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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1886, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, A C.ARD.- T o all who are sulfer iug from the e rrors and iudiscretiom of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will eend a recipe that EVERY FRID AY MO RNING, will cure you FREE Ol!' CHARG.l!l, This -BYgreat r emedy wae discovered by a missionary .in South America. Send a ee~fAT TBBI OFEICIC addressed envelope t o the .REV. J9sEPB Pea&emeeBloek,IUnr;St.,BowmanvUle,Ont T. INMAN Station, D New York Oit'IJ. 46y ADVIl;)E TO MoTHERS. -Are : you disturbed at night and broken of your r est by a. sick child .11uffering and cr·y ing with pain of Cutt ing T eeth 1 If eo send at d b w· 1. ' once an get a ott1 e of " Mrs. ms ow s Soothing Syrup;" For children teething, its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedia.tely. D epend upon it, mother s; there is no mistake abou t it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhrea, r egulates the Stomach and Bowels, cur ea Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives to:ie and ener"y to the whole sydtem. .., " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is tho prescription of one of the oldest and best female p hysicians and nurses in the United S tates, and is for sale by all druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTillNG SYRUP." and take no other kind, THE FARM. Care of Work Horaes. The groemiog-a.11 It 11 o·lled-ef hen01, i1 quite u Important &a t he feedln1C. and In summer time when the team1 are worked hard, It ii lndl1penaable te their welfare. The akin of an animal 11 one ef the moat active excresery or11an1, ancl 11 furnished with an enormo111 number of perea, through which pa11e1 · constant atream of mef1ture, tha.t le oha.rg~ wltn ln1te and offene1ve mattlll' from the blood, Besides these there are thou1a.nd1 of mlil11te gla.nda in every 2quare inch, whloh BBorete an oily tlnid wnloh keeps the akin 1oft and pliable ; and in a.ddltlon, every h·ir on the akin la rooted in a. folllole or gland, which 1oppliea the epeclal nutriment n qulred for It. Moreover, the aurt.oe of .the akin la con· tinually wearing away a1 It is renewed by the new growth, IWd thh wa.ete, dry mat· ter eoa.les ofl, and need1 to be removed by the ourry.oomb and br118h, When a hone la werklng, the exore1 I m from the skin Is profuse, and pours from It In the form of peraplra.tlon. Whoo this dries en the skin It leave11 a qnantlty of Impure matter ad· herlng to it, whloh ia apt to close the pores and prevent the ucape of the perspiration. Thia prodncea dlaorder,"ln the form of congestion of the myriad· of oapllla.rj' ve1&el1 whloh form a olose net-work near the anr faoe of the bedy, and the excretion and s e· orations being stopped, the akin beoemea harsh, dry, oontracted and dlacaaed, The Impure matter-being unable to e1capegathe1a In ple.oes and forms pimple·, blotches er tumera and, If It la not re· moved, then . is danger of peleonlng t he blood, and, with the appearance of fa.rcy and glanders, finally death, All this may be prevented by careful attention to the skin, by oooaelonal waahlng, regular ourry· Ing e.nd brnahing, and proper care to avoid ga.lllng by t be rubbing of ill-titting harness. All prevention la the beet cure, It la well that ownen of hanea ahould exerol!e all pouible preoa.utiona to avoid the frequent disorders whioh re1ult from neglect in the direction pointed out, and thus aave muoh annoyance and loss. AT SANDRINGRAM. A Brief Tl81t to 'he Prince ol 'Wales' (Jountr7 The Rose Over the Door. BY CLARENCE EYTINQH:. JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURG'.EUt1, F. A. JONES, R. FERG USON~ ENNISKILLEN, Operations & D