- L ·TBRMS :-11.liO PBll· ANNUM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AN» COUNTY FIRST: 'l'HE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, VOLUME 416. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, Ji'RIDAY, JULY 16, 1886. ENNISKILLEN. The Rev. S. Salton and family have got nicely settled in our village. The Reveri,nd geatlemau gi~ve .an excellent introductory eerm~n on ~abbath e ·~nin!o( last. 'Ye trust his serv1~es here will be produchva of great Q'oou. amongst the peo ple. The .new l\IIE_!thod1st pastors have made a good 1mpres~1on here. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the l'resbyterian church here on Sabbath last · to a Jorge number ' . · ·. . of commumca,uts. 'fhe nrehmmary and Sabbath services were ;i;ll conducted bv the pastor, Rev. A. McLaren. Practic;l and impressive disc.curses were delivered on both vccasi'onll. All former acquaintances were grieved to hea;r of the deat11 of Mr. J . C. Smith, of Oshawa. Tl1e deceased wa· h1"g·h ly ~ °!!hborhood. When respected i11 th1"s ne1 .. living near here, he took an active interest in the welfare of the Presbyterian church, and was for many years an efficient teacher iu the Sabbath School, As a man his influence was alwa,-s exercised for the good of his fellow men, and for himself he was o\'er stl'iving for the right. Quite a number front here attended his funeral on Monday last. . A great many from here spent the 12th in Pontypool . All rep<>rt a '"ery pleasant day. Another school meeting j., to be held in ' the school liouse hcrP, on Wednesday, 21st instant, to begin at 10 "· m. This meeting ie held by order of Mr. Tilley, Pllblic School Inspector, tn finish the business began at the nrst meeting, held on the 3rd inst., viz. :-The election of a tr·1etce. XXXII. NUMBER ~9. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. . KIRBY. Once more the neighborhood has been sad:lened by the sudden c:1ll of the pale visit.or. Ou Wednf'sday last Miss Hachel 1 McQuilla~, ..an adoJ?ted daught er of Mr. Samnel BI111ngs, paid the penalty of death ».nd passed _ from labor to her r"ward. H er place will be hard. to fi!l: Naturally of the most alfable d1spostt10i;, she wa~ ever ready to lend her service~ to the needy. At chul'ch and Sunday School she waa a faithful member and attendant. A h · f t h d th . sermon, avrn~ re erence o . er ea ' will be preached m the l\IIethodut church nPxt Sund11y afternoon, by the Rev. R. Walker. . I SALEM. "' ,> Iii c( ..I c · ce o "' (Y) · I The church people intend erecting Another shed for the horse11. Timber on the ground, most of it framed, Everyone laying ont for a good time at Stephen's social, Fridsy evening, 16th. The people around the south part of the neighborhood have been helping to till the town treasury because their cowll trcspaesed on the corporation . Th · lk f · · · H k" , fi ld arte ils. tha I ob adp1C: nll1c in d . oc ms e a w u c tie s.n w1 a tten . Mrs. McFeeters is reported ill. I HAMl'TUN. Rev. E.' Ba.rrass, M. A., preached his introductory sermon here last Sunday morning to a large congregation. Rev. J. Salton who is alao stationed on this circuit preached h ere ·o n the 4th inst., t ·oth gentlemen have made a favorable im1)ress 'on on their hearers. Mr. EL Elliott, jr., was at Cobourg last week attending to hie duties as county auditor. The annual picnic to Lake Scugog by I S t d ;~~r~~~n!u~c~~;. e ou a ur ay was an The ead intelligence reached this vil· hge on Monday morning that Prof . J. Ruse's !little son !Percy was dt>ad, his mother ies very ii of the s~me terrible disease, h f Diphtheri>J. I th d tTheir ma.ny&friends h f th ere t d ee · et ··epes symp·H ffi' · 1 f Y h · or 1e 8 0 a ic e paren m tho osa t eir on Y bvy. . Stow BoY. If l .. a a SOLINA. tr 0 IL arro- -G-0> J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON; Chemists and Druggists, --Fe>~-- SURE DEATH TO BUGS. --.AN"::i::::>-- Insect Bowmanville, June 30, 1886. Pomd~ .1· :t'OR 'l.'HE DESTRUCTION OF :f.!ies, Mosquitos, Ca:t?pet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc. J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON· . HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, --MANUFACTURER O F - - CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &c., KING STREET, BOWMANVILL Has now on hand a number ot Tehlcles (and Is manufacturing & great many more) of the neWe3 pe.tt·,rns and beet linieh, wlllch I am otrering tor sale at the lowest prices oonsisten· with due regard to workmanship and qu~llty. The following ha list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me -· Doublo Covered Carriages .....................................................