<!tauadhn1 Jtattsmnu. , r HE HOUSEHOLD. Removal ofSpots and Stains, The following oonolae rule1 are extracted from a German journal : Matter Adhering Meohanloally-Beatlng, brnlillng, and ourrenta of water, either en the upper or under side. Gum, Sugar, Jelly, eto,-Slmply wa1hlng with water at a hand heat, Gre1ue-Whlte goods, wash with soap or r.llmllne lyes. Colored cotton, wssb with French chalk er faller'li earth, and dlsaelve ..way with benzine or ether, on Colors, Varnish, and Reelns- On white or col.,red llnen1, oottone, or woolens, use rectified <>II of turpentine, alcohol lye, and their soap. On alika, use benzine, ether, and mild soap, very ca.utleuely, Stearine-In all c11.1es, strong, pure a.loo· l:lol. THIRTY-THREE YEARS. The 1'en1th or Time VJau lllust l!QCDd In Penttentlau:r, Lonie Vi!\u'a trial la ended, Late the other ·fternoon he waa found guilty of hav. ing endeavored to escape, and the Clerk of the Ccrnrt th'9n rea.d to him the third Indict· men' of having e'oaped frllm the penlttn· tiary. Vle.u admltced tha.t he he.d escaped, but said that It had been with the aid of the gna.rds, They had opened doore for him, and he ha.d simply walked awa.y, The clerk a.gain said guilty or not guilty, and he re· piled, "I am guilty, I got out, but as every· body knoW11," he a.dded with A 1mlle, "I was rt:c1<ptured." The C·erk ef the Peace then Mked Vfan If he had a.nythlng to say why aentenoe ahould not be pa.saed upon him. "Well," 1a.ld the prlaoner, "I have this much to say ; I have NOT HAD A l!'A"R TBIALI AN ANCIENT TOW.N. Wher 'i.'blrtfenth Century Still E;slot, Fort1n~at1ons ......_ I . FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1886. FARM FOR SALE.-30 acres or land having thereon good fram e S MALL house, barns, stables and other necessary ont· ' ~Udings. young orchard of 4. acres, W!lll wat· · .,a and fenced. Situated .inst outside the Corporation ofBowrnanvllle. Will be sold very cheap for cMh. Apply to 1\1. A. J AMES. STATESMAN Otllce, Bowman ville. 9-tf. SALE RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR IN BOWMANVILLE.-A very B comfortable brick hot1se, nearly new, containmer kitchen excellent cellar. Hard and soft ·water: very good fruit garden of t acre. Situat· ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply t o :M. A. J.Al\JES, S·1'A'l'ESMAN Office. 9·tf. ing 8 rooms, besides pantries. closets and sum- Newly improved Versos & Motto al Chromo Cards, with name and a water pen for lOc. 5 p1tcks. 5 pena, for 50c. Agents sample pack, outfit, and illus. trated caralogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A. w..KINNEY, Yarmoutb, N. 50 s. 9-6m GRAIN ' · Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consigl'.).ment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Veg'lhble Colors, Fruit, Red Wine, and I have enjoyed rights similar to the rlv.,t's ba.nki about four Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Red Ink on white goods, snlphnr fumes or those of other prieont.rs, I have not had stancls from the sea and a.bout forty -five mil·a from cttloriue water ; colored ootto1JB woolens, fa.Ir treatment, a.nd as a proof look here wash with lukewu.n eoap lye or amm1ml11o; Vfan here rfl.ised his foot . over the dook Liverpool, 1rnd one of the quaintest ot Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner laoredilile dlks the same but more oa.utloualy, and exhibited the chained to leg. medl::e.,a.1 town. It Is tha.t there ahould exist · s uoh an a.nclent. he said, "weighs eleven pounds, Allzarine Inks-White goods, ta.rta.ric " Thlo hleepy, romantic, lit tle walled city near a Church and Division Streets. t he more concentrated tha older are a.rd I ha.ve neve1 been free from It for one grna.t, bustling, nl1Jetrenth-cmt11ry pla.ce my 011oaa ha.1 been going on," the spots ; on colored cottons and woolr"ls moment Li verpoel. In two 11nd a !iii.If hours, »nd on silks, dilute ta.rta.rlc aoid la applied