entistry · s o N Gs Ye new·mated pl.ira who are building You r bome-neste, now he·d, I implore, This ieeoon, th u.t lov· Ungers l onged ~ Where r oses bloom ov~r the door, fo, ye wlio count home more than shel 'er, THB BLAtK BRBECHES Plant, ere the brigh· Spring time ia o ermak· home the brighter and d11arerDR. J. (J. MITtJllELL, and silk 1tockioge formerly de rlguenr at To A 1o~e tu b.oom over the door. roya.l dinners are now a thing of the paat, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. a.nd ha.vfog pinned on the pr e~ty bntton· Ofilce and lteeidence. Enn!skillen, 74, hqle whioh you find on yonr dressing t able, "We're going t o have n. lecture 011 Bacen and donned any decorations or wa.r-meda.1. at my houee t o· night ," said Sena.tar Hearer, DR. TA.MBLYN, (the latter worn In miniature en these ·oo· " Como a r ound ,.nd hear It, I'm aort o' .PHYSICIAN. SURGEON and AccoUCHEUR. caalonF) which you may possen, you make kloklog a.t t he Idea. of ewltohlDg oft from Otllce :-Sllve1 · Street, Bowmanville. 7 ·- ----------------your way downatalrs to the drawing rooma. literature te i rovtaions, bnt the&~ queetlon1 There you will probably find C:ilonel Tee·· of politltioar.I economy ~earn to be a~ iae.otlng n_. BlJRJ(E SIMFSON, dale weatiog hie equerry's ooat of dark blne a great d~ ..1 .,£ u.tuentlon now, ro I guess it's ARRIS'l'E8, SOLICITOR, &;o., MOPlUS With gvll button&, H ~ ha,R been With thB all right." BLOCK, u p ste.irs, King Street, Bowman prince fer cloae upon thirty years, and New 'Wille. Solicitor for t he Bank. Yorkera of 1860 will remember well tho Private M11ne'J8 loaned at the lowest rates, Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Treatment, d~.1hlng y oung efficer who had jnat wo1 hla STAN'DAUD MEDICAi. 1VORK FOR a i;ruaranteed specific tor Hyete1 ia; Dizziness, .John 1'.elth Galbraith, Vlotorh, oreea and order of the bath by his Convulsions. Fite, Nervous, ~euralgia, Head· .A.RR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ache, :Nervous Prostr"OLtion, c> a.need by the use splendid conduct at the aeige of, The PUBLIC, &o. · Oftlce-Bounse.ll'a Bloc,k of a lcoh ol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Countess of M acclesfield, lady-In-waiting te Only $1 By ] fall, P ostpa,hl. 1Dng Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend, Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in the prinoeH, will also probably already have Insanity and lea.ding to misery decay and death ILLUsTll.A-Tll'E SA]U·LE8 F B EE NQ A.LL , come do wnataira. Thie ls the good l·dy Premature Old .Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power .ROBERT .t.BMOlfJl, R ea.ring Oalves to Advant~e. in either sex, Involuntary Losaea and Sperme.twho, when the P rinoeas of W ales Willi pre· Will, te make room for Springel mporta.tione, EGISTRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion ot the Brain, First, own good OOWB, Treat them ma.turely confined of her eldest son In 1864 offer tor the next 60 DAYS, the whole of ot Me.rriage'Lioonsee, Barrist er e.nd .A-ttor.- selt·abuse or over-indulge11ce. Each box conatF rogmore, after a akatlng pa.rt:;·', had aufat Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Money tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a. box, or six kindly a.nd keep them docile and quiet. -hie Immense stock ofpresence of mind to perform the oflioea ·ficlent boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt When abont to, place the oow In a aned on Ree.I Esta\e, Ofllce on King street, of price, and nuree, both of whem ar. of accouchenr separate st·ll and leave her loose, Feed Boots and Shoes, Bowman ville. - -- - -We Gua1·antee Six Boxes no gre.ln or stlmnlatlng food for a. month rived a.fter t he trouble w·ll