . . . .. $2 10 to $2 50 bJ) H ORSES WAN TED. - ! want to buy a lot W H.EA'I', Fall, W' bush ... . . 0 70 11 0 75 t h e b es t washing machine on E arth ·rt of l,.rge, h eavy h orses; als0 fillies fro m Spring, " 0 70 11 0 75 " 1'he ,July n umber of Harper's Magazine one to fonr ye~rs olrl . .Address, e TEPfIEN is in every way a remarkabl e nmnbe1 -. It B..utJ,EY, 'Ir bush . .. ·· . , ·· 0 55 " . 0 70 Co'.l'TON, Bowman ville. II . . . . . . . . . . 0 53 II 0 55 opens with a brilliant instalment of Mr. RYE, II ·· · · · · , , , 0 35 II 0 37 Five hund red rounds cf ammunition, \ Viirner 's deligh tful summer ser ial " The 0ATF<, made at t he Queb ec factory , wi ll shor tly Pilgrimage," made still more delightful PE1t~ . ::n ackeye, 'tJl' oush . .. 0 80 II 0 38 11 Small, 11 0 55 11 0 GO be forwarded ·to each Provincial Hifte by Mr . C. S. R einharG's illustrations. II Blue, 0 55 II 0 (i5 Association, for t he p ur pose of securing a The frontispiece of the numbe'r is an pract ical lest of it s quality 1 0 14 entir ely ne w portra it of Nathaniel H a w- BUT'.J\ER, best t able, 'tJl' lb.. . 0 12 1 Man y but Equal It. f which is told in the LARD, 'tJl' lb . . ...·. .· · . .. . 0 10 II 0 13 The For esters t urned out en masse t o t horne, th e story Q Eoos, ~doz .... . . . ... .. . 0 10 11 0 11 j' at ten d divine s ervice i n St. J ohn's church Editor's Easy Chair . T his is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best on Sabbath morning last . An excellent The Council Chamber is now a fi ne P o'r ATOES, ~r bush . . . . . . . · O 35. 11 O 40 Family Sewing Machine in the market. sermon was del i ve1w~ by tho B.ev. Dr. spacious room, the ceiling has been raised HAY... . ... ... . . . . .. .. . . 9 00 I I 10 00 It' does better work. It does finer and better sewing. It is easier to Mac.:nab, from M athe w u ; 7. five fee l, which gives it aJofty appearance, run and superior in every respect to all other machines. One of the best sermons e ver preached it has also been nicely plastered, pai nted N cw 'JlllDcrtisemcntG. I ts atcachm ents and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a child can t o ch ildr en in this town , was delivered in and papered, and it is n o.w one of the most comfortable Council Chambers to be St. Paul's Church last Sabb ath moming, OW FOR SALE.- Good Young D ur- . almost place them in position. . · Every lady ~hould give the " D omestic" a trial before buying. inferior ha m Gr1tde Milch Co w for Sale. Apply to by th e R ev . :P. McLeod, of 'I'oronto. fo und in any . of Out' towns, the council 2i . H is sermon in the evening t o t he older deserve credit for taste d isphyed in the J. PERCY. Bowma n ville. soft made machines. member s was also a n excep tionally fi n e attractions under taken to the Town Hall, . Machines may be seen at Mr. K enner's Variety Hall, Bowmanville, ABINET ORGAN F OR SALE. Council Chamber and Clerks office. one. Handsomely carvlld, solid walnut cas"' a nd at Hamp ton. \Viii be sold che"'p for c1Hh; Apply to E . H H enry's window seems j ust now to be M r. Howard Chandler , son of Dr. BOUN T he undersii:;ned h ~ve th '! exclusive right of sale in the West Riding S.