He than complained bitterly of the meP.gre s1·ea.mboP.t carries the tra-veller from LtverROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. diet to wbloh he ha.d been aui since oantloualy. e1c3.ps, whtoh hD.u t he effeot pool to Llan.dudoo; and a. fow minutes In Blood and Albumlnold Matter-Steeping his attempt ~hould THE TOWN OJ!' CONWAY ~u mile~ It la written In o.den records tha.t J 11llue Creur had a beautiful brea.atplate, ma.de of gold studded with Brlti1h pearls, which he dedicated to the Venue Genltrlx. One of the pearla In the Eogllsh crown Is Hid to ha.ve been found In !loll Eugllth river, but the balmy day a of English pea.rl fishing are over, Few and far between are . the rloh pea.rle found In Eaglleh rivers lll!W, One of the moat h.mous dvere in all Br!t"in for pearl mussel~ wa11 the G»nway, In Wale1, Here were great fiaherles, and It was doubtle·~ from . t he Conwa.y that J 111lua C':aser drew hl11 fine pearls for tb.e brea.atphte of the Venus. The Conway rises iu a little dark tarn among the Welsh hill£ . and wends lt8 W3-Y for 30 miles through 11o smiling country to the Ili~b Saa., where its wa.tera mix with the briny B.o.id. CO.AL · , , · oi: I' la m~uacle his a.lmoe~ ball," a.oid, ~io oe a~ the jJctud to Jno. lVIclVIurtry & Co. Are prepared t o pay the highest prices for all kinds of Grain 4elivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. CU(lil:tl paid up, $1,0UO,UUU. BCJiit, $260,00; 1 This Bank ls -;;:pared to do Legiti· mate Banking in a.11 its branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits received a.nd Interest paid on amounts of 85 upwards in Savings Bank Department; DRA..F'l' S Issued and Collections made in Europe United Stat.es and Canada.. W. J. JONES, A gen MISS McTAVISH ot Has received her new stock GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS and assortment of TRIMMING.S 8TOREs- SecondDoorWes& of Wllllanu Butcher Sta]] · · in lukewum water. If pepsin or the jllice of c1uica. pa.paJa. can ba procured the spot& ue fint aoftEned wit h Ju1rewarm water, and ~hen either of theae 1mbstanoes are a. pplled, Iron Spots and Black Ink-White goods, hot oxalic acid, dilute mnrlatlo acid, with little fragments of tin. On faet·dyed oo~· tone and woolens citric acid i1 oaut~oudy and npea.tedly applied, Silks, lmponlble. Lime and Alkalies-White goods, simple washing, Colored ootto~s, woolens, and all!t~ an1 moistened, a.nd very carefully dilute citric acid is a.pplled with the finger-end, Aolds. Vhegar, Sour Wine, Mast, Sonr F·rulta.....:White goo.d e, simple wMhing, fol· lowed up by chlorine water U a frul· color a.coomr.~nies the aold. Celtred cotton11, woolens, and silk1 ai:.l very carefully moiat· ilned with dilute ammonia with the fingel· end, In cue of delloate color11 it will be found ptefera.ble to make 1ome prepared chalk Into a thin p11osto with water a.nd apply It to the spots, Ta.nnlng from Chestnut., Green Wa.1'lt?;·e, etc., or Leath i-White go;>ds, hot chlorine water and concentrated tartaric acid, Ool· ored c11tter :i, woo'ena, a.nd silks, a.pp\y dilute clllorlne water oautlou1ly to 'he apot, washing it ..way ud reapplying It several time!, Tar, Cart· Wheel Greaae, Mixturea of Fat, Resin and .Acetic Aold-On whits goods, aeap and oil ef turpentine, alternating wltb atream.t of water. Colored cottons and weolen11 rub In with lard, let lie ; soap, let lie egaln, and treat alterna.tely with oil of turpentine aDd water. Sllka the 1ame, mere carefully, ming benzine Ina<· iad ot the o'l ef turpentine, Soerohing-White geode, rub well w!th linen raga dipped ~f'I chlorine water. CJolor11d cottons, re·dye, If posdble, or In woolen raise a new 1mrfaoe, .Silks, no remedy, of iDj1ubg his heal~b, a.nd that he had not lc.ng to live at any rate, His Honor, the Chief J11stice, then proceeded to sentence the prisonor, It W M naeless, sald he, to urge him to do better. He had been a crlmin11.l almost from chi!d· hood and he na.d 110 hope that he wonld ever Improve, He would therefore sentence him to TWllNTY· JIVE YEARS OJ!' P ENAL SERVITUDB. en the fint Indictment of felonleu.Jy d1ootlng with Intent to murder Guard Chartl'a.nd, while eentenoe on t 'b.e othet indlotment was enepet>ded, When his Honor had finished speaklr g, all eyes tumed towards Viau to see wh1'o lmpres&ion the knowledge of bavini;t to spen.