over, · · T. FHU.Lll"S Aa 1oon ae the gueeta are a.Hembled the Slippers, Rubbers, To cure any case. With each order received before ca.lvlng. When the oalf arrives, re· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we move it to· pen at a dlatance where It oan prinoe and princees mak11 their a.ppea.ranoe, · ot Durhsm, Sales promptly attended, will send the purchaser our written guarantee be kept q uiet a.11d comfortable. It will and dinner &a Immediately announced. The T1·unks, Valises, &c; .Addresn- He.mpton P ; O, 69. to refund the money if the treatment does not hoat and ho1te111 alt faolng oa.oh ether at A. Great UecUcal \Vork On Manhood. effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by J NO, never know what it 111 to be with lte mother, table ; the dinner 111 exquisitely cooked, for - ATOHN HUGHES.-Licensed Auctioneer, and much trouble afterwards will be Stott & Jury, Druggists.Bowmanville, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physica Value.tor nnd Arbitrator. Fire and Life apared. In thr ee or four h(lUI'll mllk the the prince Is a. great gour ment. It, how- Debility. Preme.tul'e Decline In Man. Errors rneurance, Notes and Accounts Collected, oow, and give the milk to the oalf, teach- ever, rarely lasts more than a.n hour> fer hie of. Youth ·.and the untold miseries resulting Money to Lend on r eaaonable terms. Ao dress ~ indiscretion or excer;iees, A book for ing It; to drink, With patient skill the royal highneBB dete1'8 long dinnera and .from Cartwright·, Ont. '72 every man, young, middle-aged and old. It oalf may ba taught to drink In the first overlo·ded menus. Those who pa.y atten- contains 125 prescriptions foi· all a cute and And ls prepared to execute all GOOD WIFE G UARANTEED TO .leaaen. Mllk the cow feur time11 a day, tion to such trifles may be lntere1ted to know chronic diseases, each one of which is invalua· that tl1hknlvea are eachewed, t wo forks being ble., So found by Author, whose eiqierience every man who buys hie License from and feed the milk to the or.If until tho ESTABLISHED I N 1847. for 25 yea re is suoh a.a probably never before DNRY SYLVES'fER, Enniskillen, fourth day when the cow ls returned to .used inatead for eat ing fish, The gentlemtn fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages on the shortest notice. the atable and the milk la saved fer aklm- r euu.ln for a ehert time over their wine bovnd in bel!-utiful French muslin, embossed ONEY ! MONEY !- The Bubscriber It h&s n o shareholders to pay dividends to. mic g. The o·lf gets only aklmm&d milk a.fter the l·dies have r etired, and t hen j ain !JOVera, full gilt, guit.ranteed to be a finer work receives money on deposit for theOntario Managed .by and solely in the interests of a.fter thie- tbree quarts at a feed ·twloe a t he party In the drawing-rooms, w here m every sense than any other work sold in this Loe.n and Savings Company, 111nd pays interest for $2.50, or the money will be refunded the Policy holders. day, and warmed up to eighty degrees. round ga.mea of cards frequently ludulg· !lountry at the rate of 4 nnd 6 per cent. No notice of m every tnste.nce, Price only $1 by mail post· ·withdrawal required· Also ionne money on The feed Is gradually Increased a.1 the ed in, At a.bed midnight the ladiea retire baid. lliustratives sample free to any body, neatly and promptly a ttended to,· havln"' non Its Rates are Lo'1r. mortgagee at lowest rates. No commission "' oalf grow1, and when it la two months old to rest, and the men to gesoip with the Send no:;iv. Gold medal awarded the author by charged. 'V. F. ALLEN. Bowmanville. 