$160 Upward1, Single Phretons ................................................................. 100 11 Open Buggy..................... ....................................... ,........ 70 11 Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 u Democrat \Vago11.......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ·· . ·. .· . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. . .. . . . . · 65 " 11 Lumber Wagons.......... ........................................ ............... 55 Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 11 Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 11 Skeleton............ ............................................ . ... .. .... .. .. . .. .. 60 11 Sulky............................................................................... 40 11 PosBesstng superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap tor o bh or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of ealee. Woul4 sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired J At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired, A· the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sa.wing with Circle, Band or·scr Saws. and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others for building purposes. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences In every style reQuired, made to order. -.;! Ladies,in '.l'ait & Morrison's store you can see the prettiest, cheapest and best OME of the most valuable and eligible Fancy Window Shades ever introduced the 'l'own of Bowmanville. Terms easy. here, their cheepness is most remarkable. For in particulars and plans apply at the office ot H. RUSSELL LOSCOl'dUE, Ca.ll and see them. Rollers, cornice poles McClunga' Bulld!nga, Bowman ville. fixings for drawing, etc., in 11tock. cth, 1886. . 20·~W Building Lots for Sale. S I A white and blaek animal has been NEWO.ASTLE. playing havoc with the poaltry in this We l1ad a great day oa July 12th. At eighborhood. n I b et wee " P· m, the b ase b a 11 mat cl Mr. W. Fursey raised a fine barn on C ob ouri;t an d N ewcaa ti e b egan,. A n 11 · Wedneaday of last week fortunate accident soon happened to M . . . . · . Simpson, the catcher of the home te 11 m, Ge~ Jars m all sizes and 10.west pr·?tlS One of his fingers being put out of joint a~ Solina Store; also best quality rnachme twice, and lhis seriously injured the o or farmers and threshers use. 2w . prospects of Newcastle, as no one was ~r: E. Niddery while w:ork,in!f on & well able to fill his place, Arthur Simmo is bmldmg _of l\IIr. John _VanNest s, Jr., fell ,d one the beet he C)t1ld at catching a from a girt and hurt lumself badly. tho rest of the nine worked pluckily, bu ev, E. oarrass pre'l.ched his 6.rat it was in vain, for after a long and some sermon at Eldad on Sunday last. Il was what tiresome game, the visitvrs won 1stened to with rapt attention. W'e Msily by a score of 24 to 8. We think think he is a fine BJ:oeaker . JACK. that the Newcastle club can give a bett3r ..... _ __ account of itself. ~nother time for it has LAKE. VIE W-,OdR1'W RIGHT. some very prom1s1ng players. The Methodist Sunday School anniver.. Tho following are nan:ies of pupils ?f sary was held in the. drill shed wher'3 a 1 Cedar Dale ~chool, No. 6 Cartwrillh~, m splendid tea was provided, of whicll a ord~r of merit, based on marks obtamed large number of people partook. In the dunug the ~o.nth 0 ~ Ju.ne:-Fort~ Cla~s-; evening a capital program was rendered Emma Mc:Neill, Mmn~e ~cN~il.l, Willie in the churoh before ·a large audience. Moore, Len~ Moo~e, L1~~1? W1lhame; E. Songs and recitations were given by Ida Veale, ~ert1e Devitt. I bird Class, Sen. The McLaren brothers and Messrs. F. Eilbeck Li1:zie Ralls . Beesie and Bertha ~ Maggie Mahaffy,. Florence Peel, W. and S. Brown, accompanied by some Tambly~, of Bowman'vme, Misaes Brown l\IIills. 'fhird Class, Jr.- Percy McN~ill, friends, a re away on a canoeing. expe· and Campbell, Herbert Ellsworth, and Sa.rah Armstrong, Edgar Peel, JI. ~ills. dition. They start from Coosa.re'!. and go Nellie Venner, duets, trios and choruses Second Class, Sen .