~ eo many years of his life impriaoned. betw"eeu four atone wa.lls would II'ake upc.n him, and to everyone's astonishment he wa:'J seen to smile and without a word turn round and lea.ve the deck, Theo, with a deep scowl, he whlepe ~ed to a guard : "I wlll be free In leBB than three months or again standing lu this very dock I" He was driven back to the peniteutlaTy 1hortly afterwards. · Vl11·a le now thirty-three yea.rs of asre· .tie had eiaht years to apend In the penltentlal'y and this addltiena.l sentence ha.a lnorea&ed hl1 'term to thlrty·three years. When he Is allowed to brea.th the air of liberty aga.in he will be an old ma.n of ab:ty·alx, . AN HISTORIOAL TR£E, A. 8UeatWltne11 of' the Terdble ltl:usaere Hints, An Jmprovement on making rag carpet : Mer11ure your strips enot!y the lengtb of the room, then take to the sewing m:: ·htne a.nd e' ·.tch throu~h ·the middle of each rag until you have 1titched through four raga In succeaalon, Then cut between the middle atltoh~:ig, It ~llJ ot nqnire binding, and saves we1k and .'la"pet and looks so much neater, If one ounce of powdered gum 1.-ragacanth be mlx»d in the white of aix eggs, well beaten, and applied te a window, it will prevent the raya of the 1un from penetrating. ATtlcles of a delicate blue that must be w.ahed are often ruined Jn the prooeaa ; thla may be avoided by adding an ounce ef BU· gar of lead to a. pailful of water and lett'..ag the article lie in this fer an hour and a half o~ even for two hour11 ; let It dry thlln1 after which " may he washed without Injury. Thia le said to be a perfect remedy for tbe trouble referred to, Never put a p9.rtlclo of aoap about your silver It you would have It retain ite origin· al luster, When it want! polhhlng ta.ke a piece of soft leather and whiting and rub hard, The proprietor of one of the oli< t silvl"r establishments In the city of Phlll· delphfq, ea.ye that "housekeepers rnln their silver by washlvg It In soap-ends, a.a it makes It leek like pewter," A little borax put In the wa.ter In which aoarlet napkins and red-bordered towela are to be washed will prevent them from fadlug, To remove Ink 1tain1, wash the cloth thoroughly in milk, then In hot water with soap, a.nd the eta.ins will dis· ppea.r. .~ETE.RI.NARY SURGEON. Graduate otthe Ontario Veteri!lary Co!lege, Registered member of the Ontario Vetermary Medical Association. a-Office and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. ·wm vislt Orono every Tuesday andiSatnrday Office hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m.,. at Coulters' Hotel. Calls by ·relegraph receive immediate attention. CHARGES MODERATE. TRIS OUT and return to us with lOc. or 4 Sc. stamps, aud you'll get by return mail 11 Gol~n Box of Goods that will brin,11: you in more money in one month than anything else in America. Either sex make money .fast, CITY NOYELTY CO., Yarmouth, N. S. UT C No Wonder the Shippers Kick. "Do you know, I never until recently felt the Iron band of a glgantfo monopoly oloea on my t hreat, and so realized how slowly it was tightening lta oonstrlctln(( folds, like the deadening upas tree, over whose blighted valley there files no llving bird a.nd comparatively fev dead ones, as lt were, upon tho life of the nation! (Ap pla.uee, and loud cries of' go on.') N eedless ls It to sii.y tha.t I refer to the railroad, I live In a small vlllage on the line of the Pennaylva.nla Ra.llway. W e have no comp eting line. We lie at the feet of the mon· epoly th11ot . hauls us In 11ind out of town ; we ar e p assive