8·l y. the National Medical Association. t o the Prebut first-class workmen employed. Polleles non forfeUal1le 1ln«l 1u1eo1ulltlonal. it is taught to take a little mixed greund pr ince in tb.e amoklng roem or round the s1dent of which. the Hon. P . A. Bissell. and m'"SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.~ corn and oa.ts, and have a amall quantity blllla.rd table. CJush Bonus Paid every three years, associate oftlcors of the Board the r eader !B '8 0 Bo? Gentlemen oCFash !l'HE NEXT MORNING (SUNDAY) respectfully refl'eiTed. with t he warmed skimmed milk until · i t is D. DA VIS, The Science of Life Is worth more to the ion, not so six or eight menthe old. T hia enables the the prince and prinoess, who during a.U t he and miUdle-aged men of this generation Joint Life Policies. Express Office Building, ca.If to make a fine growth, and brings It twenty-three ef their ma.rrled life young s)lan all ~he gold mines of California and the Bowmanville, Feb. l 1886, Though a. double rish but one premium le pa.lo up In doolllty and gentleness, These have always eooupied tho same bedroom, silver ,mmoa of Nevada combincd.- S. F , avewr!ttenthe,ee few llneB And all I have to say_ qualities are Improved by a daily brushing brea.kfast together in private, whilst the Chronicle, tor two people. Amount ·of policy drawn that you oanflnd me Still a t home, and carding, and by using it to the bait er mej?rlty of the gueata breakfaet downstairs on first death. ~he Sctence whic_!! of Lifethecon3titution points out the and rocks and qu1cksanclson hopes Je.m not gone a way. and to lead, while It ls being fed In the l!lt 11o number of small tables In the morning of many a youn~ man have be en- !uitally -- Bo all my kind old triendemay oom e, pen. Continual handling In this way room, Shortly befor e 11 o'clock the prince wrecked,- llfanoheste1· M irror· .And all theyoung ones, t oo, Special Inducements to Total Abstainen. prevents the oontraeting of &ny of t he makes hia appea.rance In the ha.II and ohaff. The Scie'!ce of Life is of grea ter value than .t.nd get thelrgarmentsnioely made all the medJCal works published in this country common vioes, ·nd whtn the oalf becomes ingly oi:ders every one, nolena volens, to get for lnfe.shions that are new ; the past 50 yeara.- Atlanta Consti tution · cow, U ia ln·a.n exoellent state of dialpllne rea.dy for church, and after seeing the whale ~ere old and young d earfrlends,ma;r meet A.SSETS O'VER $5,000,000.' Th~ Science o f Life is a superb and masterly A weloome irMetinll'. bv R; PE.A'l'E treat1ae on nervous and physical debility.INCOME o.TER $1,000,000 and gives no trouble, This method, well p'lirty off brin21 up the r ear gas.rd himself Det roit li'ree Press. carried out, la the step toward a.n im- on the look.out for etragglera. Tho ohurch '! 'here is no member of society to whom the $100,000.00 deposited with the Canadian Govern proved herd, which will be of very great la en the e1ta.te, and a.bout ten minutes Science of Life will not be useful whether ment for benefit of Cnnadian policy holders. va.lue, and one 11alned at a very small oos'- walk from the house, It Is sma.11, but lX· youth, pa.;ent; guardian, instrucLOr or clergy. man.Argonaiit. coedlngly pretty, and the choral service h .Address the Peitbodv Medical IMtitute, or both eh~rt a.nd almple. On the way home Dr. INVESTED IN CANADA., $600,000.00, W. ll, Parker, No, !lBulftnch Street,Boston Kindness to Animals. the pr:ince will ask you to lnapeot hie mena Maas., who may be conaulte<il on all diseases HEAD OFFICE IN CAN.ADA:- MONTREAL Every one ahould k now tha.t . k indly gerle of all kinds of wonderful pet anlmalb, r equiring skill and experience. Chronic and t rea.t ed animals will do their bent for their fr()m crooodilee down te nedgehoge, wh!