-Sammy Mahaff_Y. E. north to the back lakes, around by Stoney were amo.igst the other attractions oE a Thom11son, ~e.na Thompsc,n, Ada W1lso~, Lake and home by Peterhoro'· . very attractive entertainment. The pro- ~reddrn W1lhams, Walter V~ale, Susie Messrs. L. T. Staph-a and 'f. A. Brown ceeda from the tea and concert amounted Chapman. Second Part-Elsi~ ~I;oore, have gone back to l\.foskoka, via Orillia, to nearly $100 Martha. Ney, Charlotte Noy, W1lhe Ney, to. spend their vacatiou. · Herbie Cannan, May Wilson, J, Nesbitt · - Mr R. A. Lee has been on a trip to TYJWNE. First Clase-Frank Mill, Eddie Frice, J. Belleville. Brown, Amy Peel. HATTIE E. GIBBS, Some of the boys intend witnessing the Teacher. It would be wise for the correspondent B. B. match between the Bushwackers "of last WO<· k's We.lt Dwrham Nev;s to avoid and the Twitch-gra@s clnbs, on Saturday, ENFIELD. R. A. after dark. He has been heard to in Mr. Wm. Barber's field. Mind tho thre11ten vengeance. mosquitos, boys. Our foot-ball club played a match game - - -· The young man north of Haydon likes of foot -bill with the .Enniskilla n club at ORONO. our minister very much, he attends Hampton, on July 1st; the Entielders Another glorious "tw.,lfth" hu coine reguh,r on Sunday nights. Call again, G., ..Y£inning by one goal to none. · l\1r. Samual Bray has assumed the title and gone and the Orange fraternity 11ave those nice moonlight n1.,,hts " · reason to feel proud of the success of its Miss Carrie Scott is now very ill wit Pa., by the ad vent of a little daughter. celebration. The weat ber was hot and inflammation. .._ Mr. Alex. McCullough had his large the roads dusty, yet it did not retard the Where was the organiat of the Metho- barn ra'ised le.at week. ardent patriot from displaying his loy- dist church last Si!.hbatl1, that he was not Se>eral new self-binders have come alty. Nothing worthy of note occurred at his post 1 Attend to business, old boy. i.lto this neighborhood lately. in the forenoon, save the arrival of the Miss Bessie and Gertie Welch, of :BaltiMr. and Mrs. D. Archer are visiting different lodge~, which however were not more, are visiting here for a few weeks. here, long in laying down their drumsticks and Rev. Mr. Morri11 preached an excellent Mr. L'~ne is spending hi~ holidays at banners, and repairing to the hotels for sermon 1 o his congregation on S1rnda.y Ca.esarea. dinner. About 2 p. m, they again mus· h H k 11 tered, formed Jiue and marched throu~h mg t· e. t'a es we with the young Enfield is likely to prosper now, as we the principal streets. Three out of the people of this place. have a self-binder agency established here. five lodges present were heflded by brass M.iss Polly l'ila~uing is spe:iding a Several of our villai...ers have taken conbands, the splendid U. C. F. band lead· portion of her vacation ameng friends at ' tacts from the council. ing the van. The addrf,sses at the drill Rice Lake. . ,, Mr. Jos. Clatworthy met with a serious shed however were the center of at.tracThe Orangemen of tlu8 plac~ celebrated accident while working on the barn of t!on, the bttilding bein:t almost filled with the "glorious twelfth," at Po~typq 1. Mr. Alex. McCulloogh. He fell from au audience of all classes, from tl1e Bow- They retu~ned early Monday ~venmg a,nd the plate on which he wa!I working t'> the manville dllde do~n. to the hungry lad rel?ort hsvmg had a grand time. Tn~ floor, breakillg his arm and splintering hia fro u Kendall. D1str1ct Master Stantun thm1' t~e Pool must have been dry aa tlia.. boulder blade. Medical aid wae at onca occupied t~e chair au_ d made a _ spicy little ~ioklmg wagon was not in use. summoned and hie arm was bound. He speech, with taffy rn yrofus1on, ~ev The coRtractore. aro busy tr'ansforming iii now progreasi11~ favorably. Rooney, Grand Cha.plam, followed 111 e B. C. church mto a parsonage. It is short speech which seemed to pleasei his causing a great 11tir at the east end. HA.YDON. brethreD, and upon sitting down was CLIM.AX, heartily · applauded. Next came the We would advise the l:imt cor. to make speaker of the day, l:tev. Alfred Moment, another attempt at describing the un· COURTIOE. of Bro<tklyn, N. Y., who took for his known oor. of your worthy paper, but The funeral oflMr. John Hancock, on before sending ' his aha.ft let him make