\LT ,, Bowmanville. ' 25-t r.. very attractive, he h as made some pl1 cito- Chandler, Newcastle, r eturned last week of Dtirham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted- apply to TOOK F OR SAL E. - A good, h eavy graphs of some of the principal acts as from an ex tensive bicycle tour through H. E LL IOT T, J r. draft colt. 4 years ol<I. with good bone given by our 'Gnion School teachers and Europe. Mr. Ch andler, accompanied by and notion ; a heifer due to calve shortly, and a Hampton, March 26, 1886. W. BATTEN . pupils at their lat e concert in t he t own t hr ee other Canadian gentlemen, sailed brood sow in pig, all well bred. Applr to A. 25-Zw· hall. ·As is usual wit h Henry, he h as fro m N ew York in Apr il last, and since HANNA, Ennisltillen, succee.d ed. · then the pa.rty h a\·e visited Scotland, rr owN PROPERTY FOR SALE.vVith this issue we start a ne w story, EngJand, Wa les, France, Germany, Hol· A ll or any part ot what is known as t he entitled " R etribution at last." It is very land and Belgium, making t he entire Stephens Mill Property, J:lowm1tnville. will be sold on easv terms. A.prily to B. ' VE RRY, int eres ting, maintaini ng t he characters j ourney through these countries on their Bowmanvilie. P. 0 . 23-tf A . SOLID BRICK H OUSE, WITH throughou t in uniformity , a nd not l)ei ng bicycl es. l::J.. l! ' rame Kitchen, nine rooms, cell'l.r, hard of such fatiguing l ength as some con AR M FOR SALE. - 200 Acres being and soft water . wi1 h an acre of la nd most ly in SPECIAL ATTENTION should a lways be !ot 9, con, 12. Scugog - e.ll cleRre1 a nd in fruit:-apples, peara, plums, cherries, cur rants. t inued stories ar c . ' Ve would advise g ive n to the hair an d scalp. '.L'here is good state of cultivation. Dwelling house, raspberries and strawberries. 'l'he property everybody t o r ead it. n othing nicer than a good hea d of hair . barns 1tnd 01 .her outb1 1ildirJgs. 'rerms easy. iR sit uated on Scugog l::l L reet, and will be sold For further narticulars apply to GEo.DowsoN, at a very reasonable tl~ure. Apply at the N ow is the time to have your family In case of bald nees wheu t he roots are Among our many dep ar tments .. groups and your babies and children n ot all gone, Dr. D oren wend's Grei1t photograph ed wh ile t he light is strun, g Ge rman H air Magic, will produce a and wn.rm and the lit tle t h ings haven 't l ux urianb gr owth of hair ; it will r est ore premises or the subscriber lot u. con. 5, ' Dress Goods will have our special · t o be so bundled up. H enry's gallery is all gr ey and faded hair t o i ts original Darlington, on or a t>out the 20oll inst., a small 1 u ilch cow. r l 'h e owner is r eq ne.steri to prove just the place- no stairs to climb- and color and vigor ; it stops all falling out ropcrty pay fo r this ad,·cr tisement an<1 talte attention, and we purpose making certain t o get pict ures to please you . of t he hair a nd rem oves all t races of da n· 1er away. JOHN COLWILT., Manvers Road, HE. CllAUUlS C.l.\V'. fllOJtS E C A.ETE ll, Darlington. 26·3w* organis· of St. Peter's, Cohourg, lRte of Eng- a g reat effort to lead the trade .in The Grand Trunk Railway has issued druff. A lit tle of this g reat p repar ation land, teacher of Piano, 0 1 ·gan, Singlng and a ne w t ime table to effoct the line bet ween used once in a while will keep the scalp ATTLE Sl'RAYED .- F rom lot 20, Theory. P upils desiring lessons C9.D leave their a healthy condit ion and make the h air in Montreal and Tor onto. T he trains which con. G, Darlington, early in May, two name and obtain terms, at Mr. Trebilcock's t hat branch of our ent erprise. 23-tf pass through h er e a re not materially soft, pliant an d b<.autiful. A .Dor enwe ud, yeavlillg . cuttle, one heifer spoted- red and Store. whitethe .steer r ed wit h very little white. sole rnan u factm er ; T oront o. J . Hig ~in· different from her etofore, with the excepAnv information lead ing to thPi r recovery w ill W e will con stan tly have ori hancl tion of A nother train b eing added . T he b otham & Son, agents for Bo wma n ville. b o · suitably i·ewarded, H1tHRERT SHOR'!', Hampton. 2G ·3w· n ew t rain leaves Mon t real at 11:55 p . m ., H YM ENE.U.