~at obstinate diseases that have baffled tLe skill For partlcula.ra refer to all other physicians e. specialty, Such ownera, A curious ciue happened recently, the prlnoesa will lcslst on your admlTin~ the ot tr~a.ted ·snccea~f'ully without an instance of which may be g iven as 11n example. A kennels where she keeps her pet doga, over failure, Mention S·ra 'l'ESMAN, Bowm1L nville, Ontario. 17-y. noted trotter waa driven In a race by a. elgnty In number and of all breed11. GENERAL AGENT, .llfter a heavy luncheon at t wo o'clock hh strange driver. The horse was evidently WIT H TEE'I'B. WITHOUT TEJl:TH. POR'l' HOPE dlsaatitfied and lost two heata. The old r oyal highness will invite you t o over - : POSITIVELY CURES : I or to i:_g~nt& throl!:ghout the county, 48-{ls ·o driver knew the hone oould do better, and with him to hia home fa.rm to see aome begged t he owner to be permitted to drive magnlfiosnt prlz l cattle, of which he le very FrnsT. - 30 acres of lot 8 in tho 1st concession PR.t.CJT1c a -' him, H la entreaties prevailed, and when proud. On returning t o the hall he will Darlington, lying immediately south of the he mounted the eulky the horao whinnied probably show you over t he house, including of ~VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIJl:NOlll. -- ____/ cemetery, . \ with pleasure, and won the next three heat s the hall r oom, with all its magnificent SECOND.'. rhe South 140 acres of lot 16 in the !ltrou.sOx ldeGas Aclrulnts&ered f'or Palnles with ease, making such a. reoord that the Italian t rophies, and the plainly furnished third concession of Da.rhngton, nnd the North Pumps Cheaper and Better Operations. owner had a.n offer of fiftem thousand rouma where the three young princesses re- 36 acres of the South 83 acres of lot 15 in tbe OHICE MCCLlfN~'lil BLOCll. than ever, T be same concession dollara for t he animal. It le alwaye thus. side with their two governeBBea. 'fHIRD,- The Sout.h 100 acres of lot 25 m the A fa.r.m herae kindly treated will de more stables, which cost the prince over $80,000 third concession of Darlington, and the NorthThe Subscriber having built a. large ne11 work than one wblch la not at tached to t he per annum, are simply perfection, erly 60 a cres of the east ha.If of. lot 25 in the owner or d1lver. A oGw will Iese milk Ae you are ab'out to for London same concession. P u mp Factory in Orono, ls p r epared when attended by a etra.nge or dleagreeable early the nt x t morning, you tak"' leave of Ali the above will be sold in parcels to su!I person, and &ne tha.t Is petted and treated your hoet and hoeteee before retiring to rest, purchasers. Time tor payment and terms will .,-to furnishwith gentlenua will never exhibit the and will probably find on your dressing be made very easy to satisfactory buyere. 1!' 01 apply to cemmon lractlonsness ef klok Ing, or holding table autograph portraita 11f themselves particulars . D, BURKE SIMPSON, A few Boxes wl1l cure any of :Dys· up the milk. This is true of all farm ·nd chlldreu as mement oes of your visit te U·tf. Vendor 's Sollcitor pepsla, sbnply by takiDg One Pill every> With or without Porcelain Oylinder, of animals, who return k lndneH with affec· Sandrlngham Hall, nig ht on retiring. They do not los~ their the Best Material , on t he shortest notice tlon and g02eroslty, and abundant ly repay etreot like other l"Uls. · the coneldnation. shown them by their A Boy"s Courage. and at the !oweat p rices. ownera. . Every boy, eapeclally everv HARNDEN, L. Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. fa.rmer'11 boy, ahould early learn t e treat all Do the lads of this generation d eclaim Graduate o!the Royal College o lDental animals with k indneee, that poetical tribn·e to youthful heroism 25 C ents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00, Surgeons. Ontario. whloh extols the boy who "stood on the THIRT Y Pl~ LS IN A B OX. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. bnl'ning deck, whence all but him had fied"? OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. A Oourtship by MeaDs of a. :Bible Text. When we were boys, there was scarcely 11 SQLD !3Y ALL DRUGGISTS. IOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. A young gentleman happening to elt at "Dealama.t.ion Day" on whioh we did not ate Work executed in, the latest and moat church lo· pew adjoining 11ne in which eat hear It recited, It may be that the Improved style of the Dental.Art, a young l·dy, for wham he conceived a ~ud· .s ince then been so freighted with ex· Prese1·ve Your Sight. £ETH EX'l'RACTED WI'l'HOUT P .A.IN> den ·nd violent pa.eelon, was desirous of en · s.mples of b11ylsh heroism that no boy now TO GIVE SATISFACTION. terlng Into a oourtehip on the spot ; bnt the c1.1res for "C<>eablanca.." 'he u11e of Nitr ous Oxide Gas,w lthoutinjury Use F. LAZARUS' (laie of the tlrm of Lazar· One ef theae lat er, and, t o eur t hinking, us & Morris.) t o the vo.tient, not suiting a formal d eolatativn, the llenowned Spectacles and Eye· mere attractive examplu of youthful heroGlasses. '!'hey the beat in t he wot'ld. '!'hey Pariloular attention paid to the regulation o t Ordersfby Mail promptly attended to. ex igency of the c&Be suggested the follewing never tire the eye, and last many years with· ism ecout red :it t he outbreak of the Sepoy plan: out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· OHI LDREN ' S TEETH. He politely handed his fair n eighbor a. mutiny In 1857. Just before the awful ma.nville. 6-~r. _...ALL WORK WARR.ANTED.-. DOORS, SASH, . BLINDS, PICKETS, B ible, (open,) with a pin stnok in the fol- storm broke, the system of electric telegraphs h1.1d been extended over the surface of Brl;ish lowing text: Second Epistle of Jahn, verse MOULDINGS, &c., bpt on hand. filth":-" And now I beseech thee, lady, not India, The mutineers rushed te Delhi, to seize as though I wrote a new, commandment unto thee, but that whloh we had from the upon t he old hereditary seat of the Mohammedan E mpire, and ;;;began cutting the be1dnning, that we love one another." She returned it, pointing to the eeoond t hree.ti of Europeans. While the rattle of cannon a.nd muetketry was rolling around chapter of Ruth, ver.a ten th ; . V .ETERINARY SURGEON, " Then she foll on her face, and bowed the ttilegraph otfioe, a little Englis ll boy, hAreelf to the ground, and said unto him : moved by the English sense of duty, stuck ·\Vhy have I found grace In thine eyee, .that to his poet until he had telegra.phed t o the Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the thou shouldst tllike k nowledge ef me, seeing Commrnsioner at Lahore. 'J_'he mesnage a.nHonorary Gradua t e of Ontar io Veterinary nounoed that the mutineers had arrived e.t that I ·am a stranger!'" LIVER, STOlU&CD, Ii:IDNEYS AND BOWELS. Oolle~e, will a t tend to all diseases H e returned the book, peintlng to the Delhi, e.nd had murdered this civilian and of domestie animals. thirteenth verse of the '.l.'hlrd Epistle of that. offioer, e.nd wound up with theae sigui- They invigorat e and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and ficant but ohild·like words, "We're off I" John: inva.luable in all Oomplalnts incid ental t o Fama.lee of a ll Ages. F or The boy's oeurage and sense of duty " Having many t hinga to write unto yeu, Ohildren and the a ged t hey are priceless. I would not write with paper and Ink, but sa.ved the P uuj11ob. .As soon as the the tele1Jnl ooks all the cloggea avenues of the I trust t o come unto yeu, and epeak face to gram reached L·ho1e, the general _in comA S PEOIALTY. mand of the Sepoys disarmed them. When Bowels, Kidneys a.nd Liver, carry· face, that eur joy may be full." Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores ing off gradually without weakening the From the above Interview a m·rriage they lea.rued of the rising at Delhi, they Ca.Us and Orders by mail or t elegra.p h ·nd U lcers. It is famous f or Gout and Rheumatism. For disorder s of the were powerless to do any injury. system, all the impuritiefll and foul took place the enauing week. will r eceive p rompt attention. The general flashed the awful news ta - C hest it ha.s no equal. humors of the secretions ; at the same CHARGES M ODERATE, Peshawnr, The H lndoesta.nee regiment· time Correcting Acidity of the For Sor e Th1·oa t s, Bronchitis, Cou ghs, C:old .,; Advice from fair Lips, there ware also disarmed, and, though muSt.ome.oh, curing :Biliousness, Dys.. OFFIO E HOUR S , 8 TO 10 A. M. tineers at he11ort, were rendered Incapable o( Gludula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; a.~d for pepsia. · Headaches, Dizziness, He (meditatively)Miss Clara. suppose I A first· stock or Medicines a lways Hea.rtbu.rn. Constipation, Dryness , were t o go to your father and aak for your harm. on hand. contracted and etlfl' joints it a cte like a charm, the Skin. Dropsy; Dimne es of hand. W hat do yon suppose he would say? Then the telegraph was cut by the rebela N . B.- Will visit Williamsburg e very 9f - but the bey at Delhi ha.d 1aved Northern Visio~ Jaundice, · Salt Rheum, SheDo you 1erlouely contemplate euoh Saturday of each week. 16-ly Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Esta blishment, '.Erysipe.las, Scrofula, Fluttering of India to the British crown. The officer In a etep? the Rea.rt, N ervousness, and Gen· charge ha.d been k illed, but that brave lad ReI do. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON-' In order to introduce our eral D ebility; all these and many · catalogue of a ll kinds of She-Well, Im ay a.· well tt 11 yon rlgh' here stayed long enough a.t the lnatrument to desother similar Complaints _yield to the patch the warning. And a re sold at ls. lid., 21. 9d., 4e. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, an~ Books, and agents' goods, we will send 100 tha.t father has been asked that quba~lou so 'favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· h~PllY influence of ll'UBDOCK often, may be had from all Medlolne Vend ors throug hout tb.e World . and the men have all backed out 10, · · · .,. lads, a vast collection, for only lOc or ;l 3c BLOOD BITTEBS. that he ls very teuohy on that point. Better Ne woman oan lace hereelf 10 tight aa a W P u rch aser· sh ould l ook nt the Label on the Pets a nd Boxe1. If the r ddre stamps and this slip. .A . W , _ KINNEY, Yar: mouth,N. S. ask me ; 1he'1 only had four applicant·. · m·11 can drink himself, U R 633, Oxf'ord Street, London, &he7 are 111arlo111,1 .Z._ IU;LBvml' I l'roprlotm. Toronto; T E R :M: B :;ooU:paldta advanee Pument strictly in advance required Crom 11UbBor1bersoutside of the county. Orderti to dl110ontlnue the paper muat bo a ccompanied by he amount due,orthepaper willnotbestopped. ublloribers are responeibleuntllCullpe.ymontis 8lade. a.t.TES OF ADVERTISING1 -= ~J WholoColumnoneyear ....... ...... $60 oc ;::;~ " " Halt yea.r ....... .. ··· B6 O< · ::0 m " · One quarter ...... ' " 20 O< ~!i: Bait Column one year . ..... . ..... ... S6 Ol - " Ha.lf year .............. 20 Ol " ' One quarter - . ·· ..... - 12 51 QuarterColun..none ye11>r ........... : OOl " " Ralfyear ......... . . 12 5( " One quarter........ 8 Ol 5. llxlines and under, first insertion . . ~ 0 6l Each subsequent insertion ...... · 0 2t rrom six to t en lines, first inse:etion. 0 7£ ... Each subsequent inser tion...... o S1 .:_10 l)Ter ten lines, first insertion, perline 0 10 _ Kach subsequentinsertlon, .. 