subject "Home rule for Ireland." It was really an excellent address, but de- Sunqay last, was attended by a large sure of his mark. livered from a thoroughly anti standpoint. number of friends and neighbor& of the The streets of our " village of the eased. It was in short well prepared to please la.in " were unusually thronged during Orangemen and displease thQse who a Mr. John Pickle, while l:iarying a stone the past week, by a. great ruah-people inclined to cheri!h canny feelings for 1(he a.st week, had the misfortune to have it fall on him, cru3hing both, his legs badly. rushing after berries. Irish agitators, Short speeches were a.Tua_ Rev. Mr. Sanderson, the new pastor of Some of our citizens availed themselvell made by Reva. J. Whitlock of Newtonville, and Shoulta of Orono. On the this oiteuit, has already made many of the opportunity of visiting Pontypool on the 12th, and of taking in the delight· platform were seated several pro.minent friends. Mies Tllcker, of ·roronto, is visiting at ful and:picturesque scenery.in and around members of the order, conspicuous among .that village . Hope they feel no worse them being big John Gifford, the noted Mr, L. M. Courtice's. 'fhe D. U. C. company have sold their after their days outing. temperance man, who sat next to the The sick of our village are convalescing chairman. He looked odd, having di~· June cheese. The Ebenezer Stars met' with defeat in under the skillful treatment of the popu· carded his cloak for a badge -of unique design. ·ro llis right s11.t the worthy old playini,? w1ih the Orono team, at Orono lar M. D. 1\lr. R. Maynes has been made happy veteran, Bro. Henderson. His gray on Friday la.st. The Y . P. C. A., of Ebenezer, have or otherwise by having an addition to bis locks called for revl.'rence, and loyalty beamed from his very features. Over on closed their me.etings till October. Be- family-twin daughters. the back row of benches sat a bald- fore closing they held a very successful There are no marriages to report yet, pated, intelligent looking fellow, with a and enjoyable picoio at the lake sho~e. School report for June.-Fourth class: but prospects are good "now." short linen coat, nicely striped. It w · Rev. Mr. Morrie preached ..a n eloqu. e nt . orrow, R . H a 11. S en1or Dr. Adair ox Newtonville. Right, bys de B . B rook s, M . M him sat ex-Rev. James MoComr- -J. He Third class-Wesley Hancock, Arthur sermon liere last Sabbat~ . .. He cornea was engaging everybody in conveysation, Short, Lizzie Rundle. Junior Third among us ae an earnest mm1ster of the and led off in the applause. '?ro. Law obss-Laura Cawker, Lizzie Nichols, , Gllspel, We notice a· new Dominion Organ has seemed to be uneasy ; perhap he was. Harry Cawker. llecond class-Everett This will At the close of the meeting the marched Gerry, Sanh Balson, Hezekiah Tingle. been placed in the church. up street and the different jdges took Part Second-Mina Hancock, Charlie gladden the l1earts of the choir, as the old their departure. In the eve ing a con· Nichols, Emma Cornish. Average at- one gave many uncertain sounds. There has been several visitors hero cert was given by the home lo.::-[e, which ten dance for the month 49. J. H. Allin, was well patronized. Robert lVJ.Onagha , T~acher. . . . from a. diatance:-Mr. Thompson Harper, The officers of Mt. Carswell DtvlBlon for of Gore Bay, at Mr.Harper's; Mr. Watts, of Port Hope, was there and c11used convulsion3 of laui:ihter with his comic songs the present quarter are : W. P., Bro. of Coboconk at Mr. S. Lobb's · Miss and recitations. Gerge McLean gave a Arthur Rundle; W. A., Sis. Lizzi~ P en- Sherin, of or'nemee, and Mr. Jno·.' Broad song about the mermaid after making a fou~d; ~- ?·? Br_o. N . R. Court1ce; A. and family, of Detroit, at Mr. W.Broad's, M J h B Sl f w h" t short explanatory speech, He left the R. S., Sis. V1ctor1a Morrow. F . S. , Bro. Penfound; Treas., Bro. John D ,~· .0 n . .t·. e~_on,b 0 th as ~ng ~' platform amid great applause. The song Simon p nfound· Ch p s· A p f d . .,,,., 18 VIS! mg IS ro er, r. · 1 given by ~iss Inez Travelle was well ree · a ., ~· · · en oun. ; Siemon. It is about 15 years since he ceived, as was also the duett of Mr. Mor- Con., Bro. Dan McKmnon; .A. C., R1s . ( visited the home of his boyhood during rison and Mrs. Miller. Misses Hallett Kate Mcintyre; I. S., Bro .. Jam~s Run- which