- A.nother of tb ose event s all the latest pr oductions that the arriving in Toronto at 11:30 a . m. which pleasingly i nterest t h e community, A N N UAL GENERAL MEETespecially the ladies, f.ook place in Ch urch ING of the Upper Canada 1' ' urnitnre Com· H ARNESS.- Now is th e t ime t o get a CHANCERY DIVISION. d pany will be held at the Company's Office. in ' d market affords in F , German l ist ch urch on " 1oc n e nes ay the 'fa w n of Bowmanvi1le. Province of Onta· first class hand made ha.rness 1 ext remely St. l'i'l:et1 I n th1' matter of a p ct.lion of S USAN afternoon of last weekthe marriage of rio, on SA' l 'URDA Y , J ULY 17th, 1886, 1tt 2 cheap . W. H . May is selling single N AH 1'I LLE Y tO q1iict the title to L ot and En gli~h materials, t ogether . F . F . MoAil.TII U Tt, harness for $10, nfrk el plated single har- Mr. Geo. L. Stevens to Miss E mm a. o"clock, l' . M. Managing Director. immbe1 · seiiea in Block (r.1 !e. ; Lot m1.mbe1: · 27-lw . ness from $.l G upwards and all other goods T<'11rron , R ev. C. E. M cl nty re preforming Bowmanville, J uly 2, 1886. f01.w ·i.n Block six , and Lot mmi!J1i r .onP wit h B ut tons, Laces, Fringes, in proportion . Call and see the best fly the ceremony. The bride was becomingly - --- · - - in Bloclc seven (save and except thP northS IU.lY ·ti TOJ,E , net ever macle, bot11 in leather and cord. at t ir ed i n cream nun's veiling trimmed west q?tarter thereof) in the Town of Plushe <, Velvets, Silks, lace and was atten . ded by L IOENSED AUCTIONEERS for t_he Whips , trunks, valises, school bags, &c , with ·oriental Sa tins, ' "<T'· l F M .L , · County of Durham. All sal1>s will rece1vti Boivmanville, in the Gowdy of D 11.rham , li er sister,, M !SS ' 10 et arro a, r · 0 \\ ne · prompt attention. Address :- Bowmanville, always in stock . in th<i P 1 ·ovi nce of Untm·io, as laid do 1 ·m acting as groomsman for Mr. St evens. Ont. Mr. M. A. J ames, E ditor of the STATES- After t he ceremony the happy couple - - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- on a plan of .~ ci·id T own, p repm·ed by 0 . G. a n d all Trimming.,; to m '.l.tch. MAN, Miss J , R . T homas, of the U nion procecled to t heir home where toget her H anning, , P. L. ;J, Dus . :u cT..U TGHUX ·" UEITH. School, and Messrs . M. Treleven an d H . with n umerous friends t hey ])ar took of a o~-FI CF. :- MoRnrs' Br.ocK, BowMA NVlLLEBennett, started this week for E urope, sumptuous wedd ing s upper. T he pr esen ts J?r. J. ~.Mc LAlJCl HL I N . Dr. A . BErrn. Grad u· is hereby given th i!.t N- · N OTlC ~ NAH ~ TILLEY, of the Town of SUBA flowman· : t he t wo former' sailing on t he S . S . to the bride were both n umerous and hccntiate of the R~yel ate of the Toronto ville. in t he County of DurhA .m, widow. has · College of Physw111.ns matle an application to this Honore.hie Court "State of N ebraska " from New York on handsome. and member of the Umvers1ty, J:'hys101an, for a Cer tificate or Title to the above mentioned . Th ursday itncl the last t wo from Q uebec .l:toyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. property, under "An Act for quieting titles to NATURE'S PERFl iCT IU:,\.J,'l'R geons, Edinburgh. · · on the " P arisian " the same clay . Miss real estate, " and has produced evidence Js impossible if t he DiCURE F OR gestion is impaired the whereby she appears to be the owner t hereor M. E. Stu11rt, of N apier ville, Que., for mfee. free fro m a ll · ~ncumbrances ,; wherefore J.,iver inactive.. or" t h <l UCTlON S ALES. - As t he auct io·n- in erly t eacher in t h e Union Scl10ol h ere, any other person hanng or pretendrng to have Bowels Constipated. ecring season is again about up on us. I any title ~o, or in.terest in eaicl. lands or any part ! j om s Miss