0 o; The number of lines to be reckoned by 11.e epaoeoooupied,,measuredbyaeca.leo olid Nonpareil. Stat. Tne beat orlterfon of a man'· cha.racter h furulahed by hi· hewe life, !lad I do net belleve tbr.t in all 1ihe broad land1 of O ld Engla.nd 'heir exlata a more happy hom· than tha.t of tbe Prince of Wales at Sa.ndrlngba.m; in the oounty of N orfolk. Many country 1eats are luxurloua and 1omo mere magnUioont, but th··re Is hardly , another where so much comfort ie united wlth ex· qulelte taate and nfinemEnt. The vi;ltor, on arlvlng at the Wolverton railway atatlon on Satur day a.fternoen from Lendon, fiada a v~rlety of oonveyancea, cha.r-a-banos ·nd phaetons, t c>gether with light fourgons for the luggage, an d t he dis· tance between the dep9t and Sandrino:ha.m IB quiokly covered. In alighting one la reoeived In the hall by the royal hOl!t and ho1tea1, and after having been taken df to the prinoeBB' room on the ~r«lund floor for refreshment a.fter tbe long journey, In t he 1bape of tea, etc., the p~lnoe, if it be your first vlel t to Sanarlngham, takea you upstairs himself to yeur room, and after aeelng th·~ you have evervthlngyou r equire ring· the bell and orders one of the servants to att end specl&Jly to your wants and oom· fortll. Then with a kindly n«ld and an "au revelr " he lea.ve1 you to dreaa for dinner, A. cottage, all fitted and furnished, iitands dain1ly over L he way, And here a)ouog p&ir to housekoeping Came promptly the fl, st day or May. The place e· emed to home- ike a nd coey, ·rhe sun shone ori~ht on t he fioor, Yet one dewyeve·aw th~m panting A rose 10 bloom over the d ...or. Ah, bow 1heywnt..:hed over Its growi.og And trained ;t with tenderes t a1 t·, And bWit ·;, a· i ts bright JUds u ~ folded, The love of lwme grew in their hearts. The hW!b&nd c1<me lu the evening .611 weary and wor t> rrom the store · To find .he wife's welcome the eweeter For roses that bloomed over the door. But ·' love,'· they say," flies out of the window When vove -ty enters b~fore ;" But agaiost a ll trials and troubles l'n·» " two young hearts garnered foll store, For when fell the hush of the twilight '!'hey whispered anew love's ewee' lore, · Honorary Graduttte of the Ontario eterine.ry Wove oioeer the bonna of u:troctiou College, 'l.' oronto. Registered member of the 'Ne11th roseli that bloom od over the door. O~tar10 Veterll\a.ry .Association, in accordance with the Vetennary Act. Aud when the "dark dare" closed around them It Is prepared to treat e.11 diseases of the Dom· And poverty's waves overbore, estlc Animals, according to the la.test theories. To keep the de..r home how they struggled, All calls personally, by 'l'elegraph or Tele· Where rosi s bloomed over the door. phone will rece~ve prompt attention. AnJ. now, ell their "crinl-1lmo" ended; ..t;i!"OF~'IC.E-Mam St., Orono, one door north of 'J'hey dwell in the ·un ! once m~re, W. Henry's Store. And love brightly gleams un the hearthstone, CHARGES MODERATE, While roaee b1oom over the cloor. M HEAL TH IS WEALTH. DU.N N'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND CR EAT 6 0 DAYS' POWDER B CLEARING B YOUNG AND ,MIDDLE-ACED MEN. sm ! D. DAVIS R e,. L J BRITISH EMPIRE' ' I G reat ly R ed uced p rices. A . M MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., QR DER E D W Q R K REPAIRING 0 tast. WORLD'S BEST I .DENTISTRY E.L.LIVINGSTONE, :r MI BR Im A c 01t BE D~iVi·asT, Valuaole Farms for Sale. WEST'S , LIVER PILLS Orono Fump Factory. DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. PUMPS OF EVEqy DESCRIPTIOR c. D.S ., ALL WORK CUARANTEED John C.West & Co. PROPRIETORS, TORON'"TO. : E I.:EALTH FOR ALLI THE PILLS THE OINTMENT w..

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