and helpless, The other day I had two boxee ef freight to send west by this monopoly, I went crauchlng inta the office of the freight agent. W hen I told hlm I had t wo boxes of etl\ff t o send to Chf· cago, a. distance of 11.bout· 800 miles, I saw his eyes light up wit h the keen gle.re of sav · age greed, H e said he would ask H arrl11· bnrg for rates, which I knew was a mere eubterfuge to g11ln time while he could guesa hew mncb money I could ralme this side of the grave, a.n.d then the grasping tool of s. soulless corpsrat lon charged me 69 cent! for carrying t wo big boxes 800 miles, What's more ho ma.de me pay It. It's no wonder that shippers klok. I am only surprised tha.t they don't b oycott the rallroe.de. Let us return to the da.ye and the quiet ways of our good old fathers, when, by paying only one-ha.If of t he price of t he boat, I oould have sent my boxes to B11ffalo by canal and the rest of she way by lu.ke boat, and got them threugh to Chicago or the bottom the ame year, " -... .. ., or nrtttsb. l!loldtel'S. The obliteration of a landmark in the hll· tory of Detroit and the northwest baa been commenced on the property of the Mlohi· ~'Ion stove oompa.ny, on Jefferson avenne, Tradition ea.ya that the old whltewood tree was a dlent wltne11 to the terrible ma,gsaore by Pontho'e Indiana on J ul:y 31, 1763. Pon· tiac wae carrying out his great conspiracy a.gain1t the whlte1, wbfoh was agreed to at a council of Otta.wa.a, Pottawatomie& and Hurons, held at Ecorse en Aprll 27, 1763. H la first movement, to massacre the garrl· eon, waa betrayed to Maj. Glodwin, the .Britlah commander, by an Indian girl, on M;r,y 9, and, with hie braves, he was ordered out of the otooka.de. The fort was a.fterwarda Invested, Pontiac hoping to starve out the garrison, He captured supply boats a.nd trains, and the garrison reta.liated with several 1ortles. On July 29, Captain Da.lyell 11orrlved with 22 hrgea and 280 aol· dlere of the Fifty fifth and Eightieth regl· menta, a.nd 20 ra.ngere oommanded by Ma· j or Robert Rogere, of Now Hamp1hlre, with cannons and provlalona- all under Da.lyell'a orders. The latter, who had been a.n effioer, under the dulng Putman, besought permlsalon to Jea.d an expedition against Pontiac, and wa.a finally given that privilege. He sta.rted before daylight on the morning of June 31, 1763, DalJell marohed np the river read with three detachment·, and eupported by two batterlesarmed with swivel gun~, on the river. '.!he wily Pent lao had been Informed of the sortie, and was lying on the banks of Bloody Rno, then called Pa.rent's Oreek. As ihe British forces neared the bridge the Indians poured In a withering volley, '.l:'he soldiers cha.rized i:.oross, but the.enemy WM l.uvlelble 0 and their numbers melted away under the terrible fire. The troops retreated, and D ..lyell, while trying to eave a wounded soldier, was shot dead. The Brit· leh loBB wa.e : K illed, 17 ; captured, 3 ; wonnded, 38. Detroit was virtually besieged by P on· tia.o's forces till t hat ~reat warrior signed a tceaty of pea.ce, Ang. 17, 1786, Detroit was the only western poet that held otit 111galn2t the Indians under his command, Old reeidente in the oity tell tha.t hun· drede of British and Indian bullets entered t he tree, and t hat the onttiug of them out wa.s one of their juvenile pastimes halt a. century ago, the tra.ln takes one away from this modern Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. w:i:terlng place to the peacefulneBB of a ~hirteen"Gh century fortified town. The o:\~· Ue of Conway Is one ef the moa~ bea.utlful in a. country of beautiful ~a.sties, to1Yeri,ng grimly a.ud grandly ever the rag~ed little towu tnat nestles bellide H. Very odd it 1eema to at&nd:on the cl'umblfng b:\ttlementa l\ud look ' dewn on ~he town whloh is en· clo~ed within the battlemented stone wallij KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. of the 011me age and faehion a~ the u;i.atle. Si-x long oentnries have come and gone bfnoe t}ie First Edward coDqutired Wale,, We are now £nishing 30 of the best Ou.rriages and Buggies ever made and hullt his ~·rong fortreaatlu to keep tll<l in this establishment, with best grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best Steel Springs, 'the wild Cymry In subjection ; lmc eve11 trimmed with the best stock and well painted. We are ge tting out hill I.op and valley la full o:f au3geatlone of the ancient and little known raoe. A few names have r.ome to us from out the ·m ists, ~uch as Cara.ota.0111, Llewellyn, and Owea. Every Board warranted to be made of the best Steel and well t empered. Gl)ndwr; but few to-day have any idH of the fierce bravery of this ancient race or We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, iiµ proved and second how derperately they fought tor their father- to none in the market. They will be r eady in good season and warranted to do good land. On every mountain-aide and hill-top work. We are also making a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready Lhere are remllli"la of in good season. They have been t ried by some of our beat farmers, to whom we ANCIENT FORTRESSES, refer intending purchasers. We are also of a. rude type, built for defence ln the long i:o.~~ time ; of cromleche, built for wor1hlp or for sepulture · of tracsa, In ou.e form ot another, of a. brave and home-loving race. which has gained a good reputat ion in this locality. There la a saying among the Welbh that "Walea wa1 Wale11 beforeEQgla.nd twas porn Plow Points of every description by the ton, and made from steel, wrought iron, &c' . look you"; a.nd an old Welah f:'l.mlly had We are also getting rea1'ly a stock of WAGONS. Mill and Engine Work a specialty w1itten, In the midat of their famllyrecord1, All of which will be sold on the most r easonable terms. " About thi1 time, the world waa created. " BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co. How old theae a.nclent Britou11 were when Wa.lea wa1 first peopled, no ma.n can aa.y. CasMpaid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m. Certain it is that the little prlnclpiillty ha.a bo111e a br~ve part In the world's hlatery, and Its peop'e hr ve been true to their tradltiona, Oenturiei.;have pa.s11ed since Edward 001·qnered them, but t_ h eJ still Epeak t'1elr own hngaa.ge, Many a change h;r,a conie over the fashlona of the huHy world ; bo:t the frugal and inclur.hiou~ Wehhmeu DEALER. I N still fears God, a.n llfta hi· voice In tuneful 13ral!ie on the S11obl>a.th day, The towen a.ud wall1 of Conway a.re nought aave orumbllng rulua ; the Ivy and the w..u. flower have t ken po11eHlen of lor~ly hall1; \he gtaas grows green In the ba.nqueting places of the forgotten great one1, Watson'~ THE BOWM ANVILLE AGRICULTURAL &CARRIAGE CO., 300 of our Celebrated Champion Plows I AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER,. P.H. .JU.A S O.Lf, Newspapers. No newspaper ever published pleased ever7body, and every eenalble taker of a paper, In paaslng judgment upon It decides the m11otter upon tiho wltole appoara.noe o the {>uhlloation from week to week, not condemning It beca.u11e he finds something printed therein thab displeases him, or con· 1lkering It Infallible because I* expresses, from w11ek to week, hie exact vlew1. · Other· wl1e the only euooeadnl newspa.per would be the one wbloh was neutra.l npen all subjects, or one which never expressed any view1 on a point of lntereet, oonfinln2 it.elf to mere item1 ef news. These two cla1ae1 of papera were never knewn to exlat in an Intelligent community, a.fter being conduct· ed upon that principle for a.ny le.igtb of time, for a community Is judged hv the outside world b:r the newspa.pers which it aup· port.I. · A sweet story this, ef a dear little gfrl in North Ca.rollna. who out eff and S9ld her .. silk en tressea" to buy a oommnnlon ser· vice for tl:i.e church, _ ... -...·- Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, · 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Seoarators, Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes;Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scuff.I ers> Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Ho'ney Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loadersi Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Wareroo1ns---King St., Bowmanville. IRepairs · for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. ==============~==-=--=-=-~====~~~= A New Line of Railway. A party of wealthy Cana.dlaoa visited Buf· falo reoen~ly to a.rrange for the building of a line of railroad from Table Rock, on the Oanadian Pa.rk rooervation, to Queenatown , Ont, Thoy exhibited · u. special ch11rtor (gra.nted bv the Doi:ninlon Government), and claimed they h~d scoured the co-ope~a tlon of the Ca.nadhn Reserv:i.tlon Commie· ALL SIZES. alon, The road Is to run close to the river bank and will be connected by 11.n inclined railroad at Table Rock with the Miohigan Central. A grand hotol at tha.t point ia an imporhnt fea.ture in the ~oheme. At Qaeens· town tbeypropose to connect with the steam·· - ALSOerChicora and t he Mloblgan c~ntral R11ilroad, Th~y olu.im they are to be given free right of way ovei: Gove1.imont. property, a.a their read will help to make t he 0 11.nactfan reser· vatlon attractive. T i:>h is a different view itom that t~ken bv Commissioner Dorand all lines of shelmer, of t ho New York St & t e reserve.tion, who reoeutly urged th..t a blll be inised preventing the Niagara. Fa.11 & W'hirlpD.:il Company, ohartered to build a. read on the Amedoan b11nk, frcm c?osalng the Sta.te'M p.operty. The offioil\ls ofthls cerporatll"' ~1owever! feel good over t he bill Govern.or has Just signed, which al!ows them to Revolvers an.d mince pies should always RP! oharge pa.esengors ten cents a mile, be handled with care. You never know how t he things are loaded, Wonderful Instinct of l'lies, As an illustration of the trivia.I causes which somet imes bring about a severance "You are a telegraphist, Herr Maler, I of the pastoral relation, the Presbyterian presume ?" Banner t ells of a paster who had t o resign " Certainly," ~Call ...d hia charge because the Snnda.y School " When out wa.lklng to-day I noticed superintendent objected to his ueing a that wJ-ole myria.ds of files : cove~ed the plum-color ed Bilk handkerchief In the telegraph wires for a ceneiderable dhlt"ance, pulpit, a.nd the Herald and Presbyter men· How do you explain this ?" tlons another goed man to whom objection "At what time wa.e It?" wa.s made beca.use of his wearln2 a.n UD· " About feur o'clock," Tinware and S tove Emporium, becoming moustacl!.e and the pra.otloe of "Just then we had a message conveying li':le la1t quotatlena In sugar and molasses," BOWMANVILLE. ·ti', rolling up biu trousers In wet weather, MILK CANS, Dairy Pails, - -VIEW OF- - MILK PANS Brantford Light Steel Binder, with Sheaf Carrier Delivering its Load. The only Binder with z Steel Finger-Bar and Steel E xt ension. The only Binder with} extra " JRoller t o · B 1 Wh 1 Sh ft t d t b th throw the gram out to the packers. The only Binder with lon~ ev: . ee a suppor e a , ? ends. The only Binder with Steel Driving Wheel. The only Binder with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carner. The only genuine Steel Machine in the Market. TIN'"-VV.A.RE_ No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give \, satisfaction. and examine. GI-~ .A. Fl. .A :!Q" ~EE JI> Surest to Tie. Easiest to Manago. Lightest in Draft. Simplest Bi~der. Strongest Bind er.~Neatest Binder. To Tie the Tightest. To Out the Closest. To Reel the Nicest. Best in StandinglCrop. Best in Tangled Crop. Best in Short Crop. L. GEO. QUICK, Binder Twine and full lines of Repairs kept on hand. JAS. McLEAN, Agent, · R. M 0 ON, Agent, Hampton.. Orono.