T homas at Albany, N. Y., and I 'l'arrant's Efl'e ves e .. would take this means of thanlcing the farmers thereof. ns reqmred, on or before MONDAY, r c n .. accompanies her on th e tri p. They exe. Manvers, Cart- the 2nd DAY of A.UGUSl', now next ensutng, of the Townships of Clart< · · · SE J ,TZER APEltJE~'l.'r wright and Darlington for what p"tronago they to. file a stll.tement of his claim i,n m y of~ ce iii pect to visit Scot land, England , I r eland ' will cure Constipation. have given me in the past, an(l at the same Victoria Hall a t th,e Town of Cobourg, m the Sick Headache and Dysand F rance a nd r etur n in September . time say I am s tl,ll i n t h o fleld ae an auctioneer. l'rovmce or Ontar10, and to serve a copy on pcpsia. I t regnl&tes t he We will pay t he h ig h est Messra. J os. J effery and Thos. Fitzgernld and any sales you may favour me with will the said Susannah 'l'illey or on D. Burke !:limp. bowels and enables those receive my very best attention and cbtu·ges son, ,or the '1'ow n·of B ownui.n~·1 lle, }1er solicitor, sail n ext week, and M r. and Mrs. J ohn or feeble digestion tC> enwill be reasonable. All that have employed antl m default everysuc!1 cl,a1m will ?~ barred, j oy their food. I t reduces \Vesley the follo wing week. lf t his exprice iu Cash for a ny q uanme bave expressed themselves as well sa tisfle d. and the title of t h~ S1tHi St1sannah I illtY b~ · . -, v . ! <'ever, Cools the Blood, IQ: . Whern it is not corJveqient to see me perodus continues much longer we m ight as absolute and mdofcasible at law and m is inva luable in Piles and sonaJly. arrangements ean be made for sales come e9mty._subject, only t? . the reseryations men· · · Jnflammatory Diseases, well fence in t he t own for a couple of with either of tbo ltditors in Bowman ville; t ity o f Wool. ~JOned. m the 2ath sect10n or the satd Act thereand is a justly esteemed. m onths. Bon voyage to all . . R. HUTCHINSON. rn , lettered, A., B. C and D, respec.Live1y. · gi Apcricnt for Children. Enniskillen, J une <JOth, 1836. ll7t[ Dated t his 28th day or J une, 1886. AND Economical, Heliable, Just received a t the W est End House GEO. M. CLARK, . Eleg1mt. lt should b e W M . QUICK & CO. to $ 8 a day. Samples and duty J!'Il.El!J from the famous man ufacturer E. A. Local Master and Referee a l '1'1 lles · found in evcryhousehold. Lines not under the hor;;e"sfeet, Write et Cobonrgo Sold by d1'u.{lgi.·ts cvcr11L evian & Co., ·a lot of his newest an d b est BREWS'l'Ell.'S .S Al!' E'.l'Y UEIN H OLDER D. Bv,m~ u:. S1111PSON, . where. ·Manufactured only b y '! 'A JUtANT o£. s tyles i n Gents' Ties. Solicitor for A.pphcant. 27·3w . (JO., New York. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- · Co,. Holly, Mich. · I I =I 0 We now h ave in stock $250.00 worth of ,.-1 McColl's Bazar Patterns FREE O F CHARGE when p u rchasi n g materials from us. A. fin e stock of z 3= >- the. most valuable P atter·ns in the mar ket.. \N'e wil l giv e customers the choice o f any P a t tern we have in 'stock :c . Ribbons and Lace s, Corset s, Gloves and ~osiery. ::E ex: Beautiful Shades in French Wool Dress M aterials. RICH L SILKS. '. A very large choice of Black Dr ess M at erials at all prices. CA S H MERE S, -:c : the best,· valu es we h ave eve r yet shown. T. GE O. M AS O N. ====== = ===== = = === The Star that Leads them All s:: ~ 8 ~ ni ::I J=1 J:t a d t:t ~ ~ ~ ~ p.. tJ t-1 DOMESTIC SEWING MACHNE. Imitate It None \J"'>/V"-~~--~~~~ ,, ~~~~~~~~~~ C C S FOR SAL E . DRESS GOODS. - - -o - -- F Se o·~: p~:TRAY-Sfr·y·d r. ;.::·::.1 "'"M:°Us rc ·~ 7-I ~- C T HE In The t h e High Court of Justice. I I . I .. Ro BE RTS oN & Bo ND CONSTIPATION \7\TOOL I A Sick Head ach e i $5 0ySpEpSIA