time he has had a. lucrati;e situaand Cllttle sa.ng ve1·y sweetly, wJ1ile Mr. dle; 0. S., Bro. Harry Phair. tion in the Government office at the 0. A. Gamsby is too well known to i·e· great U. S. capital. quire praise. C. G. Armstrong was apConsumption can be Cured. We don't like to tell tales on the plauded both on appearing ar,d retiring. No~ by any secret remedy, but by pro- " young man " who went north with tl1e The glee ciub and minstrels both did their parts well. It was a s uccess. We per, l1ealthful exercise and the judicious object of his affections, but would advise him to keep within the suburbs until he will give a fe ;v reminescences in our use oi Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitea, containing the heal- grows tall enough to defend l1er, instead next. ANON. ing and atrength;$.iving virtues of these of vice versa. two valuable apecifices in tlieir fullest AJ.L WELL PLEASED.-'.Jbe ohlldr11a lllo FOR NETTLE KASH, Snmmer Beat, Er11p· Dr. LoW'8 l'Jeasan& Worm Syr11\I aed. 11ar· form. Prescri!Jed universally by Pl1ysic- tlan~ and general toilet p1trp0He8 use · Low's ians. Take no other. ents rejoice over lta vlrtne. ltulphur Soap. ! FORESTRY REPORT. We are indebted to R. W. Phipps, Esq., for a copy of his v.e ry interesting Forestry Report, pu blishad by the Ontario Government. The preseut volume, written in Mr. Phipp"s beet style, contains amon~ other good things a11ent the best way to preserve and protfct our 1imber, also a brief description of what has been done this yoar in Ontario . As the forestry question here is ultimately connec·ed with the amount of timber standing in tbe St.ates, a foll account of the position of affairs there is giv ..n,State by State, with results of ot"er-clearing and other valuable information. The planting <·f evergreen wind-breaks is the simplest and most practicable method uf regaining our lost forest shelter, and if followed up would, at a very slight expense to each farroer, be much good to the country. A large chapter hns therefore been devoted to the a.dv1eabi~ity and method of. this, and trees fit for the purpose. There is also (and it makes the book very valuable for reference) a complete list of thG trees of O c itario , i;<iving scientific description and means of knowing each, with statement of what other parts of North America they are found in, and uses, value and stren~th of timber in each. Many letters containing muc'!i informa· tion on l<'cal forestry will also be found from all par ~of Ontario, and a va.lnable etateml'Jot c.rncerniug effects of forest denudations by a leading Am6l'ican scieutiat. We may add that copies of the above n1e· tinned report will be sent tree to all, parties who will send their address lo Mr. Phipps, 223 Richmond 8t., Toronto, until sucl! times that the edition is exhauHted. Sha\v & Tole's is the place to get. a Toronto Mower. A counterfeit Merchants' Bank $10 bill is in circulation. Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed wire a. fuil stock at bed rook prices at S. S. Edsall's. "'"ooL,-Farmers, don't sell your Wool till you call on John Lyle who is paying the hi1'hest price for good merchantable wool. Hu~h·Duclow, of Oshawa., while a.se:st· ing at a barn rai siu~ for Mr. Jas. Wilson, on Tuesday weak, had the finger1 of his left hand seriously crushed. Persons wishing to borrow money on fa.rm security oaa be accommodated with any amount on application to the STATES· MAN office, at lowest rates of interest. tf. Couch Johnston & Cryderman hne sold an immense quantity of carpets dur· ing tl1e last few we(jks, but they are still showing a large assortment of car pets of all kinds. The West End House is noted for having the largest, best , and cheapest assortment of H osiery in town. Ladies you would do well to call and examine for yourselves. 0 MILLINERY. - -- o--Our Millinery Department (one of the most extensive in' the town) is now replete with all the latest novelties for the summer trade. The entire selection is of the newest and most fashionable description. Our assOI'tment of HA'l.' S and BONNETS, I which consi:;ts of the latest and most desirable styles. embraces the fol:owing mak es and braids :-Chip; Loop, Tape, Twist, Pedal, Swiss, Pearl, Milan, Satin, Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, Porcupine, Cordinette and Split Straws. ------··------ Robertson & Bond.